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Billing Plan

Table of contents


Periodic billing plan

Milestone billing plan

Billing plan configuration

Important tables and fields

Important function modules

Important notes

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The billing plan is a schedule of individual billing dates for a single item in a
sales document (contract or sales order).


A billing plan can be defined both on item and header level.


If a billing plan is assigned on header level to a sales document then it is valid

for all items assigned to it.


Depending on the business process two different billing plan types can be used:

Periodic billing plan

Milestone billing plan

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Periodic billing plan

Periodic billing plan

Periodic billing:

Billing of a total amount of a contract divided for each individual billing date in the
billing plan.

The billing dates can be used to determine when the billing should be carried out
e.g. on the first day of the month.

The start and end dates are defined based on the duration of the billing plan.
These dates are copied from the start and end dates of the corresponding
contract or can be changed manually.

Periods in a billing plan determine the frequency with which the billing dates are
created in the billing plan. It can be monthly, quarterly, anually.

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Periodic billing plan

If no end date is entered in a billing plan or the end date lies in the distant future
then a horizion can be used in order to determine the last date of the billing
The horizon is always set according to the rule which uses the current date as
baseline. If the current date is updated during the processing, then the horizon
gets automatically extended and so the schedule of billing dates in the future.

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Periodic billing plan

Billing plan view on item level:

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The billing plan type is determined

from the item category, this
customizing is not changeable in
the sales document

For every billing date the system

creates a billing index.

A billing block can be set for each

date within the billing plan. With
such a block processing of a
certain date can be blocked.

Each billing date has its own

billing status. This status indicates
whether the date has been

If a down payment is requested in

the billing plan, then billing type
FAZ has to be set for that date.

Milestone billing plan

Milestone billing plan

Milestone billing is typically used for billing projects, such as construction
projects. Such projects often include a series of milestones that mark the
completion of different stages of the work. In the SAP System, milestones are
defined in a network along with planned and actual dates for the completion of
work. The milestones are also assigned to the billing dates in the billing plan.
Each milestone-related billing date is blocked for processing until the Project
System confirms that the milestone is completed.
In milestone billing the total value to be billed is distributed to individual dates
according certain rules.
Dates can be set according to the business needs.

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Milestone billing plan

For each billing date in a milestone billing plan you can specify whether the billing
date is:


Always updated with the actual date of the mileston

Updated with the actual date of the milestone, if the date is earlier than the
planned billing date for the date

Updated with the actual date of the milestone, if the date is earlier than the
planned billing date for the date

The system automatically creates a billing index for each billing date.
For every date in a milestone billing plan a billing rule can be specified. This rule
determines how the billing amount for a certain date is calculated.

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Billing plan configuration

Billing Plan configuration

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Billing Plan configuration Assignment of Billing Plan Type to

item category

In transaction OVBK the assignment between billing type and item

category can be defined.

The billing plan type is determined from the item category, this
customizing is not changeable in the sales document.

The billing relevance and billing plan type can be customized here. In
standard billing relevance I is used.

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Billing Plan configuration Billing Plan types

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In transaction OVBI the billing plan

types can be configured.

Here it can be set how the system

should determine the start and end
date both the billing plan and dates
within the billing plan.

Field Horizon specifies with which

rule the system determines the
date of the last planned billing date
within the billing plan. The current
date is always the baseline date
for determining the horizon.

Field Online order is set then the

dates in the billing plan are
automatically determined.


Billing Plan configuration Date category for Billing Plan type

In transaction OVBJ the

billing plan types can be

A billing block can be set

here, which will be
automatically copied to the
billing plan item.
In case of milestone billing
this block gets automatically
removed once the
completion of the milestone
is confirmed from project

Billing rule specifies for

each billing plan date how
the value to be billed is
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Billing Plan configuration Date Proposal Maintenance

The system takes the standard billing deadlines as default values
into the billing or invoice plan.
The system calculates the deadlines during the transfer, with reference to the billing
or invoice plan start date.
You can maintain the standard billing or invoice plan type in Customizing for the
project system.
Field Online order is set then
the dates in the billing plan
are automatically determined.

These can be changed in

transaction OVBM.

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Billing Plan configuration Maintaining Assignment if Billing

Plan Type to Sales Document
In OVBP the billing plan type can be assigned to the sales document type.

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Billing Plan configuration Rule for determining dates

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Date rules are needed in

the billing plan to define
start date and end date.
The foundation of date
determination rule is the
baseline date.

With entering a Calender

ID the dates calculated
by the system can be

The date rules can be

change in OVBS.


Billing Plan configuration Main transactions

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Billing Plan configuration Connection between the tables

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Important tables and fields

Important tables and fields I.

VBKD: Sales Document: Business Data

VBKD-POSNR Item number of the SD document
VBKD-VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number
VBKD-FPLNR Billing plan number / invoicing plan number

FPLT: Billing Plan: Dates

FPLT-FPLNR Billing plan number / invoicing plan number
FPLT-FPLTR Item for billing plan/invoice plan/payment cards
FPLT-FKDAT Settlement date for deadline
FPLT-FKSAF Billing status for the billing plan/invoice plan date
FPLT-TEMAN Process as for manually entered date
FPLT-NFDAT Settlement date for deadline

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Important tables and fields II.

FPLA: Billing Plan


Billing plan number / invoicing plan number

Sales and Distribution Document Number
Billing/Invoicing Plan Type
Rule for Determining Horizon in Billing/Invoicing Plan
Start date for billing plan/invoice plan
End date billing plan/invoice plan
Rule for Origin of Next Billing/Invoice Date
Dates from
Dates to

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Important function modules

Important function modules

Will be executed if navigated from the header or item to the billing plan in
dialog mode.

Creates a billing plan in the background e.g. a billing plan relevant item
should be created.

Is executed after the PRICING was triggered.

The status determination happens here, the status is read dynamically.

2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


Important notes

Important notes

Periodic billing plans


Manual dates in the periodic billing plan


Milestone billing plans

1652491 Project milestones with SD billing plans?


Header billing plan and milestones

2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


Thank you

2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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