Assignment in ICT: Submitted By: Reynaldo Y. Hilbero III

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Submitted by:
Reynaldo Y. Hilbero III

Submitted to:
Sr. Sam

A database is an organized collection of data.[1] It is the collection of tables, queries, reports, views
and other objects. The data is typically organized to model aspects of reality in a way that
supports processes requiring information, such as modelling the availability of rooms in hotels in a
way that supports finding a hotel with vacancies.
Database management systems (DBMS) are computer software applications that interact with the
user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze data. A general-purpose
DBMS is designed to allow the definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of
databases. Well-known DBMSs include MySQL, PostgreSQL,Microsoft SQL
Server, Oracle, Sybase and IBM DB2. A database is not generally portable across different DBMSs,
but different DBMS can interoperate by using standards such as SQL and ODBC or JDBC to allow a
single application to work with more than one DBMS. Database management systems are often
classified according to the database model that they support; the most popular database systems
since the 1980s have all supported the relational model as represented by the SQL language.
[disputed discuss]

Sometimes a DBMS is loosely referred to as a 'database'.

The point of sale (POS) is the time and place where a retail transaction is completed. It is the point
at which a customer makes a payment to the merchant in exchange for goods or after provision of a
service. At the point of sale, the merchant would prepare an invoice for the customer (which may be
a cash register printout) or otherwise calculate the amount owed by the customer and provide
options for the customer to make payment. After receiving payment, the merchant will also normally
issue a receipt for the transaction. Usually the receipt is printed, but it is increasingly being
dispensed electronically.
The POS in various retail situations would use customized hardware and software tailored to their
particular requirements. Retailers may utilize weighing scales, scanners, electronic and manual cash
registers, EFTPOS terminals, touch screens and a variety of other hardware and software available.
For example, a grocery or candy store may use a scale at the point of sale, while a bar and
restaurant may use software to customize the item or service sold when a customer has a meal or
drink request.
The point of sale is often referred to as the point of service because it is not just a point of sale but
also a point of return or customer order. Additionally, today POS software may include additional
features to cater for different functionality, such as inventory management, CRM, financials,
warehousing, etc.
An automated teller machine or automatic teller machine, ATM, is an electronic
telecommunications device that enables the customers of a financial institution to perform financial
transactions, particularly cash withdrawal, without the need for a human cashier, clerk or bank teller.
On most modern ATMs, the customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic
stripe or a plastic smart card with achip that contains a unique card number and some security
information such as an expiration date or CVVC (CVV). Authentication is provided by the customer
entering a personal identification number (PIN).
Using an ATM, customers can access their bank deposit or credit accounts in order to make a variety
of transactions such as cashwithdrawals, check balances, or credit mobile phones. If the currency
being withdrawn from the ATM is different from that in which the bank account is denominated the
money will be converted at an official exchange rate. Thus, ATMs often provide the best possible
exchange rates for foreign travellers, and are widely used for this purpose. [4] Yet it seems on modern
ATMs foreign cash currency is not processed or possibly rejected when deposited or at least is not
originally expected by the machine.

Flight Reservation System

A Flight Reservation System

is part of the so-called passenger service systems (PSS), which

are applications supporting the direct contact with the passenger.

ARS eventually evolved into the computer reservations system (CRS). A computer reservation
system is used for the reservations of a particular airline and interfaces with aglobal distribution
system (GDS) which supports travel agencies and other distribution channels in making reservations
for most major airlines in a single system.

Computerized Inventory System

A Computerized Inventory System is a system the encompasses all aspects

of managing a company's inventories; purchasing, shipping, receiving,
tracking, warehousing and storage, turnover, and reordering. In different firms
the activities associated with each of these areas may not be strictly contained
within separate subsystems, but these functions must be performed in
sequence in order to have a well-run inventory control system. Computerized
inventory control systems make it possible to integrate the various functional
subsystems that are a part of the inventory management into a single
cohesive system.

Enrollment System
Enrollment procedure is one of the main problems of a school, institution or
college. To avoid inaccuracies in this, our enrollment system will be an instant
remedy. Princetech Enrollment System is designed to perform the process
involved in registration, advising assessment and financial aid for scholars and
payment of students. This System includes admission, entrance exam,
scheduling of classes, grade encoding, managing student academic records
and financial information. Our company is focused in customers success for
providing the most flexible and complete school management solutions. This
gives you fast, accurate and comprehensive information necessary in the
decision-making process. Thus, software delivers the simplicity and
convenience that both of you and your students want.

Payroll System
In a company, payroll system payroll is the sum of all financial records of salaries for an
employee, wages, bonuses and deductions. In accounting, payroll refers to the amount paid to
employees for services they provided during a certain period of time. Payroll plays a major role in a
company for several reasons.
From an accounting perspective, payroll is crucial because payroll and payroll taxes considerably
affect the net income of most companies and they are subject to laws and regulations (e.g. in the US
payroll is subject to federal, state and local regulations). From an ethics in business viewpoint payroll
is a critical department as employees are responsive to payroll errors and irregularities: good
employee morale requires payroll to be paid timely and accurately. The primary mission of the
payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately and timely with the correct
withholdings and deductions, and to ensure the withholdings and deductions are remitted in a timely
manner. This includes salary payments, tax withholdings, and deductions from a paycheck.

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