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The world is self centred leaving things that are torn and dried
It has forgotten the moments that brought it pride
So full I was with remorse disgust and dislike
I repent and regret I would not have been as like
Essence of nature and flavours of mind
Left no stone unturned to be cruel and not kind
Although there was enormous pain
Gave my heart a call "to move on is life ,not to restrain"
By the sea when i saw waves clashing on the shore
Spirit spoke up try once more....
Amidst the chorus i wanted silence beyond my reach
How did i forget the world was a clamorous beach
Heart rendering it was and Tears did flow
on the path the were thorns innumerable for me to blow
Storm was to destroy the universe of mine
Deep in the heart i felt to be not still but "sparkle and shine"
Wind did blow sky did overcast
The ship of my hope was sinking by mast
Rule of the arena is either "swim or sink"
From the corner of the darkness a bright voice did clink
Encouraged me and elevated me to my best
Whispered "everything next to come is another test"
Creativity of mine which was stamped to death
Seemed to have turmoiled to create new breath
At last glory arrived circumvating omni
But to witness the success it was only me
Spirit gave a call "Shh,,,.. It's the end....Alas the end "
But my heart retorted
"It's not the end it's the begining of the journey to reach new end"
Abhishek shukla

---------To whomsoever it may concern,

Name: Chaitanya Modgill
College: Delhi College of Arts and Commerce
Contact: 9910065354
Submitting two poems, Black and Beautiful Day
Never anticipated that it will get so much perplexing
Never thought that my consciousness, my wheel of fortune
Will persuade me to latitude
Where there is nowhere to go.
I don t lay eyes on anything in front of me
Whatever I embraced, has been forsaken through the way,
And now I lay eyes on annihilation in front of me
It s just black.
It is inexplicable to choose when you have an appraisal,

When you possess deux roads to go,

But right now
I m established around a place which is infinite,
I just need to perpetually move,
Without a breathing breadth but,
I don t lay eyes on anything in front of me
It s just black, that s all I can see.
No luminosity, no thruway,
There is no one I m contagious to,
I m traveling light in black, I m anxious
I can t lay eyes on anything, anyone ahead
It s just black, all over me, all over my head.
But with a faith I steadily move,
And I see the sun illuminating through the wood,
Sunlight making an effort to show up,
I sprint to the thruway on which I would have already stood.
And now I move to get ahead,
Now it s all gone.
There s no black over me, it s under my feet instead.

I don t feel like saying anything,
I m activated for an enigmatic reason.
Maybe my own morality is fighting against me.
And I realize every second life is passing me by.
I comprehend that,
Each of us peerless creates the life we get to live.
It was in that turning point that something within me changed, completely.
The pendulum moved and seconds passed by.
I encouraged myself that
I'm going to fiercely transform the way I m,
And the way I was.
I assert that I ll on a dime, renovate the way I lived.
Not blaming the coach for not being able to win in the game.
Even if it was life.
Not blaming my friends for not being able to do my work.
Not blaming my past for my inabilities to win in the present.
It s that moment, tired and dusty,
I was finally on my feet with some happiness that,
My capricious mentor taught me well,
Before the dawn of this breathtakingly beautiful day.
---------------elancholia of a pregnant woman
I apprised her the first time,
Playing with my puny fingers,
That composure on her face,
I guess it matched mine.
She held me frail and pale,

Tenderly, gazing at me for hours.

Her eyes filled with emotions of love
But behind them a lineage of scars.
And she bore them all,
During her maidenhood.
Pampered and accosted them with courage,
For courage is all she had,
Neither a lover nor a lad.
She carried me in her
And then in her rusty
Bruised and sullen in
Oh! Her trembling and

womb first
far of lands,
spreading hands.

For long her breasts were heavy,

Sinking and filled with the conscience of her defamed truths,
Tortured and tormented a lot,
Her breasts still managed to begot.
Brave as she was,
She was proud of them
And so was I
For she accustomed me with them,
Oh! How filled they were, No lie.
Gazing at me with her ceased smile,
She caressed me, defying her pain.
I learned about her
When I myself suffered the melancholia of a pregnant woman.

She grew up only to see that colour red was now her companion.
It followed her, drained her
But gave meaning to her existence.
At 12 she experienced blood gliding down from the mean of her legs, Red.
Scared, amazed, excited,
At 18 she cuts her hand,
Heartbroken, Blood, Red.
At 23 she gets married,
The colour binds her now.
Red was no more her favourite colour,
It took away her innocence,
It took away her freedom.
Red was a restriction.
--kavya sharma

-------------------------My Poet

Got thrown about, tossed around

As a gambler s die, I
Through jostled a nasty crowd
Famed faces, to descry
What upholstery, what bedecking!
And what does richness take in the making
Of men n mistresses with mastery
Profoundly so, of pen n poetry
Oh! The mirth merry less and talk mighty
Oh! The mirth merry less and talk mighty
Them abaft a faade of felicity
Gaits classy carry bodies constructed
Uphold stiff heads so adroitly sculpted
Alas! The warm less smiles
The clever disguise, by eyes
Heroic yet tense
Their manner, camaraderie, a mere pretense
O why, is your demeanor painted?
O why, is your demeanor painted?
Dear Artist, your conduct dictated?
By denizens of a world fame makes
Strips you down of you; you it forsakes
Dear Poet, you blaze as an inferno, the Sun swelters!
Dear Poet, you blaze as an inferno, the Sun swelters!
Throngs the stage as it, your Artist not once falters
I do but, behold your lion bold
Believe me; your soaring gaze is just as cold!
Pursuits of artistry will I try?
Pursuits of artistry will I try?
Wear a drawn smile utterly wry?
That you ve been stripped down of you
Fine crafted into something new
Will I sail the same ship as you?
Bring all of me to a hopeless naught
Drown in fame life is with fraught?
I m afraid, not!
Nay, my Poet is what
I will rather have lost
Before my Poet loses me
Before my Poet loses me .
-Soma Mishra

Tonight s Hunter
Tonight, I feel a hunter
My black horse I mount
Barricades I break asunder
And the dead night surmount

Tis mischief
In woods that
Sing poets n
Songs hunting

that dwells
calls to me
that beseem

My precious horse does shimmer

Neath the mid-night s doom
As the jeweled welkin s glimmer
Shone by the silver moon
And Ho! I come along
O woods hear do thee?
My ride, she sprints n
Thus graveness I flee


It whistles as it whips
My face, the morbid wind
A woeful verse I slip
And curse the dead, dark mist

My heart does pound with thrill

Bereft of dread or fright
I m here to hunt n kill
I m a h-u-n-t-e-r to-night!
Fills me a numbing terror
As furtive beasts surround
Me, I face with valor
The hungry, ghoulish hounds!
Myself I arm with knives
As them I vow to trounce
These fierce, sanguine eyes
That cower turning around!
Ay! Do ye see?
O woods of the night
The evils wilt n wreathe
In thy recesses ye hide
No lurking beasts I will
But, my fear n fright
To hunt down n kill
As a h-u-n-t-e-r to-night!

In hunting as I fare
O night do ye applaud?
I breathe the palmy air
So breathes my darling horse
Tonight, I feel a hunter
My black horse I mount
Barricades I break asunder
And the dead night surmount .
-Soma Mishra



i chanced upon, what seemed bizarre ;
a land here never lay before ;
i couldn t stall i had come so far ;
i went about to grasp some more.
a needle s was a roaring cry;
stillness was never so deafening ;
to spot a soul i did so try ;
i wished i stopped caring
to where the petty eye could see;
the land embraced the sky azure ;
the stretch of earth terrified me;
was petrified, i couldn t be more sure;
a tree stood out, a mammoth tree ;
its shade made be shiver;
a perched dove looked down at me ;
my eyes didn t flinch a sliver;
she sat upon a twig so small;
spoke to me in a brittle tone;
up the tree she made me crawl;
an ardent trier, i did not groan.
i stretched so hard and reached so high;
she seemed so close, a foot apart;
but all i did was utter a sigh;
for she had risen with a sudden start;

she hopped around to a higher branch;

i cursed her for luring me in;
but toward her again did i march;
to let go would be a sin.
when apparated there a monkey of sorts;
offered me his only nut;
furiously i threw it back,i could not halt;
i couldn t see that he was hurt.
there again i reached close;
there again she hopped away;
to be defeated was a bitter dose;
so i leaped upon her as my last fray.
for a moment in the mid-sky;
it all seemed lost, all hopes ploughed;
but my insolent mind was about to cry;
for the worst was what happened now
as the air served as a perfect ground;
i discovered a blatant truth;
from up there,the land around;
seemed so serene, so pure.
a huge expanse of longitude;
with trees as melon seeds;
i was wrong before, this wasn t crude;
it was the missing piece perfection needs.
i shoved the bitterness down my throat;
for i had chased what was never mine;
i let myself fall in a mould;
and ignored the bright sunshine
and now whilst i plunged low;
i cursed myself for not halting;

for if i had just turned and looked;

a beautiful world was awaiting.
in the moment of sheer panic;
a rope appeared from thin air;
i tried to grab it like a manic,
in a fit of misery and despair.
there and then i thanked th Almighty;
then looked up to Him to hail;
two eyes looked down back at me;
the rope, it seemed, was the monkey s tail.

Election Bu(n)gle in the jungle :

The crux here in a jungle lies ;
a lion was the toothless king;
his mighty roars were but mere cries;
wild rats played fetch on him;
the going was tough, survival a boon;
hyenas were the council heads;
they sensed the lion would give way soon;
twas something they did always dread;
one gorgeous beast led their path;
they begged the king to stay put;
they told him bout the aftermath;
the lion led out a thoughtful hoot;
a dance, a boogie and a blended croon;
the council cheered the hefty king;
they told him he could miss this soon;
and the dearth of power could really sting;

the emperor raised a paw to salute;

broke his bones and had a bout;
his authority was indeed moot;
he called for elections to clear this out.
the hyenas were a cunning race;
they had a meet with the tigers

hordes ;

they deserted the lion in a sudden daze;

the tigers became the hyenas


Till then, the animals lived all in grief;

the lion s rule was a frivolous one;
he made them suffer, the wretched chief;
at last they thought, a change could come.
At one end was the tigers


all imagined he was the obvious choice;

he charmed them all, even wooed the dead;
certain was the lion s demise.
one petty day but rose a baboon;
said he would inform them all;
the tigers words were but a cocoon;
actions small but the promises tall
the wisest of folks laughed him off;
the sabertooths were their only hope;
with the lion they d had enough;
they d fallen down an uphill slope.
the baboon laid out the blatant facts ;
the cats had a despicable past;
from boundary breaches to mistimed attacks;
their agenda listed fairness last;
a few heads turned, the foolish of all;
they weighed his ethics in pure gold;

his support grew, albeit small;

a few saw sense in what he told;
he went about breed to breed;
told them the hyena rule was wicked;
he pointed to the tigers


the election tension only thickened.

At last it dawned upon the wise;
when he drove a few to a hunger strike;
his loud barks were the public s cries;
they could now see his moral side;
At long last the polls did come;
herds were seen down on the street;
the day was rather cumbersome;
worsened by overbearing heat;
the tiger had just a petty lead;
the baboon could have won another day;
some empathized with the poor king;
his soul shook, his nerves were frayed;
but the tigers couldn t yet take control;
for the jungle had some stringent laws;
they lacked some votes to reach their goal;
their lead it seemed, was a bit too small.
the baboon saw a proposal lurch ;
to sign a trade with the lion s den;
he turned it down but the animals urged;
they wanted their hero at the helm;
atlast he yielded to the creatures


the baboon and lion were at the wheel;

the tigers pride hung out to dry;
their wounds took some time to heal;

and so the toothless lion was back in sway ;

the devious hyenas could only drool;
with time the baboon lost its say;
the lion, it seems, wasn t a fool.

- divyansh IIT

....a DAY will Come....

A day will come when we will DIE
There will be no sadness and no one will CRY.
We will share our sorrows, under the open SKY
Because a day will come, when we will DIE.
When we were small, there was no TENSION
We were too tiny for this world, like Chemical SUSPENSION.
We played a lot of games like HIDE and SEEK
We had a lot of friends- some fat some WEAK.
Then we went to school and it was the best part of LIFE
A lot of fun and nuisance, was very obvious and RIFE.
We gave a lot of exams, we made a lot of FRIENDS
But NO, not at all, this is not how it ENDS.
Then came a crucial phase and we were at the edge of KNIFE
As we got our jobs, we became Husband or WIFE.
The schedule got hectic, handling was not at all EASY
Along with work we got kids, implies that we got much more BUSY.
Days passed, life dragged and we turned old SUDDENLY
Now knees hurt, neck pains, we guess it happened too EARLY.
Now when we look into the past, tears come out of our EYES
As we never thought to rest, always wanted to run and RISE.

Hard, but we should accept that this is how it all GOES

Every flower dies, no matter tulip or ROSE.
Likewise a day will come, when we will DIE
There will be no sorrows and no one will CRY.

Say it for

I am crying right now. I got a heart, it FEARS!

That guy bullied me again. I am here alone with my TEARS.
No matter what do I do, she is there to SUPPORT.
Be it my head injury; be it my failing REPORT.
I went to Mars one night and I saw an alien SCREAMING.
Later when she woke me up, realized that I was DREAMING.
Alien was searching for

M ; it was a new born I GUESS.

I helped in finding its way; it offered me a new DRESS.

No matter how much I lie, no matter how much I FIGHT.
Yes I do wrong her, but she always do me RIGHT.
You must have had a Perk. You must have had a GEM!
She is better than all of them; she is the sweetest

M !

Once, when I was young, I planned to reach the SKY.

When I was done with my packing, I wondered, how to FLY?
M told me not to worry; one day you will be HIGH.
Now go, call Superman, learn from him and don t CRY.
OK! Now listen M , this life is a video GAME.
I promise you, one day, I ll be in the hall of FAME.
Hey M ! You re the most special and I can say it ALOUD.
I will hold my pace, win the race and make you PROUD.
If you read/listen this, come on now go and tell HER.
She is a Wonder Woman; no matter she got no FUR.

Let us all say it for

M , with father, sister and BROTHER.

Oh! I forgot to tell this, M

for Mom,


- ritesh ku verma

------------------------------------THE BOY AND THE MOON

dark was the day darker was the night
my eyes couldnt see though the sun shone bright
the day went and night gone
and there i stood all alone
i saw the moon and moon seemed cry
i asked he told " to listen this you should be bold
friend of mine , the dark was of sun and light was of mine
she left me , she did a disgarce
she didnt peep my heart but blots of my face
so i can feel the pain you gain"
i after a while and after a smile
"you listen i say , she glides and she sway
her eyes are lake , she coughs and i wake
if i am mud , she is a rose
she is not mine , i am the cause
the light you loved , the light you preached
my love reaches there , your light hasnt reached
she lives in my blood and she dies when it drains
the things i deserve are only my pains.
though not mine that drink of divine
i hope , i pray all my night and day
the laugh i lost , the tear that roll
should bless her , should save her and give her my soul
i shouted as i wept
the moon quietly left and one more night gone
and there i stood again all alone.
- parmit sihag

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