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Malacca (Malay: Melaka), dubbed "The Historic State", is the third

smallest Malaysian state after Perlis andPenang. It is located in the southern region of the Malay
Peninsula, next to the Straits of Malacca and Muar the Royal City. It borders Negeri Sembilan to the
north and Johor to the south. The capital is Malacca City, which is 148 kilometres (92 miles) south
east of Malaysia's capital city Kuala Lumpur, 235 kilometres (146 miles) north west of Johor's largest
city Johor Bahru, and 95 km (59 miles) north west of Johor's second largest city, Batu Pahat. This
historical city centre has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008.
Although it was the location of one of the earliest Malay sultanates, the local monarchy was
abolished when the Portuguese conquered it in 1511. The head of state is the Yang di-Pertua
Negeri or Governor, rather than aSultan.

1 History

1.1 Sultanate of Malacca

1.2 Colonial era

1.3 Post colonial era

2 Geography

2.1 Climate
3 Government

3.1 Districts and Local Authorities

3.2 Towns

4 Economy

5 Culture

5.1 Demographics

5.2 Language

5.3 Sports

6 Education

6.1 Secondary education

6.2 Higher education

6.3 Public libraries

7 Health care

7.1 Medical tourism

7.2 List of hospitals

8 Energy and environment


8.1 Power generations

8.2 Green energy

8.3 Water supply

8.4 Environmental campaign

9 Tourism
9.1 Tourist attractions

10 International relations
10.1 Cultural exchanges

10.1.1 China

10.1.2 Cuba

10.1.3 Indonesia
10.2 Twin towns and sister cities
11 Transportation

11.1 Air

11.2 Railway

11.3 Water

11.4 Road
12 Popular culture

13 Notable people

14 See also

15 Notes

16 References

17 External links

Incorporated into


Malacca Sultanate

approx. 1400

Portuguese Empire


Dutch Empire


British Empire


Straits Settlements


Crown Colony


Japanese occupation

15 January 1942

Malayan Union

1 April 1946

Federation of Malaya

31 January 1948


16 September 1963

Sultanate of Malacca[edit]
Main article: Malacca Sultanate

Before the arrival of the first Sultan, Malacca was a fishing village inhabited by local Malays known
as Orang Laut. Malacca was founded by Parameswara, also known as Iskandar Shah or Sri Majara,
the last Raja of Singapura (present daySingapore) following a Majapahit attack in 1377. He found his
way to Malacca around 1400 where he found a good portit was accessible in all seasons and on
the strategically located narrowest point of the Malacca Straits.[3]
According to a popular legend, Parameswara was resting under a tree near a river during a hunt,
when one of his dogs cornered a mouse deer. In self-defence, the mouse deer pushed the dog into
the river. Impressed by the courage of the deer, and taking it as a propitious omen of the weak
overcoming the powerful, Parameswara decided then and there to found an empire on that very
spot. He named it 'Melaka' after the tree where he had just taken shelter at, the Melaka
tree(Malay: Pokok Melaka).[4]
Prominent Malaysian artist, Syed Thajudeen, visually depicted the epic tale of the founding of
Malacca on canvas. The Beginning, a 4 panel painting measuring 183 x 512cm is now a permanent
collection at Galeri Petronas.

The Beginning: Founding of Malacca by Syed Thajudeen

In collaboration with allies from the sea-people (orang laut), the wandering proto-Malay privateers of
the Straits, he established Malacca as an international port by compelling passing ships to call there,
and establishing fair and reliable facilities for warehousing and trade. [3]

Malacca Sultanate Palace Museum

Because of its strategic location, Malacca was an important stopping point for Zheng He's fleet. To
enhance relations, Hang Li Po, according to local folklore a daughter of the Ming Emperor of China,
arrived in Malacca, accompanied by 500 attendants, to marry Sultan Manshur Shah who reigned
from 1456 until 1477. Her attendants married locals and settled mostly in Bukit Cina.[5]

"In the 9th month of the year 1481 envoys arrived with the [......] Malacca again sent envoys to China
in 1481 to inform the Chinese that, while Malaccan envoys were returning to Malacca from China in
1469, the Vietnamese attacked the Malaccans, killing some of them while castrating the young and
enslaving them. The Malaccans reported that Vietnam was in control of Champa and also sought to
conquer Malacca, but the Malaccans did not fight back, because they did not want to fight against
another state that was a tributary to China without permission from the Chinese. They requested to
confront the Vietnamese delegation to China which was in China at the time, but the Chinese
informed them since the incident was years old, they could do nothing about it, and the Emperor
sent a letter to the Vietnamese ruler reproaching him for the incident. The Chinese Emperor also
ordered the Malaccans to raise soldiers and fight back with violent force if the Vietnamese attacked
them again.[6][7]

Colonial era[edit]
See also: Portuguese Malacca and Dutch Malacca

1630 map of the Portuguese fort and the city of Malacca

In April 1511, Alfonso de Albuquerque set sail from Goa to Malacca with a force of some 1200 men
and seventeen or eighteen ships.[8] They conquered the city on 24 August 1511. After seizing the
city Afonso de Albuquerque spared the Hindu, Chinese and Burmese inhabitants but had the Muslim
inhabitants massacred or sold into slavery.[9]
It soon became clear that Portuguese control of Malacca did not also mean they controlled Asian
trade centred there. Their Malaccan rule was severely hampered by administrative and economic
difficulties.[10] Rather than achieving their ambition of dominating Asian trade, the Portuguese had
disrupted the organisation of the network. The centralised port of exchange of Asian wealth had now
gone, as was a Malay state to police the Straits of Malacca that made it safe for commercial traffic.
Trade was now scattered over a number of ports among bitter warfare in the Straits. [10]

Dutch Malacca, c. 1750

The Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier spent several months in Malacca in 1545, 1546, and 1549. In
1641, the Dutch defeated the Portuguese in an effort to capture Malacca, with the help of the Sultan
of Johore.[11] The Dutch ruled Malacca from 1641 to 1798 but they were not interested in developing it
as a trading centre, placing greater importance to Batavia (Jakarta) on Java as their administrative
centre. However they still built their landmark, better known as the Stadthuys or Red Building.
Malacca was ceded to the British in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 in exchange for Bencoolen on
Sumatra. From 1826 to 1946 Malacca was under the rule of the British, first by the British East India
Company and then as a Crown Colony. It formed part of the Straits Settlements, together
with Singapore and Penang. Malacca went briefly under the rule of Empire of Japan in 1942-1945
during World War II.

Post colonial era[edit]

After the dissolution of this crown colony, Malacca and Penang became part of the Malayan Union in
1946, which later became the Federation of Malaya in 1948. The declaration of independence was
made by the first Prime Minister of Malaya Tunku Abdul Rahman at Padang Pahlawan on 20
February 1956, which eventually led to the independence of Malaya on 31 August 1957. In 1963,
Malaysia was formed with the merger of Malaya with Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, and Malacca
became part of it. On 15 April 1989, Malacca was declared a historical city. It was then also listed as
UNESCO World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008.[12]


Malacca River

The state of Malacca covers an area of 1,664 km2 (642 sq mi).[1] It sits upon the southwestern coast
of the Malay Peninsulaopposite Sumatra, with the state of Negeri Sembilan to the north and Johor to
the east. Malacca is situated roughly two-thirds of the way down the west coast, 148 km (92 mi)
south of Kuala Lumpur and 245 km (152 mi) north of Singapore and commands a central position on
the Straits of Malacca. With the exception of some of its small hills, Malacca is generally a lowland
area with average elevation below 50 meters above sea level.[13]
The Malacca River roughly runs through the center line of the state from north to south. Kesang
River acts as the eastern border of Malacca with Johor. The offshore Besar Island, Upeh
Island and Undan Island are part of Malacca which are accessible by jetty from Malacca mainland.
The exclave Cape Rachado is also parts of Malacca. Malacca has several beautiful beaches edged
with palm trees which has brought a number of resorts along the coast. Famous beaches
areTanjung Bidara Beach, Klebang Beach, Puteri Beach and Pengkalan Balak Beach.[14]
The man-made Malacca Island is connected to the mainland and it is the first phase of the
development of Malacca Gateway offshore development, expected to be completed by 2025.

The climate of Malacca is hot and humid throughout the year with rainfall occurs mostly between
October and March. Temperature ranges generally between 30-35C during day time and between
27-29C during night time.[15]

See also: Malaysian State Assembly Representatives (2013-) Malacca

Seri Negeri complex, which houses the office of Malacca Chief Minister andMalacca State Legislative

Party composition in the State Legislative Assembly after the 2013 general election:

BN (21),


PAS (1).

Malacca's state parliament is called the State Legislative Assembly and the party in power forms the
Executive Committee. The assembly represents the highest authority in the state and decides on
policy matters. The State Executive Council is responsible to the assembly and comprises members
who are appointed every five years by the political party in power. It is headed by the Yang di-Pertua
Negeri who is appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia. The current Yang di-Pertua
Negeri is Mohd Khalil Yaakob.
The State Government is headed by the Chief Minister. The minister is appointed by Yang di-Pertua
Negeri from among the State Legislative Assembly members. The Chief Minister shall preside over a
meeting of State Executive Council ministers which meet weekly at the Chief Minister's office.
The Chief Minister's Department is responsible for the overall administration of the state, as well as
its political interest. The current Chief Minister is Idris Haron of United Malays National Organisation.
The administrative complex is located at Seri Negeri complex in Ayer Keroh. It houses the Chief
Minister's office, State Legislative Assembly and State Secretariat office. For administrative
purposes, Malacca is divided into three districts under separate jurisdiction:

Malacca Central District and Land Office

Alor Gajah District and Land Office

Jasin District and Land Office

Districts and Local Authorities[edit]

Malacca is divided into 3 districts and 4 local authorities.



(km )




Local Government

Historical Malacca City





Malacca City


Ayer Keroh

Hang Tuah Jaya

Municipal Council

Alor Gajah



Alor Gajah

Alor Gajah Municipal




(km )






Local Government



Jasin Town

Jasin Municipal Council

Historical Malacca City Council

Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council

Alor Gajah Municipal Council

Jasin Municipal Council

Besides Malacca City, other major Malacca townships include Alor Gajah, Asahan, Ayer
Keroh, Batang Melaka, Batu Berendam, Bemban, Bukit Katil, Cheng, Durian Tunggal, Hang Tuah
Jaya, Jasin, Klebang, Kuala Sungai Baru, Lendu, Lubuk China, Machap Baru, Malacca
Pindah, Masjid Tanah, Merlimau, Naning, Nyalas,Pulau Sebang, Ramuan
China, Selandar, Serkam, Simpang Ampat, Sungai Rambai, Sungai Udang, Tampin, Tanjung
Kling, Telok Mas and Umbai.

See also: PANTAS

Serkam industrial area

Malacca International Trade Centre

Despite being located in a land without any significant natural resources, the economy of Malacca
has been dated back more than 500 years ago due to its strategic location as the center for spice
trade and its importance which influence the colonial countries to engage wars to control it. [17]
Malacca started to open up itself to foreign investors since the early 1970s which has been
successful. By 1997, the state has registered a total investment of over MYR16 billion. In 2014, a
total MYR4.4 billion worth of investment was achieved by the state, in which MYR1.8 billion came
from foreign investors.[18]
In 2013, Malacca had a GDP of MYR22,646 million with GDP per capita of MYR34,109. It had 3.2%
GDP growth in 2013. Inflation rate in 2012 was 1.6%. As of 2015, the Malacca State Government
has an outstanding MYR861.7 million of loan to the federal government. In 2014, the state
government's reserve amounted to MYR206.61 million.[19] The unemployment rate in 2014 was 0.9%
or around 3,500 people.[20]
As of 2012, service sector contributes to the largest share of economy in Malacca accounted for
46.9%, followed by manufacturing (43.5%), agriculture (6.5%), construction 2.9%) and mining
On 21 October 2010 an event was held to announce that Malacca had met the benchmark of
'Developed State' as set out by OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development and a declaration of "Melaka Maju 2010" was made by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib
Abd Razak.[22]
Currently there are 23 industrial areas which are centered along the edges of the city proper in
suburbs which include Ayer Keroh, Batu Berendam, Cheng, Taman Tasik Utama and Tanjung Kling.
While outside Malacca City, industrial areas include Alor Gajah and Sungai Udang. There are around
500 factories in the state which come from Germany, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, United States etc.
For small and medium-sized enterprises, a number of estates have been established by the state
The Malacca International Trade Centre in Ayer Keroh which was opened on June 2003 is the
leading commercial center and the center for meetings, incentives, convention and exhibitions which
plays an important role in the development of trade in Malacca.[25]
Sungai Udang houses the PETRONAS Malacca Refinery Complex consisting two refining trains,
established in 1994 and 1999 and owned by PETRONAS Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn. Bhd. and
Malaysian Refining Company Sdn. Bhd. respectively. The total capacity of the refinery is 270,000
barrels of oil per day.[26][27]

Religion in Malacca - 2010 Census


Chinese Ethnic Religion
No religion


Culture in Malacca began around 15th century in which various ethnic customs and traditions
blended perfectly. Each group upholds their tradition and it is reflected in their food, religion customs,
festivals, culture, design, application, jewellery and handicrafts.[28]


Portuguese Settlement

Chitty Village

Malacca has an estimated population of 860,000 as of 2014 with an average annual population
growth of 1%.[29][2] The ethnic composition of Malacca
is Malays (63%), Chinese and Peranakan (25.3%), Indians andChitty (6%) and the
minority Kristang and Dutch Eurasians community.
Malay community in Malacca is generally divided into two, which are the Temenggong custom and
the Pepatih custom. The remaining traditional Malay village in Malacca City is the Morten Village.[30]
The Chinese community consists of Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka, Teochow and Hainanese group of
people. Jonker Walk is the Chinatown area of Malacca. The Peranakan people in Malacca show
unique features, such as furniture, porcelain, crockery, style and food. Their culture is showcased at
the Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum.

Indians in Malacca are the Tamil people in which many of them used to work at the rubber plantation.
However, many of them now work in the jewellery, fabrics, retailers, merchants and money lender
sectors. Many of them reside in Little India. There is also Chitty Village for the minority Chitty people
which houses the Chitty Museum.
A sizable number of Sikhs residing in Malacca, and Sikhs from Malacca and abroad congregate in
the gurdwara (Sikh temple) situated in Jalan Temenggong during the last weekend of May, to
commemorate the death of its former priest, Sant Baba Sohan Singh Ji, who was elevated to a saint
upon passing away.[citation needed] They celebrate the Guru Nanak's birthday and Vasakhi new year
A population of Portuguese descent, who speak a Portuguese creole, are the descendants of
colonists from the 16th and 17th centuries.[31] Even to this day, many of the traditions originating with
the Portuguese occupation are still practised, i.e. "Intrudu" from Portuguese word "Entrudo" (a water
festival that marks the beginning of Lent, the Catholic fasting period), "branyu" (traditional dance),
"Santa Cruz" (a yearly Festival of street celebrations). Many of them settle down around
thePortuguese Settlement area, which has a population of about 1,200 residents.[32] The Portuguese
colonists contributed dishes like Devil's Curry and Portuguese egg tarts to the town's cuisine.[citation needed]
The indigenous people of Malacca is relatively small. They generally reside in rural settlements, the
edge of the woods and along the coast facing Malacca Strait. Malacca houses the Aborigines
Museum in Ayer Keroh.[28]

Malay is the official language of Malacca and is used in the government and public
sectors. English is widely used in business and tourism
sectors. Chinese, Tamiland Kristang languages are also spoken.[33]

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