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Design Methods - CT015-3.5-2

This assignment has been designed for students to apply fundamental design concepts by
designing, implementing and documenting the solution for the problem.

This is an individual Assignment.

Select one of the following system categories and design a solution using UML modelling
techniques. You are required to provide the requirement, analysis and design models with
descriptions for the system.
System category:
1. Order Management System
2. Rental Management System
3. Administration System
4. Event Planning System
5. Ticketing System
In addition, you are also required to include a critical evaluation section in your documentation
of your design.


Level 2

The solution design with all related UML diagrams must be submitted in the for of
Documents must be delivered in printed and softcopy forms.
Submission Deadline: 25th June 2015 (Thursday), by 6PM.
Document Report Structure: Cover Page, Content (Adoption of Software Development
Model, Analysis Model, Design Model and Sample Codes), Conclusion and References.

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

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Design Methods - CT015-3.5-2

Marking Criteria:

This individual practical assignment contributes 100% of the total mark for the module
incourse. The marks allocation used to evaluate the assignment are as follows:
Software Development Model with Justification
Analysis Model
The structure of the system or application that you are
It consists of UML diagrams that describe the logical
implementation of the functional requirements that you
identified in the use case model.


Design Model
Builds on the analysis model by describing, in greater detail,
the structure of the system and how the system will be


Ability to answer questions addressed by the lecturer
pertaining to the work done and presented


Total: 100%
The marking criteria will be based on the logicality, appropriateness, and relevance of the
requirements analysis, design and implementation possibilities.

Modelling Tools:
You can use any modelling tools.

Academic Integrity:

You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity during the duration of
the course.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be dealt with according to APIIT and Staffordshire
University regulations.

Level 2

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

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Design Methods - CT015-3.5-2

Performance Criteria:
A+ : 80%+

Work of distinguished quality, demonstrating authoritative grasp of

software modelling techniques, and the candidate has the ability to
effectively design solution model for the problem context and document
the solution with UML visualisation mechanism.

A : 75-79%

Demonstration of very high understanding of software modelling skills

and candidate was able to achieve good design methods for the solution
and document it in a good presentation manner using UML.

B+ : 70-74%

The designed solution model demonstrates good understanding of

software modelling techniques and candidate was able to develop good
design methods that are relevant to each specific modularised problem
and document it in a good presentation manner using UML.

B : 65%-69%

Demonstration of above average understanding of software modelling

and design methods. Candidate was able to show that she/he had the
ability to develop good solution that is relevant to the problem context.
However, the documentation may be lacking in an in-depth discussion of
the designed solution model.

C+: 60%-64%

Demonstration of above average understanding of software modelling

and design methods. Candidate was able to show that she/he had the
ability to develop acceptable level of solution that is relevant to the
problem context. However, the documentation may be lacking in an indepth discussion of the designed solution model.

C : 55%-59%

The designed solution demonstrated an understanding of software

modelling and design methods. There is structure in the documentation
and there are no serious omissions or irrelevancies. Detail level of
requirement was limited.
System design documentation is basic but does not document any indepth details of the solution design.

C- : 50%-54% Basic design for the solution. Model have essential diagrams only but
may be flawed by omissions and/or irrelevancies. System design
documentation is basic and may contain minor omissions/mistakes.
F+ : 40%-49%

Weak program design. Model have only a few essential diagrams only.
System design documentation is available but has very little resemblance
to actual implementation.

F : 0-39%

Very poor program design. Model have no diagrams and do not meet the
expected requirements of the problem scenario in the assignment.
System design documentation is not available.

End of Document

Level 2

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

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