Anarchy RPG 0.1

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A Hardcore Post-Apoc Shooting and Killing RPG Based on Feudal Anarchy

In the distant future of 2004 the administration of the court-appointed and deeply unpopular President Shrub
found itself in dire political straits (collapse of the financial sector, three quagmired wars in the Middle East,
the infamous Peckerwood scandal). Wingnuts funded by the billionaire Cocke brothers make good on
Operation Patriot, a series of organized destabilizations made to scare the country 'straight.' In the resulting
chaos, most major cities and strategic sites are destroyed by dirty bombs, suitcase nukes,
biochemical/mutagen agents, bank over-draft surcharges and suburban rioters demanding a return to
Then some even crazier shit happened for decades. And now Road Warrior.
Chargen Steps
1. Roll 3d6 in order: Strength, Intelligence, Will, Dexterity, Size, Constitution, Charisma
2. Roll Point of Origin and Background Chart. (page x) Choose and note attribute changes, starting skills, and
3 Pick Gender
4. Pick Starting Vocation. Character starts at 12 + 1d6 years old. (page x)
5. Follow Vocation Paths for up to three three-year Terms (Automatic end after three terms). Choose and note
attribute changes, skills, gear, honors, strange events etc. (page x)
6. Choose bonus skills (four d10% rolls). (page x)
7. Determine hit points. (page x)
8. Buy stuff and hire retinue. (page x)
9. Name character.
Attributes and Characteristics
Players roll 3d6 in order to determine their seven starting characteristics. Characters are limited to a maximum

of 18 in any given characteristic.

Strength (STR)
STR is the character's physical strength: the ability to lift; put damage behind a blow; carry weight etc.
Intelligence (INT)
A characters ability to analyze information and memorize instructions. It is a useful Characteristic for characters
interested in becoming accomplished sorcerers and masters of lore.
Will (WIL)
The ability to mentally endure hardship. Also works as a folk wisdom and a measure of the powers of perception.
Dexterity (DEX)
A characters agility, coordination and speed of reaction, Dexterity aids him in many physical actions, including
Size (SIZ)
How tall and/or bulky your character is.
Constitution (CON)
This characteristic measures a character's physical hardiness, health and endurance.
Charisma (CHA)
Charisma is a combination of status and reputation--and the confidence and skill-set of leading that flows from
Hit Points
These determine how much damage the character can sustain before reaching unconsciousness or death. A
character's starting hit points is determined by adding SIZ and CON together and dividing by two (round up).
Damage Bonus
When calculating damage in melee combat, the attacker adds their damage bonus to their damage die. The table
below displays the damage bonuses for the average of STR+SIZ score. Do not add this bonus to ranged damage.
Damage Bonus
Average of STR/SIZ

Damage Bonus


















Point of Origin Chart

Roll d100
01-20 Social State 0 Community (Primitive, Regressed)
21-85 Social State 1 (Mixed tech mostly 19th Century, Survival Oriented)
86-97 Social State 2 (More 20st and 21st Century tech, Better Organized)
98-00 Social State 3 (Small pocket of Advanced tech and Organization)
Player chooses appropriate community from the following list.
Soc State 0
(+1 STR or DEX, +1 CON or WIL, -1 INT or CHA, Survivalist +10%, Track +10% or Riding +10%,
Thrown or Hand-Drawn +10%)
Hunter-Gatherer Band
Stone/Bronze Age Farming Village
Horse Nomad
Soc State 1
(+10% any two Basic Skills, +1 any Attribute)
Wasteland Scavenger Village
Dirt Farmers
Neo-Feudal Microstate
Marauding Army
Trade Town
Soc State 2
(+1 INT or CHA, -1 WIL or CON, +10% any Skill)
Secluded Utopia
Militarized Enclave
Fortified Refinery/Mine/Power Plant
Restorationist Movement
City-State Republic
Soc State 3
(+2 INT or CHA, -2 WIL or CON, +5% any two Advanced Skills)
Bunker Dweller

Scientific Outpost
How they work:
1. You start at 12 +1d6 years. You already have some changes from your childhood, see attribute changes, skills,
status, and cash from your father's background.
2. Pick a Starting Vocation based on your Point of Origin. Make sure you are eligible based on your father's
3. Roll and note Skills and Equipment. No starting skill can be beyond 75 percent.
4. Make a Hand of Fate roll. All rolls on 1d100.
5. If no Forced Exit, age three years, stay in vocation (automatic re entry if not forced out and staying in current
vocation) or advance on the Vocation Path to another eligible vocation.
6. Blowing a Exit roll means you must stop advancing and enter adventuring life. Age three years. Failing an
entry roll means that a character can try another eligible vocation or stay in their current.
7. Automatic exit after 3 terms (-1 to any attribute if 32).
8. Add in your four bonus +d10% rolls.
Each vocation is broken down into several categories of rolls and menus to represent progress over the four
This represents the conditions necessary to enter the vocation and will have varying conditions. Entry may be
automatic, for instance if conditions for a specific class background, attribute minimum or a previous Vocation
that points to as an exit. In other cases a percentage roll will be required to start a vocation.
Failing an entry roll means that a character can try another eligible vocation or stay in their current vocation.
These represent the skills learned during the four years. Some listings will give you a choice between certain
skills. Roll dice to determine how much to add to the base amount on the skill list. All skills are cumulative over
the course of a characters travel down the vocation path.
If you a skill roll gives you a chance to roll for an Advanced Skill, congratulations you have gained access to that
skill and can now add your bonus to the base.
No starting skill can be beyond 75 percent. Rolls above that score are ignored.
This represents worldly goods acquired and left over from that three years. All listings are cumulative, duplicate
firearms or armor count as an upgrade in condition. Duplicate items can be retained or sold at half market
value. Money is represented by a roll of the listed die for Silver Dollars.

Hand of Fate
This represents the vagaries of life in the Post-War Age and the chance of something dangerous, wonderful or
weird happening to your character. If the number listed on the category is rolled you must roll on the Hand of
Fate Table below.
Roll a d30 (Eventually will be d100)
1. Injured in fire or munitions explosion: -10% on Exit Roll. -1 STR or DEX.
2. Killed Some Little Punk. +5% any combat skill. Feel bad.
3. Wounded in battle or by Mohawk Dudes: -10% on Exit Roll. -1 STR or DEX, +1 WIL. Gain cool scar.
4. Contracted Radiation Sickness: -15% Exit Roll. -1 CON, +1 WIL
5. Home village/town/horde harried and plundered: no income earned this vocation period.
6. Household burned: no income earned this vocation period.
7. Became Riverboat/Backroom Casino Gambler. Flip a coin. Heads you gain 5d10$, tails you lose all your
chargen $ to date.
8. Became a Junkie/Cleaned Up. -1 any stat. +1 WIL
9. Despaired at the Bleakness of it All. -1 WIL, +1 INT
10. Hard Travellin', Hard Ramblin: Gain extra 1d10$
11. Peyote Vision of the Oneness of it All: gain Herbalism advanced skill (at base rate)
12. Saw the Radiant Mother/Baby Jesus/Horned God in a Tortilla : +1 WIL
13. Toured a Glowing City Ruin: Must take Wasteland Scavenger as next Vocation (ignore Eligibilty). Roll
on Misc Artifacts chart (TBA)
14. Swept up in Resource or Holy War: Must take a vocation with combat skills.
15. Got Religion. Must take Cult Member as next vocation.
16. Sired a Bastard: Gain child. Choose to recognize or not.
17. Got Hitched: Gain spouse of equal Status. 60 percent chance per this and following vocation periods of a
child. Reroll if already married.
18. Married Up: married a spouse higher up than your sorry ass. Dowry gained +d20$. 60 percent chance
per this and following vocation periods of a child. Reroll if already married.
19. Spouse Got Sick of Your Shit. Lose spouse.
20. Plague/Radiation Sickness/Grue claims your spouse: Your spouse dies, reroll if none.
21. Plague/Radiation Sickness/Grue claims your spouse A child dies, reroll if none.
22. Brown-nosed the Boss: Gain high-ranking contact.
23. Mutant ate your baby/toe. Lose a child or a toe.
24. Traveled to far lands (next State over): +2d6% Speak other Language or +1d6% Trade.
25. Found Pre-War Cache. Roll twice Misc Artifacts table.
26. Thrown Out of Settlement/Exiled. Must take Drifter as next vocation.
27. Enslaved by Slaving Bastards and Escaped. -1 STR or CON, +1 WIL. Branded on the cheek.
28. Befriended a Telepathic Dog/Cat/Moose. +1 WIL.
29. Saw Things You Can't Unsee. -1 WIL, +1 CON
30. Roll Again Twice
Exit Roll and Vocation
After finishing up the previous rolls and choices representing how your character lived through the last three
years, now you have to see if he/she can continue in the character generation process. Roll percentile dice to
avoid being forced to leave.
If successful choose your next Vocation based on the following listing. Reroll on the same Vocation listings if you
stay in the same Vocation for the three-year period. If unsuccessful, the generation process is complete, and your
character is finished.
Bonus Skills and In-Game Advancement
Note that after character generation the scripted vocations stop and advancement follows the in-game Skill and

Social Advancement rules (see Section XXX). The character is now allowed to roll a d10 four times to add
percentage points to any basic skill they like or any advanced skill they learned during character generation.
Starting Vocations
Wasteland Scavenger
Entry: Soc State 0-2 Origin, CON 10+
Skills: Survivalist +5%, Search +10%
Equipment: 2d10$, Two rolls Misc Artifacts
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-45.
Exit Vocation: Any Eligible Starting Vocation
Motor Bandit
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, DEX 10+
Skills: Driving +10%, Any Combat Skill +5%
Equipment: 1d10$, Jerry Can of Gasoline, Leather Jacket (Fair), Motorcycle Helmet (Poor)
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-45.
Exit Vocation: Any Eligible Starting Vocation
Chaos Monk
Entry: Soc State 0-2 Origin, INT 10 or less
Skills: Martial Arts +5%, Dodge +10%
Equipment: Nunchucks, Jean Shorts, Headband
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-65.
Exit Vocation: Any Eligible Starting Vocation
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, STR 9+
Skills: Rifles +10%, Any other Combat Skill or Tactics +5%
Equipment: Postwar Rifle (Fair), Field Jacket (Fair), 1d10$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-45.
Exit Vocation:
Gang Member
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, STR or DEX 9+
Skills: Any Basic Combat Skill +5%, Hand to Hand +5%, Stealth or Tinkering +5%
Equipment: Leather Jacket, Knife, Hair Gel, 1d10$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-40.
Exit Vocation:
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin
Skills: +5% any three Basic Skills.
Equipment: Poncho, 1d6$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-35.
Exit Vocation:
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin
Skills: Influence +10%, Stealth or First Aid +5%
Equipment: Wavy dagger, Robe, 1d6$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-45.
Exit Vocation:

Rancher/Dirt Farmer
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin
Skills: Riding +10%, Rifles or Survivalist +5%
Equipment: Riding Horse, .22 Rifle (Fair), 1d8$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-20.
Exit Vocation:
Entry: Soc State 0-1 Origin
Skills: Track +10%, Craft, Stealth, Search or Survivalist +5%
Equipment: Self Bow or .22 Rifle (Fair) if Tech 1, Knife or Hatchet
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-35.
Exit Vocation:
Healer/Witch Doctor/Medic
Entry: Soc State 0-2 Origin, INT or WIL 12+
Skills: First Aid +10%, Herbalism +5%
Equipment: First Aid kit or 1d10 Uncommon Herbs, White smock or Wooden mask, $1d8
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-45.
Exit Vocation:
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, CHA 12+
Skills: Trade +15%, Speak Other Language +5%, Reading/Writing +5%
Equipment: $3d10, Mutated Pack Animal
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-35.
Exit Vocation:
Archivist/Research Assistant
Entry: Soc State 2-3 Origin, INT 12+
Skills: High Tech +15%, Speak Other Lang +5%, Reading/Writing +20%
Equipment: Science or Engineering book. $1d20
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-15.
Exit Vocation:
Kung Fu Wanderer
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, DEX 13+, CON 13+
Skills: +10% Martial Arts, Dodge +10%, Hand to Hand +5%
Equipment: Embroidered Robe or Jean Jacket, Yoga mat,Quarterstaff
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-40.
Exit Vocation:
Grease Monkey
Entry: Soc State 1-3 Origin, INT 10+, DEX 10+
Skills: Tinkering +15%, Reading/Writing +5%
Equipment: Box of Tools, Greasy Jumpsuit, +$2d10
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-15.
Exit Vocation:
Deputy Sheriff
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, CHA or DEX 11+

Skills: Any Basic Combat Skill +5%, Hand to Hand +5%, Tracking or Influence +5%
Equipment: Field Jacket, Badge, Post-War Revolver (Fair), 1d10$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-40.
Exit Vocation:
Entry: Soc State 1-2 Origin, DEX 11+
Skills: Handguns +15%
Equipment: Poncho, Post-War Revolver (Fair), 1d10$
Exit Roll: Avoid Forced Exit on roll of 01-40.
Exit Vocation:
Advanced Vocations TBA
Caravan Owner
Minor Gang Leader
Scientist of Science
Skill List
A basic description follows each skill, but this is intended to be a guideline. Both players and gamemaster are
encouraged to find creative ways to use these skills during play. Add the values indicated in parentheses to find a
characters default starting percentage. Basic and Combat skills are possessed by all characters at their default
percentage, but Advanced Skills are all 0% until acquired.
Skill List
Italics denote Advanced Skill where there is no automatic base without proper training.
Social Skills (CHA x2)
Intellectual Skills (INT x2)
First Aid
Tactics and Leadership
Speak Other Language
High Tech
Manual Skills (DEX x2)
Craft (Pick Specific)
Survival Skills (CON x2)

Perception Skills (WIL x2)
Melee and Archaic Combat Skills (DEX+STR)
Hand to Hand
Thrown or Hand-Drawn Weapons (Thrown Weapons, Bows, Crossbows)
Martial Arts
Shooting Skills (DEX +INT)
Support Weapons

Misc Artifacts
Large Solar Battery
1d10 Empty Rechargeable XX Batteries (No Recharger)
Extra magazine of pistol or rifle ammo
Radiation Suit
Child's Music Box, Doleful
Storm Lantern
Food and Drink
Grade D Food, $.10/day. Edible but 10% chance of illness per day.
Preserved Rations, $.50/day
Clean Plant Foods, $2/day. Difficult to find and expensive are vegetables, grains, fruits and tubers relatively free
of radiation and mutagens (meat typically being too high on the food chain). Three days of straight eating add 1
to CON as long as diet is kept up. A solid week of eating such a diet adds an additional point to CON (and thus
one Hit Point).
MRE, $5. A century old but still edible. Eating one per day will produce the same effect as Clean Plants but they
are portable and preserved.
Corn Liquor, jug $.50
Armor and Weapons
Price= Average Price in Silver Dollars
AP= Armor Points
Social State= Social State needed to typically find on sale (Successful Trade check means you can find at one
higher and double price).
Scarcity= % chance you can find in typical market.





Social State Scarcity

Field Jacket












Leather Jacket $2/1





Leather Armor $4/2





Riot Gear






Flak Jacket
















Ceramic Plate $200/6

Melee Weapons


Knife/Hatchet $1/d10-3
Club/Nunchucks $.50/d10-4
Cattle Prod








Thrown or
Throwing Knife
Throwing Axe
Self Bow
Compound Bow
Wooden Crossbow
Steel Crossbow





Hand Guns






Rate of Fire

Barista 9mm






SMG, 9mm




$120/d10+2 30

Colt Auto .45





Revolver, .45





Big Tex 11mm





Rifles, Shotguns
and Shit






Rate of Fire

SCAR-Light II,






SAR-22, 5.56mm






Squirrel Gun, .22








Postslump Shotgun, /d10

20 gauge

Riotgun, 12 gauge


Postslump Bolt/d10+1
Action Rifle, .30-06

Support Weapons
XM-25 Grenade Launcher, Computer-Assisted
Hozar, .50 LSW
Martial Arts
Upon receiving the skill the character can make various punches, kicks and holds that will inflict either 1d10-1
stunning or 1d10-3 lethal damage upon a hit. At skill level 30 they get the Fist of Furious Steel a lethal punch of
1d10-1. At level 50 the Swirling Dragon Kick is added a kick that can deal out 1d10 lethal or 1d10+2 stunning.

Combat Rules
Critical Mishap
When using a weapon a Mishap occurs on a roll of 07 or less. Weapon degrades one condition level and is
unusable for the round (representing a jam, misfire, drop or whatever).
Critical Hit
A Critical Hit occurs on a roll of 93 or higher. Opponent's armor is instantly degraded one condition level. An
opponent with no AP left will incur double damage.

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