Synopsis: Title Strategy and Trends of Retail Sector in India Objective

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Strategy and trends of Retail sector in India


1. To study the existing strategies of Indian Retail Players.

2. To know the future prospects of retail sector in India.
3. To know whether the retail sector in India is organized.
4. To analyse the trends and problems of retail sector in India.

Problem identification

The project is all about identifying the various strategies, trends, hurdles and scope of the
retail market in India. India being a huge country carries a large number of retail players which
we are supposed to analyze. We are further expected to mark the various aspects of the retail
sector in India.

Data sources

1. Internet -
2. Magazine -
3. Articles in NEWS Papers-
4. Published data and reports-

Method of data collection

1. Questionnaire
2. Observation
3. Schedule
4. Interview
5. survey

Important terms

 Specialist stores
 Supermarkets, superstores, hypermarkets.
 Category killers
 The wheel of the retailing
 Retail life cycle
 Retail mix
 Retail supply chain
 Loyalty cards
 Retail Management Information System
 Bid-rent theory
 Solus or freestanding sitereilly’s law
 Outlet profitability
 Point-of-purchase displays


During the preparation of the project report, We’ll illustrate the various cases from the
top retail players like Wallmart, Pantaloons, Big Bazaar, Spensor, More, Reliance fresh,


The retail industry is too large and it has a growing potential in India. We are expected to face
various problems and limitations while preparing the project. Since India is a huge country and it is very
complex to measure the whole industry in India as well as in the world. The retail sector is not so
organized in India which is a kind of limitation for undertaking the project report.

Moreover the Time constraints are another problem to us.

Chapter wise plan of the dissertation

CHAPTER-1 Introduction
In this section we’ll discuss about the evolution of the retail industry, major players,
competitors, technology, etc.
CHAPTER-2 A brief description of various retail organisatons in India
In this section we have to discuss about the various players in retail industry. We we’ll
further discuss about promotional activities and strategies etc.
CHAPTER-3 Research methodology
In this section we have to discuss about the population, sample frame, sample size,
sample units, sample technique, research design and various types of data used in projects.
CHAPTER-4 Analysis and interpretations of data
In this section we have to analyze the data collected and prepare results from these
CHAPTER-5 Limitations
In this section we have to discuss about the problem that will be occurred in
undertaking the dissertation.
CHAPTER-5 Conclusion
In this section we have to conclude the results
CHAPTER-6 Suggestions and recommendations
In this section we have to suggest as well as recommend on the given problem.
CHAPTER-7 Reference
Here we’ll describe the various sources from where the references has been taken.

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