Marking Guidelines For Teachers - Fourth Top Ten Questions

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1415- O Level Biology 4th Top 10 Questions-marking guidelines

Marking guidelines for teachers Fourth Top ten Questions



by osmosis water diffuses down a water potential gradient through a partially

permeable membrane








rate of water uptake increases

positive correlation;
e.g. 0.4 mm min-1 at 0 m s-1 (no wind) compared to 20 mm min-1 at 8 m s-1, which shows
an increase by x50
temperature, humidity, light intensity (any two)
Any two of:
- as a raw material for photosynthesis
- for turgidity / support ;
- for transport of solutes
- for forming vacuoles / growth / (cell) expansion ;
- it takes part in chemical reaction(s) ; e.g. hydrolysis
- it is a medium for chemical reactions (not a solvent)
- Water evaporates from surfaces of mesophyll cells into air spaces; the loss of water
vapour through stomata in leaves lowers the water potential, so water moves into leaf
from xylem. This creates a tension in water column in xylem (ref. to transpiration pull)
- Water molecules being polar will manifest cohesion
- The leaves are small, reduced to spines, are needles
- no leaves present
- curled / rolled, leaves ;
- hairs on the leaves / stems ;
- thick (waxy) cuticle
- sunken stomata or few stomata ;
- fleshy / succulent, leaves / stems
- small surface area: volume ratio ;
- deep roots ; or long / extensive, shallow roots

a) i) (stationary phase) C;
(lag phase) A
ii) any two letters (from A, B, C, D);
b) i) availability of food supply;
number of predators;
incidence of disease;
ii) more food; rate gets faster;
more predators; rate gets slower;
more disease; rate gets slower;
c) (plenty of) food / water;
(plenty of) space;
(plenty of) mates;
lack / few predators;

1415- O Level Biology 4th Top 10 Questions-marking guidelines



- during germination the source is the seed (cotyledon) ;

leaves grow and start to photosynthesise so they become the source
leaves may be shed and may stop photosynthesising so they become the sink
- in early growth the root is sink
later flowers / fruits / seeds / tubers become sinks.


4. a) idea of limited resources ;

less, mining / plastic manufacture / deforestation ;
less waste to, land fill / rubbish tips ;
recycling uses less energy than, making paper / making plastic / mining / smelting ;
ref. to pollution qualified e.g. toxic gases from burning plastic
b) fewer trees cut down ;
less waste ;
less material burnt ;
ref to, land-fill / rubbish tips / environmental / ecological issues
conservation of finite resources and raw materials
ref to biodegradable products / plastic is non biodegradable ;
ref to atmospheric gases e.g. carbon dioxide / methane

5. suitable named crop plant or domesticated animal

suitable feature to improve ;
select individuals for breeding ;
select offspring that show improvement ;
use these for future breeding

1415- O Level Biology 4th Top 10 Questions-marking guidelines

6. a)




positive correlation ;
more antibiotics used, more bacteria are resistant ;
variation between countries at each dosage ;
In countries with antibiotic use of <1%, less than 10% bacteria are resistant
In countries with antibiotic use of 3(+)%, more than 40% bacteria are resistant
variation e.g. some countries at 2.5%, with 4.5% and 32.5%
bacteria are resistant to some antibiotic ;
ref. to selection ; result of overuse ;
some are specific ;
some antibiotics used for rare disease(s) ;
some only used as last resort ;
have (many / unpleasant) side-effects / harmful / cause allergy ;
too expensive ;
cannot be used on children ;
Many antibiotics work by damaging the cell walls of bacteria. They do not help to destroy
viruses because viruses dont have cell walls.
ref. to mutation / variation / DNA change ;
(new strain) has resistance ;
(new strain) not killed by treatment ;
ref. to natural selection / survival of fittest / less competition for
resistant bacteria if most of normal bacteria have died ;
(new strain) reproduces ;
increased numbers of population have resistance ;
ref. to over-prescription / not completing antibiotic course ;
ref. to use in animal husbandry




trachea / windpipe bronchus bronchiole

active uptake / active transport
thin walls / walls one cell thick;
large surface area ; large numbers of alveoli ;
closely associated with capillaries / blood stream;
moist lining ;
presence of mitochondria
- weigh the nut / use known mass of nut
- put 25 cm3 water into the boiling tube
- takestart temperature of water
- set nut on fire
- hold nut under boiling tube until it has stopped burning
- reignite nut if it goes out / keep heating water until temperature stops rising
- stir water
- take final / maximum, temperature of water
- repeat with other masses of nut
25 24 4.2

1415- O Level Biology 4th Top 10 Questions-marking guidelines




2520 (J)
i) x-axis labelled mass of nut / g
y-axis labelled energy / J
point plotted in square 2500 2600 + line through points ;
line must not extend beyond plotted points
straight line of best fit
ii) as mass increases, energy increases ;
energy content directly proportional to mass of nut
i) (3045 / 0.5 100 =) 609 000 / 6.09 105
ii) heat lost to air
some energy lost when setting nut on fire ;
official procedure involves burning in oxygen ;
heat transfer to, needle / boiling tube;


(soya food chain) soya human ;


(corned beef food chain) grass cow human ;


beef food chain has an extra level / beef food chain longer;


energy lost through food chain / 90% energy lost at each level;


more energy is lost in beef chain;


example of energy loss eg. body heat / movement of animal / not all food digested / energy
lost in faeces / urinating / excretion / respiration / egestion;

vii) in food chain there is more biomass in soya than in cows;

10) a) X menstruation / described ;

Y ovulation / described
b) stimulates repair of the, endometrium / lining of uterus thickening / building up, of
endometrium ;
development of blood (vessels) / glands ;
prepares (uterus) for, implantation / reception of egg or embryo ;
release of LH ; inhibits release of FSH (from pituitary) ;
stops, production / release, of more eggs ; causes change in cervical mucus ;
c) i) FSH is, given / taken / injected, at beginning of the cycle ;
stimulates development of, follicles / eggs ; many / several / more than one ;
reason women may be infertile is not producing, any / enough, FSH ; enables IVF ;
ii) allows infertile couples to have children ;
may not treat infertility successfully ;
expense of fertility treatment ;
may lead to multiple births ;
ref. to adverse effects
d) so no more eggs released ;
no fertilisation ;
no more embryos ;
idea that do not have, embryos / fetuses / babies, at different stages of development in the
womb at the same time

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