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Execution of Huawei 3G files on CME

In order to Execute the XML generated by Datasafe for the changes to be Made on Huawei 3G CME for 2G
External Definitions and Neighbors You will need to Execute, Activate and synchronize the file. Please
follow the steps below.

1. Please ensure you have identified, Executed and accepted your discrepancy in Datasafe

2. Please load and login to Huawei CME on your machine

3. Go to Area Management>> Planned Area>>Create Planned

4. In The Create Planned Area Window Give an Appropriate Name to your Planned Area for
e.g. USERNAME_GSMCHANGE and Select the RNC from list of Nodes (If you dont see the
RNC/BSCs listed in the List of Nodes. Please contact your M2000 Administrator to assign
appropriate rights on M2000 Nodes.

5. Once the Planned Area has opened please select the RNC in Left hand pane of the CME and
go to UMTS Application>>Import Data >> Import NBI Data

6. In Import NBI Data window please select Import All as CnOperator and click Next

7. In Select File Path window You will see all the File listed that are available for execution.
Please select the most current file with your Username_datetime by click the Check box
available next to the file name.
Please also ensure that you check the Load The Script Executor After Import option at
the bottom of the window after selecting your file and click Next.

8. The CME will then execute the file. Once the Job is finished you will see the Status of your
execution and you would be able to view the MML file generated by CME to be activated on
CME by clicking the Link available on the CME window.

Please click the Finish Button to proceed to next step.

9. On Clicking Finish on Finish button the Script Executor will be loaded automatically. The
Creator of the Job will be User logged in e.g. onekp in the case below and the summary task
result would be No Op or No Operation. Please right click on your Job select Activate
Project>> Best Effort. This will start the execution of the file. Please wait for the complete
execution of the file.

You will see a Success message displayed as summary task result if your job executes
successfully on CME.

10. Now we that you are done with Execution and Activation of the file on CME. The last step
is the Syncronziation of Your Planned Area with RNC/M2000/LMT. This is a simple
process. Please select the RNC again in the Left Pane of the window.
Go to Area Management>> Planned Area>> Synchronize Planned Area

11. Please select your Planned Area and RNC in the Synchronize Configuration Data in
Planned Area Window and select Okay. This will start the sync of your changes with RNC
and LMT.

12. You can then verify your changes using CME by going to UMTS Application>> RAN
Panoramic Brower.
Within RAN Panoramic Brower You can browse through various reports displaying
current Data synchronized with your network elements. The GSM CELL INFO. Will display
information related to External GSM cells.

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