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vernon reich (order #7379055)

Published by Third Eye Games in Tampa, FL

ISBN: 978-0-9905318-6-9 (Softcover)
Written and Created by Eloy Lasanta, Chris
Kobbe, John D. Kennedy, and Bill Bodden
Additional Material: Jay Peters
Editing by Carol Darnell and Troy Latta
Layout and Typesetting by Eloy Lasanta
Art by Gennifer Bone, Tony Gregori,
Cassie Henry, Maxim Lardinois, Mauro
Copyright 2015 Third Eye Games
All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may
be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from
the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews or copies of the character sheet.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Table of Contents

Five Days of Asphalt

A cross-coutry trip to deliver a young AMP to safety.

Team Player
Saving a soccer player from the grasp of the government.

Attack of the Buzz

Find out the truth about the cause of the bee attacks in Alice, texas

Evolution of Apex
Track down an AMP who has escaped a medical facility and could be contagious

The White Knight

Fight against zombies in this Mediumship-themed adventure

Scalpels Edge
On the hunt for a serial killer who removes organs without leaving a trace

Academic Conspiracy
Investigate a school where learning isnt the only problem for an AMP student

vernon reich (order #7379055)


Five Days of Asphalt

Adventure for AMP: Year One by Chris Kobbe

Art by Gennifer Bone

vernon reich (order #7379055)


To keep this adventure open to as many player groups as possible, several of the details of

vernon reich (order #7379055)

VV Unaffiliated: Characters with Love, Community, or Comrades may all end up at

MIA either from a direct connection with
the McGees or because one of these Loyalties. A character primarily motivated by
Self may be drawn in through a cash incentive and essentially be a mercenary. It
is always easy to motivate a Humanities
character when it comes to a sick child,
and a Justice character may simply want
to do right for a family in need.

Five Days of Asphalt

Fun and sun in the Caribbean! Thats what

Dr. Mickey McGee and his wife Andrea thought
when they took their son Toby on his first trip
out of the country. Bikinis and booze for the
adults and swimming and snorkeling for the kid.
It was the coughing from the smoke that woke
them up. The hotel was aflame, black plumes of
smoke rolling up the sides from the fire below.
The fire, like a living thing, turned on the family before they could make it out of the building.
Trapped with the fire closing in, it seemed like
a miracle when Toby grew warm in his mothers
arms, then the flames leapt toward them only
to disappear into their son. Toby passed out and
they were in center of calm.
The US Consulate helped out by putting the
family up in another hotel while their passports were replaced and at first Toby seemed
fine. However, during the first night at the new
hotel Toby had night terrors and a lamp burst
into flames. The next morning Toby was startled outside the hotel and a taxi cabs tires
melted to the ground. Every time Toby was
stressed or startled, there was an incident.
While waiting for their passports Dr. McGee
reached out to his contacts to see if anyone
knew someone who could help their son. Word
came back; they were to call a number when
they got back to the States and help would be
waiting for them.
This adventure follows a group of AMPs
sent to Miami to pick up the McGee family
and move them cross-country to a safe house
where Toby can get his abilities under control.
Along the way they must rescue the family
from the airport, defuse an encounter with a
slightly deranged AMP, keep Toby from hitting
the 5 oclock news as a religious savior and survive UHF ambushes. The adventure is suitable
for three to five characters with optional NPCs
available for use as player characters.

the adventure are purposely left for the GM to

determine. The adventure is structured as a road
trip but no destination or route is specified. The
characters affiliations/employers will determine
the final destination, with Seekers of Enlightenment likely headed to their Oklahoma school
and Changelings to Atlanta while other affiliations head where the GM wishes them to. While
affiliation-based destinations are one possibility,
if a GM needs the group to be in a particular location for their next adventure, the destination
can be based near there to help bridge the gap
between this adventure and the next.
Similarly, the Scenes of this adventure are
like vignettes that happen along the stops in an
Indiana Jones movie, not occurring on a set time
table while the rest of the journey is just a line
on a map. As written the adventure is designed
to build with ever-increasing stakes as the characters race to get their charge to safety.
Dr. McGee has developed many contacts
though his academic career, often in startling
places, and it is through his connections that
the characters have been notified they need to
pick up the family at the Miami International
Airport (MIA).
Whether the characters are an established
group or just meeting for the first time, it
should be relatively easy to bring them into
the adventure. The rescue is essentially a job
and characters can simply be drawn in because
they are mercenaries looking for work that
matches their loyalties or affiliations. Altruism,
greed or fanaticism all make great role playing
drives for the characters and change the essentials of the adventure very little.

Five Days of Asphalt

VV Changelings: Its not very common for

Saps to reach out to the Changelings
for help with anything, let alone something as important as saving their child.
Too many Changelings have been cast
out from their families and Conduit has
asked the characters to bring all the McGees to Atlanta in the hopes that not only
can they save the child, but win allies by
keeping the family together.
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: The characters
have been asked by Dr. Luminous to pick
up the McGee family from MIA as soon
as they arrive and deliver their boy to the
Oklahoma school where he can receive the
training he needs for his out-of-control fire
abilities. Safety and secrecy are imperative.
VV Typhoon: The characters have been given
the opportunity to bag an important AMP
for the Matriarch. According to reports the
young man they have been sent to collect
has the potential to be a powerful weapon
in the criminal underworld and its their job
to make it happen. They are to pick up the
McGee family at MIA and get them to a safe
house across the country no matter what. If
the parents become a problem, the characters know what to do with witnesses.
VV United Human Front: The characters contact has told them an important and unstable young AMP is coming in from out
of the country and it is vital the UHF gets
control of him. The characters have been
tasked with picking up the McGee family
and transporting them to a secure UHF
base across the country where the AMP
can either be studied for weaknesses or
possibly subverted into acting against
his fellow unhumans. It is unknown at
this time where the parents loyalties lie
and while the boys safe delivery is imperative, the parents may be dealt with
in any manner the team deems necessary.
Note: The adult McGees do not fully realize they are AMPs yet, and this revelation
could become an important factor during
the adventure.

Playing the McGees

Both adult McGees are presented as NPCs,

but are unknowingly AMPs themselves and designed as if they were beginning characters. As
NPCs their primary focus throughout the adventure will be the safety of their child, leaving the job of transport and protection to the
characters. If the group is short of characters,
however, there is no reason the adult McGees
could not be used as pregenerated characters
and have a more active role in the adventure.
Toby McGee, while also designed as a beginning character, serves as a key plot element at
various points in the adventure and is not suitable for player control.
Alternatively if the GM has a large group
of players, running three additional NPCs
throughout the adventure may be an added
burden that can be lessened by removing one
of the McGee parents. In this case, either McGee parent can easily have perished in the fire
that triggered Tobys abilities, his powers saving himself and his remaining parent. Andrea
McGee, as a SWAT officer, is a far more action
oriented person than her professor husband
Mickey and is the logical choice to sacrifice in
a large group. The adventure focuses dialog on
Dr. McGee to make Andreas removal from the
adventure easier.

Scene One: Burned in

the Sunshine State
At the start of the adventure the characters
find themselves patiently waiting in the Arrivals parking lot for the McGees flight so they
can pick them on and get them to safety. The
characters have rented an RV for the trip and
this is a good time for them to get to know
each other and review what they know.
According to their contact, Dr. McGee - a
noted Professor of Linguistic Anthropology
- reached out for help after an incident with
his son Toby. He, his wife Andrea and their son
were trapped in a hotel fire while on vacation
when the young boy suddenly manifested the
ability to control fire. He saved their lives, but

vernon reich (order #7379055)

themselves to a vantage point where they can

watch the huge jet make a dramatic landing
while smoke is pouring out of the aft section. If
the characters fail the check they can arrive at
the same vantage just after the plane lands by
following the emergency vehicles racing to the
site. It looks like a scene from a disaster movie;
the characters see the plane doors pop open
and huge inflatable slides deploy as coughing, soot-covered passengers franticly exit the
plane. Bright orange flames begin to leap up
from the rear of the plane just as the fire crews
begin spraying it down with foam.
Over the next twenty minutes the characters watch as the passengers are triaged, treated and gathered into shuttles. Soon the fire
crews lose their battle against the fire and pull
themselves back to a safe distance.

The Call

The characters are probably digesting the

fact their charge just destroyed a multi-million
dollar jet and deciding what to do next when
the character with the strongest ties to their

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Five Days of Asphalt

almost immediately afterward small fires began showing up wherever Toby was. As the
spontaneous fires increased, the McGees began hoping the characters affiliation/employer
can help their son get his newfound gifts under control. The group needs to transport the
family cross-country to their final destination
while keeping the parents calm and Toby from
causing too much damage with his abilities.
Before they get a chance to begin any real
planning or even speculation about the trip the
GM should interrupt them with an announcement that the arrivals board has just popped
up with an unusual notification: the McGees
flight is coming in for an emergency landing.
If they tune the RVs radio to the airport
channel, the characters can find out the McGees flight has a fire on board and emergency
vehicles are being dispatched to an isolated
runway to meet the plane upon landing. Theyll
quickly guess Toby wasnt able to maintain
control throughout the entire flight.
A Moderate (20) Travel + Knowledge check
allows a character to predict where the plane
is likely to land and they can move the RV or

Five Days of Asphalt

affiliation/employer gets a call from a blocked

number. Assuming they answer the call, they
hear a mans voice with a Floridian accent asking if the character is the one sent to pick them
up. The caller is Dr. McGee, and he can fill the
characters in on their current situation and
what is going on.

Look, I havent got long, they dont

want us making calls until they get a
handle on the situation and can organize a presser. I can respect that, but I
need to get my family out of here. We
hit some bad turbulence on the way in
that scared Toby. He set the back galley
on fire. If were detained, Toby wont be
able to get the help he needs!
The character is likely to have some questions for Dr. McGee, but he shuts most of them
down if they arent pertinent to extracting his

Was anyone hurt/killed?

Thankfully no one is suffering from anything

more than minor burns and smoke inhalation.

How is your son now?

Hes pretty traumatized, but each of these incidents seems to tire him out, so I dont think we
need to worry about any more fires at the moment.

Where are you being held?

They have taken us all to a hangar theyve set

up as an emergency triage area. The more critical
passengers are being taken out to a local hospital. You can find us easy enough by following the
Dr. McGee gives the team his phone number
and asks them to call him once they are at the
hangar so he can get his family out. Any plan the
characters come up with must address two major issues: bypassing airport security on the way
in (and out) and extracting the McGees from the
triage center without drawing attention.
At the moment, the easiest way to bypass

airport security is to be part of the emergency

services response to the disaster. For example, a Mindbender with the Illusion (Imaginary
Land) power could really shine by making the
RV look like a fire truck and letting the entire
group simply drive in and out of the airport. A
Shifter with Invisibility (Wheres My Car?) can
let the driver ghost in behind other vehicles
before the gates close with a Moderate (20)
Travel + Speed check, failure resulting in Integrity loss to the RV and confusion on the
gate guards part. If the team decides not to
take their RV, they could easily steal one of the
incoming vehicles. Assume stealing an ambulance requires confronting and dealing with
two Average People (AYO pg. 201) while they
need to deal with six Firemen (use Police Officer AYO pg. 201 with axes and no firearms)
if they jack a fire truck. Mental powers can be
used in various ways to bypass the guards.
Bluffing past the guards without power use
is difficult, requiring a Tough (30) check with
appropriate skill combinations. Bypassing the
security stations completely with flight, invisibility, jumping, teleportation, portals and other
means is easy enough, but the numerous people about requires a Moderate (20) Stealth +
Speed check to prevent alarms being triggered
and confrontations with four Police Officers.
Once at the triage hangar, it is relatively easy
for the characters to move about in the chaos
without drawing attention to themselves, and
following directions from Dr. McGee they find
the family quickly. Andrea is a short, solidly built
blonde woman in her 30s wearing a sundress.
She gives the impression she has the entire
area under surveillance. The characters have
the distinct impression she noticed them long
before they spotted her. Dr. McGee is a lean man
in his 40s wearing comfortable looking khakis
and neutral-toned clothing. Visible soot marks
cover parts of his clothing and he has a bandaged burn on his left arm. Between them is a
small boy between the ages of nine and eleven
wearing shorts and a colorful t-shirt. He clasps
his knees to his chest and slowly rocks back and
forth as his father tries to comfort him.
All noncritical passengers are being dealt
with as a group to help manage the disasters

vernon reich (order #7379055)

The GM should use the extraction from the

airport as a dramatic and exciting introductory sequence to the adventure. Avoid letting it
get bogged down in a slug fest with security
that derails the adventure. Players who insist
on offering violence to airport security trigger
warning bells in the McGees who then react
with a heightened level of mistrust towards
the characters.

New Equipment

Integrity: 40, Speed: Slow, Size: Big, Cost:

The characters are in possession of a
fairly old, if reliable, RV of a legally indistinct make and model. The vehicle has
sleeping space for six and any character
with Wealth (1) can easily afford to park
and hook up the vehicle to utilities at
numerous spots across the US. Equipped
with modern amenities, there is a TV (no
cable connection), tables, chairs, shower/toilet (tiny), and a small kitchenette
with a fridge and small stove. There are
driver, passenger, and side doors, as well
as two roof hatches accessible from the
living area. The driver of the vehicle suffers a -2 penalty to external Perception
checks, which increases to a -5 penalty
for all other characters. As a rental, the
RV is well maintained but lacking in a
lot of supplies the group may wish to
purchase. Notable for this adventure,
the RV does have a single medium fire
extinguisher on board.

Well Hes a Real Firecracker!

Cost: 1-3
Fire extinguishers can be purchased
in small, medium, or large sizes and are
capable of putting out fires of size 2, 4,
and 6 before being exhausted. Most fire
extinguishers are single use and do not
retain any charge after use even if they
are used to extinguish a fire smaller
than their maximum size.

chaos, and the main obstacle in getting the

McGees out of the hangar is splitting them
from the crowd without drawing the wrong
kind of attention. Stealth or mental powers can
accomplish this as can a Moderate (20) Deception + Medicine check to get them released
into the groups care for medical transport.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Five Days of Asphalt

Fire Extinguishers

Once the characters have the family, they

have a chance to learn a little about them and
their basic biographies. The adult McGees have
no idea they are themselves AMPs, using their
abilities at an instinctual level, and do not mention they themselves have powers, nor do they
trigger Law of Attraction checks for any other
AMPs they encounter. Questions about Tobys
powers only reveal he can ignite spontaneous
fires and he was able to absorb and extinguish
part of the hotel fire in the Caribbean.
Toby has no real control over his abilities yet
and must make Moderate (20) Discipline stress
check when he encounters certain events or
automatically use Burn on something or someone nearby. Any time one of the characters is
rendered unconscious or killed a stress check
is triggered (he automatically fails this check if
it involves his parents). Throughout the adventure additional stresses requiring checks are
called out in each scene.
With Discipline 1, Toby is very likely to fail all
stress checks unless the characters intervene. A
Moderate (20) Medicine + Knowledge check lets
a character determine certain drugs can provide
a +5 bonus to Tobys checks without knocking
him out. If a character is a medical doctor, writing a prescription and visiting a pharmacy is a
quick solution. A criminally oriented character
can find a supplier with a Moderate (20) Intuition + Persuasion check and use Wealth (2) for
the purchase. Toby is a skilled musician specializing in the violin, and purchasing one so he can
play calms him and provides a +3 bonus to his
Discipline checks. A single Moderate (20) Empathy + Persuasion check can be made each day to
provide a +2 bonus for that day (Boosts add an
additional +1).

Five Days of Asphalt

Scene Two:
Down the Rabbit Hole

Hopefully the characters just subdue the

crazed rabbit-man and try to get to the bottom
of why he hopped in front their vehicle and
what hes doing with all the money.

Norman Bugs Applebaum is on the run hop

from the law and is about to bound into the characters lives. Its night and everything has been
going fairly well. After a day of travel everyone
has settled into a routine and so far there havent
been any major flare ups from Toby. The group is
getting close to where they are going to pull over
for the night when something large and white
flashes out in front of the RV.
The RV driver can make a Simple (10) Travel + Speed check to only sideswipe whatever
just appeared in front them. Failure results in
2 damage to the vehicle while success reduces
the damage to only 1. The collision triggers a
stress check for Toby.
As the characters look out the window they
see a cloud of paper money floating around and
can see what looks like a giant white rabbit-man
grabbing up big handfuls of the cash. Norman is
one of those unfortunate AMPs who has been
trapped in Chimera form, and is a disturbing
mixture of rabbit and man. Covered in soft white
fur, he has giant rabbit ears and the lower legs
of a rabbit with gigantic white feet. As he leaps
about, his muscles bulge in uncomfortable-looking ways, busting the seams of his clothing and
leaving him dressed in shredded rags.
If the characters exit the RV, they can hear
the rabbit-man yelling, No, No, No. You cannot
ruin this for me! My money! I need it! As soon
as he sees the first AMP Norman loses to the
Law of Attraction and attacks. Norman already
activated Tougher just as he was hit by the RV,
and starts battle with 4 Juice (+1 from being
hit by a vehicle, +1 for entering battle and -1
for Tougher). He Sprint/Rushes the first AMP
he sees, which takes the form of a flying kick
from his giant rabbit feet to Knock Back his opponent. From there he uses Stomp to disrupt
opponents and his maneuverability to avoid
being ganged up on. Almost all of his attacks
should be described as punishing kicks from
his giant white feet. Throughout the combat
Normal shouts things like, Mine, I need it for
the Cure! and Go Away!

Who are you?

My names Norman, but people call me Bugs.

But none of that matters now, Im just a freak.
This is the worst trick ever!

Whats with all the money?

Please, please dont take it. I need it. They said

I could buy a cure. Why did you have to hit me and
ruin it! I dont want to have to rob another bank!

Who are they?

I dont know, just some people I found on

the internet. They said I have Mutant Potential
or something, but they knew how to shut it off.
Theyve cured lots of others!

How are you going to get the Cure?

I have to drop the money off at a certain

place and then theyll leave the Cure for me at
home. I dont know who they are, Ive never even
meet them!
At this point Tobys parents want to know
about this miraculous Cure, which characters
with affiliations other than the Seekers of Enlightenment may not even be aware is possible. Norman can give the family instructions
on how to get in touch with his mysterious
contacts. The current arrangement has the
cure being delivered to him and he is adamant
that if they want their own they need to make
arrangements for themselves; hes not going to
tell them where his cure is being delivered.
The characters have been presented with
an interesting question to be explored as this
adventure continues, and in some ways comes
to a head in Scene Five. Should some of them
seek the cure? Are any of the characters like
Norman with manifested abilities that separate them from society or like Toby and have
out of control abilities that can harm others?
It is certainly a question Tobys parents will be
wrestling with in the days to come.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Scene Three: Praise

the Little Child, May
His Fire Light the Way

Accidents Happen

VV Chest pains and death

VV A sense of speed and a sudden stop
VV A ball of fire and cloud of thick black
VV An angel of fire
A successful use of Vision gives the characters two Rounds to act, while groups without have a single Round before the explosion.
A Moderate (10) Perception check spots a car
racing directly for the car-side gas pumps
with any Boosts showing an elderly man dead
or passed out at the wheel. There are 3 other
vehicles between the characters and the approaching car, two with people pumping gas
and one with two children inside while their
guardian is inside the convenience store. The
GM should subtly encourage efforts towards
rescuing the potential victims over stopping
the oncoming vehicle. Many characters cannot reach the rushing vehicle or have powers
unsuitable to stopping it, and for the sake of
the adventure the explosion is fated to happen. Characters with only a Round to act need
to use multiple Actions with penalties on any
checks to get in and out of the blast area.
Anyone in the blast area when the vehicle
impacts the gas stand takes 10B Fire damage resisted with a Moderate (20) Fortitude
+ Speed check to get out of the way. The civilians are ordinary people with Integrity 11,
Fortitude 1, and Speed 2. The children in the
vehicle have Integrity 8, Speed 2 and receive
AR 3 from their vehicle.

The Birth of Nuriel

The Round after the explosion Toby instinctively activates his Fire Soul, bursting into a
small fiery angel form with wings of fire. He
soars into the blast and begins to absorb and

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Five Days of Asphalt

There are few things more mundane on a

road trip than the ubiquitous stops for gas and
supplies. At least they are ordinary until they
become truly extraordinary. Its Sunday and the
RV is running low on gas. The characters are
on the outskirts of a small town and spot a
nice sized truck stop up ahead, right across the
street from the huge Holy Light Church. The
truck stop has all the typical features, separate
areas for cars and big rigs to refuel, a diner, video game arcade, shower facilities and a convenience store with snacks, auto supplies and
more tacky knick-knacks than seems possible.
Its around noon and in addition to filling the
gas tank it would be a convenient time to fill
some bellies at the diner.
Having set the stage, characters should decide what actions they are going to take. The
McGees want to grab a sit down meal as long
as the characters dont object. Characters can
make a Simple (10) Medicine + Empathy check
to confirm Toby seems pretty calm at the moment if they are worried.
Characters who are concerned about who
they might be eating with automatically notice
normal families, truck drivers and church folk
picking up a quick meal after leaving the megachurch across the street. Any character who wants
to know about the church can make a Moderate
(20) Knowledge + Community check to remember the Holy Light Church is one of the dozens
of broadcast churches with an overly made up
pastor/wife team. The building across the street
is not only their church but also their studio.
Assuming the characters all participate in
lunch, they are served by a pleasant middle aged
woman named Alice and have a serviceable meal.
The characters can pick up supplies, take advantage of the shower facilities, and challenge each
other to video games with opposed Technology +
Intuition checks. The scene should be played as
a pleasant slice of life interlude until they are all
ready to hit the road again.

As the characters are leaving the diner the

GM can force any Psych with Visions to make a
Simple (10) Visions + Intuition check. Success
gives a sense of immediate danger, with each
boost providing one of the following pieces of

Five Days of Asphalt

extinguish the fire. Each Round after the first

the ongoing damage from the flames is reduced by 2B until the fifth round when the
fire is completely out and Toby settles to the
ground. An AMP with powers similar to Tobys,
i.e. Fire (Extinguish) or Battery - Fire, can reduce the fire by an addition 1B per Round.
Characters who are not participating in rescue or healing efforts notice in Round 2 bystanders are recording the events with their
camera phones and making phone calls. In
Round 3 some of the onlookers can be seen
falling to their knees, yelling out praise for the
angel Nuriel. Simple (10) Perception checks
allow the characters to overhear some of the
calls are for 911 and at least one person is
talking about getting a camera crew from the
church across the street to the truck stop to
film a miracle.
The characters have till Round 10 before
a church crew makes it across the street with
camera equipment and begins filming Toby and
the aftermath of the explosion. Complicating

efforts to get out of the area is the fact that

Toby has no idea how to change back and its
at least five more minutes before he naturally
shifts. Once Toby settles to the ground he can
be talked to. Any AMP can talk Toby through the
process of releasing his power with 4 success/
boosts on a Tough (30) Persuasion + Empathy
check with each check taking 1 Round. Any character who can change form with their powers or
has an Elemental power adds a +5 bonus to the
check and any character with Air Soul or Fire
Soul adds a +10 bonus to the check. Bonuses
are cumulative. Success turns Toby back into a
very tired, very naked boy who is immediately
scooped up into his parents arms.
Characters are being filmed by multiple
camera phones throughout all of this and those
not working with Toby or helping the wounded
may wish to use their own abilities to confiscate or destroy any video evidence. Once Toby
is just a little boy again his newfound worshippers become an impediment to getting back to
the RV and out of the parking lot. It takes two

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Rounds to make it to the RV though those who

want to touch the angel unless the characters
take some sort of deliberate action to clear the
way, cutting it down to one Round.
If the church film crew makes it on site
before the characters make their escape they
want to film and interview Toby and while they
do not stop the characters from leaving the
longer the characters stay the more of a circus
the encounter becomes. If the characters are
still on site after 10 minutes, fire trucks and
news crews begin to show up and the AMPs
have the opportunity to take the adventure in
a completely different direction.

The characters find themselves passing

through a range of picturesque mountains.
Beautiful but treacherous, the last few hours of
constant switchbacks have worn on everyones
nerves as the RV has frequently been forced to a
crawl of only 15-20 MPH for most of the climb
up the mountain (no driving checks necessary
so far). Everyone is looking forward to a stop at
the mountaintop lookout before beginning the
equally treacherous route down the other side.
However, the characters are in for a surprise.
The UHF has found out about the truck stop
incident and tracked the group down so as
to end Tobys threat to the human race. They
definitely arent buying into the belief he is an
angel of the lord.
As the RV reaches the turn for the lookout,
the driver and anyone in the front seat notice
three pickup trucks (use Truck AYO pg. 171)
with armed men waiting for them. The driver
can make a Tough (30) Travel + Speed check
to swerve away from the lookout entrance and
remain on the main road, denying a free Round
of combat to six UHF gunmen as the RV drives
by them to the lookout exit.
Each of the three UHF trucks has a driver
who makes their Travel + Speed checks with a
+5 bonus and two UHF gunmen in the back (use
Criminal (Small Time) AYO pg. 201). The sides

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Five Days of Asphalt

Scene Four:
Treacherous Curves Ahead

of the truck provide 25% cover to the gunmen.

The UHF teams attempt to either force the RV
off the side of the mountain or disable it so
they can kill the passengers. While the trucks
are moving, the gunmen suffer a -3 penalty on
their Marksmanship checks against any character they can see through windows in the RV, but
the RV is so large even road movement doesnt
penalize attacks made directly against it.
See Collisions and Chases in AYO, pg. 170.
Because of the constraints of the mountainous
terrain, chase checks are used to determine the
relative positions of the vehicles. The mountain roads limit the UHF trucks to the same
slow speed as the RV unless the driver makes
a Moderate (20) Travel + Speed check. A failed
check results in a collision with the side of the
mountain for 13B to the vehicle and gunmen
and 6B to the driver. Ultimately the characters
must eliminate the three UHF trucks. If they
reach the valley below, the trucks faster speed
almost guarantees they will be able to keep up
with the RV until they have destroyed it.
There are a couple of unique maneuvers the
UHF can attempt due to having three vehicles
in the chase. If a driver scores two successes/
boosts more than the characters, they can pull
in front of the RV and attack the characters in
the cab without penalty. If the driver seeks cover during these attacks they suffer a -3 penalty
to their Travel + Speed checks. A truck in front
of the RV can also attempt a Simple (10) Travel
+ Speed check to force a collision that damages and slows the RV, imposing a -5 penalty to
its next Travel + Speed check.
Any time vehicles are next to each other a
Moderate (20) Athletics + Might check can be
made to leap from one vehicle to another. If a
UHF gunman attempts this and succeeds, they
spend a Round climbing to the top of the vehicle and then fire their SMG through one of the
roof-hatches. Vehicles next to each other can
also attempt a Moderate (20) Travel + Speed
check for 2B damage to both vehicles and to
force the struck vehicle to make a Moderate
(20) Travel + Speed check to avoid a mountain
side collision. A Tough (30) check can force a
check to avoid going off a cliff.

Five Days of Asphalt

Rest in Peace, Winny;

You Served Us Well

At some point it is probable the characters will need to replace the RV. At the
end of Scene four it is almost a given
that if the RV survives the trip down the
mountain it will be a wreck from bullet
holes and smashed-in windows. When
this time comes, there are two likely
scenarios, picking up a used vehicle or
stealing one.
The first car lot the characters find is
Mustang Sallys Used Car Lot, where they
are Guaranteed a Rootin Tootin Deal!
When they arrive a large black woman
in cowgirl apparel saunters out, takes
one look at their busted up RV and starts
laughing so hard the characters can
barely make out her saying, Well I aint
taking that in trade! HA! Character can
lay out their needs to Mustang Sally, who
leads them over to Lot 6 and shows them
several options. Sally is a tough negotiator and it takes Wealth (3) to get cramped
transport or Wealth (4) to get decent vehicles off the lot unless a Tough (30) Persuasion + Travel check is used to lower
her prices by one Wealth level.
Stealing a vehicle is relatively easy
with a Moderate (20) Technology + Travel check needed to break in and hotwire
a vehicle. Depending on where they
choose to steal the vehicle from the
characters may need to make Stealth
checks or want to take countermeasures
like changing out the license plates.
Being involved in stealing vehicles requires a stress check for Toby.
Regardless of where and why they
leave the RV, conscientious characters
may remember the RV is a rental and
can have a humorous call with the rental agency letting them know where they
can pick up their wreck of a vehicle.

Toby should experience stress checks the

first time the RV is hit with weapons fire and
the first time it is in any type of collision, as
well as his normal stressors.

Hey were part of the UHF

Stop Shooting!

Its entirely possible at some point UHF

characters realize they are being attacked by
another UHF cell. They may even believe they
can just get the other group to quit attacking
and even sail through Scene Six with no troubles. Wrong. The UHF is a terrorist organization with a cell structure and no centralized
command hierarchy. Even if the characters
can communicate with the attackers, after the
events at the truck stop in Scene Two their only
goal is to terminate poor Toby. If the characters let this happen they have failed the arm of
the UHF that directs them. While they may not
be marked for termination for letting Toby be
killed by another cell, they will definitely suffer
the consequences of failure.

Scene Five:
A Terrible Choice
The McGees have been plunged head first
into the craziness an AMPs life can be, and
no sane parent would wish the last few days
on their child. Depending on the characters
actions and their employers/affiliates motivations for bringing the family to them, it is
entirely possible they make the choice to leave
the group and go it alone. This scene is the
groups chance to sell the adult McGees on
staying the course.
If the characters have done a particularly
poor job of protecting Toby or have displayed
behavior that would be repellant to most people, the McGees attempt to slip away from the
group without them immediately noticing. Perhaps taking a vehicle while everyone is at a
roadside pit stop or flagging down alternate
transport in the middle of the night while the
characters sleep. In this case, the players need
to make Perception + Discipline checks vs the

vernon reich (order #7379055)

McGees Stealth + Deception. Complicating

matters for the family is that slipping away
triggers a stress check for Toby that likely reveals their actions to otherwise oblivious characters. If the family does manage to slip away,
the characters would need to track them down.
For the sake of the adventure this should be
run as a narrative interlude, and with the McGees found in short order.
If the characters have acted positively and
honorably or once the McGees have been
tracked down after fleeing they want to be
sold on why they should trust that finishing the
journey is the right thing for Toby.

The characters need to make a Tough (30)

Persuasion + Empathy check to convince the
McGees to continue on willingly. The player
whose character is making the check should
make their argument, with particularly good
points adding a +1 bonus to the check (limit +5). Any character who wants to aid in the
check can provide a teamwork bonus, with an
additional +2 bonus for good roleplaying from
the player. For each civilian harmed in scenes
one and three the check suffers a -2 penalty
and if Bugs was killed there is a -5 penalty. If
scenes one and three were handled skillfully
they add a +5 bonus each. If Norman was dealt
with compassionately this also provides a +5
bonus to the check. Alternately, the decision
the family comes to can be determined purely
through the players roleplaying efforts.
If the characters fail to convince the McGees to continue, they attempt to leave, and the

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Five Days of Asphalt

Weve had buildings and vehicles

destroyed, people shooting at us and trying to drop us off a mountain. Religious
nutjobs think Toby is some sort of angel
and you were attacked by a rabbit bank
robber. Why would we ever want to subject our child to this? We have a number
to contact for a cure from the rabbitman. Why shouldnt we leave and find a

way to buy this cure. Do you really think

teaching Toby to control his abilities will
keep him safe from all this craziness?

Five Days of Asphalt

characters need to make a choice on whether

to let them leave or to confront them. A confrontation automatically leads to a stress check
for Toby and he uses his abilities to protect his
parents. Once the adult MgGees are reduced to
25% Integrity or if Toby is seriously threatened,
they surrender and agree to continue.
Certain employers/affiliates may not have
any use for the adult MgGees and those characters may decide eliminating them is easier than
convincing them to continue. If Tobys parents
are slain any future failed stress checks always
result in Toby targeting one of the characters,
most likely the one who killed his parents.

Scene Six:
Final Conflagration
It is the final leg of the journey and the
characters are just a few short hours away
from their final destination, but this road trip
has one last speed bump to be navigated. UHF
thugs are easy to come by and can be pulled
together at a moments notice; UHF AMPs,
however, are far thinner on the ground and its
taken time for a small team of them to gather
and catch up to the characters.
Mongrel and 6l1+ch have combined their
computer and real world tracking talents to
find the characters and have picked a lonely
stretch of road on which to ambush the group.
In addition to Mongrel, 6l1+ch and Teflon, there
is also one UHF thug per character.
6l1+ch begins the encounter by disabling
each of the characters vehicles with Overload.
After which, she attempts to stay out of close
combat range, using Overload first to disable
any firearms the characters are using and then
firing her pistol.
Mongrel maintains distance and attempts
to kill any AMPs with his rifle, focusing first on
ranged combatants or anyone who appears to
be able to easily shrug off damage.
Teflon closes and engages any close combat opponents trusting to his Invulnerability
and high Integrity to get him through almost

While 6l1+tch and Mongrel want to kill the

characters, Teflon does not, and attacks only
to disable. Teflon visibly stops himself if confronted by Toby and finds he cannot attack him.
Characters who witness this may think to attempt a Change Emotional State Action (AYO
p.175) with a Persuasion + Empathy check to
convince Teflon to leave the fight (he will not
join them). The UHF thugs, Mongrel and 6l1+ch
all fight to the bitter end.
Toby suffers a stress check as soon as combat begins and, as long as he and his parents
are cooperating, focuses on and attacks UHF
foes. If the McGees attempted to flee the characters in Scene Five but were violently prevented from leaving, any who survive attempt
to flee in the confusion of combat.
Once the UHF ambush is dealt with, the
characters can nurse their wounds for the next
few hours as they travel the final few peaceful
hours to their destination.

Successfully delivering Toby earns the characters well-deserved praise and immediate
medical attention for any wounds they are suffering from. Toby and the McGees final fate is
largely dependent on who they are delivered to.
The Changelings teach Toby to control his
abilities, although the McGees do not stay with
them and eventually make it back to Florida.
Dr. McGee becomes a valuable resource for the
Changelings though, and uses his contacts to
help them out in any way possible
The Seekers of Enlightenment eventually
teach Toby to get his abilities under control
and Toby soon convinces the school to sponsor
a baseball team for all the kids with powers.
Some truly spectacular free-for-all games are
played with full power use on special nights.
The McGees decide to stay in Oklahoma and
rebuild their lives there.
Typhoon has no use for the adult McGees
and they are quietly disposed of if they are not
already dead. Toby is drugged and controlled
until hes eventually brainwashed into loyalty

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New Battery Enhancement

VV Drink Deep (E2): The AMP is far
more efficient at absorbing their Energy
Type and can create instant Juice up to
(Battery) or 1 Juice for every 5 minutes
of exposure to a strong source of their
Energy Type.

New Mnemonic Augments

VV Touch Linguistics (E1): By touching a target who possess a language
the AMP does not, they can permanently
absorb the language and cultural clues
that go along with the language. In addition to the language, the AMP adds
(Mnemonics/2) to Deception checks to
impersonate natives of the languages
associate culture.

Language Bomb (T2)


Keep Toby from destroying the RV


Keep Toby from being filmed by the

Holy Light Church


Subdue both Bugs and Teflon without

killing them


Escape the mountain ambush


Convince the McGees to finish the trip

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New Drawback

Instinctual (2-4): Some AMPs develop

powers they are not aware of or can only
access on an instinctual level. They are
not uncontrolled, but can only access reflexively as a Reaction. For 4 BP it affects
a Primary Power, for 3 BP a Secondary Power and for 2 BP a Tertiary Power. The core
power and all augments are affected by
the instinctual drawback. This drawback
can be taken up to three times, each time
applying to a different level of power.

Check: Mnemonics + Discipline

Range: Touch
Duration: (Mnemonics) Rounds
Resistance: Mental Trauma
Effect: Must have Touch Linguistics.
The AMP instantly and traumatically implants a language into a target inflicting
a (Mnemonics/2) Pain penalty. Implanted
languages remain for (Mnemonic) days
before fading from the targets memory.

Five Days of Asphalt

to Typhoon. He then becomes a loyal young

foot soldier in their criminal empire.
The UHF also has no need for the adult McGees and subjects the entire family to medical
experimentation, attempting to better understand where AMP powers come from and how
to better combat them. Ultimately their fate is
uncertain. Perhaps they are rescued by a brave
group of AMPs looking for an adventure.
Assuming the characters let Norman go with
his bag of stolen cash, he delivers the money to
the drop site but never receives a cure. Is there
a mysterious group out there preying on vulnerable AMPs, selling them snake oil dreams,
or something even more sinister? The group
has the means to contact these shysters and
can easily be drawn into an adventure chasing
down whomever is taking advantage of AMPs.
As for Norman, maybe hes still out there and
could leap back into the characters lives at a
moments notice.
If the characters failed to keep the evidence
in check at the truck stop, videos of Nuriel go
viral. Regardless, testimonials of churchgoers
present at the event hit the web within days
of the incident. The Holy Light Church officially changes its name to the Holy Fire Church
and begins to preach that the angel Nuriel is
walking the Earth, protecting the righteous
and purging sinners with his divine fires. Before long, dedicated cultists begin to actively
search for young Toby and one of the first new
religions of the AMP-era is born.

Toby McGee is a relatively ordinary ten-year

Five Days of Asphalt

old with a passion for baseball and his violin

studies. He doesnt really understand why fires
are suddenly starting around him and finds all
of this really terrifying. Is he going to burn up? Is
he going to hurt other people? His nightmares
now are full of black smoke and orange flame.
His parents think he is sick and are worried all
the time now. He just wants to be normal.

credit him with. All of which pales next to his

concern for his son Toby and what he will do
to keep him safe.
Sap Name: Dr. Mickey McGee
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Elemental
Integrity: 12, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Humanity 3, Love 2, Perfection
3, Truth 2
Skills: Athletics 2, Beast Handling 3,
Crafts 2, Empathy 3, Fortitude 3, Knowledge 6 (Anthropology), Marksmanship 1,
Might 2, Medicine 1, Perception 5, Performance 2, Persuasion 3, Speed 2, Survival
4, Travel 3
Primary Power: Air 4
Augments: Rush of Wind (T1), Wind Defense (T1)
Secondary Power: Mnemonics 2
Augments: Touch Linguistics (E0), Language Bomb (T2)
Gifts: Direction Sense (1), Library (2),
Wealth (2), Connections (4)
Drawbacks: Instinctual (Air 4)
Other: Initiative +2, Movement 9, Strength
+4, Carry/Lift 100/200

Sap Name: Toby McGee

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Elemental
Integrity: 8, Juice: 2
Loyalties: Comrades 2, Love 2, Humanity
2, Self 4
Skills: Athletics 3, Beast Handling 3,
Crafts 1, Deception 2, Discipline 1, Empathy 3, Intuition 3, Perception 3, Performance 4 (Violin), Persuasion 3, Speed 4,
Stealth 3, Technology 2
Primary Power: Fire 5
Augments: Extinguish (E0), Burn (T1), Cauterize (T1), Fire Soul (T1), Sense Fire (T1)
Secondary Power: Battery (Fire) 4
Augments: Drink Deep (E0), Beam (T1)
Drawbacks: No Control (Fire4), Kid (5)
Other: Initiative +7, Movement 11,
Strength +3, Carry/Lift 20/40

Dr. McGee


Mickey McGee grew up fascinated by PBS

specials about far-away places and exotic
lands. While other kids read comics, he read
National Geographic Magazine, a magazine
that as an adult he would come to have an almost complete collection of. In college he eagerly studied anthropology and became drawn
to the linguistic sub-discipline when he found
he had a rare knack for learning languages.
He has traveled the world in his studies, consulted with the CIA on deciphering obscure
middle-eastern dialects and coached CEOs on
the cultural and linguistic intricacies of foreign markets they wish to enter, developing a
surprising network of contacts that few would

Andrea, Andy to her friends, grew up a tomboy, always wrestling with her brother and
going on the weekend hunting trips with her
father and high school friends. She was good
with her trusty rifle and won enough shooting
competitions to pay for community college and
eventually join the Miami Police Department.
When the chance to join the Special Weapons
and Tactical Team as one of its few female officers came up five years ago, she immediately
joined. Sure she was concerned about how it
would impact her husband and child, but how
often would a chance like this come up? Over
the last few years she has proven to have uncanny abilities and when her sniper rifle skills
are not needed, she is often designated point
person whenever a structure is breached.

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Secondary Power: Invulnerability 4

Augments: Punch-Proof (E0), Tougher (T1)
Tertiary Power: Chimera 4
Augments: Fur (E0), Leaps and Bounds (E0)
Drawbacks: Continuous Power (3), Side
Effect (4)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 15,
Strength +19, Carry/Lift 400/800

Sap Name: Officer Andrea McGee

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Blaster (Force)
Integrity: 13, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 3, Comrades 2, Justice 3, Love 2
Skills: Athletics 4, Empathy 1, Fighting 3,
Fortitude 3, Intimidation 2, Intuition 2,
Marksmanship 5 (Rifles), Might 3, Perception 4, Speed 3, Survival 3, Travel 2
Primary Power: Battery 4
Augments: Barrier Defense (T1), Boost
Strength (T1)
Secondary Power: Awareness 3
Augments: Danger Sense (E0)
Gifts: Wealth (2), Accurate Eye (3), Law
Enforcement (3)
Drawbacks: Instinctual (Battery 4)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 12,
Strength +7, Carry/Lift 125/250

Ever since he was a kid all Norman ever

wanted to do was be an entertainer. Sure a
lot of other kids thought his obsession with
magic tricks was lame, but who doesnt love
classics like pulling a rabbit out of a hat? He
never thought he would be the trick though. He
doesnt know why it happened; all he knows is
he woke up one morning like this, a giant human rabbit! He doesnt walk anymore; he hops
everywhere. His clothes are constantly shredded because they cannot handle how he moves.
Kids shriek in terror, not delight. Hes got to find
an escape from this cruel magic trick.
Sap Name: Norman Applebaum
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Bulk
Integrity: 17, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Justice 3, Perfection 2, Self 3
Skills: Athletics 5, Empathy 3, Fighting 3,
Fortitude 3, Might 4, Perception 4, Performance 5, Speed 5, Survival 3, Travel 2
Primary Power: Behemoth 5
Augments: Boost Jump (T1-2), Stomp (T1-2)

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Sap Name: Brad Hartley

Affiliation: United Human Front
Strain: Psych
Integrity: 13, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Comrades 2, Justice 3, Truth 3
Skills: Athletics 3, Fighting 2, Fortitude 3,
Intuition 3, Marksmanship 4, Might 3, Perception 5, Speed 3, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Primary Power: Awareness 4
Augments: Perfect Scent (E0), Strong Ears (E0)
Secondary Power: Killer Instinct 4
Augments: First Blood (E0), Hunter (E0)
Gifts: Light Sleeper (2), Accurate Eye (3)
Drawbacks: Enemy (FBI - 3)
Other: Initiative +14, Movement 12,
Strength +6, Carry/Lift 125/250
Equipment: Blade, Rifle, Flak Jacket

Five Days of Asphalt



Dad always talked about the end times and

how they would survive while the wicked fell.
Brad wishes his dad had been right, but he died
along with the rest of his family in the government raid. The bastards have driven him from
his land and are after him now. Hes managed
to hook up with another group preparing for
the coming storm, but according to them its
not the government we need to worry about,
but freaks with powers. It doesnt matter, government thugs or mutants, hell put a bullet in
all of them to avenge his family.


Five Days of Asphalt

So many secrets hidden in the deep web waiting to be found. Sammy knew from a young age
the machines that talked to her didnt speak to
everyone, but it was only recently that she found
documents buried deep in the web which give her
an idea there were others out there like her. The
carnage and destruction in them scared her. Shes
pretty sure if she wanted to she could convince
a nuclear bomb to explode without any codes, so
what horrors could others like her release? There
really is only one answer; each and every AMP
needs to be stopped. Well, except her of course.

Sap Name: Samantha Stevens

Affiliation: United Human Front
Strain: Shaper
Integrity: 13, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Perfection 2, Self
3, Truth 3
Skills: Athletics 2, Deception 6, Empathy 2, Fighting 2, Fortitude 3, Intuition 3,
Marksmanship 2, Might 1, Perception 5,
Persuasion 3, Speed 2, Technology 6
Primary Power: Technopathy 6
Augments: Tech Speak (E0), Overload
(E0), Wireless (T1)
Gifts: False Identity (2), Untraceable (3),
Wealth (3)
Drawbacks: Curious (2)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 9, Strength
+3, Carry/Lift 75/150
Equipment: Pistol (Light), Kevlar, Laptop,


He knew it was illegal to bet on himself, but

Jose was the best up and coming boxer in years.
In the ring he was Teflon, nothing stuck. He cannot prove it, but he knows when he refused to
take a dive on the big fight they did something
to him. Maybe they roofied his drinks or spiked
him some other way, because there was no way he
went down from the other guys punches. Now this
group, the UHF, they own his debt. Help out, save
the human race, pay down his debt they say. If he
doesnt, they say they will visit his abuela, rough
her up. Kill a kid to protect his grandmother, what
kind of choice is that to make?

Sap Name: Jose Degollado

Affiliation: United Human Front
Strain: Bulk
Integrity: 21, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Comrades 2, Justice 3, Perfection 3
Skills: Athletics 5, Fighting 6, Fortitude 5,
Intimidation 4, Intuition 3, Might 4, Perception 4, Speed 3, Survival 2, Travel 2
Primary Power: Invulnerability 6
Augments: Blade-Proof (E0), Bulletproof
(E0), Energy Proof (E0), Punch Proof (E0),
Soak (T1)
Gifts: Linguistics (Spanish 1), Natural
Warrior (4)
Drawbacks: Debt (1)
Other: Initiative +6, Movement 13,
Strength +9, Carry/Lift 150/300
Equipment: Brass Knuckles

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Team Player
Adventure for AMP: Year One by Eloy Lasanta

Art by Mauro Peroni

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Team Player

Early in 2015, few truly knew about the AMP
phenomenon; even those with powers seldom
knew what was going on with them before
their abilities exploded within them. There are
many ways for powers to manifest, but the first
AMPs usually had hard-to-notice powers, keeping them under the radar for the most part and
allowing a certain level of normalcy to their
otherwise strange lives.
The government has always had an idea of
powered individuals showing up, and have taken steps to track them down for years. There is
one person in particular who they have been
tracking for months now, a young woman from
New Delhi. Her abilities have regularly proven
beyond those of her teammates or anyone they
have faced during their ascension to the championship. Now, she just so happens to be in the
US for an exhibition game.
The characters get caught in the middle of
an attempting kidnapping of this player by the
hands of those with unknown motives, and its
her fate is ultimately up to them. It takes place
during the Spring/Summer soccer season, after
the Seekers of Enlightenment has been established and the government is taking steps outside of the fledgling group to acquire AMPs. It is
suitable for two to four players with specifically
beginning characters. While there is certainly
danger in Team Player, it is early enough in the
AMP: Year One timeline that characters will not
have had time to train their powers much.

It is a beautiful spring afternoon without a
cloud in the sky, and the perfect day to attend
a sporting event. Specifically, today is the day of
the IFX International Futbol Ladies exhibition
game between the US and India. Seats are pretty
inexpensive; not only is this essentially a practice
game with no real stakes, but the IFX is a minor
league and not necessarily on sports medias top
list of things to cover. In short cheap seats for a
fun afternoon watching some sports.
If all the characters are friends already, then

getting together to enjoy a day of fun is an easy

reason to introduce the adventure to them. This
excuse can just be the default reason for anyone
who cant think of a story-centric reason to be
at the game. Not everyone needs to know each
other, but each character should have a reason
to be at the game. Below are just a few reasons.
It should be noted that reasons for Affiliations
that technically dont exist yet in the timeline
are included, since the GM has the option to
bend the rules to fit every character concept.
VV Unaffiliated: Loyalties are an easy way to
bring characters in. Love for ones Community may make the character show up
in support of local businesses who stand
to make a pretty penny from this event. It
could be a Comrade or Love of theirs playing, or maybe (if female) they have a Perfection in Athletics and are playing in the
game themselves instead.
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: Though they
are only recently official, they have already
begun reaching out to other AMPs to bring
them into their fold. Using algorithms, they
are able to track bloodlines back to Project Black and tell who is likely to be an
AMP. Savi Dhawan is one such person and
the characters could have been sent out to
attempt to approach her, most likely after
the game.
VV Other Affiliations: With a low attendance
factor and lots of seats to separate their
group, many times the Changelings visit events like soccer matches to pass the
time or to bring their young to teach them
there is still fun to be had. They are, of
course, always on the lookout for others
like themselves, often going to places no
one would think in hopes of encountering
one. The official UHF is but a glimmer at
this time, but there are definitely those
who accuse Savi of doping up and want
her kicked out for her superiority. The
neighborhood in which the small stadium
is located is surrounded by major city territory, meaning Typhoon members could be
in the area as well.

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Scene One: The Game

The strange-looking people dont seem to

move during the game, but anyone who made
the original Perception check starts to notice
them popping up all over the stadium, each
team of three relaying similar information and
coordinating ways to escape with the girl.
Those simply watching the game are in for
a treat as Savi makes another ten goals in the
third quarter, breaking her own record already.
In the fourth quarter her speed and acumen
becomes too much for the rival team to compete with, and she scores another seven points
for a final score of 24-2, beating her previous
record of 21. Team India is overjoyed and celebrate like crazy, but show good sportsmanship
by bringing Team USA into the party as well. It
is just an exhibition match after all.

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Playing in the Game

If it was determined that some of

the players were playing for Team USA,
then they have a chance to attempt to
hold off Savi, but shell ultimately win.
For each quarter of the game, have the
player make a Moderate (20) Athletics +
Speed check, reflecting their ability to
keep up with Team Indias star player.
Each successful check means the character was responsible for taking away
one of her scores and for adding +2 to
Team USAs. This means succeeding at
all four checks stops her from breaking a
record and itll be the players character
the papers are talking about tomorrow.
If the character also has Acceleration or
Evasion, they may make two additional
checks (or four additional checks if they
have both).

Team Player

The characters arrive for a grand day of fun.

The small stadium doesnt have a roof, so all
the suns glory shines in on the spectators unless they sit in the back seats shaded by the
walls. Of course, at this height, its harder to see
the game itself. The stadium holds about five
thousand spectators at full capacity, but there
are barely a tenth that many today, as this is
a fairly low-stakes game. Concession sellers
are still making their way through the rows, so
buying a hotdog, burger, soda or beer is pretty easy. Tips go a long way on a slow day like
The lush green field is still filled with eager
players, all of them ready to give their all. Team
USA is in the obvious red and white tops with
blue shorts, making them easy to spot against
the gold and green Team India competitors.
A Simple (10) Perception + Knowledge check
means the characters overhear chatter among
the crowd or perhaps pick up a flyer talking
about a feud between the teams. Team USA
has Amelia August who once held the record
for most scores in a single game, and there is
an intense rivalry with Savi Dhawan of Team
India who more than doubled Amelias record
in the last game played against Team Belgium.
Any Psych with the Visions power automatically senses Team India will be the winner today
as well, with the young Savi beating her own
record again.
The game begins simply enough, the first
quarter going by with Savi scoring two goals
almost single-handedly. Then, as the heat gets
turned up, Savi and her team begin to dominate the field scoring another five goals in
the second quarter. If the group succeeds at a
Tough (30) Perception + Intuition check, theyll
notice a few people in black suits watching
the game from one of the entranceways. Two
of them are eyeing every move Team India specifically Savi Dhawan - makes while a third
seems to be talking to be talking to someone
on the phone. An AMP with enhanced hearing
(Chimera, Awareness or other powers) can hear
the man relaying the following:

Im sure shes an enhanced, sir. Affirmative, we will wait until the end of the
game to bring her in for questioning.

Team Player

After the Game

It all goes down after the game ends. Both

teams have done their celebrating and sulking out on the field, but then retreat to their
assigned locker rooms. Team USAs is in the
east wing, whereas Team Indias is in the west
wing. Once the players are all off the field, the
characters notice about half the men in black
have vanished, presumably going after Savi.
This is a great place for the group to split up,
as each will likely have different ideas of how
to proceed. Although the most straightforward
approach is to go to the locker rooms, there are
other ways.
VV Find the missing ones: Going after the missing MiBs is tricky, as they are great at not
leaving a trace. The character can make a
Perception + Survival check to pick up certain clues that may point them toward several government-issue vans parked out in the
parking lot. Following this trail brings them
to three vans, each waiting with engine running and driver ready to take off. Any AMPs

will immediately notice their powers draining in the presence of the van, suffering a -2
penalty to all checks while within 20 ft. Who
knows what happens if ones inside the van?
At this point, the characters can ambush the
driver or stake out the location and wait for
Savi be dragged out to stop her abduction.
Most AMPs have heard the rumors of their
kind disappearing off the streets, so if the
bad guys leave with Savi, shell likely never
see the light of day again.
VV Direct Engagement: It isnt a bad plan to
simply attack the men in black who are
still visible in order to possibly draw out
the others as they come back for reinforcements. Use the Men in Black stats (AYO, pg.
202) and there should be roughly one MiB
per player taking this route. If the characters are having too easy of a time, add more,
but also remove some (as they retreat to
report in) if they are having a hard time
against them. Once the fight is done, however, theyll see Savi being dragged out an

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alternate exit near the group, where they

can get the drop of them and save the girl.
VV Locker Rooms: Heading straight to the
locker rooms is easier said than done for
most characters. Travelers can teleport or
phase through walls, sure, but the long cement hallways lined with MiBs can prove
too much for others. Here, there are likely
two Men in Black (AYO, pg. 202) per player,
making it a much tougher proposition to
go straight to the locker room. The characters arrive on the scene as they are blocked
by two MiBs from proceeding any further
down the hall. Behind them, they can see
two others dragging Savi Dhawan from the
locker room and heading to an alternate
exit behind them. Fighting through them
is the only way to get her in this scenario.
After winning, they can escape with Savi.

After escaping, Savi thanks the characters

and urges them to take her to her familys
home. The hotel shes staying at is likely not
safe for her to return to and her family is good
at staying off the grid, so its the perfect place
to hide out, at least for a short while. Its not far
from the stadium, but is in a part of town not
frequently traversed by the law.
They follow Savi up to the third floor of her
five-story family apartment building and she
knocks on the door, saying Hello, mother, its
Savi in Hindi. Characters who have taken the
Linguist Gift (AYO, pg. 53) and have selected
Indian languages can understand her. The door
opens to reveal an older woman, obviously Savis mother, who hurries the group inside. She
introduces herself as Lakshmi, and it is noticeable that she is mostly covered up. After a
few moments of hellos and pleasantries, she
asks what Savi is doing there, as she was not
supposed to visit for a few days after the competition. Savi goes on to explain the situation,
again in Hindi.

Who were those people?

Im not too sure. I started developing abilities greater than any other athlete on my team.
I can move faster without stressing my body,
which allows me to make more goals. At this
point, Ive been underplaying what I can really
do. I could technically run circles around most
opponents, but I have heard the rumors of people with enhanced abilities disappearing. Similar
things happen even in New Delhi, but I hear they
are even worse here in America.

This is your familys home?

Yes, my mother and father moved all of us

here to America years ago. Sadly, my fathers
income wasnt enough to support himself, my
mother, my grandfather and three kids. I moved
back to India when I was able to and have been
making money as a football player to help with
their bills. I get to travel to the US about twice a
year, but I dont like seeing my family under these

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Team Player

Scene Two:
Want Some Pizza?

Looking around the house, a Simple (10)

Perception + Empathy check reveals the house
definitely has at least five people living there.
There are kiddy plates at the table and there is
a walker in the corner. They can hear coughing
coming from a back room and childrens laughter from another.
After calming down her mother, Savi returns
to the group and to her well-spoken English. We
should be fine here. No one knows about this
place. Thank you so much again for saving me.
If Savi has seen the characters use powers,
she immediately sees them as comrades. Shell
motion to her mother, who removes her face
mask to reveal strange scarring on her neck
and jawline. Saris daadaa (grandfather), Divit,
comes out from the back room, an older gentleman who speaks only Hindi. He is much worse
off than Lakshmi, however, with large tumors
and uneven legs that make it hard for him to
walk. If they peek in to see Savis little brothers,
neither of them have any physical deformities.
She offers the group pizza and they can
take some time to talk if they want.

A Moderate (20) Empathy check reveals Savi

is keeping something secret. If pushed, she
tells the group that only her father is a legal
citizen of the US. This is why their home is unknown to most their family rarely leaves the
home for fear of being deported.

Team Player

This runs in your family, no?

My family has always been marked by the

gods, but we have always kept this secret. My father warned me about being so blatant with my
gifts, and this is what I get for disobeying him. He
is the only one who has no blessings. My daadaa
is strong enough to resist bullets, though his
body has weakened through the years. My mother
can read others memories. I can obviously move
quickly. My brothers, Aadeesh and Chunmay, have
already started taking after me, though they arent nearly as fast.

Will you be ok here?

Yes, I have nothing to fear here. Ill wait until

the coast is clear and then get back to my life in
India. Now that I know they are after me, I should
be able to evade them easily.

Scene Three:
Were We Followed?
All of a sudden, everyone hears a crash on
the ground floor (no check necessary). Looking
out the window, there is some kind of riot going
on. It looks to be a mixture of soccer enthusiasts angered by the loss of Team USA who then
tangled with the wrong part of town, erupting
into a combined clash of blood and screams.
The crash below was someone smashing in
many of the windows on the ground floor, and
its easy to hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
Lakshmi gathers up her children, Savi helps
her daadaa to his feet. We need to get out of
here. Those men didnt find us, but it isnt safe
right now, Savi yells as she activates her power
of Acceleration to help move her slow-moving
grandfather. Right as they get out to the stairwell, there is a mob of people looking to fight
anyone in their way (one for each character)

who immediately launch into an attack. Use

stats for Small Time Criminals (AYO, pg. 201). If
they prove too difficult for the characters, they
can be downgraded to Average People instead.
Going down the stairs is a bad idea, however, as even more are coming up with ill intent.
There is roof access, however, which will allow
the group a safe place to be for a moment and
figure out their next move. Getting to the roof
and away from the thugs requires opposed
Movement checks. Savi and Divit (and anyone
else with Acceleration) can make it quickly and
without trouble, but everyone else must win
the majority of five opposed Movement checks
against the Criminals. If they fail, the criminals
catch up and they have yet another fight. If
they win, they reach the roof and seal it off before encountering anyone else.

On the Roof

Everyone has a moment to relax, gain their

bearings and recover any Juice spent in the
stairwell. Savi again thanks the characters for
their help. You have clearly gone above and
beyond what can be expected from complete
strangers, so lets say Ill owe you a favor when
all this is over with.
Most of the alleyways behind the apartment building are empty, so if theyre careful,
the characters can descend the fire escape and
get away pretty easily. Savi says she knows of
another place no one will find her, but gives
the characters her card so they can reach her
any time. At this point, Savi parts ways with the
group, leaving with her family to locate a new
safe house. Even if the characters protest and
say theyd like to stay with Savi to keep her
safe, she tells them she has taken all the charity she can, but they will meet again. With that,
she zips away using her incredible speed and
that of her brothers.
Leaving the area through the alleyway is
fairly easy, and the characters can then regroup at their homes or even a hideout. If they
need to return to the stadium to pick up their
vehicles or anything left behind, they can be
allowed to do so without much trouble, as the
riot itself has moved away from the stadium
area and is more in the town proper now.

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If the GM is interested in upping the

odds of their escape, they may ask for
Athletics + Stealth checks while descending the staircases. A failure could
mean they are heard by either more
criminals or even the police who mistake them for looters. This can make
things very difficult for characters who
have the Gang Past Gift or the Prison
Record Drawback, as the cops may even
recognize them and give them a harder time. Stats for Police officers can be
found on AYO, pg. 201.

Scene Four: The Offer

Later the same day, whenever the group
is alone and secluded from anyone else, they
are approached by a three-man team of Men
in Black. At first it looks like an apparent ambush, but all too quickly, their leader raises her
badge and removes her glasses to reveal a
kinder face. She says her name is Agent Miller,
and she just wants to talk. While she says their
mission is peace, her backup has some very
heavy guns on them, which can easily kill just
about anyone with a single trigger squeeze.


The group can attempt to fight them, but

the battle will be harder than before. The GM
should give these agents a +3 bonus to all the
normal MiB stats, and they deal an additional
+2 damage with each attack.

Stop and Listen

If the characters decide to stay away from

any more fighting and listen to the MiB, Agent
Miller lays out an offer for them. It is important
to note, unless the characters used overt powers and left the other agents alive as witnesses,
Agent Miller has no clue they are AMPs. She
just wants Savi.

A Moderate (20) Empathy check reveals

Agent Miller is sincere in her statements, and
just wants whats best for everyone involved.
Some characters might be offended by the
idea they can be bought, but others are likely intrigued. If the player is having a hard
time deciding how their character should act,
they may make a Loyalty check. Helping Savi
counts as either Humanity (helping someone)
or Comrades (helping a friend). This should
be weighed against what they are getting in
return. Money could easily be a selfish thing
(Self) or it could go toward an investigation in
severe need of funding (Truth). They could also
ask for an innocent relative to get out of jail
(Justice) or even for a doctor to be called in
to help out a Love. Use of Loyalty rules (AYO,
pg. 39) can heighten the drama and lead to interesting outcomes. Of course, they could also
return to choice #1 and just attack the agents.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Team Player

The girl you helped today isnt what

she appears to be. She is different from
normal people, to the point of being
a danger to our national security. We
have it on authority that Savi Dhawan
can run faster than any normal human
at their peak speed, and that others in
her family have similar abilities. Finding her and bringing her in for testing
may be the key to unlocking this potential for others, curing cancer, any number of revolutionary events. None of
that happens if we dont get our hands
on her, though.
So, this is where you get the choice.
The US government is willing to provide you with anything you want as
payment, within reason. Our agency has
a discretionary fund that can leave all
of you very rich. There is little we cannot offer, so name your price.

A Stealthy Retreat

Scene 5 - The Setup

Meeting back up with Savi is easy to do;
all the characters need to do is call her and
say they have information that can be of help.
Her curious nature is enough for her to give
the characters her location. It is an abandoned
house in the middle of suburbia.

Team Player

Warning Savi

If theyve decided to stick by Savis side and

keep on protecting her, then they can meet up
with her and warn her exactly who is after her.
Fear of the US government is enough for the
whole family to work towards going back to
India, and Savis father, Durapa, goes out to find
some papers that can help them leave ASAP.
Unless someone goes with Durapa (who
is just a Sap), he never returns to his family.
The agents were following the characters and
expected a double-cross, so they arrive later
to take down the safe house. Durapa is taken
away to a facility and killed silently.
These MiBs have heavy weapons, machine

guns and the like, and are ready to take Savi by

force if she doesnt surrender herself. The characters, at this point, mean nothing to the agents.
They could die in the crossfire and all it would
mean is additional paperwork. They are determined to get Savi, and that is all they care about.
Move to Daadaa the Monster.

Trapping Savi

If the characters were ready to turn on their

new friend, whether because they are dubious
in nature or because a favor from the government is just too much to pass up, they have
the full backing of the MiB behind them. The
characters go in wired with microphones and
spy cameras, recording everything they see and
hear while in the home. Their first step is to
ensure all enhanced people are accounted for.
Indeed, Savi, her mother, her daadaa and her
two brothers are all within the house, along
with Savis father, Durapa, who is pacing frantically and cursing in hindi.
The agents plan is not to go in with gunsa-blazin. Instead, the characters are sent in to

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attempt to lure Savi and her family to a secondary safe house, one that is actually a government holding pod. As the family feels somewhat safe where they are, this requires a Tough
(30) Persuasion + Deception or use of some
kind of power to override their good sense.
Otherwise, they refuse to give up their place.
If Plan A doesnt work, Plan B is to just bring
out the big guns and threaten to kill everyone if
they do not surrender. Not the best option, but
the agents are well-versed in subterfuge and
combat training. Whatever gets the job done.
Move to Daadaa the Monster.

Daadaa The Monster

When the smoke clears, either Divit is in
pieces all over the front lawn and the family
is being loaded into government vans to be
processed or the MiBs have been defeated and
sent packing.

Saved the Dhawans

Once again, Savi is at the mercy of the characters and thanks them all for their help saving her family. Knowing they cant stay here
any longer, they begin making plans to leave
the country and return to India. Of course, if
the characters are Seekers, they can offer the
Choice to anyone who is interested, or protection if they want to keep their powers.
Changelings say they can teach them to hide
their powers and invite them to their camps.
Typhoon members see the obvious power in a
family of AMPs, which makes it very evident (to
anyone who didnt already know) that powers
are passed through blood.
In either case, Savi owes her life to the characters and shell likely join whatever organization they offer up as the one they are members
of. If they are unaffiliated, shell be convinced
of the true power of heroes and goes on to do
the same for her people.

Made the Deal

If the characters made the deal, they have

traded the freedom of the Dhawans for whatever their heart desires. They can also forgo
anything tangible for government connections
that could lead to even greater rewards, especially if they belong to (or go on to help found)
the United Human Front. If the characters exhibited any powers during the final fight, the
agents are likely to double-cross them and

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Team Player

Regardless of how the characters proceed,

during the assault on the house or before Savi
leaves to see this other safe house, her daadaa
becomes unsteady and cannot control himself.
His mutations have been getting worse for
years, and this is the moment they get the better
of him. The old man stands to his feet without
a problem, his muscles begin to bulge and he
increases three times in size. For all intents and
purposes, Divit is a monstrous creature and no
longer the loving old man his family knew. This
eruption of power was his last resort to help his
family, so that remains his first order of business.
If the characters were trying to trick them, he
instinctually knows and attacks them first. The
MiB are there to help, so they are not alone, but
they are the primary targets. If they were there
to help, Divit jumps out of the front of the house,
crashing most of the wall, and attacks the MiB
instead. In this case, the characters and Divit can
work together to take down the agents.
Integrity: 30 (AR 3/3), Juice: 9
Combat: Initiative +9, Movement 16, Fighting 6, Speed 6, Fortitude 10, Might 10, Strength
25, Ground Slam deal +2B to everyone within
20 ft. radius; landing on a target deals +4B due
to his size and weight.
Other Notes: Physical attack are the worst
way to try to attack Divit. The most effective
attempts are mental attacks, as his mind is not
protected at all. However, anyone who enters
his mind sees only pure rage and suffers a -2
penalty to all checks for 1 day based on the
trauma inflicted.

Sadly, even after the bad guys have been dealt

with, Daadaas rage has consumed him and he
turns on his family. The characters may have to
finish the job themselves or else the Dhawans
will meet their end by their grandfathers fists. It
is a gruesome choice, but the only one that can
be made if saving Savis family is the goal.

New Acceleration Augments

VV Running Circles (E2): Must have Too
Slow. When activating their power,
the AMP may now take (Intuition/2)
free Movement Action. These can
even be used as Reactions to others
Actions. Duration: Battle.


capture them as well, taking them for processing if they cannot resist.


Save Savi from the Men in Black


Escape the riot with Savis family


Befriend Savi Dhawan


Defeat Daadaa


Make a deal (or not) with the MiBs

Team Player

Hyper-Accurate (T2)


Check: None
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Effect: Must have Rapid Strikes. By
taking extra time, which seems like
nothing to the AMP, they may reduce the
penalty to any Targeted Strikes by (Acceleration). May be used Reflexively.

Sap Name: Savi Dhawan

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Bulk
Integrity: 12, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades 3, Justice 2, Love 3,
Perfection 2
Skills: Athletics 7 (Soccer), Discipline 4,
Fortitude 2, Intuition 4, Marksmanship
4, Perception 3, Performance 3, Speed 7
(+6), Stealth 2
Primary Power: Acceleration 6
Augments: Rapid Strikes (T1-5), Hyper-Accurate (T1), Too Slow (T1), Running Circles (E1)
Gifts: Linguistics (English 1), Fast Acting (2), Accurate Eye (3), Graceful (3),
Sprinter (4), Wealth (2), In Control (2)
Drawbacks: Deep Sleeper (3), Trail (3)
Other: Initiative +21, Movement 34
(2040 or 138 MPH), Strength +7, Carry/
Lift 100/200

Sound Barrier (T3)

Check: Acceleration + Speed

Range: (Acceleration + Intuition) x20 ft.
Duration: Instant
Resistance: Fortitude
Effect: Must have Impossible Punch.
After the AMP has spent their last Action
Sprinting or using Impossible Punch,
they can make themselves break the
sound barrier. Upon doing so, this causes
(Acceleration - 2) Sound damage to everything within Range and the character
ends up somewhere else within (Movement) x200 ft. Targets who succeed in
their Resistance halve the damage dealt.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Attack of the Buzz

Adventure for AMP: Year One by Eloy Lasanta

Art by Tony Gregori and Maxim Lardinois

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Attack of the Buzz

In April 2015, there was a cataclysmic attack on the town of Alice, Texas. This devastating event came in the form of thousands of
bees attacking everyone in town and killing
a good number of them. For three hours, the
people hid in their cars and homes, attempting
to keep out the bees, but they always found
found a way in. When all was over, there were
several questions as to why this occurred. More
deaths by bee sting continued over the following months. No one truly knew until July what
had actually happened. A vile AMP who could
control bees gathered them up and set them
upon the town. The reason why are still a mystery, but there are many people in search of the
AMP responsible, especially the Seekers of Enlightenment.
This adventure follows the Bee Attacks and
lead the characters to a direct confrontation
with the AMP responsible. It brings in elements
of the 2015 timeline and answers questions
some may have asked about what actually
went on in Alice. It is suitable for two to five
AMPs, and Critter is suggested as an NPC.

The Summer is upon the world and the bees
in the Alice attack were said to have burned up
in the Texas sun. The various attacks of bees
have occurred in a strange pattern, showing
that the attacks are happening in cooler climates, though still never to the degree that took
place in April. Death tolls due to bee stings grew
in Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and then Ohio
showing a distinct pattern. Many zoologists are
trying to figure out what could be making this
strange travel pattern for the bee swarms, but
those in the know have deduced it is simply
where the AMP has gone. Following the pattern
leads the characters to North Ridgeville during
their annual Corn Festival.
Groups of characters who are already together when this adventure begins have an
easy time of explaining why they might be
tracking down the AMP responsible for the Bee

Attacks. New characters may need some explaining, and here are a few way to incorporate
them into the adventure:

VV Unaffiliated: Using Loyalties is an easy

way link a character to the attacks. Community or Humanity could push them
to protect all the towns that have been
attacked and keep more from the same.
Justice may spur them to make the AMP
pay for their deeds. Maybe the characters
Love or Comrades were injured in one
of the attacked and they have a personal stake in finding the AMP. Any of these
(and maybe combined with the below)
are great ways to bring the character into
the story.
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: This is the
group who broke the story firsthand by
bringing some of the bees from the original attack back to life to ask them what
happened. Critter, who made friends with
the bees, saw it as her personal duty to
track down the one responsible for the
torture of these creatures. Characters may
have been sent as scouts to the town and
are simply awaiting Critters arrival.
VV Changelings: Someone within their group
may have sensed the attacks as part of an
AMPs power and are tracking him down
in an attempt to calm them down, possibly
offering them a home within the Changelings. These attacks may just be the way
the AMP is lashing out at the world, and
they must be saved from themselves.
Characters may be ambassadors.
VV United Human Front: These attacks are
far too coincidental and theres no such
thing as coincidence. Theyve sent some
of their best hunters and scouts to track
down the AMP and take them out for the
death of so many humans. Characters are
part of this force.
VV Typhoon: The Matriarch and her agents
have looked into the future and seen
where this AMPs final battle will take
place. She requires either him or his body,

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so anyone wishing to impress her may

be there to collect the bounty. If the AMP
is left alive, he may even be coaxed into
joining the organization; definitely one in
the win column for Typhoon.

Scene One: And the

Award Goes to

A Trophy and a Sting

The mayor, G. David Gillock, has even arrived to give away the trophies for the Corn
Eating Contest. He calls the first and second
place winners onto the stage and many of the
people all crowd around to watch and applaud.
The mayor hands a small trophy to second
place with a youll get em next time smile.
Then he hands the much larger Golden Kernal
trophy to the first place winner (maybe one of
the characters) and shakes their hand, posing
for the local paper to take their picture.
Then he slaps his neck, revealing a squashed
bee when pulls his hand away. The mayor immediately starts to plump up like an allergic

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Attack of the Buzz

All of the characters arrive (either together

or separately) to the town of North Ridgeville,
Ohio. Its not very large, with a population just
over 30,000, but South Central Park is alive
with activity. Its the 41st Annual North Ridge
Corn Festival! Many of the residents are wearing necklaces consisting of an ear of corn on a
rope, getting their faces painted and playing
any number of fair games. Families and youths
are all over the place and its almost sickening
how wholesome it is.
This is definitely where the AMP responsible for the attacks is hiding, and its just a
matter of finding out where in town they are.
As everyone who is somebody is at the festival,
this is the place to start. With a Simple (10)
Perception check, it is easy to see that there are
one or two bees everywhere they look. There
are a few clusters of bees around trashcans,
but none of them seem to react to the people. If they ask someone if there is usually this
many bees, theyll say its more than theyve
noticed compared to previous years, but there
are a few apiaries in the area. Anyone with the
Leash power who tries to communicate with
the bees finds they do not respond and are resistant to any orders given.
For all intents and purposes this is a regular festival. The characters may want to stake
it out and see if the bees do anything suspicious, or see if any of the residents (or festival organizers) are acting out of the ordinary.
The biggest thing theyll get in return is a
lot of strange looks and some of the regulars
wondering who the new people are. Some of
the staff may even come over and ask where
theyre from and gently interrogate them to
see if they are maybe where they dont belong.

If they want to stay unseen, of course, they can

make Stealth checks to go unnoticed by the
crowds. Blending in with the crowds requires a
Stealth + Performance check instead.
Other characters may want to just join in
on the fun since nothing exciting is happening
yet. There are some art and crafts shows going
on, with a silent auction full of corn-inspired
pieces the characters could bid on. There is a
car show where residents are showing off their
restored vehicles. Everyone is given ballets to
vote for their favorite and the winner receives
a shiny trophy. Maybe the characters have a car
they want to enter? Theres also a grand parade
and fishing contests to see who can catch the
biggest fish out of South Central Lake. All of
which can be amazingly fun. Just joining in on
the fun makes the characters a lot less conspicuous.
Though it is obvious what the draw of the
festival really is the Corn Eating Contest. At
the last minute one of the contestants gets
sick and they need someone to fill in. If one
of the characters wants to join in, they have to
contend with an extended Fortitude + Speed
check, requiring a total of four successes to
win (they get to roll six times). Each check represents ten ears of corn gone through, and a
failed check means they get hung up on that
particular batch of corn. If they get three successes, they get second place. GMs can allow
characters to add either Biomorph or Elasticity
to their checks to help them with their eating.

Attack of the Buzz

reaction and keels over dead. If anyone checks

his body, there is no life left. There is a hush
over the crowd for a long while, until someone
else gets stung and then another and another person. The bees that had otherwise gone
unnoticed were starting to attack the people at the festival, causing everyone to start
running for their lives. Some people who are
stung by multiple bees bloat into blobs and
then explode in a storm of blood that causes
riots. Anyone who may know the people in the
town (Community Loyalty or possibly if they
had done prior research) can make a Moderate (20) Perception + Knowledge + Community
check to notice that most of the people being
targeted look to be North Ridgeville officials. If
not, theyll soon know what is going on in the
next Scene.
But first, the characters have to get out of
there alive. Unless they possess the Venom
or Biomorph powers, they are at risk of being
poisoned to death by these high unusual bee
stings, and those with Invulnerability may be
able to withstand any damage the bees could
deal. There are swarms attacking all over the

place and have spread out over the surrounding few blocks, but the characters can attempt
to do many things:

VV Hide It Out: They can make a Stealth +

Beast Handling check to find just the
right place that the bees wont be able to
get into or wont find them.
VV Run Away: Running is the option most
people are opting for and requires a
Speed + Intuition check. A success means
they have avoided the attacks, while a
failure means they are stung. Those with
the Animal Beacon Drawback (AYO, pg.
61) must roll twice. If they are stuck in a
crowd, Athletics + Stealth checks can be
made to let someone else take a sting intended for the character.
VV Fight the Bees: It may seem ridiculous,
but some AMPs may just opt to face the
bees and see what happens. As the bees
are small, the character suffers a -6 penalty
to any attacks unless they are using a big
weapon like a paddle, net or giant hand

vernon reich (order #7379055)

(from Sizing) with a wide enough surface

to disregard the penalty. As the bees are
being controlled, taking out one or two
swarms handily send them going after
someone who cant defend themselves.
Being stung by the bees can be painful. Not
only to the initial attacks deal 1B damage to
the character, but they then suffer an additional 1B per Round for the next 4 Rounds. Those
with low Integrity see themselves succumbing
to the bee sting quite easily and anyone stung
by multiple bees may die pretty easily. Its important the characters play to their strengths
and not underestimate the deadly force these
bees represent.

The attack lasts for about 20 minutes, but

the bees calm down quickly. Some of the residents still alive tend to the wounded (this is
where an AMP with the Healing power could
shine) or take turns stomping on bees who are
still twitching out of revenge.
Critter, from the Seekers of Enlightenment,
shows up while the town is in recovery, covering her mouth at the sight of such a horrible scene. She meets up with the group, either
through one of the member who may be a
member of the Seekers or by simply recognizing they are AMPs and asking for their help. She
came alone, after all, so taking on such a foe
may require help. Everything she has learned
as led her to North Ridgeville the same as the
characters. She calls the AMP responsible for
all of this The Buzz. The characters may notice
Critter has five bees flying around her, but she
quickly explains that they came with her and
were some of the Buzzs first victims. The bees
know not what they are forced to do, so they
cant blame the animals for being used. Also,
Critter is a bit of a celebrity among AMPs and
some of the characters may be starstruck, but
shes really just a down-home girl and doesnt
come off like a celebrity at all.
Now that shes in town, she says they need
to figure out why there would be another at-

Choice #1: Check

Public Records

Going to city hall and checking out public

records is one thing they can do. This can give
them a good idea of new home purchases and
whether anyone has moved into this small
town recently. Checking all of the records, some
of which are still contained on microfiche, requires a Moderate (20) Knowledge (Research)
check. They can alternatively make a Tough
(30) Technology check, as their computers are
terrible out of date and dont make the job any
easier. A success gets the characters the following info:

VV No new move-ins that line up with the

Buzzs patterns
VV A man named Vernon Morris died of anaphylactic shock that does line up with the
Buzzs arrival. Otherwise, the man has no
other notable mention in the records besides the address of the house that is currently owned by the bank. If they follow
the address, they can skip right to Scene
Five: The Tent.
Unfortunately, this method does take time
to complete due to poor equipment, even with
the aid of Brainiac or Acceleration. This means
the events of Check the Dead need to happen
simultaneously or not at all. Skip to Taking
Their Time in Scene Three for what happens
if they check public records first.

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Attack of the Buzz

Scene Two: Reasons

tack of this proportion. There had been more

bee deaths this year, but this is the first largescale attack since Alice, Texas. It frightens Critter this may escalate into something much
worse. All the bees she can see are either dead
or unmoving. They dont respond to her when
she attempts to use her power to speak to animals on them, so the only thing they can do is
investigate the town. Why were these people
attacked? Why now? Critter takes the cue from
the group and follows whatever route they
think best at this stage.

Attack of the Buzz

Choice #2: Check

Into the Dead

Asking around to the survivors is a good

idea. Many of them in shock, but a kind word,
some coffee or a blanket (or other comfort)
might just be what they need to turn them
around and get them talking. The characters
can make a Moderate (20) Persuasion + Empathy check to get them talking, gaining a +2
bonus for each item they offer in comfort (up
to +6). After some asking around theyll find out
that among the random people who died were
five of the six town officials as well.
Digging deeper (and making another check),
theyll discover there was an initiative to build
a bypass in town, which would give them more
tourists. Many of the areas slated for demolition were those of the local apiaries, and there
were several petitions from bee tenders to rebuke the bypass. This is the first key to a possible motive for a bee attack on the Corn Festival, the one place that all the officials would
be, guaranteed.
Wait! Only five of the six officials are dead.
One of them stayed home sick, having caught
the flu a few days earlier. Rhonda Stilson stayed
in bed, though her husband and son decided

Wandering the Town

Exploring the town, the characters

will see the exterminator business is
booming in North Ridgeville, but doesnt
reveal any info before Scene Two.
If the players dont think of the two
Scene Two choices or just want to explore more, they may simply happen
upon the next scene. Wandering out far
enough, finding the house in the middle of a neighborhood could definitely
happen. Of course, with no context of
this being Rhondas house (and not The
Buzzs), they may approach the house
and charge in, possibly hurting Rhonda
in the crossfire. In any case, it move the
adventure forward and confusion is always great for storytelling.

to go to the festival anyway. Luckily, they both

survived. Following a hunch, Critter bolts off
to the last officials house in hopes of rescuing
her from a possible bee attack. The characters
can either let her go alone and Check Public
Records or follower and help her.

Scene Three:
Defending the Sick
Arriving at the home of Rhonda Stilson, they
see the house is covered in bees trying to get
in through the windows, the doors and every
crack in the walls or foundations. Its a fairly
modern home, so there are very few entrances the bees arent already trying. The bees are
ignoring the siding which does not have tears
or other openings. They are clustered blanketing doors and windows. Figuring out another
way in without using the obvious front or back
doors is best. Obviously, characters with powers like Portals, Teleportation or Intangibility
have the advantage here. Use of Invisibility
may let them get by the bees without notice,
but might let in some of the bees in whatever
entrance they are able to find. A character with
Technopathy and the Wireless Augment may
lookup the schematics for the house and find
any secret openings pretty quickly, and a character with the Water power may hit the house
with a tidal wave to dowse all the bees and
end the confrontation right there (though that
is a bit extreme and might take the house and
the rest of the block down with it).
Inside, they group finds that the bees havent actually found a way in quite yet. Going
upstairs to the second level bedroom, the sickened official is huddled in her bed, scared for
her life. She throws a lamp at the characters as
they enter the room, and freaks out, pointing at
the windows covered with bees. The sound of
buzzing has driven her quite mad at this point,
and shes begun lashing out because of it. Shes
no physical threat, so just holding onto her will
calm her down in no time. Of course, the occasional sneeze and cough comes through here
and there she is still sick after all.

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Smash, Crash, Bang!

The characters have a moment to figure out

what their next move should be, but then they
see that the bees have noticed them inside.
Those by the bedroom window grow slightly
louder and much larger, then backing up as
a swarm and smashing through the windows
and knocking down the doors. They can hear
that the bees are definitely all throughout the
house now, seeing the ones in the bedroom
form themselves into a humanoid shape.
Get out of my way! She dies! the
characters hear echoes on the buzzing
sound as the bee forms attack.

Fighting the bees is unlike anything else. It

moves unlike how a normal person would, making it hard to predict its movements and there
are constantly bees dripping from its form and
flying back on to make it stronger. The characters can even see a semblance of a face in its
form. If Critter is an NPC, she is able to create
a field around herself so they dont attack her,
but she cant make them stop attacking. She can
make one other person in the group unattackable too, if necessary. There is one Bee Form every two characters, and they attack anyone with
the Animal Beacon Drawback first.
Integrity: 16, Juice: 4
Combat: Initiative +6, Movement 7, Fighting 4, Might 2, Speed 3, Sting Punch deals
+1B damage and 1B per Round for the next 3
Rounds if the target fails a Moderate (20) Fortitude check against Poison.
Other Notes: The bee form is immune to attacks that would deal Brutal damage, such as
firearms, blades or claws. The sharpness cuts
the few bees in the way, but then the ones still
living simply reform. Only bludgeoning physical damage works, but the characters should
be careful not to get stung in the process. They
are still susceptible to sound, fire, elements,
energy and whatnot, but are also immune to
mental attacks. Any attempt to Grab means an
automatic stinging once per Round they are

Taking Their Time

If the characters chose to check public records before asking around town about the
dead, then they dont get to the house before
the bees got to Rhonda. When they arrive, they
see many of the bees leaving the area and flying in a swarm away from the house. If they
go inside, they simply see blood splattered all
over the room and a box of blood-soaked tissues on the bedside table.

Scene Four:
Truth in a Dream
Once the deed is done, the remaining bees
have no reason to stick around and many of
them make for the smashed-in exits to join
their swarms and get away. Seeing that many
of the bees are leaving, Critter gets the idea to
let her bee companions go into the swarm as
she and the rest of the characters escape the
scene (hopefully with their lives). When they
are safe, she tells everyone what she did. They
should be back with information on where the
bees are resting soon. As long as they stay safe,
she says with as much of a smile as she can
muster after Rhondas death (if she died).
They have a bit of time before the bees will
return with anything useful, so they have time
to rest and mend any wounds they may have
received during the day so far. It gets so late
that there is no reason to not sleep, though
Critter refuses to sleep as she waits patiently
for her bees to come back.

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Attack of the Buzz

Bee Forms

Sadly, if the characters dont defeat the

Bee Forms and scare them away by the end of
Round 4, a few bees are able to get through
their forces to sting Rhonda, who immediately
bloats and explodes all over the room (and the
characters). Its very gross and the GM may ask
for Discipline + Fortitude checks to keep from
vomiting and feeling sick for at least an hour
afterward, suffering a -1 penalty to all checks
if they do.

Sharing Everything

New Leash Augments

Beast Ward (T1)

Attack of the Buzz

Check: Leash + Beast Handling

Range: Self
Duration: (Leash + Beast Handling) Minutes
Effect: Must have Calm. This Trick creates a wall around the AMP that prevent
say animal from attacking them. This
means no dog bites or tiger scratches,
but also no bug bites or bee stings. If
they fail a Moderate (20) check, the animals can still attack, but still suffer a -3
penalty to all their checks.

Swarm Form (T4)

Check: Leash + Crafts

Range: Core Ability
Duration: (Leash + Beast Handling) Rounds
Effect: Must have Aggressive and
Commands. The AMP creates a soldier to
fight for them out of the various bugs in
the area (there must be enough to complete the form). The Swarm Form has
(Leash + 8) Integrity and uses the AMPs
(Leach/2) for all checks (Single-Skill),
dealing +2B damage on successful attacks (and possible poison or pain effects depending on the insect type). It
also produces a Fear (Leash +10) effect.
Some AMPs create forms out of a single
type of bug, like bees or spiders, which
can heighten the fear it generates. The
creature can only attack and is unable
to perform complex maneuvers (basic
attacks only). If the AMP fails a Moderate (20) check to use of this Trick, their
Swarm Forms Integrity is halved. Cost
cannot be reduced below T2.

When everyone is asleep (assuming they

dont have Oneiromancy or the Sleepless Augment for Biomorph), they all see themselves
within a shared dream. If they pinch each other it hurts, but that doesnt make it any less
a dream. Theyll noticeably not have any of
their weapons (if they carry any), but they find
themselves in the center of South Central Park
again. The Corn Festival is going on in full
swing around them, and they can see a small
girl in the corner of their eye in a flowery dress.
If they turn quickly to confront the girl, she introduces herself as Emily without a bit of emotion. Im here to be your dream guide and help
you on your journey.
She brings them over behind the stage
where the Golden Kernel was given out earlier
in the day. There is one of the officials talking
with another person about a drug deal, and a
small girl dressed just like Emily (it is Emily) sitting and playing on her gaming device close by.
It becomes obvious she is the daughter of one
of the officials, explaining why shes not very
happy right not. However, the most important
bit is that listening to the conversation the two
adults are having is startling. The new interstate, the official explains, is really just a way
for the town to bring more product and the
way shes using it can only mean drugs. There
are also cursory mentions that sound like they
could refer to extortion or even human trafficking, but the drugs is the only one that is obvious. The question then becomes, did the Buzz is
do this for a terrible reason or to stop criminals.
Could there be a way to save him?
Note: GMs who dont want to add in the
grey area may wait until the end of the adventure to give the characters this bit of information. This makes them look back at whatever
decision they make at the end in a different
light. Yay, we beat the bad guy may instantly
change to Oh my god, what did we do? Powers like Visions or Psychometry could also reveal this information without the need to include a shared dreaming experience, but the
characters would need to know what questions
to ask or items to touch.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Bees Return

Scene Five: The Tent

Following Critter and her bees takes them
to a large three-story house covered by a fumigation tent that reads The Ex-Verminate
Company. The front lawn is very overgrown,
showing that its been abandoned or at least
not taken care for a long time. The mailbox
reads V. Morris. The bees say that the Buzz is in
that house, obviously ignored due to the tent.
If they previously did research, they know the
true owner is also dead, so no one has visited
this house in months. The bees are entering
any number of slits made in the tent up by the
third story.
Getting inside is easy enough, as its obvious there are no actual insecticide fumes inside the house. The tent itself is worn and old,
so its been there for awhile too. Lifting the
tent and slipping underneath further reveals
there isnt much in the way of electricity flowing through the house either, however. There
are a few bees scattered around the first floor,
but none of them seem to notice the charac-

Beekeeper Suits

If the characters think about it, there

are a few apiaries around the area. That
means, they could always take a detour
to grab themselves a few beekeeper suit. Wearing this kind of suit keeps
them completely immune to the attacks of any bee unless its been suped
up with the Buzzs powers. Also, a bee
smoker wont work on the bees, as they
are being manipulated with powers beyond nature.






ters. Theyll need to be very quiet and watch

their step to keep it that way. Making a loud
noise or stepping in the wrong spot (probably
on a bee) launch all the bees into attack mode
and lets the Buzz know youre there. One or
two successful Moderate (20) Stealth checks
on the first and second floors as approach the
third floor keeps them under the radar. When
they reach the third floor there are power cables going through the halls leading into the
master bedroom. This is where the majority of
the bees are, but many of them are tired from
being worked so hard (some of them from
directly battling the characters earlier in the
adventure). Another Stealth check makes sure
they dont wake the bees.
Hunched over a computer on a website ordering groceries is the Buzz. He isnt a physical specimen in the slightest, very stringy and
gaunt as he hasnt been eating well. The rest of
the room has been cleared of any furniture. All
around the room are empty microwave dinner
containers and chip bags, as well as few aluminum cans. Otherwise, its the Buzz and his bees.
Any physical fight with him is over pretty quickly. Hell command his bees to fill the
room, forcing several checks for the characters
to keep themselves. Every Round (including
the first) the characters are assumed to have

vernon reich (order #7379055)


Attack of the Buzz

All the characters snap awake when Critters bees return, and she is overjoyed that they
survived the infiltration! After a few minutes of
talking with them like they were old friends reunited (which may seem strange to those who
havent hung out with someone who talks to
animals before), she tells the group that she
now knows where the Buzz is hold up.
The characters can then start the debate on
how to proceed and what to do with the Buzz
when they encounter him. No matter what, the
Buzz has assassinated hundreds of people in
multiple states. No one should have a problem
with stopping him in his tracks, but that might
not necessarily be the case depending on the
reason they were investigating in the first
place. Typhoon may see the potential and want
to recruit, while a Changeling may try to stop
the others from attacking their fellow AMP no
matter how bad his action. The GM should allow some time for proper discussions on all
points and see where the group lands.

Attack of the Buzz

been stung for 1B and must make Moderate

(20) Fortitude checks against poison to avoid
additional damage over time (of course unless they have some way to prevent either of
these effects). The moment the Buzz is either
knocked unconscious or taken out, the bees
stop their terrible acts since his connection is
then broken. If he takes too much damage in
Round 1, however, more Bee Forms are created
and defend him, this time one per character.

Fighting The Buzz

His primary Strain is Feral and he a combination of Leash (AYO, pg. 112) and Venom (AYO,
pg. 115) but suffers the limitation that he can
only affect bees (unlike Critter who can affect
any animal). His powers are quite formidable,
possessing the following Leash Augments:
Commands (E0, +1 Juice per step), Sense Animals (T1), Animal Eyes (T1), Aggressive (Always
On), Swarm Form (T2) and Whistle (Always On),
and the following Venom Augment: Poison
Kiss (Always on his bees). He has Integrity 12
and starts the encounter with Juice 3 (the GM
should track his Juice the same as any character). His skills for this encounter are limited:
Discipline 4, Fighting 2, Fortitude 2, Might 2,
Speed 3, but he also have the following Loyalties: Comrades 4, Self 4, Truth 2.

Once the Buzz is taken down, the characters
have the choice of what to actually do with
him. Killing him is one way to handle such an
AMP that has been causing death all over the
country. Followers of the Seekers of Enlightenment may wish to instead bring him back to
their HQ to administer the serum to strip him
of his powers, while Changelings may want to
simply take him in, teach him the folly of his
past ways and help him understand his power.
Members of the UHF obviously lean in the direction of killing him, while Typhoon will see
a weak, pitiful man before them and have the
option of returning him to the Matriarch dead
or alive.
Looking at the Buzzs ID, they find out his
name is Eric Larson. Hes got a few baseball
cards in his wallet, a small amount of money
and a few stolen credit cards (used to order
supplies online). A search online shows that
Eric went missing during the bee attack in
April and is presumed dead. His mother was
also dead due to bee stings during the attack.
There is no mention of a father or siblings in
the news report.

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Erics Journal

Any of the characters not affiliated with the

Seekers will have a personal invite from Critter if they want. If nothing else, she owes the
group a lot for finally being able to put a tragedy so personal to her to bed.
If they want to, the group can find Emily and
give her the Choice or at least help her find
a new family if that is something within their
control. Maybe one of them can even adopt
her, as she does seem to show a liking to them
as fellow AMPs. She is due to face many dangers herself, especially if she continues visiting
strangers in their dreams.


Participated in Fair Games


Made both choices in Scene Two


Helped Rhonda


Had a non-confrontational Dream Walk


Took the Buzz alive

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Attack of the Buzz

With a Perception check to search the room, the characters may happen upon the
Buzzs journal with entries that go back as far as a year. If the players dont specifically
say they search the room, the GM should leave this information for the very ending, after
all decisions are made and the Buzzs fate is already sealed.
It starts off with several accounts of abuse from his step-father and a fight they had
where Erics arm was broken in two places. Then finally, that man left which his mom
blamed him for. He began seeing his control over bees taking form and starting cultivating them in his bedroom closet, making sure not to tell anyone.
Of course, he then came home one day in April to find his mom bloated and dead from
a bee sting. He didnt know she was allergic. It never came up in their conversations or
arguments. At the sight of such tragedy, his power erupted and sent the bees on a killing
rampage and he couldnt stop them.
The following months involved a lot of running and hiding. He traveled across several
states and his bees followed him, filled with a malevolence he couldnt describe in words.
They took every terrible thought he had and acted it out, as if they were hacked into his
brain. The death of so many, including a preacher who talked out against him, were all
performed without his even giving an order. He just thought it.
The most recent attack on North Ridgeville was simply because he wished he could
save the apiaries. Eric wrote about how much he hated the officials for their legislation,
and the bees attacked the festival in order to make their master happy. He hates his bees
and wishes theyd just go, but thats one order they wouldnt follow. His demeanor in the
journal entries became more and more disorganized and scatter-brained as time went
on, to the point where Eric himself was obviously driven quite mad by all the events that
have happened around him.

Attack of the Buzz


Her family has lived on a farm in Maine for the last three generations, always fortunate
enough to live a comfortable life and always together. Stacie, however, suddenly learned of her
ability to talk to animals right before an attack on her farm. They never discovered what the
robbers actually wanted, but it was not outside of reason to think they came for her and her
abilities. With these strange powers, she traveled to New York to speak with a special doctor, Dr.
Jacob Segal.
The two of them created a movement called the Seekers of Enlightenment, hoping to figure
out how AMPs gain their powers and save the ones who may mutate to the point of death. Of
course, the cause was never her concern; she cared for her fellow AMPs and really just wanted to
make sure everyone like her was safe from the dangers that would present themselves one day.
Behind the scenes, a romance blossomed between her and Jacob, later known as Doctor Luminous at the same time she took on the handle Critter. Through hard times and celebrations, the
two of them never separated and he eventually
asked Stacie to marry him - to which she gave an
instant yes.
To everyone she meets, Critter has become
the example of what an AMP can work for the
Seekers of Enlightenment. Although she doesnt
agree with every decision they make, she stands
by the good the organization has done for AMPs
around the world.

Sap Name: Stacie Winters

Affiliation: Seekers of Enlightenment
Strain: Feral
Integrity: 10, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 3, Comrades 3, Justice 3, Love 2
Skills: Athletics 2, Beast Handling 4, Discipline 3, Empathy 3, Fighting 3, Intuition 3,
Might 2, Medicine 3, Persuasion 4, Speed
4, Survival 3, Travel 3
Primary Power: Leash 6
Augments: Aggressive (T1), Commands
(E1-5), Sense Animals (T1), Calm (T1)
Gifts: Destiny (3), Wealth (3), Inspirational
(2), Connections (3 - Other AMPs)
Drawbacks: Bleeder (3), Curious (2)
Other: Initiative +7, Movement 11,
Strength +4, Carry/Lift 100/200

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Evolution of Apex
Adventure for AMP: Year One by Bill Bodden

Art by Tony Gregori and Maxim Lardinois

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Evolution of Apex



A well-known theory has circulated through

the AMP community for months if Saps learn
of ones true nature, theyll want to dissect and
experiment on the AMP. The humans would no
doubt cite the worlds best interest as a key
motivation, but the lure of power can often
take hold. Not everyone is in it for the good of
humanity, after all.
Although, what if an AMP gave themselves
up willingly? Donating oneself to science, to
find out where these powers came from and
how they can help the world is a selfless act.
Of course, an AMPs disappearance can leave a
hole for loved ones, creating a loose end, unfinished business.
Called by the clinic to return for a follow-up
exam, doctors representing the FutureTech
Corporation approached Apex in her physicians office. They explained they had become
aware of her condition thanks to a national
program, and wanted to help her. They suggested running some tests in order to discover
the source of her powers and possibly find a
way to cure, or at least stabilize, them. Secretly,
the corporations scientists were hoping to duplicate her remarkable abilities and find a way
to stabilize possible mutations.
Apex had already gone through one set of
powers and developed others to replace them.
Her constantly shifting DNA left her wracked
by painful muscle spasms and migraines. Shed
try anything to make the agony stop, so she
signed a contract and they told her the treatment would cost her nothing.
The characters will be engaged in a clandestine operation to recover a vital asset, an
AMP called Apex, recently spirited out of the
corporate complex by persons unknown. Returning her to agents of the corporation is of
the utmost importance. These agents are never
more than a quick call away, and are prepared
to take custody of Apex before she can do any
damage. It is suitable for two to five players.

An AMP has been undergoing studies on

her mutating condition; however, it is not clear
whether she is a willing participant in these
studies. OMalley, a higher-up with FutureTech,
has been on the lookout for others with similar
abilities for some time and just received a file
containing surveillance picture of the characters. She needs them, but she isnt likely to use
the same approach to contact each character
(unless they all know each other previously).
The characters have several potential vectors
of involvement.

VV Youre Hired: Most obvious is the offer of

employment: OMalleys corporation is in
need of talented people fast to keep a lid
on the situation, and the money theyre
offering doesnt come along every day
- a powerful motivator to any AMP with
well-developed loyalties to Self or even
just one with a lot of unpaid bills.
VV Loyalties: Those with strong loyalties to
Community may want to monitor developments to keep an eye on the corporation and to potentially help out a fellow
AMP. Likewise Humanity may urge them
to make sure the right thing is being done
and for the right reasons. With Truth as
a guiding principle, an AMP may want to
bring to light details of even the most
unpleasant of procedures. Naturally, an
AMP whose strongest loyalty is to Comrades may sign on to help friends who
may be involved. Characters reluctant to
participate at all may find themselves
lobbied by their fellow AMPs. There are
all manner of useful emotional appeals
to attempt to convince them to sign on.
Those whose primary Loyalty is Perfection should find irresistible the chance to
test skills forged in the fires against opponents of unknown abilities.
VV Affiliations: An AMP connected to UHF
may want to see Apex destroyed, or they
may want to help the corporation so vital
research into the AMP phenomenon may

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continue. The Seekers of Enlightenment

may want to gather information on Apex
herself (and the corporations activities).
She is an important contact to make, as
she is the first to mutate in such a way.
Members of Typhoon may just want to
cause a little chaos or find some truly
juicy information to trade into the organization for favors. Any members of these
groups may likewise find themselves assigned to the case by their organization
in pursuit of unknown benefits.

Scene One: Contact

The Deal

The hiring contract is to find Apex and return her to custody. Because Apex is a powerful
AMP, and because there are at least two other
AMPs with her, some risk is involved. The company at no charge will equip the characters,
though they will deduct any needed repairs to
damaged equipment from the characters pay.
The corporation will deny involvement and financial responsibility for any infractions of the
law, including property damage or run-ins with
law enforcement. OMalley emphasizes to the
characters that costs such as these could add
up quickly. For their help, theyll receive a fee
of $1000 cash per day each (plus expenses)
until Apex is located and recovered or until the
contract is canceled.
OMalley explains that Mr. Sanfords team is
available as armed back up if the group feels

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Evolution of Apex

Christine OMalley, a lawyer from a prestigious law firm, contacts the characters. She
offers them temporary employment suitable
for their rare talents, hinting that she knows
about their unique abilities. She explains that
the corporation in question wishes to remain
anonymous to avoid drawing attention to
those with newly acquired powers. She asks
them to meet her at her office at 7:30 PM to
discuss this potential opportunity.
The neighborhood is clean and upscale, but
once quitting time arrives, the area is like a
ghost town, with very few people on the streets
and everything -- even coffee shops and restaurants -- closed for the night. Though trees are
sparse here, the few that are here have already
scattered a few multi-hued leaves to the ground
-- a sure sign that autumn is on its way. No distinct logos are visible on the outside of the metal and glass structure; inside the front doors, a
directory indicates the offices the characters
seek are on the ninth floor. Since this is a special
case, the high-rise is still unlocked at this hour,
and several friendly though attentive security
guards are on duty in the lobby. They will direct
the characters to Ms. OMalleys offices, and will
call upstairs to alert OMalleys staff that their
guests are on the way up. When the characters
arrive at the offices, they find plush surroundings. The receptionist offers the characters their
choice of a variety of non-alcoholic beverages,
and invites them to wait in an expensively decorated room with comfortable, leather-uphol-

stered chairs.
When the characters are finally invited into a
conference room, they are met by OMalley and
a beefy, well-dressed gentleman with long dark
hair in a ponytail and impeccable manners and
hygiene. The man introduces himself as Sanford.
OMalley is tall -- nearly six feet in height -- and
slender in a toned way, with thick, curly, auburn
hair hanging loosely about her shoulders, and
hazel eyes. She wears fashionable glasses that
accentuate her eyes and compliment her face.
She has strong hands and a firm handshake.
Her business suit projects an air of conservative chic. Sanford says little but his smile seems
sincere, and he makes pleasant chitchat when
appropriate. Sanford has large, meaty hands and
a powerful grip, which he carefully restrains
when shaking hands. He wears his steel-gray
hair short -- not quite a crew cut, but close. He is
clean-shaven with a strong jawline, and wears
an expensive, well-tailored suit.
If any character with Psychometry shakes
hands with Sanford and attempts to read
him, they see a brief vision: Sanford and several masked persons dressed in black commando-style uniforms tinkering with electrical
wiring at what appears to be a medical facility.
There appear to be containers of flammable liquid close at hand.

Evolution of Apex

such a need. Once in their custody, they are to

turn over Apex to this team for immediate return to the corporations medical facilities.
In the event of any injuries to the characters, theyll receive free medical care at one of
the corporations many medical facilities. This
is to prevent the AMPs from coming to the attention of the authorities. If they choose to use
these facilities, the companys doctors will take
blood samples for analysis to check the characters for infection or disease, and to, unknown
to the characters, secretly evaluate their suitability for ongoing research into the AMP phenomena.
OMalley doesnt explain how it is that the
corporation learned of them or their previously
secret abilities. If pressed on this issue, OMalley smiles, and only says cryptic things, such as:

The firm Im working for has been

searching for people like you since before you were born. Be glad we found
you before anyone else did.
The corporation has big plans, and

you could be a part of those plans -- a

very handsomely rewarded part -- if you
play your cards right.
I only know as much as I need to
know. The corporation prefers to keep
some data confidential to the greatest
extent possible. Its for your own protection.
Sanford is the leader of the strike team assigned to tail the characters, and he wants to
get a good look at them himself before asking
any of his people to potentially tangle with
them. He is wearing an all-but-invisible ear
bud (Tough (30) Perception + Knowledge OR
Technology to spot it) and is being fed information detected about the characters through
hidden cameras -- regular, infra-red and ultraviolet -- in order to gather as much information as possible. Sanford is a proud member of
the UHF, and is currently undergoing chemical
treatments at one of the organizations secret
facilities to boost his already formidable speed
and strength.

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The Video

curely before closing the trucks back door and

driving off.

They were good, OMalley quips.

They disabled alarms even professionals have trouble with. All of Apexs
monitoring alarms were connected to
the central system, so anyone in a security station could hear if it went off.
The characters can ask any questions they
wish; OMalley doesnt know much -- only what
she was told, but has a few answers for specific

If asked about the danger to others

posed by Apexs condition:

Weve managed to keep the details

of the break-in quiet, so theres no word
of this in the media. We dont know who
these people are, but they seemed to
know Apex, and she knew them, OMalley explains.
Continuing to watch the video, Apex becomes conscious while the two kidnappers are
present, and holds their hands, affectionately.
She talks to them, pointing at various machines
around the room. They nod, and help her into
a machine with a clear tube large enough for
Apex to stand in comfortably. They place a mask
connected to tubes over her face, and push several buttons in sequence once she is inside the
device. The machine begins to glow softly, and
in moments, fills with a strange solution. Apex
floats freely, relaxed and again unconscious.
The two intruders stash any leftover materials
on the cart with the machine and take it all
with them, wheeling the machine out of camera range as they exit the building.
The scene cuts to a different camera, where
the group is seen pushing Apex and all her
equipment into the back of a waiting panel
truck. They pause to strap everything down se-

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One thing you need to know: Apexs

condition has worsened. Were not
sure if its a result of her confinement,
or from the shifting mutations shes
undergoing, but shes a danger to any
normal human around her. Just being
in proximity is enough to cause large
tumors to grow inside the body, a potentially life-threatening condition. The
tumors do not appear to be cancerous;
however, their rate of growth and sheer
numbers threaten normal functioning
of the human body. Since we discovered
this new development, were rotating
staff through the unit so no one is exposed to her for more than 20 minutes
per 24-hour period.
We dont know yet how close is too
close, how long is too long, nor do we
know if her condition has any effect on
those of her and your kind, she gestures
at the characters. Seven of our best
techs have undergone surgery to have
the lumps removed. Three that spent
the most time with her have died from
this condition. Be cautious.

Evolution of Apex

Once they complete the deal, OMalley

pushes a button, lowering a video screen in
the conference room. She shows the characters a clip of the secure-cam footage from the
night of the break-in. With Moderate (20) Perception + Intuition checks, the characters can
determine there were only two intruders, even
though they frequently walk in and out of camera range, and both are on the small side - possibly teenagers. The taller of the two seems to
have electrical powers, while the shorter one
displays only a propensity to touch a person,
causing them to pass out. The smaller one then
seems to direct the action, pointing to things
that the taller one then deals with. There is
no sound, and both intruders are wearing ski
masks to cover their faces, so its impossible to
tell what they are saying -- or if they are even
speaking at all.

If asked to inspect the lab:


The building in which this lab was

housed burned to the ground just after
Apexs escape as a direct result of the
intrusion. There was some sort of electrical discharge from one of the intruders that started the blaze.

At the mention of Apex possibly

giving tumors to anyone who is in her
presence for long enough, this should
certainly impress the importance of
her retrieval. Of course, it is up to the
GM whether this is ultimately a truthful
statement or something OMalley made
up to urge her new employees to do the
right thing.
If GMs want to use this as truth, they
should ensure they add certain descriptive terms later on in the adventure.
Apex shouldnt be contagious as long as
she stays in her tube, but Sponge and
Tazer were likely exposed during her escape. Mention of a few additional bumps
on their skin could lead the players to
connect the dots and make more cautious choices.

If a character used Psychometry previously,

they will figure out Sanford burned the place
down. On whose authority (OMalley or the
UHF) is the real question.

Evolution of Apex

If asked about Apexs life-sustaining

The equipment Apex was hooked
up to was keeping her alive. Her mutations were becoming unstable, randomly shifting from one power to another at
irregular intervals. We need to get her
back ASAP so the corporations doctors
can stabilize her condition. That equipment might be a good way to track her;
it requires a great deal of energy. We
have contacts with the power company,
and weve been assured of their cooperation.

If asked about what equipment the

corporation has to loan:
The corporation is ready to equip
you with anything you need -- with the
exception of firearms. If you need shooters, our people can provide that kind of
tactical support. No offense, but wed
rather not arm a bunch of people without knowing how they react to stressful
situations. The equipment will need to
be returned once the mission is either
completed or deemed unsalvageable.
Incidentally, each piece of equipment is equipped with a tracking device. Besides allowing us to recover our
property if lost or stolen, we can acti-

vate the tracking devices manually in

case you get into some real trouble. The
strike team can respond to any tracker activation within minutes. Sanford
nods at this.
The corporation has taken the liberty of
setting up kits for each character with equipment the characters are likely to need: flashlights, rope, short-range walkie-talkies, first aid
kits, handcuffs and zip-tie restraints, and so on.
If the players think to request any other equipment, the GM is encouraged to use judgment in
what they would and would not provide.

If asked about transportation:

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You will also be supplied with vehicle/vehicles sufficient for your needs.
The vehicle provided is a black SUV.
If there are more than five characters,
they will provide two SUVs. They are
also issued a company gas card for
charging fuel at any gas station within
100 miles.

Scene Two:
Staff Interviews

The Techs

Two staffers on duty that night Charles

and Lisa were medical technicians whose job
was to monitor Apex overnight from the safety
of a control booth. Both are capable of basic
first aid, but were under orders to summon the
on-call doctors if anything unusual happened.
Both noted unusual brainwave activity an hour
prior to the break-in, but do not know what this
meant, and the doctor they reported it to simply made notes and left.
The equipment stolen from the lab included an experimental iso-chamber: a large, clear
tube used to keep Apex in a state of suspended
animation. It also kept her relaxed and relatively pain-free when she was developing new
mutations, allowing the med-staff more time
to prepare for whatever side effects these mutations might produce. Any players with Medicine should get a Tough (30) Medicine + Technology check to follow along with the string
of medical jargon. Otherwise, characters may
literally need someone to translate.
This device requires a large amount of energy to operate; wherever it is, its definite-

Apexs Doctor

If the characters wish to interview Apexs

physician, Dr. Leland Bennett, he is at the
downtown free clinic. A Moderate (20) Perception + Intuition can allow them to notice the
large amount of shiny, new-looking equipment
in the office, plus a healthy supply of consumables: cotton swabs, gauze, bandages, medicines, etc.
Its quiet in the clinic today, so he has time
to answer a number of questions. The corporation warned him the characters were coming -not that the characters were AMPs themselves

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Evolution of Apex

OMalley has arranged for the corporation

staff involved in the break-in to be available
for the characters to interview, and suggests
the characters begin with that as soon as possible.
Most of the staff affected by the break-in
were security guards. Several report the smaller intruder touching them on the face/forehead for several seconds. After that, he seemed
to know their passwords and access codes for
the security system. The larger of the intruders
used some kind of attack like a taser; guards
were incapacitated by powerful electrical
current (security cam footage confirms this.)
While the guards didnt see what hit them, the
cameras pick up several instances of a flare of
electricity arcing between the individuals fingertips and guard.

ly affecting the power grid of the immediate

area, possibly even causing blackouts. The female tech mentions that the smaller intruder
seemed to glean the information on the chemical cocktail with which to fill Apexs tube,
as well as the knowledge to operate it, after
touching her face for several seconds.
The smaller intruder touched both of the
med-techs, and both are confident that she
knows how to operate the machine to keep
Apex suspended. If asked how they know this,
they cant explain it; she seemed to know the
right combinations of switches and buttons to
activate and deactivate the machine that night
after touching them.
These techs had not been tending to Apex
for long; in fact, this night was their first shift
with the AMP. Other techs noticed a relentless
fatigue after only one shift with Apex, and each
discovered a large nodule growing just under
their skin. These nodules usually showed up
in the hands or arms of the tech -- the parts
of them in closest contact to Apex. Both techs
have these nodules; Charles has a small (sugar
cube-sized) lump on his wrist, while Lisa has
a pea-sized lump just below the inside of her
Though present the night of the event, neither has any knowledge of the fire. Heavily
armed security staff escorted both out as soon
as they became conscious. To the best of their
knowledge, the building was not on fire at that
The group learns little else of interest from
interviewing Charles and Lisa.

Evolution of Apex

The Strike Team

The corporation trusts the characters only so far; they want their own people ready
to move in and take control of the situation as soon as the characters find Apex. The
strike teams orders are to neutralize Apexs siblings: Tazer and Sponge, neutralize the
characters if necessary, acquire Apex, and escape. Secondary objectives include the
elimination of Sponge and the possible capture of Tazer for further study at the corporations labs.
The corporation is well aware that if Sponge or another Telepath is able to get a
good read on any of the strike team using her Read Minds power, she will discover a
decent amount of black ops intel. When backed up with evidence -- the details of which
Sponge or any other Telepath with Read Minds may obtain -- could cause the corporation serious trouble for years to come. Because of this, the corporation has deemed
Sponge the greatest threat to their operations, and has authorized lethal force to take
her out permanently if given the opportunity to do so, another detail that Read Minds
may reveal. If nothing else convinces the characters to join forces against the corporation, this might do the trick.
The two Enhanced Agents have weapons that fire lethal rounds. They carry submachine guns rather than shotguns. Their objective is to eliminate the threat that Sponge
poses -- permanently. They have specific orders to deal with Sponge, and will waste no
time in targeting her.
In constant contact via ear buds with a satellite tracking center, the strike team will
shadow the characters in two non-descript vehicles. If the characters have managed
to ditch all tracking devices in their equipment, the team must maintain visual contact
from a discreet distance. A successful moderate (20) Travel + Perception check will notice the tailing vehicle(s).
The number of operatives in the strike team will generally be one per character,
one each for Apex and Tazer, two Enhanced Agents to deal with Sponge and four additional regular operatives. GMs should feel free to adjust these numbers according to
the needs of their campaign. Two additional operatives will remain in the vehicles as
drivers, and will maintain contact with Strike Team Command. These two drivers will
not engage in combat actions. If threatened, and if their teams are non-responsive,
they will flee the area in their vehicles and report directly to Strike Team HQ. The strike
teams loyalties are unshakable. They believe in what the corporation is doing and are
committed followers.
The corporation wants the characters to do the heavy lifting, neutralizing or weakening Tazer and Sponge before the strike team moves in. If this is not what happens,
the strike team may be in for a big surprise.

-- and strongly suggested he tell them nothing

under the rules of doctor-patient confidentiality. Doctor Bennett is wary of the characters, and
is initially reluctant to offer any information.
The doctor is quite forthcoming with as
much information as doctor-patient privilege
will allow him to divulge. If the characters
mention or demonstrate that they are AMPs
themselves, he will mention that Apex had sib-

lings, a younger brother and sister, both in their

teens by now. He never saw either of the siblings professionally, but learned of them later.
If asked about his relationship to the corporation, Doctor Bennett will state the following:

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Look, we get requests and bulletins

like this all the time: be on the lookout
for a man with a gunshot wound to the
leg, or watch for any instances of patients displaying unusual abilities. That
last one came from the corporation,
and they offered a substantial reward
for the chance just to talk to any such
patient. They wanted to make Apex -and others like her -- an offer of serious
money in exchange for helping them
with research into what they called
the new paradigm of human evolution.
I tipped them off, and the finders fee
they gave me helped fund this clinic for
another three years, plus it gave us the
resources to acquire a few more diagnostic tools we desperately needed. Im
sorry if there were any issues later, but
under her condition, she wouldnt have
had much time left anyway. I didnt
reveal any information about her, just
that the corporations doctors should
speak with her. They took it from there.
That was just over a month ago

Call the Doctor

He goes on to explain that at one point

Apex could fly, and had x-Ray vision, among
other abilities. She came to him this particular
time because her flight powers had vanished,
and she instead could now contact people she
knew at great distances - a kind of telepathy.
If they follow up by asking after her condition, Dr. Bennett will balk at discussing the
matter further unless one or more characters
can make a Tough (30) Persuasion + either Empathy OR Deception check. If they share any information on what was happening to her at the
secret lab, the Doctor decides he can trust the
characters, and will explain that one of Apexs
mutations was causing her body to fill up with
tumor-like growths. These growths were so
numerous and placed such that they were inhibiting her bodys normal functions, and if the
mutation did not reverse itself, she would very
likely die. At this point, he estimates that Apex
will die within the next three or so weeks if
her condition does not improve. He will pass a

hand over his face, and his tiredness will show

for the first time.
If the characters make a study of this doctor
(Moderate (20) Perception + Empathy check)
during their questioning, they are able to determine

VV He is not lying, but he is hiding something.

VV He believed (initially) that the corporation was acting in Apexs best interests
VV He was not aware of what happened to Apex,
how the corporation treated her, at first.

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Evolution of Apex

During her incarceration, Apex mentally contacted Doctor Bennett using Telepathy to explain what was happening
and to ask for help. Horrified at what the
corporation had done, Bennett agreed,
and is spending long hours monitoring
from a distance Apexs condition at the
warehouse hideout. Thanks to her Telepathy, Apex is well aware of the effect her
presence inflicted on the corporations
med-techs, and has urged Bennett to
take every precaution. Bennett will not
reveal this information to the characters
unless he is certain he can trust them,
though a mind scan may reveal words
like warehouse and hideout, providing a tantalizing clue.

Scene Three:
Finding Apex

Power Drain

There are several paths to finding Apex. Dr.

Bennett is the most obvious, and while hell
take a lot of convincing to trust the characters
(fool me once...) they can succeed. The characters can also find out where unusual amounts
of power usage are occurring in town, and follow those leads.

Evolution of Apex

Finding the Van

Unexplained power drains happen in city

power grids from time to time. As OMalley
suggested, the corporations contacts at the
power company have provided a list of recent
anomalies. One is suspicious; its located in a
run-down neighborhood filled with warehouses and self-storage units. They can trace the
drain to a particular transformer located on
Commerce Avenue.

Eyes of the Neighborhood

The Intruders stole an anonymous-looking

white panel van from among the fleet vehicles parked outside the lab. The keys were on
an obvious hook in the secure area of the reception desk. The police found the van in the
long-term parking lot of the municipal airport
a week ago, and it had probably been there for
several days at that time. The keys were under
the seat, locked inside the cab, and it still had
half a tank of gas. Searching for fingerprints
yields nothing usable.
Clever characters might suggest using the
citys traffic cameras to track the vans route on
the night of the break-in. This is sound thinking, and while it will not give them a precise
location -- traffic cameras are few and far between in the warehouse district -- it will lead
them directly to the district where the warehouse/hideout is located. The corporation can
arrange this, but it will take time. No one officially reported the break-in, so the query to
access the traffic cam information will need to
go through back channels rather than official
Players who have characters with Psychometry are able to attempt a Moderate (20) check
using Psychometry + Intuition. If successful,
they can see a brief view of the van driving into
a warehouse on Commerce Avenue.
If the characters follow up on this lead, they
may skip directly to Eyes of the Neighborhood
from any point in the adventure.

If the characters begin to canvass the

neighborhood around Commerce Avenue, following the leads of the power drain or the
traffic cameras, they will encounter a desperate
situation. Five young hoodlums are attacking
Joe, a tired, chronic alcoholic who haunts the
neighborhood. If the characters can stand up
to the gang and at least knock a few of them
down, they will retreat and find a less well-defended neighborhood to plague. Use stats for
Criminals (Small-Time) (pg. 201, AYO).
Joe is grateful for the assistance, and thanks
the group for saving him from a beating. He
will ask if any of them can spare him a dollar or two for him to buy some painkillers. If
the characters ask him questions about the
neighborhood, in exchange for a little cash
Joe will mention one abandoned warehouse
that seems to have something going on. At
night, he sees light escaping from the cracks
in the painted-over windows, and sometimes
he hears a hollow, rhythmic thumping for short
intervals. He also mentions seeing a white,
panel van pull in through the dock doors late
one night, and he saw it pull out again about
four hours later, a little before dawn. That was
nearly two weeks ago. Joe easily points out the
warehouse in question.

Scene Four: The Hideout

The warehouse is located at 3557 Commerce Avenue. It is a neighborhood in name
only; there are no residences nearby, and the
structures all seem to be in varying states of
abandonment. This area was formerly an in-

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Meeting Apex

When the characters finally glimpse Apex,

its a jarring sight. Several pieces of medical
equipment are operating here, and three oscillating fans are working overtime to disperse
the heat generated by these devices. Besides
a number of monitors, a length of tubing links
a series of oxygen tanks together. The final
length of tubing runs through a port in the
side of a clear, cylindrical tank filled with liquid. Inside this large tank is Apex, still alive and
breathing, but looking tired and very weak.

A lumpy, armor-plated carapace, replacing

much of her skin, covers what they see of her
body. What little hair is left grows in coarse
patches out of the cracks between plates. Her
ears are little more than holes in her head,
though the hearing apparatus within functions
perfectly well. Her eyes still appear quite human, but in an air environment, they weep a
yellowish fluid that occasionally builds up, drying quickly at the corners of her eyes.
Her movements are slow and deliberate,
and when moving she winces often, clearly in a
substantial amount of pain from her condition.
She is currently in the iso-tank, and while she
cannot speak through the oxygen mask and
while surrounded by a liquid environment in
the tank, she is very aware of all that transpires
around her, and will communicate telepathically with anyone who speaks to her or who
mentally directs thoughts to her.
Apex stays in the tank overnight to help her
sleep. The tank helps to soothe her violent outbreaks, or prevent them outright, and it or the
liquid concoction inside seems to insulate visitors from Apexs more harmful side effects. Dr.
Bennett has been treating Apex for days now,
with no side effects of any kind. During the
day, she eats and Dr. Bennett and her siblings
care for her needs. As her condition worsens,
she spends a greater portion of her time in the
tank. The fluid helps reduce the stress on her
body. When the characters first arrive Apex will
definitely be inside the tank or she may be in
bed while they are present or later if they make
a return visit.
When the characters first come within 30
feet of Apex, her eyes pop open, filled with hostility. Any AMPs with Telepathy have a chance
(Moderate (20) Telepathy + Intuition check) to
detect a telepathic message she sends:

She attacks the most threatening character
with Mind Bolt before she collapses, exhausted. By that time, Tazer comes bursting onto the
scene, followed by Sponge, both ready for anything and expecting to fight.

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Evolution of Apex

dustrial park; hard times have driven away

nearly all of the tenants. There is little activity
here during the day, and even less at night.
With a Moderate (20) Knowledge + Perception check, sharp-eyed characters will note that
one warehouse seems to have had wiring work
done recently. A jerry-rigged bunch of electrical cables runs from one of the buildings to
the nearest power pole. Someone has accessed
the converter on the pole; with the wiring
draped in a secure but makeshift fashion over
intervening structures. The building itself is
a brick structure, mostly one story, but with a
section towards the back that appears to add
a second story. Black paint covers the windows
that still have strong grillwork protecting them
from vandals and intruders.
Inside, the allegedly abandoned building
is oddly clean and relatively dust-free. Neatly
sorted used electronics of all sorts -- TVs, computers, monitors, keyboards, stereos, and some
less identifiable items -- sit upon on shelving
for the smaller items, while the larger units are
arranged on pallets in groups of like items. A
solid, well-built workbench and an adequate
selection of tools are present in this area.
At the far end of the building is a balcony, housing what may once have been offices,
but now look to serve as living quarters. Underneath the balcony is an area curtained off
with thick plastic sheeting. Lights shine from
inside, giving the sheeting and the area within
it an eerie glow. Within the sheeting, there are
objects, but the thick plastic warps light so the
images are unidentifiable, even up close.

Evolution of Apex

Can We Talk About This?

If, instead of fighting, the characters are able

to defuse the situation and talk things over, Tazer has a lot of questions. He wants to know who
is behind the corporations program to study
AMPs, what they are doing, and why -- questions
the characters cant really answer to his satisfaction. Tazer spends most of the time during
negotiations scowling. If she begins to trust the
characters, Sponge may communicate directly
with them telepathically. If not, she continues to
feed her questions and responses through Tazer.
She too is angry, but is far more concerned with
Apexs safety and well-being right now.
Tazers anger at the corporation is practically a living thing. He feels powerless against
such a faceless entity, refusing to injure innocent people just to make himself feel better. He
wants revenge on behalf of his sister, but could
be willing to channel it into helping others if
given the right nudge.
If asked about setting the lab on fire, Tazer
will deny it. Nothin was burnin when we left.

He answers any questions about the break-in

truthfully, as if his honesty will be his shield
against the corporations injustice.


The characters have several choices facing

them at this point. They can complete their
mission as directed, but will have to fight Tazer
and Sponge to do it. Apex will use her telepathic powers to defend her siblings; shes no longer particularly interested in defending herself,
but she will fight for the lives of Sponge and
Tazer for as long as her strength holds up.
If the characters approach the situation
more cautiously, up to and including explaining why they are there and trying to work out
a solution, Apex will step in. She will suggest
that the best option at this point is to give the
corporation what they want, her. Thats perhaps more mercenary than most characters
will dare to be, at least out loud. Coming from
Apex, it represents a noble sacrifice on her part
to cover everyone else. She has nothing to lose

vernon reich (order #7379055)

by doing it, and shes well aware of that.

Im dying, and nothing will change

that now. Im having fewer and fewer
moments where my head is clear, so listen to me now. If I have to spend a few
more days in their lab to spare the rest
of you further grief, itll be worth it. This
is the best option and you all know it.

Scene Five: Strike

Team Intervention
Sanford is under orders not to attack without provocation. However, if the characters remain in a single location for an extended period, Sanford will assume they are in trouble and
have his team sneak in for reconnaissance.
The team members are experts at infiltra-

Strike Teams First Move

All members of the strike team are wearing

gas masks; when its time to withdraw -- with or
without Apex -- the team will lob several canisters of tear gas toward any non-team members,
and escape while the players are confused
and/or incapacitated. Additionally, the firearms
of most team members will be loaded only
with beanbag rounds. They are very unlikely to
cause a lethal hit, but hurt like the devil and
could render someone unconscious, particularly at close range. With one exception: the two
team members who have specific instructions
regarding Sponge. Otherwise, the team has
been given strict instructions not to kill anyone unless unavoidable, and they will make a
genuine effort to comply with this directive.
The team is also equipped with standard-issue
police batons, known in martial arts circles as
tonfa. Use stats for Police Officer (pg. 201, AYO)
for these team members.
If Apex is in her tank during the attack, she
will be unaffected by the tear gas. If not, she
will cough violently, tears streaming down her
cheeks, and small flecks of blood around her
mouth and on her bedding appear when she
coughs. In her weakened state, the tear gas has
a stronger effect on her than on most. It will
not be lethal to her, but it will be exceptionally uncomfortable, and will serve to illustrate
even further Apexs delicate health.

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Evolution of Apex

In exchange, Apex adds, the corporation

must grant full amnesty to Tazer, Sponge, Dr.
Bennett, and the characters. More than that,
they must agree to leave all of these people
alone. If the characters come up with this idea
on their own, so much the better. Apex also recommends the condition that the corporation
destroys all files they have on the characters,
Tazer and Sponge as part of the bargain. The
corporation may be willing to cut a deal. Part
of a victory is better than a total loss, after all.
If the characters threaten to go public with
what they know, the corporation would rather
not call their bluff. Despite the obvious risks
to the characters from such a revelation, the
corporation has far more to lose from any investigation that may result. They have covered
their tracks, yes, but there are enough witnesses who could make it difficult for the corporation to escape all consequences. They may add
conditions of their own, particularly involving
any or all of the characters, Sponge, and Tazer leaving town or even the state. They do not
intend to destroy their files on Tazer, Sponge,
and the characters, but will make a pretense
of doing so using copies to demonstrate their
good faith.

tion, and can break in to any building quietly

and with relative ease. Tazer, Sponge, and Dr.
Bennett are preoccupied with Apex, but any
of the characters has a normal chance to notice figures skulking around in the shadows.
They will not attack unless they can liberate
their objective -- Apex -- with minimal damage
to themselves. If the characters dont attack
Sponge and Tazer, the strike team will keep a
close eye on things for a while and wait. They
-- especially Sanford -- will be suspicious of the
characters motives if they continue to talk and
not fight with Tazer, Sponge and Apex, but will
not attack unless its clear the characters are
working against the interests of the corporation.

Evolution of Apex

Leading By Example

Sanford will lead the attack, and will engage

the individual he perceives to be the greatest
physical threat while his team tackles he rest
of the characters. Doctor Bennett is recognized,
and identified as a non-combatant. They will
leave him alone unless he tries to interfere with
the strike team directly. If he offers medical assistance to any combatant -- even the characters
or Apexs siblings, they still wont engage him.
The attack will be coordinated. Part of the
team lead by Sanford is part of the first wave of
the attack, followed by a second wave from the
opposite direction. The last wave will be two
agents sent to sneak Apex out of the building
while everyone else is busy. To do this they will
inject a powerful tranquilizer into her shunt to
quiet her down. Each player will have a Tough
(30) Discipline + Perception check to notice this
during the attack.
Sanford is a serious threat; he is possibly
not an even match for a powerful AMP, but his
training helps give him an edge in combat. He
doesnt need to win; he only needs to distract
the characters long enough for his team to recapture Apex: anything else -- up to and including the capture of Sponge or Tazer -- is a bonus.
Sanford will be the last of his team to exit the
building, and he wont leave any of his team behind unless they are beyond help. The corporation has taken great pains to erase the strike
teams identities from existence, so a dead body
or two will be practically untraceable, while a
living person might talk.
Under ideal circumstances, Tazer might be
able to take out the entire team -- at least temporarily -- with a few lucky Electric Fist or Lightning Bolt attacks. The team isnt stupid enough
to allow that, but accidents will happen. If given
enough of a window, the team may opt to distract everyone else while some of the team roll
Apexs bed/iso-tank out of the building to the
truck waiting outside. If they are successful, the
characters may have to strike another bargain.
The strike team members are loyal, but they
are not foolish, nor are they suicidal. The corporation has made it clear that while priority one
is recapturing Apex, the strike team is just as
important; no one is to be left behind. The team

as a whole represents not only a significant investment of time, money and resources on the
part of the corporation, but also a loose end that
could raise too many awkward questions if any
become prisoners.

Strike Team Escapes

The strike team escapes in several black

SUVs similar to those driven by the characters.
The panel van meant to transport Apex is anonymous and white, with no distinguishing markings, and in-state plates.
If pursued, the SUVs will stay with the van
to provide covering fire; a running gun battle
through the streets is the last thing the corporation wants, so the strike team will attempt
to engage the pursuers in hand-to-hand combat, buying time for the van to get away. If that
doesnt work, and the characters are able to
capture it, the corporation will try to cut a deal
to get their vehicle, any captured strike team
members -- and Apex -- back. The fact that the
corporation doesnt want to draw attention to
its activities will definitely work in the characters favor; they will be able to chase the van
through sketchy and abandoned neighborhoods
with little fear of discovery by the authorities.

If the characters are successful in keeping Sponge and Tazer out of the corporations
clutches, they will have achieved one of the
storys objectives. If they can return Apex to the
care of the corporation, allowing her to die in
peace, they have achieved a major success. Anything else represents a failure. The corporation,
however, is not so forgiving of betrayal. If the
characters attempt to keep Apex away from
them, they will keep tabs on the characters and
wait for an opportune moment to strike, capturing one or more to further their research into
the AMP phenomena. At any rate, an accidental
electrical fire is scheduled to take place at the
warehouse after the Apex situation is resolved.
Doctor Bennett has much to fear from the
corporations wrath. They will not forget his part
in the proceedings, and though he did bring

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Kept Apex Away

If the characters did their best to keep Apex

away from the corporation, Tazer and Sponge
will be grateful for the help and will make
useful allies and contacts. If the characters
just did their jobs, not asking too many questions and getting Apex back into custody, they
have earned two bitter enemies, who will stalk
them, only striking when the time is right. If
the characters actions fell somewhere in between these two poles, Tazer and Sponge may
be occasional allies, but trust will be an issue.
They may offer assistance only when conve-

nient for them, and then only at a price.

Turned her In

Apex did ask to be turned over to end any

violence. If the characters obeyed her order,
Sponge and Tazer are somewhat resistant but
know theyre ultimately unable to deter their
older sisters decision. Following her wishes
actually gains the siblings trust for the characters, who may call on them in the future. Meeting again at the funeral for Apex may bring
with it a request from Sponge to get Tazer out
of Typhoon or possibly a request from Tazer to
help avenge Sponges death at the hands of
Sanford and the corporation.

Looking Into the Corp

If the characters want to investigate the

corporation, they will find it difficult. The corporation has taken great care to keep their
name off any documents, deeds, or records
with which the characters might come into
contact. The law firm employing Ms. OMalley
was hired by an agency; the lab was run by a
subsidiary of a subsidiary, and has since been
dismantled and absorbed by another firm with
no apparent connection to these events. Any
corporation employees the characters have
had contact with transfer to another office, or
may even disappear altogether. The characters
should be worried at this point. The corporation is covering their tracks, ruthlessly removing any connection to this situation, and the
characters themselves represent an awkward
loose end.

+1 Secured the best payment, based on
character concept
+1 Questioned Dr. Bennett
+1 Resisted a Fight with Tazer and Sponge
+1 Handled the Strike Team
+1 Take out the Strike Team

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Evolution of Apex

them to Apex, he was instrumental in causing

their plans to fail, or at least to not be as successful as they had hoped. They will bide their
time, gathering what evidence they can on him
in hopes of uncovering something worth turning over to the authorities to have Bennett
arrested. Once he is in custody, but before he
comes to trial, an unfortunate accident will take
the good doctors life. If the characters convince
the good Doctor that his life may be in danger
from corporate reprisals (Moderate (20) difficulty Intuition + Persuasion check), he will leave
town -- after making sure his clinic is capable of
operating without him -- and disappear underground. He will make sure he has a way to keep
in touch with the characters, Sponge and Tazer,
before he vanishes.
Tazer and Sponge have even more to worry
about than Doctor Bennett. Their hideout is sure
to be raided by police in the coming days, and
the corporation will keep an eye on them at all
times, waiting for the chance to capture one or
both of them to further their research. They are
still homeless and therefore somewhat invisible:
with a few procedural nudges by the corporation,
their identities could disappear entirely, leaving
them with little or no recourse in any case.
If the characters tangled with the strike
team directly -- and done so effectively, successful or not -- the corporation will maintain a keen
interest in their activities. Being in a position
where someone is keeping tabs on your every
move is one thing. Knowing they are doing so is
entirely another, particularly when one is trying
to keep ones secret identity a secret.

Evolution of Apex

Amanda Bakers problems began when she
hit puberty; biological changes of a more unusual variety began to happen. Purely by accident, Amanda discovered she could fly. Later
came the discovery that she could see through
walls, which she took full advantage of outside
of the boys locker room on several occasions.
Amandas parents were shocked when
they finally learned of her powers -- shocked,
but not totally surprised. Knowing about the
Project Black experiments three of their own
parents had endured, they were prepared for
unusual side effects that might skip a generation or two. Amandas parents did all they
could to keep her grounded and teach her to
use her powers responsibly. When they died in
the collapse of the 7th Street Bridge, the children ended up in foster care. Separated, they
grew more and more unhappy at being apart,
and managed to get messages to each other, plotting their escapes. With her newfound
abilities, Amanda -- now calling herself Apex -was able to free herself and her siblings with
ease. A fourth sibling, Dorothy Baker, was away
at college when her parents died. Horrified by
the changes in Amanda, Corey, and Janelle, she
wants nothing to do with them. The corporation is aware of Dorothy, and they may make a
future attempt to use her as a hostage, as bait,
or as a bargaining chip if things go south for
them. Dorothy is unlikely to enter into this part
of the story.
With nowhere else to go, the Bakers were
sometimes able to stay in homeless shelters,
but were wary that the shelter operators might
report them to the authorities as homeless
youths. Finally, the three found an empty warehouse they could inhabit -- as long as they kept
a low profile. During this time, Apex did her
best to school Tazer -- Corey -- on his newly developing abilities and how to use them responsibly, while keeping an eye out for signs that
Janelle might develop powers too. She made
sure all of them went to the free clinic three
times a year, which is where she first encoun-

tered Dr. Bennett. The Doctor figured out from

her irregular test results that there was something unusual about Amanda/Apex and after
dancing around the subject was finally able to
gain her trust and learn the truth.
At age 19, Apex discovered her powers
were changing. She was surprised to have
acquired any powers in the first place, so this
change didnt seem like a big deal. She was
disappointed to discover she couldnt fly any
more, but on further examination, Doctor Bennett found clusters of nodules growing inside
of Amanda at an alarming rate. It was at this
point that Doctor Bennett conceded Amanda
needed more help than he could give her. He
contacted the corporation to give them the
tip about Apexs powers, hoping they could do
something to stabilize her condition.
Most of Apexs communication will be done
telepathically; she tires very easily these days,
and even conversation can be a strain.

Sap Name: Amanda Baker

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Mindbender
Integrity: 11 (AR 3/3), Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Comrades (Family) 4, Justice 2, Humanity 2
Skills: Athletics 3, Discipline 8, Empathy 4,
Fighting 2, Fortitude 1, Intuition 4, Knowledge 2, Marksmanship 1, Perception 6,
Persuasion 2, Speed 1, Stealth 2, Survival
4 (Urban)
Primary Power: Telepathy 6
Augments: Read Minds (T1), Mind Bolt
(T1), Locked Mind (E0)
Gifts: Fearless (2), Graceful (1), Hideout
(Shared) 1
Drawbacks: Sickly (5), Migraines (Penalty subsides at half rate -- lower by 1 per
hour) (2)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 8, Strength
+3, Carry/Lift 50/100

vernon reich (order #7379055)


Witnessing firsthand the dreadful injustice

the world has to offer, Apexs younger brother
Corey (Tazer) is of a strong mind to join up with
groups like Typhoon to gain as much as he can.
In fact, the only reason he hasnt joined the
mysterious criminal AMPs is because his sister
disappeared. If the story ends without a happy ending, hes not above considering Typhoon
Hes intelligent and is developing self-discipline. Despite his teenage rage, hes not unreasonable. Now that he has powers of his own,
he has the potential to become a social justice
crusader, a bully or some measure of both. Perhaps the characters could help him choose the
right path.

The youngest of the Baker kids, Janelles

powers developed faster and more potent than
her older siblings did. Sponge is a bit more
naive than Tazer, but gaining her trust is challenging. She still doesnt completely trust Doctor Bennett, but having been in his head she
understands how he was taken in by the corporations facade of sincerity, and that he did
what he could to shield her and Tazer from the
corporation. She doesnt blame him for what
happened, but she doesnt entirely trust his
Janelle is embarrassed by her ankyloglossia (her Ls become Ws), and seldom speaks.
She will sometimes project thoughts to Tazer,
who speaks on her behalf. Janelle is devoted
to her big sister Amanda, and will be dead-set
against any plan that involves turning her back
over to the corporation, but Apex can convince
her. Sponge will also be the most active and
relentless in hunting the strike team if they
manage to recapture Apex by force.

Sap Name: Corey Baker

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Blaster
Integrity: 14, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades (Family) 4, Justice 3,
Self 2, Perfection 1
Skills: Athletics 3, Crafts 2, Discipline 3,
Empathy 1, Fighting 3, Fortitude 4, Intimidation 2, Intuition 1, Knowledge 1,
Marksmanship 4, Might 2, Perception 1,
Speed 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3 (Urban),
Technology 4
Primary Power: Battery 7
Augments: Boost Juice (E1), Barrier Defense (T1), Charged Fists (T2)
Secondary Power: Bolt 2
Augment: Potent (E1), Charged Blast
(T1), Recharge (E1)
Gifts: Defensive, Hideout (Shared) 2
Drawbacks: Backfires
Other: Initiative +4, Movement 10,
Strength +6, Carry/Lift 100/200

Sap Name: Janelle Baker

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Mindbender
Integrity: 12, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades (Family) 4, Love 2,
Perfection 2, Self 1, Truth 1
Skills: Athletics 3, Deception 5, Discipline 4, Empathy 3, Fighting 2, Fortitude
4, Intimidation 1, Intuition 4, Knowledge
2, Marksmanship 4, Might 1, Perception
5, Performance 1, Speed 2, Stealth 6, Survival 2 (Urban)
Primary Power: Telepathy 6
Augments: Mind Bolt (T1), Read Minds
(T1), Telepathic Invisibility (T2)
Secondary Power: Mnemonics (2)
Augments: Read Memories (E0)
Gifts: Hideout (Shared) 2
Drawbacks: Kid, Speech Impediment
Other: Initiative +6, Movement 11,
Strength +4, Carry/Lift 75/150

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Evolution of Apex


Evolution of Apex

Doctor Bennett

Richard Sanford

Doctor Leland Bennett has been serving in a

variety of free clinics around town for years. He
was a successful surgeon, having served as a combat medic in the last stages of the Vietnam conflict. With a strong desire to serve the greater good,
most of his time at the clinic, or helping others in
need who generally cannot afford care. Hes well
known in the medical community, and frequently
consults at hospitals and clinics around town.
Doctor Bennett isnt sure how he feels about the
rising AMP phenomenon; through his contacts, hes
heard rumors of a secret government project decades ago to create superhumans. The Doc is slowly
building a secret network of medical professionals
to help those who want to stay hidden from the
authorities to live in peace. The doctors web of contacts is strong locally, but spreads nationally and
even globally. He did his best to shield Tazer and
Sponge from the corporation, and has contingency
plans to help them escape town if necessary.
Doctor Bennett has no combat skills, but tends
to those in need of medical attention with speed
and efficiency. He will treat any strike team members who are badly injured, but will also sedate
them to neutralize the threat to Apex, Tazer or
Sponge. If the characters behave honorably and
compassionately towards Apex and her siblings,
they will have a friend and contact in the Doc.
Bennett has been watching the political developments with growing alarm. He now realizes
his life could be in danger for what and whom
he knows, and while he is resistant to the idea of
becoming a member of some underground movement, he has taken steps to prepare himself for
this eventuality. He can be ready to flee his old life
and identity at a moments notice.

A former Navy S.E.A.L., Richard Sanford is a

large and highly capable individual. His combat
training and expertise is second to none, and
his outward loyalty to his employers and his
comrades-in-arms is strong. Though he tries to
hide it, if things ever go so badly that retreat
is the only option, he will abandon his comrades in a heartbeat to save himself. He denies
being a coward, but he is simply unwilling to
risk his own life needlessly. He is unafraid to
get his hands dirty. The fire he and his team
set in the lab from where Tazer and Sponge
rescued Apex was simply the corporation tying
up loose ends. Too many awkward questions
would need answering if a full-scale investigation by the authorities took place.
Sanford became involved with UHF after a
near fatal brush with a powerful AMP in Indonesia. Seeing the potential benefit to himself,
after recovering he volunteered for medical
testing by the corporation to perfect the Project Black test results. Consequently, he has improved strength and agility.

Integrity: 8
Loyalties: Community 3, Comrades 1, Humanity 2, Justice 3, Truth 1
Skills: Medicine +10 (Diagnosis, Surgery),
Perception +3, Discipline +4, Deception
+3 (Hiding Information), +1 to any others
Gifts: Connections (3), False Identity (3),
Other: Initiative +0, Movement 7,
Strength +1, Carry/Lift 50/100

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Affiliation: UHF Commando

Integrity: 16, Juice: 4
Loyalties: Comrades 2, Humanity 2, Perfection 2, Self 4
Skills: Athletics 2, Deception 1, Discipline
3, Fighting 6, Fortitude 6, Intimidation 3,
Intuition 2, Knowledge 2, Marksmanship
4, Might 6, Perception 3, Speed 6, Stealth
4, Survival 2
Primary Power: Behemoth 2
Augments: Toughness (E1)
Secondary Power: Acceleration 2
Augments: Me First (T1)
Gifts: Connections (1), Extreme, In Control (4), Rank 2 (UHF)
Drawbacks: Bloodthirsty
Other: Initiative +8, Movement: 12 (24),
Strength +12, Carry/Lift 200/400, +1 lost
combat damage

The White Knight

Adventure for AMP: Year One by Eloy Lasanta

Art by Maxim Lardinois

vernon reich (order #7379055)

The White Knight

November 1, 2015, sometimes called All
Souls Day or Day of the Dead, marked the day
when a handful of AMPs developed (or at least
discovered) the power to talk to the spirits of
the dead. Mediumship, as it came to be known,
remains a particularly rare and coveted power, since the ability to manipulate spirits of the
dead has raised a number of questions about
the possible nature or origin of AMP powers.
Louisiana has always been a bastion of the
supernatural in general and voodoo in particular, to the extent that even those who dont
hold to all the beliefs still follow many of the
superstitions anyway. Thus it comes as no surprise that in the small town of Metairie just
outside of New Orleans, two AMP Mediums developed a bit of a rivalry about the dead and
their place in the current world. As two of the
very few people who knew that there truly is
existence after death, they both saw it as their
birthright to do whatever they wished with
their powers. One made the choice to use her
powers to help the living and the dead. The
other chose to foment only chaos.
This adventure draws the characters into the
middle of this rivalry and asks them to choose
a side. It takes place just after Halloween in
the AMP: Year One Timeline, and could go on
to shape future events in your gameworld. It
is suitable for two to five AMPs, regardless of
Affiliation, but it is strongly suggested that
none of the characters possess the Mediumship power themselves, as it would spoil some
of the surprises held within.

This adventure depicts the heated Halloween night of 2015, when several AMPs took to
the streets to walk amongst the regular people without fear of discovery and to fulfill their
urges for combat under the cover of night.
There was a palpable stirring of energy in the
air that night, as AMPs battled each other and
unleashed their full powers for good or ill. In
fact, there were just as many AMPs who used

their powers to protect leisurely candy-grubbing Saps as there were AMPs out to destroy
things. Not all battles were kept out of public
scrutiny, which eventually led to the outright
discovery of AMPs, a story which will be told in
a future publication.
Two particular AMPs have been battling
for weeks in the shadows, and decide to bring
their activities into the open Halloween night.
Sometime during the evening, while the characters are doing whatever they would normally
be doing on Halloween, a man escorting his
kids is yanked into the shadows by a translucent hand right before the characters eyes. Not
only does this leave the children behind, but
the fate of the man is in question.
The characters are assumed to be near each
other during the kidnapping, ideally having a
single goal in mind for the evening. Depending on their Affiliations they may have differing
reasons why they would stop what theyre doing to help this stranger.

VV Unaffiliated: Not everyone claims membership in a certain group, which means

their Loyalties are the primary motivation
for their actions. Community and Humanity are obvious Loyalties that could make
a character prone to saving a member of
their community or even just their fellow
human being. Comrades or Love are also
possibilities if the man was perhaps related to the character or someone they love.
Followers of the Justice Loyalty would
also want to ensure whoever kidnapped
the man pays for the deed. Any of these
(possibly combined with those below) are
great ways to bring an Unaffiliated character into the story.
VV Changelings: Changelings are likely to
be simply enjoying an evening out in
the open on a night when their deformities could be passed off as elaborate
costumes. Children coming up and saying Wow, your skin looks so cool. Can I
touch it? Whats it made of? would be all
too common this evening. Seeing a man
kidnapped by a spirt hand changes their
attitude, however, as their focus will most

vernon reich (order #7379055)

likely turn not just to finding the man and

saving him, but to ensure he returns to his
children as well.
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: Seekers out
on Halloween are probably trying their
best to conceal AMP activities while also
attempting to recruit newly-found AMPs
who may be taking advantage of the evening to flex their powers. Once a Seeker
witnesses AMP powers being used to kidnap the nameless man, they will feel obligated to stop the perpetrator from using
their abilities for evil.

VV United Human Front: The inklings of the

UHF are on patrol. Keeping humans safe
is their #1 priority, especially since Saps
wont see the danger they are walking
into on such an explosive evening. When
they witness a man stolen into darkness
by a spectral hand, it begs a response.
Their agenda for the evening will then
become tracking down the AMP responsible for the abduction.

Scene One: 9 PM
Assuming they run to the area where the
man was snatched by the hand, the characters
will pass through a nearby office park to find a
parking lot. It is only partially lit because many
of the lamppost bulbs have been shattered.
The parking lot itself is for an office building
with a C&C logo above the door, standing for
the Carlton and Company investment group.
The building itself is five stories high, made of
glass and metal. They will see the man being
dragged through the parking lot by a translu-

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Think of the Children!

If the characters stop to check on the

children before rushing to save the man,
they see the three of them crying on the
curb. None of them respond to spoken
words, no matter how softly delivered,
and cover their faces while they cry. If
they are forced to show their faces, their
eyes are glazed over and it is obvious
these children are dead. They then smile
creepily and cackle in unison Please,
save our daddy.
Even if they dont follow the man
due to fear for his well-being, it will
then be obvious something isnt right. If
they take this route, the group is considered to be acting cautiously and should
receive a +2 bonus to all Perception
checks for the duration of this Scene.
What they do with the kids after this
point is up to the characters.

The White Knight

VV Typhoon: Members of Typhoon are the

most likely to be guilty of looking for
trouble on Halloween night. They would
be wandering the streets seeking out other AMPs to fight. A man being snatched
into the shadows would be perceived as a
challenge. Alternatively, they might want
to deliver the shadow AMP to the organization for some kind of reward instead.

cent hand made of dark energy that extends

from the building. He will tumble up the stairs
to the front door and once he is inside the
doors slam shut and lock.
As they approach the building, the characters can feel they are not alone. With a Simple
(10) Perception check, theyll notice there are a
number of people asleep in the parked cars in
the lot. A follow-up Moderate (20) Perception
+ Medicine check makes it apparent that each
of the bodies is dead (and not simply sleeping).
Even if they dont notice the bodies in the cars,
theyll definitely see the dozen or so dead bodies at the steps of the building. Through the
glass doors, they can make out a figure with
a long-barreled firearm holding a man by the
neck as a human shield. The sounds of muffled
screams can be heard inside, some shouting
and others wailing in pain. It quickly becomes
apparent that more than the one victim is in
the building and its likely this is a hostage situation.

The White Knight

Depending on which powers the individual

characters possess, they have a number of different options. Powers like Teleportation, Portals or even Behemoth make it easy to breach
the walls and get inside. Powers like Awareness
or Astral Projection could be used to get more
of a sense of what is going on inside, where
they would hear a man shouting on the phone,
presumably to the police. He screams I have
bombs not only in my current position but all
around the city! And dont bother trying to triangulate my position with my cel-phone, cause
its impossible. In the corner sit five people, apparently C&C employees, huddled together in
fear. The man in the gunmans arms is indeed
the man kidnapped from the children on the
other side of the hedge.
Everything points to a user of the Darkness
power, which is quite dangerous, so the characters should show caution in whatever way they
choose to enter.

Were In; Now What?

Upon entering the building (whether by

portal, teleportation, smashing the doors or
whatever way the players decide), they are
immediately pressed by a strange feeling. The
gunman hangs up the phone and smiles at the
doorway as the characters approach, his smile
turning crooked and frightening. He throws the
man in his arms to the side, and the characters
hear an audible crack. The man hits the ground
and doesnt appear to be moving. The gunman
then begins talking, but his mouth is slightly
out of sync with the words he speaks.

So the Knight is too much of a

coward to come herself? She sends
these fools in her stead? Does she underestimate me so much? Shall I show
her I am to be feared?!?!
The shooter shakes violently for a moment,
then so do the hostages and even the man
recently thrown to the ground. Then each of
them rises to their feet and launches themselves at the characters. Use Criminal (Small
Time) stats for the shooter, who is wielding a

small SMG (AYO, pg. 184) and Average People

stats for each of the six others (AYO, pg. 201).
During the fight, the characters will notice a
few things:

VV The disjointed voice never stops talking,

taunting the group regardless of whether
any of their enemies mouths are moving. It
will say things like Is white not the color
of a coward? and If I kill these, will she
show up like she was supposed to? Simply
hearing the voice can send a chill through
their bodies. If the characters attempt to
talk to the voice, theyll get only mockery
(in the form of questions) in return.
VV All the enemies are immune to mental
attacks, Fear effects, mind scans, or any
kind of emotional manipulation. Any other scans for signs of life, heartbeats, etc.
say they are alive, but they certainly dont
seem like it. The bodies are there but the
minds are not. These are the mere husks of
people, so should not be up and attacking.
VV None of the enemies bleed except for
the kidnapped man. None of them seem
to feel any pain either, a further scary
proposition. Mechanically, all enemies are
immune to Pain penalties, though if they
would otherwise be suffering a -10 penalty, the affected limb will still be disabled.
The GM is encouraged to reduce the danger
level of this encounter with a smaller group,
as fighting seven opponents (even with powers) can often be a daunting task. It is a good
idea for the characters to attempt to take out
the man with the gun first, as hes the obvious
threat, but fighting a mob otherwise is difficult.
If the players seem to be having trouble with
the fight, have the White Knight enter earlier to
help them out before any character gets killed.

Enter the White Knight

As the AMPs are battling their strange enemies and the haunting, disembodied voice,
they hear the voice cackle and say, Can it be?
Is she here? At that moment, the glass door
shatters as a white-garbed figure jumps in.

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Scene Two: 10 PM
Unfortunately their escape is cut short, as
all of the car doors in the parking lot open and
out come more enemies. The woman sighs,
Zombies. Theyre Zombies, in case you were
wondering. She says with a smile, Im the
White Knight and Im here to get you out of
this alive. A horde of zombies, upwards of fifty,
are descending upon the building, leaving the
group with little choice but to flee. The characters need to make a B-line out of there or
theyll be devoured by the dead.
Like the zombies in Scene One, these creatures are immune to any form of mind control or manipulation, but can be hacked and
slashed to oblivion. The sheer number of zombies makes that a poor choice, however, as
the group is outnumbered by at least 10-to-1.
This doesnt stop the White Knight, who jumps
into the fray to start slaying the monsters. She
turns her head just long enough to yell Ill
hold them off! Find us a way out of here! Her
blade still crackles with energy and her thick

vernon reich (order #7379055)

The White Knight

Standing there in all her glory is a woman in a

thick-padded jacket, spiked boots and a stylish
helmet. She also carries a long sword glowing
with red, sparking energy. All of the enemies (if
any are still standing) noticeably cringe at her
She leaps into battle to help the AMPs fend
off the remaining bad guys, consistently lopping off limbs with her sword, cutting through
enemies like butter. Anyone watching the White
Knights movements will notice a distinct style
in her attacks, like that of an expert blade-user,
with lots of spinning, predicting of her opponents movements, and meticulous precision
cuts. The players have the option to take a step
back from the fight if they are injured, as all
remaining enemies now instinctively attack
the woman and ignore any character who opts
to stop fighting. Even without the characters
help, though, she handily takes them out.
When the final enemy drops, she turns to
the characters, smiles, and says. Lets go! Before theres more. With that, she leads the
group out of the door.

The White Knight

armor makes it much easier for her to ignore

the zombie bites.
Actually finding a way clear of the zombies
can prove more difficult for some groups than
others. There are a few ways out, though, each
with its own good and bad points.

The Countdown

Some groups may decide they dont

trust White Knight enough to follow
her back to her hideout. Regardless,
the countdown still proceeds. They can
wander around town fighting zombies
and fleeing from Screaming Spirits
until midnight, when they should find
themselves near the Museum so you
can proceed to Scene Four. If they take
this route, then White Knight does not
sacrifice herself to help the group, and
thus will definitely be at the final battle. This way, however, means they dont
get to know and possibly befriend White

VV Sneaky, Sneaky: The group could try to

sneak their way through the horde. Following zombie logic and covering themselves in guts might work, since the zombies themselves have been given the
order to kill anything living. Characters
should make a Moderate (20) Stealth +
Performance check and receive a +4 bonus if they disguise themselves in zombie
guts. Feel free to force Fortitude checks
to avoid vomiting if it seems appropriate.
VV Travelers: Obviously, Travelers have the
advantage here; simply flying or teleporting everyone out of the Scene is possible,
depending on the characters physical
strength. White Knight is muscular and
wearing heavy armor, neither of which
makes her easy to carry.

run over a few zombies before the engine

gets gunked up with decaying guts. To
determine what kind of car they get into,
have the players make a Simple (10) Perception + Travel check as they are looking
for cars with keys in the ignition. If the
majority of the group succeeds, they find a
large enough vehicle to be truly effective.

VV Join the Fight: Theres nothing wrong with

wanting to throw down. If the characters
really dont see any other way around it,
fighting their way through the hordes
of zombies could be a viable option. Of
course, these zombies are biters, dealing
+1B with each bite. If a character gets bitten, they must make a Moderate (20) Fortitude Resistance check or have a strange
poison injected into their veins. No one in
the group will know it yet, but this poison
may play a major part in the final encounter of this adventure. If possible, it might
help preserve the secret if the GM makes
the check for the bite victim without mentioning what theyre actually rolling for.

VV To the Roof: Instead of going out, they can

head back into the building and up to the
roof to get a clear view of the surrounding area. From there they can see there
are plenty more zombies in the office
park; hundreds of them. Also, there appears to be a zip line set up on the roof,
presumably how the AMP controlling the
zombies escaped the Scene. A Simple (10)
Athletics + Speed check is required to
hold on for the duration of the zip-line
ride. If successful theyll land just outside
the brunt of the zombie forces, where
they can go about their business.

VV In Cars: The characters could fight through

a few zombies to get to an abandoned car.
Once inside, as long as they picked one of
the bigger cars or maybe a truck, they can
drive over most of the zombies with ease.
If they pick a smaller car, they can only

VV To the Basement: They can definitely barricade themselves in the basement for
safety, but where do they go from there?
With a Moderate (20) Perception + Survival check, the group finds out the basement of this office building has sewer ac-

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cess. This makes for a dirty yet relatively

safe escape from the scene.

The Castle

busted chop shop. There are dozens more dating back about three months.

What happened back there?

Im sorry about that. It seems you

were dragged into the middle of my
fight. Im pretty sure that whole setup
was meant as a trap for me. Its kind
of Volduns MO at this point. He sets a
trap, I beat it up or get through it or
whatever and then we have a battle.
This is different than usual, though. I
mean, those zombies didnt look like old
rotting corpses. They were fresh, which
means hes become a mass murderer
now. We cant stand for this!

A Simple (10) Empathy check reveals White

Knight fighting back tears at the thought. She
is obviously a determined person though, as it
doesnt keep her spirits down for long.

Who is this Voldun guy?

Voldun is a master of the dead.

So am I, for that matter. But I use my
powers to vanquish evil spirits wherever they pop up. Voldun is a necromancer, though, bringing the dead back to
make these monsters and get what
he wants. So far, from what I can tell,
the only thing he wants is to torment
me. Theres probably more to it, but Im
seeing a pattern. Hes a sad, sick little
man who needs to be stopped; thats
for certain.

Who are you?

Well, I call myself White Knight.

Ive saved more people in just this past
month than I was ever able to before I
had my powers. Ive even become something of a local celebrity, though anyone I save is sworn to secrecy. Which
really just means they can talk to each
other about it but not the press. Doesnt
always work. My real names Nicole.
Wow, its just really nice to meet other

Beside her news clippings is a map of each

encounter White Knight has had with Voldun,
six in total. A Moderate (20) Knowledge check
reveals each battle has taken place somewhere around the Museum of Natural Arts east
of downtown.

Looking around the room, the group can see

printouts of online news reports of the White
Knights exploits. Examples include the return
of lost money to a family deeply in need and a

What does this have to do with us?

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Absolutely everything, now. We can

only assume Voldun has seen your faces, which means none of you are safe.
As impressive as you heroes are, you

The White Knight

After escaping the terrible field of zombies,

White Knight tells the group she has a place
they can lay low for a bit. Shes running on pure
adrenaline and has problems calming down
until they arrive at her hideout, which she calls
The Castle. In actuality, its just a storm cellar
underneath a house in the suburbs. The inside
is slightly more impressive, sporting a shelf of
swords and maces with one empty slot. She
also has a number of police radio scanners
connected to her Mac displaying map locations
color coordinated by threat type and severity.
There are also plenty of chairs for everyone to
sit in, though it is slightly cramped if there are
four or more characters in the group it is set
up for one person after all. White Knight cleans
her blade, shelves it, and takes her helmet off,
revealing her face to the group at last. Welcome to The Castle. Coffee?
Sitting down with White Knight, she is excited to share her experiences with the group. A
Simple (10) Empathy + Perception check makes
it pretty easy to tell shes never met other AMPs
like her before. This is their first opportunity to
ask her questions about whats going on. Below
are some of the answers shell give:

certainly did forget about Rule #1: always wear a mask. Capes, not so much.

gunfire not dropping the perps, followed by

gurgling screams.

White Knight is trying to be funny, but she

is definitely serious about her assertion of people gaining powers to be heroes. She believes
heavily in a good guy vs. bad guy ideology.

If they pick up on the Museum angle and

research it with a Moderate (20) Knowledge +
Technology check, they find the following:

The White Knight

Why did you call us heroes?

What else do you call people with

superpowers fighting the good fight?
Out there kicking butt and taking
names, fighting for truth and justice,
giving the bad guys what they deserve.
I had been fighting common criminals
for months before Voldun showed up.
This is much more dangerous, but a lot
more fun too.

Depending on individual character concepts,

White Knight may begin to suspect that not everyone in the group is as pure a hero as she is.
People trying to hide their true intentions can
make a Deception + Performance check against
White Knights Empathy + Deception; a success
means White Knight is in the dark unless she
actively uses her Sense Malice Augment. Shell
only do that if given a reason, though.

What happens now?

Now, we try to figure out what Voldun is up to and maybe track him down.
With your help, I may even be able to
take him down for good and free the
people of this good town from his reign
of terror. Maybe theres something
special about Halloween night. I dont
know. Think!

Scene Three: 11 PM
At this point the group, with White Knights
help, has a moment to rest and do any information research they want. The radio scanner
chatter increases as time passes, revealing the
spread of the zombie horde is getting larger
by the minute. There are plenty of reports of

VV There have been several exhibits pertaining to the dead that have reported
missing items. Nothing big like coffins
or crown jewels were stolen, but smaller
items like a primitive weapon grip, several feathers and some skins, as well as
four carvings. All thefts are under investigation.
VV A Simple (10) Knowledge + Community check reveals the local exhibits were
about the mysteries of the dead. Many
of the stolen items were simple bits and
pieces of items on display, but if assembled could create a rather powerful holy
symbol in the right (or wrong) hands.
VV Another Moderate (20) Knowledge +
Technology check shows police detained
a man by the name of Eugene Kott in relation to the thefts, but he was released
shortly thereafter as they didnt have
enough evidence to arrest him.
If they check into information on the C&C
Office Building from earlier (same check), they
find the following:

VV One member of the Board of Directors,

Reginald Kott, was voted out in an apparent coup by the other directors six
months ago.
VV Further investigation reveals Reginald
was arrested on a drunk & disorderly outside of a church downtown. This particular church is known as one of the more
popular AA meeting places.
VV Another Simple (10) Knowledge + Technology check will reveal Reginalds address, only a few blocks from the Museum.
Give the group a chance to follow up on
one or two of their own leads if they act quick-

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ly, but they will eventually be interrupted by

White Knight grabbing her sword and standing
at guard while looking up at the hatch door. I
sense spirits here hostile ones. We must have
been followed, she says in hushed tones. Everyone get ready this isnt going to be pretty.
The doors ice over and then screaming spirits
pass right through them, entering the room
with bone-chilling screams.

Screaming Spirits

White Knights Sacrifice

As a hero, White Knight is torn between her

desire to defeat the Screaming Spirits and her
duty to save the group as well. Theres no way
she can do both, so she makes a crucial choice.

VV Round 1: She stabs herself with her blade,

wincing in pain as her Juice begins to flow

VV Round 2: White Knight watches as the

group is struck again and again without
any way to defend against the spirits,
stabbing herself again and sending blood
pouring to the ground.
VV Round 3: As the third Round approaches,
she yells in pain as a wave of crackling
red energy spreads through the room, imbuing each character with the Soul Attack
Augment (pg. 11). They can then fight the
Screaming Spirits with no restrictions.
She then passes out on the floor.
When the fight is over (which should happen quickly once the characters regain the
advantage), it is obvious White Knight is very
badly wounded. If someone in the group has
the power to heal her, she can join the characters for the rest of the adventure. Otherwise
she has taken too much damage and will need
time to recover. This is time the characters no
longer have. If she cannot go with the group,
she regains consciousness long enough to
give them one last gift, My power to vanquish
ghosts will stay with you until the sun rises. Be
strong, heroes. Do good. Then she passes out.

Scene Four: Midnight

If the characters dont know where to go
next, all they need do is step outside. The undead chaos has reached White Knights suburban neighborhood. It now becomes apparent
the Screaming Spirits may not have been specifically targeting White Knight and the group
specifically; they and their accompanying zombies are absolutely everywhere, attacking everyone and destroying everything in their path.
Some sort of undead attack was inevitable.
Bright beams of light shine down from the
top of a very prominent building in the distance... the Museum of Natural Arts. Spirits
are flying out from the structure and zombies
walk the streets between the suburbs and the
museum. The route to the museum is steeped
with danger, but the characters (thanks to

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The White Knight

The spirits are hideous compared to any

peaceful notion of how ghosts might appear.
They have glowing red eyes and their screams
pierce the ears and send shivers down the
spine. The spirits also have one clear advantage: they can attack the characters, but the
group cannot hit them back. The exception to
this rule is if any characters possess the Darkness power with the Black Blade Augment
(AYO, pg. 138). There is one spirit for each character (not including White Knight).
Integrity: 10, Juice: 2
Combat: Initiative +7, Movement 14 (Flying),
Fighting 5, Speed 5, Inflict Harm Actions deal +2
damage (irreducible), Spirit Scream (costs 1 Juice)
inflicts 4B to everyone who can hear unless they
succeed at a Moderate (20) Fortitude check.
Other Note: As ethereal beings they can
see characters who may be in astral form or
have gone invisible and are still able to attack
them in their altered forms. These are truly
fearsome creatures, and after they successfully
hit a comrade, characters must make a Simple
(10) Fear check, suffering a penalty equal to
the amount of damage dealt. Mundane attacks
phase through the Screaming Spirits, but they
can still be affected by mental powers, such as
Knockout (AYO, pg. 149) or Mind Bolt (AYO, pg.

fast and strong.

The White Knight

White Knights sacrifice) should be able to take

it on. Getting to the museum is similar to leaving the C&C office building. Travelers have the
advantage. Attempting to sneak through the
crowd of zombies is easy to do, but the Screaming Spirits wont fall for such a trick since they
are able to directly sense life in the characters.
If the characters simply decide to book it
to the museum, either running on foot or hopping into a car, you should ask for a few passive
Dodge checks to avoid attacks as they pass by.
A failed check means they may be Grabbed by a
zombie or struck by a flying spirit. Going afoot
means the AMPs gain 1 Juice from their physical exertion, rewarding them if they have to
take the longer, more dangerous route.
As the clock above the museum strikes midnight, the characters arrive to a terrible sight.
On the steps stands a man with a long black
cloak wearing a sacred mask. His staff glows
brightly in the night. This is definitely Voldun,
as White Knight described him. If she is there
(she was healed or didnt need to sacrifice herself in the first place), shell yell something

horribly clichd like, You wont get away with

this, Voldun! Were here to stop you! While its
obvious that the staff doesnt contain the entirety of his power (he is an AMP after all), it is
definitely a focus for his death abilities.

Fighting Voldun

Volduns statistics are listed in this adventure, making it pretty easy to run the fight.
However, he should also have twice the groups
number in zombies (using Average Person
stats, AYO pg. 201, with an additional +2 bonus to all checks). To make the fight harder,
feel free to swap any number of zombies for
Screaming Spirits. It should be noted that Voldun anticipated a fight and has already used
the Beyond the Grave Augment, so defeating
him at this point wont necessarily be the end
of him. If White Knight is with the group, she
is able to draw almost half the Zombies to her,
clearing the way for a few of the characters to
head toward Voldun immediately.
It should be obvious that the staff is the key
to stopping the spell that has already led so

vernon reich (order #7379055)

many to their deaths in this town. Targeting

the staff itself and dealing at least 10 damage
(or 7B) to it will shatter it.
If they were bitten: Any characters bitten
by zombies earlier in the adventure who also
failed their check to resist the toxin are a clear
disadvantage. At the beginning of each Round
such characters must make a Moderate (20)
Mental Trauma check, with failure meaning the
character not only cannot attack Voldun, they
instead are forced to attack their friends.

Scene Five: 1 AM

They Were Alive?

Depending on how dark the GM

wants to get during this adventure, the
zombies the group fought may or may
not have been living people who simply appeared to be zombies. If they were
truly undead, the characters were doing
the right thing and being true heroes,
as White Knight would say. If they were
merely possessed mortals, this means
they were twice victims: once falling under Volduns sway and a second time as
they were struck down by the characters.
Voldun has a lot more to answer for in
the latter scenario, but it also brings up
many moral questions pertaining to the
characters involvement as well.

The Aftermath

The ritual has left the town in shambles.

Hundreds of people are dead and dozens more
dazed from the spiritual possession that has
taken place. The characters can obviously stay
behind and help with the clean-up if they wish.
The town leadership (with ties to many crime
families) cant afford for their home to be labeled the next Alice, TX, so they mastermind a
PR ploy to convince the world everything is ok.
A lot of the towns money and resources will
be poured into pay-offs for each citizen affected and all those who witnessed the events.
The rest of the night, including the light show
and everyone participating in a town-wide
zombie-walk is written off as a special event
thrown by the museum. Anyone who doesnt
agree to the cover-up will be silenced by more
direct means.
Regardless, all the AMPs are now on a watch
list for the mafia. If they once again openly use
their powers, theyll key any organized criminals in the town to their presence. It should be
noted this particular family is in the pocket of
the Matriarch.

Recruiting White Knight

White Knight has a lot to clean up in her

town. Shell thank the group for their help and

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The White Knight

When Voldun has been brought down or

after the staff is destroyed, the ritual he was
using to take over the city is thwarted and the
flow of power is stopped. The spirits flying
through the air let out one last, massive howl
that echoes through the entire town. Most zombies will fall to the ground, returning to their
fully-dead state. A few of them however, falter
for a moment but seem to regain a semblance
of control as Screaming Spirits exit their body.
Going to Volduns body, theyll see that he is
dead as well, and perhaps always was.
Seekers of Enlightenment are likely to be

happy with the outcome. Had they captured

him instead, this is exactly the kind of AMP that
deserved to have his powers removed. A dark
mind and the willingness to use it to use it to
this extent are a terrible combination. Changelings may lament the death of someone who
could have been rehabilitated, which is what
Conduit would have asked for if he knew about
all of this. Soldiers for the UHF will cheer, followed by a bag n tag to take the body home
for dissection. Typhoon members wouldnt go
quite as far, but will likely ask for a blood sample. Who knows what they could do with this
kind of sample? Of course, the whole group
(unaffiliated or not) have the final decision of
how to react after the fact. Depending on the
outcome, Volduns future may be quite unfortunate (since he only appears dead).

bid them a fond farewell. She is used to being alone, whether she yearns to be part of
a team or not. Of course, if the group shows
even the slightest interest in a team-up, shell
be all over them. Shell leap at the chance to
fight crime with other unaffiliated heroes like
her. No ties, no drama. Of course, if the Seekers
offer her a slot on their team, shell take it as
well. She feels for the Changelings and would
lend occasional aid to their cause, but White
Knight has a rule against living in a sewer. Typhoon and UHF are obviously right out.

The White Knight

Volduns Home

If the characters decides to visit Volduns

single-story home, they are met at the door by
a disgusting stench of alcohol and death. There
are several severed body parts scattered about
the home, concentrated mostly in the kitchen.
Voldun had been researching death in the most
intimate way possible, becoming a serial murderer. Characters can, with a Moderate (20) Per-

ception + Truth check, find his research tomes

as well as his personal notebooks. Through his
writings, it is obvious that he snapped at some
point, driven mad by anger at having to care
for his alcoholic father and tormented by demented spirits. If they search the kitchen, the
characters will find Reginald Kotts head in the
refrigerator. Eugenes depravity obviously knew
no bounds.


Spring a trap set for someone else


Ask White Knight lots of questions


Defeat the Screaming Spirits without

anyone dying


Disrupt Volduns Ritual


Return the lost items to the museum

vernon reich (order #7379055)

White Knight


Eugene was much like any other son; he

loved his father, looked up to him and would
do anything in his power for him. When his
father Reginald lost his position with C&C, a
terrible drinking binge followed, something
Eugene couldnt save his dad from. When he
discovered the power to bring the dead back as
servants, it went to his head and he began cultivating his abilities to heights unseen by other
AMPs. Researching lore on the dead, he found
a way to enhance his power even further, leading him to the museum. At every turn, however,
White Knight was there to block his attempts.
It took nearly three months to assemble everything he needed to take revenge on those
who had turned his father into a lush. Without White Knights intervention, it could easily
have been completed in a scant few weeks.

Sap Name: Nicole Daley

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Psych
Integrity: 15 (AR 2/1), Juice: 4
Loyalties: Community 3, Humanity 2, Justice 2, Perfection 3
Skills: Athletics 4, Discipline 3, Fighting
5, Fortitude 5, Intuition 4, Might 3, Perception 4, Performance 2, Speed 4, Survival 2
Primary Power: Mediumship 6
Augments: Know Spirit (E0), Spirit Favor
(T1), Soul Attack (T1, +1 per target), Accept Spirit (E2)
Secondary Power: Awareness 4
Augments: Sense Malice (T1), Danger
Sense (E0)
Gifts: Hideout (2 - Workshop 2), Extreme
(4), Natural Warrior (4)
Drawbacks: Enemy (2), Lifesaver (3)
Other: Initiative +8 (+13 for Round 1),
Movement 13, Strength +7, Carry/Lift

Sap Name: Eugene Kott

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Psych
Integrity: 12, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Perfection 2, Self 5, Truth 3
Skills: Athletics 1, Deception 3, Discipline
5, Empathy 3, Fighting 3, Fortitude 2, Intimidation 2, Intuition 3, Knowledge 4,
Might 2, Perception 2, Speed 3, Stealth 4
Primary Power: Mediumship 8
Augments: Put to Rest (T1), Devour Soul
(T2), Zombie (T2), Horde (E2), Beyond the
Grave (T3), So Life-Like (E1), Know Spirit
(E0), Spirit Pull (T1)
Secondary Power: Enhancer 6
Augments: Boost Strength (T1), Boost
Power (T2), Ultimate Power (T3)
Gifts: Wealth (2), Fast Acting (2), Stable
Psyche (2), Fearless (2)
Drawbacks: Animal Beacon (2), Ward (3),
Power Addict (4)
Other: Initiative +10, Movement 9,
Strength +3, Carry/Lift 100/200

vernon reich (order #7379055)

The White Knight

There was a time when Nicole wanted nothing more than to be a hero. She read comics,
joined the Girl Scouts to learn survival skills,
and searched constantly for news articles of
police and firefighters who were dubbed heroes. The day she awoke and realized she was
a hero herself was amazing to her. Nicole could
tell when someone had bad intentions and
knew when danger was about to strike. Using
these abilities she found she was able to save
people from accidents and muggers. Those she
couldnt save still spoke to her, giving her yet
another duty to help them move on. When the
group meets her, she has worked alone for a
long time, but would love to join a team of superheroes to help protect her if she ever needs
to run into danger or sacrifice herself to save

New Mediumship

Soul Attack (T2 + 1 per target)

VV So Life-like (E2): Must have Zombie. Any zombies created recover all
signs of life and look healthy and unwounded (regardless of how decayed
or damaged the corpse was) until
they are dispelled.

The White Knight

VV With Open Arms (E2): Must have Beyond the Grave. Upon returning to
their body, the AMP heals (Mediumship) Integrity.

Spirit Pull (T1)

Check: Mediumship + Might

Range: (Mediumship + Discipline) x10 ft.
Duration: Instant
Resistance: Strength
Effect: Must have Know Spirit. The AMP
creates a hand made of spirit energy which
launches out to grab something within
Range. That target is grabbed and pulled toward the AMP, who can then make a reflexive Catch check to land it into their hand.
They can just as easily cause the target to
be set down beside them if they do not wish
to make a check. If they instead perform a
follow-up attack on a target coming right
for them, they deal +2 damage (but still suffer the Multiple Actions penalty).

Check: None
Range: Touch
Duration: Battle
Effect: Must have Spirit. The AMP imbues their body with a spirit aura, usually
red and crackling with energy, which allows
them to interact normally with spirits and
other incorporeal opponents. This means
they can attack and parry spirits and even
AMPs using the Intangibility power.

Beyond the Grave (T4)

Check: None
Range: (Mediumship + Discipline) x10 ft.
Duration: (Mediumship) hrs.
Effect: Must have Zombie and Devour
Soul. The AMP can leave their own body
to possess dead body within Range. If surrounded by several dead bodies (or zombies), the AMP can jump from body to body
with ease, only suffering 1 integrity per
jump. Only the Mediumship power can be
used while possessing another body, as
the AMPs adrenaline was left behind in
their own body. They have the option to
have their body appear dead and limp or
to animate it like any other zombie. If their
original body is killed (reduced to Integrity 0), it lapses into a suspended animation
state until they decide to rejoin. Returning
to their body heals it for (Mediumship/2)
Integrity, hopefully providing enough for
them to crawl away to fight another day.
Cannot be reduced lower than T2.

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Scalpels Edge
Adventure for AMP: Year One by Chris Kobbe

Art by Gennifer Bones and Cassie Henry

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Scalpels Edge



It is the summer of 2015 and tempers flare

in the soaring summer heat of NYC. Congestion,
bicyclists, red lights and illegally parked vehicles seem to always conspire to make traffic
in Manhattan a nightmare, but when wrapped
corpses begin to fall out of the back of a panel
van during a fender bender all bets are off. Local radio and news converge on the taped-off
section of street create more chaos, splashing
the airwaves with reports of an unidentified
driver fleeing from the Cargo Van of Corpses!
sending the city into a mild panic. Hours pass
and the crime scene tape comes down as the
forensic team leaves. The next morning traffic is blessedly back to normal and within days
other stories moves to the top of the news cycle. With each lead proving fruitless, Detective
Michael Lunston is glad to see the story fade
to obscurity
At weeks end the corpses finally hit the
Medical Examiners table. Doctor Sophia Michelakos finds that each of the four corpses
has little in common except for the cause of
death: Each has had various vital organs removed with surgical precision. As horrifying
as that is, more astounding is that the corpses
have no incisions. In the last year and a half,
Detective Lunston has seen the world turn into
a strange place, and this looks like a case that
falls squarely into the strange category. Lunston has a solution though, and scrolls through
his contacts. It is time to call in backup.
This adventure follows the discovery of
multiple homicide victims, all missing internal
organs without any means of extraction. The
investigation will lead the characters on the
trail of Dr. Scalpel, a serial killing AMP who
uses his victims organs to perform perfect organ transplants for the wealthy and powerful.
Along the way, they encounter false leads, an
opposing group of AMPs looking to recruit Dr.
Scalpel and finally confront the Doctor in his
lair, the posh Phoenix Clinic. The adventure is
suitable for three to five characters.

Either directly or through a member of

their affiliation, Detective Lunston contacts
the characters. He explains how they found a
group of bodies at the site of a vehicular accident; once autopsied the ME discovered the
disturbing fact that each body was missing
multiple organs. The case went from disturbing to strange when the ME told him that whoever removed them did so without any invasive
surgical technique known to man. The group
arranges to meet up with Detective Lunston
near the docks at a warehouse recently seized
as part of a drug raid. Detective Lunston ensures the warehouse can serve as a safe base
of operations while hunting for the killer.
Characters who are already together when
this adventure begins have an easier time explaining their motivations in helping Lunston
search for a mysterious killer, possibly needing
only one motivation to drive the group. Whether recruited together or separately, multiple reasons can draw any character into the adventure
when Detective Lunston contacts them.

VV Unaffiliated: Loyalties can easily link the

characters to the victims. New Yorkers
may feel a Loyalty of Community or Humanity to protect their home and neighbors. Nobody deserves that kind of death,
nor for their killer throwing away their
bodies like garbage; so seekers of Justice may want to hunt for whoever is responsible. Worst of all, a characters Love
or Comrades could be one of the victims,
leading to a power drive to find the culprit. Any of these can easily bring a character into the story.
VV Changelings: Red Mander, a local Changeling healer, is a lead and red herring in
the search for the murderous organ thief.
She could easily be Detective Lunstons
contact. Rarely a fighter herself, she can
recruit characters to help search for the
killer. Detective Lunston knows about,
and is sympathetic to the plight of the
Changelings; he seeks their help to keep

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more innocents from ending up dead.

They could recruit the characters to find
someone who may have an uncontrollable ability, who needs training. Redemption can be a powerful motivator for a
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: Detective Lunston has seen how some of the Seekers
of Enlightenment have stepped up to the
plate to deal with various problems over
the last few months and reaches out to
them for help with an obvious AMP issue.
Seekers are the most likely of the Affiliations to act out of self-enlightened altruism, wanting to take care of any bad
apple quietly.

VV United Human Front: Detective Lunston

knows the NYPD never acts with the speed
and force necessary to bring in whatever
sort of AMP is responsible for these atrocities. He knows his brother-in-law has connections with the UHF and can get someone on the case quickly. Really, with a killer
AMP on the loose, the UHF doesnt need
much more of a reason to show up.

Scene One:
Something is Missing
Heat and humidity are like a sauna in the city
and there is no relief coming from the slightly rancid breeze coming over from New Jersey
as the characters arrive outside the abandoned
warehouse. It may be abandoned, but the area
isnt; traffic is sporadic through the area, so as
long as theyre careful, there wont be much

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At approximately 7:13AM last

Tuesday a Mrs. Sarah Grady, aged 73,
rear-ended a white panel van, popping
the vans back door and causing two
sheet-wrapped corpses to fall on the
crumbled hood of her vehicle. Feeling
the onset of cardiac distress, Mrs. Grady
promptly called 911 for an ambulance.
Unfortunately, between her distress
and poor eyesight, she didnt notice the
driver, who was nowhere to find once
authorities arrived.
Canvasing turned up no other witnesses and no images on local cameras
turned up anything of use. The van, a
white 2010 Ford E-Series, had its VIN
number removed, other identifiable serial numbers destroyed and had stolen
license plates that tracked back to a van

Scalpels Edge

VV Typhoon: The Matriarch and her agents

have seen Dr. Scalpel in visions and dreams,
but dont know his location. They know he
has unique ways to move organs between
bodies and smuggle items. This makes Dr.
Scalpels recruitment into the organization
a priority, and the call from Detective Lunston, a cop on their payroll, is just the clue
needed to put them on the hunt.

around here that disturbs the group. Judging

from the standard issue police sedan parked
nearby and the fluttering crime scene tape
hanging tattered from the warehouse doorframe, Detective Lunston must already be inside.
Entering the dimly lit warehouse, there is
a convenient rollup door to an area anyone
can use to park vehicles inside, and there are
a couple of office areas with a mostly-working
washroom off to one side. The rest of the warehouse is surprisingly clear except for a few
drifts of trash around the edges of the room
and a body outline with bloodstains near the
front door. Detective Lunston is in the process
of crushing a cigarette under his boot as the
group enters. The slightly overweight man in
his mid-fifties shifts his weight as he stands up
and approaches with a cautious stride. A Simple (10) Intuition + Empathy check reveals he
is uneasy around the group, but not antagonistic. As he lays out the facts of the case as he
knows them, a Moderate (20) Intuition + Empathy check confirms he is holding nothing back
from the characters group.
Once introductions are out of the way, Detective Lunston hands over a hardcopy of the
case file and he brings the group up to speed
in a no-nonsense straightforward manner.

Scalpels Edge

of the same make and model that has

been in storage for the last 8 months.
The plates could have been stolen anytime since then. Forensics turned up no
usable prints or DNA. Ive heard some
of you can sense things that forensics
cant find, and if you want, I can have
the van towed here for you to inspect.
The ME, Doctor Sophia Michelakos
might be able to tell you more, but the
attached reports cover the basics. All
four victims were in good health other
than having their organs removed. Two
of the bodies are unidentified and unclaimed. Dr. Michelakos has been read
in on your group, and knows to let you
inspect the bodies if you want.
Canvas notes are included in the
files, but they are essentially useless. I
have been unable to determine when
Margaret Novak or Kenneth Stevenson
went missing, although each was seen
within the last month. We dont have

enough to track the vans movements,

but if I were a betting man, Id say it
was heading out of the city to some
kind of disposal site. For eight months
that van could have been in use, and
we find it forensically sterile. I have a
bad feeling the four bodies last week
are just the tip of the iceberg.
Detective Lunston knows little more and
his lack of progress obviously frustrates him.
He tries to answer any other questions and, as
an experienced investigator, can recommend
other possible avenues if the characters trust
him with knowing what powers they have. Other than that, he hands them the keys to the
warehouse and tells them they are free to use
it as they will while on the case. As long as
they dont burn it down, there shouldnt be any
questions if they are there for a week or two.

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Inspecting the Van

Scene Two:
Visiting the Morgue
A trip to the morgue gets the characters in to see Dr. Michelakos. A petite, brunette woman, Dr. Michelakos has seen a lot
of weird things come across her cutting table
in her twenty-year career. Some of them have
stumped her, but she freely admits the surgical
removal of the organs from four victims without any surgical incisions gives her the willies.
Shes a believer in the supernatural and is very
superstitious, so over-the-top displays of their
abilities like summoning up spirits of the deceased will quickly become too much for her
and she will kick the characters out if the characters push her too far or if they disrespect the
dead in any way.

Were the two unknown victims

homeless or indigent?

Dr. Michelakos admits it is possible they

were runaways. She can even point them in the
right direction if they want to canvas homeless
shelters or known homeless hangouts. She has
had to collect enough bodies from those locations over the years that she can rattle them
off without a thought. One of the locations is
St. Benedict Mission House.

Who would remove organs, and why?

She says if it were a normal removal, she

would assume the killer took the organs for
either transplant or examination in a manner
similar to what she does during autopsies, but
with an AMP involved who knows. Shes heard
that some AMPs are cannibalistic, so maybe
that is why. Following up on the transplant
thread will have Dr. Michelakos admit that all
of the organs missing can be used in organ

Inspecting the Corpse

VV Inspecting the corpse can reveal several
pieces of information. A Moderate (20)
Knowledge + Medicine check indicates

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Scalpels Edge

A request to have the van towed to the

warehouse takes a day or two to process, allowing other investigations to move forward
and letting GMs time when they want to make
the van available to the characters.
The single most powerful ability the characters can use in inspecting the van is Psychometry. Unfortunately, it is doubtful theyll
take delivery of the van soon enough for the
base power to be effective, requiring the Long
History Augment to get good info. Long History reveals fleeting impressions that imply that
Lunston was correct, and the van has transported bodies multiple times, perhaps weekly.
Successful use of the power reveals images of
sheet wrapped corpse of every age and ethnicity. Use of Within the Year is even more horrifying, revealing perhaps a hundred or more
victims all neatly and efficiently transported
in the van. As horrifying as confirming the parade of corpses that have passed through the
van, the real prize for a character with the Psychometry power is the garage door opener integrated into the cab.
A successful Moderate (20) Technology +
Perception search means the characters find
garage door opener. A cursory Internet search
brings up an article about a new exclusive clinic in Manhattan providing seemingly miraculous cures to well-heeled clients from all over
the world. The Phoenix Clinic logo matches
that from the Psychometry vision. Using Long
History instantly reveals a strong association
with a roll-up garage door with a stylized
Phoenix logo on it.
Use of Mediumship overwhelmingly associates the van with death, but does not reveal
the presence of any spirits or haunts. Mundane
methods of investigation confirm the case file
notes and reveal no additional clues.

injuries not related to the organ removal

were from human-sized claws.

The Victims

VV A Simple (10) Knowledge + Medicine

check gives the same information as is
already known. Organs removed, but no
external damage to the dermis or tissue
surrounding them. Using Diagnosis (Healing) can confirm this without a check, but
also shows bruising related to dragging.

Victim #1 - Margaret Novak

Female Caucasian, Age 26

VV Identified though fingerprints

VV Criminal record for solicitation and
drug possession (marijuana)
VV In apparent good health with no diseases or other major health issues

Scalpels Edge


VV Missing Organs/Tissue: Heart, Kidney,

Bone Marrow

A character with Mediumship should play it

very smart in the Morgue, there are multiple
spirits hanging about in various stages of their
journey. Of the two Doe victims, the unknown
females spirit has already passed on, but they
may speak with the boys spirit if they want.
Hell tell the character his name is Brian Santiago, a homeless teen kicked out of his home
when his overly religious parents caught him
kissing another boy. He is scared and confused,
but with patience can provide three of the following four pieces of info, based on what the
characters ask.

Victim #2 - Kenneth Stevenson

African-American Male, Age 32

VV Identified through Dental Records

VV No criminal record, previously employment as a stock broker, currently no
finances or residence, believe indigent
after losing everything in the stock
crash several years ago
VV In apparent good health with no diseases or other major health issues
VV Missing Organs/Glands: Lungs, Thymus

VV He often hung out at the docks and slept

at the St. Benedict Mission House

Victim #3 - Jane Doe

Hispanic Female, Approximate Age 18

VV A week before he died he sold blood to a

mobile blood drive van

VV Unidentified
VV In apparent good health with no diseases or other major health issues

VV He remembers walking along the street

when everything went dark, not like he
was knocked out, but like a heavy hood
was dropped over his head and breathing in something that smelled medicinal
as he was dragged somewhere before he
lost consciousness

VV Missing Organs: Liver, Intestines, Uterus

Victim #4 - John Doe

Caucasian Male, Approximate Age 16

VV Unidentified
VV In apparent good health with no diseases or other major health issues

VV Finally, he remembers being strapped to a

table in a room with a lot of bright lights
and a sharp tearing pain as a man with a
surgical mask reached through his chest
with scalpel fingers before he died.
When Brians spirit starts on the last detail,
he grows increasingly agitated, the memory
of his death pushing him to panic. A character with Put to Rest can make a Moderate (20)
Mediumship + Intuition check to send Brian on

VV Missing Organs: Heart, Kidneys, Liver,

Lungs, Pancreas

before he releases a burst of telekinetic energy,

flinging everything in the area around for 2B
damage before his spirit dissipates. Know Spirit reveals Brians name and gives the character
an intimate understanding of what it feels like
to have ones heart removed while still alive.
Know Spirit also reveals that Brian died almost

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two weeks ago.

If Dr. Michelakos is present when Brian goes
full poltergeist, she is furious, telling the characters to leave and grabbing a phone to call
security. If the AMPs decide to actually attack
the doctor, security arrives ready to shoot to
kill. This move also imposes penalties to social
checks for the rest of the adventure as word
gets around quickly about the psychos that
tore up the morgue.

Who could do this?

Scene Three:
Red Mander
The paths eventually lead to the St. Benedict Mission house. If the characters didnt get
this information directly from Brian, they likely
visit a few other locations that turn out to be
busts before ending here. St. Benedict Mission
House is a small, 30-bed homeless shelter
and soup kitchen associated with the church
across the street. Characters who stake out the
building observe the church and its volunteers
keep it in good repair and there are usually a
few people about regardless of the time of day.
During the morning and evening meal times,
the communal dining room is full with indigents getting a hot meal. They lock the doors
from 9 PM to 6 AM each evening for the safety

VV Lookout: Characters who want to stake

out Mission House and keep an eye out
for suspicious characters or possible
Changelings in disguise automatically
notice a blood drive van spending several
hours in the afternoon paying for donations. A Tough (30) Perception + Stealth
checks notes a slim figure bundled up
in an unseasonably heavy hoodie and
fingerless gloves with bright red fingers
ending in sharp black fingernails and
change to behavior that could indicate
they are a Changeling.
VV Infiltration: Characters who want to infiltrate the Mission house and investigate
it from the inside can pose as homeless
with a Moderate (20) Deception + Performance check to gain free access. Infiltration allows a Simple (10) Perception +
Stealth check to notice the disguised Red
Mander is one of the servers on the food
line during dinner and breakfast services.
VV Tour the Facility: A character with Wealth
(4+) who wants to donate to the Mission
House can get a personal tour from the
house manager without any checks.

Finding Red Mander

Once characters have identified Red Mander,

how they approach her is key. She has a real
need to be of service and help her community,
but is as subject to the Law of Attraction as any
other AMP. Her outward appearance is still a
sticking point and any character who disparages her automatically suffers a -5 penalty to Law
of Attraction checks. If it triggers a brawl, the
homeless and Mission House staff scatter. It is
not the first fight to break out in a homeless
shelter, and 911 calls go out the Round after
combat starts. Two police officers (AYO pg. 201)

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Scalpels Edge

Characters can use their appropriate Loyalties, Affiliations and Connections to reach
out to the AMP community to see if anyone in
the New York City area a matches the possible power sets related to this case. Applying
appropriate bonuses to a Moderate (20) Persuasion + Intuition check turns up a lead on
a local Changeling name Red Mander. One
source says she has claws and the ability to
heal others, although shes well liked and generally considered a good person. The contact
doubts she could be a serial killer, but stranger
things have happened; they also provide a list
of likely homeless shelters she likes to circulate through, including St. Benedict Mission
House, leading to Scene Three.

of those spending the night. Inside the building is a communal dining room, male and female dormitory with attached showers, kitchen,
offices and a storage area where residents can
keep possessions in padlocked storage bins.
The characters can take a few approaches to
interacting with the area.

Scalpels Edge

respond on Round 6, with two more joining

combat every 4 Rounds if combat continues.
AMPs with law enforcement ties or credentials
can make a Moderate (20) Intimidation + Persuasion check to exert their authority, preventing further officers from responding and having existing officers stand down. If Red Mander
had to be subdued, its very difficult to question
her at the Mission House, and it might be wise
for the team to relocate to their warehouse.
It does not matter if they subdue her or negotiate with her for her cooperation; the characters who question Red Mander can gather
several clues and rule her out as a suspect. If
Red Mander had to be subdued, any skill check
to gather information rises to the next difficulty category (Simple to Moderate, Moderate to
Tough or Tough to Legendary).

Wait a Minute Didnt

Red Mander send me?

If the characters are Changelings and

Red Mander is Detective Lunstons contact, she draws the characters into the
investigation, so why are the characters
tracking her down and interviewing her?
The clues leading to Red Mander are
mostly vague and even if the characters
are already familiar with her, she doesnt
stay in one place for long, so they still
need to track her down. Detective Lunston has only told Red Mander he needs
help because he thinks an AMP might
be killing people. Until the characters
return to her she has no idea that she
could even be a suspect!

Who are you?

Red Mander is a Changeling who has undergone a full body transformation that although
disconcerting has left her with a strange alien
beauty. She has lost all her hair and her skin
has taken on a deep ruby red hue with occasional green patches that contrast and set
off her features. Her deceptively resilient skin
constantly secretes a slippery film that bleeds
through her clothing within an hour of her putting them on. Delicate gill frills line the lower
edges of her jaw and trail up to behind her ears
while large razor sharp black fingernails have
replaced her human nails.

The Killings

If directly confronted with the information

about the killings, she issues a vehement denial. A Moderate (20) Empathy + Perception
check easily shows the entire situation makes
her uneasy, and she is telling the truth. Powers like Telepathy or Mnemonics confirm she is
not the killer, but she will always resist these
attempts. A Moderate (20) Persuasion + Empathy check can convince her to not resist mental
intrusions, gaining a +5 bonus if the characters
take the time to explain they already believe in
her innocence and just need to confirm it.

The Victims

If shown the pictures of the victims, she confirms she has seen the two youngest ones. She
doesnt know Brian Santiago, having only seen
him once. She identifies the young Latino woman as Penny or Penelope, but doesnt have a last
name. She met her about a month ago when
she came into the shelter slashed up pretty bad.
Red Mander healed her and knew she was an illegal immigrant, but the last she saw of her was
about ten days ago. Asking if the two had anything in common and making a Moderate (20)
Intuition + Empathy check helps Red Mander remember both of them picked up pocket money
from the city Blood Donation Van. It may still be
outside St. Benedict Mission House right now.

What do you think?

If asked about the manner of deaths, Red

Mander admits she could probably pull it off,
though her claws could not make cuts as cleanly
as the autopsy photos show. If asked about organ
transplants, she really doesnt know that much,
organ transplants are far beyond her capabilities.
She does remember hearing about a recent case
where a local boy suddenly moved up the transplant list when the three people ahead of him
all dropped off suddenly. Not that odd, but she

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guesses that it is possible that the people ahead

of him on the list received illegal organs.

Hey, lets Check Another Van!

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Scalpels Edge

Following up on the van can lead directly

to the clinic, so depending on the pace of the
adventure the van can be found outside of St.
Benedicts Mission House or require an extensive search. If the van is no longer in front of
the Mission House, an extended Moderate (20)
Perception + Survival + Community check with
6 successes in a single day can track the van
down. Each check takes 1 hr. and if Red Mander
is convinced to aid in the search, she provides
a +4 Teamwork bonus.
Once they find the van, the characters can
question Nurse Danny, the driver/operator of
the blood drive van. A rather chipper fellow who
firmly believes he is doing his part to make the
world a better place, Danny has no connection to
the murders. His van however, or more precisely
his blood supply, does. Danny doesnt have anything to hide, but firmly refuses to answer any

questions unless the characters sit down and let

him draw a pint of blood from them. Otherwise,
hes got other people waiting to have blood
drawn. Hell then happily answer questions and
send them on their way at the end with a glass
of orange juice and a cookie.
Showing the pictures of the victims to Danny
jogs his memories about two of the victims. Brian Santiago gave blood for the first time about
two weeks ago. Danny remembers because he
was nervous and really liked the cookies at the
end. Kenneth Stevenson regularly donated for
months, but Danny hasnt seen him in the last
few days. He really seemed like a nice guy, just
down on his luck. A Simple (10) Empathy + Intuition check reveals that Danny is genuinely saddened at the loss of all four of the victims, even
though he only knew two of them.
Questions about the blood donation process lead no clues, until Danny mentions that
before he can deposit blood at a blood bank
he needs to have a sample from each checked.
Following up on this leads Danny to gush about

the Phoenix Clinic, a clinic for the wealthy that

gives back to the community by freely testing
blood for him and others like him. Its a real
community service that helps keep overhead
down for several blood drive operations around
the city. Whats more, they even provide follow
up notifications to donors if they find any irregularities in their blood. With this information,
characters can head straight for Scene Five.

Scalpels Edge

Scene Four:
Two Hunters, One Rabbit
The characters are not the only group looking for the serial killer. The Matriarch has sent
members of Typhoon to bring him into the fold.
The possibility of someone being able to freely transfer AMP organs is too valuable an opportunity for them to pass up. For characters
already affiliated with Typhoon, bagging Dr.
Scalpel is an incredible opportunity to move
up the ranks, so they know being ambushed by
a group from Typhoon is to be expected.
Unknown to the characters, Typhoon,
through Trace (pg. xxx) who has been tracking them in astral form, is up to date on any
info the characters gathered. Characters who
can sense mental or spiritual presences have
a chance of noticing Trace lurking around each
scene as they play through. Noticing Trace is
a huge advantage to the characters, putting
them on alert of others involved in the hunt.
Once noticed, any attempt at a spiritual attack
drives Trace away, and the characters can attempt a Tough (30) Stealth + Deception check
to shake their phantom observer.
Typhoon knows they are looking for a doctor, making the most logical time to attempt
an ambush after they identify the clinic as
the source of the bodies or where the blood
is being tested. Typhoon can also be a source
of clues if the characters have encountered
setbacks in their investigations. Beating the
Typhoon agents and interrogating them for
information is as valid an avenue of investigation as any other. Team Typhoon is a deadly
group of opponents, but if the players group

is large or particularly experienced, the GM

can supplement their ranks with Diamondback
(AYO pg. 215), Frostbite (AYO pg. 216) or Savage (AYO pg. 228).
A big, public brawl is not on their agenda.
While they are not likely to attack in a homeless center, a homeless camp could be an interesting combat environment with various
tents, shacks and fire barrels. Mack Truck (pg.
xxx) loves his truck, but ramming the characters vehicle while they are in transit can provide a dramatic beginning to an ambush. An
efficient group might be moving so fast that
the only place Typhoon can catch up to them
is at the Phoenix Clinic, creating a three-way
battle between them, the characters and the
clinic bodyguards.
One thing Typhoon is not is stealthy, but if
they can set off an ambush, they will, likely lying in wait for the characters to return to their
warehouse. Once battle begins, each member
of Typhoon employs specific tactics and focuses on certain types of opponents.

VV Mack Truck immediately uses Really Big to

bump his Might and Integrity to the highest levels and goes to town on whomever
their surveillance leads them to believe is
the toughest opponent. As he regains Juice
and the opportunity presents itself he attempts to use Stomp to disrupt opponents.
VV Hard Sells goal is to neutralize opponents, preferably a blaster or specialist
in distance attacks, with her Favor Trick.
Once she has accomplished this, she focuses on using Mind Bolts and her pistol
to finish off wounded opponents.
VV Trace attempts to maintain distance from
opponents, using Fling against anyone
who approaches her while using her pistol and stun gun on any opponent Mack
or Hard Sell is not already focused on.
If Red Mander is present during the actual
ambush, she focuses on attempting to keep any
downed combatants out of harms way over actively combating anyone. She is adamant that
Typhoon not be killed and offers to arrange

vernon reich (order #7379055)

for the local Changelings to hold the three (or

more, if they called for backup) AMPs in a secure location for a short time. If Red Mander
is still on good terms with the characters after the ambush, she readily uses her powers to
patch the characters up, focusing on those with
the most Brutal damage first.

Burning Down the


Characters who forget Detective

Lunston asked them to not destroy the
warehouse may have some explaining
to do if the confrontation with Typhoon
causes too much damage. Explosions
or a fight leaving the building draws
attention and quickly brings Fire, EMS
and Police. Detective Lunston cant provide another base, and if the white van
is already (or still) at the warehouse, he
quickly finds himself suspended and
highly uncooperative for the characters
from that point.

Scene Five: A Room

with a Respirator

The Interior

The ground floor has two security guards

(use Police Officers, AYO, pg. 201), a reception
area with a receptionist and several consultation rooms. The second floor has a small lab
used to run tissue sample tests from various
blood drive organizations and several exam
rooms. The third floor has the operating theatre and attending drug and supply closets. The
fourth floor has several patient recovery rooms,
which rarely remain occupied for long. An elevator large enough for patient beds connects
all levels, including the basement. The basement contains utilities, laundry, a cold storage
area and a two-vehicle garage big enough to
contain a van and allow an ambulance to unload patients. The clinic has a new van virtually
identical to the once from the accident with
all the same forensic countermeasures applied
to it. Characters checking out the cold storage

area find two corpses wrapped and ready for

Characters with Astral Projections, Mnemonics, Telepathy, Vision and possibly other
abilities can learn much of the layout and current occupants before ever entering the building, giving them a good idea that they are in
the right place. Anyone who can perceive the
operating theatre on the third floor unfortunately sees Dr. Scalpel in the process of killing
someone and beginning a transplant on one of
his patients.

Getting In

No mundane bluff can get the characters

past the two door guards on the ground floor
without a confrontation, but if they thought to
bring the van from the initial accident to the
clinic, the group can use its door opener to
enter through the below ground garage doors
into the basement. Otherwise, theyll need to
take down the guards, one way or another.
Once inside and past the guards, the characters do not encounter any more opposition
until they reach the third floor where they
are confronted by the wealthy patients bodyguards (use Soldiers, AYO, pg. 202). There are
multiple bodyguards equal to the number of
players plus one.
After handling the bodyguards, the characters

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Scalpels Edge

Eventually, the characters should find clues

leading them to the Phoenix clinic and have
a pretty good idea this is probably all about
organ harvesting and transplants. The Phoenix clinic is located in a nice brownstone on
the upper west side converted into a very well
appointed clinic. Entrance is by appointment
only, and Dr. Scalpel pays all the employees extremely well. They are aware of exactly what is
going on, and most have had a loved one benefit from Dr. Scalpels medical skills. In short,
everyone in the building is both invested in its
success and has waived their humanity for the
sake of money and their loved ones health.

Scalpels Edge

his hand phased into the patients

chest. If it wasnt for how he procured his organs, Dr. Scalpel could
be a healer of unprecedented caliber.
Of course, even keeping his patient alive he does not intend to let
the characters take him, so whether they wait or not, he uses the last
of his Juice to turn intangible and
step through the operating theatre
wall into the safe-room next door.
The characters can make a single
Action to see if they can affect the
Doctor before he is through the

Scene Six:
Final Redoubt

The man in the surgical mask looks

up at the characters and calmly states,
I knew you would come eventually, and
now you have to make a choice; let me
finish and this man lives, or you bastards
can take me and kill him! Do we really
need two senseless deaths today?
Dr. Scalpel really couldnt care less about
the man on his table, but he really hates to lose
a wealthy patient and wants to keep his miracle-worker status intact for future business.
If the characters give him the chance to finish
his work, he does, seamlessly phasing the new
heart into the patient and infusing him with a
warm golden glow to seal the heart in its new
home. It really is an amazing sight as the Doctor massages the healed heart back to life with

For people without access to

extraordinary abilities, digging Dr.
Scalpel out of his safe-room before
he has a chance to recharge would
be a lost cause, but with the right
abilities and a bit of luck the characters should be able to do just
that. Unless player actions have
triggered a Juice gain in Dr. Scalpel,
he enters the safe-room having spent his last
Juice to turn intangible. He knows he could hold
the intangibility for another half-minute or so,
but running would leave him without any reserves and out in the open. He makes the strategic decision to trust his safe room can last
long enough for him to recharge his Juice up to
baseline in thirty minutes, all the while cursing
himself for not storing Adrenaline Needles in
the safe-room.
The safe room is equipped with an intercom,
external phone-lines, video feeds to the operating theatre, electronic locks and a solid steel
door that requires a minimum +26 Strength to
rip out of the wall. The door has Integrity 40,
is immune to non-Brutal damage and has AR 7.
Once the characters have seen Dr. Scalpel flee
through the wall, a Moderate (20) Perception +

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Depending on character actions, there are
four likely scenarios with Dr. Scalpel.

VV 1 - Those looking to recruit him have a

tough road ahead convincing the greedy
paranoid sociopath that their organization is the right fit for him and the characters are probably glad that isnt their job;
they just had to bag the psycho.
VV 2 - If they capture him and the police incarcerate him, the authorities follow up
with the clinic records, creating a legal
nightmare as various wealthy individuals
use their money to fight prosecution. On
the plus side, they seize millions of dollars in assets from Dr. Scalpels personal
accounts thanks to them being proceeds
of criminal endeavors.
VV 3 - Killing Dr. Scalpel has much the same
results, although whether any legal action is taken from the clinic records is
likely dependent on the characters turning them over to the proper authorities.
VV 4 - Finally, if Dr. Scalpel has escaped, he
quickly moves as much of his funds as
possible to other accounts and flees the
country. Given time, he will use his resources to identify those who ruined his
clinic and eventually hire AMP mercenaries to help him take down the characters
at some future date.

Nurse Danny

Characters who follow up with Nurse Danny

and let him know he unwittingly helped provide a serial killer with his victim pool devastate the idealistic young man and before long,
he no longer runs his blood donation van. If
the characters refrain from revealing anything to Danny, he runs into hard times with
the additional costs he has to cover to get the
vans blood tested, but eventually finds another benefactor, perhaps the citys Changelings,
who help keep this vital service running.

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Scalpels Edge

Technology check identifies the panel as a doorway into a safe-room, and the safe room video
camera and intercom are located.
There are quite a few ways to breach the
safe room. A character with Intangibility can
simply follow the doctor into the room Tech
Speak (Technopathy) may convince the door to
open up. Transmutation and Metal Elementals
can both reshape the door given time. Characters with powers causing Brutal damage can
simply destroy the door eventually. Telepaths
could attempt to read Dr. Scalpels mind to get
an image of the safe-room and transfer the
image to someone with Teleport so they could
teleport inside.
Dr. Scalpel is paranoid, so if he thinks the
characters can actually make it into the saferoom before he can recharge he will go to the
drastic measure of using his own Claws to rake
his flesh, reducing his Integrity to 5 in order
to regain 2 Juice. His most likely tactic at that
point is to use Partial Phasing with a Gutting
attack at whoever is on the other side of the
safe-room door in the hopes of stopping them.
Having entered combat, he then has +1 Juice
to plan his next move. Ultimately, Dr. Scalpel
wants to escape, but he is also Bloodthirsty,
and after his initial attack, he may not be able
to help himself.
If Dr. Scalpel resists engaging in further
combat, he is likely to just phase straight down
through the building and attempt to use the
basement van to escape. Characters can attempt either a car chase or other methods of
capture, but if Dr. Scalpel escapes at this point,
he is running fast and hard and the search for
him becomes a whole new adventure.
The clinic is a treasure trove of information
with a client list including over a hundred transplant recipients all paying over six figures for Dr.
Scalpels services. If Dr. Scalpel escapes, its possible that his records, patient and financial could
provide leads to tracking him down again.


If the characters left the members of Typhoon alive, the characters have almost certainly made themselves enemies not only of
these specific AMPs, but also from Typhoon as
an organization. They should expect some sort
of payback at some point unless they have ties
to Typhoon themselves. In that case, good job
on taking out the competition.

Scalpels Edge

New Chimera
VV Slimy (E1): The AMPs skin produces a
slick coating of mucus-like slime, adding +4 to Break Grab attempts and AR
2/2 versus Fire Effects.

New Healing Trick

Universal Donor (T1)

Check: None
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Must have Diagnosis. The AMP
gains a complete sense of what makes biological matter unique, and then strips the
sample of its uniqueness, making it the perfect, rejection-free match for transplants or
infusion into any patient.

New Intangibility Tricks

Mule (T2)

Check: Intangibility + Fortitude

Range: Self
Duration: (Intangibility) days
Effect: Must have Partial Phasing. The
AMP can anchor an intangible Size 1 or 2
object within themselves, experiencing little
discomfort and rendering it completely undetectable to mundane methods. A failure on


Putting Brian Santiagos spirit to rest

before he becomes a poltergeist


N o n - co n f r o n t a t i o n a l / r ec r u i t i n g
Red Mander


Stopping Typhoon


Stopping Dr. Scalpel


Turning over client list for prosecution

a Moderate (20) check reduces the time an

object can be stored from days to hours. They
do suffer a (Items Size) penalty to all checks
from discomfort and pain. The AMP can call
the object to the surface of their skin at will,
causing it to become tangible and acts as
drawing the weapon without penalty. Objects
automatically do this at the end of their duration unless the AMP spends another Juice to
maintain their intangible state.

Stasis (T3+)

Check: Intangibility + Discipline

Range: Touch
Duration: (Intangibility) Days
Effect: Must have Mule. The AMP can alter
the state of a touched item, rendering it either
fully or partially intangible.
VV Fully intangible objects are immune
from any physical harm, but can interact
with spiritual objects and creatures.
VV Partially intangible objects can be interacted with physically, but never take
more than 1 Integrity damage from attacks before shifting into a fully intangible state for the rest of a Round.
Biological objects subject to Stasis cease
to decay, allowing them to retain viability far
longer than normally possible. Size 1 or Size
2 objects are affected by Stasis with objects of
larger size being able to be affected at +1 Juice
per Size increase. A failure on a Moderate (20)
check reduces the duration from days to hours.

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Dr. Scalpel

Sap Name: Robert Scali

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Shifter
Integrity: 10, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Humanity 2, Perfection 1, Self 5
Skills: Athletics 2, Deception 4, Discipline
2, Fighting 2, Intimidation 4, Intuition 2,
Knowledge 4, Medicine 5 (Surgery), Perception 4, Persuasion 2, Speed 2, Technology 2
Primary Power: Intangibility 7
Augments: Skeleton Key (E1), Semi-Transparency (E1), Knockout (T2), Partial Phasing (T1), Gut Wrenching (T1), Mule (T2)
Stasis (T2)
Secondary Power: Claws 4
Augments: Gutting (E0), Piercing (T1-5)
Tertiary Power: Healing 4
Augments: Diagnosis (E0), Universal
Donor (T1)
Gifts: Connections (High Society 3),
Wealth (4), Hideout (Phoenix Clinic Defense 2, Entries 1, Workshop Medical 3)
Drawbacks: Bloodthirsty (3), Paranoia (3),
Infamous (2)
Other: Initiative +4, Movement 9, Strength
+2, Carry/Lift 50/100

Red Mander

She likes to think it wasnt chauvinism on

her familys part or cowardice on her own that
led her not to be a firefighter like the rest of
her family, but Tammy instead went on to earn
a Master in Social Service from NYU. She loved
working in various outreach programs and especially cherished her time at the 7th Street
community center mentoring kids.
Tammy was there the day of the gas main
explosion. Engulfed in flames, she felt herself
change; her skin toughened and slickened as her
hair fell away, and her skin turned a deep beautiful ruby red. Most of those she carried from
the fire that day were too overcome with smoke
to see her; others saw her as she rubbed the
protective slime from her hands over the burn
wounds of those she saved, healing them with
its regenerative properties. Too many parents almost lost their kids that day to feel anything but
grateful for the strangely beautiful AMP.
She is bitter she cant change back, but the
Changelings have given her a new home. Tammy still slips out to help the homeless when
she can. More and more of the downtrodden
in NYC are beginning to learn that a red hand
held out to you is a hand of mercy and comfort.
Sap Name: Tammy Lockhart
Affiliation: Feral
Strain: Shaper
Integrity: 13, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 4, Humanity 4, Self 2
Skills: Athletics 3, Discipline 3, Empathy 3, Fighting 3, Fortitude 3, Intuition 3,
Knowledge 4, Medicine 5, Might 3, Perception 2, Persuasion 1, Speed 2
Primary Power: Chimera 4
Augments: Aquatic (E0), Claws (E0), Slimy
(E1), Thick Hide (E2)
Secondary Power: Healing 4
Augments: Diagnosis (E0), Mended Body
Tertiary Power: Regeneration 1
Gifts: Attractive (4), Graceful (2), Ranks
(Changelings 2)
Drawbacks: Continuous Power (Chimera 3)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 10,
Strength +6, Carry/Lift 125/250

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Scalpels Edge

Years of watching his father fleece gullible

folk out of their money and perform bogus
faith healing left Bobby with a dual disdain for
both his father and the gullible. The young boy
learned that people would pay whatever it took
for just a chance at health. He cut ties with his
father and became a real doctor, but crushing
debt and grueling residency made him rethink
his choice to be a legitimate healer when he
awakened as an AMP. He could now do what
his father never could, but he soon grew paranoid of others who might find out.
Scalpels grew from his fingertips as he
reached into the first person who tried to hurt
him. Thinking quickly, he placed the organs
back in his victim and healed the cuts on the
corpse to cover his tracks. Then he had a brilliant idea

Mack Truck

Scalpels Edge

Mack Conroy was a member of Typhoon before

he became an AMP, using his beloved big rig truck
for very lucrative smuggling runs across the Mexico and Canadian borders. Mack has two obsessions in his life, his truck and weightlifting. When
his AMP powers manifested after sampling a little
bit of an experimental Typhoon drug, he was overjoyed at the abilities he manifested. He still makes
smuggling runs for Typhoon, but when they call
for a heavy, Mack Truck rolls into battle.
Sap Name: Mack Conroy
Affiliation: Typhoon
Strain: Shifter
Integrity: 15 (17/19), Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades 2, Perfection 2, Self 4,
Truth 2
Skills: Athletics 3, Crafts 2, Fighting 3, Fortitude 4, Intimidation 3, Might 6, Perception 2,
Speed 5, Technology 3, Travel 6
Primary Power: Sizing 4
Augments: Smash (E0), Strong (E0), Really Big
(E3), Big Punch (T1)
Secondary Power: Behemoth
Augments: Stomp (T1-2)
Gifts: Linguist (Spanish - 1), Connections
(Smugglers 2), Wealthy (1), Body Builder (4)
Drawbacks: Limitation (Sizing - Enlarge only - 3)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 13, Strength
+17(+25/+29), Carry/Lift 400 lb./800lb. (600
lb./1200 lb. Or 700 lb./1400 lb.)

Hard Sell

Connie Smith loved it when her class voted her

Prom Queen and proudly ruled her high school as
head bitch. She just couldnt figure out why no one
cared once she hit the real world. Turned out there
were plenty of women as pretty as or prettier than
her and her personality, well the old adage about
if you cant say something nice about a person really applied to Connie. Then she got it all back,
suddenly she could get anyone to do what she
wants, and what she wants is revenge. Revenge
against every petty perceived slight she thinks
someone sent her way. Sure Typhoon sends her
on various negotiation missions, but what is really
important is that they couldnt care less about the
wake of ruined lives she leaves behind her in her
personal life.


Stephanie Mackintosh has always had moral

flexibility when it comes to the law. She really
doesnt care if people break it unless someone
pays her to care, so keeping her regular job skip
tracing idiots who jump bail while committing
crimes for Typhoon appeals to her moral flexibility. Although to be honest, ever since her abilities
manifested, hunting down bail jumpers has just
become too easy, and she finds the jobs Typhoon
is sending her way far more entertaining.
Sap Name: Stephanie Mackintosh
Affiliation: Typhoon
Strain: Psych
Integrity: 12, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 3, Comrades 2, Perfection 2, Self 3
Skills: Athletics 3, Discipline 6, Empathy 2,
Fortitude 2, Intuition 5, Knowledge 3, Marksmanship 3, Might 2, Perception 4, Speed 3,
Technology 2, Travel 2
Primary Power: Astral Projection 4
Augments: Float (E0), Long Trance (E0), Materialize (E0)
Secondary Power: Psychometry 4
Augments: Long History (E0), Distance Sensing (E2)
Tertiary Power: Telekinesis 2
Augments: Fling (T2)
Gifts: Stable Psyche (1), Wealthy (2)
Drawbacks: OCD (2) (30-minute pre-sleep/
pre-Astral Projection ritual), Deep Sleeper (3)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 11, Strength
+5, Carry/Lift 100lb./200lb
Sap Name: Connie Smith
Affiliation: Typhoon
Strain: Feral
Integrity: 12, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades 2, Justice 3, Perfection 1,
Self 4
Skills: Athletics 3, Beast Handling 2, Discipline 5, Fortitude 2, Intuition 5, Knowledge 3,
Marksmanship 3, Perception 3, Persuasion 5,
Speed 3, Technology 2
Primary Power: Pheromones 6
Augments: Attraction (E0), Favor (T1), Protector (T2)
Secondary Power: Telepathy 2
Augments: Mindbolt (T1)
Gifts: Attractive (2), Ranks (Typhoon 2),
Wealthy (3)
Drawbacks: Klepto (2)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 11, Strength
+3, Carry/Lift 50lb./100lb

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Academic Conspiracy
Adventure for AMP: Year One by John D. Kennedy

Art by Jim Scanlin and Gennifer Bone

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Academic Conspiracy

In the world of AMP, those with powers are
a relatively new thing and many parents with
children suddenly manifesting strange new
powers may seem at a loss of what to do. For
those without obvious powers, parents may
just need more intensive care to help them.
Other kids just choose to keep their abilities a
secret from their parents, worried about their
rejection or fearing they will send them away.
One such school wanting to help these students is the New Day Academy. On the surface,
the school seems to specialize in one-on-one
education and smaller classrooms with more
teachers, insuring those attending the school
receive a personal and very strong education.
Behind the scenes, the school caters towards
helping students from rough backgrounds and
has the reputation as a last chance school for
those students who do not fit in other schools.
The New Day Academy is taking a silently progressive role towards the introduction
of AMPs. Though they encourage students to
keep their powers hidden, the Academy offers
the same level of education as other students
would receive. Parents know their kids will be
somewhere they can fit in and learn how to
behave as normal. For students at the school
who are secretly AMPs, they appreciate the remoteness of the school and how the teachers
care about the students.
Lights Out At The School is an adventure
suitable for two to five AMPs of any Affiliation.
It takes place at the beginning of the week
during the school year, and the only requirement is one or more of the characters need a
reason to be involved in the schools activities.

The characters, whether they are students
at the school, faculty or employees have many
reasons for being at New Day. They could be
relatives of students at the school who are
visiting and allowed to stay in some of the
empty dorm rooms, or the players may be students themselves, dealing with the doldrums

of going to school every day while struggling

to control their powers.
Some may have even gone undercover in
order to observe the group for their Affiliation
or some other agency. Rumors the school may
be harboring AMPs has persisted though the
school does its best to deny it. The reasons behind certain Affiliations having an interest in
New Day are listed below.

VV Unaffiliated: There are rumors that the

school has some AMPs within the student
population, but no one knows for sure. The
fact that the media has featured the school
in the news recently has several AMPs wondering what is going on. For a majority of
the Unaffiliated the school is an important
part of the local community, and protecting
the weak and the innocent is the dream of
many AMPs who have heroic leanings.
VV Changelings: Changelings have mixed
feelings on the school. They hope one
day a school will emerge to help AMPs
regardless of their appearance, but many
Changelings know how cruel the world
can be. Children who may be stuck with
obvious mutations from their powers will
need to be rescued from the school before they face bullying and violence at
the hands of their schoolmates.
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: Seekers see
the school as one of the best hopes for
influencing AMP behavior in the new millennium. If the rumors are true and the
school is keeping its AMPs under wraps
while still treating them as ordinary
people, then it could be one of the best
things to happen for their movement. If
the school turns out to be a lie, then the
Seekers may have to step in so they can
protect those children.
VV Typhoon: Typhoon sees the school as a
nest of possibilities. While destroying
such an institution would give them the
ability to spread chaos, the careful nurturing of students inside makes them ripe
for propagating their own ideals. When
students on the verge of dropping out or
who are recognized for having radical or

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problematic ideals are identified, Typhoon

will step in and try to recruit them if possible and eliminate them if necessary. If
Typhoon cannot control them, then they
do not look forward to the competition.

Who To Know:
Jeremy and Wrigley

VV United Human Front: The UHF is divided

on how it feels about the school and has
adopted a wait and see attitude towards
it. Rumors a UHF cell may be associated
with the school have spread throughout
the Affiliation, but the faction is doing its
best to stay quiet. So far, the school has not
gone public if it has AMPs as students and
instead is trying to stay under the radar. The
UHF, though wary of a school that may be
harboring teenagers with superpowers, will
step in if they feel the public is in danger.

Scene One:
Recess As Usual
Though New Day Academy teaches all ages,
it does its best to socialize the kids with each
other in order to help the kids adjust to the
school. Though kids tend to pair up with kids
their own age, it is not uncommon to see kids of
all ages playing sports together in the schools
field between classes. Several kids are playing
kickball while one student, Jeremy, sits off to
the side with his canine companion, Wrigley,
sitting at his feet.
As the kickball game continues a brief commotion can be heard from the front of the
school. A Simple (10) Perception check allows
players to hear a few details from a distance,
and if the players are able to roll over 20 they
are able to hear the true cause of the argument.

VV Check Failure: The character does not

hear any of the details but notices something going on in the distance.
VV Check Success: No, no cameras allowed!
Private property!
VV Check Success +10: What are you hiding?
We demand you let us inside! You have
many things to explain to our viewers!

The commotion is from the News Channel 6

crew standing outside of the front door while
two of the teachers, Mr. Stroganov and Mrs.
Laduca, stand out front. Theyve parked their
news truck is parked in front of the school, and
a second camera operator is out front setting
up another camera. At the school doors the reporter, Janet James, is speaking frantically into
her microphone while her camera operator
films on. The two teachers look angry and bar
access into the school.
Mr. Stroganov is a tall man with thinning
brown hair and a bizarre scar running along
the knuckles of his right hand. Nobody at the

vernon reich (order #7379055)

Academic Conspiracy

Jeremy is a rare case among AMPs

due to his powers manifesting so strongly at such a young age. His telepathy and
empathic abilities are so strong that
despite giving him the ability to look
into other peoples heads he is unable
to keep centered and finds himself becoming overwhelmed very easily. Wrigley has proven himself invaluable to
Jeremys therapy because not only does
he keep Jeremy focused on the here and
now but because Jeremys abilities often
leave him distracted and unable to keep
aware of his surroundings it is important for Wrigley to lead him places. More
than once Jeremy has almost wandered
into traffic because someone elses daydreams had distracted him.
Though he has shown great restraint
since coming to the school, Jeremy picks
up other peoples thoughts easily and
sometimes places himself in other peoples dreams when hes not careful. It is
more his curiosity than anything else,
though it can be completely disconcerting for others when Jeremy asks them
what they thought of their dream last
night and Jeremy is able to recall the
dream in greater detail than they could.

Academic Conspiracy

school has seen him use any powers but as the

P.E. and History teacher, he is able to keep up
with the other students. Mrs. Laduca, the General Studies and Economics teacher is short
but keeps a regal bearing about her. Her hair is
always pulled up in a bun and she wears very
nice business suits in contrast to Mr. Stroganovs cheap dress shirts and slacks.
As individuals approach to investigate the
noise, the teachers look tense and angry, while
Janet continues to speak and point at her camera.

Janet James: What arent you telling

our viewers? Why are we not allowed
on the premises? Your school does not
receive inspections by state officials but
you are still allowed to stay open! What
about the rumors that your kids are
AMPs? Are the students lives at risk?
Mr. Stroganov: Alright, One? Slow
down and let us speak. Two? This is
private property and you have no right
to film our students here. If you do not
leave, we will call the cops.

Janet James: People have the right

to protect their kids! What is the New
Day Academy hiding?
Mrs. Laduca: Thats it, were calling
the cops. Youre trespassing. Get out!
Then the schools bell rings, indicating recess
is over. Several kids complain they had only just
gone outside before being forced to go back in.
Only Jeremy seems to linger, his gaze drawn to
the camera by the truck. One of the teachers has
to go out and escort him inside.
A second Simple (10) Perception Check reveals although the news team heads back towards their van, the camera operator next to it
appears to be filming the students as they go
inside the building.
Administrators instruct the characters who
are students to head inside and go to their
rooms, while they direct employees to keep
working but stay away from the reporters. The
News 6 crew stays in front of the building and
at the very edge of the parking lot, filming numerous promotions and news reports throughout the day. Anyone who watches the newscast
hears the following:

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Scene Two: Midnight

School For The Troubled? Janet

James here with exclusive information
regarding the New Day Academy. What
kind of troubled students has the school
been accepting and how does it affect
your childs education? Tune in tonight!

Players who attempt to research the school

online need make a Simple (10) Technology
check to learn the following information about
the school:

VV The school has recently received several

generous donations from the Cypher Corporation, a corporation leading in medical research. In fact, the company has invested in schools across the country. The
school struggled to gain funding at first,
but now is able to offer free tuition to students who meet their standards.

VV Catching him on foot requires a Moderate

(20) Athletics check to grab a hold of his collar.
VV A Simple (10) Beast Handling check allows
the character to calm down the dog and
approach him without Wrigley running off.
VV A Simple (10) Intuition check allows them
to work together, corralling the dog and
making it much easier to catch him.
Wrigley will refuse to leave the school
grounds and will insist upon heading off. Any
characters who attempt to notify the faculty or
check Jeremys room discovers a horrifying secret: Jeremy has vanished!
Notifying the faculty will force the group
to return to the school, moving the adventure
on to the next Scene as the faculty will not
want to risk the characters running around the
school grounds at night. Students who decide
not to listen to the teachers or do not return to
the school continue on in this scene.
The woods around the school are dark, but
Wrigley seems to know the direction to go. As
the characters go deeper in the woods, they
get a strange sense of foreboding and danger
as if theyre being watched. Suddenly Wrigley
stops and starts sniffing the ground, excitedly
running off to the East before stopping next to

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Academic Conspiracy

Over the intercom the principal, Lionel

Hauss, makes an announcement: Dear students,
we here at the New Day Academy are very sorry
for the disruption to your well-deserved break
period earlier, and we are sorry for the intrusions. All classes are to continue as scheduled.
The rest of the day goes on as normal, with
students eating dinner while everyone talks
about the news crew from earlier. They have all
students return to their dorm rooms around 9
p.m. and though several teachers and employees tune in to Channel 6 to watch the broadcast, they find that the station has replaced it
with a special on US politics.
Those who try to seek out more information
have a few leads they can take. While most of the
students are standoffish and refuse to talk to people who are not from the school, a Simple (10)
Empathy check offers the following information:
Weird things at the school? Eh,
does too much homework count? But
seriously, only weird thing around
here is Jeremy. Not only does he get a
dog but hes constantly saying creepy
things. Thing is? Theyre usually something youre thinking about!

The school is quiet, and as the night shift of

employees keep watch of the school grounds
the students sleep in their beds. The weather
is calm outside and a full moon is overhead,
blanketing the grounds in its soft light while
the few lampposts illuminate the areas between the dorms and the main hall. It would
stay quiet if not for the sounds of a jangling
collar and whimpering noises waking them
from their sleep. In the shadows outside, they
see the recognizable form of Wrigley running
around the school grounds, occasionally howling and whining as if he cannot find something.
When the players investigate the noise,
they find Wrigley is hard to catch up to. Every
time someone gets close, he bolts off, trying to
keep his distance.

Academic Conspiracy

a log where they find Jeremy sleeping. He appears feverish and is otherwise unresponsive
to any attempts to wake him up.
It is at that moment that strange men appear
from the shadows wearing deep blue BDUs, gas
masks, and wielding tranquilizer guns. Leading
them is a man in a black tactical vest and black
mask with goggles. With a gesture his people
open fire on the group, firing at whoever they
deem to be the biggest threat or whoever seems
like theyre going to run off with Jeremy. There is
one soldier for each character.
The soldiers are surprised by the characters
powers and do their best to work around them.
Their leader is an AMP who manifests tendrils
of shadow around him to fight them, using a
+6 to Fighting checks and bombarding each
character with the whip-like tendrils that deal
+3 damage on a successful attack. He is absolutely silent around them, though he seems to
have some familiarity with each one. Spiegel

Who You Know:

Principal Hauss

With dark brown hair and a gray mustache, the unassuming figure of Principal Hauss belies his cunning mind and
silver tongue. At age 65, Principal Lionel
Hauss is the one in charge of the New
Day Academy, and he always greets his
students every morning on the schools
television channel. Hes warm and
charming on television but he can be
cold and distant when he deals with the
students one-on-one. He is always seen
exercising very early in the morning and
when he eats his lunch in the cafeteria,
he eats his food slowly and quietly.
Students have an immediate fear of
crossing him as he is a stern disciplinarian, and faculty and parents find his views
on education to be a bit outdated. No one
knows why the New Day Academy chose
him to run the school, but he is doing his
best to keep a school full of AMPs in line
and under the radar of others.

has 13 Integrity and his armor provides AR 2/2.

The other two soldiers use the Soldier stats
(AYO, pg. 202).
At random times in the combat several loud
noises and bright lights will happen to distract
the bad guys, and Spiegel will at one point be
threatened by what seems like a large bear who
will disappear almost as quickly as it arrives.
AMPs with the Awareness power are able
to determine the lights and sounds are an illusion though a carefully constructed one. A
Moderate (20) Perception + Survival Check or
a Simple (10) Beast Handling + Survival check
lets them see the bear has left no tracks.
Taking Jeremy back to the school for help
takes the characters to the next Scene. Attempts
to take him to a hospital involve Jeremy being
escorted back to the school. If any of the guards
are captured, they refuse to cooperate when
questioned. If they are reported to the police
they are taken away, but none of the guards
seem scared of dealing with the police, as if they
do not expect to be charged with any crimes.
If a telepath is present, sifting through their
thoughts will reveal long white corridors and
images of medical equipment. Images of someone sitting behind a desk with plenty of medical charts on the walls behind him come to the
fore, and images of the Principal signing legal
paperwork on behalf of the Cypher Corporation.
Two other faces of armed men loading weapons
appear, with one of the men causing buzz saw
like blades come out of his forearms. That is all
the information that can be gleaned however, as
the men will struggle to resist.
The school has a well-stocked infirmary, a fact
of life for any facility trying to handle AMPs, and
the school nurse Dr. Streck sees to Jeremy. The
Principal, Lionel Hauss, asks for the characters to
meet him in his office while Dr. Streck treats Jeremy. Principal Hauss will listen to the characters
story very intently, but he will do his best to brush
off any theories on who the men are. Ive heard
rumors of AMP hunters, he will say. We will do
our best to keep the school grounds under surveillance and our students safe.
After attempting to reassure them, Principal Hauss threatens the students who were
involved in finding Jeremy with detention, but

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are otherwise free to go back to their rooms.

Jeremy is still in a deep coma and Dr. Streck
only allows a limited visit with him.

Scene Three:
Chaos in the Walls

Caleb: I want to see my brother! Now!

Dr. Streck: That is simply not possible at this time. He needs the best possible care and no facility outside of ours

Dr. Glenn Streck is an older man in

his 50s with thinning brown hair and a
thick mustache. Frequently seen wearing dress shirts and slacks when he is
not in the infirmary, he carries with him
an air of superiority when dealing with
others. When it comes to internal medicine he is brilliant, and among the credentials on his walls, he is a licensed
surgeon and dentist.
Dr. Streck is also looked upon as a
strict disciplinarian at the school, filling
multiple roles as a hall monitor, gym
referee, and doctor. He has very little
respect from the students and the faculty who jokingly call him Nurse Streck
behind his back. Dr. Streck has taken an
interest in Jeremy as well as any student
who is secretly an AMP. His annoying
habit of treating his patients then rushing to input the recently acquired data
on his computer seems out of place to
the students.

can treat him.

Caleb: What facility! I went by the
nurses office and he wasnt there!
Dr. Streck: Please, keep your voice
down. He is being cared for by top professionals.
Caleb: If you dont tell me where
my Caleb slows his speech as if thinking out what he is going to say very carefully. where my brother is, then Ill call
the police! The sheriff! The US Army!
Dr. Streck: Seriously? Calm down.
Youll see your brother as soon as possible. Now if you do not leave this instant
I will have the US Army carry you out!
Caleb will storm off from the doctor, his demeanor being almost outlandishly furious as if
he is barely able to keep his temper in check.
Characters who catch up to him notice he is

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Academic Conspiracy

The school is business as usual the next

day though rumors of Jeremys condition have
spread throughout the student body. Rumors
of the fight in the woods have fanned into an
epic battle between good and evil, with giant
robots coming to steal away Jeremy and the
characters having to fight through hordes of
ninja to save him. The faculty does its best to
ban any discussion of what happened, claiming
it is both distracting from their studies and that
it could not have possibly happened. Principal
Lionel Hauss has ordered the faculty to keep
the incident in the woods as quiet as possible.
As the school day continues, more news
vans show up outside, followed by a mob of
frustrated parents and local townspeople. The
media has brought their cameras, the mob has
brought their protest signs and the teachers
are left with no choice but to cancel classes as
students cannot concentrate being both fascinated and scared by what is going on.
Teachers try to usher students to their
rooms but internally the school is in chaos.
Parents of students at the school arrive and
demand to take their children home, and as
the police start to arrive to manage the mob,
it is hard to keep order inside the school. Characters who are students will find themselves
constantly ordered to return to their rooms by
Mr. Comiskey and Mrs. Laduca, but escape is
otherwise easy.
Characters who are wandering around the
hallways will encounter the following exchange between Doctor Streck and a man
wearing a News Channel 6 jacket.

Who You Know:

Dr. Glenn Streck

Who You Know:

Caleb Miller

Rumors at the School

Danny, 5th grade: I heard you guys

fought a demon from Hell! Did he look like

A high school dropout who works

two jobs in order to make ends meet,
Caleb often wears threadbare or otherwise cheap clothing in addition to his
uniform jacket he is required to wear
while working for the station. He always
appears exhausted, and when he sits he
often tends to slump over in the chair as
if he is grateful for having a place to sit.
Caleb Miller is not well known at
the school, and questioning the faculty
reveals hes Jeremys older brother. Although their parents live several hours
away Caleb lives near the Academy,
working a series of odd jobs to help pay
for his brothers tuition.

Elizabeth, 11th grade: Nobody believes you. Stop lying.

Academic Conspiracy

Shana, 10th grade: I hope Jeremy will

be OK. I heard he got a subdermal hematoma, like on CSI!
Marcus, 7th grade: Man, Jeremy is
creepy and all but I hope hes OK. I saw
him in the nurses office and he looked so
pale, though that heart monitor kept beeping so hes got to be alive, right?

wiping away a soft trickle of blood from his

If approached Caleb will appear to be standoffish at first but will eventually talk to anyone
who approaches him. He tells the characters
that he received a call from someone at the
school who told him his brother had been in a
bad accident that has left him unconscious. He
knows about the attack in the woods, and even
tells the characters that he knows about the
people who attacked them.

VV Caleb is vague on where he got his info

from; simply saying I have my sources.
VV When asked how a camera operator has
sources, he becomes hostile, telling them
Its none of your business.
VV He asks if they have any important info to
share but he seems to know everything
they know already. He will even reference
any cool moves or powers the group used
in their fight.
VV If he becomes flustered or feels the group
is becoming overly inquisitive towards

him then he will try to leave.

After their encounter with Caleb, the characters will see a news van driving around to the
back of the school. Going through the school
to the rear exit will see a news crew has interrupted a shipment of school food going into
the schools loading docks and the reporter begins asking lots of heated questions. The men
loading the food seem incredibly agitated and
one crate falls off the dock and smashes onto
the ground. As it hits the ground, the sound of
glass shattering is audible to everyone nearby
though the label reads TOMATOES.

VV Convincing the news crew to leave will

involve a Simple (10) Empathy or Intimidation check on them. Causing the crew to
leave will earn the characters the thanks
of the faculty, though the employees on
the docks remain standoffish.
VV Stealing the crate away will require a
Moderate (20) Stealth check since the
crate is in plain sight. The crate is not full
of food but instead is full of numerous
beakers, test tubes, and graduated cylinders. A Simple (10) Knowledge check
reveals that this equipment does not appear to be for the chemistry classes but

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instead for chemical research.

Mr. Stroganov: Please, everyone

calm down! I know how it sounds, and I
dont like it either, but until I can speak
with Principal Hauss, we cannot get
anything done. Can you all go to your
dorm rooms now?
The teachers at first refuse to listen to the
characters but a Moderate (20) Persuasion
check will get them to open up.

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Mr. Stroganov: I do not like what

the Principal is doing. Hes sent most
of the staff home and right now mostly
non-faculty staffs the school. But what
can we do? All of you to your rooms

Academic Conspiracy

As the workers finish loading the food, one

of them goes to get into the delivery truck to
drive away. A Simple (10) Perception check reveals that the worker appears to be hurt, as if
he has just recently been injured but there is
no visible wound.
After the truck driver drives off, the workers quickly load up their food. All characters
are banned from the cafeteria however, and
the workers will not hesitate to contact the
Principal to help remove them. The Principal
will comment on how it is not normal to have
non-employees watch the boring behind the
scenes work at the school, but he will be very
insistent to have them moved.
As the characters move about the school
they will hear the Principal speak over the intercom and order all students to return to their
rooms and for all non-students to leave the
premises. He says that for their safety that all
students must stay inside their dorm rooms and
that staff will bring food to each of their rooms.

In the main lobby of the school a mob of

irate students are surrounding Mr. Stroganov
and Mrs. Laduca who are doing their best to
calm them down. Mr. Stroganov appears sympathetic to the students but very tense.

Mrs. Laduca: The Principal is on

thin ice as is. First, he demands we
turn over our student observations on
a daily basis and now hes not listening
to any of our complaints. He says hes
under pressure from the ones providing
funding from the school, but arent we
all under pressure these days?

Academic Conspiracy

The teachers will refuse to talk anymore

and will insist the characters either go to
their dorm rooms or leave the premises. The
teachers are quick to spot those who attempt
to sneak out, but short of any open display of
powers, their threats are mainly verbal.

Scene Four:
The Light Reveals
That night bright lights that seem to manifest around them disturb the characters. For
characters who are students, these lights appear as soft glowing orbs, waking them and
leading them out of their rooms. For faculty or
relatives who are on school grounds at night,
they see the orbs in front of them as well and
they lead them to the school infirmary.
Once all the characters have arrived, the
orbs form together and then shine a bright
light on the corner of the room where several
chairs sit against a wall. One of the chairs is
out of place and lying on its side.
-A Simple (10) Intuition or Perception check
will reveal a keypad located behind a false section of the wall. A Moderate (20) Technology or
Tough (30) Athletics check will allow the characters to open the wall by hacking the lock or
by opening the door. Likewise, the use of powers may bypass the door in a much flashier way.
After they have bypassed the orbs, the orbs
disappear, leaving the room dark again. Fortunately, the doorway opens and reveals a ramp
leading down into the earth with soft blue
lights mounted on the walls.
The ramp leads down into a very plain hallway smelling of disinfectants and has security
cameras mounted on the ceiling every 50 feet.

They may bypass the cameras by a Simple (10)

Stealth check, although those who walk in the
open do not seem to set off any alarms. The hallway leads down to a series of glass-walled rooms
on either side with numerous pieces of scientific
equipment buzzing and beeping as well as several chemistry labs brewing chemicals.
One room appears to have a white board on
the wall with a human body crudely drawn out.
Parts of the body are labeled in scientific terms
and an arrow is pointing to the center of the
forehead stating Possible source of powers?
Searching the labs requires a Perception
check, and depending on the players rolls, the
following clues are found:

VV Simple (10): Complete data files on all of

the students and teachers at the school,
including lists of commercial applications
for their powers. Each power is labeled
with what fields it could apply to as well
as what the cost each power would be
worth. An example is Pyrokinetic Construction, Military, Snow Removal Estimated Costs of Power = 14 Million. Files
of former students and their family members are there as well.
VV Moderate (20): A list of possible ways to
extract and replicate each power as well
as information on the corporation financing the school. The Cypher Corporation
has been providing funding to the school
and was one of the chief investors. Cyphers goals include not only educating
AMPs but also identifying the ones whose
abilities would be the most commercially
viable if it were possible for them to be
VV Tough (30): Cypher Corporations list of
employees who work at the school, including Principal Hauss and Dr. Streck, as
well as several employees who deal in
security and maintenance of the school
In addition to all the other information, one
other file is brought up on one research computer. It is labeled Jeremy Miller and gives de-

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Spiegel: Well, well, well, it appears

that once again you guys are sticking
your noses into other peoples businesses. Isnt that right, Ripsaw? Crescendo?
Ripsaw: A blonde man with a jagged
scar on the side of his face, the backs of
his palms manifest wide buzz saws that
crackle with heat. Thats right, Spiegel.
But looks like this will be the last time.
Crescendo: A man with a strange
leather mass attached to his throat and
a broad chest, his voice echoes in the
chamber. Negative, boys. Boss wants
them alive.
Spiegel: Well, beaten black and blue
it is. Shame if they died from the severity of their beatings.
Ripsaw: Yeah, shame if that happened!
The three will then attack, fighting brutally and dirty. They will not hold back if the
characters are students, and will attempt to
incapacitate the characters by knocking them
It is at this point that Caleb appears, having
followed the Characters into the labs. He was
hiding behind an illusion to conceal his pres-

Difference between
Cypher and UHF

Cypher Corporation and the United

Human Front have similar goals but
they are not the same. Cypher wants to
protect humanity like the UHF does, but
they want to study AMPs and identify
what causes their powers. Where some
UHF members may seek to eliminate
AMPs as a threat, Cypher seeks to give
their powers to others or find ways to
eradicate some powers completely.
ence; and he will attempt to use his powers
to blind or distract the three AMPs. If cornered
he will summon a bear illusion to fight them,
focusing his efforts on Spiegel.
When two of their numbers fall, the last one
will attempt to flee, as he does not wish to be
arrested. If interrogated after the fight, the three
refuse to give up any information short of being
interrogated by a Tough (30) Skill check or mental powers, in which case they reveal they were
hired by the Cypher Corporation to be Hunters,
men who focus on capturing AMPs for study.
Caleb will faint after the combat is over, his
nose bleeding heavily. A Moderate (20) Medicine check reveals he is suffering from some
kind of severe head trauma and is in danger of
having a stroke if not treated soon.
Caleb reveals he is actually Jeremy and
has been since that night. Caleb and Jeremy
have routinely been in contact since Jeremy
first went to the school. When Jeremy started
to find there was faculty at the school whose
minds he could not read, Caleb became suspicious and convinced his boss to begin investigating the school. When Jeremy was supposed
to meet Caleb in the woods one night they
were attacked by Spiegel and Jeremy, who had
begun to panic and had his powers flare out of
control, became trapped in his brothers body.
If they can reunite Jeremy with his body, Jeremy
believes he can transfer his mind back over but
until then, he worries his body will continue to
decline without him.
Jeremy knows the pass code to enter the

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Academic Conspiracy

tailed information on Jeremys powers. It mentions his true power limit may never be known
and that an omnipath might yield almost limitless profit if his abilities to read minds can be
duplicated. The fact that he appears to be brain
dead despite no apparent damage or trauma to
his brain has frustrated their researchers, who
are wondering if this is an unforeseen side effect of his powers.
As the characters finish their investigations,
the lights dim in the room and the shadows
begin to move and dance about. At the end of
the hallway three men have appeared. Each
wears the same tactical vests and black BDUs
as the attackers wore the night before but they
do not wear any masks. All three have the bearing of military men, and the one in the middle
has thin tendrils of shadow dancing along his
body. They are Spiegel, Ripsaw and Crescendo.

Academic Conspiracy

operating room where they are keeping his

body. Moving into the room reveals Jeremys
body on an operating table with Dr. Streck and
Principal Hauss standing over him. Hauss has
a gun pointed at Jeremys head, and Streck
has begun using telekinesis to start cutting
away flesh. Hauss is a telepath, though Jeremy
is superior to him, and it was he who put the
mental blocks in his employees heads. Both
Streck (Telekinesis) and Hauss (Telepathy) are
low level AMPs, so their stats would differ little from the Average Person, except they are
supplemented with a Primary Power at Level 4.
Hauss is desperate, and he knows he is running out of time. Six guards (Use Police Officer
stats, AYO, pg. 201) are spaced around the room,
with four of them armed with Tasers and the
rest armed with pistols, and he is counting on
their intimidating appearance to keep the characters at bay. He wants the characters to stand
down, stating the New Day Academys funding
came from the generosity of the Cypher Corporation and without their funding the school
would close. He claims none of their previous
test subjects were hurt (a lie), and that they
mean them no harm (a bigger lie.)
He tries to bring the characters over to his
side but Jeremys body does not have too much
longer and if Streck operates, then he will
surely die. Hauss, not wanting to risk losing
as valuable a test subject as Jeremy, will not
shoot him and instead turn his weapon on the

There are only three outcomes to this battle.

VV The characters are victorious, and take

their evidence of the Cypher Corporations
interference in New Day Academy to the
news. Parents are shocked the school
could be harboring AMPs or employing
AMP mercenaries. The resulting PR incident will shut down the school and lead
to a greater distrust of AMPs in the area.
VV The characters are victorious, but keep
the Cypher Corporations meddling with

vernon reich (order #7379055)

the school quiet. The funding for the

school dries up but the school is able to
continue on in a diminished capacity, with
Mr. Stroganov becoming the new principal. The Cypher Corporation will take an
active interest in the school from now on
and will work to shut it down.

Upon being defeated or if he feels he has no

way to escape, Principal Hauss will immediately
try to take his own life rather than risk being captured. He refuses to face court and would rather
his legacy not be tainted. Dr. Streck, on the other
hand, will gladly turn himself over rather than
die. He is a researcher and not a fighter, though
in combat his scalpel hands are vicious.


Defeat the Hunters and reclaim Jeremys body.


Successfully keep order within the

school and avoid a media frenzy.


Defeating Spiegel, Ripsaw, and Crescendo


Find the secrets in the basement of

the school.


Save Jeremy and depose Principal


Sap Name: Derek Shaw

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Feral
Integrity: 17, Juice: 4
Loyalties: Justice 4, Perfection 1, Self 4,
Truth 1
Skills: Athletics 3, Crafts 2, Deception
4, Discipline 2, Empathy 1, Fighting 6,
Fortitude 6, Intimidation 4, Intuition 3,
Might 4, Speed 4
Primary Power: Claws 6
Augments: Ripping (E1), Gutting (E1),
Double Swipe (T2)
Gifts: Body Building (2), Drug Resistant
(4), Extreme (4), Pain Resistant (2), Fearless (2)
Drawbacks: Addiction (4)
Other: Initiative +7, Movement 12,
Strength +7, Carry/Lift 150/300

Sap Name: Oliver Pitre
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Blaster (Sound)
Integrity: 13, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrade 2, Justice 2, Self 3,
Truth 3
Skills: Athletics 2, Deception 2, Discipline 4, Fighting 3, Fortitude 3, Intuition
2, Knowledge 2, Marksmanship 4, Might
2, Perception 3, Persuasion 3, Speed 2,
Stealth 3, Travel 2
Primary Power: Bolt 6
Augments: Disorient (E0), Potent (E0),
Shockwave (T2)
Gifts: Fast Acting (2), Graceful (2), Wealth
(3), Destiny (3)
Drawbacks: Absent-Minded (4)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 9,
Strength +4, Carry/Lift 100/200

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Academic Conspiracy

VV The characters are defeated or otherwise

give in to Principal Hauss demands. This
can lead to the characters becoming new
test subjects for Cypher Corporation, who
will, after installing mental blocks of their
own, release them to monitor their progress. The school will continue to be a testing ground for the corporation.


vernon reich (order #7379055)

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