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Magical Machine

Have you ever heard about a machine that converts designs

from computer to real objects? New technologies make this machine
possible through 3-D printing, which also called additive
manufacturing. 3-D printing could be an amazing invention, which
applies to many fields, and provide high performance. 3-D printing has
growing impact on the world, because people are able to design and
print three dimensional objects. Furthermore, it can produce parts of
different materials to make specific objects with full requirements. It
opened many possibilities of printing new devices, so it is a fantastic
machine to produce new technologies. 3-D printing can be used in
building up objects that are useful for economies medical sectors,
handguns, and circuits.
Starting with 3D printing that causes alternative way of
economy. As the writer mentioned in his article"Print me a
Stradivarius", technologies may change economy and society by
inventing 3D-printer.By pressing print, People design a shape in
computers, then 3D printer turns it in a real object. In other words, by a
few processes 3D printing has the ability to build objects. First,
designing specific shapes in the computer; then by pressing print, the
printer starts to make the designed shape; by selecting material such
as plastic, resins, metal, and putting glue to build up real objects.
According to the article"Print me a Stradivarius", 3D printer able
to make several kinds of objects, and it considers into two parts: small
items such as a desktop monitor, and big items like aircraft parts,
bicycle frames, panels of cars. Moreover, the advantages of the 3D
printer are: affords low cost, reduces waste, and allows the creation of
parts in shapes. In the article Adding Our Way to Abundance Valkyrie
Ice said There are many advantages that mass manufacturing has
brought with it, such as the economies of scale which have enabled
massive reductions in the cost of nearly everything. In the past people
used 3D printer in prototyping for aerospace, medical sector, and
automotive industries. That means, 3D printer used for manufacturing
parts of objects, but nowadays it used for producing completed things.
For engineering sectors, 3D printer allows users to exchange codes of
designs with other engineers, and to collaborate with them to do
business. In contrast, 3D printer might create obstacles for jobs.
Another way, is medical sectors, 3D printer used to create
implantable cartilage. As mentioned in the journal Biofabrication in the

article Cartilage made easy with novel hybrid printer 3D printer

contains from two main parts which are: a traditional ink jet printer and
an electrospinning machine. In addition, these parts are used to build
up structure made from natural and synthetic materials by scientist. As
researchers find that Synthetic materials ensure the strength of the
construct and natural gel materials provide an environment that
promotes cell growth. Some studies show that hybrid system is more
useful compared to an ink jet printer, because it allows to keep up a real-life
system. The electrospinning machine used polymer solution to build up
the fine fibers, also it allows the polymer to compose to produce
porous structures. Therefore, many researches test this machine on the
mice to see results, then they applied in a humans body, also they
mentioned an MRI scan is a useful way in the future to treat injured
patients. Valkyrie Ice mentioned in his article Adding Our Way to
Abundance, the 3D printer or bio printer used to make organs from
patients stem cells. Also, using stem cells to produce the needed

The Wiki Weapons Project suggests to distribute a file online for

printing a three dimensional handgun at home. Distribute these kinds
of files allow people to print their firearm at home for defense
purposes. The main important point, people can do an interesting and
uninteresting object by the 3D printer. As mentioned in the article,
FYI: It Legal to 3D printer A Handgun? Experts find that distributing
online files can be exciting. Many arguments said that firearm files
should not be distributed, because of several reasons such as: it could
not be productive or not useful. According to Clay Dillow in his article,
FYI: It Legal to 3D printer A Handgun? The idea of making handgun is
not legal, because it is not really accurate. In addition, the defense
cant be achieved by using a 3D printer to create a firearm or other
personal protection devices. Michael Weinberg believes that the online
file is just information to learn how to produce the gun, so he
encourages to distribute it. Thus, the expert cannot imagine the new
world without technology such as 3D printer.
3D printer also used to print complex circuits. Ritesh Lakhkar is
the writer of the article Liquid Metal Printing, and he is a research
and development engineer. Lakhar included many points in his article,
but his main and most detailed point is the electronics development of
the Liquid Metal Printing. Dr. Jing Liu invented the liquid metal based
on chip cooling technology. He tried to use the liquid metal
technologies in different fields such as liquid metal 3D printing and

printed electronics. According to Dr. Liu manufacturing is the most

complex stage, and they are time, water, material and energy
consuming; he used a method called conformable electronic
connection for manufacturing electronics. Moreover, he thought about
making the manufacturing quickly, so he utilized low melting point
metal ink and the related flexible packaging material. These
innovations of additive electronics fabrication are important for making
new complex devices. There are many uses for the new technology,
which are: people can use it in making electrical circuits such as LED,
monitor the physiological information in the human body, and to
manufacture personal electronics (2). The new technology is very
useful because it saves the time and money for factories.
Furthermore, the liquid printing metal can be used to print
electrical circuits on paper, plastic, glass, rubber, cotton cloth and tree
leaves. In my opinion the new technologies are always developing and
the new inventions such as Liquid Metal Printing are very amazing,
because it used to print complex electrical circuits with low cost.
Besides, according to the article Liquid Metal Printing, the new
technology are amazing for producing new devices, because they are
simple and can be commercialized in an easy way.
New technology such as this machine spread along vast area
around the world. From my perspective, having an interesting personal
machine such as the 3D printer, allows people to design and innovate
new objects in their computers. Nowadays, making a real three
dimension object able to change our world. 3D printer opened a new
door in the world to have new applications, devices, material, and
tools. Thus, the new 3D printer makes the whole object, just by
pressing print, while other machines prints several parts of objects. So,
3D printer achieves what people hope to have in the future.

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