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July 2015 & friend us on facebook at John-Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran and St. John Lutheran, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio
Our Vision: To be a vibrant, Spirit-filled people, participating in Gods work in the world.

From Pastor ChrisFresh Air

Fresh Air I love to open the doors of the house whenever the outside air is fresh, and there is a gentle breeze. Stale air be gone!
Aahhh! Have you ever thought about fresh air as an image of the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wondered about the Holy Spirit, this
mysterious 3rd person of the Trinity (that we used to call Holy Ghost when I was growing up a little scary to a kid!)?
Fresh Air is the name of a book by Jack Levison (Professor of New Testament studies at Seattle Pacific University), that I love and
want to share with you (see below). Fresh Air will be the name of the Sermon Series starting July 12th, using this book as a resource. American New Testament Scholar, Scot McKnight says, Jack Levisons book is the most biblical, wide-ranging, innovative,
and refreshing book on the Holy Spirit in years. The Spirit is here de-programmed and set loose. You may be surprised in every
chapter: I know I was.
So, if you are looking to open the doors of your life to some fresh Spirit-air, and if you want to say Stale air be gone, please accept the invitation to join me in this journey and breathe deeply! Aahhh.
**I have about 16 copies of the book, Fresh Air first come, first served. I am just inviting you to put a donation of your choice in the
jar (available in each church office), which will be used to help with expenses for our kids going to the Youth Gathering in Detroit in

Report from Cameroon

On June 17th, Pastor Claude and his fellow Cameroon pastors voted on buying a diesel corn grinder with the generous donations given by St. Paul and St. John Lutheran Churches and its members in Marblehead. It will cost
$2000 and each pastor will receive income from the corn that is ground and sold to other Cameroonians. What a
blessing! They all send their sincere thanks for your generous gift. The money was sent June 19th. Pastor Claude
will be sending a picture for you. Please pray heartily for this micro-enterprise! Thanks be to God for generous

From Our Joint Parish Board Your Help Requested

Please return surveys by July 12th
As our congregations move forward with a vision and plan for the next 5 years, we are asking those
who have not yet completed the Visioning for our Future Survey for 2015-20 Planning to please
do so by July 12th. Surveys are available in the back of the sanctuary on Sundays, or by calling the
church office. It is also available on our website at
Our Joint Parish Board is tasked with using these surveys to make recommendations to councils
that involve some significant projects, including the possibility of land purchases and the renovation of the sanctuary at St Paul, to name a few. So far, around 35 surveys have been returned,
from our average Sunday attendance of 150 for our combined congregations. That is less than
25% of our regular attendees. We would be more comfortable with a greater response to be sure
the plans we recommend represent what the congregations truly desire. Thanks in advance for
your help.


July 2015

Quiet Witness Corner

The Way We Were
Dave Hirt
I recently saw some 1950's nostalgic photos of us on our church facebook page. For me it was an interesting step back seeing many
of our members from years gone by and while most of them are gone now, they are not forgotten. It was interesting looking back at
who we were and where we've been and how we got to where we are now. Sure the world has changed and technology has exploded, but our congregation, the people in those old photos, are a lot like us. They had families, celebrations, pot-lucks and dartball and
enjoyed each others company....way back when.
Looking at all those old photos though, reminds me somewhat of the poem Footprints. That's the poem where a person
dreaming is walking along a beach with our Lord and looks back to see two sets of footprints in the sand. However, there must have
been many more sets of footprints along the way that helped to get that dreamer to where he is. Those would be the footprints of
Sunday School teachers, lay leaders, pastors, church choir directors, parents, Christmas play leaders, mentors and more. All those
who have helped establish our faith, their unseen footprints are in the sand as well.
As I look at these old photos, it is these people, whose foot prints have helped to shape our church and congregation into
what we have become. Then I think of all the times I've prayed and asked for a sign or for guidance...fully expecting nothing less
than a lightning bolt or some other unequivocal display. Instead all He sent was a VBS teacher or a confirmation class leader to
shape my faith....and probably yelling at me most of the time to pay attention.
While their faces live on only in these old photos, their footprints will always be here with us. And now it is our turn. We still
cannot know our future but it is up to us to keep our compass pointing in the right direction for the next generation. Thanks, Gary
Cover, for sharing.

Special Events
Rise Up ELCA Youth GatheringFor more information on this event see the Youth Page
Lecture at LakesideRobert D. Putnam, PhD and Peter & Isabel Malkin professor of Public Policy at Harvard
University Kennedy School of Government in Boston, Mass., will lecture at Lakeside Chautauqua on Monday,
July 13, 2015. His lecture will take place at 8:15 p.m. in Hoover Auditorium. A book signing will follow. Residents of Ottawa County are invited to attend Dr. Putnams lecture free of charge by showing proof of residence (valid drivers license or state ID) at one the Lakeside Chautauqua entrances starting at 5 p.m. on the
day of the lecture.
Side-by-Side Ministry Information Lunch July 19th, 11:45 a.m., at St. Paul. If you or anyone you know is
interested in knowing more about the Side-by-Side Ministry of our 2 congregations, and how you/they might
become more connected, please join us for lunch at St. Paul. Anyone is welcome! We will also share information about discipleship and about membership for those who are interested. Did you know that for seasonal guests/family, who have a home church elsewhere, we have an associate membership, if you desire?
Any questions, please contact Pastor Chris.
VBSPlease register for Vacation Bible School on July 27th-31st. Fill out a form for each child attending. You
are asked to help furnish needed items.
Peach SocialSat. August 8th, 4-6:30 pm. Sandwiches, Soup, Peaches, Pie, & Ice Cream! Sign up on the
events board to help. We need 75 pies! Proceeds are used by the Women of the Church for a variety of charities.
Take Me Out to the Ball GameAugust 16, 6:00 p.m. (leave St. Paul at 4:15 p.m.) Cost is $12.00 for tickets.
See Steve Young by August 1st.


July 2015


July 2015

Side-by-Side Youth Page

In St. Paul Youth Group we will try to help others and ourselves grow in their faith while promoting a
nice environment to share our thoughts and ideas. -Senior High Youth

Side-by-Side Youth
Lets Stay Connected: If you are interested in whats going on in the youth group and would like updates, join us on twitter! Follow us @StPaulDanbury to keep up!
Rise Up ELCA Youth Gathering: Donations are still being taken for youth attending the National Youth Gathering in Detroit later this month. Your support and
prayers are appreciated as we make final preparations.

First Communion Instruction Children of all ages are

welcome at the Lords Table. Parents are welcome to
contact Pastor Chris when they feel their child is ready, so
she is aware. Children may be taught to hold out their
hands for the bread, so the Pastor or servers know and
remember. If you would like materials to help teach your
child the meaning of this sacrament, Pastor Chris can
help. Or if you would like your child to receive instruction
from Pastor Chris, please let her know. Even infants and
young children who may not understand are welcome to
receive and then be instructed as they are able to learn

Side-by-Side Youth Sundays

1st Sun. of each Month
Sign up on the easel on the ramp at church to help
with greeting, ushering, lecturing (reading). Watch
for texts and calls from Chris and Helmi.
Coffee ExpressHigh School Youth (incl. newly confirmed) are invited to hang out together after worship
with Helmi and Chris at the Coffee Express in Port

Sunday School PreK 8th

Pastor Chris will offer a Commissioning/Sending

Litany for youth and leaders who will be attending
the National Youth Gathering; this will be part of
the worship service on July 12, 2015.

Upon returning from Detroit, youth and leaders

will share their National Youth Gathering experiences with the congregation on July 26, 2015, by
serving in worship and giving the message for the

We are excited to announce that a new curriculum is ordered. More information coming! We
will be using this exciting new curriculum for all of
our classes - Preschool, Elementary, Jr. High, High
School, Young Adults, and Adults classes, so everyone will be studying the same thing, allowing
families to have great discussion follow-up at
Please contact Chrissy French (419) 341-4653
with any questions and/or to offer your help.
PreK-8 Classes will be taking a break through the


July 2015

Serving in Christs Name

Noisy Offering The Noisy Offering this month will be for Special Olympics.. This will be on July 12th, the Second Sunday.
Celebration ChorusOn break until fall.
Community Garden Emily Glynn and Roberta Gangl's grant was accepted. The Ottawa County Community Foundation
awarded $2,100 for an above ground irrigation system! Kirk Gangl designed the system and will install it. Garden members picked for the June food pantry. The garden is growing, please visit the garden and enjoy some healthy fresh vegetables and herbs. All are welcome. For information contact Emily Glynn 314-517-2502 or Roberta Gangl (330) 635-1909
Council NightsNext All Council Night is July 16th, St. Paul basement, 5:30 Joint Parish Board; 6:15 St. Paul; 7:00 St.
Danbury Food PantryIf you would like to volunteer at the Pantry come to St. Paul at 8 AM on a distribution Saturday. If
you have any questions call Jan Hirt 419-732-2703 or Rev. Janine Dress 419-265-7298. The food pantry will be held on
July 25th. This month St. Paul is to donate Dish Detergent, and St. John is to donate Macaroni and Cheese.
Prayer ChainSt. Paul contact Joan Harris at 419-734-3971 or 419-341-6373 or
St. John contact Myra Prokop at 419-798-5101 or God promises that our prayers are heard!
Blessing Cup Team VisitsNext visits will begin the first week of August. If you know someone who would like a visit, or
if you would like to participate on one of the teams, please contact Marge Bridgett.
Prayer Shawl MinistryNow making prayer cloths, too.

Bible & Discipleship Studies

Sunday Morning, 9 a.m.:
Adult Bible Study: We are currently working on the Beatitudes.
Womens Bible Studies (WELCA) - All women are invited to participate! )
St. John Women taking a break for the summer.
St. Paul Women will meet 3rd Thursdays at 1:00 pm
Weekly Wednesday Bible Study Meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am at St. Paul. All Ladies are welcome. We are studying the
Women of the Bible. A different woman every week - so you are never behind in the series. Please join us as we dig deeper into the
Lords word. Good discussion and laughter. Any questions, please contact Cheryl Laubner.
NEW: Mens Bible StudyMen's Bible study will be starting Saturday June 6 at 8:00 am in St Paul's fellowship hall. All men are
welcome to come and enjoy breakfast and Bible study. We will be using "GRACE more than we deserve, greater than we imagine"
We will meet on July 4th at St. Paul and July 18th at St. John.

Building Friendships
Not Older, Just Better - Not Older, Just Better is meeting for lunch at Ciao Bella in Harbor Lights Landing, on Monday,
July 13th at 11:30 a.m. Call Marge at 419-798-8816 if you have questions or need a ride.
Mom 2 Mom - If you are interested in meeting with other moms and sharing the joys and trials of motherhood this is the
group for you. Meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.


July 2015

St. john beacon light

For July, 2015
St. John Council Highlights
The meeting was called to order by our vice president Anna Povlick. The officer reports were presented and
Under old business we are waiting to get the hall sprayed for spiders and for the man to remove the bushes in
the front of the church. Council discussed remaining preparations for Sundaes on Saturday.
John Dominy has volunteered to serve on the Joint Parish Board.
Under new business: we will check prices for a banner for Pentecost.
Russ reported that the joint parish board would like to have a larger sample of results of the Vision Survey before they proceed.

29- Sue Alley

Brynn Blackburn

St. John History Happenings

February 19, 1962 Martin Luther BrotherhoodA discussion was carried on about the floor tile project. John
Kovach was to check local prices on underlayment and Leroy
Shirley was to get the tile. Work was to start on the 26th.

This is an invitation to join the prayer chain at St John. It is a rewarding experience. I can share prayer requests with you and
receive prayer requests from you by either email or a phone
call. Contact me at or at 419-798-510.
Prayer is a powerful tool to keep us connected with God and each
other. Please consider helping us grow our chain. Myra Prokop

General Operating Fund July





Reminder to St. John W.E.L.C.A we are not

meeting during the summer months, but look for
new and exciting changes to our GATHERING Bible
studies starting in September. Be sure to read the
"Gather to Grow Your Faith" article in the July/
August issue and learn what's coming next


July 2015

St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

July 2015
St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger
February 2015 budget highlights:
General Fund
General Fund income
General Fund expense
Restricted Funds
Restricted Funds income $1,814.00
Restricted Funds expense $ 2,018.26

Highlights of June 18th Council meeting:

-Council will monthly answer one question from Whats Most Important in Ministry
-Pastor will be in Kentucky June 29th though July 1st.
-Considering applying for a playground grant.
-There will be Healing Prayers after the service on the 2nd Sundays of the Month.
-The Joint Parish Board is working on 5 year vision plan to present a draft to Council in July.
-Looking into the cost of running electric to the Shelter House.
-Approved $200 License for music to be displayed in bulletins and on Screen.
-Weekly Communion was discussed.
-VBS theme for July 27-31 is Jesus my Super Hero.
-There will be a new curriculum for Sunday School. Looking for a teacher for High School.
-Students going to the Youth Gathering in Detroit are still in need of $750.00 for registration fees and additional 200.00 per student
for food for the trip. Looking to the congregation for donations .

Congregation meeting after Worship on May 14th:

The electrical work in the Fellowship Hall was approved.

Please remember in your prayers:

Barb Agne, Barb Batcha, Joan Benya, Mary
Butchko, Ben Chapman, Gary Cover, Rebecca Dress, Jack Easton, Rosemarie Fiala,
David Heinzl, Bill Hirt, Steve Hosko, Ruth
Keller, Janet Kimerline, Lydia Lammers,
Joyce Linder, Kathy Stine, Sarah Tanner,
Janet Vodicka, Gordon Wahlers, Jerry
Wiechman, Sally Willis, Steve Young. We
pray for family and friends in the armed forces. We pray for all who stand in need of
healing, hope, and forgiveness.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

-On May 31st we recognized our graduates with hospitality after Worship.
-WELCA participated in the Riverview Bingo Party on June 22nd
-We do not have monthly meetings during July and August.
-We will have the Peach Social on August 8th from 4:00-6:30 p.m. Many
people will be asked to bake pies and to help out. When you are asked,
please sign up and help.
-The Monthly Project Contributions for July are: dish detergent for the Food
Pantry, 2 erasers for the school kits, and infant gowns or sleepers without
feet for the baby care kits.

Delores Mahler passed away on June 8th. Her funeral

was held in the Sanctuary on June 12th. May God comfort
all who mourn her passing.

-On May 31st Kylee Nicole Miller, daughter of Racheal and Randall Miller III, was
Baptized into the Christian faith. Her sponsors are Mark and Tammy Coppeler.
-On June 21st Sophia Elizabeth Mullins, daughter of Cassandra A. Mullins, was
Baptized into the Christian faith. Her sponsors are Heather Lambert and Brendon


July 2015

St. Paul July Special Dates


Wedding Anniversaries

2 Tom Mahler, Vicky Doski, Lincoln Reed

6 Steve and Pastor Chris Young,

3 Rita Stobie, Diane Wadsworth, Allison Ahrens

Gary and Pat Puntel

4 Christopher Doski

11 Tom and Chris Steinbrick

5 Edward Urban III

15 Dale and Bonnie Dubbert,

6 Ashley Dress, Janet Vodicka, Emily Uhinck

Forrest and Betty Hornbeck

7 Rich Wadsworth

17 Brian and Dawn Mullins

9 Bonnie Biers, Donald Vanke, Deanna Warren, Nicole Geller

18 Charles and Barbra Mann

10 Kay Tibbels, Abigail Walker

21 Tom and Debbie Sandvick

11 Norma Kihlken

24 Bob and Connie Kihlken

12 Barbra Mann, Linda Berhent, Helen Stines, Devin Pollock

14 Kimberly Oxendale, Kathy Otermat
15 James Warren, Trish Ahrens, Nicholas Bossetti
16 Hailey Holmes
17 Joyce Linder, Gerald Meyer, David Mackey
19 Ezekiel French, Sherry Sauer
20 Adam Urban, Angela Dubbert
21 Steven Hosko
22 Jake Dress, Sean Waugh
23 Kayla Oxendale
25 Debby Sandvick, Tom Sandvick
26 Heather Lambert
30 Isaac Miller
31 Amanda Salyers

Baptismal Anniversaries
2 Louise Rogers
3 Kelly Stobie, Amanda Goff
5 Betty Easton, Hayley Doski, Kaydence Bowman, Talin
Bowman, Miles McDonald
6 David Heinzl
9 Mason French
13 Dawn Lowien
14 Susan Smith, Brendon Mullins


July 2015

Mutual Ministries
July 5

July 12

July 19

July 26


Betty Easton

Rose Marie Arn

Zeke & Chrissy


Laurel Berhent


Laurel Berhent

Jim Deer

Chrissy French

Heather Lambert


Shirley LaCumsky

Jack Easton

Marge Bridgett

Shirley LaCumsky

Erik Wadsworth

Betty Kovach

Bob Strauss

Mason French

Janet Strauss

Seth French

Brandon Mooney

Kenneth Kerik

Natalie Lambert

Abby Cameron

Brendon Mullins

Daleigh Lerch

Ryan Chapman

Larisa Kerik

Matt Seamon

Jack & Betty


Ronald & Laurel


Steeple Lighting
Perpetual Light
Assisting Minister

Jack & Betty

Beth Lambert
Allen Lambert

Altar Guild

Ruth Scott
Betsy Deer


Shirley LaCumsky
Deb White



July 2015


July 2015

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