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Vol. XIII No.



1 JULY 2014

Organ of Federation of Medical And Sales Representatives Associations of India

60-A Charu Avenue Kolkata-700 033 Phone : (033)24242862 Fax : (033)24244943 E-mail :

Relay Strike Began in ICPA

In pursuance of six
demands, as notified by
FMRAI, ICPA field workers
have successfully resorted to
state-wise relay strike so far in
West Bengal on 17 June, on
19 June in Tamilnadu, in
Madhya Pradesh-Chattishgarh
on 24 June and in Rajasthan
on 26 June. All 58 field workers
in these four states ceased
sales promotion activities and
made the strike complete and
total. Relay strike will now enter
in NE region on 1 July followed
by in remaining states. FMRAI
secretariat congratulates the
ICPA field workers for their
magnificent response.
In West Bengal, Striking
ICPA field workers staged day
long dharna in front of C&F at
Kolkata. Around 100 council
staged a demonstration and a
gate meeting was held which
was addressed by leaders
which include FMRAI's vice
president Alok Ganguli, working
committee member and

Dharna before C&F at Tanjore

WBMSRU secretaries Partha demonstration by council
Roy and Sasanka mouli Roy, subcommittee members were
state committee member held at Tanjore. The gate
Sandip Ghosh, ICPA convener meeting was addressed by
of WBMSRU Sakti Nandi. In TNMSRA state committee
Tamilnadu, dharna by striking member Srinivasan, ICPA joint
and all India convener, B. Ganesan
See page-2

Mass Casual Leave and

Zonal Dharnas in USV

Dharna before Head Office at Mumbai

In pursuance of their around 60% USV field workers
demands for appointment letter irrespective
in Form A; regularization of the designations and divisions
jobs of all field workers under resorted to a day's notified mass
contractors; constitution of casual leave and assembled in
committee; dharnas in their respective zone
regularization of ESIC and during 2 to 23 June. Zonal
provident fund; upward revision conventions were held on the
of per kilometer travel fare and previous day.
against illegal recruitment under
On 2 June, 27 USV field
contractors; arbitrary and illegal workers from Uttar Pradesh,
deductions of wages and daily Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi
allowances; harassment and participated in dharnas before
humiliation of women field company's establishment at
workers; unethical marketing Delhi. FMRAI's secretary R P
and trade practices by the Singh addressed. 29 field
management; punitive actions workers from Maharashtra,
against the sales promotion Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat
employees on sales ground and staged
on other pending demands - company's head office at

Mumbai on 9 June. K B Kadam,

joint general secretary, FMRAI;
T Kameswar Rao, all India
convener of USV council and
others addressed the gathering.
Similar dharna at Kolkata was
attended by 70 field workers
from West Bengal, Bihar,
Jharkhand and Odisha on 16
June. USV council's all India
convener T Kameswar Rao and
joint all India convener D
Chakraborty addressed. Dharna
at Chennai on 23 June was
attended by 83 field workers
Tamilnadu and Kerala. FMRAI's
president R Viswanathan; its
secretary Ramesh Sundar and
others addressed.
In the zonal conventions,
USV field workers suggested
various future industrial actions
including march to head office
at Mumbai etc. which will be
concretized soon.
Secretariat of FMRAI while
congratulating the USV field
workers for their successful
zonal dharnas called upon to
prepare themselves for future

Mumbai Court
Ordered Status Quo
on Elder-Torrent Deal
On FMRAI's petition, Justice M. S. Sharma of the city civil
cour t in Mumbai on 13 June ordered status quo in the
operationalization of the Elder-Torrent deal till further hearing.
FMRAI petition pointed out that there were two agreements on
the same issue i.e. sale/purchase of establishments of two
divisions of Elder in Mumbai. One agreement was between Elder
and Torrent (1st agreement) and the other one is between Elder
and FMRAI's Welfare Committee dated 20 January, 2014 (2nd
It is pointed out in the petition that while Elder and Torrent are
operationalsing the 1st agreement, they conspired and breached
the 2nd agreement by selectively eliminating 52 union
functionaries and union's functioning. FMRAI will take further legal
steps against both on violation of court's order, if required. FMRAI
is also separately pursuing unfair labour practices cases in labour
courts under the provision of MRTU & PULP Act in Mumbai.
Separate disputes are also pending in conciliation under I. D.
Till the decision of the courts, FMRAI secretariat advised 52
field workers, who have been eliminated from the establishments
of A2 & B-Gynae divisions, and hundred plus field workers, who
refused to give undertaking in leaving the union, to send their
work report to Elder through its portal E-force, the old official
reporting system of Elder, without prejudice to the 20 January
agreement and claims.
Spending Rs.2004 crores to purchase two divisions from Elder,
breaching the agreement and resorting to unfair labour practices;
the Torrent management is now desperate to recover the
investment quickly by consolidating and expanding the market
of the two newly acquired divisions. FMRAI with its network will
not allow them to get away with the breach of agreement, unfair
labour practice and ending hitherto existing union in these
establishments. FMRAI's secretariat decided, in addition to
ongoing agitation against Elder, to launch countrywide campaign
against Torrent during 15 - 31 July through handbill distribution
amongst doctors/chemists; postering at stockists/distributors/
market areas; staging demonstrations and submitting
memorandum to Maharashtra chief minister by all including all

Two Days Strike in Alkem

Goa Government Sent
Mass Dismissal Cases of
Cosme Farma to Tribunal
The Government of Goa
referred the 80 mass dismissal
cases of Cosme farma field
workers to the Industrial
Tribunal through its order no. 28/
18/2014-Lab/347 dated 13
June, 2014.
During the job transfer of the
field workers to Adcock,
Cosme Farma management
resorted to dismissals of 80
field dismissal, FMRAI raised
dispute on 28 April, 2013 before
the labour authority in Goa and
the dispute was admitted in
conciliation. As the conciliation
failed, the Goa government
referred the dispute to the
FMRAI has been pursuing

the charter of demands for all

sales promotion employees,
representatives and business
executives, which is now in
advanced stage in the tribunal
under reference n. IT/5/2010
and the other one on 42
victimizations under reference
no. IT/52/2012. Next date of
all the three cases in the
Tribunal is fixed on 7 August.
The present jobs of the field
workers in Adcock will no way
prejudice the cases in Cosme
Farma. FMRAI will ask for
reinstatement / compensation
for the dismissals and arrears
and retrospective salary rise
benefits for all field workers.


JULY 2014


l JULY 2014 l

Strengthen Councils;
Build United-Councils Movement

Apart from giving more efforts in organising / consolidating companywise field-workers councils and their separate movements under FMRAI;
united movement of councils to build a powerful industry-wide movement is
the priority task today to effectively counter the aggressive challenge of the
drug monopolies in this present phase of neo-liberal dispensation.
As for example, SmithKline Beecham field workers' legal right, their right
of trade union and collective bargaining and settlement were withered away
overnight in 2000 when Glaxo took over the company and became GSK. At
that point of time it was SKB-specific issue. But, today, when acquisitions
and mergers are taking place in rapid space with government's policy of
encouraging 100% FDI, even through acquisition route, this is emerging as
a major industry-issue. The refusal of Elder / Torrent management to jobtransfer of 52 field workers is not the simple question of numbers; but has
the clear agenda of ending all council movement's achievements in Elder.
Only such a united-councils movement can defend the already
established rights and gains, which were achieved through years of struggles
and sacrifices. Led by multinationals, the organized sector pharma companies
are attacking, in new ways, the field workers' trade union, represented through
councils; their legal and bargaining rights, as established through periodical
wage-settlements and bilateral agreements through grievance committees.
This is being manifested with acquisitions, mergers, purchase of products
and divisions since 2007. The rights and gains are being taken away
overnight. This challenge is emerging out as a common industry-wise issue.
This is not company-specifics anymore. This attack needs to be resisted
unitedly by all 137 councils as of now and more as they will be organized.
Such a powerful united movement will act as an umbrella movement under
which company-specific movement can be built up. This industry-wise
coverage movement of united-councils is to be complemented by council's
in-company movement. Both movements are complementary to each other.
United council movement needs a united all India platform with its
network in states and down to subunits. All India council subcommittee is
this platform. Its zonal, state and subunit council-subcommittees is its
network, spread in all towns and cities. The companies can attack inside.
But, it cannot challenge this network outside and, that too, throughout
All India centre has to lead this movement from the front; and the core
committees of council-subcommittee at - all India, zone, states and subunits
-have to collectively play crucial role in consolidating and leading this unitedcouncils movement in their respective areas.
Such united-councils movement requires higher level of consciousness
- the consciousness that individual interests are linked with council's
interests and that council's interests are deeply linked with united-council
movement. Establishment-consciousness within the company needs to be
lifted to a higher industry-consciousness. This needs to be developed first
among the council leadership at all levels and FMRAI's all India, zonal,
states and subunits leadership so as to build a common uniform
In this background, the all India council subcommittee meeting, held at
Bhubaneswar in May, 2014, decided to quickly establish the link between the
company-wise councils and the united platform of all councils - the council
subcommittees - at all levels under FMRAI's organizational network - the
zone, states and subunits.
With this objective, state level meetings of conveners and joint conveners
of all councils are taking place at present which will be followed by subunit
level meetings of all field workers of these councils which will conclude in
the conventions in all 344 local units of FMRAI in September.
Finally, the main action area is the subunits where all India councilsubcommittee decisions are being implemented. Further, subunits' role
assumes more importance as the situation changed substantially from the
days when council movement began. The number of company-wise field
workers increased manifold and huge divisionalisation has taken place. As
was identified and decided by the all India council-subcommittee, 'Subunit
Councils' has to be formed urgently in nine identified companies with large
number of field workers in the FMRAI's sub-units.
Core committees, as the leaders of council subcommittees at different
levels, must take up the task of reorienting and establishing its network
urgently. Managements know about our old network and form of movement
and developed their own tactics to counter FMRAI's movement. They make
use of some distortions in field workers movement taking legal and
administrative help to divert from the main issue, and project the same for
securing policy advantage and for non-implementation of labour laws. They
are yet to taste the collective potential of united-councils movement spread
across 344 local units of FMRAI.

All India anti-Alembic Day

Strike in Andhra Pradesh

Demanding appointment
letter in Form A; constitution
of grievance redressal forum;
reinstatement of terminated
field workers at their
respective head quarters;
withdrawal of victimized
marketing practices of the
thousands of field workers
organized in councils across
India wore demand badges on
anti Alembic days during 23
and 24 June. This was the first
in the series of movemental
programmes against Alembic
as decided by the Alembic
council during its meeting held
at Kolkata on 21 April. Future
programmes will include statewise relay strike, march to
Mumbai etc.
On 24 June, state council
massive demonstrations
establishments at Jaipur,
Chennai,Cuttack, Hyderabad
and Kolkata. Memoranda
were sent to the labour
minister of Gujarat by BSSRU,

Demonstration at Guntur
WBMSRU, Vijayawada, Guntur, Ongole,
KMSRA, HPMRA and CRU Nellore, Tirupathi, Anantapur,
Further, 189 out of 225 Mahboobnagar, Warangal,
Alembic field workers in the Khammam,
state of Andhra Pradesh Nizamabad,
their Hyderabad, Kukatpally and
designations and divisions Secunderbad. Complaints
went for a day's strike on 17 with the labour authorities
June protesting against were lodged at Srikakulam,
victimized transfers of three Visakhapatanam, Kakinada,
field workers of the state, Eluru, Vijayawada, Guntur,
one from Enteron division Anantapur,
and two from Maxis division; Nizamabad, Warangal and
and against harassments Nalgonda. On the day, protest
and humiliations in the name letters were sent to the
of sales review meetings by company's president by
calling them individually at WBMSRU,
the company's head office. RMSRU, CRU, APMSRU,
Strike was successful at OSRU, MSMRA, KSM&SRA,
Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, BSSRU,
Visakhapatanam, Kakinada, KMSRA as a par t of their
Tanuku, solidarity action with the
Bhimavaram, striking field workers.

State Council Sub-Committee Meetings

from page-3

60 conveners and joint conveners from 24

out of 42 councils and 10 district council subcommittee conveners participated the CRU
state council subcommittee meeting held at
Guwahati on 15 June. FMRAI's vice president
and all India council core-committee member,
Alok Ganguli helped and guided the meeting.
Following the deliberation by CRU's general
secretary Bijan Das, state council
subcommittee convener placed a written report
with suggested tasks. Entire participants
divided in two groups discussed and finalized
from page-1

Thangavelayuthan. Demonstration in front
of C&F was staged at Jaipur also.
The strike demands include constitution
of grievance committee for the field
workers, revocation of 8 punitive transfers
of leading functionaries, withdrawal of
illegal work lock out served on large
number of field workers, immediate
payments of salary and expenses; against
illegal and arbitrary introduction of new
work systems in gross violation of Section
9A of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 etc.
The FMRAI's charter of demands on
behalf of the SPEs of the Company is now
pending in the Industrial Tribunal (IT no.11/
2013). Further, against the unfair labour
practices of the management, FMRAI filed
a case which is pending in the industrial
cour t at Mumbai (ULP no.117of 2014).
Based on under taking given the


those tasks. The meeting decided to hold

district council subcommittee meetings on 22
June and 13 July; massive campaign through
handbill and postering at district level on 24
July and dharna before district labour authority
on next day against OSG targeted companies;
to complete the organisational expansion
programme in Wallace, TTK, GRL and Lupin
within August; district level council formation
meeting of 9 multi divisional companies within
August etc. CRU's vice president Manjul
Chakraborty presided the meeting.

Relay Strike in ICPA

management, the court directed on 9 May,
2014, saying, "not to take any action of
issuance of show cause notice or charge
sheet or transfer till the filing of the say".
In the subsequent date of hearing on 16
June, management was again directed by
the cour t to maintain status quo as
management failed to submit their
submission. All the actions of the
management are in contravention of law,
against the directions of the Court and to
victimize the SPEs of the Company to
subvert their trade union activities.
Following strike in NE Region on 1 July,
ICPA field workers of Kerala shall resort to
strike on 8 July, Bihar-Jharkhand on 10 July,
Odisha on 15 July, Maharashtra-Goa on 17
July, Punjab, Himachal, Haryana, J&K and
Delhi on 21 July, Uttar Pradesh-Uttarakhand
on 22 July, Andhra Pradesh on 24 July and
will conclude at Karnataka on 28 July.


JULY 2014

Settlement / Understanding

Wage Settlement
Signed in Janssen
settlement between Janssen
Pharmaceuticals, a division of
Johnson & Johnson Limited
and FMRAI's committee was
signed on 20 June at Mumbai.
This was the 8th successive
settlement in a row and was
signed under the provisions of
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
The settlement was for three
years and six months, effective
from 1 January, 2014. The
settlement would derive a
minimum benefit of Rs.2945
and Rs. 8722 as maximum per
field worker per month as on 1
January, 2014.
Upward improvement of the
existing pay scale was made
by adding Rs. 200 at the entry
point with corresponding rise in
the annual rate of increment by
Rs. 40 as minimum and Rs. 315
as maximum in different slabs
depending upon service
seniority. Thereafter, fitment
was made on point to point
basis, as per length of service.
The existing five slabs of
house rent and education
allowances were improved to
six slabs by adding one more
slabs for the fieldworkers above
25 years of service. Field
workers would be benefited
ranging from Rs 50 to Rs. 250
in house rent and ranging from
Rs.50 to Rs. 200 per month
depending upon service
seniority. The existing vehicle
maintenance allowance was
improved by Rs 50 thereby
making it Rs.400 per month
and business communication

allowance was improved by

Rs.250 thereby making it to Rs.
1075 per month per field worker.
All the components of daily
allowances were upwardly
improved. Rs. 40 was added in
headquarter making it to Rs.
230; Rs.30 in ex-headquarter
making it to Rs.240 and Rs.125
in upcountry allowance making
it to Rs. 400 per day. Both
leave travel assistance and
medical allowances, hitherto
which were single slab, were
upwardly revised by making it
two slabs giving seniority
weightage with increased
amount. Field workers upto 14
years service would get
Rs.17000 as LTA and Rs.11250
as medical allowance whereas
field workers above 14 years
service would get Rs.17500
and Rs.12500 per annum
respectively. The existing per
kilometer travel fare of Rs. 2.40
was revised to Rs. 2.80. Arrears

arising out of the settlement

would be paid within eight
weeks from the date of the
On the previous day, all
India Janssen council meeting
held at Mumbai ratified the
understanding arrived at. The
meeting also decided to
discuss the management's
proposal on day to day work
input in the state council
meeting for its conclusion.
The settlement was signed
on behalf of management by
Priya Hingorani, vp-specialty &
mass markets; Anupam Srihari,
director-HR; L.B.S. Ganapathi,
associate director-sales; Anant
Zutshi, senior manager-HR;
Tridib Adhikari, sales manager
and S. Chowdhury, executiveER and on behalf of committee
by H.Sriram, D. Anand Kumar,
Saumitra Mukherjee, V.G.
Godse, Krishna Kumar Jha and
N.P. Krishnanand

Meeting in
A meeting between the
management and FMRAI's
five-members-grievancecommittee of Hetero Drugs,
was held on 20 June at the
head office of the company in
atmosphere. Understandings
were arrived at on certain
The understanding was on
- the letters of appointment to
all existing fieldworkers in
Form-A including new recruits;
payment of due incentive
amounts to two field workers
in Andhra Pradesh and West
Bengal; to remove anomalies
in per km mileage for payment
on road travel and stop
unnecessary deductions on
this; to provide non-working day
allowance at outstations.
Management also agreed to
look into the cases of delayed
confirmation and asked

specifics. The meeting also

discussed of non-payment of
increment for last eight years
to one of the committee
member and expected its
resolution soon. Next meeting
is expected to be held in next
6 months
On behalf of management
the vice presidents - sales &
marketing S. Shastri and J.
Singh attended. On behalf of
Hetero council, Asish Das, M.
P. Sanjog, Ch. Venkatappaiya,
Anup Ghosh and Anil Kumar
Dubey attended.
Council for field workers of
three main divisions of Hetero
exists. FMRAI submitted
charter of demands which is
pending with the management.
Meanwhile, implementation of
the tasks of organizational
consolidation and collection of
endorsement on the charter, as
decided by Hetero all India
council, are going on.

State Council SubCommittee Meetings

In order to strengthen councils and to build
united council movement in the present phase of
neo liberalism; as per decision of all India council
subcommittee meeting, held at Bhubaneswar in
May, 2014, state council subcommittee meetings
are being held. The meetings in CRU and KMSRA
have taken place in June. Other state units are to
hold the same in July. Here is a brief report.


Welfare Committee
Meeting in Intas
Welfare committee meeting between Intas
management and all India and joint all India
convener of Intas council was held at
Ahmedabad on 23 June.
Management informed that the newly
recruited sales promotion employees (SPEs) are
being issued appointment letters in Form-A of
SPE Act as discussed earlier and for existing
SPEs, management is examining the modalities
of issuing the same. Management assured to
look into the issues of delay in confirmation of
services of the enlisted SPEs submitted by the
committee members.
In respect of problems and inconveniences
emanating from electronic reporting system
(FFR) like applying leave, expenses etc.
management assured to look into those issues

favourably. On the hardships and inconveniences

caused during distribution of over dimensional
gifts to the doctors, management assured to look
into the issue.
Management also informed that the company
is going to introduce a new medical insurance
scheme for the SPEs and the scheme will be
explained by the management personnel in the
briefing meetings.
It was mutually agreed that next welfare
committee meeting would be held within six
On behalf of management, S. P. Singh, Sr.
gm-HRD; N. K. Jain, Sr. VP-marketing & sales
and on behalf of FMRAI's all India Intas council,
Sudip Banerjee, all India convener and Shinumon
J. G, joint all India convener signed the minutes.

Santanu Chatterjee addressing KMSRA meeting

118 council leaders participated in the KMSRA state council
subcommittee meeting, held on 15 June at Ernakulum. State
council core committee member U P Krishnakumar welcomed
the participants. FMRAI's secretary and all India council
subcommittee convener Santanu Chatterjee presented the key
note and guided the meeting. He emphasized the necessity of
council net working from all India to state to sub unit level council
subcommittee and the importance of sub unit level council
subcommittee functioning and informed major decisions taken
in the recently held all India council subcommittee meeting. Work
report of the state council core committee was presented by its
convener Ajayan. Council exists in 35 companies as of now.
KMSRA's general secretary Paul Varghese greeted the
participants. The meeting was presided by KMSRA's vice
president P K Santhosh.
Other News, See page-2

JULY 2014

Registration No. WBENG/2001/6430


Postal Registration No. KOL RMS/106/2013-2015

RMSRU State Council Meeting RMSRU Protests

demanding gazette notification
by the state government on 8
hours work for the field workers
of Rajasthan; Rs 10,000 as
minimum wage; necessary
correction in the state
government's new wage
definition; state amendment of
section 2 (s) of the Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947 and to
protect the interests of the
common people and the

country's self reliance from the

multinationals are the major
outcome of two days RMSRU
council meeting (general
council), held at Comrade Vijay
Singh Solanki Manch of
Comrade Waquar Ul Ahmed
Nagar (Jaipur) during 3-4 May.
144 state council members of
RMSRU from its 16 units and
councils participated.

inaugurated by CITU's state

president Ravindra Shukla.
FMRAI's secretary R P Singh
addressed the participants. On
explaining the newer attacks of
the multinationals in Indian
pharma industry, he urged upon
the participants to consolidate
the organization to effectively
fight the onslaughts of the neoliberal economic policies.
Repor ts
RMSRU's general secretary J
S Naruka and assiatant
treasurer Arvind Kaushik were
adopted unanimously after
discussion by 22 participants.
A separate workshop was
also organized. RMSRU's
president Sanjeev Khandelwal
explained FMRAI's Road Map2014. RMSRU's joint general
secretary Niladri Roy and its
state council subcommittee
convener Parminder Singh also
addressed the participants of
the workshop.

WBMSRU District
7 out of 19 districts of
conferences during 15-22 June,
attended by 1239 elected
delegates. Leaders of CITU,
FMRAI, WBMSRU and other
mass organizations addressed
and greeted these conferences.
Kolkata district conference
was inaugurated by WBMSRU's
president Rabin Deb on 21
June. CITU's district secretary
Debanjan Chakraborty greeted.
On 22 June, Hooghly district
conference was inaugurated by
CITU's general secretary Tapan
Sen. 122 delegates discussed
on the reports placed by the
treasurers and were adopted.
New district committees were
elected unanimously.
Subrato Podder as president
and Santanu Roy as secretary
at Nadia; Sumit Roy, Sanjay

Railway Fare Hike

Around 100 members from

RMSRU's Jaipur unit staged
demonstration in front of the
city's railway station on 22

bypassing the Parliament just
before the railway budget. They
highlighted that such action of

June against steep increase

in railway passenger fares
and freight. A huge public
meeting was also organized
which was addressed by
RMSRU's vice president J M
Joshi and joint general
secretary Niladri Roy. While
addressing, the speakers
criticized the BJP-led NDA
government at the centre for

the central government will

add up the fuel to the present
day's high inflation scenario
when the price of all essential
commodities including food
items are already skyrocketing. They also cautioned
Narendra Modi government
and reminded their promise of
bringing "good days" in
election manifesto.

UPMSRA's New Building

at Moradabad Inaugurated

CITU gen. sec. Tapan Sen inaugurating Hooghly Conference

Sen and Suman Bhattacharya
as president, secretary and
treasurer respectively at
Kolkata; Asim Saha as
president and Santanu Mitra as
secretary at Darjeeling; A
Ganguly as president and
Amitava Chanda as secretary
at Malda; Biswajit Ghosh as
Chatterjee as secretary at

Banerjee as secretary at South
Dinajpur and Gautam Sarkar as
president and Dipankar
Chakraborty as secretary at
North Dinajpur.
Conferences of the rest 12
WBMSRU will be completed
within July and the state
conference is scheduled to be
held at Kolkata in September.

Mankind Settles Issue in U.P.

Mankind Pharma illegally imposed partial
lockout on the work of a Varanasi based field
worker and illegally withheld his wages and
expense statements. UPMSRA's Varanasi unit
protested. Management tried to cause disunity
and disruption in the union by attempting to pit
a section of the field workers of the company
against the leadership of the union.
This hardened the approach of UPMSRA's
Varanasi unit. A demand letter was sent to the

company and in which it was also informed

that failing to concede the demands would
compel the union to take up the matter with
the labour authorities and also agitationally.
Immediately on receipt of the letter, the
management called the field worker to meet
the owner of the company in Delhi who settled
the issue with Rs. 1 lakh payment as ad hoc
amount against his dues and normalizing his

UPMSRAs President R K Srivastava, Gen. Sec. H.K. Singh

and former Gen. Sec. Rakesh Pandey with others
UPMSRA's new building at Moradabad was inaugurated by
its former general secretary Rakesh Pandey on 14 June. On the
day a special unit meeting was organized and was addressed by
UPMSRA's president R. K. Srivastava and general secretary
Hemant Singh. Others who spoke on the occasion include the
leader of CPI(M) N Y Khan; CITU's district secretary Vishnu
Sharma and leaders from fraternal trade unions and mass
Earlier, UPMSRA's Moradabad unit in its general body meeting
held during September, 2013 decided to purchase a new building.
Members contributed generously and without any outside support
the new building at Moradabad's main market area was purchased
within nine months. Thus, another union office is now owned by
the members of UPMSRA.

Printed by D P Dubey, published by D P Dubey on behalf of Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives Associations of India and printed at Satyajug
Employees Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. 13 Prafulla Sarkar Street, Kolkata-700 072 and published at 60-A, Charu Avenue Kolkata-700 033

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