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- IV


1. what is fixed cost? (AprlMay


utility bills irrespective of sales'

2. What Is

a quality

circte? And what are

its duties? (Nov/Dec 2OO8'

2OLO,2O,2, MaY/June 2OO9)

In addition to the servlces of the quality control team, ln some of the projects'
voluntarlly within the same organizatlon.

3. How will you interpret the quality controt when chance. Gause and
assignable cause extsts ln a process? (Nov/Dec 2OO8)

fina solutions. It is a bottom-up approach of some solving' This group carries

on continuously
4. What

the quality control activities with all members participating'

is the basic difference between health and safety?(Nov/Dec 2OO7)

part by
Safety during the construction of a project is also influenced in large
declsions made during the planning and design process' Some designs
construction plans are inherently difficult and dangerous to implement' whereas'

(Nov/Dec 2OO7)
The responsibllity for iudging quality should be separated from those who are
entrusted with the exetution of the work. The responsibility for quality control is
taken by the resident engineer and his inspection team during the constru.dion.
resident engineer also interacts with the project engineer and his team who are
carrying out the construction for complying with the standards'

6. what are the causes of accidents? (May/June 2OO9)

these are technical defects ln equipment and methods of work' defects in
organlzation and dangerous acts by workers.

To these have to be added those causes that come from the nature of construction
operations themselves, defects in planning and construction, constant changes in
workplace and task, and the friction often found when workers from different trades
are working in close proximity to each other.

In the following llst, the causes of accidents have been grouped according'to their


Planning organization
Execution of work

3. Equipment
4. Management

and conduct of work

Worker's Behaviour

6. What ls meant by totat quality controt? (AprlMay

Quality became


an important business issue because of the fall of American

in world markets, No management issue since the scientific

management has had such an impact as that of the quality movement,


what are the types of statistical sampling methods adopted for quality
control? (AprlMay 2011)
An ideal quality control program might test all materials and work on a particular
facility, For example, non-destructive techniques such as x-ray inspection of welds
can be used throughout a facility.
An on-site inspector can witness the appropriateness and adequacy of construction
methods at all tlmes. Even better, individual craftsmen can perform continuing
inspection of materials and their own work.

8. What are the obJectives of quality control? (May/June 2012)

Quality control represents increasingly important concerns for project managers.

Defects or failures in constructed facilitles can result in very large costs. Event with
minor defects, re-construction may be required and facility operations lmpaired.
Increased costs and delays are the results. In the worst case, failures may cause
personal inju rles or fatalities.


Define Accident. (May/June


t 2Ol2)

There are as many possible causes of accidents as there are occasions. Among
these are technical defects in equipment and methods of work, defects in
organization and dangerous acts by workers. To these have to be added those
causes that come from the nature of construction operations themselves, defects in
planning and construction, constant changes in workplace and task, and the friction
often found- when workers from different trades are working in close proximity to
each other.

Handling of goods

Excavation and Tunnellng

Excavation and Tunneling

1O. What are the charts used In statistical quatity controt? (May/June


(bad) or
The acceptance or rejection of a lot is based on the number of defective
non defective (good) items in the sample' This ls referred to as sa-mpling
attributes, (Control chart by attributes)

2. Instead of using defective and non defective


for an item' a

quantitative quallty measure of the value of a measure variable is used as a

quality indicator. This technique procedure is referred to as sampling by
vartables, (Contro! chart by variables)

are the types of statistical sampllng?

1) Sampiing bY attributes
2) Sampling by variables
12, what are the standards measured in safety construction?



- Provide Helmets for

- Requiring EYe Protection
- Requiring Hearing
- Supply Safety

13. what are th varlous temporary safeguards ln construction?

_ Guy lines
_ Barricades
_ Braces
_ Railings

- Toe Boards

14. How do you lmprove therob slte tn constructlon?

_ Design

choice of technology
Educating workers

_ Pre-quallflcation of contractors
15. What do you mean by Sampllng by attrlbutes?
The acceptance and reJection of a lot ls based on the number of defective or a non
defective item in the sample, Thls is referred to as sampling by attribute.
16. How do you Improve in total control?
1) To improve worker enthusiasm

2) To reduce the defective items

3) To increase the cost of items

4) To insure safe and effective constructlon

17. What are the matdrials Specificatlons availabte in construction?
1).The American Soclety for Testing and materials (ASTM)
2) The Amerlcan National Standards Institute (ANSI)

3) Construction Specification Institute (CSI)

4) American Welding Society (AWS)

18. what are the factors affecting Quality ln construction?

1) Incorrect Design

2) Improper workmanship
3) Lack of attention in worksite
4) Lack of training in construction work
19. Define Quality.
Quality is defined as the fitness for the purpose and it satisfies the customer.
20. Mention the causes of Accident in a construction industry.

1) Physical Accident
2) Physiological Accldent
3) Psychological Accident

21. what are the functions of InsPection?

1) Material Inspectlon
2) Process Inspection
3) Equipment InsPection
4) Finished Job InsBection
22. what ar the Various Safety equlpmCnts?


- Gtoves
- Shoes
- Goggles
- Safety Belts

23. Mntlon two safetles Quotatlon.

Make safety a hablt

Good work ls a Safe work

24. what .re the techntcal serytces requlred for lnspectlon?

1) Eng lneers/Deslgners/Arch ltecvceologlsts
2) Supervlsors
3) scientists
4) Technlcians
5) Fleld Laboratory
6) Base Laboratory

7) Equlpment testlng and repalr unit

25. Mention the Physicat causes of Acclddnt ln a constructlon industry' Machines
- Accidents caused
due to tools
- Accldents caused
caused due to materials
- Accidents
Accidents caused due to urilform

' - Accidents caused in working environment


16 marks


What are the causes of accidents? (AprlMay 2OO8, Nov/Dec 2OO7, Apt lu,ay
2O1O, Nov/Dec 2011, Mayl'rune 2OO7)
There are as many possible causes of accidents as there are occasions.
Among these are technical defects in equlpment and methods of work, defects in
organization and dangerous acts by workers.
To these have to be added those causes that come from the nature of construction
operations themselves, defects in planning and construction, constant changes in
workptace and taskT and the friction often found when workers from different trades are
worklng in close proxlmity to each other'

In the following list, the causes of. accidents have been grouped accordlng' to thelr

Planning organization


Defects. in technical planning

Fixlng unsuitable time limits

Assignment of work to incompetent contractors

Insufficient or defective supervision of the work
Lack of co-operation between dlfferent trades

Execution of work


Use of unsuitable materials

Defective processing of materials



Lack of equipment

Defects in equipment
Lack of safety devices or measures

Management and conduct of work


Inadequate preparation of work

Inadequate examination of equipment
Imprecise or inadequate instructions from supervisor
Unskilled or untrained operatives


Worker's Behavlour


Irresponsible Acts
Unauthorized acts

Explain the factors on environmental probtem

in safety. (AprlMay




Safety during the construction of a project is also influenced

decisions made during the planning and design process.

in large part


some designs or construction plans are inherently dlfficult and dangerous of

implement, whereas, other comparable plans may considerably re{uce the possibility
of accldents.

For example, clear separation of traffic from construction zones during roadway
rehabllitatlon can greatly reduce the possibility of accidental collislons,
Beyond these design decision, safety largely depends upon education and training,
vigilance and co-operatlon durlng construction.
Choice of technotogy can notify operators of problems or prevent injuries,

For example, simple switches can prevent equipment from being operated, when
protective shlelds are not in place.

with the availabllity of on broad

electronics and sensors,

the posslbility for

sophisticated machlnes controllers and monitors has greatly. expanded for

construction equlpment and tools. proper choice of materials also influenced the
safety of constructlon.

What is meant by statistical quality control? (AprlMay 2OO8, Apr / May




An ideal quality control program might test all materials and work on a particular
facility' For example, noh-destructive techniques such as x-ray inspection of welds
can be used throughout a facility.


An on-site inspector can witness the appropriateness and adequacy of construction

methods at all times. Even better, individual craftsmen can perform continuing
inspection of materials and their own work.




of all materials and work by inspectors can be

however, In many instances, testing the destruction of a

100o/o testing

exceedingly expensive,

material sample, so exbaustive testing is not even possible.


As a result, small samples are used to establish the basis of accepting or rejecting
a particular work item or shipment of materials.


statistical methods are used to interpret the results on a small sample to reach a
conclusion concerning the acceptability of an entire lot or batch of materials or work


The use of statistics of essentials in interpreting the results 9f testing on a small

sample, without adequate interpretation, small sample testing results can be quite
misleading. As an example, suppose that there are ten defective pjeces of materials
ln a lot of one hundred.


In taking a sampte of five pieces, the lnspector might not find any defective pieces
or might have all sample pieces defective.
There are two types of $tatistical sampling which are commonly used . for the
purpose of quality control ln batches of work or materials:
The acceptance or rejection of a lot is based on the number of defective (bad) or

attributes. (Control chart by attri butes)



of using defective and non defective classification for an item, a

quantitirtive quality measure of the value of a measure variable is used as a quality

indicator. This technique procedu re is referred ta as sampling by variables, (control
chart by variables)


Dlscuss briefly on TQM for construction. (AprlMay 2Oo8, Nov/Dec 2012,

May/June 2OO7)
r' Quality became an important business issue because of the fall of American
competitiveness in world markets. No management issue since the scientific
management has had such an impact as that of the quality movement'
r' The 1o131 quality management (TQM) approach is increasingly used by
organizalions to improve their operations and processes used in all functional areas
of their organizations.

it attempts to improve product/service quality,

productivity, and competitiveness by improving the communication with customers
TQM has become popular because

and suppliers and within organization.

TQM has been defined in a variety of ways and meaning a quest for excellence,
creating the right attitudes and controls to make prevention of defects possible and

optimize customer satisfaction by increased efficiency and effectiveness. TQM is an


approach for improving the effectivenesg and flexibility of business as a whole. It is

essentially a way of organizing and involving the whole organization at every level.
TQM ensures that the management adopt a strategic overview of quality and focus

on prevention rather than inspection.

TQM can be viewed as the process, wherein the top management along with other


in an organization


improve the product quality and work

environment continuously at all stages, at all levels with the aim of lmproving


customer's and employee's satisfaction.


why is an accident prevention program essentiat ln a construction project?

Also'explain the general safety program for a construction prorect. (Nov/Dec



safety during the construction of a project is also influenced rn large part by

decisions rnade during the, planning and design process. .Some designs or
construction plans are inherently difficult and dangerous of implement, whereas,
other comparable plans may considerably reduce the possibility of accidents.
For example, clear separation of traffic from construction zones during roadway
rehabilitation can greatly reduce the possibility of accidental colllsions. Beyond these
design decision, safety largely depends upon education and training, vigila'nce and
co-operation during construction. choice of technology can notify operators of
problems or prevent injuries.


For example, simple switches can prevent equipment from being operated, when
piotective shields are not in place. With the availability of on broad electronics and

sensors, the possibility for sophisticated machines controllers and monitors has
greatly expanded for construction equipment and tools. Proper choice of materials


also influenced the safety of construction,

For example, substitution of alternative materials for asbestos can reduce or

eliminate the prospects of long term illness such as asbestosis.
Educating workers and managers in proper procedures and hazards can have a

direct impact on job safety. The realization of the large costs lnvolved in
construction injuries and illness provides a considerable motivation for awareness
and education,


of contractors and sub-contractors with regard to safety

another important avenue for safety improvement.



Explain the method of quality controt by statistlcal method and method of

sampling with attributes. (Nov/Dec 2OO7, May lxune 2OO9, AprlMay 2010,
Nov/Dec 2011)


Sampling by attributes is a wid.ely applied quality control method. The procedure is

intended to determine whether or not a particular group of materials or work
products is acceptable.

In the literature of statlstical guality control, a group of materials or work items to be

tested ls called a tot of batch. An assumption ln the procedure is that each ltem in a
batch can be tested and ilasslfied as elther acceptable or deficient based upon
mutually acceptable testing procedures and acceptance criteria.
Each lot ls tested to determine if it satisfies a minimum acceptable quality lbvel
(AQL) expressed as the maximum percentage of defective items in a lot or process'
In its basic form, sampling by attributes is applied by testing a pre-defined number
of sample items from a lot.

If the number of defective items is greater than a trigger level, then the lot is
rejected as being likely to be of unacceptable quality. otherwise, the lot ls accepted.
Developing thls type of sampling p/an requires consideration of probability, statistics
and acceptable risk levels on the part of the supplier and consumer of the lot.
Reflnements to this basic application procedure are also possible. For bxample, if the
number of defecHves is greater. than some pre-defined number, then additional

sampling may be started rather than immediate rejection of the lot. In many cases,
the trigger level is a slngle defective item in the sample. In the remainder of thls

section, the mathematical basis

for interpreting this type of sampling plan is


More formally,

a lot is deflned as acceptabte if it


a fraction




defective items. Similarly, a lot is defined as unacceptable if it contains a fraction p2

or more defective units, Generally, the acceptance fraction is less than or equal to

the rejection fraction, p,


and the two fractions are often equal so that there is

no ambiguous range of lot acceptability between p1 and p2.

Given a sample size and a trigger level for lot rejection or acceptance, we would like
to determine the probabilities that acceptable lots might be incorrectly' rejected


(termed producer's risk) or that deficient lots might be incorrectly accepted (termed
consumer's risk).

a lot of finite number N, in which m items are defective (bad) and


remaining (N-m) items, are non-defective (good).

If a random sample of n items is taken from this lot, then we can determine the
probability of having different numbers of defective items in the sample,
With a pre-defined acceptable number of defective items, we can then develop the
probability of accepting a lot as a function of the sample size, the allowable number
of defective items, and the actual fraction of defective items, This derivation appears


Explain the different safety measures to be followed by constructlon

lndustries. (AprlMay 2OLO,2OLLT Nov/Dcc 2011).
Safety dufing the constrirction of a project is also influenced ln large part by
decisions made during the planning and design process, Some designs or
construction plans are inherently difficult and dangerous of implement, whereas,
other comparable plans may considerably reduce the possibility of accidents,
For example, clear separation of traffic from construction zones during roadway
rehabilitatlon can greatly ieduce the possibility of accidental collisions. Beyond these
design decision, safety largely depends upon education and training, vigilance and

co-operatlon during construction. Choice

problems or prevent injuries,


technology can notify operators of

r' . For example, simple switches can prevent equipment from being operated, when.
protective shields are not in place, With the availability of on broad electronics and

sensors, the possibility for sophisticated machines controllers and monitors has
greatly expanded for construction equipment and tools. Proper choice of materials
also influenced the safety of construction.



the importance of quality and safety in the construction. (AprlMay

2OLL, Vlay lJune 2012)

The construction industry, employing the largest labour force in the country, has
accounted for about llo/o of all occupational injuries and 2Oo/o of all deaths resulting
from occupational accidents, The costs of accidents are expensive. However, economic
cost is not the only reason for which a contractor should be conscious of constructlon
safety. The reason for considering safety include


1. Humanitarlan concern. When the accident

happens, the resulting suffering of the



contractor should never ignore this even if he has insurance against accident'
the cost
Economic Reasons. Even if a contractor has insurance, he will find out that

The direct and indirect cost of accidents can be:

Direct cost

a) Medical care expenses for injured

b) Workmen's comPensation costs



Insurance Premium increases
Replacement cost of equipment and material damaged ln accident

Facility rePair and cleanuP

for legal counsel.

Indirect cost

a) Slowdown in operation
b) Decrease in morale which affects productivity
c) Administrative work associated with accident
d) Loss of cllent's confidence
e) Overtime necessitated by work slowdown
3. Laws and Regulatlons. As per different acts and laws, the employer should look
after the safety of the employee' Violation of these laws will be subject to

4. Organlzatlonal fmage. A good safety record can produce higher morale and
productivity and stranger employee loyalty. It win also improve the company's public
image and therefore, make it easier to acquire negotiated jobs'


Mention the classificatlon of construction Accidents'

The construction accidents can be classified under the following three


According to the cause of occurrence

According to the nature of injury sustained
Partial disablement

Total disablement


Nccording to the severity of iniurity

Minor accident
Major accident
Accident hazard

lo.what the objectaves of quality control? (Nov/Dec



The responsibility for judging quality should be separated from those who are
entrusted with the execution of the work. The responsibillty for quality control is
taken by the resident engineer and his lnspectors.
The specificatlons stipulated in the designs are enforced by the resident engineer
and hls inspectibn team during the constructlon,

The resldent englneer also lnteracts with the proJect englneer and his team who
are carrying out the construction for complying wlth the standards.


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