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Ghost Hunt

By Ono Fuyumi

Ghost Hunt
I don't mind Evil Spirits! (Part 2)

! ( )

Chapter 8
13th of August, 11.00 pm - 12.00 midnight /

There is no one left.

I looked blankly at Narus snow white face. Naru smiled at me.
Look closely.
With that, his white fingers pointed towards one of the walls. I looked
through and beyond the wall that he pointed towards.
I stared in front of me. Not only the walls and floors; everything around
me was transparent. The outline of the dark school compound was
connected by fine lines; there were many lights floating towards that
There are many will-o-the-wisps gathered in the tea room on the first
Yeah, and can you see something else?
There are also flickering spirits floating around.
Small, white will-o-the-wisps floated around the first floor. On a count,
there were 21 of them.
And then?
Naru asked me.
Theres still something?
The other things?
I studied my surroundings once more, and found a few bright lights.

Nearest to me, there was a light which glowed pink. I could see a figure
inside the light that was me, sitting in the corner.
In the next classroom there was a pale red glow; I could see a person
vaguely inside it.
Its Bou-san!
Bou-san was just in the next classroom. He was leaning against the wall,
and looked deep in thought.
still alive
The instance the words left my mouth, an idea suddenly flashed across
my mind. I had stood up on the stairs after I had risen, there was no
one there; I didnt see anyone either when I searched the second floor.
So thats how it was.
I turned to look at Naru, who was smiling beside me.
Could it be, that to Bou-san, we are the ones that disappeared?
If thats the case, if thats so, then could it be that John, Masako, and
everyone else, are in similar situations?
Its probably like that.
Narus voice was really very gentle.
Turning my gaze towards the first floor, there were several figures in the
vestibule. John was pacing while mumbling to himself; Naru sat by the
wall; Yasuhara sat beside him; Masako stood by the other end. Each of
them was surrounded by a pale glow. Although I call the glow white, it
was mixed with other extremely pale colors.
In the first floor corridor I could see Ayako and Lin-san. Ayako was just
walking out from the inside; Lin-san was just about to walk inwards. The

two of them looked like they were about to collide, but for an instance
the two of them appeared to overlap, and then they separated.
Ah ne? Whats going on?
I pointed at the two of them; Naru nodded.
Everyone is still here, but do not know of each others existences.
How can this be? I was so happy, I wanted to cry. Everyone was still
alright, no one was missing. Thank goodness.
Then what should I do now?
As I finished my question, Naru placed a hand on my shoulder.
It should be about time. Its alright. You can do it even if you are by
That is to say, there is a possibility that I cant do it?
No. Have you calmed down yet?
This place is still temporarily safe, so you dont need to worry. Try doing
it again.
Try it again?
Naru nodded.
Right. You come out by yourself, instead of me pulling you out.
Come out by myself, instead of being pulled out
If thats the case, have you always been the one who has made me
Could it be that this is what a sign is?
Naru did not answer me; he merely gave me a brilliant smile.

Go back to your body first, and then try again.

After you go back, tense your body up and curl up.
Right. Put all your energy into it. Clasp your hands tightly in front of
your chest with your palms facing up.
Like this? I followed what Naru said and demonstrated it for him. Naru
Yeah. After this, slowly control your breathing. Then, start to dissipate
your energy from your fingertips.
I dont quite understand.
Focus all your energy within, breathe slowly. While you are breathing,
forget how you are breathing. Inhale, then exhale; repeat this 3 times.
Feel your energy being drawn out, starting from your fingertips.
Three times, is it?
It is alright however many times you do it. But every three times, draw
out a little more energy. After the fingertips, the wrists release them in
order. Relax both shoulders, then your feet. Like with your wrists and
fingertips, release each part in order after an interval. Do you
Yeah, got it!
After all the energy in your limbs has been released, next are the waist
and the abdomen. Although the posture is a little strange, dont worry
about it. If you feel like youre going to fall over, just fall over.
After youve released all the energy up to your neck, think about the
problem with Kirishima just a passing thought. If you cant feel that

easily, then think about the will-o-the-wisps in the tea room, then
connect that to the word Kirishima, and that should do it.
I understand.
When youre about to awake, you have to remember your own body.
because you have to do this to safely return to your own body.
Yeah. Let me try. But, how should I go and persuade him?
Naru smiled, a prince-like smile.
Show him the light.
The light?
Yeah. Im not too sure about this myself. But according to the ideology
that heaven and hell exist, I think that doing such should be correct.
Humans are made of the body and the spirit.
I think that the spirit is made of two types of things: the soul and
ego; or will this term can also be used to express it: with this there is
intention and aspiration.
The ego harbors the entire soul. Because the ego is a membranous
substance, I think is easier to think of the spirit as a fluid for easier
comprehension. The soul, a shapeless substance, adapts to the form
and of the ego and behaves as one. Because the ego is transparent,
you can see the soul this has the color of water. Thats why I think
that shape and color that the ego and the soul produce together is the
spirit. Right?
In greater detail, the spirit is like water, which is made of hydrogen
and oxygen. Mood is made of particles. The particles of mood can be
positive or negative. The positive particle gives of light; the negative the
particle absorbs light.

That is to say, the positive mood is filled with sunshine, while negative
mood is grey and dark. Is that the meaning?
Right. The positive mood is light, thus the negative mood is
darkness. According to the activity of the spirit, the two types of
particles are continuously produced and released through the
transparent ego. Do you understand?
I understand. I think Ive got it.
Because the positive particle is very light, it rises continuously; because
the negative particle is heavy, it sinks. Thats why there are similar types
of light and large facilities that gather these two types.
That would be heaven and hell, wouldnt it?
Naru nodded.
After people die, they become spirits. At this time, if there are too many
negative particles, the spirit would be overburdened and sink, and vice
Does that mean to say that Kirishima-sensei and the children have
harbored too much negative mood, resulting in this?
Its just like this. The spirit sinks continuously, while the positive
mood wants to float upwards. Like this, the spirit wants to expel them.
With that, the spirit becomes even heavier, thus it prefers to expel all
of the positive particles. After this there are only negative particles
And that is an evil spirit?
Saying that, Naru lowered his head.
They didnt want to die at all, thus they could not accept the reality
that they had already died. Because of fear, grief, loneliness, suffering, they are unable to experience the happiness that exists in this world.
Poor things

A faint smile appeared on Narus face.

Because theyve gathered too much negative mood, thats why
theyve fallen into darkness. Thus, to rescue them, what needs to be
done is to give them thoughts that imbue light. Only like this, can they
become lighter and rise, only like this would it be easier for positive
mood to gather.
Buthow should I do it?
First, you have to turn into light yourself, Mai.
Turn into light?
Right. Positive mood is a warm and gentle feeling, not pity or grief. It is
a truly gentle feeling. You have to hold this kind of feeling to
communicate with them. Like this, while you are communicating, you
can release positive particles simultaneously.
It looks very difficult
Naru laughed.
Its not difficult at all. Imagine the instance you communicate your
feelings honestly and gently; just remember something that makes you
feel warm.
A warm, gentle memory
Although there are people who do not have this type of feeling in
existence, you arent one of them, right?
There are also people who sink in negative thought, which is also a
condition affecting spirits. Although this doesnt have anything to do
with life and death, the ego of living people is very thick, so it is very
difficult to pass positive particles into other people regardless of how
hard you release them. This is also a problem area for living people to
rescue spirits.
the egos of dead people are very thin?

Very thin. Believe in yourself. You definitely can do it.

Naru smiled, and gently pushed my shoulder. All at once Naru became
very far away.
Suddenly, I felt that I had returned.
Woozily, my hand jerked.
It was completely dark around me; only the window in directly in front
held a faint glow.
Somehow, I understood. If I could leave my body myself, then Naru
wouldnt have to do it anymore. Thats why just now Naru should have
given me a sign to enter the spirit state. Because we were separated,
thats why hes using this method
It must be like this
I didnt dream of Naru, but really met him.
Ah, Ive remembered it.
Masako had said before that when she had been captured by the spirit,
Naru had appeared by her side. It must have been Naru going to give
Masako encouragement.
incredible. I dont dare to believe it.
That fellow can actually do something like this
But, the Naru that I met when I left my body was very gentle he who
had left his body to become a spirit. If the ego becomes very thin
without a body, then wouldnt spirits that have left their bodies be able
to see each others real form? If that was the case, then, could it be, that
deep in Narus heart he is actually very gentle?
Ilike Naru

Following Narus instructions, I curled my body up, and placed all my

energy into it; then I controlled my breathing evenly.
Then, following the order, I let my body relax: first the hands, then the
arms. I placed my hands in front of my chest and clasped my fingers
together tightly. Then my hands fell to my knees. After that, my feet
they collapsed immediately after I drew the energy out of them. And
then my abdomen.
After releasing the energy in my neck, my head lolled immediately. Just
like this, without moving, I breathed, and felt my body about to float, as
though weightless.
After that, my body jolted.
It was an intense shock that fell my body to one side and made me
unable to breathe. I opened my eyes; it was pitch-black.
What happened? Did I fail?
Looking around the impenetrable darkness that surrounded me, my
feelings of panic ebbed slightly; small voices could be heard by my ear.
Opening my eyes wide, I perked my ears and tried to listen.
After my eyes got used to the darkness, gradually, I could see the scene
around me clearly. At the same time, I could also hear the tiny voices
There were rows of seats this was inside a bus. The seats had collapsed
and fallen over haphazardly, the vehicles windows were all shattered,
the body of the vehicle was also sloping, and the entire vehicle was filled
with intermittent groans and cries.
I heard a mans voice.
Tsumura, Takaru!

From beneath the front most seat, a man stood up.

Are you alright? Is everyone alright?
He stood up, then walked towards the back and picked up the little girl in
the seat behind.
Ai, open your eyes, are you alright?
The call sounded like a plea instead, a grief-filled plea for everyone to be
safe and sound.
The girl was already exhausted, and made a weak groan. His plea could
not pass through the girls ear.
Yoshiya() Naomi()!
He carried Ai while staggering towards the back. In the cabin, the seats
had fallen over in all directions, filling the passage way. He looked for the
children, carried Ai and walked to Tsumura, who was in the corridor, and
knelt by him. He carried Ai in one hand and Tsumura in the other. He
looked at the tragic scene around him: the practically flattened bus; the
cries of 18 children before death.
He called the childrens names while gathering their small bodies.
Obviously he could not hold so many children in his arms, but he still
tried to hug them to his chest.
Whyhow can this happen?
I heard him croak. This was the first time I heard a grown man cry.
Whywhy did this type of thing happen?
The children made soft noises they were calling for their teacher.
The pain-filled cries of the children filled the air. He fell over and wailed
in anguish.

Sensei Im scared.
Mariko cried while grasping on to his shirt. After that, all the small hands
of the children reached over, begging him for salvation.
It hurts, sensei
Im scared
He looked at the children gathered around him, and patted their hands
one by one.
Its ok, its ok
Dont worry, lets go back to the school. If we go back to school, you
dont need to be afraid anymore.
But, it hurts, I cant move.
Dont worry, sensei will take you all back safely. So, lets go back!
He smiled at the children through his tears.
My vision blurred, in a flash, tears poured down. I blinked my eyes. A
dark abyss had suddenly opened within the bus. I looked on as he held
the childrens hands and walked into it.
Wait up!
I couldnt help calling out.
Kirishima-sensei, please wait up.
He turned.
Dont go, please dont do this!
He walked back from the dark passage, face covered with dark shadows.
Why was it that what I saw was a gloomy and tragic face? The face filled
with gentleness that was present up till a moment ago no longer existed.

You cannot bring the children there. Sensei and the children are all
already dead!
In a flash he was by my side.
Please wake up, everyone is already dead. Even if you bring them back
to school there is nothing but pain they cant be happy. They cant go
home, they cant see their mothers either therell only be suffering.
Doing this isnt good at all!
He reached out and grasped my shoulder tightly. Grasping me with a
strength that made a vague bony creak, he pulled me inwards.
I was forced forwards. After that, the classroom appeared in front of me.
I stood in front of the black board. Eighteen tables lined the classroom,
with the children seated there. I faced the gaze of eighteen children.
Let me introduce a new transfer student to everyone!
Sensei said while turning to me. A gentle smile appeared on his face.
This is Taniyama. Please get along well, everyone.
Yes! The whole class answered unanimously.
Taniyama, your seat is over there. , please take care of her.
Yes! The one who replied was the oldest girl. Sensei pushed me into
the center of the classroom. Each child wore a happy smile.
Taniyama is much older than you are, so if you have any problems you
can approach her to discuss it. Taniyama, everyone is counting on
I was forced to sit on a tiny chair. Next to me, was smiling happily.
Sensei No! You cant do this
I lifted my head. A girl appeared beside Kirishima-sensei.

Sensei, it looks like we have exactly 40 people like this.

Sensei patted the girls head.
Incredible. You have counted so accurately.
Sensei, - another child called.
If its like this, then does it mean we can have another class?
Yes. We can almost start another class already.
If we have another class, then can we play dodge ball?
But, what about teachers? We have two classes but if there is only one
teacher, itll be very strange.
It wont be a problem.
Sensei smiled.
There is someone who can be a teacher.
Really. The number of teachers will increase shortly. If its like this we
have to make a teachers tea room.
Incredible the school is about to become this big, sensei.
I watched this sad dialogue between teacher and student in front of me.
The sudden tragedy created so many hurt spirits and a lonely school.
If it is lonely, then fill the school with students. If there arent any new
students enrolling, then transfer students would do as well. How lonely,

how lonely; how they yearn, they yearn I could understand this sort of
feeling; the anguish that makes one want to cry out.
Kirishima-sensei, please dont do this anymore.
Sensei looked back at me, puzzled.
Please dont continue like this! Even if the number of students in the
school increases, it wont stop this loneliness. Everyones loneliness isnt
because of the low number of students in the school, but because
everyone is already not living!
What are you talking about?
Sensei was smiling. His eyes flashed.
Everyone is already dead! It was an accident that happened during the
school trip everyone is already dead! Even if you pretend to forget, you
all still remember. Thats why everyone is in pain regardless of the time!
Even if the number of students increases, regardless of how lively the
school becomes, deep inside, everybodys hearts are filled with
loneliness because you cant continue living. It is a wound that cannot
be healed regardless of what you do.
What are you talking about?
I understand your feelings, sensei. These young girls clearly carried
dreams for the future, but all of them were destroyed when they
suddenly died. They died with horror and pain. I can understand this
type of feeling. But doing so will only make your suffering limitless. It will
only bring the same pain to the transfer students
Taniyama, you are really a strange child.
Please wake up! Everyone, please remember it!
I looked at the children who looked back at me. Somehow, the class had
swelled to 39 students.
Because of a frightening accident, everyone is already dead!

Suddenly, a boy sitting in the front row started crying. As though it was
contagious, the other students also started crying.
Is it very painful, very tragic? But the transfer students that were
brought here are also in the same pain. If you want to get rid of the pain,
the only way is to go to the other side of the bridge. If you cross the
river, the pain and suffering will disappear. Regardless of what you do
here now, the anguish will not disappear.
The classroom was filled with the sound of weeping. It was as though
they were screaming, it hurts! Although I felt it was like I was bullying
other people, this was my only choice to give everyone salvation.
Is there anyone who has gone home before? Anyone who can meet
their mothers and fathers?
Suddenly, someone grasped my wrist.
You are really a naughty child.
This is not being naughty!
It is naughty, youve made everyone cry. Dont you feel pity?
Does continuing on like this make it less pitiful?
Even if they wanted to return, they could not go; even if they wanted to
meet, they could not meet such is death. All these children have
already died. So, no matter how hard they pray, they are unable to go
back, unable to meet their parents.
My parents are already dead. If they were trapped like this, I would feel
very sad. Even if they forgot about me, I would wish they would be able
to cross that bridge and be happy. Thats why I wish everyone can be
The room was filled with cries. Right! If everyone did not forget, if it was
like this, thered only be suffering.
They are all lies!
Kirishima-sensei shouted loudly.

Whatever about dead or alive theyre all lies! We will not believe
Sensei, stop!
Dont meddle with my students!
Suddenly something flew over, and split my body. Although there was no
wound, there was soul piercing pain. My body was paralyzed.
Sensei! Please think carefully about it!
Shut up! The children and I are fine like this!
Bang! Something flew at me once more, and expelled me out into the
corridor. In the instance I hit the wall hard, I heard Narus voice.
Mai! Come back!
Go back? Go back where?
Remember your own body!

Chapter 9
14th of August, 12.00 midnight - 1.00 am /

Abruptly, I returned to my body. Looking around after regaining

consciousness, it was still pitch-black. Then I looked at myself: I was
sprawled extremely inelegantly by the door.
I failed
I failed.
I did not think that there were any words that could persuade one as
obstinate as him.
Kirishima sensei.
I understood his pain, but I couldnt leave him like this.
If that were to continue, the children would be very pitiable. Their deaths
brought them a world of pain, hence the children, with nowhere to go,
because of loneliness, because they desired something to escape this
loneliness Hence they recruited friends, but this did not give them any
succor: all they got was the relentless sorrow inflicted upon them.
It was necessary to cleanse these children. I could not let more children
die here. I had to stop this tragedy from continuing.
And there was Kirishima sensei.
The pain of losing ones own life, combined with the sorrow of witnessing
the children lose their lives; because all was lost; he turned into an
obstinate person.
I could comprehend his feelings. Because I know he must have been a
gentle person.

However, just as he treasured his students, I also treasure my

companions. I want to be with them, to walk out of the school with them,
and say goodbye.
At this time, I recalled the words Naru said to me.
I completely forgot
I really am an idiot.
Naru had clearly mentioned to me that I could not use sympathy or
I knocked my own head.
There was no point in admonishment. I had to fill them with light.
Thats what Ill do!
I said to myself, as I sprang back up from the floor.
Right! Ill challenge him once more!
I opened the door of the classroom therell be a way somehow. There
was no use screaming however loudly here.
off to the classroom, then.
That was the place that bound Kirishima-sensei and the children. It must
have been because that place to the children and the teacher still
held a bit of comfort.
In the darkness, after I groped my way down the stairs, I heard a small
clattering sound. Halting my steps, the sound was right in front of me.
After standing in wait for a moment, a small black figure appeared by
the wall. My heart pounded a little faster.
There were 3 figures that appeared by the corner. Although they looked
approximately child sized, they were, however I looked at them,
distorted paper-cut silhouettes. Small heads, stick-like limbs, and
abnormally disproportionately large belly; I did not know if it was

because the stick-like legs could not support the body, the children
appeared bent over, squatting, and walked with a strange posture using
their hands (as well).
I dont know if caution is a positive feeling or a negative feeling.
I took a deep breath.
Ne! Lets go to the classroom together.
I approached tentatively. The figures stopped.
That is are you guys going back to the classroom?
I squatted down as well.
I could not take what I saw in front of me as abominations these were
the children. If people have a body and a spirit, then they were only
children without bodies.
I really do love the children.
Holding a small, gentle grudge; or vehemently and aggressively hating
but these were all done by the children to keep people away.
I recalled the numerous children I had encountered while working at
Shibuya Psychic Research, and could not help laughing.
While we were at Noto I had also encountered some children. While
waiting for Naru to be discharged, we became good friends. When we
left, they even had tear-filled expressions, but once I said, well be
back, they were happy once more. What is everyone doing now?
Hn, at this time, they definitely are asleep.
A genuine smile appeared on my face.
That is are you guys going to the classroom? Lets go together?

The children tilted their heads slightly in thought. This action really is
something unique to children its really cute.
I want to meet the other students in the class. I want to meet Kirishima
sensei. Just now I did something bad, so I want to apologize to them.
ah, was just now a dream or a reality?
As expected, the children still had their heads inclined in thought, and
did not move a step.
Nee-san isnt very clear, but no matter what you want to apologize, so
you want to go to the classroom. Can we bring nee-san there?
The children exchanged glances, then started moving with their backs
facing me. One moved in the direction of the staircase. The other two
also started moving.
Thank you!
At the stairs, I could see quite a few children at the floor below. I
descended the stairs without much worry none of the children had any
intention to hurt me, and I gradually relaxed. Indeed, this innocence is
what is most precious in children.
There were another two children in the vestibule. They smiled while
walking towards the classroom, then started skipping along. There were
about 10 children around me, and they appeared very happy. At this
time, the smallest child beside me reached out a fragile hand and pulled
me to a stop.
The instance the twig-like hand touched mine, my heart filled with
After entering the classroom, I saw a flock of children: a group seated
facing the table, a cluster gathered at the back of the classroom, and
children walking around the classroom. There were many, many
children. It was as though I had really entered a classroom during recess.
Seated at the table adjacent to the teaching podium was a very large
shadow about the size of an adult. Like a devil without horns, sensei

stood up. He just stood there, motionless, and looked at me without

making a sound.
About what happened just now, Im sorry
I lowered my head gently towards sensei, after that I bowed towards the
children who looked at me.
Im sorry!
Saying that, I glanced around the classroom.
Just now, I said something unforgivable, Im really very sorry. But I still
have to say this: please dont look for more friends anymore!
Sensei took a step forward. I looked straight towards sensei, who was
glaring at me.
Please return my companions to me!
I took a step forwards myself. The distance between us decreased.
Just as sensei values everyones feelings, I treasure my companions.
I glanced at the children in the classroom and continued,
Like how everyone, like how sensei loves your companions, I love my
companions very much too!
Naru and Lin-san; Ayako and Masako; Bou-san and John as well as
Yasuhara. By chance we met and got along until now; many things have
happened: things that let one feel warmth and comfort.
Although Naru appears to be very cold, in reality there are parts of him
that are very gentle. And he also knows how to perform magic. He
previously showed me in order to encourage me.
In the blink of an eye, a ray of light shone into the classroom. Although it
was merely moonlight, in my point of view it was a type of

And there is Lin-san. Although he is an expressionless, taciturn man of

few words all day long, he is actually a very gentle person. Even a
person of this sort still smiles at me occasionally. I feel like Ive been
accepted by him. I feel this is a good beginning, it really makes me
extremely happy.
Even though the number of times he has smiled at me can be counted
on one hand.
The one who made the worst first impression was Masako her words
were always filled with thorns. But she is actually a very reliable fellow
very capable, but shes still bad tempered. Because Im like a wild child,
Ive always wanted to be feminine like Masako. Thats why Im really
very happy to be able to become friends with Masako. Yeah, my first
impressions of Bou-san and Ayako were no good either, but in reality
they are all very good people.
Really, thinking about it, practically all the first impressions made by
everyones appearances were not very good.
Ayako is actually a person who loves to look after others. Although she
is a little long winded, I still like it when she nags and looks after me. It
reminds me of my mother.
Although my mother was a little quieter.
Every time I speak with Ayako, Ill be filled with energy, thats why I
love Ayako. Bou-sans father-like lectures also makes me feel very
fortunate. He knocks me with his large hands, and pats my head all the
time. Really, I love it very, very much. But this is my secret!
If this were to come out, that man would be too proudly happy.
I love Johns slightly weird Kansai accent. He is a very conscientious and
very honest person. When I suddenly think of him and turn around, I can
always feel those gentle eyes Ive already felt this feeling many times.
I also love Yasuharas optimistic personality being with him makes me
forget unhappy events. Regardless of how severe the circumstances are,
once I hear Yasuharas jokes or the comedic dialogue between him and
Bou-san, I will relax at once.

Yeah, I really love everyone.

Thats why, I hope you can return everyone to me. They are all very
important to me! I love being with everyone! I want to be together with
them, walk out of this school together, and go back to Tokyo together.
Despite the eminent closure of the offices, its not like we would never
meet again.
At this point, I smiled embarrassedly.
Yeah, I think, perhaps I wont be meeting them again. With the offices
closed, to still say that I want to continue to be friends, everyone might
laugh at me but I think they wont do that.
Everyone treats me very well. Even at this time, they are all still
protecting me. If it was for the sake of a fellow who I dont want to meet
for a second time, or even one with whom a second meeting was of no
importance to me, a very good fellow (tl/n:???), I think everyone
wouldnt do this. Right now Im also trying my best for everyone. Like
everyone, they are all desperately protecting me like this. They are
concerned about my situation this makes me feel rather proud!
Kirishima-sensei looked at me.
All the children in the classroom looked at me.
Therefore, please return everyone to me! And please dont continue
this sort of thing anymore.
Someone tugged my hand gently; only then did I recall that the children
still held my hand. Having gotten used to the moonlight, my eyes could
see clearly: the child in front of me really did not appear human.
The little ghost holding my hand looked up at me; I smiled.
I think the friends youve brought here definitely have people like me,
to whom they are important. Like me, they have people who love them
very much. If it is an extremely painful thing not to be able to meet the
people one loves, one will be very sad if ones loved ones die.
Therefore, I want to be together with (my friends)!

It was the child who held my hand who spoke.
Yeah. What is your name?
Sugisato Ryoya(?)().
Ryoya straightened his back he had stood up without my noticing. The
slender hand from just now had turned somewhat chubbier, and it felt
softer holding it.
Do you love your father?
I do!
Do you love your mother?
I love her too!
I also love my companions, the same as you do.
The same
Yeah. Do you love sensei too?
I love him a lot!
I smiled.
Because sensei is a gentle and good teacher, right?
A nodding head and the face of an approximately 10 year old girl
overlapped. (tl/n:???)
But hes very scary when he gets angry!
Is that so!
But sensei knows how to do the horizontal bars!

But hes a little tone deaf!
I smiled, and looked at the children in the classroom.
Everyone loves sensei as well, right?
Immediately after I finished, everyone replied in one voice: we love
If sensei were to disappear, you would feel lonely, right? You dont wish
for this to happen, right?
The little faces nodded.
If its like this, if the transfer students were to disappear, there will also
be people who feel lonely.
Everyone became silent.
Everyone brought the children here because of loneliness, right? But
the children who were brought here also have teachers whom they love.
Therefore, dont do this anymore.
The children seated at their seats; the classroom filled with moonlight.
Because I have my companions, therefore although my parents are no
longer around, I dont feel lonely. Will you still be lonely because you are
just one class even though sensei is here?
No way!
Hearing that voice, I turned. It was Tsumura.
I patted his head.
Youre really incredible. Because Tsumura is a brave young boy.

Tsumura smiled. I looked at Kirishima sensei. I no longer saw the

appearance of a ghost, merely a man who hung his head.
Everyone really loves you very much, sensei.

With the teacher whom the students love a lot around, and the students
whom the teacher loves a lot around, I think this is really a type of
Isnt this so?
Sensei was silent for a long while before saying a single line:
Could it be I could be a really lucky person
You are.
When I nodded, a light shone from behind me. Turning, from behind me,
a bright light shone through the crack between the doors. Opening the
door it was as bright as day outside.
Up till just now it was clearly a dark place, but I did not feel this was
glaring at all. Outside the door was not the corridor but a field;
beautifully green, soft grass stretched endlessly, bright light shone from
the heavens above.
Waah! I heard the soft exclamations of the children.
Sensei looked outside, then around the classroom.
Children, do you want to go on a field trip?
It was a din of happy elation.
Are we taking a bus there?
Mariko asked uneasily.

No, we arent taking a bus. We are walking there!

Thats a relief then, sensei.
Yeah, itll be fine!
Kirishima-sensei smiled while walking towards the door. I quietly moved
to the empty space by the side.
Sensei stood at the side of the door.
Were setting off. The younger children must hold on to the older
childrens hands. Look out, dont fall behind.
We got it, the children replied in one voice.
Then the children skipped on by themselves, or holding another little
hand, and exited the classroom in order.
Sensei always looked at them, and then he reached out to Ryoya, who
did not release my hand.
Ryoya, its time to go too!
Ryoya let go of my hand and held senseis hand. He took a few steps
then turned and waved to me.
Nee-san, bye bye!
Bye bye!
Kirishima sensei nodded to me, then, holding Ryoyas hand, walked out
of the classroom.
The door closed. I was the only one left in the classroom.
Only the dust covered floor, chairs and tables were left in the empty
classroom flooded with the pale blue light of the moon.
I cried but they were definitely not tears of sadness.

Reaching the corridor, I stopped for a moment, looking at the closed

window in front of me.
Reaching out I pushed tentatively. Creaking, it opened a crack. A gentle
wind blew in, bringing in the fragrance of fresh grass.
I smiled slightly, then after using a little strength and pushing
repeatedly, the window opened fully.
The school compound
incomparable brightness.







I climbed onto the window sill.

I shouted as I jumped into the school field.
After I hit the ground I picked up my pace immediately. Stepping on the
wet grass, I made a squelching sound. I turned and took in the entirety
of the wooden school building.
The tiled roof that flashed a silver glow, the windows which were like
dark holes, the grey walls; a slight breeze blew, the insects sang loudly.
Just as I heard the sound, a second floor window was exaggeratedly
shattered and fell to the ground.
Ah ne?
Together with the fallen window, I could see Bou-sans figure.
I waved to Bou-san, then I felt my head start to hurt.

Whats up?
Im thinking about the problem of age and appearances.
Bou-sans voice passed very clearly into my ear.
Whats up?
Nothing. Forget it!
I meant that I did not expect him to actually jump down through the
window at that mature age he still doesnt think before he acts. Saying
that, he just jumped down from a second floor window. In reality there
isnt anything much wrong with doing this at his age, but when he
landed he didnt land steadily, therefore points are deducted!
Yayou really are still young!
Hearing the voice I saw Yasuhara stick his head out from the second
Bou-san turned towards the school.
Then show me the skills of a young man!
Aido you want me to jump down from here?
You really are still young, are you not?
Then can you catch me, Bou-san?
I refuse!
Whatever! The pair of you are behaving shamelessly.
This was the voice of Ayako, who stuck her head out from the first floor.
Wa! Ayako its been a long time since weve met!
Really, long time indeed. I was just thinking about where you
disappeared to.

I laughed.
I did not disappear. It was you who disappeared
Dont quibble!
Ah, ha ha ha ha.
The truth of what really happened
The door to the vestibule opened. The first one to come out was Naru,
who waved his hand before walking uninterestedly in the other direction.
Following him was the tall figure of Lin-san.
Lin-san, its also been a long time!
Hearing my voice, Lin-san stopped momentarily and nodded to me.
Following closely behind was Masako, taking quick little steps.
Yohey! Masako, how are you?
What in the world happened? I should be asking you
Saying that, Masako stopped in her tracks. She was originally running in
my direction, but when she saw Naru she immediately changed course.
Such is the friendship between girls that honest fellow!
Mai, are you alright?
That was John, who said that while jumping out from a first floor window.
Really, John is still the gentlest, wu lu lu!
Yeah Im fine!
Thats great, everyones alright!

Ayako and Yasuhara, who had decided against jumping out through a
window, also exited through the vestibule.
Thus, everyone was accounted for.
Ne? Who did it?
Once Bou-san spoke, everyone started thinking.
Hey hey hey hey hey this, only I know.
Since you asked, it looks like it wasnt you, Takigawa-san.
Without skipping







Then it wouldnt be because of this young man either.

If it were me, then wouldnt that mean that you guys have no foot to
stand on?
It looks like it wasnt Shibuya either, looking at how you walked out so
Naru shrugged in agreement.
I think it shouldnt be Lin-san or Brown, because I saw the light of spirit
cleansing, so it was not an exorcism, but a spirit cleansing.
John nodded.
Indeed. I didnt help out at all.
After that, everyone looked towards Ayako.
See, not a single person was of any use. Pu chi pu chi!
Ayako pointed at herself, wide-eyed.

It wasnt me! There arent any living trees near this place.
Momentarily, everyone exchanged glances.
Newhy did they leave only me out?
That leaves one person only.
It was Yasuhara who spoke.
Could it be, that they cleansed themselves?!
The one who said this sentence that made me so mad my teeth itched
was Ayako.
Alright, its all over, lets go back!
Too much! Its pissing me off! Even Bou-san also
Bou-san walked in the direction of the car while caressing my head;
Ayako and Masako patted my back; John and Yasuhara smiled by the
side; Lin-san also smiled slightly.
Then, Naru said a line,
Thanks for your hard work!
Ma, forget it.

Chapter 10
14th of August, 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm /

Hurry up and get out of bed!

Hearing Ayako's rude bellow, I opened my eyes. The brightness of the
room gave me a shock.
Good morn -
How annoying this brightness is too glaring
I buried my face in the blankets. Then a fist came flying over.
Get up already!
Wu yeah.
While I was mumbling to myself, I was suddenly thrown onto the floor.
Or to be accurate, someone hauled me out of my blanket and I rolled
onto the floor.
Opening my eyes, I could see rice and dishes that had already been
prepared, sitting in the corner. Only I was still wearing my pajamas and
hugging my blanket, unwilling to release it.
Ah ah, the meal is already ready; I'm very hungry.
Hurry up and wake up; girls are supposed to be homely, how can you
be like this!
Oh shut up, I'm too sleepy. What girls are supposed to be, it's alright any
way. I was still bleary eyed from sleep, but when I saw the situation in
the room I jumped up immediately.

I was stunned because I saw a crowd of people in front of me. Hn!

Right, only Bou-san would do something like haul me out of bed. John
and Yasuhara were smiling forcibly, a little pink in the face.
Damn it, what did I do in front of the boys? Snore? There's no longer any
point in pretending to be a lady now; my personality probably had been
completely revealed ages ago, but this is probably the worst thing (that
could have happened).
Ah good morning!
Hastily I washed my face, and ran to the next hut to change my clothes.
(Regardless, the audience here was too big so I couldn't change.) After
that I came back to eat.
Let's eat
Ayako really knows how to cook a complete contrast from her garish
exterior. Perhaps it's because she had always been cooking usually;
people are really difficult to comprehend.
Eat, eat.
You haven't had anything to eat since yesterday, you must be very
hungry now.
Don't speak of me as though I'm a starved cat!
Aren't you?
It is indeed so.
After returning last night, after taking a bath and waiting for my hair to
dry, I had unknowingly fallen asleep.
When did you guys wake up?
Much earlier than you, that's all.
That really is embarrassing.

We went to the village's public offices to look for the village chief, we
also went to buy things, and we cooked.
Thanks for your work!
Then don't appear completely unapologetic.
I know, I know. Thanks, everyone, for giving me time to sleep.
Right, how were things dealt with in the end?
The blame was taken by the assistant.
Upon hearing this, I looked at Bou-san.
The blame?
But they don't want to get into trouble with the police now, right? But
there are bodies everywhere, with things like this, it's not possible to
pretend that nothing had happened, even if they wanted to.
Then he said that after the assistant discovered it, he decided on his
own to resolve it this way.
Is that so... well, this is called reaping what you've sown.
Right, right.
mentioning bodies...
Ne, what's the situation at the reservoir?
It's currently in progress. As expected, they stopped yesterday due to
the rain.
That really is rather troublesome.

You bunch of fellows, can you actually talk while discussing this type of
Ayako's face was filled with disgust.
It's really annoying, Ayako, don't pretend to be so sensitive.
I'm not pretending; I'm really very sensitive to this type of topic.
(*^__^*) Hee hee... got it. But psychics clearly should have achieved
enlightenment regarding something like this. Any how, psychics and
monks should be similar.
It's impossible to start unless people die.
These few people started laughing again.
Tell me about it.
Miss, the job of a monk is not limited to burial services!
Bou-san said, wriggling his brows.
What else do you do besides burial services?
I also do marriage services.
Is that so...
Idiot, regardless, you'll be the one who will marry in front of Buddha.
Hei ai
Swear, in front of the statue of Budda in a proper monastery, and
exchange rosaries.
rosaries? (not a ring?)
That's not the least bit romantic.
But this won't be done by any other than a monk's children.

Is that so...
What's so great about that? You can also help people turn over a new
Upon hearing these words of Ayako's, I lost enthusiasm once more.
Indeed, once the office is closed we won't need to do investigations any
With much difficulty I had learnt how to cleanse spirits. That's not right, I
don't even want to continue doing this type of thing. But...
After the office closes, I'll have a lot of free time.
It was John who spoke.
... Yeah, it'll be hard to organize my time if I keep going to the office.
Perhaps I might even face economic difficulty. How would I manage
without my salary?
If it's like this, do you want to come to the seminary to take a look next
I was momentarily stunned.
Seminary? Is a seminary the school that teaches children the bible?
It is. I've always been helping to look after them, all those boisterous
children. But everyone gets along very well. Are you not good at dealing
with children, Mai?
I'm OK with playing with children, but I've never studied the bible
John smiled.
Actually, it's almost just like playing with the children. If you don't
dislike that, then come and try it out once.
A seminar what is that like?

Just as I was pondering upon this question, Bou-san started laughing

silently by the side.
What are you laughing at
Nothing much, I'm just imagining what it will be like
What how it will be like?
John, the male nanny!
Everyone burst out in laughter.
Really, he probably must be like a male nanny. I can imagine John,
wrapped around the children's fingers, with a troubled, but still smiling
A seminary is great indeed!
Yes. If you like it, Takigawa-san, you can come along as well.
Let's go take a look, it's really nostalgic.
Pa everyone halted abruptly.
Indeed, because I've been there when I was little.
... Wait a moment!
Bou-san, is your home not at the monastery?
It is the monastery, is there anything wrong? Is a child of a monk not
allowed to go because there are comics and free snacks at the
so this is his real aim, this corrupted monk!
After the meal, we chased the 3 men out and started cleaning up.
Who can hire me for work...

Ayako, who was polishing the dishes, said with a bitter smile,
I can hire you, but I can't pay you as much as the SPR.
Ah is this so
It's good to be special. Do you make a living only from being a
psychic, Ayako?
More or less, when I don't have enough, my family will still support me.
Right, your family is rich, so there's no need to marry a rich guy or
Ayako burst out laughing.
There are people beyond this person, heavens beyond the sky. Although
my family owns a villa, we don't own a yacht. Oh he he he he...
You extravagant fellow!
You and I are not the same. I am an extravagant woman.
Ha ha ha ha...
Ayako, you're an only daughter, right? Don't you have to continue the
family line?
Find a good looking, doctor with money in the family to be an adopted
son, and that'd solve the problem, wouldn't it?
I glared vehemently at Ayako.
You really are an incredibly extravagant and wasteful person!
Don't you know that Japan is a country with a large discrepancy
between the rich and poor?
No, I don't! What about you, Masako? Do you have brothers or

Masako, who was shaking water out from the bowls, looked at me, wide
I don't. Why do you think to ask this?
Background investigation. Because, thinking about it carefully, I am
completely unaware of everyone's family background.
Is that so.
Right, if the office closes, I think it's not impossible that everyone does
not meet again. So I want to take advantage of the moment and ask.
We won't meet once the office is closed? Why would you think that?
Is that not so?
I sighed.
I don't know your home phone number too, Masako.
I don't know your contact address either, Mai!
Yes... indeed.
But won't you know once you ask?
If I asked, would you tell me?
Masako sighed, turned, and walked into the building.
So you'll feel lonely, Mai.
Ayako said, smiling.
Yeah, I'll be lonely, because I've already gotten used to everyone's
bullying. If there comes a day when you guys don't bully me anymore, I'll
actually feel that there's something missing.

Bully you? That can't be right, can it? If I can marry some rich heir, then
I might bring you along as a maid.
In the end... perhaps we are only able to get along at work.
Sighing a deep sigh, I didn't notice Masako's footsteps as she returned.
Masako held my hand.
Wait... wait a moment, what are you about to do?
Hey! I'm talking to you! Wait, what are you about to do?
Alright, here!
Masako held up a ball point pen, smiling. Ayako also burst out laughing.
... What are you thinking of, Masko?
Address and telephone contact.
Do you usually write it on other people's forearm?
Ah la, is it better to write it on your blouse then?
I say, you...
Looking at my own forearm, ah ah, she actually wrote it in such a large
Stick your hand out!

If you don't then I'll write it on your kimono!
I don't want that either!
She's really such a troublesome fellow.
Yes yes yes, I know!
There's some note paper in the house.
Do you feel embarrassed officially exchanging addresses?
Yeah, I finally understood the reason why Masako would write her
address on my forearm. To write it on note paper would appear to be too
formal, as though saying, 'please contact me'. Like this, she would feel
very embarrassed, the others are also probably like this as well. This
type of embarrassed friendship does exist as well.
I think everyone is also thinking like this!
At least, that's what I think. I want to send out New Year cards, but
because I didn't dare to ask for addresses, I gave up.
Ah indeed, there's the tradition of sending out New Year cards.
John has said something like this before too.
Ayako said.
He said he wanted to send everyone Christmas cards, but felt it was a
little strange to ask for contact details at this late stage...
Yeah... yes, it could be just like this.

It's a strange relationship.

I was provoked.
If the office was still there, it was a matter of course that I could meet
I love everyone very much, (but) it's a little strange to call us friends. I
think we feel more like a family, as though this feeling would go on
forever. But there are no banquets under the heavens that do not come
to an end.
If I didn't want to loose contact, then all I needed to do was say so; it
wasn't a huge matter of life and death. It'll be alright to tell the others
that I didn't want to lose contact. After that, how the other person
responds is that person's problem.
Thus, in the afternoon, I found a large stack of note paper, and made a
heap of name cards with many colors. To hide my embarrassment, I
made the name cards as bright as possible, and drew a comic saying,
'contact me from time to time', and even decorated it with a few hearts.
At 3 o'clock, teatime, I handed the name cards out. Everyone was
stunned, and then they all laghed.
Ya ah, Taniyama really is a high school student.
The different colors are really pretty.
This old man is getting blurred vision from looking at it.
I'm really suspicious of your sense of beauty.
You really should just give up.
You guys can say whatever you want, but I don't want to lose contact
with you guys and hope you guys can contact me.

But this way of thinking is indeed not bad. Where's the note paper?
Yasuhara said, as he excitedly started making his own name cards.
An cheerful, lively telephone boy awaits you!
Taking the name cards on which this sentence was written, everyone
You fellow, is isn't for a call center employee, is it?!
It sounds like a person from a telephone booth.
It is true that he is cheerful...
That really is like Yasuhara.
In the end, I received everyone's contact address, and felt very happy.
Like this, even if the office closes, we will not be unable to contact each
Besides the two other persons...
If Naru and Lin were to see this, they'd laugh out loud!
I'm not sure who said this, but everyone became slightly subdued.
It wouldn't take any guessing to tell how the two of them would respond.
First, they'd be completely stunned, or they'd put on a face as though
thinking of something, the third possibility is that they'd behave as
though nothing had happened and completely forget about it.
Those two people wouldn't feel this at all.
With a sigh, Ayako spoke,
It isn't our problem, is it? Even if it isn't us, I don't think they would
keep in contact.

If we weren't more frank, would we not regret it?

Ah la, mentioning that, do you specially want to meet them again?
Yeah, even if our time together is at an end, I still want to maintain
contact. Because I like Lin-san and Naru too
But this isn't from my heart either.
Just as I was thinking that, Ayako stared at me, wide eyed.
Yeah? You aren't honest at all.
'Like' in the sense that it's because his body is weak so I'm worried and
concerned; 'like' in the sense that he holds so many secrets that I'm
Sigh, I'm not being honest at all.
Because we are all outside their consideration of problems, because I
like the pair of them a lot, that's why this is the last memory. But this is
only on my part.
That really is a completely inconclusive piece of unrequited love.
Yeah, I know that unrequited love will be very difficult. But, even if I
were to say, 'I don't like the two of you at all', isn't that completely
pointless too? Because, to those two persons, I'm completely not within
their sphere of consideration, so they won't be hurt at all, right? Then
after they go somewhere else, they'd forget me completely.
Yes... ah,
Regardless of who is suffering from unrequited love, if they can't make
the other person remember them in their hearts, they would feel very
regretful. With so much regret, they would say things like 'I hate' and
other narrow hearted things. If the feelings are not shared, and one is
not able to get a response from the other person, it'd turn out to be very
vulgar in the end.
At this time, Ayako turned embarassedly to face the other way.

You really have grown into an adult!

Bou-san patted my head loudly.
... Yeah, people are beings that constantly grow, but they are also
capable of regressing.
This is where the joy of being human is. I (Bou-san) like your positive
look, Mai!
I like you too, Bou-san!
You shameless fellow...
Ah! Are you jealous, Ayako? Come join us, come
I don't want to!
You aren't being honest at all, but I like the Ayako that is a little
Me too!
Don't say that anymore!
I like you!
Me too!
Stop it!
Ah! She's blushing!
Well she's a bashful creature!
Ne, indeed!
The pair of you!!!
Just as we were joyously joking noisily, Masako spoke. Yasuhara also
stood up.

Pushing aside the screen, Naru and Lin-san just walked past the steps.
Because the house Naru and co lived in was further inside, they had to
pass through this area to get to the river bank.
... Just right, are you in a hurry now?
Naru (looked) a little alarmed.
I'm not very busy, but neither am I free!
There's a little something I want to ask, can I take a little of your time?
... Now?
Now is the best time.
wanted to ask a little something
Go ahead.
Then please come inside.
Won't this place do?
Because the question is a little complicated, I'm very sorry. I also have
some things to ask you, Lin-san, please come in!
Naru and Lin-san exchanged glances; on our side, we also exchanged
What exactly were we going to ask them?
The two of them immediately walked back around the balcony to the
Take a seat!
Yasuhara made two places for us to write our name cards individually. In
one space, he had Naru and Lin-san sit down, then he sat down with a
serious expression himself.
this this

What was he going to ask?

We have Darjeeling and Earl Grey Tea, which do you prefer?
Naru wrinkled his brow slightly.
Leave the tea, what did you want to ask
Then is there anything you'd like to drink? Hot coffee or iced coffee?
How strong? With milk? Do you want a lemon slice? Or is there anything
else you'd like to drink? Would you like to have apple essence added?
And cookies and cake, which would you like? Or would you like both?
Ne, it's very complicated, right?
Yasuhara smiled; Naru sighed.
Then what is it you want to ask?
This is the thing we wanted to ask!
Yasuhara replied very sincerely, which made Naru sigh even more
... anything will do.
Oh oh oh! I didn't think that Naru and Lin-san would be captured by tea.
Incredible! As to be expected of a business man! (tl/n: J/C tl noted that
the original text used the term 'Echigoya ( )' in place of 'business
man'. See for more information about
a smart businessman, whose shop was called Echigoya.)
Sly old devil!
It should be earnest, respected man, to be correct!

Chapter 11
14th of August, 3.00 pm - 3.30 pm /

What do you plan to do after the office closes?

The one who had such courage to raise this question was Yasuhara.
Does this have anything to do with you, Yasuhara?
See, he isn't the type who'd answer just because he was asked.
Sigh, there is!
Yasuhara showed no reaction whatsoever to Naru's coolness.
It's a matter of course, isn't it? How annoying, aren't we good friends?
Naru looked coldly at Yasuhara.
I don't recall anything of that sort!
Oh ya, did you not notice it? Aren't we your friends?
He's really... really courageous, full of courage.
I'm not aware of this type of thing.
You really are cold; we all do quite like you, Shibuya.
If you want to continue joking, you lot have found the wrong person.
What I've said is true; just now we were all discussing what a good
person you are.
Naru smiled slightly.
That really is a huge misunderstanding.

This won't do, this fellow.

Did you specially call me over to discuss this boring topic?
It isn't boring; we're all concerned about what plans our dearest
Shibuya-san and Lin-san have made, that's all.
We don't need your worry.
It's only a little well meaning concern.
Then, thanks for that, but it's not necessary.
That I choose to do this, is also my free right.
What I plan to do in the future isn't that my free choice as well? I
don't need your worry, I won't give any of you any trouble.
Yasuhara sighed.
That you refuse to say anything like this, is there any reason for it? Or is
it to distance yourself from us?
Interpret it as you please.
Then can I understand that you hate everyone present here, that
entering this place makes you unbearably uncomfortable?
It doesn't matter what you think; it has nothing to do with me.
This fellow! This cold blooded creature!!!
I've got it!
Ahh, I can't stand it!
I think I understand clearly how much you hate us!
Naru stood expressionlessly in the middle of the house.
I was very angry, no! Today's was definitely unforgivable!
It's fine if you hate us! But if that's the case then why involve us?

Right! It was you who asked me to go to the office to work, right?
Whether it is for work or for investigations, aren't you the one who called
us over?
You fellow! You fellow!!!
Since you hate us this much, then wouldn't it be better if you never
involved us in the first place?
Naru pressed his forehead lightly with his fingers.
... I can hear you without you barking like this.
This fellow!!!!!!
In any case all you see are cats and dogs, right? If that's the case then
nothing matters anymore. What are you thinking that everyone is
gathered here? It's because you were hospitalized, because we were all
worried about you, that we remained.
Some say it's human curiosity.
I don't have time to joke with you!
I'm furious! Furious! Furious! Furious to death!!!
If you think everyone stayed here out of curiousity, then you're an
I never knew myself to be an idiot.
Really? Then how about taking this opportunity for you to remember it
properly? As someone who cannot even understand everyone's worry,
you are a huge idiot!!
I pointed at him while I scolded.
Because we are all kind hearted, empathic people, when we see our
friends fall sick, we will feel worry. Did you think that, right from the
start, knowing you were such a hateful fellow, that everyone would come

when you called for investigations? Every single time it's always so
dangerous; it's because everyone feels that there has to be some good
in one as rotten as you, that we always help you; everyone doesn't
nitpick about your terrible personality, this is called good will, do you
I don't recall having feelings of good will.
Idiot! Is your brain really not spoiled? Of course, this is merely the
one-sided good will on our part, since everyone helped you out of
kindness; but if you feel that you are making trouble for others, shouldn't
you say things like 'please help me out' or something? If you deliberately
made use of other people's good will, then you are a despicable fellow; if
you never noticed that this was a type of good will, then you are an
... then, what do you want me to do?
When others show their good will, aren't you supposed to return the
courtesy? If you want to rightly accept everyone's good will up to now,
then at least show everyone a little sincerity!
Naru's face was expressionless, frozen.
It's not an obligation, but more of Mai's own hopes, perhaps? But she
also had a tone that she was speaking for everyone.
I understand that, then I'll express my own opinions. Even I, have
shown you good will previously; I have the right to receive a
correspondingly honest response.
Regardless of the era, hopes do not necessarily become reality.
Right back at you! Didn't you make it clear you want to leave? That
everything progresses as you wish, is there really anything so good in
this world?
This fellow! Nothing in this world is worth his notice.

I'm telling you! I'm going to take your picture as a Qi-Gong practitioner
to the media!
Naru looked at me irritatedly.
... What exactly are you unhappy about?
Everything! It doesn't matter! Even if we never meet again, so be it! I
don't want to meet a thick skinned fellow such as you ever again! But
it's this type of unclear manner that I'm very dissatisfied with!!
Stop stop stop!
Dong! It was Bou-san who whacked my head.
Don't whack my head for no good reason!
Yeah! Yeah! If you know it hurts then cool down a little!
Whatever, grrrrr!
I know that you are very angry; Naru-chan definitely has his reasons;
don't be so serious.
Fortunately paranormal events have been all the rage recently. If I were
to tell the media all that I know, when the time comes he would be
persued relentlessly. He he he he he... ha ha.
In the end you just dislike such ambiguity, right?
That's right!
If it's explained clearly can you understand?
I was stunned, and looked at Bou-san.
If he explained then it'd be a totally different situation; but do you think
he would explain?
I don't know about that.
Saying that, Bou-san looked towards Naru.

You fellow, are you not even willing to take a single step back?
Naru maintained an expressionless face.
I don't feel the necessity.
Bou-san looked towards the ceiling and sighed.
You're so stubborn. Then... there are some questions we would like to
ask you. Can you answer?
I have no interest in answering pointless questions.
Bou-san wriggled his eyebrows.
Then what about chit chatting?
That's a waste of time.
With that parting shot, Naru stood up and prepared to walk out.
There are times in life when it's necessary to waste a little.
Hee hee... Yasuhara spoke, laughing, while leaning against the door.
Do I have to use force?
Of course not. I'm merely fancy this door very much.
Could you move aside a little?
Because I love this door too much, I can't.
Naru shot a glance at Lin.
Do I have to be violent?
It'd hurt if you used violence.
Furthermore, Yasuhara's broken rib had not fully recovered.
I only want to aggravate your wounds.

That would really trouble me. If my wounds were aggravated the

ambulance would need to be called. If I were to let slip that I was treated
violently by Lin-san, it's possible that even the police would get
According to the situation, you lot are the perpetrators.
Then that'd be even more troublesome.
Yasuhara said, while he smiled his model-student-smile.
I really want to keep the peace; this glorious experience of mine; I really
dislike getting hurt too. When the time comes, you (Shibuya) would also
need to be investigated by the police, and then the things you'd like to
keep hidden would be revealed.
Naru sighed.
... I don't think it's something that is worth such intense interest.
Bou-san laughed bitterly,
Then that is only what you think! If people can't make sense of a
situation, they wouldn't feel at ease.
Naru sighed, leaned against the window with hands crossed and looked
towards Bou-san.
Five minutes!
How stingy, we need thirty minutes.
A satisfied smile appeared on the corners of Bou-san's lips.
OK. Fifteen minutes then.

Chapter 12
14th of August, 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm /

Chapter 13
14th of August, 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm /

Chapter 14
14th of August, 5.00 pm - 6.00 pm /

Chapter 15
14th of August, 6.00 pm and beyond /


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