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Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Anik Anjarwati Liana
Kelas : 1EA42

Learning English
Learning a language england in senior high school is a delight. Formerly I
feel that learn english pretty boring, but in the end I feel pretty good. Learning
way is very nice. Learning to english is not make us bored. There are several ways
used by my teacher when I sat on the bench senior high school at them:
First the teacher use rote. Teachers obliging the number of students
memorization words which are usually used to everyday language. Each meeting I
memorize all the words that determined his teacher. Also sometimes I ask my
friends to listen rote that I would like to, are they still there is something wrong or
still one is less. Sometimes I listened to my friend rote, so we each other rote
alternately. This way hopefully the students can master knowing a language often
employed in public life, and have it in their though few use English. But at least,
the students can improve. So that I can add vocabulary that I can use while
communicating with my friend. I can also improve their knowledge of
memorization vocabulary English.
The second using a manner that is pleasing that is by means of poetry. We
making poetry of the English language. Then we memorize. The poem that made
is poetry a wreath of own. The poem that made unspecified what its title , so that
we could choose by our own volition the title of the poem .Ago after his poem
ready we going up one by one in front of the class to read a poetry we have made.
By making and read a poem I received inputs in making poetry. Much can be
learned, as in manners, language a language that is good recite a poem by using a
expression face convincing and there are many more thing.

The third is also not lost an exclamation to learn english. Usually we

listen to songs speak english .Also sometimes give in a spectacle of a film of the
English language. A song or film it rotated, having finished a song or the movie.
Teachers give an assignment, duty is what the contents or the core of a song or
film that has been in televise. Then teachers also asked the story in the film, so
little by little I can understand the core of all the talks who is in a film the. Of this
activity teachers can measure the ability of his students. While students can
measure up to which the limit of capability of himself.
He latter is very surprising and fun. Every six month once the schools
hold the event. The show is bring tourists who speak english for the opponent
communication english. We also taught many things. We can also ask you
something on the tourists. For example something special in indonesia according
to him, food that he loved from indonesia and other. Every year in my school
there was study tour, every student study tour assigned to find tourists who speak
english and interviewed him and recording the results of the interview in the form
of video and noted the results of a communication that was done in a sheet of
The learning experience my english in the high school.

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