Final2 - RBU - Guidelines For Students

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for Students
Faculty of Accountancy,
Finance and Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman
University College
For internal circulation only.
All rights reserved.

Industrial Training: FAFB_S

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Table of Contents

1.1 Course Objectives........................................................................................................3
1.2 Course Learning Outcomes.........................................................................................3
1.3 Teaching Learning And Assessment Strategy.............................................................3
1.4 Industrial Training Committee....................................................................................4
Duration of Industrial Training..........................................................................................4
Application of Industrial Training......................................................................................4
Briefing to Students by Programme Leader/Course Coordinator/Internship Tutor...........5
Students Codes of Conduct during Industrial Training Application.................................5
5.1 Companies for Industrial Training...............................................................................5
5.2 Allowances for Industrial Training..............................................................................6
Confirmation of Industrial Training Placement.................................................................6
Students Codes of Conduct during Industrial Training.....................................................7
7.1 Observance of Rules & Regulations............................................................................7
7.2 Attendance & Leave Application................................................................................7
7.3 Disciplinary Action by the University College...........................................................8
7.4 Insurance Coverage & Claim Procedures....................................................................8
Academic Staffs Industrial Training Visit.........................................................................9
Reports for Industrial Training...........................................................................................9
9.1 Reports by Industrial Training Supervisor..................................................................9
Report on Trainees Attendance...........................................................................9
Confidential Report on Trainee............................................................................9
9.2 Reports by Students...................................................................................................10
Industrial Training Diary....................................................................................10
Guidelines to Prepare Industrial Training Diary................................................10
Industrial Training Report..................................................................................13
Guidelines to Prepare Industrial Training Report..............................................13
10 Assessment of the Industrial Training..............................................................................16
11 Problems Enquiry during Industrial Training..................................................................17
12 Appendices.......................................................................................................................17

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All Bachelor (Honours) Degree students in the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
are reminded that Industrial Training course is compulsory as part of the requirements for
graduation. Students who did not complete the industrial training will not be able to graduate
from the degree programme.


Course Objectives

The inclusion of the course in the programme is:

1. To expose students to the real business environment and practices.
3. To provide students with hands-on experience in business environment setting.
Course Learning Outcomes


Upon completion of the course, students should be able:

CLO1: Relate and apply the concepts and theories of operating a business.
CLO2: Show professional ethics and responsibilities in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
CLO3: Accept new ideas and capacity to pursue higher level of study and lifelong learning.
CLO4: Demonstrate team spirit, communication and leadership skills.


Teaching Learning and Assessment Strategy

a) Practical Training
Students will be placed in an organisation for a minimum period of 12 weeks. At the
end of the 12 weeks, students are required to write a report about the training
experience in the company.
b) Work-based learning
Students will be placed in an organisation to study the work related issues of the
company over a period of at least 12 weeks. At the end of the 12 weeks, students are
required to present their findings about the issues which includes the recommended
solutions for the issues.


Programme Industrial Training Committee

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The Programme Industrial Training Committee comprises of Course Coordinators Internship

Tutors, and Assistant Registrars will handle the overall industrial training process for each
Students are advised to refer to the following staff on all matters related to their industrial
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hons.)

Course Coordinators

Internship Tutor

Duration of Industrial Training

Students who registered for a Bachelor (Honours) Degree programme will undergo their
industrial training before the end of their studies.
Students must complete the industrial training for a period as stipulated by the Faculty during
their course of study in the University College.

3 Warning Status and Final Warning Status

A student who is on Warning status (SW) or Final Warning status (SF) is not
allowed to register for industrial training course.

4 Application of Industrial Training

Students are required to apply for internship placement to companies of
their choice independently.
Apply to Company Directly by Students
It is advisable for students to apply to companies they are familiar or keen
to work for with regards to their future career development. Steps
involved are:
1. Students to contact the company in advance to enquire on the availability of internship
2. Students must present their resume together with job application letter
during the industrial training application via post, email or hand it in
personally to the company.
3. Students need to follow up with the company to check on their application status via
telephone call.
4. Students must present the Standard Letter for Industrial Training Application from the
Faculty and Acceptance Letter from Employer (Industrial Training: FAFB_EmpF01) to
the company that they are offered for industrial training.

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5. Students to request the company to complete the Acceptance Letter from Employer
(Industrial Training: FAFB_EmpF01) with company stamp then send reply through the
student or directly post or fax to the Faculty before the date as stipulated in the
Acceptance Letter from Employer (Industrial Training: FAFB_EmpF01).
6. A new Standard Letter for Industrial Training from the Faculty will be given only if
the student can prove the failure of the previous application to the relevant assigned
Internship Tutor.
7. Students who have secured a placement and have informed their
placement to the
relevant assigned Internship Tutors are strictly
prohibited to change the training company without valid reasons.
8. Students shall inform the relevant assigned Internship Tutors if they
failed in their attempts to secure a placement for industrial training.
Students are expected to seek for their own training company, failing
which means he/she must accept any company assign to him
regardless of location. The relevant assigned Internship Tutors will not
guarantee to place the students to their choice of company or location.

Briefing to Students by Programme Leader/Course Coordinator/Internship Tutor

Students are required to attend a compulsory briefing before going for industrial training.
The relevant assigned Programme Leader/Course Coordinator / Internship Tutor will conduct
the first briefing to guide students on the application of industrial training placement.
Subsequently, a second briefing will be conducted to guide students on their codes of conduct
and report writing before the commencement of industrial training.
Prior to the undertaking of industrial training, students are required to complete and submit
the following documents to the relevant assigned Internship Tutor:


Students to complete and submit the Letter of Indemnity in duplicate copies; and
Students to inform their parents/guardians and to complete and submit the Parents
Acknowledgement Form (Industrial Training: FAFB_SF01); and
Students to apply for industrial training with the Standard Letter for Industrial Training
Application from the Faculty and send the Acceptance Letter from Employer (Industrial
Training: FAFB_EmpF01) to accepting training company for completion and reply
through the student or directly post/fax to the Faculty.
Students Codes of Conduct during Industrial Training Application
Companies for Industrial Training
It is the responsibility of students to source for the suitable companies related to their
discipline of study to undertake their industrial training.
Students are NOT allowed to undergo industrial training at companies which are
wholly/directly owned by their parents or relatives.

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Students are allowed to undergo industrial training at companies in Malaysia. At this

point of time, students may also apply for training outside Malaysia such as Singapore
and Brunei, with prior approval from the Dean of FAFB.
The discretion of whether or not to accept the student as an industrial
trainee lies entirely with the company and not with the Faculty.
Students should prepare themselves conversantly for the job interview,
e.g. the company may test students on their knowledge and skills of
the relevant subject areas.
Students are required to comply with the contract that stipulates the
terms and conditions of industrial training between the student and the
company. In no way should the students breach the contract entered
into by themselves and the company.
For industrial training undertaken outside Malaysia, students are
required to fulfil the immigration requirements of the chosen country;
find their own sponsor for the application of training/working permit;
keep the permit valid throughout the course of industrial training and
to return home upon expiry of the training/working permit.
Unless otherwise sponsored by the company to undergo industrial
training outside Malaysia, students are required to bear all the costs
and expenses including but not limited to visa fees, medical check-up
fees and all other medical expenses, travelling expenses, personal
maintenance and lodging expenses, repatriation expenses and any
miscellaneous expenses as stipulated by the relevant authorities or the
Allowances for Industrial Training
The relevant assigned Internship Tutors will not be responsible in
negotiation of any subsistence such as allowance for students with the
Students shall be grateful to the company that provides guidance and
advice which will complement their personal growth.
The provision of allowance, accommodation and transportation is
within the discretion of the company.
If the company has decided to give the students a fixed allowance or
none, no further negotiation on allowance with the company is allowed.
If a student is found to have demanded extra allowance after he/she
has been placed at the company, he/she may subject to disciplinary
action by the University College.
Confirmation of Industrial Training Placement

Confirmation Letter of Industrial Training Placement for Student and

Training Company (Industrial Training: FAFB_F01 and F02) will be prepared
and distributed prior to the commencement of industrial training.
Any decision taken by the Industrial Training Committee on student
placement is final. If the relevant assigned Internship Tutor successfully
places a student in a company, and the placement has been confirmed,
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then the placement is considered final. Students are not allowed to swap
or exchange industrial training placements between students without the
permission from the company and Faculty.



Students Codes of Conduct during Industrial Training

Observance of Rules & Regulations
Students are required to observe and follow the prevailing corporate
practice of the industry and company. Students should present
themselves at all times as a respectable industrial trainee of the
company and practitioner of their chosen discipline.
The rules and regulations of the University College govern students
conduct during the industrial training period. Students industrial
training contract with the company governs their time and effort that
they will spend with the company.
Students are reminded to uphold the good name of the University
College, abide by the codes of conduct of the University College, the
Company, the Industry, the terms of industrial training contract, and
any other relevant rules and regulations at all times during the course
of their industrial training.
Students should also keep abreast with the developments in Faculty via
e-learning system (CeL).
Students should seek assistance if they encounter any problem relating
to their industrial training. Students are required to contact the
Industrial Training Supervisor or the Internship Coordinator and shall
document and resolve the arising problem.
Attendance & Leave Application
All students are reminded that attendance and punctuality must be observed at all times
during the industrial training.
Students should inform the company and the Faculty as soon as possible should any
sickness or accident occurs during the industrial training period that requires medical
care. Students should endeavour to take care of their health and well-being at all times.
Most companies would not provide medical care to industrial trainees.
Students must not miss any day of the industrial training. In case of emergency, the
students must inform both the Industrial Training Supervisor and the relevant assigned
Internship Coordinator. Any absenteeism or late attendance without valid reasons may
result in failing the industrial training course.
Students are not allowed to apply leave during the industrial training unless with the
approval of the relevant training company.
Students who are unable to attend the industrial training for more than SIX (6) days due
to sick or emergency leave will be considered as not fulfilling the requirements and thus
be required to repeat the industrial training completely.

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Any student who stops his industrial training prematurely without prior approval from the
Faculty will also fail the industrial training course.
Disciplinary Action by the University College
Any breach of discipline on the student part and/or unfavourable report from the training
companies would be viewed very seriously by the University College.
Students will be served a written warning and/or subject to disciplinary action if they are
proved to breach any terms and conditions of the industrial training or any rules and
regulations of the Company and University College.
Any student who fails to complete the industrial training satisfactorily will face
disciplinary actions which may include deferment of the degree award until the student
has made good of the deficiency in industrial training satisfactorily.

Insurance Coverage & Claim Procedures

A Student Personal Accident Insurance Scheme insures all students of the University
College. The policy will cover the students for accidents round the clock, anywhere in the
world. In addition, students can also claim for medical treatment for injuries sustained in
an accident. In the event of death of the policy holder, funeral expenses would also be
Copies of the Insurance Policys terms and conditions are available at the Department of
Student Affairs (DSA) for reference.

Insurance Claim Procedures for Fatal Accident

Parent(s) of the deceased student to inform DSA.

Parent(s) to submit the completed insurance claim form to DSA.
Parent(s) to attach certified true copy of the death certificate, burial permit, deceased
students NRIC and birth certificate, police report, post mortem report and parents NRIC
(both sides on one page).
Parent(s) to attach photocopy of bills for all funeral expenses.
DSA will contact parent(s) when the cheque is ready.

Insurance Claim Procedures for Non-Fatal Accident

When student(s) injured while playing games, bitten by insect or animal, e.g. dengue
fever, dog bite and etc, student(s) to see doctor.
Student(s) to pay the bills and keep the receipts.
Student(s) to refer to DSA enquiry counter for details.
Student(s) to fill up insurance claim form.
Student(s) to attach receipts.
DSA will contact student(s) when the cheque is ready.

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Academic Staffs Industrial Training Visit

Academic Staff is required to conduct visit, if necessary for students who are undergoing
industrial training with company located in Selangor or Kuala Lumpur.
For company that is located outside of Selangor or Kuala Lumpur, the Academic Staff is
required to contact the Industrial Training Supervisor by telephone.
Before the visit, Academic Staff is required to contact the Industrial Training Supervisor
of the student to make prior arrangement for the visit.
During the visit, Academic Staff needs to bring along the Industrial Training Visit Report
(Industrial Training: FAFB_F03) to obtain feedback from the Industrial Training
Supervisor and students.
Academic Staff needs to look at the students daily logs and any reports that the student
has written during their visit.
Academic Staff is required to discuss with the students on any problems encountered and
to discuss with the Industrial Training Supervisor regarding the overall performance of
the trainees.
Academic Staff are allowed to submit their travelling claim for the visit according to the
mileage allowance of the University College.

10 Reports for Industrial Training

Students must document their industrial training experience and log their
activity daily. On completion of the industrial training period, students
must submit written reports to the Faculty. The Industrial Training
Supervisor will also submit a report on trainees performance to the
Faculty at the end of the industrial training.
10.1 Reports by Industrial Training Supervisor
10.1.1 Report on Trainees Attendance
All students reporting for duty on the first day of industrial training must request the
Industrial Training Supervisor to complete and return the Report on Trainees Attendance
(Industrial Training: FAFB_EmpF02) to the relevant assigned Internship
Coordinator/Tutor by fax or post within ONE (1) week after they have reported for duty.
Failing to do so without valid reasons may render the student to fail the Industrial Training
10.1.2 Confidential Report on Trainee
All students are required to give a copy of the Employers Confidential Evaluation
(Industrial Training: FAFB_EmpF03) to the Industrial Training Supervisor before the end
of the industrial training period. The Industrial Training Supervisor is required to return the
completed form to the trainee under confidential cover for submission to the Faculty together
with the Industrial Training Diary and Report within ONE (1) week upon completion of the
industrial training.

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10.2 Reports by Students

10.2.1 Industrial Training Diary
All students undergoing industrial training are required to keep a diary of their daily training
activities. The main purpose is to provide an authenticated record of the industrial training
which may come in useful when applying for membership of professional institutions at a
later date.
The Industrial Training Diary must be submitted to the relevant assigned Internship
Coordinator/Tutor for marking within ONE (1) week upon completion of the industrial
All students must observe the requirements given in the Guidelines to Prepare Industrial
Training Diary.
10.2.2 Guidelines to Prepare Industrial Training Diary
In preparing the Industrial Training Diary, all students must observe the following
requirements/guidelines to ensure that uniformity is maintained. Students who wish to deviate
from these requirements/guidelines must obtain prior approval from the Faculty.

The Industrial Training Diary should comprise of descriptions on daily activities related
to work / project / company and must include approval documents for leave of absence
from the training organisations and/or medical certificate, if applicable.

No duplication of report will be accepted.

The Industrial Training Diary must be initiated by the Industrial Training Supervisor at
the end of each week.

The Industrial Training Diary should be type written single-sided on A4 size papers in
accordance to the format as shown in the subsequent page.

The Industrial Training Diary should be properly bound (stapler & tape) with a suitable
front cover indicating the name of company, name of student, programme of study and
academic year. The colour of front cover should be blue.

The front cover of Industrial Training Diary should follow the format as shown in the
subsequent page.

Students shall make additional copy for their own personal keeping. All Industrial
Training Diaries will become the property of the Faculty upon submission. The copyright
of all Industrial Training Diaries belongs to the Faculty.

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Front Cover of Industrial Training Diary

Industrial Training Diary

<Name of Company>
From <Start Date> To <End Date>

Prepared By
<Name of Student>
<Programme of Study>
Department of
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Kuala Lumpur

<Academic Session>

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Format of Industrial Training Diary

Industrial Training Diary
Weekly Activity Log
Name of Trainee:
Name of Company:
Day of the


Projects / Activities







Endorsement by the Industrial Training Supervisor:

The above is a true record of activities taken by the trainee in the captioned week.
Signature of Supervisor:
Name of Supervisor:


Company Stamp / Chop:

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10.2.3 Industrial Training Report

The Industrial Training Report should provide a much fuller account of the industrial training
than the diary. Beside the subject matter on the industrial training itself, the report must also
include the following:
To what extent the students have benefited from the industrial training; and
Whether the industrial training received is satisfactory.
In the report, the students are NOT required to:
Reveal any commercial or technical confidentiality of the training organisations or make
uncalled for or irrelevant criticism. The students should be grateful for the industrial
training that have been provided; and
Comment on the management structure of the company, and not pry into
management/staff/union relationships.
The Industrial Training Report must be submitted to the relevant assigned Internship
Coordinator/Tutor for marking within ONE (1) week upon completion of the industrial
All students must observe the requirements given in the Guidelines to Prepare Industrial
Training Report
10.2.4 Guidelines to Prepare Industrial Training Report
In preparing the Industrial Training Report, all students must observe the following
requirements/guidelines to ensure that uniformity is maintained. Students who wish to deviate
from these requirements/guidelines must obtain prior approval from the Faculty.

The Industrial Training Report should comprise of at least 3000 words and may include
photographs, tabulations, drawings, graphs, flowcharts, computer programmes, etc.,
which must be clearly annotated.

No duplication of report will be accepted.

All students must submit the Industrial Training Report to Industrial Training Supervisor
for vetting and comments before the end of the industrial training period.

The Industrial Training Report should be type written single-sided on A4 size papers with
1.5 spacing, font size 12 and Times New Roman. Margin spacing should be observed for
each page as given below:
o Top edge margin: 3cm
o Right hand margin: 2.5 cm
o Left hand margin: 3cm
o Bottom edge margin: 2.5 cm

The Industrial Training Report should be properly bound (stapler & tape) with a suitable
front cover indicating the name of company, name of student, programme of study and
academic year. The front cover should be blue.

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Students shall make additional copy for their own personal keeping. All Industrial
Training Reports will become the property of the Faculty upon submission. The copyright
of all Industrial Training Reports belongs to the Faculty.

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The contents of Industrial Training Report should include the following:

(i) Front Cover of Industrial Training Report

Industrial Training Report

<Name of Company>
From <Start Date> To <End Date>

Prepared By
<Name of Student>
<Programme of Study>
Department of
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance & Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Kuala Lumpur

<Academic Session>

(ii) Declaration
The report submitted herewith is a result of my own works. All information that has been
obtained from other sources had been fully acknowledged. I understand that plagiarism
constitutes a breach of University College rules and regulations and would be subjected to
disciplinary actions.
----------------------<Name of Student>
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<Expression of appreciation to the company, faculty, individuals, etc.>

<Summary of report with 200 to 300 words>
(v) Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
a. Industrial training scheme
<A brief description on the course objectives, duration, etc.>
b. Industrial training scopes
<A summary of trainees job functions, roles, and responsibilities, etc. in the
c. Background and details of company, organisation and industry
d. Functions, business objectives and missions of company/organisation
e. Structures of organisation/project
f. Training department
<Explain the structure and activities of training department which you were placed in>
g. Training personnel
<Describe the names, job positions and working relationships among the personnel of
training organisation and department>
Chapter 2 to N: Relevant Topics
<Describe the project background, job responsibilities, experiences and details of work
undertaken, etc.>
Chapter N + 1: Conclusions & Recommendations
<State your opinion regarding experiences in the industry and future expectation, etc.>
<Recommendations, if any, regarding the scheme of Industrial Training or on the training,
List of references (books, manuals, etc.) according to Harvard referencing system:
Authors family name, Initial(s). Year, Title of book, Edition (if any), Publisher, Place of
(vii) Appendices
<May include photographs, tabulations, drawings, graphs, flowcharts, computer programmes,
etc., which must be clearly annotated>

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11 Assessment of the Industrial Training

Assessment of this course is based on:
Part A: Confidential Report on Trainee (40%)
Part B: Industrial Training Diary & Report & Presentation (60%)
Part A: Confidential Report on Trainee (40%)
Students are assessed on their continuous performance during the industrial training in
accordance to the following criteria on a 4-points scale:
1. Operation knowledge
2. Dependability
3. Initiatives
4. Commitment
5. Quality of Work
6. Working Relationship with staff
7. Discipline
8. Communication Skills
9. Punctuality
10. Attendance
Part B: Industrial Training Diary & Report (60%)
Students are assessed on the contents of Industrial Training Diary and Report which are stated
in the Industrial Training Marking Scheme prepared by the Course Coordinator.
A minimum 50% of final marks must be attained in order to pass the industrial training.
Students who failed to achieve minimum final marks may be required to make-good the
training reports within the given time frame for resubmission based on extenuating reasons.
However, the award of marks can only be given up to a maximum of 50% for any satisfactory
make-good students.
No duplication of report will be accepted.

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12 Problems and Enquiry during Industrial Training

Should students have any problem relating to their industrial training, they should consult or
contact their respective Internship Tutor as per assigned.
13 Appendices
The following appendices are made available together with this guideline for students further
Industrial Training: FAFB_SF01: Parents Acknowledgement Form
Industrial Training: FAFB_SF02: Letter of Consent
Industrial Training: FAFB_SF03: Job Scope Descriptions

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30 June 2015
Parent/Guardian of Student Concerned
Bachelor (Honours) Degree Industrial Training (19 January 2015 to 12 April 2015)
I wish to inform you that your son/daughter/ward in the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and
Business, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College will be undergoing Industrial Training scheduled
for the period as stated above. This Industrial Training course is a requirement in order for students to
graduate from their Degree studies, it is an essential and integral part of the educational programme
conducted by the Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business.
I shall be grateful if you could return the Parents Acknowledgement Form below before 31
December 2014.
Thank you.
Department of Economics & Corporate Administration
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Department of Economics & Corporate Administration
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Dear Sir/Madam
Bachelor (Honours) Degree Industrial Training (19 January 2015 to 12 April 2015)
Parents Acknowledgement Form
I hereby acknowledge that my son/daughter/ward* will be undergoing Industrial Training scheduled
for the period as stated above.
Particulars of my son/daughter/ward* are given below:
Student Reg. No.


Signature of Parent / Guardian

N.R.I.C. No.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.

Industrial Training: FAFB_SF01


I, ________________________ NRIC NO: _____________________
hereby consents that Kolej Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR
UC) discloses any or all my personal data to prospective companies
for the sole purpose of industrial training placement. I hereby release
TAR UC from all liabilities on account of such disclosure above.



Name in Capital Letters:




Industrial Training: FAFB_SF02



Company secretarial services


Corporate administration / operation


Human resource management


Regulation and compliances related work


Tax services


Finance / accounting related works


Corporate governance and ethics


Corporate communication


Customer service / marketing


Information system


Others (if any):

Industrial Training: FAFB_SF03

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