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Truth is the first principle of personal development.

We primarily
grow as human beings by discovering new truths about ourselves and
our reality. You'll certainly learn some important lessons no matter
how you live, but you can accelerate your growth tremendously by
consciously seeking truth and deliberately turning away from falsehood
and denial.
When you deny your problems, you turn away from truth. The lies
you tell yourself spawn more lies, infecting your mind with falsehoods
that weave themselves into your identity. You become disconnected
from your true self, living as a mere shadow of the brilliant being you
were meant to be.
Perception is a key component of personal growth
to what we perceive to be true. Facing the truth
you to trigger new desires. When you step on the
weigh more than you'd like, you think, / want to

because we react
of your situation causes
scale and see that you
lose weight

Prediction is the mechanism by which you learn from experience,
thereby enabling you to discover what is true. As you observe any new
situation or event, one of two things can happen: either the experience
will meet your expectations, or it won't. When an experience
meets your expectations, your mental model of reality remains intact.
But when an experience violates your expectations, your mind must
update its model of reality to fit the new information. This is how you
learn from experience and discover new truths.
Push yourself
to do things you've never done before. Keep exposing yourself to
new experiences, ideas, and input. The more novel situations you encounter
that violate your expectations, the faster you'll learn and the
smarter you'll become.
The second way to apply your mind's predictive powers is to make
conscious, deliberate predictions and use those predictions to make
better decisions. Think about where you're headed and ask yourself:
How do I honestly expect my life to turn out? Imagine that a very logical,
impartial observer examines your situation in detail and is assigned to
predict what your life will look like in 20 years, based on your current
behavior patterns. What kind of future will this person predict for you?
If you're brave enough, ask several people who know you well to give
you an honest assessment of where they see you in two decades. Their
answers may surprise you.
When you become aware of your mind's long-term expectations,
you bypass the pattern of denial and stare truth straight in the eye.
Negative emotions serve as a warning
that you must change your behavior now in order to prevent unwanted
predictions from coming to pass.

Old patterns persist as long as they

remain unchallenged.
A simple rule of
thumb is this: whatever you fear, you must eventually face.
For example, if you act
out of anger, you'll strengthen your mind's anger response. If you
act out of kindness, you'll reinforce a kind response. Any given level
of awareness has a tendency to perpetuate itself, so you'll likely find yourself
cycling through the same ones repeatedly.
I learned that self-trust is more important than social

When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.
For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.
He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.
You may be like jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.
Kada postigne ono to si elio u borbi za sebe
I svijet te uini kraljem tog dana,
Samo prii ogledalu, pogledaj se
I vidi ta taj ovjek ima za rei.
Jer to nije tvoj otac, majka ili ena
ije sudove mora da proe ;
Osoba ije mi ljenje najvi e znai u tvom
Je ona koja te gleda iz ogledala.


Neki ljudi
I smatrati
Ali ovjek
Ako nisi u

mogu misliti da si iskren prijatelj

te idealnom osobom,
u ogledalu e rei da si samo propalica
stanju da ga pogleda ravno u oi.

Njemu treba ugoditi, ostali nisu va ni.

Zato to je s tobom otvoren do kraja.
Jer pro ao si svoj najte i ispit
Tek onda kada ovjek u ogledalu postane tvoj prijatelj.
Na svom ivotnom putu mo e varati cijeli svijet
I u prolazu e te ljudi tap ati po ramenu,
Ali ono to e stei, bie samo bol srca i suze
Ako prevari tog ovjeka u ogledalu.

In the long
run, your life becomes a reflection of what you choose to connect
with most often. When you feel good about your connections, you
come into greater alignment with the principle of love.
As adults we often forget that the best way to fulfill our desires is
to walk right up to whatever interests us and engage with it directly.
Instead, we create all kinds of silly rules that limit our ability to connect
with what we want. We can't start our own business because it's
too risky. We can't talk to that person because we're already in a relationship.
We can't explore other belief systems because our current
religion prohibits it.
Such rules are rooted in fear and disconnection, and they have no
place in a life of conscious growth. When you make the commitment
to live consciously, you'll often find yourself running afoul of them. If
you wish to become more loving, you must be willing to connect.
In order to learn and grow, you must have the freedom to connect
with what you want and to disconnect from what you don't
want. No one can give you that freedom.
Identifying commonalities is essentially
how we form new connections.
When you meet someone
new, the first step is to discover your shared interests, values, and
Consequently, your connection
vith another person is whatever you think it is. Your belief makes the
relationship real. If you cease to believe in it, then for all practical purpose
it no longer exists.

+++++++When you understand that there's no such thing as an external

relationship and that all such connections exist solely in your mind,
ou'll become aware that the true purpose of relationships is selfexploration.

Whenever you communicate in any fashion, you are in

truth exploring different aspects of yourself. When you feel a deep
sense of communion with another person, you're actually connecting
deeply with an important part of yourself. By communing with others,
you learn to love yourself more fully.+++++++ VA NO

+++++++If you have trouble connecting with people on the outside,

it may be because you aren't communing with yourself on the inside.
When you learn how to feel lovingly connected on the inside, you'll
find it much easier to forge a bond with others.+++++++ VA NO
+++++++Something rather magical happens when you
presuppose that everyone else is a part of you, just like one of your
own dream characters. The first thing you realize is that there are no
strangers. There are no insignificant people in your reality. Since everyone
is a part of you, everyone has something to teach you. Loving
another person becomes the same thing as loving a part of yourself.++++++ VA NO
said she knew deep down that we're all parts of the same whole. She
didn't have to create new connections with people. She would simply
tap into the connection she believed was already there. Her mind-set
brought her into strong alignment with the principle of love because she
regarded everyone as being lovingly connected to her.
Emotionally I became a more loving person. I began making
new friends much more easily, and my social life reached a new level
of abundance. Sometimes when I'd meet people for the first time, I
knew right away we'd become good friends. Almost unconsciously I
began interacting with people I'd just met as if we'd been friends for
years, and I noticed they'd often respond in kind. Instead of having to break t
he ice with
someone, assume that there is no ice. On some level you're already
connected. As you become more aligned with this perspective, you
may even find that total strangers will approach you to strike up a
conversation. When you feel lovingly connected to others, you'll often
see others treating you the same way.

47. fear of rejection


"Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power."


No one is coming to rescue you. No one will hand you the career
of your dreams, and no one will solve your relationship problems. No one will lo
se the extra fat on your body. If you don't proactively solve
your own problems, they'll never be solved.
Never deny that you want what you want.

How Abundance Fuels An Upwards Spiral Of Emotional Centeredness And Frees You To
Attract Savvy Girls :

Self-determination means that you're completely free to decide

what you want. You don't need anyone's permission or approval. Your
choices are yours to make and can never be dictated by others. You
need never justify what you want. You want what you want, and that
is enough.
Life is constantly asking: What do you want? You have the freedom
to answer that question however you wish. Aligning yourself with
truth and love will help you evaluate the possibilities, but there are no compul
sory right or wrong answers. There's only your freedom to
You must break through the haze of social conditioning that says
your life must obey a set of rules dictated by others. You're under no
such obligation.
True power exists only in the present. There is no power in the
past; the past is over and done with. There is no power in the future;
the future exists only in your imagination. You have no power to act
yesterday or tomorrow. Whenever you project beyond the present,
you make yourself powerless because you're succumbing to an illusion.
You can't spend time. No
matter what you do or don't do, time passes on its own. You have no
choice regarding whether to spend time or not; your only choice is
how you direct your focus in the present moment.
+++++Setting goals can give you greater clarity and focus right now.
Whenever you set your sights on achieving something, always ask
yourself, "How does setting this goal improve my present reality?" If
it doesn't improve your present reality, then the goal is pointless, and
you may as well dump it. But if it brings greater clarity, focus, and
motivation to your life when you think about it, it's a keeper.+++++ VA NO

You simply need a burning desire to take action.

Only goals that align with your truest, deepest desires can summon
that kind of power.
When you're feeling unmotivated, apathetic,
bored, or lazy, self-discipline provides your second wind and keeps
you moving. It's your fail-safe, your motivational backup system.
Timidity is the mind-set that says you're too weak, too small, and
too unimportant to be deserving of real power.
In reality, you're so
powerful that you're actually turning your own strength against yourself,
temporarily rendering yourself weak. You're like a god who declares,
"Let me be powerless." And that's exactly what happens.
The only sensible choice is to consciously claim your power and
do the best you can with it. Focus your attention on what you want,
not on what you don't want, and accept the weighty responsibilities
of power.
72.-negative conditioning
It's been said that the first hour is the rudder of the day, meaning
that the way you start your day will tend to set the tone for the rest of
it. If you adopt a disciplined routine for your first waking hour, you'll
probably enjoy a highly productive day.
On the other hand, if you complete your tasks in order of decreasing
difficulty and do the worst first, then whenever you finish a task,
you're always rewarded with an easier job next. This will motivate
you to maintain a fast tempo throughout the day. There's no reason
to slow down when you have something easier coming up. Put the
routine tasks at the end of the day, and watch how much faster you
get your work done.
Take your personal rewards at the end of the day, not the beginning.
Saving the best for last will give you something to look forward
to, and you'll find that your evenings are much more rewarding. Get
your work done early each day; then relax and enjoy yourself
You aren't here to be weak and passive. You're here to shine. Developing
your power will require hard work, but it's well worth the effort.
The greater your power, the more success you'll enjoy at creating the
life you desire. The deeper you can dig, the more treasure you'll find.
The body cannot
survive without the cells, nor can the cells survive without the body.
Oneness is the deep realization of this simple truth.

Oneness creates an empathic connection between you and everyone

else. You realize you're not an island unto yourself, and you begin
to see that invisible threads connect you to others.
In order to truly experience unconditional
love, you must make yourself naked to the world.
84. fairness
you realize that other people are not so different from you after all.
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious
triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to
take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy
much nor suffer much, because they live in the
gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
There's only one true authority in your life, and it's you. You make
the decisions. You take the actions. If you're looking to some external
authority figure, leader, or guru to tell you how to live your life, you're
looking in the wrong place. That leader is you. Whether you feel ready
or not, you're in command.
Despite what you may have been conditioned to believe, there's
no higher authority in this life than you not your parents, your boss,
or your favorite supreme being.
You're the one who perceives
your reality, and you must decide how to act (or not act) based
on your perceptions.
Look around you and notice the results you're currently getting.
Life is simply obeying your commands. If you want different results,
you must issue different orders. You're the only one qualified to make
these decisions. No one else can fill the role of commander of your life
but you.

Try to realize that failure is your friend. While it's often disappointing
to miss the goal you aimed for, there's always a consolation prize.
When you fail, you become smarter. You teach your mind to become
better at prediction. This is an immensely powerful result.
Failure is an unavoidable part of success. When
you fail, it means you're taking action, so you're making mistakes and educating
yourself. Success happens naturally once you finally learn
how to take the correct actions.
If you're clear about what you want, settle for nothing less. Accept
that success will take time, perhaps much longer than you'd like. Rid
yourself of the fast and easy, something-for-nothing mind-set. Keep
your head down, work hard, and know that your efforts will eventually
pay off, as long as you keep learning and growing.

Beginning is simply the first step

toward winning.
A small rebellion is an act of free will with minimal negative consequences.The
idea here isn't to behave like a complete jerk or to violate
laws that will land you in serious trouble. Your assignment is simply to break t
he unwritten rules of social conformity, rules you aren't required
to obey but which you've been blindly following. Small rebellions
remind you that you always have a choice and that you can
remain independent of other people's reactions.

Courage is the application of power
to break through short-term challenges in order to achieve long-term
Don't wait for a new career, a new relationship,
or other opportunities to come to you. Go out and actively create
what you want. Life is waiting for you to make the first move. Use
your power.
Your greatest regrets in life won't
be the mistakes you made; they'll be the opportunities you let slip
through your fingers by failing to act.
First, select a fear you'd like to overcome. It's okay if it's too big for
you to tackle right away. Now see if you can identify one small step
you could take to confront that fear. For example, if you're afraid to initiate
a conversation with a stranger,
your first goal might be to walk past a stranger and smile. If that still
seems too difficult, start with an easier goal, such as making eye contact
with a stranger for one second.
baby step builds your experience, allowing you to gradually progress
from novice to expert without feeling overwhelmed.
Instead of avoiding your fears, make a commitment to face them.
If you're afraid of public speaking, commit to giving a speech. If you're
afraid of heights, enroll in a rock-climbing class. If you're afraid of the
water, sign up for swimming lessons. Remember that whatever you
fear, you must eventually face, including death itself.
Being authentic means expressing yourself congruently. The person
you project on the outside is the person you truly are on the
inside, whether you're communicating with an intimate friend or
someone you just met. When people say, "Just be yourself," they're
emphasizing the importance of authenticity.
Be completely real. Your honesty

won't always
get a positive response, but allow others to have their reactions without
feeling you must pretend to be something you're not. The best course of action
is to be completely honest and
accept that others are free to react as they choose. You needn't agree
with their reaction; just allow it to be.
when you improve yourself,
you inspire others to do the same. Those people then inspire even
more people, and your positive ripples of growth ultimately impact
everyone. As you improve yourself, you improve all of us. As the cells
improve, the whole body improves.
The most intelligent thing you can
possibly do with your life is to grow.
131. pitanja

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