Bulletin2 14

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Men Serving AWAITS YOU AT ALL Family Focus

Volume XII February 14, 2010 Number 7
Today – February 14, 2010 Next Sunday – February 21, 2010 Logan Martin Church of Christ
Bible Study
Morning Morning 9:00 AM P.O. Box 1602 (2826 Martin St. South)
Announcements B.J. Hyche Announcements B.J. Hyche
Lead Singing Drew Taggart Lead Singing Ralph Bearden
Morning Worship Pell City, Alabama 35125
Opening Prayer Andy Taggart Opening Prayer Jeff Madaris
10:00 AM Ph: 205-884-2870, Website: www.lmchurchofchrist.org
Evening Worship
Closing Prayer Brandon Baker Closing Prayer James West
6:00 PM
―The Church Where Everybody is Somebody‖
Scripture Reading Jerry Stanley Scripture Reading David Mays
Lord’s Supper Bart Payne—I Cor.15:12-23 Lord’s Supper James Mays—I Cor.11:23-29 Wednesday
Servers: Doug Smith, Ande Zimmerman, Danny Gilliam,
Clint Holcomb, Ben Payne, Ralph Bearden
Servers: Jonathan Garrett, John Gregg, David Mays,
Drew Taggart, Chris Hyche, Timothy Taggart
Bible Study 7:00 PM Visitors…
Alternates: Robert Daniels & Jeff Madaris Alternates: Jerry Stanley & David Hopkins JOIN US EACH SECOND Thank you for worshiping with us today. Please fill out a visitor’s card so
Evening Evening SUNDAY FOLLOWING OUR that we may have a record of your attendance. You may put it in the
MORNING WORSHIP collection plate or leave it on the pew. We hope that you find our worship
Announcements B.J. Hyche Announcements B.J. Hyche
Lead Singing Bart Payne Lead Singing Drew Taggart FELLOWSHIP MEAL. services in order with God’s word and that you are uplifted when you
Opening Prayer David Andrews Opening Prayer Doug Smith ON EACH FIFTH SUNDAY, leave. If there is any way that we may help you or if you have any
Closing Prayer John Gregg Closing Prayer Elmer Wheaton JOIN US FOR A
Lord’s Supper Bart Payne & Doug Smith Lord’s Supper James Mays & Jonathan Garrett FELLOWSHIP MEAL
questions about the church, please let us know. We invite you to come
FOLLOWING OUR back and worship with us again.
12:30 PM
Long Term Illnesses and Fighting Cancer Fighting Cancer Cont’d Elders
Rehabilitation Ralph Bearden 672-7651
Today we will have our Second Sunday Dinner. Also tonight after the evening services
Debra Allen Jim Smith B.J. Hyche 640-5445
there will be a VBS meeting for everyone interested in working with VBS 2010. Please
Bill Babcock Harold Walton James C. Mays 338-1377
bring finger foods.
Alene Barnes Betty Blasingame Carol Webster Deacons
Samantha Bridgewater-lung disease Maliea Box Joe Wiser David Hopkins 338-3398
Chris Hyche 640-3534 There will be a baby shower for Felicia Roland on February 21 st here at the building.
John Cooley Johnny Councilman
Jeff Madaris 338-7325
Lisa Fletcher--dialysis Kaeli Crocker The Ironaton church of Christ will have Ladies Day February 27 th from 9:00-11:30 with
Andy Taggart 338-1086
Martin Goode Lily Daniels registration beginning at 8:30 am. The guest speaker will be Sheila Butt.
Everett Goodenough Terry Davidson
Tim Hayes 763-1993
Russell Harbison Mrs. Dudley Pray for those serving in the military Danny Mitchell’s address is now 1000 Barry Street Oxford AL. 36203. No visitors at this
Youth and Associate
Hilda McClain Margaret Evans time.
Brenda Parker--rehab Sarah Goss Arthur Bennett
Ande Zimmerman
Chris Santos Tom Greenway Greg Burnett 903-9279 If you would like to send a sympathy card to Audrey Stanley’s aunt her address is: Ruby
Waylene Stidham--Glaucoma Shauna Heck Scott Fussell Evangelism Efforts Nell Millwood 1820 County Road 20, Nauvoo, AL. 35578.
Judy Wagner--dialysis Jimmy Knight Mike Galloway Ron Clayton – India
Scotty Wheeler--Lakeshore rehab Dondi Lee Bill Hamrick Faulkner University Don’t forget to check out Logan Martin’s new website at www.LMCOC.com. You
Anessa White Teresa Lewis Jordan Madaris Jimmie Hill – will be very glad you did!
Scott Williams—treatment at Lakeshore Sheree Mann Ryan Madaris Truth for the World
Richard May Jake Meadows--Corey’s brother-in-law House to House /
Mark Mitchell Arthur Savage Heart to Heart
Backwoods Christian The family of Alene Barnes; The family of Lloyd Millwood ,Audrey Stanley’s uncle;
Stuart Moore Beth Lambert—St. Vincent’s Birmingham room 305; Diane Savage; Vivian Greene—
Jennifer Poore Disaster Relief Fund breathing problems; Joan and Steve; Verna Smith’s sister Georgia; Victoria Boyd’s
Howard Poteet Latin American Missions brother William Constable—cancer-Citizen’s Hosp.room 306; The family of Ella
Paul Rink Remember our youth away at college Granby church of Christ Watson; The family of Benny Richardson; The family of Francis Birnbaum; Casey Mott-
Jay Rogers Remember those on our outreach sheet George Jensen 7th grader at DJHS; Vi Watson-knee replacement; Anna and Clint’s sister-in-law
Sherry Sawyer Benevolence Amanda; The Spears Family; The family of Randy Duncan; Sophie Gilliland; All those
Clara Sherrill Food Pantry in Haiti; Brenda Green’s baby; Frannie Epstein; Mr. Conway; Rickey Mitchell; Corey
Geneva Smith Mitchell; Danny Mitchell; Albert Jones; The Murrell family; Christa Smith; Stacy
Osborn; Jim Smith—treatments every 3 months
Our New Home on the Internet LOVE

The responsibility is uniquely ours. The message the Jesus preached to the Apostles in He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love (I John 4:8).
Mark 16 applies to everyone. To ―go into all the world and preach the gospel to every
creature‖ (Mark 16:15) was not a command given only to those there at that time, but it is a In 1965 Jackie DeShannon sang, “What the World needs now is love sweet love”
command for all Christians. The way to ―go into all the world‖ is never specified. We know
and she was correct. She was correct in the fact that God is love and the world definitely
that we can go into all the world as many of our missionaries do, we can ―go into all the
world‖ by spending time studying with our friends and those close to us and around us. The needs God. Without God there is no love; without God there is no life because God is the
method is not specified, but the command is clear, that EACH Christian and the church as a
giver and sustainer of life and love.
whole has the responsibility to teach others the gospel of Christ.
With that being said, it is a great thing that our Elders have taken on the responsibility to Can you imagine a world in which there is no love? Can you imagine a world in
establish an ―internet home‖ for the Logan Martin church of Christ. What will our new
which there is no God? Moses recorded that in the days of Noah “the wickedness of man
home offer? The new internet home can be found at www.LMCOC.com and will offer the
ability to read articles that are constantly refreshed and updated. Sermons preached each was great in the earth.” As evil as the world was, God was still in the world as seen in the
Sunday will able to be heard on this new home, calendars of current events can be located
life of Noah. As evil as the world is today it is nowhere close to the wickedness as in the
so that each member here can keep up with all the activities we have going on. Prayer
request can be submitted, and space to ask a question to either Tim or myself is available. days of Noah. God and love were manifested in the lives of Noah and his family; God and
For our young people, the new site will offer class outlines for current bible class material.
love are manifested in the lives of Christians.
Pictures of a large number of events can be found, as well as the current calendar. Lastly, a
―parents page‖ just for our parents, with current updated information you need regarding We enjoy love because of God. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he
upcoming events.
loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins (I John 4:10). We love because
The hope is simple, that you will use this new ―internet home‖ to keep you up to date on
current information, to utilize this site to listen to lessons which have been presented here, God loved us. The greatest love was shown when God the Father sent God the Son to the
to look at pictures of events, and spend time in study of God’s word during times we are
world to die on the cross because of our sins. From God’s great example we know how to
not assembled together. Of course our new home in no way takes the place of attending
regular services. Our attendance is expected and commanded by God (Heb 10:25). But how love God and one another.
thankful we can be to our Elders for their foresight in establishing a ―home away from
The love we enjoy with our spouse, children, friends and families is a wonderful
home‖ for each of us to continue to stay connected.
gift from God. For one to fail to have the proper love in his heart is for one to fail to have
Ande Z
God properly in his heart. The one and only true answer for marriage problems is God and
February Activities His love; the one and only true answer for family problems is God and His love.
02/14 – VBS Meeting immediately following evening services – bring finger foods As we celebrate this Valentine’s Day let us make sure we remember the one who
02/21 – Area Wide Devo @ Roebuck Parkway – Bring a Friend Day Leave @ 4pm, return
@ 7:30 makes love possible and let us love with the love of God.
02/27 – Bowling for 7th grade and up – depart Logan Martin at 3pm bring money
02/28 – 7th grade and up devo after services – location TBA Tim
03/07 – Parent Meeting for all age groups after morning services

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