7001 R-15 Roles-Leadership Syllabus - Russell

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Wright State University-Miami Valley

College of Nursing & Health

Summer 2015
COURSE TITLE: Role Development and Leadership
COURSE CREDIT: 2 semester credit hours
COURSE LOCATION AND CLASS TIMES: Asynchronous online course





Graduate standing or permission of instructor

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on understanding and synthesizing concepts and
theories that will facilitate professional role development and leadership in clinical practice, nursing
administration or nursing education. Models of practice, role implementation, economic and financial
issues, health care delivery systems, current trends in health care, selected theories and processes and
Anne C. Russell, PhD, RN, CNS-BC


110 UH

Student Learning Outcomes


Articulate the history and development of advanced practice nurse roles.

Debate the differentiated advanced practice nurse roles.
Examine practice models and health care delivery systems.
Examine standard guidelines relative to clinical and administrative practice for advanced practice
Debate the legal-ethical implications of the economics, social, political, and technological
environment for advanced practice nursing roles.
Analyze current issues and research within advanced practice nursing.
Integrate selected practice, administration and education theories and concepts as a theoretical
basis for advanced nursing leadership.
Use principles of fiscal management to develop a budget for managing resources for advanced
nursing practice.
Examine selected processes that provide a basis for implementation of the APN role.

Teaching Methods: On-line lecture and discussion, group presentations, written

assignments, and integration of reading assignments (both textbook and

other scholarly readings).
NUR 7001: Summer 2015: Russell

1. Crowley, D. M. (2011). Complexity leadership: Nursings role in health care delivery.
Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
2. Joel, L. A. (2013). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development. (3rd Ed).
Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
3. APA style guidelines, 6th Edition. (you will use this throughout your graduate studies)
4. Scope & Standards of Practice for relevant masters concentration. (Select the most recent
standards and/or scope of practice for your specialty or if you are an undecided major, pick any
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Concentration
American Association of Critical Care Nurses. (2012). Acute care nurse practitioner
standards of practice. Aliso Viejo, CA: Author.
May be downloaded at www.aacn.org/wd/practice/docs/acnp-scope-and-standards.pdf
Administration of Nursing & Health Care Systems Concentration
American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators.
Washington, D. C.: Author.
Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist Concentration
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists. (2004). NACNS Statement on Clinical
Nurse Specialist Practice and Education (2nd ed.). Harrisburg, PA: Author.
May be downloaded at http://www.nacns.org/docs/CNSCoreCompetencies.pdf
Nurse Educator Concentration
National League for Nursing. (2014). NLN Nurse Educator Competencies. Download the
Certified Nurse Educator Examination Booklet (includes competencies) at:
http://www.nln.org/docs/default-source/professional-developmentprograms/certified- nurse-educator-(cne)-examination-candidate-handbook.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Pediatric Advanced Nursing Concentration
American Nurses Association (2008). Scope and standards of practice for pediatric
nursing. Washington, D. C.: Author.
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (Family or Pediatric)
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (2010). Scope of practice for nurse
practitioners. Austin, TX: Author. May be downloaded at
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (2010). Standards of practice. Austin, TX:
May be downloaded at
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Concentration
American Nurses Association (2007). Scope and standards of practice for psychiatricmental health nursing. Washington, D.C.: Author.
School Nurse Concentration
American Nurses Association & National Association of School Nurses. (2011). School
Nursing: Scope and standards of practice. Washington, D. C.: Author.

NUR 7001: Summer 2015: Russell


Important Dates:
Friday, May 29, 2015: last day to drop with 100% refund
Sunday, June 7, 2015: last day to drop without a grade
Sunday, July 5, 2015: last day to drop with a grade of W
Academic Integrity: Your assignments are to be done as an individual effort unless otherwise stated. The
University Guidelines for Academic Integrity apply to all work for the class. Please refer to your student
handbook (college and university; university Code of Conduct) for general policy and procedures
regarding student conduct. You are responsible for knowing these policies. Written assignments will be
submitted for plagiarism detection using the turnitin.com function in the Pilot Dropbox. Students may
submit as many files to the drop-box before the assignment deadline to review their turnitin.com
similarity score and make adjustments to their paper to address any areas that might suggest plagiarism.
The last submission will be evaluated for grading purposes as well as evaluation of the turnitin.com
similarity information for detection of plagiarism.
Disability Statement: Students with any type of disability (physical, emotional, learning, etc.) are
expected to accept responsibility for seeking whatever accommodation is necessary to meet the objectives
of the course through WSU Disability Services. Please see faculty at the earliest possible point in the
term to discuss issues that you feel will affect your success in the course. Accommodation requests
will be discussed among course faculty, the student, CONH administration, and WSU Disability Services
as applicable.
Class Announcements: As an on-line course, it is imperative that students check the Pilot on-line course
management system and WSU email at least two times per week. Announcements and updated course
information will be provided through the on-line course management news or mail functions.
Grading Scale:
90 100% = A
80 89.99% = B
70 79.99% = C
60 69.99% = D
Below 60% = F
NOTE: It is the CONH policy to not round grades.
Evaluation Methods:


Leadership Application Discussion Boards

(3 x 10%)
Electronic Portfolio
Complexity Leadership Case Study
Advanced Nursing Practice Power-point


NUR 7001: Summer 2015: Russell


Course Requirements:
I. Leadership Discussion Boards (30%)
(23888) Students will be assigned to a Discussion Group to take part in class discussions on various
leadership topics. See Syllabus area in Pilot to find your assigned group for Discussion purposes. To
access instructions and information for the Topical Discussions, please see the Content area of Pilot (Go
to https://pilot.wright.edu/ and use your Wright State University login information). For each topic,
students will find specific questions. For discussion postings, students are expected to contribute a
substantive and thoughtful response to the posted topic discussion questions in the area labeled
Discussions. Responses should be based on course readings, research, and web site resources. Your
participation grade will be based on the quality and not simply the amount of your input. In addition to
providing a response to the posted discussion questions, you are expected to review the responses of
others and provide thoughtful responses (i.e. more than I agree or Yes, thats right) to the discussion
postings of others at least twice for each topical question. The two responses to your peers do not require
APA reference citations. However, if a reference is used, be sure to cite the reference in APA format.
Your participation for each leadership discussion board will be graded using a specific
rubric that will be posted in Pilot.
II. Electronic Portfolio (20%)
Students are expected to keep an electronic portfolio containing professional goals and
information as well as course and clinical materials throughout their graduate program of study.
The process begins in this class. Information from such a portfolio is valuable in seeking
certification, licensure, and employment after graduation.

Rsum or curriculum vitae
A one page elevator speech marketing yourself. Relate your specific skills within the
scope of practice for your concentration. You will need to access your Scope and
Standards of Practice as well as other articles to develop a convincing, concise
presentation. DO NOT use direct quotes and please paraphrase for the general public.
Five year plan: list of at least five professional goals for the next five years with a plan
and time line for achieving those goals. Identify needed resources and how you will
obtain those resources.
Word document that contains the relevant professional links to:
1. The State Nurse Practice Act (Ohio Revised Code) and Administrative Code (Ohio
Administrative Code) or the Law and Administrative Codes for RNs and advanced
practice nursing for the state you plan to practice in.
2. Link to information related to the Certificate of Authority to practice in the state you
plan to practice in.
3. Link to information related to the Certificate to Prescribe in the state you plan to
practice in.
4. Link to your professional Scope and Standards of Care/Practice if the source is
available online or link to purchase site.
5. Link to information on continuing education requirements for advanced nursing
practice in the state you plan to practice in.
6. School nurses should have a link to the Board of Education components that apply to
7. Link to the certification organization and specialty exam with requirements for
certification, application procedures, costs, testing requirements, availability of
NUR 7001: Summer 2015: Russell



8. Link to salary range data for nurses in your specialty.
9. Link to information on malpractice insurance for nurses in your specialty
Organized folder for course related materials including subfolders for:
1. Course syllabus
2. Major course papers, case studies, etc.
3. Clinical hours logs
4. Clinical log regarding types of patients seen, care given, procedures, etc.
5. Preceptor and site information
6. Clinical evaluations
7. Nurse educators may include teaching plans
8. Any letters of commendation, awards, etc.



III. Complexity Leadership Case Study (25%)

A case study that highlights the concepts of complexity leadership will be provided. There will be specific
questions that you will address. The expectation is that you will thoughtfully integrate material from your
text(s) along with additional relevant resources to answer the questions. You will develop a word
document using 6th edition APA format. The document will be placed in the appropriate Pilot course dropbox. A grading rubric will be available in Pilot for this assignment.
IV. Advanced Nursing Practice Power-point (25%)
Each student will develop a power-point presentation that highlights the specific advanced nursing
practice concentration that you are pursuing. A grading rubric will be available in Pilot for this
assignment. The presentation should include:
- History of the role
- How would you describe the role?
- What are the key competencies of the role?
- Identify a clinical situation that may exemplify your role?
- How a nurse in the role interacts with patients/families
- How a nurse in the role interacts with physicians
- How a nurse in the role influences the system where they work
- What strategies would you use to measure the effectiveness of a nurse in the role?

NUR 7001: Summer 2015: Russell


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