SHEEN Sharing Evaluation Event, September 16 2009, Glasgow

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End of Project

Evaluation Event
16 September 2009

Sarah Currier, Project Consultant

Gavin McCabe, University of Edinburgh
Careers Service
Jessica Henderson, Heriot-Watt University,
Educational Development Unit
 Introductionto SHEEN Sharing
 Review: Web 2.0, Resource Sharing and
Communities of Practice
 The ECN as a CoP: Characteristics,
Benchmarking, Requirements
 Break for questions / discussion
 What SHEEN Sharing Did
 Challenges and Overcoming Them
 How SHEEN Sharing Did
NB: Video clips are not available for viewing on the public Web. Text summaries
only in this version of slideshow.
 Project timescale: Jan – Sep 2009
 Project lead: Cherie Woolmer (voluntary)
 Project consultant, 2.5 days / week for 9
months: Sarah Currier
 Project Development Group: enthusiasts
in the ECN (voluntary)
 Admin and advisory support from HEA
 Travel and events budget
 No technology budget
Experimental -- Developmental -- Iterative
 Flexible: change track quickly if something isn‟t working
 Must have ownership and involvement of ECN to succeed
 Safe communication spaces + open dissemination spaces
 Must not be driven by traditional project reporting outputs
 CoP = sharing of knowledge, experience and peer teaching
within community
 CoP = room for mistakes, learning from trial and error,
reporting what doesn‟t work as well as what does,
supporting each other
 Piloting use of freely available Web tools

Validated 100% by Project Review!

Jan – Mar 2009: Exploratory phase
 Initial planning meeting of Development Group
 4 introductory meetings held across Scotland
 Requirements / benchmarking survey
 Literature review
Apr – Jul 2009: Tools trials phase
 Planning meeting with Development Group
 Decide to trial Diigo & Netvibes: introduced at ECN Meeting
 3 Diigo Training Days held across Scotland
Aug – Sep 2009: Evaluation phase
 Planning webinar with Development Group
 Follow-up / evaluation survey
 In-depth interview with 2 co-ordinators
 This event!
Gavin & Jessica reflect on how SHEEN
Sharing has changed their thinking and
working practices. Jessica shares how it
has helped her work through her
„technophobia‟ and assisted with her
work at Heriot-Watt.
Video clip is 6:16 minutes
Web 2.0 and SHEEN Sharing
... it‟s a catch-all, un-defined term that
refers to stuff on the Web that allows
users to create and share their own
content globally, and within their own
self-organised communities ...

... increasingly referred to also as “social

media” ...
See handout, which was created for SHEEN
Sharing‟s initial introductory meetings ...
Gavin & Jessica reflect on new
confidence, new understanding, & the joy
of the read/write Web. How can we
specifically use new Web tools in our

Video clip is 1:07

minutes long
The Employability Agenda as a Driver
The recent report of an independent Committee of Inquiry into
the impact on higher education of students‟ widespread use
of Web 2.0 technologies (entitled ‘Higher Education in a Web
2.0 World’) noted:

“[...] the dispositions developed through engagement

with Web 2.0 technologies – to communicate,
participate, network, share etc – overlap with what
are viewed both as significant 21st century learning
skills and 21st century employability skills.”

Hughes, A. (2009)
Communities of Practice and Resource Sharing
“Communities of practice are formed by people who
engage in a process of collective learning in a
shared domain of human endeavor: a tribe learning
to survive, a band of artists seeking new forms of
expression, a group of engineers working on similar
problems, a clique of pupils defining their identity in
the school, a network of surgeons exploring novel
techniques, a gathering of first-time managers
helping each other cope.”

Etienne Wenger
CoPs and resource sharing in UK HE:
• JISC Emerge, Pathfinder DMU Learning Exchanges
• Interviewed key people.

“[...] the pedagogical, social, and organisational

aspects of these communities have not been at the
forefront in the design and development [...].
Research has consistently demonstrated that the
most substantial barriers in uptake of technology
are rooted in these factors”
Margaryan, Milligan and Douglas, 2007. CD-LOR Project
The question was: What have you learned
or gained from the project? Gavin
reflects on the Communities of Practice
aspect of SHEEN Sharing. Jessica reflects
on learning about new, useful, timesaving
Video clip is
1:16 minutes
Characteristics, Priorities, Experience, Confidence Levels
 The following slides come from the results
of the initial benchmarking survey, plus
some comparison with the recent evaluation
 Benchmarking survey had a response rate
of ca 85%.
 Evaluation survey had a response rate of ca
• ... but was still a mix of enthusiasts, intermittent
participants, and non-participants.
 National, across all Scotland‟s HE institutions
 Geographically distributed, with some
members, particularly in the north of Scotland,
less able to attend centrally based meetings;
 Mostly female (76% female / 24% male);

 A mix of part-time and full-time (59% full-time /

41% part-time) ...
A mix of professional backgrounds:
• Lecturers;
• Researchers;
• Careers advisers;
• Policy developers and implementers;
• Staff developers;
• Educational developers;
• Librarians
... ?
A mix of institutional situations, in terms of:
1. the type of department they are based in:
 59% educational/staff development;
 41% careers service;
 some co-located in different departments;
2. the emphasis required by their institution:
 working at a policy level;
 working on curriculum and course development;
 working directly with academics and students.
3. university type, from red brick to the
ancients, including the Open University and
the federated UHI Millennium Institute.
 Temporary: funding for their work will
not continue beyond the next couple of
years (although some have permanent
 A small number of institutions did not
employ designated “employability
coordinators”, but most did.
 There is significant time pressure on many
ECN members;
 There are a range of professional and
institutional cultures, priorities and
communication styles coming to bear on
their ability to participate;
 There are institutional cultures with different
levels of support for use of technology;
 There is a sense that the work accomplished
must not be lost after the end of the ECN‟s
funded tenure in their roles.
 There is significant time pressure on many
ECN members;
 There are a range of professional and
institutional cultures, priorities and
communication styles coming to bear on
their ability to participate;
 There are institutional cultures with different
levels of support for use of technology;
 There is a sense that the work accomplished
must not be lost after the end of the ECN‟s
funded tenure in their roles.
Gavin & Jessica reflect on how SHEEN
Sharing has strengthened the ECN as a
Community of Practice, bringing
everyone together, working for the same
aim, moving towards an ongoing, fluid
way of operating and strengthening
Video clip is 2:02
minutes long
 Communication:
• Mutual support;
• Sharing experience, practice and learning.
 Resource sharing, comprising:
• Resource discovery, sharing, recommending
and rating;
• Sharing experiences of use of resources;
• Targeted resource dissemination to all
 One-stop shop for employability
• New employees coming in
 Communicating less frequently than they‟d like:
• time constraints;
• issues of information overload;
• all forms of communication tend to occur monthly or less.
 Using bookmarking, Google and email.
 Some experience with social media and educational
tech: not all positive.
 Medium/low confidence in efficiency/effectiveness
at resource discovery, sharing, dissemination.
 Strong support for:
• sharing opinions, practice tips and ideas around resources with
ECN colleagues and other stakeholders,
• improving their own efficiency and effectiveness in sharing
Web 2.0 tool types of particular interest to this project were not
used by many participants at the start:
 Newsfeeds = 29%
• The lynchpin of Web 2.0; enable time saving in keeping up-to-
date with activities and resources; interoperate with all tools.
 Social bookmarking sites (e.g. Delicious, Diigo) = 18%
• Key component for communities sharing resources over the
Web; for individuals finding, discussing & recommending
relevant resources.
 Group web spaces (e.g. Ning, Google Groups) = 35%
• Offer private discussion and activity space requested by ECN
members since the ECN JISCmail list started.

This indicated a clear training and support need to be

addressed by the project.
The Story of SHEEN Sharing
 We had 4 introductory meetings ...
 With a handout
 We started a project blog, to:
• Be a central dissemination and discussion point
• Introduce people to the idea of using RSS feeds
• Provide a place to demonstrate different tools
 Homework was for everyone to:
• Set up their own newsfeed reader
• Subscribe to the project blog newsfeed.
 We set up weekly drop-in support webinars
using the OU‟s FlashMeeting tool
Jessica talks about how Google Reader
and finding out about newsfeeds has
changed her life. Gavin didn't do the
homework: re newsfeeds- local IT
support has been a barrier for him.
Video clip is 2:35
minutes long
 Anyone who wanted to try posting was given an account:
• This was experimental: no clear purpose other than “having a go”;
• Some disappointment over lack of engagement early on!
 Others tried out commenting on the blog.
 The blog was used to demonstrate how RSS feeds could be
pulled in from other tools and displayed in a single site:
• A couple of early bookmarking feeds from Delicious were set up: one
for the project literature review and one for anyone tagging sites of
interest with “sheensharing”
• We started storing our public project documents on Scribd, and used
a feed to put these up on the blog
• We started a Twitter account - @sheensharing – and put a feed from
this into the blog
 The Development Group agreed that we should have project
theme groups to trial different tools for different purposes:
each group got its own blog “page”.
 We started by asking folk to join Delicious
and bookmark their favourite employability
sites using the tag “sheensharing”
 I also tagged everything I came across in
the literature review as
 This introduced people to the idea of web-
based bookmarking, tagging and creating
feeds to share resources.
 TheDevelopment Group decided the
formal trials phase should focus on:
• Sharing resources (and experiences, opinions,
• Public and private space to discuss them;
• Having a place to disseminate in a targeted way
for the sake of other stakeholders.
 During the project review, an interview
with George Roberts of the JISC Emerge
project alerted me to Diigo and Netvibes.

Netvibes Examples:

Pilot Netvibes Site:
 We organised some training sessions.
 We got everyone to join Diigo and transfer
their existing browser
Favourites/Bookmarks to Diigo.
 Those with Delicious accounts were helped
to transfer those bookmarks to Diigo
• NB: They remain on Delicious too
• Diigo can be set up so that when something is
bookmarked using Diigo, it is automatically
bookmarked on Delicious as well.
 Everyonejoined a public Employability
Group and a private ECN Group on Diigo.
Gavin & Jessica on the wonder of Diigo.
Sharing resources (SHEEN Sharing‟s
original remit); accessing your resources
wherever you are; supports efficiency.
How can we get more people to share
their bookmarks there?
Video clip is 3:42
minutes long
 Cherie and I agreed an initial structure
for the public Netvibes site.
 I added in a bunch of examples of
resources that could be fed into the
Netvibes site:
• SHEEN Sharing blog feed
• HEA pages and feeds
• Targeted Diigo, Delicious, Youtube, Twitter
searches (using specific topic tags)
• LibraryThing feeds.
 Pam Andrew at St Andrews University is using
Diigo‟s Webslides feature to make her student
experience wiki pages more accessible:
 We supported the SHEEN Placements Project in
thinking about dissemination requirements:
Fiona Boyle will talk about their use of a blog and
 We met with the EvidenceNet team in York to talk
about mutual affordances
 We emailed a bit with the International PDP
Project about their requirements
 Jessica at Heriot-Watt got very excited about
“Time to engage due to fractional contract”
“Lack of participation of some of the ECN has been a bit
disappointing and has meant there has been some duplication of
effort (see my previous comments about feeling a need for belt
and braces approach just now).
Some of the unforeseen technical problems for individuals have
created a barrier but on the whole these seemed to have been
dealt with.
An observation at this stage is that engagement with the project, with
group discussion and dissemination of resources seems to be
sporadic..with frenetic periods of action followed by a lull. I
wonder if this has any impact on other's perceptions about
progress and use of these tools. I am constantly using things like
Diigo for my personal bookmarks but not (at present) using it for
group discussions so most of my engagement may appear
"hidden". I wonder if this is the case for others.”
“The main barrier for me has been time - I can see the many benefits
but am finding it difficult to get to grips with a lot of the new tools
and technologies simply because i've not spent enough time
looking at them in depth.”
“Lack of time to devote to this!”
“Unfortunately, I have not been able to take advantage of the Sheen
Sharing project as originally intended as I developed screen
sensitivity problems (as yet undiagnosed) and have had to
severely limit the amount of time I spend reading on screen.
Having had this experience, it has brought home to me the
importance of disability and accessibility and, consequently, how
vital it is not to expect that all (colleagues and students) will
readily use electronic communication. It has served as a personal
warning not to put all my eggs in one basket!”
“Isolated bursts of activity having managed to get to grips with it as
much as I would have liked.”
“See above. [I like the idea of blog postings. Unfortunately it has not
worked very well so far. I used it once and didn't get a reponse.
People need to see the need for it and make time for it. That's not
always the case].
I think there are two issues here:
1. We are making the assumption that everybody wants to share their
work. Is that the case?
2. I don't think that a lack of resources is the main problem for our
work. In fact, I often feel that there are too many resources that
don't tell me anything new. What would be more interesting is to
discuss how and when we use them in our daily work, why they did
or did not work.
3. People might be reluctant to share 'problems' on the blog because
that might be perceived as a 'weakness„ on their part. We tend to
talk more about successes because our institutions are very keen
to present a positive image to the outside world (see also our
discussion surrounding the SQW evaluation where we can't see
what other universitiewshave said.)”
“None at all”
Jessica remembers specific technical
barriers at her institution: needing IT
support to install most tools at work (but
more reflections on how her life has been
revolutionised). Gavin reflects on
barriers looking forward: encouraging
Video clip is 5:52
minutes long
JISC Emerge (2009) found that “[t]he
effective use of Web2.0 applications
depends essentially on human networks.
This raises questions of inclusion,
exclusion and identity”.
Reflecting on building confidence and
including everyone in the ECN. Does
everyone *have* to engage? How to
make sure people who aren‟t engaging
are still included in discussions?

Video clip is
1:47 long
Gavin on his personal motivation to move
forward: internal drivers in his
workplace. How can Diigo and Netvibes
be used internally at Edinburgh
University? How can we create internal
communities supported by Web tools?

Video clip is 1:35

minutes long
“To continue to collaborate if poss”

“-ongoing support and "tasks" to keep people

interested and engaged. This would have to
come from within the network and not from
consultant though”

“step up the development of the netvibes

pages and involve some friendly external
stakeholders in discussions”
“More 'hands-on' sessions would have been a real help to
me to take advantage of the technologies.”

“As I mentioned above, having a dedicated resource in

Sarah has helped to encourage me to experiment with
technologies which I would otherwise have ignored.
Continuing with such support, in some form, would be
really helpful. Even email support on an ad hoc basis
would be reassuring.”
“It might be a good idea to set up smaller subgroups
for sharing resources on specific issues rather than a
general trawl for everybody. People are interested in
different aspects of employability depending on
where in the institution they have been placed; i.e. in
careers or educational development. What is their
background? in support or in academia?
My particular interest is in pedagogy and curriculum
development. others might have other priorities.
I think such a themed approach would be better. It
would, however, require somebody to manage that.”
Results of the Evaluation Survey
Where do you look for resources to
help you in your employability work?



Twitter search

SHEEN Sharing blog

Social book-marking site (e.g. Diigo, Delicious)

SHEEN Sharing Netvibes page Survey 2

Survey 1

Repositories (e.g. Jorum)

ECN JISCmail list archive

University library (online, phone query or in person)

Trawl or search known website (e.g. HEA Employability page;

University departmental sites)

Web search, e.g. Google

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

“I haven't had to search for anything *very* recently but when I do, my
habits are likely to have changed, e.g. including the SHEEN Sharing
Netvibes page in my search.”
“Yes. Knowledge of the following are as a direct result of SHEEN Sharing:
-Sheen sharing Netvibes
-social bookmarking sites (esp. Diigo)
-Sheen sharing blog
-Twitter (although my use of this has dwindled due to lack of "useful"
contacts on it.
-filesharing sites
I have also been using Google docs, Google groups and Google notes as a
result of the SHEEN sharing project. Not strictly about FINDING resources
but Google notes especially has allowed me to clip items and make
commentary as I go.”
“Not really looking in new places but when I find them I now use Delicious to
“Traditionally I have used email discussion lists and
web searches to find information, so using the SHEEN
Sharing Netvibes page (though only once or twice) is
a minor change in behaviour. A more major change
(more planned than enacted, sadly!) is using Diigo to
share bookmarks. I haven't used this to its full extent
yet, but plan to as it seems such a useful tool
generally, as well as helping in employability
“Yes, I have enjoyed the links to U-Tube videos; will try
to use them more.”
“Yes - on the Sheen website”
“Useful training - still developing confidence in use of new resources”
“Web-based bookmarking”
“The introduction to Delicious and Diigo has completely changed how I
manage my bookmarks. I rarely use the favourites function on my laptop
any more. I particularly like (and take advantage) of the fact that I can
access diigo from multiple laptops. I also find the comments function on
diigo really, really useful, making any save I make more dynamic.
I also have found that the highlight function on diigo has been particularly
good, for example, when I quickly find a site that I want to come back to
and look at, I can highlight the original part that was of interest and go
straight to it when I have more time.”
“yes started using Delicious”
“Have stopped using Favorites and started using Diigo, at home and work,”
“Using Diigo”
“Looking at links and tags to source materials - expanding resource
“Yes, as noted in q16 -I now look for the majority of resources I need
in Diigo. I am, however, still in a transition phase where there are
items coming through from colleagues on the ECN (or other)
email lists) and I still have some items from email conversations.
This flexibility is manageable though and still feels much easier
than my previous practice of googling, looking in email archives
My only nervousness about this change in practice is if the Diigo
software ceases and what I would do to ensure I don't lose any of
my bookmarks.”
“Diigo is helping me to organise web resources much more
“Web-based bookmarking”
“At present the majority of resources or documents
that I create that I wish to share (or have been asked
to share) are not hosted on a website that I could
bookmark or tweet about. The fact that I am aware of
tagging and the ways in which I COULD share such
resources is still helpful for the future.
As an aside, Google groups has become an important
part of sharing documents with other researchers
interested in my PhD- not about employability per se
but still an example fo how the project has enhanced
my professional practice.”
“Yes - using Diigo to organise and share
bookmarks. As mentioned above, I
haven't started using it to its full potential
yet, but plan to spend some time on that
in the near future.”

“Have started using Diigo as a central

point of reference for bookmarks.”

When you find a resource that you think might be useful for
others, how do you disseminate it?


Share it via social net-working site (e.g. Face-book)

Share it via Twitter or other micro-blogging site

Share it via a file-sharing site (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Slide-

share, Scribd)

Share it via web-based book-marking (e.g. Diigo, Delicious)

Deposit it in a formal repository (e.g. Jorum)

Put it up on, or submit it to some other Website Survey 2

Survey 1
Put it up on project or work-related blog, wiki, website or
other open web space

Put it up on personal blog, wiki, website or other open Web


Put it up on, or submit it to the HEA Website

Put it up on, or submit it to your departmental Website

E-mail it to individuals that you personally know would be


E-mail it to ECN JISCmail list

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
“Bookmarking, filesharing and Twitter are all new
ways in which I am able to share resources as a
result of SHEEN. In fact, I have pretty much
stopped distributing things via the ECN list as a
result of the project. However, I am very aware
that a core number of ECs are using these tools
and there is a risk of people not being linked in.”

“Yes, Diigo, as above.”

Results of the Evaluation Survey
What Web tools have you used to support you in your
employability work?

None of the above

Personal sharing pages (those that use widgets and gadgets, …

Web-conferencing systems (e.g. Flashmeeting, Elluminate)

Microblogging (e.g. Twitter)

Virtual Learning Environments

Web-based ePortfolios

Virtual worlds (e.g. Second Life)

Collaborative document development (e.g. Googledocs)

Survey 2
Survey 1
Formal repositories (e.g. Jorum, OU OpenLearn)

Filesharing sites for multiple filetypes (e.g. Scribd)

Filesharing sites for specific filetypes (e.g. Flickr for images, …

Social citation sites (e.g. Connotea, LibraryThing)

Social bookmarking sites (e.g. Delicious, Diigo)

Professional networking sites (e.g. LinkedIn)

Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Bebo)

Group web spaces (e.g. Ning, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups)

News feeds (RSS, Atom, etc.)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
What Web tools have you used in other work situations?

None of the above

Personal sharing pages (those that use widgets and gadgets, …

Web-conferencing systems (e.g. Flashmeeting, Elluminate)

Microblogging (e.g. Twitter)

Virtual Learning Environments

Web-based ePortfolios

Virtual worlds (e.g. Second Life)

Collaborative document development (e.g. Googledocs)

Survey 2
Survey 1
Formal repositories (e.g. Jorum, OU OpenLearn)

Filesharing sites for multiple filetypes (e.g. Scribd)

Filesharing sites for specific filetypes (e.g. Flickr for images, …

Social citation sites (e.g. Connotea, LibraryThing)

Social bookmarking sites (e.g. Delicious, Diigo)

Professional networking sites (e.g. LinkedIn)

Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Bebo)

Group web spaces (e.g. Ning, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups)

News feeds (RSS, Atom, etc.)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
What Web tools have you used outwith work?

None of the above

Personal sharing pages (those that use widgets and gadgets, …

Web-conferencing systems (e.g. Flashmeeting, Elluminate)

Microblogging (e.g. Twitter)

Virtual Learning Environments

Web-based ePortfolios

Virtual worlds (e.g. Second Life)

Collaborative document development (e.g. Googledocs)

Survey 2
Survey 1
Formal repositories (e.g. Jorum, OU OpenLearn)

Filesharing sites for multiple filetypes (e.g. Scribd)

Filesharing sites for specific filetypes (e.g. Flickr for images, …

Social citation sites (e.g. Connotea, LibraryThing)

Social bookmarking sites (e.g. Delicious, Diigo)

Professional networking sites (e.g. LinkedIn)

Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Bebo)

Group web spaces (e.g. Ning, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups)

News feeds (RSS, Atom, etc.)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
“Still developing confidence and finding my way around”
“Sheen sharing has introduced me to a number of new applications which
have changed significantly how I look for, record and disseminate
resources. Before the project I would use the ECN list and my favourites in
my browser to find and save things. AS noted above, I now use Diigo for
bookmarking. As I'm aware that some people aren't using these
applications in the same way I do find I'm adopting a belts and braces
approach in that I'll share on Diigo AND sometimes email on the ECN
list....and I'm not sure when is a good time to stop this!
I'd like to make better use of collaborative document development (but I
currently find Google docs a little limited) and I hope that people will
begin to make use of the Diigo groups page. More recent experiences of
the training and a recent discussion on the ECN list has highlighted the
importance of transparency in electronic communications and for us as a
community to take more time when we meet F2F to discuss our working
parameters for these tools (i.e. some seem reluctant to share their views
publicly. Why is this and what can members of the ECN do to engage and
remedy this?).”
“I'm not really using them as much as I should, but hopefully this will
change within the next year. I have plans to utilise various tools
and the website much more effectively to advance the
employability cause here at [my university].”
“More knowledgeable but not using that much”
“As a direct result of this project I've start using RSS feeds, Diigo and
Flashmeeting. This has been useful learning and I hope to reap
future benefits from them in other situations. Experimenting with
using Flashmeeting in a low-stress environment at Webinars has
been a gentle introduction to the technology, which means that I'm
more comfortable using it in other work situations where I will be
able to concentrate on the discussions rather than the technology.”
Results of the Evaluation Survey
Confidence in accessing employability resources efficiently?



% of ECN 30
Survey 1
Survey 2


1 2 3 4 5

1 = not very confident ; 5 = extremely confident

Confidence in accessing employability resources





% of ECN 25
Survey 1
20 Survey 2


1 2 3 4 5

1 = not very confident ; 5 = extremely confident

Confidence in sharing resources with ECN efficiently





% of ECN 25
Survey 1
20 Survey 2



1 2 3 4 5

1 = not very confident ; 5 = extremely confident

Confidence in sharing resources with ECN effectively



% of ECN 30
Survey 1
Survey 2


1 2 3 4 5

1 = not very confident ; 5 = extremely confident

Confidence in finding resources again 1 year from now





% of ECN 25
Survey 1
20 Survey 2



1 2 3 4 5

1 = not very confident ; 5 = extremely confident

Confidence in disseminating resources outwith ECN





% of ECN Survey 1
Survey 2



1 2 3 4 5

1 = not very confident ; 5 = extremely confident

“Useful experience and one that can be shared at own
“Having the sustained input from a consultant has been
invaluable. Investing time to meet with people face to face to
establish relationships has been very positive (and has been
fed back to me too).
Many of my positive comments are noted above. The only
additional thing I'd say is that it has prompted other
discussions in my institution about how we could harness
Web 2.0 more effectively to communicate in other, internal,
professional networks as well as with students i.e. the
Careers Service have Web 2.0 technologies as a special
strategic development area this year. This has come about
as a direct result of the SHEEN Sharing project.”
“Setting aside specific time to dedicate to demystifying and
using Web2.0 tools (e.g. 2 training sessions and Webinars on
Wednesday mornings) has proved extremely useful to
encourage me to explore these tools, which I otherwise
might have ignored due to time pressures. Sarah's
encouragement and technical expertise have been both
motivating and reassuring. I just wish I had more time to pick
her brains about other things, but at least I've made a start!”

“To meet with other Employability Coordinators.

To find out the practical use of many of the resources above.
Greatly appreciate the efforts and willingness made by Sarah
to help and support the ECN.”
Gavin reflects on the nature of a pilot
project, and remaining flexible

Video clip is 1:06

minutes long
Gavin leaves us with encouraging words.

Video clip is 0:47

seconds long
Currier, S. (2009) SHEEN Sharing Benchmarking and Final Requirements Report. Final
Public Draft. Higher Education Academy. Available:

Currier, S. (2009) SHEEN Sharing Review. Final Public Draft. Higher Education
Academy. Available:

Hughes, A. (2009) Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World: Report of an independent

Committee of Inquiry into the impact on higher education of students’ widespread
use of Web 2.0 technologies. JISC. Available:

JISC Emerge (2009) JISC Emerge: A User-Centred Social Learning Media Hub:
Supporting the Users and Innovation R&D Community Network. JISC. Available:

Margaryan, A., Milligan, C. And Douglas, P. (2007) CD-LOR Deliverable 9: Structured

Guidelines for Setting up Learning Object Repositories. Available:
Image on 1st slide by ycc2106: available under Creative Commons:

Slides by Sarah Currier, Consultant, SHEEN Web 2.0 Resource Sharing Project

Interview subjects:
Gavin McCabe, University of Edinburgh Careers Service.
Jessica Henderson, Heriot-Watt University Educational Development Unit.

Slides © 2009 Higher Education Academy.

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