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BBI 2001/SEMESTER 1, 2015-16/SCL 1

Matric No:


(Time: 30 minutes)
Instruction to candidates:

This exercise consists of three parts. Part I, Part II and III. Each part comprises a
recording. Listen to each recording twice.
Answer the questions as you listen. Circle or write your answers on the question
Read all the questions before you begin the exercise.

PART I (Track 1)
For Question 1 to 3, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

1. The presenter was asked to present a talk on the benefits of either a type of

2. The presenter has replaced his _____________________________________

with drinking green tea instead.

3. EGCG, a potent antioxidant found in green tea, prevents the growth and
formation of cancer cells and ______________________________________.

BBI 2001/SEMESTER 1, 2015-16/SCL 1

For question 4 to 6, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN FIVE WORDS.


4. ____________________________________________________________
to prevent the compound ECGC from oxidising. The leaves of other types of
tea are usually fermented.
5. Green tea can prevent tooth decay and bad breath. To overcome bad breath,
________________________________________ for five minutes.

6. Green tea has ________________________________________________

that can help control gum diseases.

For Question 7 and 8, circle the correct answer.

7. A study conducted in 2010 revealed that

A. chewing gum made of green tea reduces bad breath.

B. overconsumption of green tea causes sleep disorders.
C. regular consumption of green tea ensures stronger teeth.

8. At the end of the talk, the presenter

A. suggests that the audience should start drinking green tea.

B. recommends that the audience consume only 100mg of caffeine daily.
C. advises the audience to drink green tea in moderation.

BBI 2001/SEMESTER 1, 2015-16/SCL 1

PART II (Track 2)
For Questions 9 and 10, choose one letter from A to F to complete each sentence.


has a poor complexion

insists her mum take her advice
uses natural ingredients to maintain her complexion
wears too much make-up
is weak in several subjects
gets personal care advice from magazines

9. Based on the conversation, we can infer that Sally ___.

10. According to Sally, Jane ___.

For Question 11 to 14, circle the correct answer.

11. Tomatoes and honey when combined into a paste

A. can be applied onto the hair as a conditioner
B. must be used as a mask twice a week
C. will make ones complexion radiant
12. Based on the conversation, what will Jane most likely do?

A. She will visit a dermatologist in the next fortnight.

B. She will shop for the required ingredients later in the evening.
C. She will try out Sallys suggestions during the semester break.

13. Jane and Sally are all of the following except

A. siblings
B. classmates
C. roommates

BBI 2001/SEMESTER 1, 2015-16/SCL 1

14. At the end of the conversation, Jane offers to

A. help Sally prepare for an exam the next day.
B. assist Sally to clean up the room.
C. prepare breakfast for Sally.

Part III (Track 3)

For Question 15 to 20, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN FIVE WORDS.
15. The brother often approached the victims wife for financial help to

16. The victim who tried to assist his wife and calm down the situation is now

17. The 30- year-old man felt distraught because his ______________________
____________________________________ and took the family pet with her.

18. The mall security took action against the man by issuing him a summons and by
ordering him ___________________________________________________ for
a period of one year.

19. The Form Three student needs RM65 000 to help him _________________

BBI 2001/SEMESTER 1, 2015-16/SCL 1

20. The boys family is unable to come up with the money because his dad, a lorry
driver, is _______________________________________________________
in the family who earns RM800 each month.

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