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Solved Problems: Motion in Two and Three

~ has magnitude 3.0 m and points to the right; vector B
~ has magnitude 4.0 m and
1. Vector A
~ +C
~ = 0.
points vertically upward. Find the magnitude and direction of vector C such that A
~ = 3 i and B
~ = 4 j.
In this case the two vectors can be written as A
~ is:
The vector C
~ = A
~ = 3 i 4 j
~ are:
The magnitude and the direction of the vector C
C =

(3)2 + (4)2 = 5 m

= 53 + 180 = 233
= tan1

2. Use unit vectors to express a displacement of 120 km at 29 counterclockwise from the x-axis.
Were given the magnitude of the vector, A = 120 km , and the angle = 29. The x and y
components are given as:
Ax = 120 cos 29 = 105 km
Ay = 120 sin 29 = 58 km .
3. A car drives north at 40 mi/h for 10 min, then turns east and goes 5.0 mi at 60 mi/h.
Finally, it goes southwest at 30 mi/h for 6.0 min. Determine the cars (a) displacement and (b)
average velocity for this trip.
a) The car starts off going north at v1 = 40 mi/h for t1 = 10 min , which corresponds to a
distance of r1 = 40 mi/h 10 min = 6.67 mi. It then turns east and drives r2 = 5.0 mi at
a speed of v2 = 60 mi/h , which implies a duration of 2 = 605.0mi/h
= 5.0 min. Lastly, it turns
southwest and moves at v3 = 30 mi/h for t3 = 6.0 min , which corresponds to a distance of
r3 = 30 mi/h 6.0 min = 3.0 mi.

The vectors are:

~r1 = 6.67 j mi
~r2 = 5.0 i mi
~r3 = 3.0 cos 225 i + 3.0 sin 225 j = 2.12 i 2.12 j


The toral displacement is the sum of these vectors,

~rtot = (5.0 2.12) i + (6.67 2.12) j = 2.88 i + 4.55 j = 2.9 i + 4.6 j


b) The average velocity is:

~vav =

2.88 i + 4.55 j mi/h

60 min = 8.2 i + 13 j mi/h
10 min + 5.0 min + 6.0 min

4. An objects velocity ~v = c t3 i + d j is where t is time and c and d are positive constants

with appropriate units. Whats the direction of the objects acceleration?.
The acceleration is:
~a =

= 3 c t2 i .

The direction of the acceleration is along x-axis.

5. Droplets in an ink-jet printer are ejected horizontally at 12 m/s and travel a horizontal
distance of 1.0 mm to the paper. How far do they fall in this interval? .
We have x0 = 0, y0 = 0, v0 x = 12 m/s, v0 y = 0 m/s and x = 1.0 mm = 103 m.
The total time of flight for the ink drop is:
t =

x x0
103 0
= 8.33 105 s
v0 x

The position y of the ink drop at time t is:


y = .8 8.33 105 + 0 8.33 105 + 0 = 3.4 108 m = 34 nm

The distance that an ink drop falls is 34 nm.

6. An arrow fired horizontally at 41 m/s travels 23 m horizontally. From what height was it
We have x0 = 0, x = 23 m, v0 x = 41 m/s and v0
we also have y = 0 and we have to find y0 .
The total flight time of the arrow is:
t =

= 0 m/s. By taking the origin at the ground,

23 0
x x0
= 0.561 s
v0 x

The height from which the arrow was shot is:

y0 =

9.8 0.5612 = 1.5 m

7. Estimate the acceleration of the Moon, which completes a nearly circular orbit of 385000 km
radius in 27 days.
We have v =


and the acceleration is:

a =

4 2 R
4 2 385000 103
= 2.8 103 m/s2
27 24 3600

8. A particles position is ~r = (c t2 2 d t3 ) i + (2 c t2 d t3 ) j where c and d are positive

constants. Find expressions for times t > 0 when the particle is moving in (a) the x-direction and
(b) the y-direction. .
The velocity ~v is:
~v =

= 2 c t 6 d t2 i + 4 c t 3 d t2 j .

a) To move in the x-direction,

vy = 4 c t 3 d t2 = 0 .
Then t =


b) To move in the y-direction,

vx = 2 c t 6 d t2 = 0 .
Then t =


9. The Singapore Flyer is the worlds largest Ferris wheel. Its diameter is 150 m and it rotates
once every 30 min. Find the magnitudes of (a) the average velocity and (b) the average acceleration
at the wheels rim, over a 5.0 min interval.

j = 75 j m and the initial

Lets take the initial position to be at the lowest point, r0 = 150
velocity will be ~v0 = 3060 = 0.262 i m/s. After t = 5.0 min, the wheel will have completed
1/6th of its rotation, meaning it will have advanced by 60. The final position will be 30 from the
x-direction, while the velocity will be 60 from the x-direction.

The final position is:

~r = 75 cos(30 ) i + 75 sin(30 ) j = 65.0i 37.5 j m.
The final velocity is:
~r = 0.262 cos(60 ) i + 0.262 sin(60) j = 0.131i + 0.227 j m/s.
10. A particle leaves the origin with initial velocity ~v0 = 11 i + 14 j undergoing constant acceleration ~a = 1.2 i + 0.26 j (a) When does the particle cross the y-axis? (b) Whats its y-coordinate
at the time? (c) How fast is it moving, and in what direction?.
The particle starts at the origin ~r0 = ~0 with an initial velocity ~v0 = 11 i + 14 j and a constant
acceleration ~a = 1.2 i + 0.26 j. The x and y component of the position are:
1.2 2
t + 11t + 0
0.26 2
t + 24t + 0
y =

x =

a) Solving for the time when x = 0 gives:

t =

2 11
= 18.3 s

b) Plugging this time in the y position,

18.33 + 14 18.3 = 300 m

y =

c) Plugging this times in for the velocity,

~v =

11 i + 14 j + 1.2 i + 026 j 18.3 = 11.0 i + 18.8 j m/s

The magnitude and direction of the velocity are,


(11)2 + 18.82 = 22 m/s

= 120
= tan1

v =

11. Standing on the ground 3.0 m from a building, you want to throw a package from your
1.5-m shoulder level to someone in a window 4.2 m above the ground. At what speed and angle
should you throw the package so it just barely clears the windowsill?.
Lets take the origin at the shoulder level, i.e. x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x = 3 m and y = 4.2 1.5 = 2.7 m.

The package attains its maximum height at the window sill. This implies that vy = 0. This
result is used to find the time of flight,
vy = gt + v0


which means t = v0g y .

Inserting the time t into,
v0 y
y = 2.7 = g


+ v0

v0 y


The time of flight to the window will be t =


2 2.7
= 7.27 m/s


= 0.7423 s. Using x = v0 x t + x0 , we get:

x x0
3.0 0
= 4.041 m/s

The magnitude and direction of the initial velocity are:

4.0412 + 7.2752 = 8.3 m/s

v0 =

1 7.275
0 = tan
= 61

12. Your alpine rescue team is using a slingshot to send an emergency medical packet to climbers
stranded on a ledge, as shown in Fig. 3.24; your job is to calculate the launch speed. What do you

Let x0 = 0 and y0 = 0 the origin of coordinates system be at the slingshot with the stranded
climbers at the point x = 390 m and y = 270 m. Solve Equation y = 12 gt2 + v0 y t + y0 for the
initial speed, given that the initial angle is 0 = 70 . We get:

cos 0

2 (x tan 0 y)
cos 70

= 89 m/s .
2 (270 tan 70 390)

13. .A basketball player is 15 f t horizontally from the center of the basket, which is 10 f t off
the ground. At what angle should the player aim the ball from a height of 8.2 f t with a speed of
26 f t/s?.

The initial height of the ball is y0 = 8.2 f t, the final height is y = 10 f t, the initial speed is

v0 = 26 f t/s, and the range is x = 15 f t. These quantities are related by the trajectory Equation:
1 (x x0 )2
+ (x x0 ) tan 0 + y0
y= g 2
2 v0 cos2 0

With origin at the point from which the ball is thrown, the equation of the trajectory, evaluated
at the basket, becomes,

(15 12 2.54 102 0)
(10 8.2) 12 2.54 102 = 9.8
(26 12 2.54 102 )2 cos2 0

We get:

15 12 2.54 102 0

1.8 = 1.5 tan 0

tan 0

cos2 0

Using the trigonometric identity 1 + tan2 0 = 1/ cos2 0 , convert this equation into a quadratic in
tan 0 . The result is:
7.13 15 tan 0 + 5.33 tan2 0 = 0
where we have divided out the units of ft, leaving us with a dimensionless equation. The answers

152 4 5.33 7.13
1 15
0 = tan
= 31.2 or 65.7
2 5.33
14. A diver leaves a 3 m board on a trajectory that takes her 2.5 m above the board and then
into the water 2.8 m horizontally from the end of the board. At what speed and angle did she leave
the board?.
Draw a diagram of the situation (see figure below). Because we are given the maximum height (at
which point vy = 0, Equation vy2 = v02 y 2gy can be used to find the y component of the divers
initial velocity, with y = h. The x component of v0 can be found from Equation, x = x0 + v0 x t ,
once the time of flight is known.

At the maximum height, we have:

vy2 = v02 y 2gy = 0
which gives v0

= 7.00 m/s.

To find the total flight time, we solve y = 12 gt2 + v0 y t + y0 with y y0 = 3 m. This gives:
t =

v0 y

v02 y 2g(y y0 )

72 2 9.8 (3)

= 1.77 s

where we take the positive square root because the diver springs upward off the board. Thus, the x
component of the velocity is:
From v0

and v0

x x0
= 1.58 m/s

we find the magnitude of ~v0 is:

1.582 + 72 = 7.2 m/s

v0 =

and direction is 0 = tan1


= 77.3 .

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