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Leo club of

kolej tun
datu tuanku
haji bujang,

4th Bulletin fiscAL

YEAR 2014 - 2015

1. Annual project : Leo camp with orientation and

leadership seminar 2015 (4th April 2015)
2. SPM study tips from past Leo members (9th April
3. Joint project with KTDTHBs pembimbing rakan
seBaya (PRS) donation and visit to PDK Centre,
Miri (16th April 2015)
5. 10th Lions BOD meeting (23RD April 2015)

Annual project : Leo camp with

orientation and leadership seminar
2015 (4th April 2015)
The theme for this camp was Build A Better Today For A Better
Tomorrow. This camp was aimed to expose Leos, especially the new
Leos about Lions Club and Leo Club, acts as a medium for Leos to
inculcate and sharpen leadership skills and to stimulate and strengthen
the bond between Leos of different races.

The Leos had fun in the telematch

handled by all Form 5 Leos.

Leos went to the Leo Garden maintenance to

keep the garden in pristine conditions as a
symbol of our clubs unity and fruitfulness.

The Orientation and Leadership seminar was conducted by Lions

Club of Miri Hosts Secretary, Lion William Kueh to
expose Leos, especially new Leos about the Lion Clubs and Leo
Club and to inculcate and sharpen Leos leadership skills.

The camp was ended with a group photo session

and fellowship teatime with Lion William Kueh.

SPM study tips from past Leo

members (9th April 2015)

The past Leos were invited to share their SPM study tips
to the current Leos. Among the past Leos are Immediate
Past President Joel Leslie, Immediate Past Treasurer Gibson
Wan, Immediate Past Vice President Michelle and 4 others.

Joint project with KTDTHBs pembimbing rakan

sebaya (PRS) donation and visit to PDK Centre,
Miri (16th April 2015)

This is a joint project by Leo Club and Pemimbing Rakan

Sebaya (PRS) of Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang, Miri.
During the visit, Leos and PRS members had fun interacting
with the children at PDK Centre Miri. The representative of
PDK Centre, brought them around the centre and showed the
Leos and PRS members the daily routine. Before the Leos and
PRS members left, Leo Christie Anak Tan as the Organizing
Chairman handed over RM 800 cash while Andrea as
representative of PRS members handed over RM 200 worth
of goods to the chairman of PDK Centre Miri.

Leo bingo competition (16th

april 2o15)

A bingo competition was held where the

Leos are required to answer quizzes on
the history and organization of our Leo
Club. This competition had 6 winners in
overall. Leo Alicia, Leo Emmanuel, Leo
Esther, Leo Farah, Leo Inez and Leo

10th Lions BOD meeting (23RD April

Two key officers
attended the Lions BOD
Meeting to present
their respective reports.
After that, the members
of Lions Club of Miri
Host and Leos
welcomed the members
of Lions Club of Miri
Seashore who attended
the meeting too.

Activities in may 2015

1. 11th Lions BOD meeting (14th May 2015)
2. Participation in Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji
Bujangs Teachers day (22 May 2015)
3. Lions club of Miri Seahorse Charter Night
(24 May 2015)

11th Lions BOD meeting (14th May 2015)

Three key officers of
Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku
Haji Bujang attended the
Lions BOD Meeting and
present their reports

Participation in Kolej Tun Datu

Tuanku Haji Bujangs Teachers day
(22nd May 2015)
Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang organised a celebration
in conjunction with Teachers Day celebration and managed
to build good rapport among the teachers and also the
students of Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang.

Leo Janny helped to decorate the school

hall for the Teachers Day celebration

Leo Nazia also performed during the

event with her friends

Lions club of Miri Seahorse

Charter Night (24th May 2015)
Three key officers attended the
Charter Night organised by Lions
Club of Miri Seahorse to
celebrate newly chartered Lions
Club of Miri Seahorse founded
by Lion Albert Tiong. The dinner
was also attended by District
Governor Dato Betty Wong. The
2nd Vice Governor Eve Wong
initiated and installed the new
members of Lions Club of Miri

1. 13th District 308-A2 Leo Forum 2015 in Kingswood Hotel,

Sibu (4th 6th June 2015)
2. Participation in School Level RIMUP Gawai and
Kaamatan Festival 2015 (17th June 2015)
3. District Governor Honor Night (17th June 2015)
4. 12th Lions BOD Meeting (18th June 2015)
5. Orientation of Incoming Key Officers for Fiscal Year
2015/2016 (24th June 2015)

Held in Kingwood Hotel, Sibu. Our key officers and 3 leo

members attended as participants. All of us had a great
fellowship with all Lions and Leos. The talks were motivating
and building. During the banquet night, all of our key officers
and few leos were awarded with:
Top Club Award
Top Leo President Award: Leo Cielyne Dominic
Top Leo Secretary Award: Leo Christie Tan
Top Leo Treasurer Award: Leo Gloria Kulang
Student Academic Improvement Awards: Leo Kuscera, Leo Farah,
Leo Cielyne, Leo Christie, Leo Nicole, Leo Gloria, Leo Inez, Leo
Alicia, Leo Bryan and Leo Vanessa

Some of our Leos

participated in the
activities held in
conjunction with this
celebration. Their
presence has added
more cultural colours to
this years celebration.

The three key officers attended the DG Honor Night and

witnessed the Lions Club receiving their awards.


The three key officers and three

incoming key officers attended the
meeting. The three incoming
officers observed the current key
officers on how to present their
respective posts report during the
Lions meeting. After that, the Leos
and Lions celebrated Leo Nazia
and Lion Willie Chuos birthday for

Orientation for the new key officers for the fiscal year

Leo Cielyne is briefing the

incoming Leo President and
Vice President

Leo Christie is guiding the incoming

Secretary and Vice Secretary on
how to write Leo Club reports

Leo Gloria is guiding the incoming

Treasurer and Vice Treasurer on how to
manage Leo Club

Our Leo club on the fiscal year of 2014/2015 has ended with excellent awards and

achievements for we have managed to achieve Top Club Award and a total of 31 awards.
All of these achievements wouldn't be possible without the endless support from the
Lions Club of Miri Host, Leo Advisor, Parents, teachers and students of Kolej TDTH Bujang.
With this, I would like to take this very opportunity to thank everyone who have been
supporting our projects and activities especially to our dedicated faculty advisors for
their guidance in managing the club's activities as well as the hardworking Leo club
members who have been cooperating well with each other in every projects carried out.
Our Leo spirit has definitely brought us together! It has been a truly great and
memorable fiscal year with all of you indeed. Personally, I have learnt to sharpen my
LEADERSHIP skills, gain knowledgeable, EXPERIENCES and have received gold
OPPORTUNITIES while leading our club. Also, I would like to wish all the best to the
upcoming key officers and board of directors for the fiscal year of 2015/2016. May our
success continue for more years to come! Roar! Roar! Roar!
Leo President Cielyne Dominic of Kolej Tun Datu
Tuanku Haji Bujang Fiscal Year 2014/2015

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