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Date: 5/26/15

Teacher: Ms. Kathryn Hale

School: Awesome Elementary

Class: KIN 355

Equipment: 4 Cones to indicate playing area
Time: 10:20am
Term: Summer
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): NASPE Standards 1, 2, 4,
Specific Objective: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to safely tag their opponents while
working with others, while staying within the restrictions of the directions.
Concomitant Objective: The students will stay physically active until every player has been tagged.

Procedures Followed
Warm Up: NONE NEEDED, because students will be running in the actual
game which will increase heart rate
- When I say go, students put their toes on the green line
- Set induction given there.

Set Induction:
- With toes on green line
- Ask Have any of you ever played the game Pac-Man?
- Pac-Man was once a very popular video game, but today were going
turn that video game into our own version of Pac-Man tag!
- Explain Learnable Piece
Learnable Piece:
- Today you will be learning how to work together to reach a common
- That includes communicating, and strategizing with your fellow PacMen.
- Your goal is to work together in order to as many people as possible.
- When I say go I need you to find a place to stand along the white
line, inside the cones. Be sure you spread out and have lots of room.
When you find your spot give me two thumbs up.
Presentation of New Material/Directions:
- Once students find a spot and all present two thumbs up, then explain
- In the game Pac-Man tag, we start with 1 Pac-Man. That players goal is
to try to tag as many people as possible.
o Have a volunteer or choose for 1st Pac-Man

In order for others to know who is a Pac-Man, Pac-Mans must wiggle

their arms in front of them while moving. (Demonstrates)
Once youve been tagged, you also become a Pac-Man.
You must then work together in order to tag all of your opponents.
The last person standing, that hasnt been tagged, is the winner
However, theres one catch! All players must stay on/follow the white
lines on the court like you would if you were inside the video game. If



you go off/outside the white line, youre out!

o Watch out for others around you when moving on the white
o When tagging others lightly touch their shoulder(s) to tag
o If you are a Pac-Man, be careful wigging your arms so you dont
hit others.
- Checking for Understanding:
o What should a Pac-Man look like?
o Where must you stay?
o How do we tag?
o Any questions about the Game? Give me a thumbs up if you
Guided Activity Time with Corrective Feedback:

Transition: Freeze!
- Students return to green line after game is over.




Possible Modifications:
- Start game with two Pac-Men
- Include ghosts to tag/freeze the Pac-Man
- Reduce the size of the game area
Lesson Review/Checking for Understanding:
- Questions:
o Who can show me how we tag safely?
o What are two ways you worked together with your fellow PacMen to tag the most people?
o What worked well? What didnt? How did you fix it?
o Good!
o Teacher: Focus on learnable piece above.
Great job working together everyone!
I really liked the team work that I saw!

- 4 cones
to outline
the white
lines of
the court

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