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Deputy Director

Staff Attorney
Also Admitted in VA

Staff Attorney

June 29, 2015

Leonard J. Howie III, Director
Office of Workers Compensation Programs
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue NW, Room C-3520
Washington, DC 20210
Re: RIN 1240-AA10
Comments to Proposed Regulations Black Lung Benefits Act:
Disclosure of Medical Information and Payment of Benefits
Dear Mr. Howie:
I am submitting these comments on behalf of the Appalachian Citizens Law Center, Inc.,
in support of the proposed regulations that the U.S. Department of Labor (the Department)
published on April 29, 2015. The Appalachian Citizens Law Center is a non-profit law office
located in the coal mining region of eastern Kentucky. The attorneys at the Appalachian
Citizens Law Center regularly represent claimants in black lung benefits claims at all stages of
the adjudication process from proceedings before the District Director to hearing before the
Office of Administrative Law Judges and appeals before the Benefits Review Board, the U.S.
Courts of Appeals, and the Supreme Court. Our experience representing hundreds of claimants
has exposed us to many of the issues that the Department addresses via its proposed rule and our
comments are informed by our direct experience with these issues.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center strongly supports the proposed regulations. The
following comments are meant to explain our support and suggest clarifications for the final rule
to improve the rule and to avoid unnecessary litigation.
The proposed rule regarding disclosure of medical evidence is a much-needed
improvement to the black lung benefits program. The rule would not only make the claims
process more fair for claimants who need information about their health, but also would improve
the quality of decisions in black lung benefits claims by increasing the likelihood that the most
relevant information is available to the decisionmaker.

The preamble provides the tragic case of Gary Fox as an example demonstrating the need
for disclosure. Mr. Fox is clearly an individual who the Black Lung Benefits Act entitles
benefits to. The failure of his first claim to be awarded shows that the rules need to be changed
to ensure that no family has to endure what the Fox family has suffered.
Without the proposed rule going into effect, there is the real potential of more tragic cases
of miners being denied benefits solely because they do not have access to existing medical
information proving that they are disabled due to black lung.
There are currently three levels of barriers to claimants obtaining medical information
from attorneys representing the operator or carrier. First, claimants who do not have
representation or have nonattorney representatives seldom, if ever, use technical discovery
methods to seek information that the attorneys for the operator or carrier possess. Second, even
when a claimant does have a lawyer, many lawyers do not make full use of all discovery
methods for a variety of reasons. Third, even if a lawyer does use discovery methods, the
attorneys for the operator or carrier often object, refuse to disclose medical information, and
assert various privileges against disclosure. This forces the claimants attorney to invest more
time in litigation over discovery without knowing whether the withheld information will make a
difference in the claim and without any guarantee that the time invested will be compensable for
the attorney.
The third barrier is exacerbated by recent changes to the procedural rules before the
Departments Office of Administrative Law Judges. Effective June 18, 2015, a claimant cannot
discover medical information developed by a nonexamining expert who is not anticipated to
testify unless the claimant can prove exceptional circumstances under which it is impracticable
for the party to obtain facts or opinions on the same subject by other means. Rules of Practice
and Procedure for Administrative Hearings Before the Office of Administrative Law Judges, 80
Fed. Reg. 18,768, 28,793 (May 19, 2015) (to be codified at 29 C.F.R. 18.51(d)(4)(ii)). This is
a higher standard than would have been necessary to prove at the time of Mr. Foxs case. The
previous standard only required a claimant to prove a substantial need of the materials in the
preparation of his or her case and that he or she is unable without undue hardship to obtain the
substantial equivalent of the materials by other means. 29 C.F.R. 18.14(c) (2014). In the
black lung context, where nonexamining expert physicians are regularly used to provide opinions
about the claimants health, it is vitally important that coal miners pursuing black lung benefits
be provided with all available information about their health. The recent OALJ rule makes it all
the more imperative that there be a black lung specific rule.
It is expected that some comments may argue that required disclosure will violate the
protection of attorney work product. However this objection should not prevent or delay the
proposed rule. Work product is a conditional protection that flows from the applicable rules of
procedure, not from the constitutional requirements of due process. See Hickman v. Taylor, 329
U.S. 495 (1947) (basing work product doctrine on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure). The
work product of an attorney is likely to reflect the partys legal strategy and therefore may
warrant protection. However, the work product of a medical expert does not reflect the partys
legal strategy; it is an assessment of an individuals health. Disclosure of a medical experts

opinion implicates the work product rule to a minimal extent and concerns about work product
disclosure are outweighed by concerns about ensuring that the miner has access to information
about his health. Accordingly, because the Department has rulemaking authority under the
Black Lung Benefits Act, the Department has the power to ensure that the applicable procedural
rules fit the context of the black lung benefits system. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
correctly stated that the black lung benefits program must be understood within the context of the
Mine Acts statement that the first priority and concern of all in the coal or other mining
industry must be the health and safety of its most precious resourcethe miner, 30 U.S.C.
801(a), and that the Black Lung Benefits Act allows for departures from general rules of
evidence and procedure to best ascertain the rights of the parties. 33 U.S.C. 923(a), as
incorporated by 30 U.S.C. 932(a). In short, there is no legal barrier to mandating disclosure of
medical evidence via a procedural rule.
While Appalachian Citizens Law Center strongly supports the proposed rule, there are
ways that it could be improved, primarily to avoid confusion that would generate unnecessary
litigation over the scope of the rule.
A.1. Insert the Treatment Record Exception into the Regulation and Clarify that
All Medical Data from a Treating Physician Is a Treatment Records Excepted
from Disclosure
Proposed 20 C.F.R. 725.413(a) requires disclosure of any medical data about the
miner that a party develops in connection with a claim for benefits. The preamble to the Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking, states, Treatment records are not information developed in connection
with a claim and thus do not fall within this definition. 80 Fed. Reg. at 23,747.
The exception for treatment records is very important. Either party may obtain the
claimants treatment records. There is no reason to place the burden of reproducing and sending
treatment records on claimants. Many times treatment records are extensive. And claimants are
less likely to have the means to comply with the rule.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center proposes that the treatment-record exception be
codified in the regulation as a subsection to 725.413(a) along with the other clarifying
provisions. This will make it more clear to parties who may not read the Federal Register. In
addition, putting the statement in the regulation will avoid any litigation about the weight that
should be given to the Departments positions that are expressed in the preamble but not codified
in the Code of Federal Regulations.
A.2. Clarify That Physicians Draft Reports and Most Attorney Correspondence
Are Not Subject to Disclosure
Proposed 20 C.F.R. 725.413(a) broadly covers all written assessments of a miner by a
physician. The Department should clarify thatconsistent with the OALJ procedural rulesthis
does not cover draft reports by physicians and the physicians correspondence with an attorney,
unless the communications concern the physicians compensation or the facts or assumptions
provided to the physician.

Consistent with the Departments rules of procedure before its ALJs, drafts of physicians
reports should generally be protected and not subject to disclosure. See 80 Fed. Reg. at 28,793
(to be codified at 29 C.F.R. 18.51(d)(2)); Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(4)(B).
Similarly written communications from attorneys should only be disclosed to the degree
that they (i) relate to compensation for the experts study or testimony; (ii) identify facts or data
that the partys attorney provided and that the expert considered in forming the opinions to be
expressed; or (iii) identify assumptions that the partys attorney provided and that the expert
relied on in forming the opinions to be expressed. 80 Fed. Reg. at 28,793 (to be codified at 29
C.F.R. 18.51(d)(3)); Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(4)(C).
Forcing disclosure of attorneys written communications comes too close the core
protection of attorney work product. As the Supreme Court recognized in Hickman v. Taylor,
329 U.S. 495 (1947), there are important policy purposes for respecting the privacy of an
attorneys communications about her partys case.
As mentioned previously though, the work product protection is conditional, and the
same exceptions that exist in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the new procedural rules
for the Departments Office of Administrative Law Judges should exist so that parties can obtain
information about physicians compensation and the facts or assumption that the attorney
provided to the physician. In addition, if there is reason to believe that the attorneys
communications sought to improperly influence the physician, the attorneys communications
should be discoverable.
To illustrate the issue, here is a hypothetical to illustrate how this issue could come up in
the black lung context. Most physicians are understandably unfamiliar with the law related to
federal black lung benefits (for example, the definition of legal pneumoconiosis). A physician
may issue a draft report with statements that are contrary to the regulations. An attorney may
then write back to the physician to explain the law and ask the physician to consider revising her
report. Physicians generally prefer candid letters from attorneys. Such communications are not
necessarily improper, and a lawyer should not have to self-censor his communications with the
physician out of the fear that a judge or the other party will be reviewing the lawyers letter. In
addition, requiring disclosure of attorneys communications will not reduce the communications,
but rather simply force them to be done orally rather than in written form.
For these reasons, Appalachian Citizens Law Center suggests clarifying (preferably via
the codified regulatory language) that neither physicians draft reports nor communications from
attorneys are subject to required disclosure unless they fit into one of the exceptions at Federal
Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(4)(C) or 29 C.F.R. 18.51(d)(3). If the disclosed statements
suggest improper communications by the attorney, additional discovery may be warranted. This
nuanced approach predicts a likely point of dispute and balances the goals of the Departments
medical disclosure rule with the confidence that parties place in their attorney.

A.3. Clarify How Disclosure to Director, OWCP Should Work

Proposed 20 C.F.R. 725.413(b) says that disclosure must be made to all other parties.
The problem is how disclosure to the Director, OWCP as a required party-in-interest should
work before the District Directors office, where the District Director serves both as the
representative of the Director, OWCP and the adjudicator. This is true because the Director,
OWCPs lawyers in the Department of Labors Solicitors Office do not become involved with
black lung benefits claims until after the District Directors decision. Requiring disclosure of all
evidence to the District Director could create confusion for claims examiners about which
evidence is submitted as evidence for consideration versus which evidence is submitted for
disclosure purposes. This could also create administrative difficulties as claims examiners are
forced to process more paperwork and decide what becomes a part of the miners permanent file.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center suggests that disclosure to the Director, OWCP while
the claim is before the District Directors office is not necessary. It is conceivable that a claims
examiner might notice relevant information that would improve the quality of a decision, but this
potential benefit has to be weighed against the administrative difficulty at the District Directors
office. Disclosure to the Director, OWCP could only be required once a formal hearing is sought
or the Department of Labors Solicitors Office makes its appearance in the case.
A.4. Increase the Potential Punishment for Non-disclosing Attorneys
Proposed 20 C.F.R. 725.413(c)(2) provides a nonexclusive list of sanctions that can
result from violation of the medical disclosure rule. Subsection (v) lists Disqualifying the nondisclosing partys attorney from further participation in the claim proceedings. (emphasis
added). This phrasing suggests that the disqualification only be from the claim at issue, not from
black lung benefits practice more generally.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center suggests that proposed 725.413(c)(2)(v) be clarified
to add disqualification could be from black lung benefits practice as a whole. This would ensure
that attorneys are aware that if they violate the disclosure rule, they risk not only the individual
claim, but also their ability to appear before the Department and represent parties in other claims.
B.1. Require an Operator to Certify that It Has Ceased Defending the Claim Due to
Its Inability to Pay Continuing Benefits Before Allowing the Director to Use the
Operators Slots
Appalachian Citizens Law Center suggests clarifying exactly what will trigger the
Directors determination that a liable operator ceases to defend the claim on grounds of an
inability to provide for payment of continuing benefits. This provision should not be triggered
unless an operator certifies that the reason for its inaction is its inability to provide for payment
of continuing benefits. This determination should be as clear as possible to avoid litigation about

the grounds of an operators decision to cease defending the claim in the way that the Director
may expect.
B.2. Clarify that The Director Will Only Consider a Claim Unmeritorious if the
District Directors Office Denied the Claim.
The preamble to the proposed rule says that the purpose of allowing the Director to use
the operators evidentiary slots is to defend the Trust Fund against an unmeritorious claim. 80
Fed. Reg. at 23,748.
The Department should clarify that when its District Directors offices award a claim of
benefits, that the claim is a meritorious claim and that the Director should not fight the claim
using evidence developed by the operator. This is important for consistency within the
Department and for predictability for claimants.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center supports the Departments clarification about how
supplemental reports count towards the evidentiary limits.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center strongly supports the proposed change, which would
require an operator to comply with its existing obligations before seeking modification.
The broad nature of modification in the black lung context has made it subject to abuse
and has delayed compensation and finality and compensation for claimants and their attorneys.
As an example, Gary Looneys case demonstrates the delays that modification can bring. See
Harman Mining Co. v. Director, OWCP [Looney], 678 F.3d 305 (4th Cir. 2012). Mr. Looney
filed a claim in 1993. When the Benefits Review Board finally affirmed Mr. Looneys award in
2005, the operator simultaneously filed a modification request and petitioned the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to review the award and stay its effect pending modification. The
Fourth Circuit granted the stay. The modification process then took four years before the ALJ
and another three years on appeal, not being finally resolved until 2012 when the Fourth Circuit
affirmed the original award and affirmed the ALJs decision to deny the modification request.
The Fourth Circuit correctly described the procedural path that Mr. Looney had to endure as
tortured. It is unclear during this time if Mr. Looney received his back benefits, but his
attorney was not almost certainly not able to collect attorneys fees until the claim was final in
2012. Mr. Looneys case is not alone. For another example, see the case of Mae Ann Sharpe,
Westmoreland Coal Co. v. Sharpe, 692 F.3d 317 (4th Cir. 2012), and the cases cited in the
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 80 Fed. Reg. at 23,744 (collecting cases).
Part of the problem with modification procedure is the stay orders that appellate courts
issue that allow an operator not to comply with the underlying award pending modification. The
Department cannot control whether courts issue stay orders, but it can control the requirement
for opening modification proceedings.

The Departments proposed rule is a pragmatic way to address the problems with
modification procedures. It allows operators with legitimate modification requests to exercise
their rights, but reduces the incentive for operators who merely wish to delay their obligations.
This change should reduce the number of tortured cases such as Mr. Looneys and ensure that
the risk of overpayment is on an operator rather than the taxpayers.
Clarify That Operators Are Limited to Two Examinations Absent Good Cause
Because the Department is modifying 725.414(a)(3) and introduced some confusion
about the rule via the preamble to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, this rule is a good time to
clarify that, absent good cause, operators are limited to requiring a claimant to attend two
The preamble to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking contains a confusing statement that
raises the issue and warrants clarification. Page 23,745 of the Federal Register entry says
Currently, parties to a claim are free to develop medical information to the extent their
resources allow and then select from that information those pieces they wish to submit into
evidence, subject to the evidentiary limitations set out in 724.414. This phrase has recently
been understood by at least one Department ALJ to justify sending a miner to a third
examination by a physician hired by the operator even though the miner cooperated by
previously attending two other operator examinations. See Order, McClanahan v. Brem Coal
Co., No. 2013-BLA-05128 (June 4, 2015).
Appalachian Citizens Law Center suggests clarifying that, regardless of the operators
resources, it is limited in its ability to develop evidence and may obtain only two examinations of
the minerabsent good cause such as the discovery of information that raises a substantial issue
about the accuracy of the prior testing. Preferably this could be addressed in 725.414(a)(3)
itself, but at the least, the preamble to the final rule should address this issue to avoid the
confusion introduced by the preamble to the proposed rule.
Appalachian Citizens Law Center thanks the Department for its responsiveness to these
procedural issues in the black lung benefits system and the opportunity to provide these
comments. If we may clarify our suggestions or provide further information about how
experience informs our perspective, do not hesitate to contact us.

Stephen A. Sanders

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