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Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing





Teachings & Messages

Complete Remote Viewing Training System, Version II

Affiliation Program

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For num erous additional feedback , discussions, practical tips, techniques, and operational targets,
visit our students' forum

Ann Hobson wrote to us this testimonial on

December 17, 2004:
Regaining constant bliss and joy
Feeling united with all Life
Being pure consciousness in space and seeing herself as the One
Nature welcomes her, sings, and confirms
Just a note to let you know that I started the combined RV/RI course in October 2004
and the journey has been amazing and joyful. I feel like a chesser cat sometimes when I
walk around on my way to or from work or running errands, etc, with a wide grin on my
face and my body spasmodic with pleasure of experiencing a heart that's wide open!!
Watching/feeling people and animals and plants as part of the ONE, part of myself, is
just..... I have no words for it except "bliss-full" Ha-ha!
I'm nearing the completion of the course(s) and getting ready to start over on the 2nd
run and see what adventures I experience! A couples of experiences I'd like to share
(out of many) is that around the second week of starting the course, I was listening to
the CD while in bed and I "woke up" and I saw that I was no longer within the walls of my
apartment, I was in the midst of a cobalt blue sky or universe full of stars and a face
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kind of "engraved" in the sky (it was my face and the face of the "One" all together!!! I
was not in the room!! Ha. And another time when I did a session outside among the
trees and foliage.... wow! the response from the birds around me was amazing! The
crows, I've never seen so many crows surrounding me/the area. And they seem to be
welcoming me or congratulating me, they were so excited. A hawk left a gift for me (a
nest-building twig from a tree), etc. WOW! is the word of the day! My musical career
seems to be taking off as well in ways that are mind-boggling as well. I must say that I
truly feel Joy 98% of the time and working on the other 2%. My body feels like an
electrical circuit too! A real live wire! More later. Thank you Gerald!
Ann Hobson a.k.a. Ayanna Hobson

Willie Macon a recent Remote Viewing/Remote

Influencing trainee wrote us this enthusiastic testimonial on November
16, 2004:
Time of no Time
Experiencing a Deja Vu. Seeing reality first from the Higher Self
perspective and then from the lower Self one
Telepathic Remote Viewing
Remote Influencing
Out-of-body experiences
My dear Gerald,
It was my total pleasure in speaking with you this afternoon. You know I had called
once before right after the hurricanes and you asked me to call back. I waited because I
felt a bit unsure of myself. So I decided to call today and WOW am I glad I did. It is like
that conversation with you freed me to go to my next level which can only be more
spectacular than this one! I am flying so high!!! Most of the time for the last few months
I feel invincible, like I can walk on water! I lack word to express my joy and gratitude to
you for these courses. I am taking the combo Remote Viewing/ Remote Influencing
courses. I started in early August 2004. I am on my second time through, and I must
say, I have had and continue to have some incredible experiences!
Time of no time
The very first day that I got the RI course in the mail, about a week after I got the RV
course- I sat in my bedroom and read the manual while I let the CD Theta track play. I
did this unknown to myself for 4 hours by the clock. I was surprised when my husband
called from the airport for me to come and get him. I got up quickly and started down
the stairs, and I felt woozy. I stopped and reminded myself to come back to beta. then I
did my emergence. Went into my garage, started my auto and noticed that it was 10:10
pm. I still felt a little other-worldly. I backed out of my drive way about 20 feet and
drove to the street about 100 feet, and then I noticed that the clock now said 10:21
pm. I was amazed, I looked back and could still see my garage, how could 11 minutes
have elapsed? I proceeded to the airport which is 22 miles without traffic in dry
weather, and it had been raining that night. When I arrived at the airport the clock said
10:29 pm!! How is that possible? My best time is 30 minutes to the airport! To have
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driven 22 miles in 9 minutes!! AMAZING!!

Deja vu
I was a passenger in a car with friends. The gentleman was outside our car pumping
gas, and I kind of zoned out going within. I saw a lady finish pumping her gas in a blue
color van, and then I saw her get in and pull away! A few seconds later I saw her do the
same exact thing AGAIN!!! Saturday afternoon about 3 PM in broad daylight! I wanted
to tell this to my friends but they would think I am too weird! They would have had the
padded truck come and take me away!! (smile) So I just jumped up and down inside
myself! I really enjoyed it!
Telepathic Remote Viewing
I have on many occasions shocked my daughters by reading their minds! It freaks them
out! I love it! On one occasion, my youngest called to ask me for a recipe-She said "
mom do you remember" and I finished her sentence "that hamburger one?" She said:
"Woman you gotta stop freaking me out like that!!" We both laughed and I really
enjoyed freaking her out--I had already done it to her about 5 times!
Remote Influencing
I was able to avert a disaster involving the real estate closing transaction on our new
house, which by all practical accounts we should not have been able to get, but since I
knew I could create my own reality--I DID IT! And we are living in it right now: a
beautiful 4 bedroom colonial in a beautiful neighborhood. Anyway, we had started
looking in TN back in April- But with negotiations and etc, it took until September to
close and move from Atlanta.. (My husband was getting transferred, he wanted it-I
HELPED) In April when we had our credit report run (on Pins and needles) it showed all
our tax liens paid which they were since 2000. BUT in September 2004 one showed
mistakenly open! 1 day before the closing at 4:30 in the afternoon! It was suggested I
go to the IRS field office. I rejected that. Instead I went into Theta and consulted my
guide within, and asked for help. I said' Any suggestions would be appreciated" then I
emerged again as I was driving! Smile! Within seconds-It came to me as clear as day-"Go
to the courthouse. When they released the lien, they sent a copy to the court house" I
was shocked and amazed, but I did as I was told and in 10 minutes, and $2.00 for the
copies, I had copies of ALL the release forms which I faxed to the Mortgage Co. and we
closed without a hitch!!!
Now some of you might say--that is no miracle- But I did not know that information
beforehand-it never occurred to me to even wonder about how they release liens etc...
And It would have panicked in the past! That is before I discovered that I and the One
are really one!
Out-of -body experiences
I have also had about 4 out-of-body-experiences. The first was while listening to
Remote Influencing tape 5. I was half asleep and woke as it started, it was magnificent!
It started as if I was being pulled up like by strings at my middle (Iwas on my side)
around my hips, the my top and then my legs, then I was projected up very fast and I
went through white clouds or lights with blue at the edges then they broke up into
triangle shapes of the same colors, and then I was floating back down and gently
lowered into my body and I felt myself settle just the way I had been lifted moments

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before, and I felt like my whole being went AHHHH! it was 1000 times better than the
best orgasm I have ever experienced!!
I had about 3, one right after the other while I was asleep listening to tape #2 of the
Remote Viewing course.
They were quick and wonderful. It was like I didn't want to settle back in at all! (lol)
Well Gerald, what can I say. I listen constantly! I can't get enough, my excitement is so
great that I just must have them. I meditate with a tape every night sometimes a
couple times a day. I play the Delta track each night on the CD player where we sleepMy husband asked me to leave it on so he could hear it too! I also listen to a tape while I
seep with the cassette player and headphones! I thought I might be overdoing it, but I
now know that I get to decide how much is enough for me- My inner self is talking and I
Gerald in the last few months my life and the lives of those I love have changed so much
(Even though my children in particular kindly treat me like an escaped mental patient
at times--SMILE) but I KNOW THE REAL TRUTH-and I can help them without their
permission-as long it it is to their benefit. MY life is so beautiful, and I am so grateful
that sometimes I go down to that room in theta and I start to thank the Universal Mind
and I just burst into tears of joy and gratitude! It is truly overwhelming! I go there a lot
and we my guide who I call Willie Sam, since I as Willie M. I named her WSM--my
initials and call her Willie Sam. She appeared in my mental lab one day in deep
theta when I went there, after I went down the stairs, she was there, looking like me but
perfect-we have since merged during one of my meditations, now she is with me always
(I now know she always has been inside me as my higher self-but the difference is that
now I KNOW it!)
Thank You again Gerald for this material-I am putting it to good use! Anyway that's all
for now. I am having great mind safaris!!
Will be in touch soon!
Willie Macon

Rodney Matejek wrote to us on November 11,

2004 about immediate effects upon listening to our entraining CD
Just got the combined package yesterday, and already I'm seeing changes. The
question is whether or not we have the faith and strength to see this through to the

Like a tuning fork vibrating against an acoustic guitar, all of a sudden the guitar is now
vibrating at the correct pitch. It doesn't take much to tune the strings from there.

Even now I still feel the vibrations I felt listening to the CD last night. All I have to do is
remember the vibrations, not my perceptions of myself or of this world. What a
wonderful adventure!


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Henri Weinstrass <> an RV and RI trainee sends us

this enthusiastic testimonial on November 07, 2004.
Instant manifestation of Reality after completing our combo
Experiencing the Oneness of all things and beings. How, after each
repeat revisiting of the training, greater awareness and experiences
Hello Gerald!
I just wanted to write, and tell you how I am doing with your combo course. Well one
thing is for sure! I am not in Kansas anymore! I have finished it for the 2nd time. All I
can say is that it is unbelievable from the 1st time to the 2nd. I guess the 1st time I went
through it, it was mainly a warm up. The 2nd time is out of this world. I could write
day and night about experiences and changes, but I will keep it short. I will start by
saying that these words do no justice to the reality one must experience for
themselves. But I have remote influenced my reality by thought and then experienced
the reality shortly afterwards. For instance there is a covered bridge over a creek near
where I live. I had not been there in a while, and decided to walk back too it. I kept
telling myself I was going to see a snake. I put energy into, and really began to pay
attention. I hadn't seen a live snake face to face in a long time. I walked a while. Then I
was about to walk back when suddenly I felt the urge to walk to the left, on the edge of a
small ledge overlooking the creek.. I looked down when I got there and sure enough, a
small green snake came up. The interesting thing is is that the snake followed me,
wouldn't go in the other direction, it just hung around me. I picked it up. It slithered
into a bush and went near the top, and sat right beside me in the bush. I finally took it
into the woods. I remote influenced the snake and it is as if the snake wanted us to be
I have also remote influenced a car. I had thought about a red BMW for a while. Then
one day I was driving and thought to myself maybe I will see a red BMW today. I was
driving down the interstate, and I looked in the rear-view mirror, nothing behind me.
5-10 seconds later, and wow, a bright red BMW. It came right on my bumper and then
just as fast darted to the right and off of the interstate.
All of this gets your attention by the way! But the main and most important changes
are the ones within. The peace, happiness, and joy of the ONE! That is the ultimate!
Money and material, not required!!!! The Eternal Flame within, achieved through tape
7 A of the RI Course is amazing. It truly does awaken and guide you. These courses
ultimately teaches and opens up your awareness to the realization that we are all One,
and that we remote influence our reality every step of the way, by our thoughts! Not
only does Gerald's courses open you to these wonderful realities, but you will learn it,
and learn to control it for yourself by yourself. Which is ultimately the most important.
One last thing. These courses are the first thing I have ever encountered that does not
get old. The more I listen the more I love. They are truly without a doubt the greatest
gifts I have ever encountered in my entire life. I have wrote just two small experiences,
but the big overall picture and feelings ONE will achieve are indescribable!! I have
learnt that if you want attention, and I mean REAL ATTENTION, do ONE thingSMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerald you truly are Helping Save Our World, and now I am proud to say that I am
Keep up the Beautiful Work!
Your Pal with LOVE AND LIGHT!!!
Greg Ledford!
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Wendy Starr a combination RV/RI student

sends us this testimonial on October 16th, 2004
Physiological responses from just listening to the CD brainwave
I have done the CD that came with the combined RV/RI course twice. The first time, in
the latter half of the second track, my head began to involuntarily move around in a
circle, or back and forth. I also experienced a numbing in most of my body (except my
head) and my body temperature rose quickly, beginning with the feet (very unusual, as
my feet are almost always cold). My facial muscles involuntarily contracted, too. Is all
this normal?
The second time I ran the CD, I was not in bed, but going through a body work
(stretching) routine. I have been a fitness instructor for 25 years and have NEVER been
able to grasp my hands behind my back (when left arm is in the triceps stretch
overhead and the right is reaching up from below)--believe me, I have tried A LOT.
When the CD was running, I found that I didn't have to try at all, I just had to release my
mind about it. I just kept them there, inching toward one another, breathing with the
sounds, letting go and concentrating, but not "trying." I somehow knew it would
happen, but not because I willed it: I touched my fingers and couldn't believe it.
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to actually starting the combined courses! Any
feedback would be appreciated.
Wendy Starr

Brendan Savage, a recent combination Remote Viewing/Remote

Influencing Canadian trainee , sent us
this interesting feedback on October 8, 2004
Experiencing Remote Viewing across Time and Space from the Delta
(sleep) state (part of the RI training)
Dear Gerald:
I had an incredibly vivid and profound experience last night. I've had the course for
about 3 or 4 weeks. As I was falling asleep yesterday I decided to see if I could
consciously go to the edge of delta and remain there for as long as possible. When I was
sufficiently deep, I attempted to turn my ethereal body around so I was facing my
sleeping body. Then I decided to go UP! When I thought this, I was immediately shot
up for what seemed like a couple of seconds. I then asked what my probable future 5
years from now is and was immediately "whisked away" to what seemed to be my future
dwelling. I could from that point think of whatever situation I wanted and it was there
for me to view. I was almost able to fly around in this state. When I woke up only about
a half hour had passed but it had seemed like hours.
What I want to know is what it was I was experiencing? When I first "shot up" I thought
I was having an OOBE, but right after that my experience was more akin to a lucid
dream (BTW, the most vivid dream I have EVER had).
Is it possible to combine these two types of states? Are they mutually excusive? I've
never experienced anything quite as real as this in my mind that I can remember. I
would greatly appreciate it if you could give me your opinion/explanation of my
Thanks for your valuable time.
Peace and Positivity,
converted by W

Brendan Savage

Shake Malalo a recent Remote

Viewing/Remote Influencing combination trainee wrote to us this
testimonial on August 31, 2004
Increased interest originating from the opposite sex
Dear Gerald,
I am already doing the training and I am left with three tapes to finish the first round of
the RV/RI course.
I would like to increase my intelligence drastically. Should I listen to tape 3 (the one
that changes brain circuitry) several times or what should I do?
Ladies seem to like me more than before. Why is this so? Is this a result of the
All the best Gerald.

Ben Toco wrote to us on August 28, 2004:

Healing advanced stress and depression
Remote viewing
Dr Mr. O'Donnell
Let me first start by thanking you for this awesome course. Back in march I had a bad
business experience that led me to do some soul searching. Well, I was very depressed
and had lost some faith. I was even seeing a counselor for my problems. Back in June I
found your site very interesting and ordered both courses. Well I am almost
completely healed of my stress etc. Staring the course tape 2a my ego fought bad but
ultimately my higher self won. When practicing tape 3b and going to remote locations I
began to see these locations very clear but only bits of them. The next day doing the
tape again I wanted to locate were my wife was, knowing she would be home soon.
Asking my higher self were she was I viewed her in a traffic jam . When she came home
being delayed I asked her what had taken so long, she told me there was an accident
and she was stuck in traffic. I asked her were it was and it was were I had seen her. The
only problem is I viewed her in the future not the present. Do I have to state present to
view the present? This is truly amazing!! Thank you so much. Cant wait for what I will
learn. I knew there was a way to the ONE. Thanks for bringing me to the door..... Ben
Dr John J. Conrardy send us this thank you note
on August 7, 2004 Subject:
Life changing impact of our RV/RI training
Dear Gerald....Thank you so very much....not only for the CD BUT all that your tapes
have done for me and my life....I have been a slow but steady student.......I have delved
deeply into the void and found my self.....what a wondrous construct of reality.....I
have also located the love of my life and true soul mate.......Today as I was jogging in
the park, listening to #2, series 1, I saw our souls dancing above us.........My lovely wife

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is starting the series this weekend and is looking so forward to the two of us viewing
together.......Life is grand.....Thank you again so very much.......John

Richard Stromsted wrote to us on August 07,

2004 this testimonial about the combination RV/RI course.
Becoming a source of joy and charisma to others in his environment
Successfully influencing his wife to attain automatically her ideal
Progress Report: I just completed the second time through the RI/RV with a month off
after the first time as per your suggestion. I'm still listening late at night, sometime
between 11PM & 5 AM, as previously explained. It took a long time, but I finally am
able to maintain the almost asleep status. It happened just a few days ago.
Things I've noticed.
1. People seem to laugh much more than before.
2. I suggested while in Delta that my wife's weight should be 120 pounds, her ideal
weight. Just last night she told me that her weight is 121 at night fully clothed.
3. My eyes seem to flicker in Theta. They don't in Alpha or Delta even when I move
from one to another through Theta quickly. Unless you suggest differently, I plan to go
through the program again immediately. I feel that I will experience something
dramatic this time. Richard Stromsted

Tracy Goodson wrote to us on July 28, 2004:

Peace, strength. and energy, from training with the Combo course
Hi. I wrote a few days ago about trouble I was having with some very financially and
socially powerful people that was affecting me energetically. I used the Theta/Delta CD
since then and all day today I've been getting waves of calmness and mental quietness I
haven't experienced for many (10+) years. Maybe my distressed call for help was
answered by the Universe or. . . was that you?
In any case, thank you. Your amazing kit is giving me a new strength springing from
silence and contentment. I also got waves of energy that made me feel so "connected"
that I could do and accomplish anything wonderful I wanted to without any limitation
(the energy would make it happen).
Thank you x 3!

Greg Ledford a Remote Viewing trainee, sent us

this feedback on July 28, 2004. Subject:
Experiencing vibratory Light
Intuiting people's thoughts and future situations
Better visualization skills
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Hello Gerald,
I wanted to write about my progress. I was trying way, way too hard. Then while
reading some testimonials and then the packets again it dawned on me. Just relax and
let the subconscious go to work.
Well after realizing this I decided to start the course all over.
I am now on RV Tape 3 side B. I have not yet had an OBE experience although , I know
I am getting there.
I experience vibrating light for short periods. It goes almost as fast as it comes,
although I just finished a session, and it lasted longer than ever. Vibrating light is an
amazing experience, even when it doesn't last long.
I am very confident in my progress, and I can just sense wonderful things in my
future. I have also had some intuitive moments. I can get close to someone or be
setting near someone, and think about something and they will say it.
At work I get a thought about someone, and seconds later I see them or hear their
name over the loud speaker.
Their is no doubt we are all connected. I have also been writing with my left hand at
Since I have relaxed with less effort, I go deeper, become pure awareness easily, and I
get some awesome, crystal clear visuals, which I just let happen with no thought. I just
let my higher self guide me. That is the key.
Once again thanks for making these Priceless Miracles of the Matrix available.
May your light vibrate high!
Thanks! Greg Ledford

James S. Bailey PhD (Physics and Electrical Engineering)

JBAILEY167 @AOL.COM and member of Who's who in American Men of
Science wrote to us this nice testimonial on July 27, 2004. Subject:
The power of the RV course in achieving rapidly very deep levels of
Experiencing after a couple of days two successful Remote Viewing
I received your RV program one week ago and it is really great. I am writing to say how
much I like it, and to thank you for it. I will give you an update on where I stand.
I have been a serious meditator for over 25 years. I learned it while on active duty in
the Marine Corps (can you believe it?)
My practice is aimed at the Union with God. Being an old Southern Baptist, I became
very interested in Meditation for this reason and I feel that I have succeeded. I am
quite happy with my practice, but found your tapes to be a new and better way to "go
deeper" that I knew before.
My previous meditation practice was to sit upright, spine vertical, close my eyes, and
count my breaths. I count from 1 to 100 and then from 100 back down to 1. It works
well and is very repeatable. No problems at all.
I now listen to your tapes while laying down. It takes me deeper, faster, and , best of all,
I do not hear the brain chatter noise.

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My girlfriend said that she does not understand how I can have brain chatter noise
when you I don't have a brain!
Over the years I have experienced almost everything that you can imagine. I have
learned that I do much better in this using USMC sound canceller headphones to block
external noise.
After receiving your program I have had two Remote Viewings.
The next day (Tuesday)) after it came in, I had a vision of several birds with their
beaks dropping off. The following day the news came out about the Pilgrim Pride
Chicken Plant in West Virginia. An undercover man filmed them pulling the beaks off
chickens. It was on national news. I love animals and this really lit me off.
Two days later (last Thursday) I had a vision of a finger writing in the sand. It
wrote a large number '6'. It then made a small broken line and then made a small circle.
after wondering about this, on Sunday I saw Lance Armstrong had won the Tour de
France for the 6th time! I now see that the other parts were a handle bar and a wheel.
I have no doubt about the validity of these incidents. I see it as a gift from the Lord and
am very thankful. I have found that the Lord (the Universal Intelligence) is a lot of fun.
So I am continuing on and will stay in touch.
Thank you again, Gerald, and best wishes.
Jimmy P.S. Is that your voice on the tape?

Manuel Madrid rote to us this testimonial on July 05,

2004. Subject:
Life changing aspects of the RV/RI courses
Reading peoples' thoughts
Dramatically increasing the sales volume of his sales' team by the
power of RI alone

I want to report that I have a better control of my life and I am looking forward to
every day's challenges ,which are miniscule in comparison to the big picture of life that
I received with the help of my new found gifts provided by the Academy and Dr.
O'Donnell. I seem to be better at everything that I do . People marvel at how I know
what they where thinking and this is only after listening to the tapes for 3-4 months. My
team that I coordinate is up over 149 % in sales! So far, from Jan. to 7 /2/04, we did in
sales what took us all of last year! Also in April of 04 we did in one month what took us
6 month to do in sales last year !!! This is unbelievable !!! I am contemplating this for a
while and I realize that I really am not killing myself doing this. I guess it is the mental
will or my perceptions becoming reality, which is more comforting than fearing life or
just playing things safe or rolling over and letting life crush me. I have been
controlling my negativities because I have seen them become reality also.
I am very happy with the results so far and I feel that I will get only better results not
only for myself but for all of Mankind where we could live in harmony, love, and peace.
I look forward to this and it is in my prayers every day!!! Please call me when possible
!!! I have one question and that is: could my son of 11 years old listen to the courses?
Thanking You,
Manuel Madrid Jr.

Joe Boyer writes to us on June 26, 2004:

Life changing aspects of the Combo course.
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Telepathic deep loving connection

Thank you SO much! While we're emailing, I thought I'd say thanks for making the
tapes... and making them at an affordable price. They are so amazing. They have indeed
changed my life for the better. I will keep practicing these exercises and build upon
them for the rest of my life. You are doing a truly awesome thing. I'll be 19 in 2 days...
and these are great techniques to learn at this young age. My girlfriend and I started
connecting on a psychic level immediately after doing the first couple of tapes
together. Now we ALWAYS seem to know what the other is thinking, so much that we
don't even have to say it. The potential power of it all takes my breath away. Brightest
Blessings unto you! Happy thoughts indeed!!!
Joe Boyer
Greg Ledford sent us this feedback on June 16,
2004. Subject:
Quickest and deepest levels of mind ever experienced. Deeper than
the UltraMind ESP seminar.
Felling happier and more relaxed
People reacting to him in a friendlier manner as they sense the inner
calm and peaceful energy.
Hello Mr. O'Donnell
I have just finished listening to RV Tape 2 Side B for the second time. First before I go
any further let me say that I have the Ultramind ESP System. It is a very good system,
and the best results with it will be reached by going to the seminars. Well anyways, with
it I have reached the Alpha level of mind and had good results, but the levels of mind I
have reached on the RV tape 2 are by far the quickest and deepest I have ever
experienced. I have not experienced the light fully YET, but I am getting closer. You
said not to worry because the mind will get me there and tonight I found I was
experiencing the process differently than last night. Just by practicing Tape 2, I have
begun to concentrate much better, and I am much more relaxed. Everyone has been
friendly to me, and just overall acting differently around me, as if they are experiencing
the calm and peacefulness I am developing more and more. People just start talking to
me when, before they may have barely spoke or just went on their ways.
I love the new life I have begun for myself, and I want to thank you for making it
available. Because sure we all have the ability, but without you making this program
available I wouldn't have discovered it. As I progress I will keep you updated.
Thanks Again!!! Greg Ledford

Pam Slayton sent us this feedback on Jun 10, 2004.

Increased creative inspiration
Start of an out-of-body-experience.
Hello Gerald, how are you? Before I tell you about my experience, I want to tell you
something else. I'm almost halfway through the first draft of my children's book. If it
gets published, I not only plan to credit you with the teachings I've included, but I also
plan to dedicate the book to you. I feel that it's because of your tapes that the
creativity has set in. I've always wanted to write, but was never sure what I wanted to
write about. However, last week, I did the first side of RI session five, again. This is

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true, but weird, my foot and lower leg had an out of body experience. I seriously could
feel (how do you describe it... the energy body of my foot and leg??) lift right up from
my physical body! I could feel it floating and hovering over my physical leg! It was a
pretty cool experience and I was hoping the rest of my body would follow, but it didn't.
This happened right near the end of side one and if my dog hadn't started barking, I
think something further would have happened if I could have continued on to side two.
Well, I have to go. Hope everything is going well with you. Sincerely, Pam Slayton

Rob wrote to us this testimonial on June 09,

2004. Subject:
We do care
Influencing a job testing situation for the better
Dear Gerald,
I can't thank you enough for the RV & RI course you sent me. They work far better than
I ever thought they would.
I first bought the RV course and listened to it and the results were very good. Then
about a year later I bought the RI course and the results were fantastic. I did struggle a
little bit with some of the concepts and needed some clarification on a few things. So
when I called your phone number to find out how I could contact you I was totally
surprised that you answered the phone. You were eager to help me, which surprised
me. I guess I thought you were only trying to sell courses and make money. But you
weren't. You really are sincere and wanted to help me. Then when I started to
operationally Remote Influence, one of the first things I did was to RI a test which I
was supposed to take at work and takes about 4 hr. I was supposed to take this test from
a guy that is a real pain in the neck (the type of person who if you say "it's a beautiful
day out and not a cloud in the sky" will look all over the sky to try and find a tiny cloud
and say that there's a cloud over there)
So as I was getting ready to go to work, I decided to try to RI the situation so he
wouldn't be the one who would give me the test and I would get the test from another
guy. Then when I went to work I found out that at the last minute they decided to
change instructors and give me exactly what I had RI. I about fainted. I was in total
shock (I mean deep down I knew this was possible but I didn't think I was that capable
or that it was that easy). Basically after that experience I figured out that so long as you
are looking for positive or good things, anything is possible. Feel free to post this on
your web site if you want. You can't get a higher recommendation from me than this. I
think you and your courses are great!!!!
Thank you so much. Rob

Caron Prins wrote to us on June 06, 2004.

Getting the missing link in power manifestation
Hello Gerald /Academy,
I'm really enjoying my meditation sessions everyday. I totally get the concepts you are
teaching about freedom, and that we are Creators of our own worlds.
I have been looking for years for the missing link in understanding. I use to ask myself "
Is this IT? Is this all we're meant to be?"
The whole FEAR and CONSUMPTION Collective Mind our North American society has
created is sad and I've wanted to help for a long time. Now I believe I have the power
Thank you.

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I have to say that a part of me believes that I shouldn't look outside of myself for any
answers, but just keep going along and the answers will come. A truly free person could
do this. To always relay on others for the answer means you don't trust yourself in
being the ONE. Then again why do it alone?
Something for me to chew on. Isn't that the place we are meant to get to?
I know the answer. haha
My your Sun shine bright forever.

Igor Buces A recent trainee from Spain wrote to

us on June 03, 2004 this feedback. Subject:
Best meditation system he has trained with.
Tremendous sense of peace.
Hi, My name is Igor Buces and I bought the combination course about a month and a
half ago. First, I would like to thank you for the material you have created. For many
years I used to meditate but never got to experience what I used to read in numerous
books. With these meditations, I have gotten to feel a tremendous sense of peace that I
had only glanced at before. Out of the many courses I have bought in the past, this is
the only one that I would recommend. I would appreciate any help on how to advance
faster. I want to thank you again for everything. I will keep doing the meditations three
to four times a day because I believe this is what I have been looking for so long.

David Pyne (Phas-Clarecastle) a recent combo trainee, wrote to us on June 01, 2004. Subject:
Feeling of incredible Love after traveling the Light tunnel
Increased Chi energy while training also in Iron Shirt Chi Kung
Dear Mr. O'Donnell:
Thank you. I am on tape 7 of the Remote Influencing course and have really enjoyed
both courses. I have listened to each of the tapes two or three times and when I finish
this tape my plan is to start again and go a little bit deeper. I have had some wonderful
experiences while listening.
While listening to tape 4 of the RI course after traveling up the light tunnel I had the
most unbelievable feeling of love and a tingling all over. When I was in the clouds I got
an image of a white bearded man approaching me, unfortunately I didn't hold this
image for too long but hopefully I will get this feeling again. I started an Iron Shirt Chi
Kung course about the same time as your course and I think they are complementing
each other perfectly. As I progress through it again I will keep you informed of how I
am getting on. I might even have a few questions for you if that's ok with you.
Thanks again, David.

Don Koehler wrote to us on May 23, 2004 this

testimonial about the Combo course. Subject:
Accessing freely the All-Mind
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,
I'm so overwhelmed, I almost don't know what to say. First, thank you so very much for

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your prompt response. I know how busy you must be these days, and I am so very
grateful that you found time in your schedule so quickly. You've been such an
inspiration, and a true giver of hope. Your ever so generous words and actions have
blessed my life with a whole new brighter tomorrow. Finally I am on the right track to
where I want to be.....thanks to you. In a real way, your generosity with the distributing
of such wisdom and advanced technique to the world, and in doing so, the gifts it has
been to me, are just astounding. I could not have done it, nor could I have had access
to such information and techniques if it wasn't for you, and your compelling need to
help the world. I can only imagine what light, those who are using the techniques, are
bringing to the world. Accessing the mind, and using our free will in such a co-creative
capacity is just pure GOD-SEND.....A true gift from the source of all that is. When I think
of all the things that I'll be able to do with these courses, and all the life changing
adventures I have yet to experience on physical, astral, etheric, mental, and masterlevel 5th dimensional planes and maybe even beyond, I feel alive inside.
Thank you for truly taking the time to see the truth in someone, and not just dismissing
them as the illusion that most people would think them to be.
Sincerely, Donald Dean Koehler Jr. (Don)
P.S. may the love and light and blessings of the GOD-GODDESS-ALL-THAT-IS be upon
you for ever and ever AMEN!!! You'll probably need it.

David Pineda sent us this feedback on May 17, 2004.

Feeling the ONE within
Co-creating reality (Remote Influencing) within the Oneness
Dear Mr. O'Donnell, I have been training for over six weeks now with the RV & RI
courses. This has been the most amazing positive experience of my life! I do believe I
was attracted to these courses by divine providence. I felt my whole life that there was
something wrong with the world and all of the religions including my former one
(Jehovah's Witnesses). At one time I thought this was the true religion and then when I
began to see the hypocrisy among my brothers. I lost my faith in that religion and I
dropped out. For a long time I felt hopeless thinking that there was no GOD at all, that
there was no SUPREME BEING, that we were only a product of evolution. I now
understand the words "I am that I am", "my father and I are one, but he is greater than
me." This has been the most enlightening experience I ever had, and I look forward for
more enlightenment! Little did I know that the ONE truly is within us, and having
already felt It, it is the most wonderful feeling there is!
I believe in the unbreakable law of Gal.6:7 namely that "whatever a man is sowing, this
he will also reap." Based on the choices we make today, our outcomes will be good or
bad. The choice that I have made is to be a co-creator of a better world for myself, my
immediate family, friends, and ultimately rest of mankind for I now know that I am
them. I love them as I love myself.
Much Love, David Pineda

Patti Jeane Spencer wrote this touching

story/experience on May 08, 2004. Subject: A lesson in humility and
Remote Viewing and becoming a small leaf and experiencing that we
all are part of the One Consciousness

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This is so fascinating! I had to write and tell you about this morning. I believe I was
doing the 6A RV tape and thinking I would not be too good at it as I just don't seem to
be able to do it, sometimes I feel like giving up on that part of the course as it seems all
to be my imagination and I'm not sure of myself in any of the impressions.
And so this morning as I started that tape early, I was thinking more on just finishing
that tape so I would complete that part of it and get back to the other tapes I like better.
I almost picked the tree outside but I'm not really familiar with it since I have moved
into town, not like I was with my two old trees when I lived in the country. My little ivy
plant kept coming back to me and seemed to be pulling me so I decided to use it instead
of a tree this time. Also, I thought that the tree probably would be easier- perhaps more
intelligent - since it was bigger and the little ivy plant didn't have much experience at
all. It is new, just now growing into a big plant and came from a store.
I was very impressed to pick it out of all the rest when I bought it, I always try to get
impressions about things, even little things like that. So I mentally saw the leaf and held
to my forehead and then listened to your voice, thinking all the time "I can't really do
this"! What you said on the first tape about "I can remote view" kept coming to me inside
my heart and I kept thinking, "No, I really can't I don't think I am really doing it at all"!
Then suddenly I was the leaf! I really was the little ivy leaf! It was so very real! I still am
just thinking about it, so excited...I really did remote view and become the ivy leaf! It
was a very small leaf, smaller than the rest, and at the very rim of the pot. All the leaves
above it were so very huge in comparison. There's no doubt at all in my mind that I
experienced it. Then it really proved itself out as I later looked at the ivy plant. I had
never really looked at it well in detail...but when I suddenly became the little leaf -it
was a very small leaf, much smaller than the rest- I saw myself right underneath other
big, huge leaves. Like being in a forest with tall-stemmed plants with huge leaves
overhead, most of them pointing to the right, leaning toward the right over my head (as
the small leaf). Just for an instant there was fear, as I'm sure the little leaf felt my
presence. Then there was only feeling of protection sensing the leaves above...and I
more than sensed them, I saw them, but not with my eyes...I saw them very clearly
above my head, then I was me again...and I knew I had done it! I really did remote
view, I really can do it! For an instant, I became the leaf. Thank you. As I looked at the
ivy plant a while ago, all the bigger leaves are growing toward the right and sort of
leaning that way, that's the way the light is from where the plant is...and right at the rim
of the pot grows a very small little leaf, much smaller than the other big leaves...
Though I have always been kind to animals and plants and taken care of them, I have a
new feeling about plants an growing things and that little leaf, and all the little leaves
around. I will be very, very careful to not hurt them in any way accidentally. I have
always felt people that wanted to just cut trees down to beautify their land or for
convenience were not too spiritual! But I never had the feeling for little leaves and
small things as I will henceforth...
It was a very teaching and learning experience I have just had...I will never forget the
feeling of "being" the little leaf and the sudden fear of some great presence
overshadowing it for an instant, then knowing that the presence was really me and that
there was nothing to fear. So now I know I can remote view, I have finally succeeded
and I feel very peaceful and as though I reached a new plateau in my existence here on
earth. And I understand a bit now what Jakob Boehme experienced. Its very hard to
explain it as it really was, but I'm sure you understand... I will never be the same again,
not quite...
Patti Jeane

Humphrey M Mubiru, a trainee from South Africa

send us this grateful note on April 30, 2004
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Connecting to Source and forcefully manifesting one's desires.

Dear Mr. O'Donnell,

Morton Glazera a student who trains with our

RV/RI combo sends us on April 22, 2004 this enthusiastic testimonial.
Achieving and describing being awake while the body is asleep (yogi
Sleep). Meeting the One Eye.
Lessons from the course
Healing others from drug addiction and obesity.

Hey Gerald. It is Morton again I've had a couple of new things happen since I last wrote
you, that I thought you would like to know about.
"Yogi sleep", first of all. I finally see what the big deal is about that. That is INCREDIBLE!
I do the RI 7 A exercise almost daily. Two days ago I was doing it, and I got into delta
pretty deep toward the end. All of a sudden I could see the entire room in perfect
vision, but it was illuminated somehow. The lights were off and it was dark, but I could
somehow see it all. There is no way to describe the feeling. You know when you are
exercising and the endorphins kick in hard, or when you have taken a big dose of
morphine? It felt like that, times twenty. It was awesome. I remained like that for a little
bit. I was laying down, but somehow my point of view was like I was sitting up. I looked
at my body for a minute, and my arm started flopping around like you do at night.
Except I couldn't feel it a bit. My leg jerked around a little also. Then I am up in the
clouds all of a sudden. I could see my arms in front of me, except they looked like they
were made of water. Kind of like in the movie "Hollow Man". The EYE was there, too,
except for a little while it looked like it was made of water. Then it turned solid and gold.
I just hung around for a little while. BTW, the last time I was there, it gave me some
strange things. If you want to know about them, let me know and I'll tell you. I have
been there over twenty times now, and that was the first time it gave me things, except
for the time it zapped me.
RI tape 5. That was COOL. I have had the floating thing happen, but I was slightly
conscious of my body up until a week ago. The part where you get to the spinal cord,
and turn off the switch, that one finally came through. I wasn't expecting it. I turn off
the switch and it was literally like an explosion. POW! I saw a flash of light, and I felt
nothing, absolutely nothing. I was startled for a minute, but I went along with it.
Gerald, this stuff is out of this world. Regarding my last message, I know the answer to
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my question. I get the feeling that you "sent" it to me. There really is no set of rules, is
there? The only unbreakable law is, whatever you give out, you get back. Or, do things
that I am proud to tell God Himself about, because that is what I am playing with, isn't
it? I understand now that when I made that lady rethink the way she treated people, the
same thought patterns got stuck in my mind. In a way, I answered my own question. A
lesson to take from that would be: when I judge other people's behavior and decide to
change it, I will also have to take a hard look at myself and question my own motives. I
also understand now that when you heal others, you heal yourself.
Speaking of healing, I've got two big projects on my list for the next couple of days.
These should be a good challenge. One thing is curing mental illness. Hey, I broke a
drug addiction, so this one shouldn't be too much trouble. The second is getting rid of
obesity. I have made two people lose weight, so this one should go over just fine. In the
latter two cases, I was only dealing with 15-20 pounds overweight. This time I will take
off over 100 pounds. I will be sure and let you know how it turns out. I will start writing
you about this stuff from now on. The last time we talked, you had 7 incoming calls in
20 minutes. It's probably better to write, because I know that you are swamped over
there. If you do want to chat over the telephone, tell me and I'll call at your
convenience. Hopefully I will have some more good news for you soon. Until then, take

Bill Walsh writes to us on April1, 2004. Subject:

Techniques of Ascension towards the One.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,
Thank you for the RV &RI courses. With gratitude and respect, I want to tell you that
much of what you offer gives me a familiar sense of deep remembering, a recollection,
so-to-speak. Several years ago I was graced with an experience of Oneness which has
been continually deepening. From what I can tell, We are expressing the same
foundational experience. You're helping me reach some of my most intimate and
important desires. On the phone I will go into detail, if it becomes important to you.
These desires involve my becoming a fully potentialized divinely embodied human
being. Your teaching is enabling me to approach this with a welcome clarity since I feel
mostly I am beginning to find the focusing tools needed and the skills necessary to
reach my goals. I will keep you informed.
May love and light be with you to the fullest.
Thank you, from the heart....
Bill Walsh

Almudena Cervantes , of Spain, writes to us this

warm feedback about the RV/RI combo on March 23, 2004.
Immediate change in vibratory level
Heightened intuition, telepathy, and empathy.
Dissolving fears.
Hello Gerald,

I've began working with the RI tapes, and I want to tell you that they're amazing, the

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change of vibratory level I've experienced have been automatic! I'm used to different
type of techniques and visualization but for the first time I can say that they are
manifesting in my daily live and overall in my attitude towards the "matrix". There's a
big step between the RV and the RI tapes, though I consider both necessary as it is
much easier to enter the delta level once you have worked with the other tapes. I am
more interested in my spiritual development than in searching for targets though with
the RI tapes it is clear that all doors are opened easily.
Just a few questions:
As I see the most important is to work with our emotions and our fears, I see clearly
how the key are in our fears as I realized right now that even though I did meditation,
visualization, etc and positive thinking my fears keep going ..and have manifest in my
life all the time. Connecting to the One is the key, once I experience the dissolution of
myself is when I see that we all are One and then the comprehension of that we are
creators of our reality arrives. But how can you empty yourself, feel the vacuity and at
the same time keep the feeling of your flame within yourself- keep the feeling of a memyself? How can I have a Will TO REMOTE influence or create a reality if the goal is to
return to the One and then you don't have to do anything? Is that when one identifies or
lose the ego and enters in the ocean of the One there's no need to do anything , as the
"reality" manifest itself by the One? Or what you try to say is that in the meantime as we
are still in this matrix we have to remember that we are creators in order to change and
manifest another world of higher light and love as a new level to get-approach to the
The most incredible and beautiful of all is the connection with our mother earth and
keeping the flame within our heart. Right now I try to concentrate in myself, in going
within and keep this flame and love for the earth and myself instead of trying to change
or remote view things as I see one leads the other.
My intuition is quite incredible right now, I can feel and hear what people think and
even the feelings of the people I know that are in Madrid, though it is easier for me to
feel the emotions than to visualize, but I'll keep working on it.
Thank you for your help.

Janet Poland a British student writes to us on

March 15, 2004 about her enthusiasm and benefits from training with the
RV/RI combination
Dear Gerald
I want to thank you from the depth of my being for sharing your truly divine gift.
I know that 'miraculous' things are about to happen. Indeed, they already are
You have enabled me to get where I have been trying to be for all of my
life, but now without having to find my way through an obstacle course, blindfolded,
which is how it used to feel.
Thanks to your course, I have a clarity of perception that enables me function better in
both my spiritual and practical work.
I explained to you at an early stage that I did, once, seem to connect with heaven, but I
did not understand what was happening to me and it all went horribly wrong because I
did not have the information and help provided in your tapes. Actually, I see now that
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nothing was ever really 'wrong', but rather, that I had a useful experience.
Presently, I am working on perfecting my own life as an individual, which I feel will not
take long, then I would like to help to manifest a paradise on earth for all living things.
I know that we can do it!
All the love in the world

Morton of Hawaii wrote on our student forum about the RV/RI courses on March 21, 2004
Telepathic insertion
Healing techniques
Losing weight, stop smoking,
Increased intelligence
Healing someone of a drug addiction and more . . .

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There are several types of RI. The one that I have found to be the most useful is a type
of telepathy. This is covered in tape 6 of the RI course. You can put thoughts into a
person's mind, or you can heal someone powerfully. You wait until they are asleep
and enter an altered state of consciousness. You then merge with their mind and
insert thoughts. It works, very well. My favorite thing to do is heal with it.
You can also influence yourself. With the diamond exercise on tape 6, you can do
most anything within reason. Losing weight, stop smoking, increase intelligence,
even increase RV/RI ability. I have also found that I can cause others to lose weight
with this exercise. You can insert thoughts about quitting junk food, and manipulate
their biophysical field to eliminate excess body fat. I also stopped someone who was
addicted to morphine and crystal met. He is doing very well now. He was addicted to
this stuff for years.
A word of caution: follow the golden rule. Whatever you do to someone will also
affect you. I have lost almost 30 pounds in the past year from doing this. I have also
not been sick. You heal someone and it also works on you because your biophysical
body is merged with the other person's.
Manifesting is something a bit different. When you start the course, I highly
recommend reading "Isaiah Effect" by Gregg Braden and "Holographic Universe" by
Michael Talbot. You will begin to make sense of the strange writings in the Bible and
other sacred texts. I have begun to manifest, but I have only done it with small
things. Finding lost objects, accomplishing a goal, etc. I haven't tried anything bigger.
I don't want to get reckless with it.
The RI course is 80% meditation. The exercises are derived from many sources.
(Gnostic writings, Ancient Egyptians, the Bible, etc.)
When you start it, you won't know what to think of it. I wasn't too impressed with it at
first. Honestly, I thought, "This is freaking WEIRD" and I thought Gerald was a
seriously goofy guy. Six months later my mind was changed in a BIG way.
Maybe the best thing about it is IT IS MUCH EASIER THAN REMOTE VIEWING. In the
last few months I have only begun to practice remote viewing. I got the RV course a
few months before the RI course came out. Within 6 months I was doing some CRAZY
stuff. However, I have done the exercises every day since getting it. If you don't listen
to the tapes every day, you are not going to get very far. If you are an artist,
musician, etc you will understand this. It is an art. Start small and keep building.
Astral projection will also happen. It happens unexpectedly and will probably scare
you at first. After a while you will begin to love it. It feels GOOD.
I could tell you more if you want. PM me if you have any more questions.

Bernard Hubble wrote on February 27

2004. Subject: The multiple benefits of the RV/RI courses
Lucid Dreams
Astral Projections
Connecting to very High realms of Creation and Universes
Healing others
Dear Gerald
I have taken the RV/RI courses for a year and a half. 90% of my time has been spent on
the RI course. It has been worth every minute I put into it.
Some of my recent experiences:
I have lucid visions at random times while using the tapes. These are visions that are
unlike anything one would see in the ordinary world. Being new to this kind of thing, I
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didn't know what they were. I have found out that it is astral projection. In other
words, it is the spirit world, etheric realm, etc.
It started out about five months ago. I was working a lot with RI tape 5 and the fire
exercise on RI tape 7 . In the middle of the exercise, I felt my body start tingling, then
it went numb. My eyes remained closed, then everything in my field of vision came
alive. There were colors and geometric patterns unlike anything I have ever seen. I
found myself hovering in the air and shooting at a high speed into space. I saw stars
and empty space, then what looked like a huge rip, like when cloth or paper is torn.
Shapes were all over the place. Colors were more vibrant than anything I've ever seen.
Things moved, and the closer I looked at them, the more colors I saw inside of them. It
was like an infinite palette of colors. There were eyeballs spaced around in perfect
patterns, which also were swirling with colors inside the pupils.
Then I found myself floating in front of a big golden triangle with an eye in the center.
There was an electric blue fire surrounding it. It sparkled and glowed. I felt myself
being drawn into it, and then it made a big flash. I was being flooded with electric blue
light. All of this was happening without me stopping to wonder what it was. All of a
sudden I got very scared and thought "What is this? What's happening?" I woke up
suddenly and felt like I had been electrocuted. I ached for days. My head and teeth
were numb, and I had a constant ringing in my ears.
This has happened on several occasions. I have researched astral projection and
near-death experiences and understand what it is. Believe me, I was terrified for a
while. These happen spontaneously, and I can't wait until the next one.
I have healed several people. One friend of my family was in failing health. He was
making preparations to go to a nursing home. I used RI tape 6 one time on him. Within
days he was up and out of bed. He was going places and said that he hadn't felt that way
in years. He can't understand why he recovered all of a sudden, but I doubt that he is
unhappy about it.
There are a lot of people I have on my list to try this on. There will be good results, I
am sure.
These things started happening with the diamond-self exercise on tape 6. I used it to
amplify healing abilities. Needless to say, it works wonders.
I have also been reading mystical writings, mostly Gnostic texts. I couldn't help but
notice parallels between these exercises and some old texts. One that stood out in
particular was the Gospel of Thomas, verse 22.
"Yeshua said to them,
When you make the two into one,
and when you make the inner like the outer,
and the outer like the inner,
and the upper like the lower,
and when you make male and female into a single one,
so that the male will not be male nor the female be
when you make eyes in place of an eye,
a hand in place of a hand,
a foot in place of a foot,
an image in place of an image,
then you will enter the kingdom."
This seems strikingly similar to the exercise on RI tape 6, where you create the body of
light. I recommend that all the students work on this exercise every day. See what

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That's all for now. Thank you, Gerald.
Bernard Hubble

Rob a recent trainee, wrote to us on March 08,

2004. Subject:
Remote influencing a situation at work.
Dear Gerald O'Donnell,
I Purchased your RV and RI courses. I can't thank you enough. Because of your
course I was able to Remote influence a situation at work for the better. I am 100
percent sure the results were a direct response to what I Remote Influenced. It really
Thank you so much
Skywalker sends us this nice note on March 07, 2004.
I have both the RV and RI tapes. They have given me a wonderful adventure, which is a
surprise moment to moment. How wonderful it would be if more could avail
themselves of the adventures they could be having through the exposure to this
Thank you, again, Mr. O'Donnell and everyone who are working on behalf of the ones
forgetting being the One.
I had dinner last night with a friend of 12 years. We have spoken on the phone, but
haven't been together for over a years. I was expressing to her about my experience
with the tapes. She said she had noticed that my energy was softer, more loving.
How very nice of her to tell me.
Sometimes we are doing what we do, just because our higher soul is leading us. We
ourselves may not even notice that we have moved from one place on the hologram to
another. It was nice she reminded me that I was still moving.
Love and Respect to all
JoAnne Scalise sent us this comment on
February 25, 2004:
Dear Gerald:
I am progressing on the RV/RI program per your guidance, and truly appreciate your
work. I see unlimited potential for anyone committed to this study. Having studied and
practiced advanced levels of the Light Body and other spiritual practice--wonderful
experiences all--your offerings are quite pure and Light-filled, and resonate with a
beauty that is quite ego-less. There is quite an expansion associated with this work, and
I have noted that I am experiencing "tiredness", and other symptoms of what is often
called "integration". I know this is shifting Now. I knew for some time I needed to be
studying this process, and assessed other programs over the past two years, but yours
came up very recently and it resonated for me.
I am now up to tape 5 of the RI/RV combined course, and am grateful for the
I appreciate your response and any assistance you can provide.

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In Joyful Light and Gratitude,

JoAnne Scalise
P.S. I noted that in the RV journey to the Himalayas and the Buddhist temple that the
priests were aware of, and silently acknowledged my presence. I imagine they are quite
used to visitors such as ourselves. O:)
I will keep you posted on further experience, and will ask your counsel when
necessary. I AM Gratitude for your Service.

Sally Black wrote to us on February 14, 2004:

Being aware simultaneously of conversing with an individual on the
regular vocal level and also on the Higher Consciousness to Higher
unconsciousness level.
Uncovering real truths from that Higher level communication.
Hi Gerald:
I have been doing the RV and RI course for three months with many emotional
changes. I wanted to share an experience to put on your website.
I have been having a 'friendship' with another individual for about two years now and
have intuitively felt that it would eventually turn into a love relationship. It has been a
difficult one for me because for the majority of those two years I have been 'ready' for
more of a love relationship after being alone for 10 years and went through the extreme
'love pains' for about a year. I journaled throughout the past two years and had always
referred to my journal, which I had put in a Q and A format, all this time when I started
to question my intuition. This was
the way I worked with this until I received your tapes. I had tried to believe that the
answers I was receiving were correct all this time and had tried to 'get it myself' instead
of going to a psychic or someone else
for my answers.
Anyway, the other day I was with this person. We were having a discussion about the
fact that work is difficult now and he made a comment, "I'll be leaving in a year". I
reacted internally and tried not to show him my
true feelings because I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. At that moment
another 'he and I' were having a conversation what seemed like right above my head.
He was telling me what my intuition has known all
along and that is how much he really cares for me but is afraid to have a relationship
because of so many past failures. It was like the two conversations were happening at
the same time. This was the first time I
truly had a 'visual verification' of what I had felt intuitively all along. It was quite
remarkable to me. I feel it was his higher self and my higher self having a conversation
where he was able to share his true feelings to me that his lower self is unable to at this
time. This was such an important verification for me because it gave me the courage to
trust myself that I am getting the right information unlike I had ever been able to do
The tapes have changed my life in so many positive ways.
Thank you so much for them and sharing them with everyone. All will benefit.
Sally Black

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Rob Chojnacki wrote this enthusiastic feedback on

February 10, 2004. Subject:
His success at remote influencing his music career.

I just wanted to write to you to tell you the success I have been having using
your RI course in my life. Primarily, I have been using your techniques to realize
great success with my band. As you know, I am a musician. But this isn't your
typical story of "I used it, and it worked immediately".
There is an interesting twist that says so much more than the typical success story.
I first started using your techniques while I was with my former band. And yes, i did
notice that immediate progress was being felt. Several deals came through, including a
very rare chance to record at Sony Studios in NYC,
which many band's in my situation could never afford, nor would the door be opened
for them to record at such a high-end studio. However we did get in.
But as I really began applying techniques from your course to the band's success, I was
a little saddened to see no more success. In fact, our CD was released with a "so-so"
Then a second opportunity in music was opened to me. One I never expected. At this
point I was figuring that if this band doesn't make it, I'm done with music.
My drummer had been playing in a side project, and asked if I (bass guitar player)
wanted to play with the side project. I did, and was immediately accepted as the
permanent bassist for this second band. Soon the drummer
and I came to a decision that this side project really should be the main focus, and we
cut our old band loose, the same band that I had been using your RI techniques to
This new band is taking off faster than wildfire. The debut CD was released only a couple
months ago, and it's already cracked the CMJ Top 200 National Charts (CMJ is the
Billboard charts for college radio). Reviews are pouring in. Everywhere we play, and I
do mean everywhere, we are already known because of the radio play, and we are
signing autographs for fans. Success is spiraling so fast that I can barely keep up with it.
I then realized that it wasn't "my band" that I was aiming success for, I really was RI'ing
success for myself in the music industry. This reality of success is materializing in a way
I did not originally intend. Now my old
band, perhaps the other guys may find success elsewhere in the industry, but me and
the drummer are going places with this new band, and going places fast! So I know now
that your RI techniques worked, not only faster than I
imagined, but not at all as I imagined. I'm in a completely different band, and in a place
that I could not imagine only 6 months ago.
Thank you Gerald. You and your courses surprise me every day.
Rob Chojnacki

Patty Jeane wrote us this warm feedback on

February 2, 2004. Subject:
Deep appreciation. Lifting the veil.
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Dear Gerald:
I want to tell you that this study has saved me at a time in my life I needed some anchor
to keep from sinking into the dark matrix...I am being pulled out...thank you for what
you have done for the planet earth at this time.
Many times in my life, for short periods, I have walked in what I called "two worlds", the
Shamans call it walking in two worlds...I have searched for truths in about every
religion taking those things that resonated with my inner self and leaving the
rest...every religion has some truth or it would not appeal to anyone. However I must
admit that I often wonder what intelligence started them all? And why? Religion has
been the historical cause of more killings, hate and atrocities than all other wars put
I have tried to get back to that "feeling" of being centered and in peace for a long, long
time...instead, I seemed to be going the opposite way with no control to stop it...for the
last four years of my life...and my outward appearance showed it...there has been a
turn around completely and what used to be so important to me doesn't matter
anymore...deep hurt inside my heart has just vanished and I awoke this morning to a
new day and a new life and I have been doing this a few days now and its very peaceful
and I feel I am centered and I believe you consider that being in Theta mind, not sure
but that's how I feel..."This present moment is as it should be and all I need is provided
now...and I am at peace and happy in the ONE...."
I'm beginning...only beginning to really see my thoughts or hear the background of
them and beginning to change them...I have read books and books and taken courses
and listened to countless tapes on metaphysics, journeying, changing one's personality
and the Light Body and all kinds of things...if its out there, I've read it or heard about it
somewhere...I've written for metaphysical magazines in the past...I understood for a
long time the principles behind manifestation and the quantum soup out there we call
our universe....
But I have not been able to "make it work for me"....Since before I could even walk I'm
sure, I've been fed Christian Science truths, that Spirit is All and matter is not
real...there is no matter, there is only God...and our surroundings, our universe, our
world is made up of our conscious and unconscious thought...and that's all our lives
are...our thoughts, our beliefs of what they are, make them to be as they are...and we
can change those beliefs...and I've known that since a very little girl and came thru a lot
of very serious physical and other situations based on the truth that sickness and
accidents are not real and cannot touch me...I've demonstrated over some very serious
illnesses in my lifetime...but it doesn't always work for me...oh it has kept me alive so
But you have given us a key that unlocks a deep, dark secret within and its impossible
to even say it in words, I believe that's why Paul said the gospel had to be by revelation,
it couldn't really be taught in words...Jeshua taught, in His day, as Gautama taught in the language of the people that they could possibly catch glimpses of the you are teaching in your your words...that can be understood by the
majority that want that understanding...
Thank have made a vast difference in my walk in Peace, Joy
and Love for Myself and the Universe....
Patti Jeane

Paul G. wrote on January 4, 2004: Subject:

"Artist block" completely removed while taking the Combo course.

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Dear Gerald,
We spoke on the phone a few times and I wrote to you a few weeks ago concerning the
miraculous results I had when starting your course(s) and although I am only about
halfway through I would like to report another happy update.
Those that know me personally know that creativity is one of the most important things
in my life. I have composed and written music for the past 17 years and started to
develop pretty decent skill in the visual arts as well about 7 or 8 years ago.
Although I got off to what many people said a great start, I have had a serious case of
artist block for several years. So much that I couldnt even lift a pencil, and it even
hurt (go figure) to even look at fine art.
I started using tape 4A of the RV course where you go back in time (perceptually, of
course, but it sure seemed real to me). The second time I used it I was guided back to
England around the 17 th century and I was being guided by the light that you speak
of to look at some of the ornate artwork in one of the palaces. It sure was a sight to
After finishing, I felt absolutely wonderful, but thought no more of it.
Well, yesterday I went to a local Barnes & Noble bookstore and went promptly to the
art section where I was guided to two art books that had just the right information I
needed to break through my artist block and start again. Last night I actually drew for
about 2 hours the first time in several years! And it felt wonderful! The artists
block seems to have been dislodged, and Im sure its not too long from dissolving
completely if not gone now.
As with my previous email which you posted this happy occurrence is a BYPRODUCT of
using your courses and is NOT the intention!
If I would have known before starting or even learning about your courses that I would
1) heal a major medical condition and 2) break through artists block, you could have
charged millions and I would have mined gold if I had to.
It certainly is a testimony to you and your guiding light that is making this
information available for the ridiculously low price that you charge.
Again, as I wrote in my previous email, if this is any indication of whats to come after
using only half the course(s), then, as our beloved Keanu Reeves would so eloquently
say whoa!
Oh, and I am much more happy, peaceful, and stress-free, too. Does that count as a
third happy byproduct?
I hope you have a wonderful 2004 and beyond.
Thanks for posting all of your testimonials. Reading them really gave me a lot of hope
when I had very little. Therefore, feel free to post mine to give anyone else reading
them additional input.
By the way, I have tried many, many things (courses, programs, workshops, etc) over
the past 15 years, and being very psychically sensitive, one or two of them had horrific
results. I can say that yours without a doubt, is the safest program Ive ever seen for
developing your inner mind, expanding psychically, and learning to increase, control,
and project your energy. A lot of the problems I have had regarding being open have

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now been completely solved by using your tapesanother happy byproduct.

Anyway, I hope you had a great holiday, and living just around the corner, I look
forward at the chance to meeting you (as soon as Im done with both courses, of
Many more happy days to come!
Take care,
- Paul G.

David S. Bernstein wrote to us on January 02, 2004. Subject:

The New Year 2004 message
Hi Gerald,
I just read your message for 2004...I want to tell you that it is probably the MOST
inspiring piece I have ever read...I read it to one friend...and he thought it is
DEFINITELY worthy of MUCH further contemplation...
Thanks so much...take care...David...

Patty Jeane wrote to us on January 2, 2004.

The Academy's 2004 New Year Message
Beautiful! Well said! What more can I say.
I am reminded of the time the failed disciples turned away from the Master Teacher and
left him but few, true followers that understood his message. A message that you have
well interpreted in modern day language in your 2004 address.
Hopefully, that is not now the case. I mean by this, I hope you loose none but this is
the message similar in content to Yeshua's when he told them unless they ate his body
and drank his blood they had no part in Him, the ONE. So few understood.
You have given the key to the understanding of His teachings and those that see it will
come to the living waters that are now coming forth from the Temple of the ONE. You
have pointed to the Way. The Portals are opened. We have but to step through or step
back into darkness.
As scripture seems at times to be targeted to the individual that reads, your words in
this address seemed targeted to me and my past current life. So much opened to me. So
much understanding of what I have not been able to understand. And so much
understanding of what has been shown me and even written by me that I did not
understand. And so much of the hurts I have carried with me from the Adam dream of
the past dissolved into the nothingness from whence they came as I read this morning.

One of my favorite quotes from Mrs. Eddy's writings so sums up your explanations in
this article,
"Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living is the Life Divine,
revealing spiritual understanding and the consciousness of our dominion over the
whole (holographic) earth."

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Jeshua taught of the Kingdom, "The Kingdom of God is within You" Luke 13:21 and ever
since his followers have looked for it everywhere but there.
There is a legend of the beginning when the creator asked the angels where he could
hide the truth where it could only be found by those worthy. Each angel came before
him and suggested various places, some thought on the top of the highest mountain but
no, he said, they will learn to climb the mountain and perhaps not be ready for the
truth. Another said what about in the depths of the sea and he said, no, they would
someday find a way to retrieve it even from there. Then the least of the little angels
ventured to offer a suggestion. The other angels didn't think the little angel could know
very much but the ONE said, "suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is
the Kingdom of God" the little angel approached the Light where no "mortal" man
can enter and said, "Place truth in the heart of man and only those tried and found
worthy will find it".
And so We did.
Patti Jeane

Paul Crawford of Australia sent this testimonial on

December 17, 2003.
Life-changing positive effects after training for two months with the
RV/RI combo course.

Hi Gerald,
I've been training with your combination course for nearly 2 months now and have
experienced so many wonderful things such as:
- Using my newfound energy/light to heal me, my girlfriend, and fix inanimate objects
like light bulbs
- A consistently happy, content, stress-free existence
- Stronger emotions & improved senses
- More vivid memories and imagination
- A great empowerment that comes with knowing you have all the tools to create a
wonderful joyful life
I would like to take this time to thank you, like all your other students :-), for making
this information available to me so that I can realize my true potential and open up a
wondrous world that I never knew I could connect to.
Thanks once again Gerald, you have inspired so many people, so selflessly, to
greatness, including me. You have given a gift of knowledge to me that I will never
Kind Regards,
Scott Crawford

Paul G. sends us this enthusiastic feedback on

December 13, 2003.

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Re-membering all the parts of one's previously shattered self after
only 3 sessions with the RV/RI Combination training.
Dear Gerald,
It is with great joy and deep thankfulness that I write you about the results I've had
with the RV/RI program after only a week of using it.
Just so you are aware of some of my background, I am not new to this subject matter. I
have taken PSI-TECH's TRV course, the Silva Method course (three times), studied
hypnotherapy, taken the one year self-study "A Course in Miracles", been to a psychic
development class, and even attended Doreen Virtue's angel workshop.
All of the aforementioned have had what I would consider miraculous results, but even
combined, it is miniscule compared to what I've experienced in your program thus far,
and after only a week at that.
Five years ago, I was hospitalized due to severe stress and other factors. I spent the
first year after that pretty much in bed. It has been extremely difficult to focus and hold
my concentration on anything. I was put on some pretty intense medication that could
have some potentially harmful side effects.

I am happy to report an almost miraculous recovery after listening to your first

exercise tape (RV 2A) only 2 times. My focus has returned, I can concentrate better, I
am happy and cheerful, and my body feels like it did before I was hospitalized. And I'm
completely convinced that I no longer need the medication.
I had thought my life was practically over, but thanks to your program, I can see it's
only just beginning.
The most exciting thing about this is that these results were accomplished as a
byproduct of listening to the tapes. Healing isn't the focus of your course.
AND, to cap it off, it happened on the first side of the first exercise tape! There are about
10 more tapes to go and if this is an indication of what is to come, I can tell you I've
finally reached the door to heaven.
There will be no more books, no more workshops or programs or courses. Yours is all
that I need! (Heck, I think I've tried them all, anyway!)
You've given me the opportunity and the means to fulfill my potential and truly life the
life of my dreams. I am in deep gratitude.
Thank you for such a wonderful gift. May you be eternally blessed.
Paul G.

Dennis Buffy, received, what would be called a

miraculous healing, when a Physician, formerly trained in RV and RI by
the Academy, applied healing techniques on his chronic back injuries. He
then started to experience all sorts of extraordinary experiences even
though he had not even received yet our training! Please read his unusual
and enthusiastic story received on December 12, 2003. . .

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Mr. O'Donnell,
Thank you for the phone conversation today. What I am about to write is what has
happened to me in the past 4 weeks when a Canadian doctor did RV and RI on my bad
neck and back condition that I have been suffering from since the past 5 years.
Chiropractors could only relieve the symptoms, but they would return time and time
again. I had gotten into a automobile accident a little over 5 years ago and got a bad
whiplash injury and my lower back was jarred as well.
As each year came and went, my conditions worsened! Especially if it rained or when
winter arrived, it became very arthritic to say the very least. This is when this story
started. I found a doctor who had completed the RV and RI course a year or so ago. I
emailed him and asked him could he actually RV and RI my condition? He stated that
he would try, but could not guarantee success. I accepted that possibility. I thought to
myself "well I tried everything else, what could it hurt!"
I sent him another email telling him to go ahead. Now fellow RV'rs and RI'rs, I did not
know anything about RV and RI! I only read this site once! I just ordered the course
yesterday and I am very anxious to get started. I even set up a day-to-day diary to
begin the adventure for the next 6-8 weeks! You can find my link on the
The doctor agreed and said that he would perform the RV and RI methods on me for the
next 6-8 weeks. The only thing I could do was to see what would happen. Boy! Little did
I know what I what was truly in store for me!. About two weeks had gone by, and I woke
up one morning wanting to stretch my neck from side to side like I have done for the
last 5 years. I tilted my neck back slowly because of the bad pain involved.
But to my surprise there was no pain!!!!!!!!! I mean to tell you that I must have tilted my
head back a dozen times feeling for the pain and it just was not there! I ran to my wife,
who by the way was somewhat skeptical, and told her about it. She responded in a half
manner nod, but her attitudes changed when she realized in the weeks to come that I
stopped asking her to rub down my neck just under the base of the skull and she asked
"am I really OK?" I stated "I feel great!"
Now, I wrote to the doctor telling him the good news, and he was elated. But he stated
that he would continue to work on me for the next couple of sessions. I agreed and
waited for something else to happen in regards to the healing of my back and lower
back areas. The center of my back is where my muscles would constantly knot up
between my shoulder blades, and I had to constantly for the past years have that area
massaged with Ben-Gay to alleviate at least some of the sharp pain.
At the end of that week I had not more pain between my shoulder blades! By now you
might imagine that I was on cloud nine! If there were a ten I would have surpassed that!
I wanted to write the doctor but felt that since he was a doctor he would be extremely
busy...So I waited another week. and this is when things got a little bizarre. My wife and
I would have our casual conversations throughout the day when I was off-work but
each time I would think of a complex question and something that needed both our
attentions, she would speak out the exact complex question I was pondering about,
before I even asked it! This went on for an entire week. I guess I would call this
"sporadic" telepathy.
Now things were really getting exciting, but I noticed that my lower back where the
doctor was working on was not getting any better. As a matter of fact, it seemed to get
worse with each passing day. Well, of course, living in Minnesota with winter upon us
the arthritic pains were kicking in big time.

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I just forgot about all this and after a day or two I was busy getting prepared for work. I
came home one evening - it was about the 4th week of November 2003- I relaxed and
closed my eyes and something told me, not audibly but inside my head, to take 4 Advil
Now that was a crazy thought! I had taken Advil and Tylenol and some prescription
medications every month for years. It would help but the pain would still still there.
Yet this inner voice kept telling me to do it! So I thought: since all these weird things
were already happening to me, I should better listen! I took the Advil tablets as
instructed. Within one hour all pain ceased! I mean the pain never returned! How does
one figure this out?
Again the inner voice, which by the way I had never experienced before, told me that
the RI healing had already taken place but that lactic acid was all over the area along
that muscle that had been tightened for many years and caused it to be extremely
sensitive. And that by taking the Advil I got rid of the lactic acid build-up and relaxed
that long-time tightened muscle. This time I emailed my doctor friend and told him the
above statement and he stated "you were 100% correct on what you had to do." This
inner voice was my Higher-Self directing me to complete my final healing process!
I told the doctor that I was healed and asked him if he would kindly RV/RI my
interview for the position of State Prison Correctional Officer for me? He stated that this
was not his specialty, but that he would and again not guarantee anything. Well, I
passed the interview with flying colors, and by the way they were extremely impressed
with my constant eye contact and the answers coming from me for the situational
questions given to me were fast and very fluid.
I also from time to time had OBE's but none of which I could ever control as soon as I
was out, bam! And I would be sucked right back into my body. So I gave up. Well,
during the first two weeks of December 2003, I had my first real complete OBE except
that this time I was assisted by invisible entities, each one holding my wrists from
behind me, and one supporting my lower back, and I began with great speed to rise up
into the air until I could no longer sense my body. Then they let me go! I saw that it was
dark and I had no idea where I was.
I remember reading a book saying that if things became fuzzy or dark just to yell out
mentally, "clarity" 3x's. I did so and nothing changed. I looked down and noticed a
street lamp shining on a wooden building. It caught my attention, so I flew down in
front of this shed. It was made of slates of wood, kind of like a wood veneer of some
sort. But what I found interesting was what was on the front of the shed, in big bold red
letters the word "ICE" was imprinted on it. I assume it was a ice storage shed. Then
everything blacked out and I awakened.
My second OBE since the RV and RI treatment occurred when I laid down on the couch
and fell asleep. I found myself sitting at my computer desk chair right across from
where I was sleeping. I realize or thought that I was dreaming so I remembered what
these invisible hands did for me the first time so I outstretch my arms and was ready to
be lifted up to have a OBE not realizing I was already having one. At this time a loud one
time tone sounded off, it sounded metallic of sorts and a electrical sound, alike stun
guns going off, happened and before I knew what was happening, I woke up and only
then realized that I had been out of my body!
You got to realize that all these events were happening to me in the last 6 weeks since
getting the RV and RI treatments. Even when the treatments stopped, the phenomena
were still encroaching in on me. Then I started dreaming every single night that
someone was teaching me RV and RI skills on 3 levels! Surely I could not even explain
what that was all about since the training information was received at lightening fast
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speed, and when I awakened I seemed to have forgotten most of it.

Soon after that as I was browsing Mr. O'Donnell's website I found that he mentioned
something of Delta being on 3 levels but we had to learn these for ourselves as time
goes on in our quest for the truth. So maybe he may or may not be able to shed some
light on this particular training. I know this is an extremely long testimony but I
wanted you all to see that here is a person who never knew Remote Viewing existed, let
alone Remote Influencing, and did not even realize what was going to happen if
anything when the good doctor did his thing!
I want to quote what the doctor just emailed me yesterday. He stated that he was glad I
got the State job and that he wanted me to know that he has been RVing and RIing his
family members and others with great success! You see, before I met him he took both
courses and the RI part of it really never stroke a note in him to use it on anyone other
than house plants or his family pet. Now he states that he is quite busy healing others
with RV and RI with great results! He just cannot get over the change in himself since he
RV'd and RI'd me in the past several weeks!
My sleep has been light due to the fact I keep RV and RIing in my dreams. I just wish I
could remember why and to who I am doing this too. I guess when my course arrives in
a day or so I will get my answers in the next several weeks to come. Oh! by the way, I
forgot to mention during the first OBE with the ice shed I was able to clearly see the
words with no difficulty, which from what I heard is very hard to do.
Thank you Mr. O'Donnell for your contribution to all of us here! Those that know you
such as me and others hope to get to know you better. You are second to none in your
field, and I only hope to make you proud by being the best I can be as a remote viewer
and influencer. Please feel free to add my email address as a direct testimony of the
power of RV and RI and what it can do to a person even if he or she never heard about it

Patrick a recent young trainee, writes this enthusiastic feedback on

December 11, 2003.
Inner permanent changes of peace, goodness, bliss and joy while
training with the RV/RI combo.
Increased IQ and download of information while attending
university classes.
Increased intuition. Predicting sports results in advance.
"Reading" people's thoughts and emotions.
Increased attention from the opposite sex.
Getting innovative business ideas.
Bravo, you will have a major impact for goodness!
I am approaching 2 months since I started using Geralds audio programs, Remote
Influencing and Remote Viewing combined program. I strongly feel the combined
program is a must. The skills learned in one program help deepen insight into the
other and vice versa. By following the outlined step by step process I have really began
to notice changes within myself and the way people react to me in social setting and
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even as far as my presence alone.

Since starting the program during the first month I noticed blurs of changes that would
become brief moments of insight. These quick glimpses of insight even though were not
consciously permanent assured me that something was in fact happening, something
great was happening deep within that I consciously could not always be aware of. Most
recently over the last 3 weeks I have become aware of permanent changes that I am
always aware of. A pure feeling of goodness has become a part of me that can only be
explained as myself smiling at the world and the world smiling back at me. It is a feeling
of pure bliss that washes over me and makes me happy to exist as who I am because I
feel now that I truly have control over who I WANT to be. If I do not have full control I
strongly feel that I will attain full control by continuing the program.
The state of pure goodness has taken away stressful feelings out of my life. I truly dont
experience stress and worry about problems no longer. Yes I do have obstacles in my
life being a student with financial issues but my focus has been shifted to solving the
problem and no longer focusing on it. This shift in focus has been very positive and
these obstacles have become much easier to overcome when I noticed how
insignificant these obstacles really are. They have become so insignificant that I truly
laugh at how insignificant they are and at one point in my life caused me so much stress
and worry.
Through the training many different changes have taken place then I could have really
imagined. Going to school as a multimedia major creativity is very important. Through
the help of this program my creativity has increased by leaps and bounds. At certain
times I experience what I have personally understood it to be as an information
download. This is a moment in time usually experienced during a social setting and I
am engaged in a conversation that I experience a burst of information about the certain
issue at hand being discussed. This is usually very exciting, as all of a sudden my
knowledge about a specific issue becomes intensely broadened especially with
intensified perspectives and powerful observations. My participation in lectures has
become very interesting with insightful comments and at times very exciting especially
after correcting the professor and sharing a very insightful detail that has left the
professor rather speechless at one point or another. Just recently this has led to my
professor asking me to come and join him in a discussion about some of the finer points
I have made in class. He was very interested in knowing how I have come to realize
these perspectives and gain such deep insight. Being 21 years of age the professor was
very intrigued and had to admit that some of my comments were over his head. One of
his remarks that left a deep impact within me was when he explained that my level of
intellect was more of an older gentlemens with about 40 years of life experience.
A very interesting change within me that has taken place is the very large increase in
intuition. I have become very intuitive to the point were I know who is going to win a
sporting match. Usually the day before I am able to predict which team in a multitude
of sports will win. On one particular day I experience an information download
pertaining to five different basketball games for the same day. It was rather very
exciting as my friends and I watched each prediction come true.
On another note my intuitive senses have let me know what someone will say before
they say it. It is very natural and happens with no concentration. I have experienced
this before the program but to no degree in frequency as I experience this now. It
seems to happen at least a couple of times each day, on some days it happened many
times over. Most of the time it happens with people that I spend the most time with. Its
funny because sometimes I keep saying the same comment another person is making at
the same time, and this usually will happen with the same person over and over. It gets
interesting by the fifth time and the person kind of looks over with a bewildered look

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but never speaks their mind.

Taking the intuitive aspect a little further during certain times I experience a blast of
thoughts from another person. This is usually during a social occasion were people are
rather relaxed. This blast of information usually is a mixture of thoughts about people
along with their feelings and emotions attached to the thoughts. It is rather
extraordinary to feel what someone else is feeling. It has rung true over and over when
someone would look at someone and I would get a blast of information for example in
one situation I understood that a certain person rather disliked another. Once the
person had left the area the person that I got this information from turned to a friend
and expressed their dislikes. More frequently I get this insight when someone is
directing thoughts towards me. This is even more frequently the case when it is a
person of the opposite sex with strong emotions towards me. : -) I have very much so
noticed the opposite sex taking a much stronger interest in myself, which is definitely, a
positive thing!
On a grander scale I have experience insight into rather interesting ideas of business.
Business ideas that do not at this point exist through my following up on them. People
spend lots of time even a lifetime coming up with a one of a kind ideas. I have
experienced two true one-of-a- kind ideas that I am very excited about and I look
forward to materializing these two ideas in the future.
One of the aspects that has helped me enjoy my sessions with this program is the
upgrade in my listening equipment. I started out with a standard portable tape player
with a auto reverse feature but when I got to the part of the training course that
required an extra long session the tape player would die out on power even after using
a full battery. I would have to turn it off even for a second and that would always fix the
problem. These few seconds of interruption really interrupted me and took me out of a
deep state. After a few times of this I got myself a duel deck Sony player. This is very
great as I no longer get interrupted and the dual deck produces a much better quality of
audio sound.
The experiences that I have been allowed to experience and the changes within me
have inspired me to write this to allow others to know what a strong impact Geralds
course has had on me. I am very grateful to have been allowed to receive these
courses. Thank you many times over Gerald for these courses that are very needed
especially at this point in time.
Thanks, your friend
Patrick Bator

Patty Jean,, a dear high soul, wrote to us this

comment on December 7, 2003. Subject: The teachings
Dear Gerald:
I think the voice on the tape is perfect for the tapes.
I have lived much of a Shamanic life. My autobiography will be out sometime this
year. So much I left out of it, too. I've had many, many strange things happen, good
things I mean. Perhaps your teachings will explain a lot of them that I have wondered
about, there's a lot I don't know but I am finding it slowly but surely.
My life has been very different than most and I have walked in two worlds much of it
and that's not unusual for me. A few of my experiences, including my NDE which has
been published back in 60's in several magazines here and in the UK, are on one of my
websites now if you get a chance to read them. You might recognize in them some of
the reasons behind them, i.e. what I call the Shekinah Robe of Light perhaps is your
Light you are mentioning. The way the "Typhoon" (in article of same name), was turned
from the Island might be explained in your teachings as I go along, I think I'm about to
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find answers to some of my life's very interesting experiences in your teachings...a few
of these experiences are on the following site which I have not finished. If you have a
chance you might read the "Typhoon" article and the "Shekinah Robe of Light" on the
following website as I believe you will understand them both better than I at this time.
And also understand more where I am in my progression.
I just feel I am on the verge of finding an avalanche of answers to my life's questions! I
have sought the way to return to the place where I stood the night of the Typhoon and
also during the healing in that one article and I have been there many times, to that
place, but don't know how to get there on my own, just that I happen to fall into it at
times that it is needful for me to be there but how to get there I don't know...I believe
your teachings will lead me there and show me the way.
I am a published poet, also.
I'm very fascinated with all this I was under the impression that mental viewing was
done with the conscious mind only and not very spiritual until I found your website
quite by chance. Your teachings are exactly what I believe and still just fascinated by
your writings. I learned about the "ONE" from my dream state I call OBE's and my
writings which I don't call channeling but received from higher sources.
I can understand what you are saying on the first tape, but the word you said to use is
not clear are you saying to address any entities we do not wish to entertain with the
word "SMALL"? The rest of that tape was clear. I have never had problems with any bad
entities but I have always been treated with respect and taught things. I find entities in
the higher realms much nicer than many humans! <g> I was taught by them about the
"ONE MIND" that created all and creates all and we are as a spark of the Divine Flame, a
ray of the Infinite Light...this is how I have understood it from what I have received
and written...
Thank you again for the confirmation that my writings have been from a high and very
good source whatever I might have called the Source. I am sure I have much to learn,
as the ancient wisdom states, "when the disciple is ready the Master appears."
Your writings on the ONE are what really took my breath away as I have written some
things that I received and since hearing as much as I have of your tapes I think that I
perhaps have been mental viewing and calling it something else! <g> I don't know yet
but I know I have a lot to learn from you. I have definitely been led to this. I have all
sorts of tapes from everyone that ever claimed to teach anything and these are the very
highest and most revealing of all. You know what you are talking about and that's very
Thank you again for sharing with the earth world the wisdom of our God.
Patti Jeane

Daniel Schultz of the UK sent us this

feedback on December 2, 2003. Subject:
Having almost an OBE on the first tape!
The course arrived & it was very much worth the wait. Astounded at how much content
there is to integrate & what a journey this will be!
Just thought I would let you know that last night in bed I listened to the 'RV 1' tape with
my eyes closed & about 3/4's of the way through, it was as if a dimmer switch was
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turned down on my awareness (I actually felt it slow down & it almost dissolve) & it felt
as if I was submerged & my legs torso & arms gradually became very heavy & my whole
body including my mind was vibrating from left to right constantly. Then I noticed that
most of my awareness was concentrated in my head & that the rest of my body felt like
it was light & floating & wanting to go higher, it was as if my head was holding my body
from drifting off. Breathing was shallow & quick & the whole experience was very nice. I
think something very special would of happened if someone would have taken off the
headphones at that point, dare I even mention OBE. The experience then began to
reverse after that, back to the way I was when I first started to listen to the tape just
relaxed with my eyes closed.
Can you comment on my experience?
Thank you,

Veronica, a young lady finishing High School wrote

to us on November 19, 2003 this nice comment.
Increased life energy, better mood, and improved connection with
others while taking the combination course.
Hey Gerald! Here's my little testimonial for you.
Since starting the RV/RI combo regimen, as recommending by the website, I have felt
something noticeably different. I feel better than I've ever felt before, on average. I
used to be a rather depressed, introverted kind of person. Recently, after training a few
weeks with the course, I've just felt much better. I can let myself enjoy things again. My
friends have noticed that I've been in generally better moods, and I've become more
social. I talk more and am more active in group conversation, instead of just listening
to everyone. I've become more aware of my own opinions, and I am generally more
satisfied with myself. I feel like I've made great progress, if in only a few weeks. I feel
more energized when I wake up in the morning, and I actually want to get up and
experience the day. To me, this is something I've never really had. I usually shy away
from people I don't know very well, but I find myself being able to open up more and
connect with people. Its a great feeling, and I'm not even halfway through the course
yet! I can't wait to see the progress I'll make in the future. Overall, I'm very pleased with
how this course has affected me. I've struggled with depression for more than 2 years
now, and after doing this for roughly 3 weeks, I feel better than I've ever felt in those 2
years, possibly even before. When I do the course, I feel all the stress just melt away,
and I can relax. I gentle feeling of warmth spreads through me, and I just let go. Its an
amazing feeling, and I'm very excited about all the great things I know I'll soon be
experiencing. Thanks, Gerald, for being so kind as to share this knowledge with the
Hope this helps someone else find their way to your course. :)

Patrick, an RV/RI student, sent us on October 4, 2003 this testimonial

while training with the RV/RI combination course.
Becoming aware of us being energies.
Experiencing the body of Light and the connection with the Oneness.
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Thank you Gerald for allowing this very important information become attainable for
those that will and desire completion within them selves. I have been practicing with
Geralds RV/RI tapes for about a month now. For a new student this period of time is
very crucial and important for building a strong foundation of understanding and
motivation that will allow for a proper transitory state of passage to take place from the
now embodiment of the matrix. After completing my first month I cannot help but to
share some of my understandings about the RV/RI combo course and the magical
experience I had with the RI course.
Through most of my first month I was filled with pre justified thoughts and
expectations of what I should experience as a practitioner of RV & RI. I was blinded
from what I was truly experiencing by pre-determined expectations of what I should be
experiencing. Before I started the combo course I filled myself with knowledge about
RV and the potentials of RV. By doing so I became blinded through my expectations of
the course. Towards the end of my first month a thought manifested inside me, this
thought or idea told me not to focus on what is ahead of me in the far distance but to
look down and focus on what is directly in front of me. This thought indicated to me
that I would never get to what I could see in the distance if I kept stumbling over my
own two feet by not paying attention to what was directly in front of me. At this point I
started to understand what this course is really about.
To me this course is about rebuilding myself, but before you can rebuild anything you
must first deconstruct it. I think of deconstructing myself a lot like undoing a knot.
Realizing that I have been a part of the Matrix for my whole life I must have
accumulated one big, very complicated knot that will take patience and dedication to
undo. As soon as I decided to strip away my expectations of the course and recalibrate
my focus to the now I then began noticing the changes that started to take place. I
noticed that people started looking and reacting to me differently. I became more
sensitive and could almost feel instead of see people looking at me. I could feel the
energy within me become stronger and vibrate faster. My sensitivity towards people
increased, taking a measurement of other peoples vibratory status became easier and
almost instantaneous. I began noticing the correlation of vibrating energy to the
contrasting moods people were feeling. I began feeling and almost feel as if I could
sense peoples will of action towards me. It feels almost like reading someones
I could go on and on about the changes that have taken place and the changes taking
place, but my point is I could never had these wonders taking place if I hadnt peeled
away my expectations and rejoiced in the present now. Surely I would have not had
the experience that I had last night. Through this course the important message about
patience and awareness that I had learned made me spend time with RV course tapes
2,3 and RI course tape 3. I felt that I shouldnt go on and should be patient, amplify my
focus and take baby steps. Last night I felt something inside me tell me to start on RI
course tape 4. The experience that I had took me to the most relaxed state of being that
I have ever experienced. My body was asleep but my mind stayed awake. My body felt
as if it disappeared, and I existed only within my mind slightly above my body. I could
not totally except this state at first and would transition from feeling my body to not
feeling it at all. When I did feel my body it felt paper thin, a sensation that I never felt
before. It was truly interesting. As I became more comfortable with what I was
experiencing I decided to go with it, and then I could only feel my body of light. I knew
this was my body of light because I was swaying side to side as if I was floating on a
body of water. I kept swaying like this for some amount of time, I cannot say for how
long because I had lost all perception of time itself. As I kept sinking further within
myself I started to experience a connection, a connection that embraced me with a
flood of white bright light. This light was soft and pleasant but bright and intense at the
same time. Maybe strong white light is the right way of describing it. The light filled me
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with such feeling of joy and happiness that it left me tearing from joy. I wished that
everyone could feel this great happiness and thanked it for allowing me to feel this
happiness and joy and everything pleasant and right all at the same time. This was truly
something breathtaking. This experience has left me internally smiling throughout this
whole day and feeling a lingering connection with the strong white light. I know inside
that I will experience this again and simply embrace and invite more experiences that
will be allowed for me to experience. I look forward on moving onward through my
course with patience and no set expectations. I simply feel open to experience.

Jim Robertson Jr. an RV/RI student, sends

us this enthusiastic Email on October 3, 2003:
Getting a higher vibratory biology and feeling closer to "The One"
Having a "blackout effect" on electric lighting.
Most importantly, dramatically increasing his IQ!
Dear Gerald,
As a student of RV/RI for about a year now, I want to say THANK YOU for this
incredible course and for trying to make the world a better place. Nothing has changed
my life for the better as much as this material has. I have had many incredible
experiences and would like to share a few here. It is difficult to describe how it has
changed me, but I feel deeply that it has enlivened my 'spirit' or 'soul'. Every day my
focus is now, how I can be a better person. I feel closer to God than in any other time of
my life. My wife often tells me that I am 'humming', which is our reference to my body
when it is buzzing. I can feel the electrical pulses going through my finger tips and from
one side of my body to the other. An interesting occurrence has been happening ever
since I met you about one year ago. For some reason, street lights (and lights
that come on automatically at night) go off when I get near them. This phenomenon
has happened countless times over the past year. It has happened at airports, while
driving, many parking lots, hotels, basically any place that has light
sensitive, automatic lights. I am curious to know if this is happening to others.
Another great thing that your course has done is increased my IQ. Recently, I took an
IQ test (for fun) and did not put forth much effort. The questions seemed easy. When
the test was returned, I had scored 135. I was very pleased, as the tester suggested,
that such a score was in the realm of Plato and was quite happy for me. This was a huge
surprise for me to say the least. (In University, I had a closer relationship with the
academic probation list than the Dean's list...) I could go on for pages about how
important it is to do your course and how it effects your life in a positive way. We have
had several discussions over the past year on the phone and I consider it a
privilege know you.
Thank you again for all of your work in this area and for sharing with us this incredible
Most sincerely,
Jim Robertson Jr.

Aaron Stevenson of Australia sends us this

emotional message on September 21, 2003.
Life changing effects of the RV/RI course.
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Hello Gerald,
Just dropping you a line to let you know of the effects your course has had on my life.
Your course has blown me away, my life has changed...
Before, I was into bodybuilding, cars, women and money. Your course it made me
examine myself deeply. What a horrible human being I had become acting almost
entirely out of ego!
But I am happy to inform you things have changed. I have given up my quest to
material attachments for I KNOW that they are not real. I go to the beach with my
friend every morning at 5:30 and listen to your tapes and a whole new world opens up,
a beautiful loving world where truth resides. I am going to learn to stay there in that
world by absorbing your teachings which vibrate in resonance with my soul.
That is not to say that I don't have any problems, I still do, but life is becoming easier
and knowing the truth helps me through my perceived hard times. One of the hardest
things is to leave my loving misses which I know might happen as I continue my
journey back to the One. I could stop my journey to stay with her, but the pulling in my
heart is too strong and to deny it would lead to misery.
Society doesn't fit me anymore, for all I see is control.
My heart fills with sadness when I see and feel the mothers cry and I have a hard time
feeling love for my fellow man even though I know he is me. I thank you for your
teachings on how this reality isn't real and the excellent experiences that you have
guided me through.
You have given me boundless hope, reconnected me with the voice of the One, the
Great I AM, and filled me with excitement in anticipation of future teachings from
yourself or the One.
Thank you so much
Your student Aaron Stevenson

Greetings To My Beloved Friend Mr. Gerald O'Donnell from Debra Gosselin

on 9/11/2003:
It has been a bit of a season since we last spoke but often we vibrate at the same LOVE
frequency, that much I am sure. I am ever so humbled to know you, I know the "Salt Of
The Earth People" all over the Globe. The love affair you all have with this marvelous
living library, Mother Earth is being threatened not only by literal raping of the land
but also the lack of respect toward the elements and elementals within dimensions that
are beginning to bleed one into the other. The live intelligence within stone and dirt are
longing to experience electromagnetic formulas of higher consciousness once again.
Earth reads us as we live and breathe on her, and she knows the stage of our own
development and our ability to accept responsibility. When we share what we know, it
is broadcast around the world. Codings are fired, and the masses begin to evolve. We
are interlinked and so when our teachers continue to stretch themselves to mature and
grow, we likewise stretch and grow.
I honor you and the glorious teachers and mentors I have been graced with. I have
been shown over and over what LOVE, JOY and abundance looks like.
I am pleased to say that I am not as fragile as when we first met. I am imagining things
one week and seeing them manifest and mature the next. As you know, my signature
word has been "FREEDOM", please know that has not changed. In closing, I am proud to
be one of the 100 monkeys that have ignited your message. I always knew there was
some special calling I had yet to meet.
Bless you, I'm yawning with all my heart and soul. Debra

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Jules Kennedy writes to us on August 8, 2003

this warm testimonial.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,
I want to thank you once again for bringing forward the Remote Viewing and Remote
Influencing work to the public. As you know, my friend Sophia ordered me both
volumes. I am now working through the latter stages of RI and experiencing great
changes in my thought process. This inevitably affects my outer experience. I work
with people in various ways and also am involved in healing processes for the animal
kingdom and the earth. These deep level states of mind are helping to stay focused and
centered, as there is so much work to do and only so few doing it at this time.
Thank you again and many blessings to you and your loved ones.
Jules Kennedy
"Love has wings of its own and carries us wherever we may be in consciousness."
>>>excerpt from Dimensional Ascension, copyright 1995 Jules Kennedy

Morton Glazera sends us this enthusiastic and

important feedback on August4, 2003 after having trained with the RV/RI
combination package for a year.
RV skills improved with taking the RI course;
Acquired telekinetic skills, dowsing, telepathy, and energy healing
Improved artistic talent.
Power of the diamond self technique in changing psychological and
physical makeup.
Experiencing and unifying with the "pulse of Creation."
Dear Gerald,
Words can't do justice for what this course is capable of. Over the past few months, I
have had experiences that are phenomenal, to say the least. I'll try to sum it up as best
I can.
I have only been doing these two courses for a year. In that time, I have experienced
things that I had never thought possible.
My RV skills have improved dramatically with the RI course. I now get images that
are as vivid as what I see in the waking world. This does not happen all of the time, but
I am nonetheless baffled. In time, I am certain that it will happen consistently.
I have slight telekinetic skills. I can swing a needle on a string or move it in small
circles. I am continuing to practice this.
I can dowse. This is remarkably easy to do. Some of the students may enjoy this one.
Telepathy. Again, this one is like the others, it doesn't happen all of the time, but
enough for me to know it is there. When someone near me feels a strong emotion, I feel
it too, as much or more than my own, regardless of what I am feeling.
Healing. This is the most remarkable of the abilities that I have discovered so far. The
results are incredible.
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Another pleasant side effect is that my artistic skills have improved dramatically. I
was good before, but now people that see my work remark at how incredibly lifelike it
looks, almost like they could touch the animal or person being portrayed.
My personality has altered in all good ways. That in itself was worth every penny that
was spent on this course. My outlook on life, the way that I deal with people,
everything is changed. I think of how much money people waste going to counselors,
self help seminars, etc. They rarely work, and half the time it is only temporary, like
putting a band aid on a head wound. This, without a doubt, WORKS.
Your RV course was good, but the RI course is on a whole other level. You wanted me
to explain my methods.
Use the Diamond Self for expanding all of your other skills. This is the core of all of
your abilities. Use it and all will fall into place. This will enhance your RV skills
dramatically, as well as the others. It will alter your physical appearance as well. I
can't stress how important this technique is. USE IT, or your skills will continue to
I also experienced what you call the pulse of creation. I don't know what to call it. I
was at the beach and I laid back and closed my eyes, enjoying the sunshine. My heart
began to pound, but it didn't feel out of the ordinary. My whole body began to feel like
it was pulsing, like a heart. I could feel it throbbing. It was the most amazing thing. I
laid there for hours, but I thought I had only been there for about fifteen minutes. I
finally opened my eyes and there were about ten people standing there staring at me.
They had apparently been there the whole time watching me. I looked directly at one
man and he ran. The others just continued to stare with their mouths hanging open. I
looked down at my shadow and saw it growing larger and smaller. I would like to know
what they saw. I have never felt ALIVE like that.
There is plenty more to say, but I will shut up for now. Just devote your training to
RI, and RV will seem like child's play, I promise.
Thank you.
Your pal,

Chris Podlewski writes to us on July 11,

2003 this feedback.
Applying the RV course to gambling situations
I am about to purchase the Remote Influencing Course and would like to share some
experiences. As a background, I purchased the Remote Viewing Course some time
back (a few years ago). I struggled with Remote Viewing somehow as I am a very
analytical person. I had no problem getting to the Theta
state. My problems involved trying too hard to imagine what I should be imagining
(vibratory light and the like). Also, I tended to try and analyze
any image that might try to come. Despite this, my intuition did increase greatly. I am
very mathematical so I never thought intuition really existed.
I started off as a CPA and quit to become a blackjack card counter when I made a lot
more doing that part-time than my accounting job which I didn't really enjoy. I
noticed after listening to the tapes a while that I could often get a feeling beforehand
about whether it would be a good session or not at the tables. I didn't pay a lot of
attention to this originally as card counting is very mathematical and I never let

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feelings sway the way I would play. I would also get the feeling it was time to go and I
would play anyway as an experiment and invariably lose. I got into poker later and
now spend most of my time playing that game and my intuition was even more helpful
there. Despite this, I ended up getting out of listening to the tapes for a while as I was so
busy playing. After a while,
I noticed my intuition didn't seem to be as good as before. Late last year I started
listening to the tapes again and read the information that came with them again and
decided I was trying too hard before. Too shorten the story some, I wouldn't put effort
into trying to visualize anything and would just relax and listen which helped. My
intuition came back and I've had positive experiences while meditating with the tapes
although I still don't get many images that I understand. Although I suspect that
relates to me not really being interested in target practice. I am more interested in
improving myself anyway I can and learning whatever I can.
It has now gotten to the point that I have listened to the tapes many times and I think it
is time to move on to the Remote Influencing Course which actually sounds to be of
more interest to me than the Remote Viewing Course which has been helpful.
My gambling has focused lately on online poker which has exploded in popularity. The
feelings I get before sessions seem to be a glimpse of my emotion
after the session. I noticed sometimes I'll get a good feeling about a session beforehand
and lose anyway but I feel good after the session so
maybe I'm just picking up on how I feel later. Usually if I have an uneasy feeling like I
shouldn't be there I'll lose but if I get strong positive
feelings beforehand, I win a lot. Also, there seems to be a lot of untapped human
potential that the Remote Viewing Course and I assume the Remote
Influencing Course could put people on the path to achieving.
Thanks for the Remote Viewing Course Gerald and sorry for the long message.
Chris Podlewski

Kathryn J. Perritt writes to us on July 7, 2003 this

inspirational message after having taken the combination RV/RI courses.
Listen to me all of you! The WAR is on!
I am a clairvoyant and after hearing Mr. O'Donnell course my mind and soul are
charged a 100%.
His courses awaken the memory of a lot of people! We all know the secrets of the
universe, but we need to unlock it.
The way to do it is through "both" courses.
We need more light workers! A lot of us are giving up even before we have even tried!
Burn your sage, cleanse your chakra's, do the courses!
Three nights ago I was sitting on my porch when I looked up and saw three masses of
negative energy, and I thought to myself "My God it's getting closer"!
We have all been here before! Wake up and get to work!
It is not only us, but all planets and all galaxies! We need to work as a team. My hope is
that soon we will not need telephones. I talk to many of my friends without one.

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They want us to all be on the same level So that we will all chant but one word. Peace.
We will win!
Do not let negative energy ruin your life. Go into your dream tunnel, walk down the
hall, choose a room that has a lesson in it face the fear and slap it!
The dark side is gaining strength. When you are thinking negative thoughts it is
not you It is the dark energies doing this.
Order the combo, study it, have fun with it! Confuse a few of your friends. Just
kidding. Please start your work, order the courses and kick the dark side in the
Remember my friends fear is just false evidence appearing real.
Love light and laughter,
Kathryn J. Perritt

Miodrag Trajkovic from Tokyo,

Japan, a recent RV trainee, wrote to us on July 7, 2003:
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for the RV course!
I listen tapes every day. However, I tend to listen them in the bed, before going to
sleep, and I always get sucked in within the Delta
level. When I (rarely) listen during the day, I manage to keep myself conscious. I have
been listening only tapes 2A and 2B, and several times
3A and 3B. I have the tape player that plays both sides when in non-continuous setting,
so I listen actually both sides of a tape every
I am not sure how to know when I can move on to the next tape.
I have noticed this so far:
- My physical health has improved. It wasn't so bad to start with, though...
- I need less sleep when I listen to the tapes. Which means I am not sleepy next day
even if I sleep only short time.
- I do remember my dreams more often than before.
- I have no problem visualizing any thing you mention.
Besides that, I would like to tell you this:
- I have been practicing yoga since my childhood, and I can relax very quickly. When I
go to sleep, I fall asleep within seconds, according to
my girlfriend.
- I am practicing various types of healing (Reiki, Huna, Seraphim Healing, Chi Kung,...).
Some of them include ability to do remote (distant) healing. When I do remote healing,
I can sense the connection, as increased flow of energy, which I feel as increased
circulation in my head. I don't feel patient's status, nor any other details. I hope with
RV course to - among other things - get the ability to diagnose details of patient's
- I can hear binaural sounds on tapes. Should I turn off the "super bass" option on my
cassette player?

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Thank you!
Best regards,

Sherwood H.K. Finley writes to us this

very important feedback on the RV&RI combination course on June 27,
Becoming a "Precog" as shown in the movie "Minority Report."
Creating with full awareness one's reality. Stopping "time" and
operating in the gap between linear "time" at the level of real Mind in
order to Remote Influence. Witnessing reality twice: Once from the
HS perspective and then again from the "lower self perspective." This
comment will form the basis of a new page titled "In between worlds"
explaining the secret of Holographic Creation (projection), the real
"Matrix of Life (Universal Lattice) and how to master (control) it by
learning to be in the "gap." All this coming to you free, on this
website: The Channel of the One. Sherwood Finley is an American
living now in India. He offers private tutoring, RV or other RI services
through our academy. He can be contacted by Emailing or calling
our Academy. Gerald O'Donnell
My first experience with the Remote Influencing course was of a deep calm, a
characteristic of the delta level which remained within me and was easy to retrieve.
Next came lucid dreaming and very deep sleep, even naps were extremely restful.
From the Remote Viewing material I had learned to observe data streams from the past
and target probable futures. With Remote Influencing, I began to live them, but
sometimes I felt that I was living backwards in time. I found I could fast forward to the
day's end, review and edit, insert desired outcomes and then experience the day I had
designed. It became obvious to me that certain time reversals resulted from tapping
into delta, especially in public settings where more input is abundant.
For instance, I was in a bookstore on Jan 7 , 2003, and lived certain events in twiceinstant replay. I saw a vivid vision of a man drop a book then pick it up. But two
seconds later I saw it again. Trust me, this gets your attention!
Back on the street crowds looked like multi-colored clouds and I heard fragments of
conversations and two seconds later heard them again. I was living in a virtual doubleexposure reality!
That night in the shower while reviewing these events, I noticed that the water droplets
seemed to be falling very slowly, even after repeated viewings. I found I could encircle
a drop with my hand.
Four days later the drops just hung in the air, freeze-frame! Clocks have gotten into the
act preferring to slow-and stop-their second hand! I first thought that they ran out of
power, but new fresh batteries didn't help. One of the local cats ran by the door, and
guess what? He did it again two seconds later. I kept watching for Alice and/or the
white rabbit! No luck! Nor did a voice inform me that I had entered the twilight zone!
In RV assignments I found that after having trained with the Remote Influencing course
twice, I could view and retain far more data than previously, information which was
verified by Mr. O'Donnell who always made sense out of my input, especially when it
made no sense to me.

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After incorporating sketching, page after page would come flying out. With various
disasters ad crimes I found I could merge with them and emerge untouched, with no
In working with a distance healing client, I decided to see if I could enter their dream
and leave some helpful programs behind. By the way, that's all you can do, and only
win-win is possible. I found the speed of this person's dream was beyond
comprehension so I put it on hold, inserted simple instructions, e.g. :My immune
system is functioning perfectly", and then let their dream continue. Result: One of the
fastest recoveries I've ever seen in about 20,000 distance healing sessions (Since
Finding lost objects seemed effortless and it often seemed that I had become the object,
in most cases my glasses which have their own agenda!
In daily life I found that problem-solving, negotiation, communication, creativity,
memory, and not getting nervous or upset quite as frequently, all improved quite
After over a year of training with the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course
of the Academy, I can state that these experiences and states are now constant and not
like a peak experience or a weekend workshop success. As you master the deeper levels
of your mind there is an automatic mastery of life. It simply becomes easier.
My overall experience is that I can now help others far better discover their
tremendous inner potential for changes and accomplishment. I can help them bring in
healing- not just to their biology but their mind, emotional body, and spirit. All this is
what the RV and RI courses show and train us to experience. With only a little bit of
faith and perseverance we can all tap into this tremendous inner power just waiting to
lift us back into freedom and harmony.
---- BIO --Sherwood H.K. Finley II co-founded the International Healing Network in
1988, a worldwide organization with students in 26 countries. His
specialties are financial remote viewing, distance healing, unsolved
crimes, counter-terrorism, missing persons, lost objects as well as
researching mysterious phenomena. Sherwood is both a certified Remote
Viewing instructor and a certified Remote Influencing instructor for the
Academy of Remote Viewing. Sherwood H.K. Finley II can be contacted
through the Academy of Remote Viewing.

Charo a recent combo trainee from Spain writes to us

on June 26, 2003. Subject:
Out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams and internal healing after 2
weeks of training with the RV&RI combination package courses.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell:
Just a little word to tell you that the tapes are being wonderful to me! I ordered the
combo package and received it last 6/6/2003.
From tape one on I felt like my mind going through the roof of my head and an out-ofthe-body experience already happening.
Also lucid dreams are common to me now.
Although I still have a long way to go, and my life needs a lot of healing in many ways, I
feel I'm on the right track now. Those dreams are strongly showing the improvement of
my probable near-future and they are very encouraging to me.
I can only dedicate the weekends to the training as my weekdays are too busy, but I
just appreciate that little time!
I'm thankful for the day I searched on the Internet for RV and RI subjects and found
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your website.
Thank you!

Attention scientists! Want to see with your physical eyes virtual super
luminous tachyons (faster than Light particles originating from our
mirror Light universe) entering and exiting rapidly our holographic
universe. No need for complex expensive laboratory design! Your inner
sensory computer (brain) suffices! Read this feedback sent to us on June
23, 2003 by John Boots
I have just completed the first R.V. course with some interesting results. I went
through the whole course with my eyes closed. Then, while on the 6th tape (side B)
where I went to the Theta level with my eyes open I noticed these tiny light particles
floating in front of me as I was staring out of my studio window. They were all going in
different directions with slight traces behind them. I was able to focus on one and watch
it disappear from view. I asked Gerald what these tiny lights might be and he told me
they were "virtual tachyons". The course has opened my eyes and mind to so many new
possibilities and I am looking forward to starting the second course.
Thank you Gerald, for helping me to reconnect with that deeper part of me.

Tracy Sack sent us this feedback on June 10, 2003

after taking our RV/RI course. Subject:
Opening the door to one's subconscious realm.
Tracy has won a couple of 3 number lotteries using RV techniques.
P.S. Tracy has asked us to post that he will not reveal yet his method
and will not answer inquiries on the subject of lotteries until he
decides to go public with his method. So please refrain from Emailing
him about this.
When I use the methods from your remote viewing course, I now can focus to retrieve
data I am viewing while in the theta state of mind.
I recommend any person to try this course if you have never experienced what a
altered state is naturally. The first audio tape I listened to was a vivid dream-like state
where my conscious thoughts could still operate.
This course taught me many intimate sides and capabilities of my mind I have
not known from any other source of learning. I also built a foundation of knowledge to
construct the ideas of other remote viewing techniques and remote influencing
techniques which came later.
If a person allows their unconscious to listen to this course, a different world will be
perceived for sure. It can't be otherwise.
-Tracy Sack
Thank you Gerald. I have included a Lottery Paper I wrote about my experience with a
formula to decode time (I guess). Please don't post it. I just wanted to share it with
you, and if it continues to be successful I will post it on Grillflame to share with others.
If you have learned any thing about the formula yourself, please e-mail me with your

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Pamela Slayton sent us this nice encouraging note on

June 19, 2003. Subject:
Her satisfaction and life changing experiences with the RV& RI
courses and her rejection of negativity and its manifestations.
Dear Gerald,
Since I don't do the new Grillflame forum (I think it's worked out great for everyone
else, just too time consuming for me to maneuver around it) I do try to check in your
website every now and then to read the new articles, etc. . . So, I just found out about
all this ridiculousness that's been going on. I am not as articulate as our dear Leena, nor
am I a remote viewer like her, because I prefer to concentrate on the remote
influencing side of things. But, I applaud her response and extremely well-written
letter in your defense. How someone can just publicly slander someone else without
even fully researching your teachings and methods is beyond me! Your FIRST course
totally changed my life in so many ways, I can't even recount them all! I have now,
finally had a chance to start the second course and already can feel how powerful it is.
You probably charge the least amount for your courses than anyone else.
Your courses are highly effective in many ways. Not only that, but you have always
been available to me by email or phone at no extra charge, always willing to answer all
my questions or respond when I am particularly excited about something I have
learned from taking your course. You have NEVER pointed to yourself as any type of
Guru. In fact, you have always stressed to us that the Truth is inside OURSELVES, not
OUTSIDE in books, cults, gurus or whatever. I am studying other things and I can tell
you that I am constantly writing notes in the margins that say, "Yes, this is what Gerald
teaches, so now I understand better!" As a former military brat and having once had a
top secret classification myself, I understand that your background may be classified.
Even so, I don't care what your background may have been. I know from MY
EXPERIENCE of your course that you know what you are doing and that your course is
very highly effective in my life. That's all that matters to me. You have always shied
away from petty arguments, even if something was directed against yourself, with
compassion, love and understanding. Your love and compassion shows through with
every email and phone call. Please feel free to post this and I hope your shameless
detractors finally decide to do some REAL research and read these posts in your
support. Hey, maybe they could actually TAKE your course and see for themselves!
Pamela Slayton

Holly Rowe wrote to us this feedback on June 10, 2003.

"Witnessing" the birth of the Universe and its Light encoded
I ordered your course a few years ago. The course I ordered then was called "Remote
Viewing Through Time and Space."
I am once again going through the tapes.
I have had a couple amazing experiences early in the morning after a good sleep. In
both instances, I woke with my body vibrating strongly and closed my eyes knowing
something interesting may be happening. In one instance, I shot out (in?) into a dark
place and proceeded to watch the formation of the Universe (symbolically?) along with
all the data for humanity. A 'wave' of light and information exploded by me and I was
left with the realization that everything is "light" coded with information that is
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consciousness. It was like being there, as live with as vivid imagery as this present
moment, if not more so. Anyway, since having had some expanded experiences like
that, I hope to be able to have more of them. Thank you deeply for what you are doing
with these courses.

From: Pekkalainen Leena



Monday, June 09, 2003 9:20 AM

Subject: Busted: Non-spiritual Remote viewer!

Gerald! There they go again!

I dont know if you have noticed, but another RV-company from the RV world has very
recently been throwing baseless accusations against you. At first, you laughed at the
whole thing, and said that negative thoughts always comes back biting its originator
and you will not go down to these low levels for now. Well, I know you, but I must
admit that I was first flabbergasted and later a trifle upset at what was said so I decided
to send this feedback to you.
By now, you may have read it or not. Here is the link Your name is mentioned only once as a
side comment since the emphasis is on slandering Sean David Morton, whom by the
way I respect, if only for his high degree of concern about the dire state of our planets
ecological balance. But I take everything else in that page refers implicitly even to you
since you are as a side-comment also called a sham together with Glenn Wheaton for
dubious claims of government clandestine work. (One thing is sure: The writer never
ever did any governmental RV work since she probably was a young girl when these
outfits were operational and only learned the techniques when she married the founder
of PSI Tech Major Ed dames whom she subsequently left as she took on the helm of that
co. with another gentleman) I am not passing any judgment as far as her abilities as a
remote viewer or teacher, but only would like to make a few comments since I dont
understand her accusations at all.
This is very strange, because in December 1998 Daryl O'Berg, then a trainer with PSI
TECH, send you a warm message 85.htm#1000 lauding
your site and appreciating your tolerance and lack or criticism directed at others at a
time when the RV wars were boiling. Major Dames and Joni were also sending kudos.
I know that you have always encouraged your students to try, if they want, other
methods such as TRV, for they all have their strong points, and felt that they could be
beneficial when combined with yours, especially at the monitoring training level. You
never belittled them. Quite to the contrary.
I did peruse and visit the website that she quotes extensively regarding Sean David
Morton and although that site is critical
of Mr. Morton, there are 6 full pages in the same site highly critical of PSI Techs
founder and his teaching team that then included his ex-wife. Many misses are given as examples etc..
I find the situation quite embarrassing for PSI Tech and I find the fact that Mrs. Dourif
bases her smear campaign on the information gleaned by a site that is also highly
critical of PSI techs methodology, a bad error in human and business judgment.
Frankly almost humoristic! Personally I am not a big fan of the energy that this socalled watchdog site emanates. I sense much skeptical negativity there and therefore
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do not accept any of its information at face value. B.T.W. Gerald ODonnell is not
mentioned even once on that web site.
PSI Tech June 2003s statement starts as follows:
Technical Remote Viewing is real. It really works. The Pentagon really did spend
$20 million on its secret psychic spy unit, and then in an unprecedented move in
military history, handed the operational unit off to PSI TECH in 1989. For the last 14
years PSI TECH has been the protector of the technology, developing and refining it to
its present level of capability.
This is a good one! Totally ludicrous! From all my research on this field, the US
government officially closed down their former Remote Viewing programs in the late
1980 ( I said officially!) and never handed it over to any civilian commercial outfit.
Also the US government Remote Viewing technology can be downloaded in its
totality for free on the net at as it is now
in the public domain. I find very interesting that this particular company should refer
to capitalizing on their concept of remote viewing. I checked their prices (well of
course, after the good results I got from your courses, I was interested in maybe testing
another method, so I wanted to see what their prices were). The two cheapest ones
were 200$ each and they were for learning how to win at gambling and how to find
your ideal mate (considering they talk about themselves as holding the flag for real,
technical, traditional RV, I found those titles a bit out of the RV-repertoire though a
fun idea in itself). But to buy those you were first required to take the two previous
courses, 500$ each. (The second course was said to cost 7 00$ but if you had
purchased the first one at 500$ youd get the second one with 500$. The only oddity
here being in my mind that you were supposed to have gone through course number 1
before you were allowed to buy number 2, theres no way you could order the second
one for 7 00$! Very noble in my mind to give a discount that doesnt really exist)
Even the basic prize of 500$ per course is a lot lot more than ARV asks for RV and RI
put together. So the question rises of course who is capitalizing here? You need to pay
at least 1000$ to go through their course, to begin with. That is not a small sum of
Also if they talk about you specifically as being greedy I wonder... When I approached
you I had no extra money and wanted to hear if you had any used courses that you
might sell cheaper. What you answered was that if I did a diary on all my experiences
with the course, youd give me the RV course for free. No matter how I try, I cant see
this to be a very greedy act. You didnt even know who I was, but were ready to give
your course away as a gift in return for something I would have done anyway - a diary
of my experiences. This request on its own proved to me that you were really more
interested to see how well your methods work. I remember the vivid discussions we
had on my results. You were not pretending to be interested. You WERE intensely
And about latching on the RV-term to garner credibility from the scientific acceptance
of a program that got its start in the confines of military intelligence. Well, Id say if
this company accused others of doing this, then it is exactly the same thing they
themselves are doing. They did not invent RV. None of them were in military RV units.
They are using certain methodologies in their approach to the skill. You are also using a
methodology (which BTW after combining it with the RV and RI courses that you teach
and using some aspects of the army manual I find to be efficient and working). Besides,
referring to scientific acceptance... Is it really there? As far as I remember, there is
quite a debate going on whether RV is legitimate or not, or scientific for that
matter. The question still lingers: was money wasted on programs like Stargate and
Grillflame etc?

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So the only thing really you can rely on are the results. You put yours on display.
Peoples feedback with real email-addresses. Anyone can contact them and check their
experiences. You are not in between there, trying to control what is said. Quite honest
behavior in my opinion.
There is a lively community at Grillflame ( discussing RV and also
your courses. You participate sometimes and let discussion flow freely. It is not even
your forum. Only a freely based association of individuals. You are not trying to
control it.
My own results using your RV methods have been quite profound. Do you remember
the feedback I sent to you? 7 7 I was only half-way through ARVs RVcourse when I already saw that very first female bomber in Jerusalem. The first female
suicide bomber ever in human history. And I hadnt done any RV in my life before that.
Also other terrorist attacks. I have searched with your methods for wanted terrorists
and the best hit was Osaman Bin Laden I think. I saw him in a certain country, could
even see the map and locate his route, saw that he was moving with a small group of
people. I got partial names of the cities and later on they were really found on the map.
I saw his destination, where he was going and why. And two weeks later I read at an
official newspaper here that intelligence sources (reliable) said he had been exactly
where I saw him at that exact time, moving with a small group of people. Of course I
can't verify this as I have no idea what reliable intelligence source this was but it had
ended in the newspaper via an international news agency. Also this particular
newspaper is not any free leaflet but almost a 100-year old respected publication and
an official newspaper. This happened two months after I had finished ARVs RVcourse.
After this I have been asked to do real RV targets (corporate and private) and
sometimes the results have been astonishingly accurate. One person asked me about a
certain project not revealing in what country it was, only a person involved. I saw him,
other people involved, their occupations and the country, details of this project
(technical info) I could not have known. The person who asked me this tried to
influence me by asking deliberately if this project was to take place at certain
coordinates within this country and I used your methods and saw it quite elsewhere.
And ended up exactly where it really was. Later on this person said she had to look
over her shoulder as it seemed I was reading the very report she was asking about from
behind her back.
So if this other company says that you and your methods are a fraud I must very much
disagree. Results - mine and others - speak loud and clear!
Now I have been working in marketing for 16 years. One thing I have learned is that you
do not slander your competitors. People are not stupid. If they see you selling your
product by belittling others, it usually is because the quality is no longer good for
customers. I mean that companies doing that are a red flag for me and I, at the very
least, start asking whats wrong with their product if this is the way they have to fish for
customers with dishonest methods. A satisfied customer tells the good news to his/her
friends. I also got your link originally from one such person, and I sure am glad I did.
And about your connections to intelligence agencies. Not my place to start
commenting on that. And quite frankly I am not even interested. All I can say that in all
other contacts with you I have met integrity, honesty and caring, real interest in your
students progress. So I dont see why you would have lied on that one. So if this other
company says there are many others out there peddling their shams; like Gerald
ODonnell and Glenn Wheaton who think they can fool the public by just making false
claims of clandestine government remote viewing backgrounds Id like to know what
the false claims they refer to exactly are. And how would they have known about

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foreign Western operations since they never ever operated within any intelligence
agency. Also do they perhaps only accept US government RV background? (After all
there are other governments in this world too, the last I checked. Not everyone is
working for or with the US-military methods.)
Obviously you are doing something right to make them so scared of your success.
By reading the feedback section on your site Ive seen enough evidence that your
courses have delivered. If one company is losing market because you sell your course
cheaper and teach people quicker with different methods than they do... Well, maybe
they should review their own methods? There are different schools of thought in
everything - let people choose the one they think is good for them. As far as I have
learned anything, there never is one and only truth to anything. There are different
methods, there are different people, there is different learning. What works for one isnt
necessarily as efficient with someone else. No need for -isms. Our world is big enough
for all. And I, for one, am a person who wants to approach the same subject from
different viewpoints. I can see myself using different RV methods.
you are in danger of being lumped into a growing number of frauds and charlatans
who give the term remote viewing a fictitious image. Thats why its important that
you understand the difference. Just because someone uses the term remote viewing
doesnt mean that is what they are doing. Many that we have seen peddling their
products today do not actually have a clue about what it is or how it works
Are we starting a cult?
Strange comments coming from someone who in the next June issue keeps on boasting
of having sketched the kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart, and has taken all prior references
away from her web site about the fact that she was supposedly hired by the Smart
family and that her 14 R.Viewers saw the child dead and even described the location of
her body. Information that was communicated to the poor parents, who thank G. were
reunited with their daughter a couple of days latter when the police found her alive and
reasonably well.
Well, I repeat: I dislike the insinuation directed to you here. When I have called you /
written to you, your advice has helped me a lot to RV better. So in that respect Id say
you certainly know RV and how it works. (Not to mention you usually answer your
phone yourself. That is customer service not found much in this world anymore) Also
this kind of sentence is cheap negative psychology. It tries to raise peoples suspicions
towards everyone else but this particular company. Instead it might be wiser to just
concentrate on what each and every company does best. A little marketing advice
again: sometimes it is good for business to have similar companies around. Think of a
serious shopper - s/he wants to have many companies with different products in the
same line so the assortment is big enough. S/he then chooses what best suits
her/him. So put up one shop and hope other ones with similar lines of product come
nearby and you all get more visitors.
Psi Tech invites skeptics and encourages challenging questions. We present you with
the real deal.. the same skill that was discovered and utilized in the Defense Intelligence
Agencys remote viewing unit. A learned technology with no frills. One that, like
language, anyone who applies himself/herself can learn effectively. The best remote
viewers are the ones who remote view the most. Theres no magic. Its that simple but
the results can be mind boggling as everyone who comes though our doors discovers.
Psi Techs mission is to keep the technology pure and accessible and if that means
knocking charlatans down and stripping gurus of their robes, that is what we will do.
Youll see, as we do, when you are on the side of truth there is nothing to lose and
everything to gain
I quite agree. Theres no magic - except your own mind which can feel like very big

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magic when you find your own innate skills. Everyone can learn to RV. And knocking
charlatans down - by all means. But your name shouldnt be mentioned in connection
with such a title. And if anyone, you of all people hate to be called a guru. You
positively squirm with discomfort when someone tries to make you one. Here I quote
one of your emails on this question: If you meet a guru on the road, shoot him. Learn
to be your own guru. Dont belittle yourself by saying it is not possible for you to be
good enough. Dont give your own power away to someone else.
And interesting course description they have:
In this program, youll learn how to discover your personal Optimum Trajectory which is your optimal path in life. Optimum Trajectories show us the direction that will
enable us to be the most fulfilled - and the happiest. Imagine that you have the ability
to see your perfect future; a future where youre happy and content; where life brings
you meaning and fulfillment; a future where your dreams are made real. Now imagine
you are able to see many paths before you, including the path you need to take to get
to your perfect future. Once you learn the advanced TRV skill of Personal Optimum
Trajectories, knowing which path will lead you to your perfect future - is only a session
Sounds a lot like ARVs Remote Influencing course to me. I like ARVs RI course very
much. It doesnt concentrate on creating a perfect future only on the material level.
You tackle the real issue - how to contact your own bigger potential, your Higher Self if
you will. To reach a state where you know your very being creates your life around
you. Then you learn how to create it willfully - and also to reach a state of mind where
you look at the bigger picture. You see the forest from the trees so to speak, see where
the road goes after the bend :-) And when it comes to saying it is only a session away does this mean one session? I wouldnt put this skill so simply. Willfully creating your
future means you have to deal with the core issue of You. Realize what exactly is
blocking you from achieving what you want. And teaching you to recognize why you
want it. Dealing with the blocks in a positive and loving way and keep doing this until
the change you wanted is there so your results are permanent. (If anything is
permanent. As far as I know the only constant is change. There really is no permanent
perfect future that would always remain so. This simply because you change. What
was perfect for you 10 years ago is hardly what youd describe as perfect to yourself
Sure you can RV individual decisions one by one (search for gold and lost treasures as
this other company puts it) but I prefer to home into the very end result and energize
that through energizing myself. Let the little details take care of themselves. You teach
this well. People have reported how their intuition has greatly increased as a result of
your courses - up to a level where it has saved their lives even.
Is this RV? No, this is Remote Influencing (a nice term that you invented yourself,
btw). Sure you could do individual short courses on finding oil or win at gambling
(which again sounds to me as trying to capitalize on the concept of remote viewing )
but I prefer your approach: an overall course with methods you can apply to any goal
you choose.
Well, enough of rambling here. I rarely get upset. Probably my Finnish Character!
However, this time this Co has gotten under my skin. You can publish this or not. You
choice, but this is what my heart feels should be told now, in the name of truth. Not to
settle a score. I send them all my love and wish for a prosperous and enlightening
future. I have nothing against Psi Tech, short of the fact that their marketing methods
seem to be dirty and I do not wish to deal with such companies.
Keep on doing the good work. It is much appreciated, no matter what competitors say
(And maybe you really should take that kind of slander as a compliment that you have
made your mark!)
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Youll see, as we all do, when you are on the side of truth there is nothing to lose and
everything to gain

Serge Laliberte sends this testimonial on May 29, 2003 on

the RV &RI courses. Subject:
The power of loving thought in energizing and healing nature and
healing an older beloved family pet.
Hi Gerald,
Glad you clarified for me over the phone the issue of vibratory light. Thanks!
First of all, I want to congratulate you on your RV & RI course. It is outstanding and
very exciting to do and experience. I am now on tape 3B of the RI course. I have been
doing this course slowly over the past 8 months, repeating frequently each tape. As a
result, tape 2A of the RV course is starting to sound warbled. So I am kindly asking that
you send me a replacement.
With regards to my experiences, I have increased intuition and it is coming in more
evenly and regularly. I also am more even emotionally, am told that I have more
serenity and feel increased inner peace consistently. When my dark shadow comes to
the surface, I am able to accept and ground the various fears.
All of the above can be real or imagined, but my greatest success and legitimate proof
that something is happening has been with tape 6A of the RV course. I started working
on an asparagus fern that was brought indoors in the fall . This plant did not look very
healthy to start with. Over the course of 3-4 weeks, I did four RV sessions on that plant,
it became more healthy and vibrant and finally even bloomed, producing several small
star-shaped flower clusters which we have never seen before. As I write, this plant is
beautiful, vibrant and full of life.
The next experience is with our family dog, a 12 year old Border Collie named Louie.
He loves to run, but has been limping for the past year and this gradually became worse
to the point that he was in chronic pain and barely walking on three legs. X-rays
showed advanced osteoarthritis of his right shoulder. He was given a long-term antiinflammatory drug, on which he improved but as soon as he would go out for a run, he
was limping again. Using the techniques in tape 6A, I did maybe four sessions at
different intervals of RV & RI on the dog. Louie got better, the drug dosage and
frequency were reduced, and finally he was doing really well. Quite back to normal.
What I was not aware of, was that the teens had forgotten for many weeks to give him
his meds regularly, remembering only once a week - maybe. For the past two months,
Louie has been off all medication, is 95% better with only some morning stiffness and
not limping. Now that I call awesome!
All the best, till later

Michael Brock writes to us these very wise

comments on May 20, 2003. Subject:
The secrets of remote viewing& influencing and the "gap" that is
extensively covered in our RI course.
Remote Viewing & Influencing seems like a fascinating construct, utilizing ancient
meditation foundations. Time and space only exist in the brain therefore is collectively

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projected onto the universe. The brain has to process electronic and chemical impulses
which in turn create time and space.
The gap between thoughts is where the Mind exists. The trick is how to maintain the
"gap," and to project desire or manipulation within that relative existence. We are all
able to manipulate our micro-verses by varied means (emotions, desires, angst, joy,
happiness etc.). The key would be to control and understand the influences on
ourselves (micro-mind) then manipulate these diverse energies into focused realities of
choice. The manipulation of religion is one of the unique constructs of certain social
constructs. The auto-suggestive reality of marketing, and of course tell-eye-vision.
Projected material on the brain effects the Mind so that the individual loses contiguity
with the Mind!
Thought occupies space which severs connection with the Mind. The time, space
reality is created in the brain, the processor. Then one could conclude that time and
space have already been conquered just that the wall won't stay down. (smile)

Chante Quiett an RI trainee and healer writes to

us on May 16, 2003. Subject:
Our Delta CD as the ultimate answer to hardcore insomniacs!
Aloha Gerald,
In regards to our conversation the other day, here are my comments:
Many of my clients have found this CD very effective for getting into deep delta where
other sleep CDs have failed. They awaken having had their first natural deep sleep in
years! These people were hard core insomniacs and thought nothing but their sleeping
pills would ever give them the release they sought. Needless to say they are relieved
and very grateful.
Chante' Quiett Holistic practitioner LA.

Kent Annergrund <> sent us this feedback

on May 12, 2003. Subject:
Revealing the core of old secrets without having to join esoteric
elitist groups.
Hello Gerald,
I promised you comments on the Remote Viewing and Influencing course. I have an
extensive background in esoteric studies and can confirm your statements about how
many esoteric orders, and societies act to keep most people outside of the real
knowledge. For reasons linked to power, money etc.
Many of the techniques in the course are familiar in one way or another, but with the
important difference that you do not mix them with lies, unnecessary details or side
tracks, as many others do. You tell only what is needed to know.
What I love most with your course is the combination of brain wave training and
guided visualizations. It's really very powerful.
Does the course help me? Yes it does. Very much so. It has straighten up some question
marks I have had and accelerated the process to awakening.
Thank you Gerald!

converted by W

Feel free to quote me on your feedback page.

Best Regards
Kent Annergrund

Nealie <> an RV student wrote to us this very

interesting comments dated April 7, 2003:
Dear Gerald:
Just want to share the following information. When listening to tapes 1 to 2 I had a lot
of resistance within my body and repeatedly fell asleep when doing the mediations with
my eyes closed. My dream state was filled with anxieties and sensations of being pulled
one way and than another. Usually, if I am listening to a tape or doing a mediations I
have my eyes open. However, I resisted listening to the tapes in my usual manner,
because I wanted to follow the outline of the program. Finally I listened to my intuition
and listened to tape 3 with my eyes opened and the results were fantastic. I had no
resistance in my body, I don't fall asleep and the visions came quickly and clearly. I will
forward you a copy of CD of the Whisperers. We suggest listening to the music with
headphones in a quite place. See attach flyer for coming events in California and
Blessing of light,

Rishael Sisler one of our RV?RI Combo students, writes to us this enthusiastic comment on
April 1, 2003. Subject:
Changing the life of a diagnosed Schizophrenic patient and
improvement of his partial paraplegic condition due to a traumatic
fall. When you believe, anything becomes possible! All of You ...who Be...Probable Future,
Thank You....for providing these courses...and making this information so readily
affordable for everyone. In my first visit to was so touched by
the Love...Compassion...Insight...Intelligence....and Quality of your information on
RVing. Everything I read resonated with my beliefs of what I am....and the way things
work...from what I have learned in my personal spiritual journey. Of course...I ordered
your course in Remote Viewing. This was in February of 2002.
This course has been an incredible tool in my personal development. I have done
many different kinds of work in my 48 years. The most re-occurring theme since I take care of people plants and animals. For as long as I can
remember...I have been caring for injured beings. This started with people giving me
injured or orphaned animals when I was a child. As a teenager I worked with
developmentally disabled children. In college I was pursuing a double major in Music
and Psychology.....due to my interest in the effects of music on our feelings, moods and
emotions. My formal education was interrupted in 197 5 by a near death experience in
childbirth....and the loss of my son in the traumatic birthing experience. This is when I
had to learn about healing myself....physically and emotionally. I've continued my
"independent studies" of life with raising three children...(youngest now
20)....interspersed with an encounter with Lymphatic Cancer...(survivor..18 years) and
a lot of study of physics, metaphysics, and spiritual-physical-mental health. I still take
care of people...a lot of work with the elderly in the 90's....including of course my own
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Right after I began your course in RV....I got a call from an acquaintance who wanted
me to work with her schizophrenic son. He was 24 years old...and very injured. He was
an honors student entering UCSC (university of California at Santa Cruz) after high
school and had an emotional breakdown in his first year of college. He was diagnosed
as a schizophrenic and put on medication. In the depths of his despair and
confusion....he jumped off of the roof of their 2 story house in august of 2001. He
survived a partial paraplegic and was told he would probably never walk
His mother called me in April of 2002 and asked me to work with him. When I first met
this young man he captured my heart...He was very withdrawn...depressed...angry...He
was very consumed with his interactions, with his voices. I believe these are all
fragments of his shattered self and it has been fascinating getting to know them. The
course in RV has been so my efforts to help him discover his path to
healing himself. We worked 1 on 1 together almost every day for about 2 1/2 months.
He started out believing that he would never walk again...could not heal from
schizophrenia...and the only point in going on....was to find a better way to commit
suicide. What a journey this has been...Now...almost a year later...He is walking with a
brace on one leg and a cane!! He can even walk up the stairs in my house when he
comes to visit. He is blossoming in his social life and has positive thoughts for his
future. We worked together to hire a staff of "care-pals"! to further his path to healing.
I could not continue the 1 on 1 I needed to go to Indiana to care for my
Mother. the time I had to go last September we had a good staff of
people and he certainly didn't need my personal attention. Since then I have been the
manager and advisor for the care-pals. I am so grateful for all the ways that I have
benefited from the RV course and believe it was instrumental in my work with this
young man.
Now....I'm off to Indiana care for my Mom who is 84....and move her out to
live with my family here in CA. AND....beginning your course in RI which I LOVE.
So....the point of all this.........My question???? for very special young
man is having a birthday soon....I would like to give him the course in Remote
Viewing....So....What do you know about your tapes and schizophrenia??? What do you
think?? Is there any reason he shouldn't??? I think he may really enjoy them and
benefit from it! What do you think??
Once again...Thank You...I love you experience with Probable Future has been
like a big Kiss from the Universe!!

Gary Bynam a recent RI/RV Combo trainee writes to

us on march 13th, 2003
His experience in being a powerful channel for healing energies and
saving the life of his elderly father with the help of the One. Makes me
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to experience your courses.

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I have had bad times lately with my father being very ill but things have turned
around very quickly due to my persistent listening to the Out of the Matrix Course, Let
me explain:
My father has suffered with severe arthritis of the Hips and was due to go into a
Hospital for a hip operation on Wednesday, March 5th 2003.
The hip operation went fine but my father's heart and kidneys went into spasm he was
moved into intensive care, as his heart/blood pressure was not functioning correctly
and he went on life support.
Friday, March 7 th: After two days, things were not getting better and the doctor
suggested his life could go either way. Upon my visit I found a very old and confused
man who had also developed a very bad twitch as his whole body would jerk up and
down. We hoped that it was only a reaction to the drugs. My father is or was a very fit
7 9 year old and I was quite distressed.
The Doctor suggested the kidneys needed help and he would install some sort of
dialysis apparatus to help them.
Saturday, March 8th: 11AM. My mother called me at work, and informed me that Dad
was still the same. I left work at 2pm with a mission to help my father so I parked up at a
car park close to the beach and decided to ask for help.
I relaxed and moved into the deep theta level, when I arrived I asked for help, two
figures appeared the first one looked up at me it had the face of death: a skeleton face. I
pushed it away with white light and as another came I did the same. I focused on
asking for help again and this time two figures came and helped me: an old man with a
white beard and a young lady they hugged me, which was strange, I have never had
that reaction before.
I focused on Dad in bed and I passed my white light into him focusing on his heart and
Kidney's. I kept filling them with golden light, my body shook from the high level of
vibratory energy passing through me. I thanked my guides and returned to the
The next day my mother went to see my father. His heart was stable and they had taken
him off the kidney machine. He told my mother, that "they" had tried to take him away,
but I would not let them. My father told me that as I visited him but he was still very
confused and I noticed the twitch had gotten worse more alike muscle spasms.
Monday March 10th: Our visit showed that father was doing a lot better. He was still
confused and his memory would jump backwards and forwards. The muscle spasms
were a lot worse. The main thing was that he was out of intensive care and now into a
small coronary ward which still has 24 hr assistance mainly now for his blood heart
monitoring. He still had a long way to go.
Tuesday March 11th: After our visit I decided my father needed more help with that
muscle spasm.
I listened to tape 5b and about 3/4 the way through I Took off the head phones and
focused on my father picturing him in front of me, again I pushed golden white light up
through his body trying to push out that spasm and my body seemed to shake with
I also sent golden light around his blood stream to clean the blood. I told him he
would be all right and to keep fighting. I visualised him walking out of hospital and I
released that thought to the One.
Wednesday 12th of March: My mother phoned me at about 4pm asking if my Daughter
would like to see Dad? I was confused, I didnt think father was well enough to see
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children, so I asked my mother how he was, she replied, he's fine. What? No muscle
spasm? No she said. I asked her what the Doctor had done.done? "Wait a second I will
ask the nurse" she replied, "nothing, the nurse said the Doctor hasn't done anything."
How is his blood I asked? "Its much better." was her answer.
Thursday 13th of March: 11am, I phone mum for an update. "Good news" she say's Dad
should be moved into a normal recovery ward Today.
Gerald, thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn you RI and RV courses. This I
believe has helped my father live and will never forget it. The circumstances may be
unusual, but what you said is true--- I'm on my way to learn how to create my own
I still have a lot to learn. I did ask for healing powers and it worked. I feel closer to the
One more than ever. Maybe this is just the start. I will listen to the tapes with even
more concentration.
Heartfelt Thanks

Louise Harvey of Australia took our Combo

course and sent us this very interesting testimonials on February 22, 2003.
Manifesting reality.
The world is within.
Witnessing the "Matrix grid", and doing some accurate RV targeting.
Changing her life and putting her more in control of it.
Hello Gerald,
Well, I have just completed both courses; first the RV training and then the RI straight
after. It's time now to give you some feedback.
I am so glad I have done this training. It has been worth every cent. A friend of mine
has also now purchased both courses, and I even paid half of the cost for her because I
am so thoroughly convinced of its efficacy and its beneficial effects.
I feel really quite different now; a different person almost to the one who started the
courses barely 5 months ago. Reality also feels and looks different in many strange and
exciting ways.
Not long after I started the course, I was basically forced into watching my thoughts
like a hawk, because some negative events occurred at that time that were clearly
manifestations of some fears that I was nurturing in my mind. I won't go into details
about what those events were, but they left me in no doubt that I caused them to
happen. I felt a little out of control about it, and I was concerned that perhaps I just
would not be able to monitor my thoughts enough to prevent further negative events
from occurring. But on the other hand I also felt reassured that really I WAS creating
my reality and therefore I would be able to manifest positive things if I just changed my
I continued to practice with the tapes consistently, supported with some other quiet
meditation and appropriate reading. I monitored my thoughts as much as I possibly
could, and as soon as I caught a negative thought, I would replace it with a positive

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one. During particularly rough times at work or at home, the tapes were always a
comforting escape, and they offered reassurance and almost instant relaxation. They
helped me to focus on my inner life and stop me from dwelling on any outer problems
and attachments.
Anyway, when I had finished the RV training, I did some target practice, and while
there was some encouraging success with it, I seemed to have far too much information
and images coming into my awareness, to the point where it just seemed like a confused
mess! Anyway, I found a strategy that eliminates the extraneous information, and has
improved my accuracy. My previous approach was to lie down, and get into Theta or
Delta and use a Dictaphone to record what I was seeing. But the strategy that works best
in my own case is to sit up in a chair, relax for a few minutes, and record all impressions
with a pencil and paper, similar to some of the protocols used in some other RV
techniques. This method seems to eliminate a lot of extraneous information and
images. Anyway, sometimes the results are so accurate that I find it completely
amazing and surreal. Then I might have a few 'misses' and I lose some confidence, but I
always come back to it and have a 'hit'.
The exercise that I have had the most success with is where you visualize putting on
someone else's head over your own. I get SO much information from this exercise. It
has been especially reliable, helpful and insightful, although sometimes I have this icky
feeling that I'm invading someone else's personal space! But it has been of tremendous
help to make sense of some people's behaviors, and I find that rather than judging them
for their behaviors or getting angry etc with them as I might have done before, I now
have a great deal more empathy with them. It has really helped me to improve the way
I communicate with some of my more difficult work colleagues and family members.
The other thing that I wanted to mention is a little hard to describe, but more and more
often I have these feelings where everything outside of me IS me. Everything; people,
cars, trees, books, anything at all.
Suddenly out of the blue I'm looking at something and it looks familiar as though it is
me looking at me. Weird but true. Life seems to be becoming less real; visually too. For
a long time I have been able to see a faint energy field around people and objects, but
sometimes now I see streams of energy simply pouring not only out of people but
shaking and moving in the empty spaces around me. I don't know if all this stuff has
happened as a direct result of training with the tapes, but I'm pretty confident that it
has. Then I had this REALLY strange experience with my vision that I had NEVER had
before - I had been working on my computer for a few hours and my eyes were starting
to strain, so I held one hand over one of my eyes to rest it, while I looked at the
computer screen with my other eye. All of a sudden, the computer screen and
everything else in my sight just dissolved away completely and in its place was these
vibrating bands of (what seemed like) energy traveling up and across my sight. It was
like stepping right into one of those 3D puzzle pictures that were popular a few years
ago. As soon as I blinked my computer screen and everything just popped right back
into sight and the 'energy bands' were gone. I just thought "Woooah, what the hell was
that?" Too much computing? I don't know, like I said, that has never happened before,
and I spend much of working hours sitting in front of a computer.
My favorite tape was definitely 7 B of the RI tapes, which I felt an immense connection
with. It was like the icing on the cake, although ALL of the tapes were great and I felt
that they all contributed to my progress. Some of the RI tapes were a little long for me I get restless pretty quickly, but I hung in there, or if I was really restless, I would just
stop the tape, get up and come back to it a bit later. The first two tapes of the RI course
I listened to again and again and again. I think I could recite them by now!
Anyway, I hope this feedback helps you in the ongoing development of the course, and
perhaps gives reassurance to those who may be considering purchasing the course.
converted by W

Thank you Gerald for making it available to the public - it's a great gift to the world.
Louise Harvey

Gary Bynam sent us on February 1, 2003 these very

interesting anecdotal experiences: Subject:
Protection afforded by Higher Realms after taking the RV and RI
Hello Gerald
I was sent an email from a fellow viewer who asked if I had anymore experiences, I
have two which I have not mentioned they are as follows
November 2001 Dubai:
After winning a trip with 50 other managers to Dubai we spent 5 wonderful days in
great company.
The last night is always a special event and we went into the desert and had a feast
dressed in full Arab regalia, we arrived back at the Hotel were everyone decided to go
to the bar for a last drink, I left my wife in the lobby while I went up stairs to get my
wallet as I came out of the lift I noticed she was talking to an Arab as I approached he
left her and walked away, she explained that he thought that it was an insult for us to
wear this sort of regalia in front of Arabs.
So we told the others and got changed and went to our rooms for a night cap, I poured
two Gin & Tonics and sat on the Balcony we were on the fifth floor and had a lovely view
of the ocean.
Suddenly I felt frightened I don't know why so I moved just inside the balcony door
way, my wife asked if anything was wrong? I said no.
We went to bed. Later on that night something made me wake up, I opened my eyes to
see the curtains from the patio doors swaying to and fro as if the doors were opened, I
checked what I had seen again and again then at the corner of my eye I saw him, the
same Arab that was in the lobby.
I froze, I admit I was frightened, we were being mugged ? I don't know why, but the first
thing I thought I should do, is protect my self and my wife by using the light just as
Gerald had taught me to so I did I concentrated as best as I could I also protected my
wife I visualized we were both balls of light.
I lay there still as I could but thinking may be I should do something more positive and
have a go at him in that split second I jumped up and as you would guess he was gone. I
checked the doors to the balcony, they were locked, and Tracy was still asleep.
The next morning I asked her if she had seen or heard anything out of the unusual last
night, she said "yes I saw that Arab at the bottom of your bed. I thought, I must be
dreaming and went back to sleep!"
I don't quite know why he came, but he never returned.

January 31 2003
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Having a dream which I remember the end of, I woke suddenly as I thought I heard
our gate open, which is a big old metal thing.
I looked towards the bedroom door and about 5 feet from the ground I saw what
seemed to be an object with the colors red, green, white light etc !
It felt as if I had caught it watching us in bed and suddenly it realized this, so it quickly
blended back into our matrix.
The colors faded one by one taking about 2 sec's each, can't explain what happened
maybe someone else can ?
The RV and RI Teachings from "Out of the matrix" are definitely a must. I'm sure they
will open many doors to many.
Many Thanks

Pam Slayton <> wrote this us this great healing

testimonial on January 18, 2003: Subject:
Healing of her son's viral meningitis
Dear Gerald,
I just wanted to share a little healing testimonial as it is mostly due to my having taken
your first and second course. As you know, my 18 year old son has been very sick with
viral spinal meningitis. He was sick for a week before we realized what was wrong. We
thought he had the flu until the night that no amount of Motrin would take his headache
away and his back and neck were also painful. He was admitted into the hospital the
very next day, a Saturday. We were told several times that he had a very serious case of
it. So serious, that if it had been bacterial, he would already have died from it. I was
able to stay with him not only during the day, but all through the night as well. It is
hard to describe what he went through and the constant, intense pain he was in during
that time. Keep in mind, I was so totally beyond exhausted, I had an extremely low
energy level myself. In fact, there were many times, I came close to passing out in the
hospital. By the following Thursday morning, he was no better and they were
discussing sending him to a major hospital on Friday that would be an hour away from
me. Not only did I want Adam to get better, but his being an hour away would have
made things very difficult for me as I still had obligations at home. So, I sat next to his
bed and starting praying a mantra according to my beliefs. Within five minutes, I felt
the energy surge and "electrical" tingling throughout my body that I am familiar with
from using your tapes. The thought came to me to direct that energy to Adam. Because
of taking your first course, I knew how to turn the energy into intense white light and
direct it throughout Adam's body. On it's own, it turned from white light to blue. I kept
this up until I felt the energy dissipate within me. TRULY, from that time onward,
Adam's pain was gone. He needed no more medication. When the doctor came in the
next morning to check on him, she expressed amazement at his sudden improvement.
Instead of sending him to the hospital an hour away, she sent him home! I firmly
believe that was the day his spinal meningitis finally went away. The following Sunday,
he did have some problems with spinal headaches, but that can be normal after what he
went through in the hospital. The meningitis is gone. And now, the spinal headaches are
gone as well. If it wasn't for your course, I would not have known what to do with the
sudden energy I felt within myself. Thank you so much and also to everyone for their
prayers and energy thoughts.

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Sincerely, Pamela Slayton

Michael St. Clair <> wrote to us on January 16, 2003:

Subject enhancing Astrological predictions with our RV course.
My team and I just completed a course with the remote viewing academy, check it out
at - designed by Gerald O'Donnell, and I can guarantee
everyone that the method works.
The RV technique has enhanced in many ways the precision and work output I do as an
astrologer, and in essence our web sites below are the result of remote viewing; so, I
can only recommend that everyone learns how to remote view, and empowers
themselves with the techniques taught at the Academy. As a child I was already
psychic or clairvoyant, so the gift was inherent, and as an astrologer I have the
mathematical methods to do some of the basic work. But when you calibrate all this
over the RV techniques, the predictive track record (as shown in passage11) is simply
second to none.
See the web sites below at The World Vision Portal..
Michael St.Clair
RMN's 'Tylersword'
StClair's web site
StClair's forum

JQ writes to us on January 12, 2003. Subject:

Operating at a higher vibratory level and improvement in trading
Hi Gerald,
I have been using your course for a few months now and wanted to share some
feedback. I listen to the course daily and it has had a profound effect on my mental and
physical body. My body feels like it is changing. It constantly pulsates or vibrates and
feels like tiny electrical impulses surging all the time. This is most notable when I am
lying down before I fall asleep. My diet has also changed dramatically. I used to crave
and eat a large steak every day, needing the protein. However, now I rarely eat meat
nor have the desire to. At this time, I eat very little, yet have not lost any weight. I
have actually gained weight. My remote viewing abilities are very accurate now. As a
trader, I see what the Dow and S&P will trade at the next day on a regular basis. It has
been remarkable. My friends have noticed a significant change in me. They say it is
hard to describe, but something has changed. Your course is really incredible and one
of the best things I have don!
e for my life.
Most Sincerely,
(If you use this on the website, please do not include my name or email address. Thank

Miodrag Trajkovic <> of Tokyo,

Japan writes to us on January 12, 2003:
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for the RV course!

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I listen tapes every day. However, I tend to listen them in the bed, before going to
sleep, and I always get sucked in within the Delta level. When I (rarely) listen during the
day, I manage to keep myself conscious. I have been listening only tapes 2A and 2B,
and several times 3A and 3B. I have the tape player that plays both sides when in noncontinuous setting, so I listen actually to both sides of a tape every day.
I am not sure how to know when I can move on to the next tape.
I have noticed this so far:
- My physical health has improved. It wasn't so bad to start with, though...
- I need less sleep when I listen to the tapes. Which means I am not sleepy the next day
even if I sleep only a short time.
- I do remember my dreams more often than before.
- I have no problem visualizing anything you mention.
Besides that, I would like to tell you this:
- I have been practicing yoga since my childhood, and I can relax very quickly. When I
go to sleep, I fall asleep within seconds, according to my girlfriend.
- I am practicing various types of healing (Reiki, Huna, Seraphim Healing, Chi Kung,...).
Some of them include ability to do remote (distant) healing.
When I do remote healing, I can sense the connection, as increased flow of energy,
which I feel as increased circulation in my head. I don't feel patient's status, nor any
other details. I hope with the RV course to - among other things - to get the ability to
diagnose details of the patient's problems.
-I can hear binaural sounds on tapes. Should I turn off the "super bass" option on my
cassette player?
Best regards,

This very important message was posted by Darren Smith on the Message Board on
January 01, 2003: Subject: " Adventures in the Magic Land of becoming a
Much more RV and RI feedback and discussions from RV and RI trainees of
the Academy is available on that site
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 11:45 pm Post subject:
Hi Dave
Good Question...
Lately, I seem much more interested in RI then RV...The RI course however has
ironically inspired me to go deep into some of the RV tapes.
The RI course & CDs seem to penetrate the states-theta & delta into me. I feel intuitively
these states of being are the purpose of the whole thing and the co-creator aspects that
follow and are intertwined with.
In fact 'checking out' targets seems boring compared to accessing these deep states and
realizing that you are The One and seeing & living life from this perspective. In reality,
it is life changing and quite adventuresome with new unknowns in many areas of life.
I RV that RI is really about influencing One's self and its creations from Within versus
RI people or events Without...I really see this!
Many of the questions/concerns I spoke of a few weeks ago regarding negative memes,
back-firing of RI effects, etc. seem to have lost their power upon my questioning mind.
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In retrospect, it seems as if I was RVing in advance all the answers to my questions or

perceived 'holes' in the process which seem to have been addressed exactly in tapes 4
thru 6....And Tape 6 has 'sealed' (pun intended) these answers as of Icing on the Cake...
Indeed, the RI course has proved Ultra-Comprehensive. Thank you Gerald for being so
thorough, keen and of exceptional positive intent. And by the way, the programs 'mind
level theta/delta' work!'
Dynamically Viewing & Participating On line-Real Time 'virtual reality' playing fields IS
replacing the 'boring' mere 'data downloading' mental task that RV infers....Enter the
DEEP states and be there as real as here and as much with the feeling of being a visitor
both here And there as you describe...Anyways, once there, it overwhelms the mental
desire to RV data and puts you in Be Here Now & Lets Create...Bliss.
Dave, in regards to my similar 'challenge' (new word adopted to take away power from
the dark cloud-ha ha dark cloud) as you...Shrinking these 'major problems' to
insignificant pests that are NOTHING and as little a problem of pesky 'gnats' to brush
aside--this is how I am intuiting and functionally dealing w/the 'mindbender' now...and
it is working and I will RI it works to the end...Look & laugh into the face of the DC/DM
trying to RI us!
But check this out... Around mid-October, I consciously said a little 'wish' before going
to sleep one night...AND I meant it sincerely..."please give me some kind of temporary
affliction/ailment to make me somewhat 'maimed' for a year to get 'sympathy' at
sentencing time...Well less then a week later I got a strange auto-immune disorder
which took doctors 6 weeks to diagnose and left me almost paralyzed during this
time...Finally after diagnosis, it turns out to be a very rare syndrome that only 6% of
male Caucasian population can even get, but the good news being, it is a chronic longterm illness that works its way out of the system for good in about 1 year! Scary &
obvious immediate RI effect!
So, word to the wise: "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU 'WISH' FOR..." The pain and unknown
nature are not worth going thru for the purpose (at least I don't think so...) Anyhow, if
this 'helps' me we'll see...No-I will RI it to be so.
More Testimony:
Have you guys had the following...while in Theta/Delta...? I now regularly while deep in
state have live images of my loved family members.. i.e. wife, 4 yr beautiful daughter &
son & basset hound etc. in my 'field' and interacting, playing, hugging with absolutely
NO DIFFERENCE between Real Life, even more Lucid and more Lucid then Lucid
dreaming. When I come out of the state, they slip out of my arms in a natural way, with
very positive feeling that this did just occur, no doubt, definitely interacting with them,
their vibrational spirit in a 'physical way'....Absolutely wondrous & materialized Peter
Pan Syndrome going on here!
Living a Miraculous life Here & Now is obviously what its about and apparently Gerald's
courses are consciously or unconsciously brilliantly engineered as a primary tool, as a
hammer is to a carpenter...
RI the Macro-Reality-the entire playing field...first thought 'yea right...' but now feel it
is a real possibility....but it has to be specific to us and the like-minded and work on the
100 monkey effect with the masses over- programmed and/or non sentient, and/or
but most likely ASLEEP, and like the character in the MATRIX with the Bald Head &
Roast Beef Appetite, who prefer not to be awakened into the land of Magic and HighAdventure!

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For traders December 05, 2002:

From: Irene Lee
Date: 20021205 AM 03:06:05
Cc: Dennis Luk
Subject: Re: Market visions for Dec 2-4 2002
Hi Andrew,
Sorry for the long delay in response as I have to meet with my interpreter to translate
and type all messages. I do not read much English and I study the rv procedures in
Chinese. I haven't had time to start the RI training in depth yet, only using the golden
light for energizing/healing.
I am sending you separately 3 drawings (Dec 2 - 4) so they explain better the images I
saw for each day. Since the last 2 weeks, I've further fine tuned my
Now I don't have to watch a particular screen or chart to tune into the market. I just
think about it and then images will appear instantly.
Here's what I do each day:
To clear my aura, I'd first apply energies on myself (a healing modality called Starlife
which is similar to Reiki, activating universal energies of the elements & planets : Earth
for grounding, Air for mental clarity, Fire for protection, Mercury for mental clarity,
Jupiter for Abundance & Moon for intuition)
After that I'd rv the overall daily trend before the market opens (picture at the
bottom). 10 mins after opening I would scan images for each hour of the day (pictures
on top). When I get several images I would ask for guidance to select the
most relevant one. When I don't understand it's meaning I would ask for another image
to clarify until I get it. This dialogue seems to work well for me. Like you in the
beginning interpretation was a bit difficult for me. Then I found out I could ask &
negotiate for clarification! With more practice I can receive/interpret the images much
quicker now.
Then I would get images for individual stocks. (upper right corner)
I find that the market is more stable between 10:30 - 11 am. I've also learned to ask
specifically for a certain period of time say between 9-11 am.
I have used lunar cycles/solar cycles & astrological charts in the past but now have
stopped as I want to focus on RV technique first so not to confuse myself too much. The
lunar/solar cycles are more complicated. They are good for short term market
prediction, for fast movements. Usually when the moon enters the South node it
indicates a rise, and North node = down.
Strong gush of wind like storm = down
Dark clouds = down
fire = up
I'm still practicing to get accurate chart/figures and price range.
Your vision was helpful to your friend. That was a very practical application. I suppose
you might program for clarification (dreams) of dreams that you don't understand, as I

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have done for the images.

I will talk more about moon energies next time as I want to get this pictures to you
When I have time I will continue to share with you my images. Please advise if you have
problem opening the files.
Best regards,

Nicolaos Giannakopoulos a trainee from Athens,

Greece, wrote to us on November 23, 2002. SUbject:
How the powerful heightened intuition he developed thru the RV
course saved him from many potentially serious driving accidents,
and even from harming innocent pedestrians. This avoidance of
dangerous situation which is a result of the acute intuitive 6th sense
that our students develop easily, is probably one of the most
important reasons for training with the RV and RI courses during
these turbulent times.
I am so glad you are around and glad for what you create.
I just received the Remote Influencing course. Thanks. Looking forward to the
The other day while driving I received through my usual instinct info (developed
through the RV course) to slow down AND also to change to the fast lane (contradicting
all logic). I did so, since all the information I get is always useful. As I immediately
started to slow down I thought that a car would come from the first crossroad suddenly
without the driver checking for crossing traffic (the above has happened several times
and has saved my life!). By the way, it was raining heavily. Guess what happened? It
wasn't because of the car that I was getting this time instructions to slow down, but it
was because of a bus stop with several people with lots of water on a patch right in front
of them . I WAS SO HAPPY to realize that they stayed dry by me listening to my inner
PS: I get so many inspirational AHA's, so much INFO!
Thank you so much.

Manda, a recent student from the Netherlands, wrote

to us this warm testimonial on November 22, 2002:
Dear Gerald,
Just this morning I received the remaining tapes of the RI course. Thank you so much.
I have been practicing with the RV tapes for 6 months now. And I must say, I have
come really addicted to them. Tape 2A and B have been wonderful to me, going deeper
and deeper, loosing myself it seems? Going on forever and when I finally come out, I
notice I haven't heard a word you said. I have been practicing with my plants in my
house. I have several orchids, white and pink and purple. They give such beautiful
flowers. I give them my love and talk to them. I have read your message from Nov.14
Gerald and it made me more aware of every living entity. Listening to tapes 1 and 2 of
the RI course. I hear the truth of it and I love to listen to them again and again.
Allowing the message to go deep within. Thank you so much Gerald, I share this
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information with others and it seems more and more are opening themselves to this. In
love and gratitude,

David Burnstein <> commented on November

20, 2002:
Hi Gerald,
An AMAZING thing happened to me today...and I wanted to write to YOU
first...because I feel you deserve all the kudos...Though a friend who is "psychic" told
me this would happen...I STILL feel it is because of using your tapes...and because of
our conversation the other day...
I had an incident that occurred to me at work in June...and since has gone
TOTALLY down hill...I wanted OUT...I had a meeting scheduled with Civil Rights on
11/7 ...which was a good date...but the representative from the company was we
changed it to 11/20...
For the last many weeks I had been ABSOLUTELY picturing that the company would
give me a fact...when I went on vacation starting 11/12...I wrote a note to
I could NOT sleep last night...and kept talking to the man who would represent the
company...a VERY hard-line MAJOR Fortune 500 company...I told him...I want a
Though I only got about a third of the money I really wanted...the GREATER gift is that
I have severed my energy ties with this TRULY sinister company...and have now freed
up a lot of energy for OTHER my roulette venture...
I will be spending a substantial amount of additional time with your tapes...and hope to
call you in a few weeks...if I feel the need to...
Thank you SO much...
I AM Yours truly,
David S Bernstein

Mark Evers, a recent trainee, sent us this important

feedback on November 19, 2002. Subject:
The "Song of The Universe" sung by the Whales and Dolphins. Please
read it.
Dear Gerald:
I received the tapes, and have begun this part of the training. Thanks so much for
sending it. I think it arrived at quite a propitious time.
I just went to your web site and was quite astounded by something I read there -- the
page that discusses a communication regarding the whales and dolphins. Nearly five
years ago, my life changed as a result of an astonishing dream, and an experience that
followed in my front yard at daybreak. I will not share the details with you, but I
thought you might be interested in the way the dream ended, since it dovetails so
nicely into the role of the whales and dolphins as described on your web site.

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At the end of my dream, I was drawn outside to see a parade that was much like the
Thanksgiving Macy's Day Parade in New York, with lots of large inflated animals floating
down the parade route. There was great excitement in the air. Several floats, which I
took to be whales in my dream, floated by high above the crowd as part of the parade.
Each of these "whales" emitted the most indescribably beautiful, harmonic tones I had
ever heard. The crown was in awe, and with great reverence I announced to all around
me, "They are singing the song of the universe!"
The crowd hushed in appreciation. At this point a young girl turned to me and said in a
bright, glittering voice, "They gave you one, [name]! They gave you one!" (The "name"
she used was my name, but was a kind electronic sound instead of my given name.)
At this point I woke up in a flash, filled to overflowing with gratitude. What followed was
a profound "mystical" event, as rushed to my front yard and stood listening to the birds
singing their glorious morning songs, in a way I had never heard before. My life has not
been the same since. In the past many months I have searched for an understanding of
what happened, began meditating, etc. Your course is quite an opening for me, and the
material on your web site has provided great insight into the dream that started it all.
Thanks for all your work,
Mark Evers

Kelly Ann Thomas sends us on November 15,

2002 this very intelligent comment after taking the RV course and starting
to train with the RI course.
Dear Gerald,
I have received the first and second parts of the series.
I listened to Tape Three of the Remote Influencing course over the last two nights, but
perhaps I should delay further listening until I rehearse Tape 1&2 of the second set of
My intuition is at an all-time high. I have been successful in remote viewing with a
friend now working in Saudi Arabia. I live in Arizona. I can see the details of his office.
I was aware that he was making preparations to travel, though I had no indication of his
plans through our correspondence. I try to look over his shoulder at his computer
screen, but have been unsuccessful in seeing any text. I realize numbers and text are
the most difficult areas to RV. I am also aware of the powerful forces of The Matrix, The
Matrix reloaded, and I believe that one of the reasons that I cannot "see" the
information is because it is of a negative nature.
I am trying to send positive energy, and a few of my friends have felt the vibes from
thousands of miles away. One says he gets a warm feeling spreading over his body
when I concentrate my psychic energy upon him.
Thank you for stressing that RV must be used in a positive manner. In the past, I have
been pulled into the dark matrix, leaving me depressed, anxious, and sad. Worst of all,
the matrix can leave me without hope. All my fears are amplified and I project a feeling
of gloom.
The current political situation in the world scares me, but I believe that as long as I
radiate loving light, I will be protected. It is a difficult balance at times. I am angry
that so many people choose to sit on the sidelines, engrossed by television and
lifestyles of the over-extended and the famous. The ignorance of the masses infuriates
me, as their apathy to politics and global awareness imperils much of the planet. I am
trying to channel my anger into something positive, but it's not easy. I try to send

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positive energy to the victims of repressive regimes, the orphans, and those who
struggle just to survive. I can only hope that some of my energy will be get through,
giving more humans hope for the future.
Thank you so much for the courses. They do work. I became a tree in my yard during
tape 6, and I could literally see the backyards of my neighbors. The orange/lemon
exercise left me salivating. I cannot believe how easy it is to connect with an object or
a human.
I haven't been able to "see" future events, but I have an intuitive awareness of events to
come. I have been lazy in my communications lately, and had planned to call you
about the third tapes. You must have received my message, because the tapes arrived
a few days later.
I would like to talk to you about some of my experiences. Could we set up a date and
time to talk? . Your RV course is the bargain of the century as far as I am concerned.
Again, thank you for the courses. They have changed my life for the better.
Happy thoughts to you.
Kelly Thomas

Dennis ( ) a very successful trainee from Hong

Kong sent us this feedback on October 24, 2002: Subject:
Using RV and RI for stock market trading, diagnosing and healing
health problems, forecasting world events and even lottery numbers!
Results of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing:
I am very pleased to share my experiences with Remote Viewing and Remote
Influencing. I started the course in March 2002. After practicing 2A and 2B lessons
for a short time, I was able to drop down to Theta rapidly.
I had the following experiences:
I was able to remote view world events, like troop movements. I saw the transfer of
troops within certain countries. I also saw missile tests taking place in Pakistan.
I was able to tune into three airplane crashes. I later learned from news report that I
foresaw these terrible events a few days before they actually happened. For example,
in one scene I saw the Chinese character North on an airplane. Later, I read in the
news that the Chinese airplane Northern Airline had crashed in Korea.
I was able to scan books with my hands before buying them, and I got strong
impressions of which books would have a special message for me or benefit me the
I have used remote viewing to help my friends find solutions to their problems.
I was able to scan health problems like specific areas of the internal organs in a patient.
These were later confirmed by medical tests. For example, I saw a dark patch on my
father lung. This was later confirmed by X-ray. My father was a smoker. My father
lived in China and was bed ridden. After I applied RI healing on him, he was able to
walk again and come to visit me in Hong Kong. By the way, with the healing energy he
even grew a new tooth -the 3rd set. This surprised the doctor.<
I could pick up an energy grid in a healers energy field. This healer was really shocked

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as no one was able to see the secret grid placed by his master for psychic protection.
When I dropped down to my levels, I picked up winning lottery numbers and winning
horse numbers. This happened without my willing it. I passed these numbers to my
friends who then had success with winning both horse races and lottery entries.
Finally, I have used remote viewing to forecast the stock market.
I have had numerous positive remote viewing experiencestoo many to go into here,
but I would like to elaborate a little on my experience in using remote viewing to
predict the stock market:
As a stock market trader, I was very interested in predicting the stock market trends.
I have remote viewed the stock markets for two weeks now.
I used the following procedure. First, I glanced at the charts on my computer
monitor. Then, I called in my mental lab advisors and dropped to a lower brain wave
frequency. At theta I was able to sense with my hands on the screen.
Initially, I got symbolic impressions. I saw landscapes, animals, and other symbols
that I could interpret in relation to the market. The brighter the scene the more
positive the market.
My results improved a little when I broke the remote viewing market trends into two
periods: morning and afternoon trading. For the morning markets, it took me 20-30
minutes to get a completely clear picture of the trend. For the afternoons, it took me
only 10 minutes. I began to get even more accurate when I broke the trading trends in
a 2 hour period i.e. 9-11 am, 11am - 1 pm etc. Then I was able to pool all my
impressions of the 2 hours period trend and create a chart for the day.
These are just some examples of the images that appeared to me. When I asked for a
message for the day, I had visions of a small sparrow picking worms. This indicated
that there would be gains. Impressions of crabs climbing upwards meant that there was
an upward trend in the market. And impressions of ducks swimming indicated that the
trading was relaxed or quiet. And when I saw an old fashioned chair, and the next scene
was the tail of a whale showing up in the ocean, I understood that I should wait until
close to the end of the trading day when the market would suddenly turn upward.
In the beginning, my impressions were about 7 0% to 80% accurate. However, by Oct
17 and 18 (after a week), I was able to predict tops and bottoms at 100% accuracy.
I am interested in exchanging ideas and tips with other traders who use remote viewing
to forecast the markets. My goal is to be able to see the figures themselves, rather than
viewing them through symbolic images, and also to influence a positive outcome with
the new remote influencing course.
believe your remote viewing course would be instrumental in helping people to
prosper in the financial marketplace and improve all areas of their life. I am so grateful
to have discovered your program and look forward to further training (especially in
Chinese!) and fine tuning my skills. Thank you, Gerald! You are doing great work. I
highly recommend your course to anyone interested in predicting market trends in the
stock exchange or the commodities market.
Experiences with Remote Influencing:
I have had some powerful experiences using the golden light of the Sun in influencing
thought and reality.
I was leaving a securities firm to join a new firm, but I was concerned about leaving
some delinquent accounts created by clients who could not afford to settle their bills.

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In particular, two clients had disappeared without a trace. I surrounded an image of

them with golden light of the Sun. I saw them happy and fulfilled. Within a few days,
they both appeared and settled their accounts. This unexpected outcome surprised
and pleased my colleagues. I subsequently did RI on some other delinquent accounts
and had the same wonderful results. Had these people not come forward and settled
their accounts, I would have been accountable for their substantial debts.
Now I am working in a much better environment. Here I enjoy using RV and RI to
Another example of RI:
My wife was not paid for a few months by her company because they were having
financial problems. I meditated on this situation with my wife and sent golden energy
out to her and her boss. Within a few days, her boss paid her in full and his business
also improved.
Gerald, I thank you for this wonderful course and for providing the training in Chinese.
I have certainly benefited a lot in this short period of training. This life-changing course
is worthy of anyone who desires more in life. I can't say enough good things about your
course. I think it would be a risk not to try it!
Hong Kong
alskling7 7 7
Oct 24, 2002:

Susan McCulloch writes to us on October

3, 2002. Subject:
Multitask Brain
Greetings Mr. O'Donnell!
What you are teaching people here is just fantastic! I remember being told at school
that the Brain cannot do two things at once. Which I considered rubbish, because I was
able to do my class work and travel in my mind to the mountains, both at the same
Today I was seeing the sunset, and I have these Spirit guides who suggest things from
time to time. They asked me to be aware of my surroundings, and at the same time use
what I am learning with your course to be above the clouds.
The key was to have equal awareness at both levels. That is a really tough one, and I
have a lot of work ahead of me to get good at it. However, I did it, and there was such a
feeling of elation. I could be aware of the dark green trees as I walked home, and watch
the sun setting above the clouds at the same time.
I am beginning to see what you mean by: Be Happy! When human beings apply their
intelligence to figuring out what it is we are doing here, there comes a feeling of elation.
We are, by nature, creatures of joy. It seems that when we lose this feeling of joy we
shift into the wrong gear. Even at the end of a tunnel is that light, and that elation. Just
waiting for us to realize it again.
This is amazing! I had to pay attention to my immediate surroundings while walking
today, but viewing perfectly the sea in Northern Scotland. This is so hard to do. But the

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brain and the body love it! I recently found that the brain will carry out new tasks only
if you make an effort to learn something new. Because the Spirit world teach me new
things, they place unusual demands on the brain, which it needs. We humans really do
not know what we have, because we do not test its limits.
It works! And it gets easier. The key is to be equally aware at both levels. Walking
through town, paying attention to everything around me, I can be at the same time
splashing knee deep through the sea. Seeing the sunlight. Seeing the white water
splashing. Feeling if the water is warm or cold. Feeling the sand under my feet.
Now I am working on hand signals to enter the Deep Alpha and the Deep Theta states. I
only started that one today! I say: when I press my finger so I will immediately enter
Deep Alpha. . . etc.
This is because when I am talking with someone, I can enter those states with a simple
body signal without having to think words. I tend to fidget when I am talking and am
nervous. That means that thought and body language are wired differently. It means we
have two paths, two communication lines that can act independent of each other. In
certain situations the body sometimes has to react faster than we have time to think. I
have a theory that the body will start using the signals without any thought about it. I
will let you know!
Thank you, Mr. O'Donnell, for your encouragement. I have a lot of respect for you, and
what you are doing. I am looking forward to ordering the RI course; but I have to
prepare the groundwork first. Which will take until January 2003.
It happened again last night. I was wide awake in the middle of the night, could not get
back to sleep. I was then shown to view a distant Nebula. Beautiful! At the same time, I
was to view running my hand through the wet sand at the seashore. It worked. It's just
amazing. I was in deep space viewing the Nebula, and at the same time I could contact
the Earth reality.
I saw the shore at night, watched the sea running back and forth over the dark wet sand.
I dug my fingers into the sand, felt the water. The two realities were one. There is no
separation between the most distant Nebula, and the smallest grain of sand. But we
have to make the connection work.
What is incredible is that this was so hard to do at first, and now it is as natural as
breathing. In fact, for me, it is as necessary as breathing. Before I ordered your
Complete Remote Viewing Course, I was beginning to catch every virus infection going.
Which is not normal for me. My Doctor suggested I was missing the sea. I needed a
holiday. Then the Spirit world told me to start imagining I was swimming in the sea
each evening before falling asleep. It worked. Then I received your course, and it
worked even better!
I am living and working here in Germany. I have lived in Darmstadt for six years now.
Was born in Greenock a small town on the west coast of Scotland. Could talk to the
mountains, talk to the sea. Always trusted their guidance. Even when they told me I
could not stay with them, I trusted and respected their plan. Of course, I begged them
at first to allow me to stay. They said one thing to me: You are us walking in the world.
That's truly what human beings are!
Scotland is very beautiful, you would love it. Maybe you would not want to leave
either, after experiencing its beauty. I took everything they had taught me and I grew
inwardly as I struggled to bring the two realities together in my daily life. The beauty of
that untamed wilderness and the beauty of our daily life as human beings. No matter
where we are. That is what you are teaching people.
I will stay in touch.

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Greetings from Susan.

P.S. If you want to post anything, feel free to do so.

Sandra Manton sent this feedback on

September 27, 2002
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for your helpful and friendly reply.
The package was sent by airmail.
I am practicing your tapes with a friend and we are both going deeper each time. We
are both used to meditating/channeling, but agree that these tapes are special and
exciting. We are anxious to go as far as possible, in order to help the planet as well as
All good wishes and light.

David experienced Oneness and wrote us this

feedback on September 23, 2002
Hi Gerald,
I'm listening to tape 2...over and over...I'd like to write you about some things that are
occurring in my life right now...perhaps you can tell me if they are due to RV/RS:
1) My awareness or "remembrance" of things has increased...the thought not related to
sequential events...
2) I may have had a thought in mind, trying to remember something...and then
suddenly...maybe a day or two or week later it is just right there in my mind...
3) Also my knowingness of events has increased - answers to unresolved questions of
current information needed...
4) Self reliance - I feel an unhitching from the main switchboard...
5) On Saturday I was reading something that I am studying in the gambling was
an advanced study manual...I felt VERY good about having this NEW information...that
EXPANDED my mind to new horizons...THEN on SUNDAY morning...I woke up...and
felt as if my atoms were scattered throughout the universe...I felt unfocused...lost...not
a single being...ALMOST a feeling of being part of ALL...but I couldn't study...I still
played my RV tape for the day...
I don't know what all these statements mean...if ANYTHING...but I felt I should write
them to you...Am I making some kind of "progress"? Is something going on within my
being as a result of using your tapes?
Take care...David...

Duane Armstrong, a student from Japan

sent us these nice comments on September 14, 2002 about the benefits of
the combination RV and RI courses that he is taking:
Inner Peace, calm, and better sleep.
Heightened awareness
Positive influence in relationships

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New outlook on reality

Hello. I received the first remote viewing course last year and I really, truly got a lot of
positive benefit in my personal life by using it. I listened to each tape many times and I
practiced all the training exercises contained there in. I am much more at peace,
calmer and I sleep better. I have increased my awareness of all that is around me and I
feel that my interaction and relationship with people around me has taken on a much
more positive and uplifting atmosphere.
I received the first part of the remote influencing thought and reality course about six
weeks ago. I have listened to the two cassettes and the cd repeatedly and I have read
the printout many times over. Needless to say, the way I look at my world around me
has taken on a completely fresh perspective. My outlook on life is enhanced in many
positive ways. I know I still have a long way to go before I am proficient in the remote
influencing but I am making progress and I am so excited about this new endeavor that
I can barely contain myself.
Thanks so much for making these courses available to us. All the best.
Duane Armstrong.

Suzan McCulloch sent us this feedback on

September 3, 2002. Subject:
The energy fibers of the universe
Dear Mr O'Donnell,
I want to thank you! This course is just what I needed, right at the point I needed it the
most. It feels like coming home!
The earlier culture of seers - or viewers were not pursuing 'Individual' aims, as Society
teaches today. They were a group mind. What we are programmed to believe
Individual Enlightenment to be, would be considered a sickness by these people.
There is a very large crane just outside my window. At sunset, the crows all gather on
this crane. When they leave the crane, each crow flies at the same moment. That is how
we were before mankind was altered.
A few days ago I felt something calling me to go down to the deep Theta state without
listening to the tape. When I got down there the eye was filling the portal. I was told
that I could go through. Which I did.
It was amazing. I found myself in deep space. At first nothing happened; but I knew my
request was being answered to see the real nature of the eye. Suddenly there were
these, we don't have the words to describe this, fibres of light. The colours were not
anything we see on earth.
Rays of energy emanated out from a central point, but when I looked at a new point in
space they originated from that point. It was as though each point in the universe is the
source of these emanations, no matter where you look.
The further away the colours travelled from the source the more they merged with the
material Universe, until you could not see them at all. They became a part of
everything. I was then urged to come back to earth rather than fly towards those
colours! A voice told me I was to go to a place with water, where a helper then held me
in water.
It was a lake high in the mountains, and I can tell you I was held in the water by
something until I fell asleep. We think that water is the same the world over. I realised
after that water has a very different character relating to where it is.
I have gone back to the beginning with the tapes. I am only now beginning to
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understand what you are teaching in the course, and how to put it all together. I shall
study this until the end of the year before ordering the Remote Influencing.
When we protected the viewers, we took positions North, South, East and West. We
would feel, or sense something coming in long before it arrived. Which makes sense,
because one feels a presence approaching long before one sees it.
Wishing you well,
From Susan.

Debbie Marquez sent this feedback on August 28,

Prophetic dreams and extraordinary situations happening in
commodities trading while training with our RV course. Remote
Viewing Commodities and Baseball games.
Also Debbie judges the effectiveness of the Academy RV course
versus courses of other more rigid fixed protocols originating from
the US military that she has previously taken.

Hi Gerald
I appreciate your time on the phone Friday. I look forward to applying your
insights to my trading now. It's really so simple.
I have reported my initial experiences below. If hearing these experiences helps
in any small way to inspire a potential trainee to decide to buy the course for
themselves I would be thrilled. Yes, I am having wonderful and wonder filled
"mind safaris".
The effects of listening to the tapes were immediate. I was empowered with joy.
No other way to describe it. There seemed to be a deep part of me that was
totally enjoying knowing that it no longer had to live in a fixed rigid reality
making system. I don't know how else to say it brother,...LOL!
I think it was only about 2 or 4 days into the tapes I started having prophetic
dreams. My dreams where showing me what was going to happen in my
commodity trading when I awoke in just a very short time from now. I knew by
emotions if my existing silver position was going to bring me a loss or my sugar
contracts were going to bring me profit. I saw my trading result emotions before
they actually happened. However, I still was not taking profits from such Remote
Viewing. I was afraid to intervene on destiny. Even knowing I was to lose money
by holding a position I was "frozen" into inaction by anxiety and took the loss.
With profitable positions I was afraid to buy more contracts.
Because I wasn't making money from this prophetic dream type of Remote
Viewing I decided I needed more information and asked for a "better deal". I had
always felt that the locals (those traders actually in the trading pits) had a better
advantage because of their close proximity to the actual price waves, motions
and emotions present in the trading pit. I asked that I be given specific inside
information before the pits opened for trading. I wanted to know how high, how
low a commodity was going to move inter day. Within two or four or so days of
making the request I was in a hypnogogic meditative state you mention about on

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your web page and an old seasoned floor pit trader complete with trade tickets in
his hand, New York hat, suit, and DEMEANOR!, appeared before me and told me
what was going to happen in the coffee pit today and tomorrow. He said coffee
was going to rise about 45-65+ points, then they were going to cap it, and settle
lower for the day and that tomorrow it would rally. Very shortly after that I went
downstairs to my computer as coffee was about to open for the day. Coffee
advanced about 45-65+ points, stopped and settled lower for the day. The next
day it rallied! Still I made no money. I was afraid to enter the market as things
seemed to perfect. I did not trade on the information I was given!
I then decided it was not my fault, I was new to all this and deserved another
chance. I decided I needed even better knowledge and that if I could only see a
price chart of coffee the day before the actual trading took place I could surely
have the confidence to make money. Within a few nights from stating my desire,
in another early morning meditative hypnogagic state, suddenly a daily price
chart on coffee appeared before me showing a strong prominent spike up in
price. Shortly later I went downstairs to start my trading day and I wanted to be
in coffee. Coffee immediately upon opening made a strong vertical advance in
price. It was my Remote Viewed price chart in perfect replication now
happening in the real world. I finally felt I had to make a trade so I entered into a
big trade in coffee and lost money as coffee then moved lower for the day. I was
disappointed and confused.
Still, I asked for a "better deal" and asked that this time the higher power choose
the best method of presenting the information to me so I could understand it's
intentions . I wasn't asking for a trader to appear, or a price chart to materialize,
which ever method it felt I was best suited to understand and utilize, I would
gladly appreciate. The higher power has a keen sense of humor! Within a few days
in that same morning meditative hypnogagic state when your not sure if you are
awake or asleep, I suddenly found myself in a downpour of cascading corn cobs.
Paper corn cobs, painted and pasted together just like little children would draw
and create in their classroom in a first grade school, were falling all around me.
Falling on my head, falling all over me and around me. It was exciting and
joyous, and rather interesting. Children's corn cobs! I knew corn would probably
have a down day and drop in price. When corn opened for trading that day it
gapped down hard, and for the next two days it gapped down further on each
opening! This is a traders dream! Traders pray every night for advanced
information and price action like this. (and children delivered it to me) I was
afraid for all three days to enter a short position as I felt it would turn against me
at any time and I would lose my money. I don't think it is possible to ask for
better Remote Viewing of Probable Outcomes, and yet I could not profit from the
events and actually had lost money.
I RV'd baseball games for about two weeks to determine probable outcomes.
Over that period of time I generated a 50% success ratio in identifying the
winning team. An unimpressive record. However, there is an amazing correlate
to the period. 100% of the time when I decided to RV the outcome in order to
place an actual bet the very next day, I lost. And 100% of the time when I
decided to RV the outcome without getting involved in an actual bet and just for
fun and practice, my RV was correct. I think these results are statistically
significant and I think the trading realities are all trying to point me to the
underlying reality you advised me of on our phone conversation.

While I have your attention and am taking your time I want to explain another
thing that is happening to me. I have not finished the course on Remote Viewing
yet. I have only had the course 4 weeks and listened to the first 5 tapes. I listen
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to at least one tape a day I feel empowered, as in joy, while listening to them.
Sometimes I fall asleep listening to them. I know this sounds a little crazy ... I am
discovering that people are being attracted to me, and vice versa. I don't ever
recall making new friends this quickly before. People are just coming to me and
wanting to be with me for no apparent reason. I'm not even gone yet and they
want to know when I'm coming back. Professional people, people with chemical
addictions, children. One day in the parking lot of a busy shopping center a little
girl was abandoned by her friends at their school bus stop and afraid to walk
home alone thinking someone was going to,.. "steal her", actually run up to me,
the complete stranger to her, and asked me to walk her home. She told me her
problems, her father in jail, her mother in the street, her grandparents raising
her, her mean school principal. We just talked and laughed at life together. I feel
these new events are connected with what happens when a trainee learns how
to,.." 1-2-3 (snap) connect to the center of your being!" The experiences are
actually a little deeper than I am reporting here, but I think I should leave it to
the imagination of the reader to understand the who and how.
I also feel impelled to report something else to your readers and potential
trainees. I know that Mr. Gerald O'Donnell states very explicitly in his course
that it is his contention that there is no one way, no one path, that all roads lead
to the Rome. For the record I however will report the following. I started RV
about five months back using another companies materials. I was impressed with
their credentials. They stated that their remote viewing "technology" had direct
lineage with the USA Top Secret Military Intelligence gathering unit known as
"STAR GATE". One of their primary corporate officers and trainers was a former
military officer with direct involvement in STAR GATE when it was operating as a
true RV unit within the military. Their technology was reported to be the original
and pure PROTOCOL formerly existing as CLASSIFIED by the US Military . And
they assured me that their Internet based training classroom was dedicated to
my success. That's all I needed to hear brother, I bought my ticket (at 6 times the
price I paid for your course!). I was leaning on and hoping for RV success based
on their credentials and experience and not my own. I didn't really comprehend
that I, and everyone else, already possess the innate "protocol" to RV
successfully until I took your course. I did achieve some success in my RV with
them and it required on a daily basis a comparatively and eminently more
laborious process due to the requirement of adhering to a fixed mental protocol
to approach the natural occurring phenomenon referred to as the Matrix. My
experience however was that their online classroom was dedicated to my
continued success only as long as I stayed within their concept of "reality". Once
my mind, filled to the brim with it's own past experiences and accustomed to
learning new topics in it's own unique learning methodology, took me to
questions which did not fit into the desired mode of their PROTOCOL, my
questions were ignored by their online instructor. I was forced to either change
my questions and conform to accepted protocol, or simply drop out and give up
the pursuit. I did neither, I simply purchased your course which I had read
about weeks earlier on your web page. I decided you were not as militarily
connected to the Matrix as they were. How's that for creating a limited universe!
I passed over you because you did not offer me the mental crutch of an
emphasized special secret military connection to the Matrix. You did not offer
me an online classroom, and did not tell me it was going to take hard work and
long time on a daily basis. In fact you were audacious enough to suggest on your
web page that I could get success in as little as 4 or 5 weeks listening to a tape
while in my pajamas! And besides, if I had a question about an experience when
taking your course I was to just call you up and talk to you about it personally!
What kind of way is that to run a Top Secret Intelligence gathering school?! LOL
brother! I'll just say this Mr. Smarty Pants, were wrong, it doesn't take 4 or 5

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weeks, it takes only about 4 days!

I have learned since taking your course that there is no one way, no one path to
the Matrix. She, he, or it is public domain. No one needs the military, military
men, or a government intelligence unit to share with us or introduce us to the
Matrix and our own higher Selves, they are both innate to us and very receptive
to our introduction to them. The choice is solely ours as to how we want to learn
how to contact the Matrix. We are already in it, be I a truck driver, mother, or 5
star general. I have learned I and everyone else already have a very direct
linage to that same Top Secret Intelligence gathering unit known as "OUR
HIGHER SELF". I have learned from taking your course that I and everyone else
is already an officer of this TOP SECRET Intelligence gathering unit and on a daily
basis intimately involve ourselves in the responsibility of administering and
DECIDING the affairs and realities of that authority and our own daily happiness.
And I have learned since taking your course that the only protocol I or anyone
else needs to successfully RV is to be able to think a thought! (and a good
comfortable pair of PJ's) Everything else is show business!
There has been more experienced than outlined above. That's why I refer to the
package of tapes you sent to me as the BONUS PACKAGE. I truly hope these
reports can inspire other trainees to begin their own "mind safaris."
Como Luz!

David McKamey ( ) sent this feedback on August

22, 2002
To whom it may concern:
I have been in receipt of the Remote Viewing course for approximately three weeks.
Since it has arrived I have listened to all of the tapes several times in sequence, and of
late in a very random manner, one to two sides a night. There are several things I have
noticed that have been happening of late.
First and foremost my dreams have become exceedingly lucid. These are not helter
skelter but are an every night occurrence. I have not ever experienced the detail, the
richness and fullness of clarity up to this point. Some of these dreams have been of
ordinary events such as would be in the normal waking state but most have been quite
out of the ordinary. There has been no common thread to these with the exception of
how clear and precise, alive and bright these have been.
Some other things that have been happening is that I have had this overwhelming sense
of peace enter me as though I have been covered with a blanket after being out in the
cold for many years. I do not engage myself in the emotional turmoil and negativity
that those around me seem to relish in. Not trying to become aloof or stand-offish,
quite the contrary. It is as though I am being drawn away into another circle of people
who have very similar mindsets as myself, a most welcome change of scenery if you
will. Another thing I have noticed is that cherished people in my recent (with the past
two years) past, with whom I have had no contact at all, are beginning to reenter my
life. Sometimes while listening to the tapes I will have these people in my thoughts and
Voila... here they are beginning to reappear. Coincidence? Don't think so.
As I have the Remote Influencing course on order as well I thought I would try an

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experiment, just on a hunch. One of my co-workers was very involved with a project he
was developing for me. He was totally focused on the work at hand. I was sitting a few
meters away from him reading a technical manual concerning this particular project.
Not looking directly at him I moved my attention to and within him, concentrating on a
spot just above his right ear and, in my mind, this spot was beginning to itch. No sooner
did I have this thought, he reached up with his right hand and scratched that very same
spot, still focused on his work. Again... coincidence? Don't know.
The one difficulty I am having at the moment is visualizing. As I am more kinesthetic
than visual or auditory I have not been able to visualize with any consistency. I have
what I call 'shadow sight' where things move out of the shadows, form into a subdued
vision, then melt back into the shadows (such as visualizing a remote viewing trip to the
different cities, Paris, Rome, Venice, etc...) and have even had flashes of brightly
lighted, in comparison, sight. I have tried to recall what was happening during those
brief moments, to analyze all of the sensory feelings and thought and recreate them
during the next tape but I have had no luck or success to date. Any suggestions or
guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I wish to thank you in advance for your time. Also I have one other request if I may.
Since I am a very private individual I do not wish for my name to be used in any of your
testimonials at present. Thank you.
Best regards and wishes to you and again, I humbly thank you all.
David W. McKamey

Bob Arance ( writes to us on August 19, 2002

His experiences at applying the RI course to improve one's Golf skills.
Dear Gerald,
I enjoyed visiting with you on the phone and here's some feedback and some other
information for you.
When I was about 12 years old I started playing golf and became pretty good but
never quite got to the brilliant level. Now I play once a year in a "bestball" event and we
usually do quite well but my putting was never great. This year I was looking forward
to the tournament as a chance to try the putting example that you explained in the
latest course. The method that I used was to line up the putt in the normal way and
then to get ready to stroke the putt but before I initiated the stroke I repeated the word
Delta 3 times and consciously relaxed and then pictured in my mind as strongly as I
could, the ball running up to the hole and then falling into the hole. Then I imagined as
hard as I could the happy emotion that I would feel when the ball fell into the hole. At
that time I felt a feedback thought that "this could happen". I didn't feel 100% sure that
the putt would go in but just the strong feeling that it sure could happen. Then from
that very relaxed peaceful state I stroked the putt. During the 18 holes about four 15
footers actually went into the hole along with a few shorter putts. I know that this
would not have happened normally and it was really fun. Thank you Gerald.
To continue the golf scenario, I mentioned during our visit the book, "The Legend of
Bagger Vance" and the movie by the same name. The author of the book is Steven
Pressfield. They are both great. There is one great paragraph on page 147 that I think
you would like......" "You could see Hagen's (the golfers) aurora, his intention, search
the chromatic spectrum-the Field. His vibration stilled, harmonizing with that of the
Field, centering in stillness in his chest and his hands. Simultaneously the field

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beckoned to him; like two frequencies seeking each other in the ether. He wanted to
play the best possible shot. And the best possible shot also wanted him to play it.
Wanted to be brought into physical existence by him. It already existed in some other
dimension, but somehow, if you'll permit me to speak in terms so far outside the
scientific, that was not enough for it. It wanted to exist here, on the material plane.
And it needed Hagen to make that happen. It needed a person. An embodied soul. A
human being."
Actually the whole book is full of analogies like this and I really think that you would
enjoy it. The movie also has a lot of great scenes and one of them is when the
caddie/guru Baggar Vance shows the golfer (Junah) how to tune into a one-ness
consciousness and become one with the field and how to remote influence the shot.
Because of the strong visualization that this scene provides, I think that it would
probably be worth watching the movie for this alone. After writing this, I think I will go
home and watch it again myself!
As for my experience as a whole, I am starting to notice a feeling that I am one with
my environment or one with the scenery around me. For example, sometimes when I
am swimming I have the feeling that I am swimming through myself and sometimes
when driving on a country road I feel that I am driving through myself. This doesn't
come out as some big flashy experience but rather as kind of a calm knowingness or
naturalness. This doesn't happen all of the time but I certainly enjoy it when it does.
Also, you asked me to remind you, that if possible, I would like to receive the rest of
the new course within two and a half weeks if it is available for sending out by then. If
not, no problem. Thank you very much for everything and I wish you the best.
Sincerely, Bob

Glyn ( wrote to us on August 18, 2002 the

following: Subject:
Perception of Oneness.
Hello Gerald,
It has been years since I bought your course, but you started me out on the RV path. I
will always remember every evening going upstairs to listen to a tape. Getting so
frustrated when I started to get itchy and just *had* to scratch when I was starting to
relax :-). I will never forget that elevator that took me down down down to theta.. and
that wretched spiral staircase (cracking the visualization of walking round and down
that staircase was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life ; but I
eventually managed it :-). The room at the bottom of the staircase is still in my mind,
the furniture, the screen on the wall....all 'there'.. so well it was impressed in my
imagination that it has become almost like a real memory. I still use those stairs and
that basement when I need to get down as deep as possible. It got to the point where I
could walk across the cold tiles I had put in the room, feel my feet on the floor and 'be'
there; though I could never visualize the room as clearly as I wanted to. (I wonder if
some people can visualize things so clearly that they can find themselves unable to tell
the real from the unreal...and get stuck in their own minds. So we call them
insane...mmm) Also the guided explorations into the 'innards' of plants and trees,
putting heads on :-), and the wonderful soaring flights.
What I am getting at is that I value your teachings Gerald. I may not agree with all of
them, because I think I am more pragmatic than you ...but as far as 'The One' is
concerned I have similar ideas. I don't really like the term 'The One' though as it brings

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to my mind a single supreme being and sci-fi stories, but that can't be helped; a name
isn't that important I guess.
Funnily enough, this last Friday evening I was on the bus traveling home from work,
and I got into one of those relaxed 'glazed-over' states where I was just observing
without thinking a lot, and I found myself looking at one of the other passengers. I
suddenly though it was more a concept than in words... 'She's me but I don't yet know it,
neither does she.....they are all me...we are one and have been and will be throughout
time....we are just separated by different bodies which age and die'. For an instant I
'recognized', and then that feeling of knowing went away as my conscious mind kicked
back in.
So 'Bingo' Gerald, and thanks. :-))
I do hope your son is OK now.
Kind regards,

Antje a student from Australia wrote to us in August 15, 2002 this

Gerald. I wanted to thank you for resending the first package I had received the first 2
tapes and CD early July. I had wanted to contact you to let you know however I lost my
email contact list with a computer failure.
In any case I now want to let you know something of my experiences. Lately I've only
managed to listen to each of the tapes once. Since I am hearing impaired I have to listen
to the tapes with headphones however this becomes very irritating to the ears quickly.
However I have noticed an unusual increase in knowing... knowing what people are
about to ask me. What they are going to say next. Even when it is the best time for me to
make a move to catch a late running train. I arrive on the platform 30 second before
the train arrives. Not something that I planned to do it just something that has been
happening. I even form answers to questions before I read them. This is not all. It
doesn't feel strange and yet it does. I'm probably noticing it for this reason. Thank you
for this great course.

Susan McCulloch ( ) sent us this

interesting comment on August 14, 2002:
Dear Mr ODonnell,
I began with the tapes on the 19th of July. I decided to be methodical, and really learn
the groundwork. I divided the tapes into 3 days side A, 3 days side B, then A & B
On the fifth day I listened to tape 1 side A in the evening, and I came to the deep Alpha
state. The awareness energy of my own mind invited me enter the portal. Which I did. I
was immediately transported into deep space, where I saw an eye. Gigantic. I was also
being observed by discreet spirit forms. Observing the eye, I immediately wanted to
see its true form. I asked it to show me its true form, or what lay beyond it. Some of the
Spirit beings watching were taken aback by this approach, but the ones that have been
teaching me knew what was coming.
The eye seemed to come and go, but I did not perceive it in its true reality. This bugged
me a little. However, when I woke up in the morning I received a package of

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information that my own energy fibres gathered together the perception of an eye. That
is how my fibres chose to perceive or chose to understand those unknown emanations.
I have seen this eye before, in daily waking life, observing the earth.
Do you know what happened the next day? I was in town, and I was strongly compelled
to observe a woman walking toward me. As she came closer my eyes were drawn to a
delicate golden cross she was wearing, and above the cross was another piece of
jewellery. It was the golden outline of an eye, with an eye set inside the gold made from
two types of polished stone. Is that not weird!
I am writing to you now, because I have completed the fifth week of my course. I
probably should write something about what I am doing, so that you can add anything,
if you see fit. I am not doing this course to see specifically into the future, or into the
past. I chose the course you offer, because I feel that it fits with my Spirit journey. My
Spirit Ancestors are from the Northern Highlands of Scotland, and are later related to a
Gypsy family. The original task of my pre-Celtic Genetic group was to Shield. Before the
Celtic races emerged we operated differently as a society.
Each line of Ancestry had a task, and in carrying out that task the Spirit learned and
developed. We shielded the Viewers. We were not warriors, our task was as a living
shield. Every aspect of ones daily life was a meditation in the task to be carried out.
Even today, this function in me is very strong, but it took 44 years for me to begin to
understand it.
I will share with you some of the things I have been taught by my Spirit teachers before
I began to use the Remote Viewing tapes. The most important aspect is never do harm,
never attack. Even if an aggressive feeling is there, don't follow it. If someone wishes me
harm, I perceive it and say: "I wish this person no harm." And I repeat this in many
different ways, to make it clear to the psychic brain. I do this because I do not want to
get caught in the downward spiral that effects those of us who wish others harm. I am
sometimes shown ways to protect myself and others from psychic attack, but this
always takes the form of a shield, and never is there an intention to hurt another.
My last Spirit training session took place over the last two years when the situation at
work became rather disturbed. People were trying to finish off other people
psychologically, and at first I wanted to leave. The Spirit world guided me to stay. It
was to be my university of learning. I had my petty tyrants, and I stuck it out, because
moment by moment the Spirit world was guiding me and showing me.
I was taken from repair work, which I loved and was good at, to do menial tasks. I
carried out these tasks, eight hours a day, while focusing my awareness in another way.
With practice I could be doing my work and be somewhere else at the same time. If I
was given a new task, I would quickly learn that task and would be off again.
When my petty tyrants saw that I was happy, they tried other ways to break me. I was
able to observe that the people were channelling a non-physical entity force, and that it
was this entity force that was guiding them to destroy or block my development. It did
not work. I developed.
Knowing this, you will understand that when I go to the Deep Alpha state, I wait. I do
nothing. I listen to and feel the sensation of that state. I do not decide what I wish to
do in that state. The screen seems to scan me, and it responds. I always wait for this
response. I do this, because I feel that the answer to man's conflict lies inside each
human being.
If I see a scene of destruction, and I ask: "What can prevent this?" I receive a clear
answer. Only human beings who are happy can prevent this. If the human being is at
peace within himself, he will not be interested in destruction, but in peace. It is for this
reason that I was interested in 'Remote Viewing'. Because I feel it is a natural inner state
of mankind that on being blocked causes conflict and sorrow for all of us.
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With tapes 3 and 4, when I come to the ceiling I see white light everywhere. I am not
yet so good at seeing physical things. I feel much more acutely than I see. I can remote
feel, but I do not see too good. When I see things, they are hazy, or appear to be
clouded. Within is a very vivid image, but I see it through a funny haze. I don't see it as
clearly as I know it exists. When I feel a situation, I receive a holographic packet of
information. This is how I usually function in my daily life - which is at odds with the
linear society we inhabit.
I do not fall asleep with any of the tapes. My favourite tape is number 2. I have no
trouble going down to Deep Alpha, or to Deep Theta. I see everything in perfect detail,
no matter how many times I listen to the tape. I also see the same details each time, as
though they exist in reality. The only things that change are the movements of light
within the Skyscraper. The light moving around inside the crystal structure is
amplifying, increasing and slowing down.
I am not doing too well with tape 4. I can see the past clearer than the future. Perhaps
this is because I perceive life differently than the way we are taught to think. I see the
past and the future as being an integral part of this moment in the present. So, when I
am looking around me, I am paying attention to the past and the present at the same
For perhaps the last 25 years I have not had a television, nor a radio. Although I now
have had a radio for 2 years. I cannot look at a television, but I can spend hours
watching the sky from my window and listening to nature. Everything that is happening
on the earth is felt by the whole web of the earth. Altering the future depends on how
we interact with that web now. I am not telling you anything new here, because you
know this. With tape 4 I like to go places and talk with the eternal Spirits. These Spirits
do not give me guidance, as such. They get me to realise things for myself.
I am working more intensively with tape 3 again. Every time I get to the roof I see white
light everywhere. I talked with some Spirit beings during one of the tapes, and they
somehow got me to realise that I could go out to the ceiling in the form of a crystal ball.
That helped a lot, because now I can see better, and can go flying around. The only
thing is that I cannot see my own body!
I listened to tape 5, and now I can test out different structures when I am going about
my daily life. I wonder if the dark matrix is simply an isolated fear of chaos.
Apparently, a number of groups are battling for control of the earth. I always doubted
this. Simply because no one can control chaos. A living being can co-operate with
Universal Mind, and with life on this earth. In co-operation is universal order. But
outside of that there is no possibility of bodies working together to control life. It must
be a strange form of isolated chaos gone wrong. It is not organised, it only gives the
illusion of being organised. The Universe is organised!
With friendly greetings,
From Susan.

Paul Wims ( ) sent us this feedback on

August 4, 2002:
Mr. ODonnell:
First let me say how glad I am that I have invested in the RV course. The tapes have
opened my mind in directions I had no idea existed. Ive done some meditation, not
much really, in the past but I find your program to be very dynamic and growth
oriented. Im totally enjoying myself with it.
I have the greatest expectations for this program and must say the feeling I get from
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the meditations is overwhelming in a wonderful way. This may sound nuts to someone
who has not experienced it but with the program Ive been to Mars, the planet, twice
and feel strongly that there will eventually be found a very very ancient civilization.
This program is important to me.
As a side note, let me tell you Im glad I did. I cant say enough about this course. My
girlfriend who has been meditating for years is going to check out the tapes shes
amazed that I who never put much into meditation would be so hyped up about this
Thank you
Paul Wims.

Manda ( ), a recent trainee from the Netherlands

writes to us on August 4, 2002:
Dear Gerald,
I've been practicing the RV tapes for more than two months now. It was not always
easy to do it regularly, due to vacation time and grandchildren (I have 8) and
everybody wants (and gets) my attention. I love the tapes and the more I listen, the
more it grows on me. Today (Sunday) I am just by myself and I listened to tape 2, both
sides. The love I felt, the warmth, so overwhelming. I am LOVE and I am LIGHT. Taking
a shower I let my love flow through and to the water. Right now I'm listening to the
sounds of the ocean waves.
This coming week I will be in Germany, but after the 15th everything will be back to
normal (I hope) and I will proceed with my meditations.
One more thing I like to tell you Gerald. While meditating I had the sensation I was
toppling over, loosing my balance, I shrieked, the feeling was so real. Funny isn't it?
Love to you and all the Grillflamers.

Irene Walters ( ) writes to us this thoughtful

comment on July 31, 2002:

Hello Gerald,
This letter has been long overdue. Ive had it stewing in my brains for over a month as
there is so much I want to tell you but cannot find the words for the process I am going
through. I am happy and centered, more than I have ever been in my life and have
much to thank you for, especially in this Remote Influencing course you are designing,
as it has kept me engaged and happily occupied experimenting with my own life.
Also many thanks for your last email giving us useful hits on how to use the CD and
tapes to maximum advantage. I have been busy chasing my own goals which happens
to coincide with what Remote influencing is all about except that I call it by a different
name and look at it from a different angle. Still its the same stuff when it comes to
connecting with source and learning how to be Master of my Own Life.
As I live totally in the Present and learn to trust , amazing things are happening that
they have ceased to amaze. Events are happening in greater and greater
synchronicity. Whenever I really need to know something the answer comes in the
most unexpected of ways. For instance, I had difficulty trying to assimilate your article
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on the Matrix. Anyhow, as Divine synchronicity would have it, I happened to chance
across an out of print book which someone had returned to the Theosophical lodge.
The title of the book is called The Web of the Universe by EL Gardner that summarizes
parts of the Secret Doctrine dealing with their Occult Theory of Sub-stance, and of
Mans Origin & the Source of this creative powers. It says the same thing with a
different slant but in line with what you have said, it has assisted me to understand
things more clearly and to assimilate the information better. To me the whole thing is
the story of the Prodigal Son returning home.
The forces of involution materializes Spirit and the forces of evolution spiritualizes
matter. They have their place in the scheme of things. In the downward arch of
involution, the elemental forces have free reign but once matter has reached the point
where it individualizes and can accommodate individual souls (Man) (the being that
indwells at this midpoint where highest spirit meets lowest matter) Matter can be
guided to take the upward route by this indwelling intelligence (Man). However, it will
take a while before this indwelling presence realizes that it is Master of the vehicle it
occupies and not its servant. It will take several incarnations/ reincarnations before it
becomes disillusioned with the physical universe and starts to wake up to the
realization that it is the Director and Creator of its own life, good and bad. As it evolves
and manages to liberate itself from the pull of matter, it raises and refines matter in its
inwards and upwards climb toward the God of its being. In later cycles, mankinds
bodies will consist of more and more refined material substances as they gradually
withdraw from density and become more and more refined (spiritualized).
So in this perspective we can look at reincarnation as the means by which the Great
Mother (Nature) acquaints her children in her infinite wisdom, love and patience, to
master the material elemental forces which we are immersed in by learning to
disassociate/detach ourselves from it and learning to control and direct the elemental
forces to do what we want and not the other way round. We have to learn to take
mastery of our household instead of letting the servants (elemental forces) have free
run of it. So the Great Mother gives us the time to grow in maturity and learn our
mastery because all time (the ever eternal present and eternity) is hers. Reincarnation
is the Great Mothers tool and has its uses. If we have been here once too many times,
the matter universe loses its glamour and we get tired of staring in the same old movie.
I guess then that this is the point where many of us wills start to wake up. We are at that
point in evolution now, and we start questioning and questing and feel that there must
be more to life than meets the eyes. Then we listen more seriously now to what our
elder brothers and sisters of the race who have succeeded in breaking through the
bondage of matter have to say on this subject. Beings like Buddha, Jesus and other
Masters and adepts. I am really interested to know how they conducted their lives and
love to read and study what they have to say in relation to this matter. If one were to
listen to their messages, free from religious dogmatism, we would find that what all they
are talking about is their own process of liberating themselves from the bondage of
matter and finding their way home. This is parallel to what Remote influencing is all
about, freeing ourselves and finding our own path home.
By taking a hint from them, I have realized that I have been looking at everything the
wrong way round. I had always looked at myself as a body in the possession of a soul
which floats somewhere up there instead of a soul in the possession of a body. I now
look at people as souls occupying bodies. When I look at things this way, I see a
bigger picture because I now see humans as glorious beings just waiting to awaken and
take control of their own household and returning to their fathers kingdom with
treasures from the far country as a Master now within their own right, being able to
qualify energy in the right way, and raising the vibrations/spiritualizing all the atoms
that make up our bodies as we move up the evolutionary ladder.

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Gerald, I am happy to be involved in this great experiment with you on this journey
into the Great Within. Besides learning from each other we can also learn from the
Great White Brotherhood - those elders who have gone before us and have achieved
their mastery. They have vowed that they will remain to guide the races, humanity and
individuals, until every last soul has achieved their liberation. I can surely do with
assistance from this side as well as from the other side on this important journey home.
Before I close, I send you love and peace. May you be blessed with many miracles and
may all your troubles gently fade away. May you overcome your loss and be happy
once again.
Love and light from a fellow traveler.

Bob laidlaw an Australian RV trainee of our

academy sends us this testimonial on July 28, 2002. Subject:
The Financial Markets and the Matrix.
Hi Gerald,
I thought you might be interested in this article by Adam Hamilton:
Adam Hamilton has a very interesting series of articles, available from his home page.
I only became aware of these today when reading the article about JP Morgan's current
derivatives problems on "Headlines".

Also thanks for your valuable RV prediction of the markets. I have to take an interest
in the markets as this is the source of my retirement income. My share
portfolio performed well last year with 25% capital growth, which certainly beats our
Australian mutual funds which all had negative returns. Currently I am 95% in cash as
from July 9, 2002. On the following day, the S & P 500 head and shoulders top was
breached downwards, and the Australian markets followed suit. During previous
months, through my own RV and various information sources, I had become
increasingly aware of and concerned about the gathering storm. It is obvious to me
that your courses have been very helpful in raising my awareness of what is really
going on, increasing the ability to discern the difference between truth and market
propaganda, and to take appropriate and timely action. I also experienced some
attacks from The Matrix, The Matrix reloaded, manifested by unpleasant physical
symptoms and problems with the communications devices I use to monitor the
markets. My Teletext equipped TV , my fax machine, and data download service for
computer analysis, all had serious malfunctions within that week ! This indicated that I
was on the right track, so instead of confusion and panic, I took the opportunity to
replace this equipment with better performing units.

I also agree with your advice and predictions regarding the housing market, also in a
bubble top in Australia, and that your students should take action to eliminate debt,
become more self-sufficient, and overcome negative emotions of greed and fear.
There should be wonderful opportunities in the future for those people who have been
proactive and are patient enough to wait for the market bottom.

Bob Laidlaw
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Ivan Skitolwsy ( sent us on July 24, 2002, this

important feedback on the CD that comes with the Remote Influencing
As the CD allows for the gentle sound of ocean waves to brush your
consciousness, little do you know what sophisticated mind
technology (non- subliminal) is imbedded in it. We know that many
of you have not yet realized how powerful this CD really is in allowing
you to experience what, up to now, only very rare and advanced
Yogis could do which is to have your body asleep, hearing often
yourself snoring, but remaining totally aware as pure consciousness,
allowing you therefore to undertake very powerful journeys to
Higher Realms where Remote Viewing and Influencing, and other
learning/revelations are the rule. We hope that this feedback will
encourage you to listen to the delta track even in a looping mode
while sleeping.
I just wanted to write to you and let you know how the CD of phase 2 in the Remote
Influencing Course is deepening my work. When I first started listening to the CD,
particularly track 2, Safari to Delta, I would phase out and go to sleep. Now, I can listen
to the whole thing and remain alert. This is important because it has anchored my
ability to go into that split state of mind awake/body asleep. At night, I listen with
speakers on either side of my head until I wake up, 3 hours or so later. I then put the
headphones on and listen to track 2, Safari to Delta in a looping mode in order to
maintain those delta waves and solidify the body asleep portion of the brainwave state.
Then as I lie back down, I begin to rev up the energy body by using an image of the
gyroscopic device used in the movie "Contact" and it goes faster and faster, and gets
brighter and brighter until I am pure light. The next thing that happens is what I can
only describe as an extremely powerful whole body orgasm as the energy accelerates
around my body. This is when the fun begins. The out of body state is easy when this
happens, or remote viewing or influencing, or praying for yourself of others at a
distance. I find myself going through a portal in my room which is a large picture of the
eastern Sri Yantra. This seems to be where some of my inner work is done going back
into my childhood. Just this morning, I went through and the other side seemed to be
some sort of a black hole. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that, but the possibilities are
endless. We are indeed pure light, pure love, pure consciousness capable of anything,
and if enough people discover this, this planet will change. Thank you for the CD that
has aided me in accessing these portions of myself. I have been working on this for
many years. This is a very powerful tool if people will use it.

Michael Albright ( comments on 7/23/02:

Hi Gerald:
Your Theta and Delta CD is pretty wild! The CD is changing what I perceived as reality
right before my eyes (no pun intended).
Slowly but surely, I'm letting go. I'm doing a I AM meditation while working with the
CD. Very, Very, Very, powerful!!! I get very emotional. The information I keep
getting is "hold on something big is about to happen, and your almost there". Also, I
am finally getting or downloading a lot of information, but having a hard time holding
on to it. Will one of the next tapes help me to process this information?
With Special Regards,

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Doug Bockus ( ) sent us this feedback on 7/20/02

on following our stock market predictions:
Hi Gerald, I just wanted to personally thank you for sharing the message regarding the
upcoming financial crisis in the stock market and our country. I took your advice very
seriously, and pulled out of the stock market just before it dropped from 9,000 to 8019
level. Now, most of my money is in money market accounts. I do own a gold and silver
mutual fund that I thought I should hold onto. Hope you agree. Are you also
suggesting that I should sell my home and get the money out of it due to the up coming
real estate decline? (I live in Northern California)
Finally, I really look forward to reading new messages or insights you are being given
while at the Delta level, so I wish you had time to have a weekly spot on your Web sight
for such messages. Thanks for all you are trying to do for your fellow man and this

Ken Kimball ( ) writes to us on July 8, 2002:

Hi Gerald,
One thing that I have noticed about being in the delta state is that it creates such a
energized feeling of happiness. I will sustain the state long after the delta exercise on
your CD stops because I simply don't want it to end. It feels so good that I just don't
want to come out of it. I also feel very relaxed while in the "waking state". I feel like the
good vibes of delta are lingering while I go about my day. It is creating quite a change!
I hope all is well, Happy thoughts

Sonia Barett ( writes to us this feedback on June 21,

Wow your site is a breath of fresh air! You provide clear insight into this complex
multidimensional reality in which we live. You provide validity to the mind of the
curious seekers. I love it! Your course is also clear and precise. I can't wait to see what's
next. Sonia,

Pamela Slayton sends us on June 17, 2002 the

following testimonial:
Unexplained bone growth, in a serious wrist injury.
Dear Gerald, well, I may have to eat my words a bit here. My oldest son had an accident
back in Feb. He slipped on ice on a roof and shot a nail through his wrist with a nail gun.
Not only did the nail actually split the bone in two, it also went through an old
snowboarding injury (healed former broken bone). He was in a cast for over two
months. When they took the cast off, the CAT scan showed no healing, in fact the bone
was quickly deteriorating. There were only three possible courses of surgery for him,
but surgery was deemed a necessity.
Two of the surgeries would leave him half crippled in his wrist. The only real option was
a surgery that would graft some bone from his hip onto the wrist area. That only had a
50-50 chance of working and even at that, there would be limited movement in his
wrist. Well, I'm not really into the healing aspect of things, but a few weeks ago, when I
was doing tape 6B, I chose my son. I sent a healing light to his wrist. Let me tell you,
today was the day they were supposed to schedule the surgery! They automatically
took more x-rays before scheduling the surgery. The x-rays actually showed that there
has been BONE GROWTH in the last few weeks! This should have been impossible

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because there had been permanent damage to the blood vessels that fed into that bone.
That was why the bone had been deteriorating since Feb.! I was astonished! I told my
son what I had done and I told him I better do it again! I mean, I guess it could have
started to heal some other way, but they had said there would be no chance of that. The
bone was actually dying. It just seems like too much of a coincidence to me! This is
simply amazing! Sincerely, Pamela Slayton

Debra Hall sends us this warm message on June 11,

My regards to you all, at the Academy; I pray often for the message you share. The
manner that Gerald packages the message of LOVE is matchless because it is attainable.
The simple act of LOVE often eludes us. Gerald, points out the majesty in "acting". I
found that all I required was a change of perception. Please note, (I'm sure I am not
alone in my revelations) I have known since diapers my attitude in life is the most
important ingredient. I now ask myself how the attitude is coming along? Then I need
to ask myself what is the most excellent attitude? The answer to this question came
directly from the opus of "The Academy of Remote Viewing." The message as I have
experienced only confirms what is written in the tablets of my heart. Being my own
light and guru is what has saved my essence. Not original concepts I know but I had not
met any group or individuals that lived it. I desperately needed to observe it. Once I
observed harmony in the process, actions, thoughts and life situations lead to infinity.
Once I became my own light, I began to heal. "Practicing spiritual soup" is discouraged
by many spiritual practices. This click implies the need to enter a specific faith or belief
system. Masses are crippled by this erroneous belief. Spiritual soup dogma does not
promote personal mastering but spiritual following.
On behalf of the dear ones that have reaped from the Academy's message, continue to
In Divine Friendship, Debra H.

Vladimir Federman writes to us this warm comment

on June 10, 2002
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for your email. I wanted to write you on my own, however I got busier then
I anticipated, but your letter made me to switch my priorities.
The reason I wanted to write you is because I wanted to THANK YOU, for providing
courses like Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. Actually thanking you is not
enough, it is not even close, to what I feel, and to what your courses have done and are
still doing for me. Only my deepest gratitude and tears of joy can truly express how I
feel, for how the courses are helping me at this point in my development, and I
consider them as one of my most treasured possession.
I consciously started my spiritual path in 1992. I read over hundreds of books and
meditated many hundreds, it not thousands of hours and I visited many different
workshops. Then I received four years of practical life lessons to force me to live that,
what I have learned. So I stopped to read and to visit workshops, but I kept my
meditations, and simply tried to live what I read about. Then in February this year I
was guided into your web site, and immediately I knew, that I have to order both
courses offered there. I was hardly able wait for the tapes in my mail, and after I started
to do the courses, I realized that all I have been doing for these 10 years and all my

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searching was only a preparation for this step - the courses. I felt like going from High
School to a University.
Some 8 years ago I ordered a so called "Supermind machine" which came with lots of
tapes for healing or improving specific skills. It's playing sounds over messages on
tape, while flashing LEDs in black goggles, to guide the mind into specifics state of
consciousness. I was using it successfully for some time, but I wasn't able to use the
principle for my specific needs. I believe the reason why I wasn't able to do so, was that
only my left brain understood the method. I am electronic design engineer and for me,
in order to design something both halves of my brain must understand. Otherwise it's
just intellectual knowledge for me, and I do not know how to use it for design. I need
the creative right brain to get involved as well, so that I can use that what I know.
After listening to the Introduction of Remote viewing course, my right brain finally
begun to understand, and I realized that I was guided years ago into a tool of which
potential I did not know of how to use creatively. This was big eye opening for me, and I
became fully aware as how important it is that both brains need to understand
The reason I ordered the Remote viewing course was to develop my inner vision - my
third eye. However, as soon as I realized the creative potential of the method in use, I
started to put my own inner voice over your guidance, to re-program myself. It works
very well and I'm very grateful to you for providing me with tool like this. It enabled
me to do some necessary adjustments almost instantly. I feel that after the necessary
reprogramming now I'm able to start the actual Remote Viewing, but of course, only
my Higher Self knows what is next. The tapes are very powerful, especially 2b, 3a, 3b
and I didn't come across anything like this before. It's real treasure. With these tapes I
was able to get into a states of consciousness, where I felt one with All, and the
Good/Evil duality simply disappeared from my perception. It reappeared after a while,
but these tapes are much more then just a remote viewing course. I see them as tool for
personal transformation, and still to go even beyond personal transformation to
achieve personal mastery over oneself. As
I said already, I haven't come across anything so powerful so far. For this application I
value most the tapes with breathing in/out the light.
-----------------------------------------------------------When it comes to the Remote Influencing course, I felt on occasions, that all we see and
live is just a grand illusion, but I needed to hear it and read it from somebody else, in
order to start to act on it. I want to thank you again for the wonderful an skilful way of
how the introductory part is worded structured and designed. So far I'm into the
second part, the Theta and Delta meditation CD which I found very powerful as well. It
takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to get into different state of consciousness, so it's not
as immediate as some of the tapes from the Remote Viewing course, but it seems to
have longer lasting effect.
At one point in reading thru the introduction, I wondered about how you came to such
an advanced material and information, as to my understanding, this was until recently
domain of mystery schools only. So I was wondering if this is channeled message, and
who is really beyond this project. I do not mean to be nosy, but knowing and feeling
that I am only a visitor to this level of existence and still not quite forgot the world I
came from, this question simply crossed my mind.
This course so far triggered me into something else, which I was aware of, but never
really pursued, since it was also only a left brain knowledge. About six years ago a
friend of mine told me about the Flower Of Life workshop and Merkaba meditation
presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek. One part of myself was telling me that it is
important and I should start to do something with it, but again, it wasn't until I read and
listened to the Remote Influencing introduction when a change has happened. One day
I simply went to a local store and bought two books of this workshop. It somehow fits
well with this second course and this combination delivered tremendous boost, so big
that I had to stop for a while to digest it. Now I feel like to get immersed into it again.
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I started the courses in February this year and I feel like a different person already. I
am very happy and thankful that I can have, and use a tool like this. I do not know
where this will lead me, but I know that whatever the path it will be perfect for me.
I want to THANK YOU again with my deepest gratitude for the tremendous service you
are providing. I regret to hear that you have just experienced a personal loss and I
pray for healing and adjustment for you.
With the Love of the One
Vladimir Federman

Message from Hito Ikizake sent on June 7, 2002

-----Original Message---- : Gerald O'Donnell
: 2002 6 7 13:15

: Message to the Academy of Remote Viewing

Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing thought and reality.

Friday, June 07 , 2002
Hello Mr. O'Donnell,
I have received the two packages of RV course and the first set of RI course almost at
the same time, so I have been still listening to RV tapes of No.2 and No. 3. I will start
listening to No.4 this weekend. I may be a slow learner ( I actually am a fast learner for
many new things. My desire is always to get things done quickly) in this RV course,
going back and forth with those tapes to obtain some sort of clear confidence in
If my understanding is correct, you suggest not to listen to RI tapes without the
graduation of RV course. Is this right?
Several things happened in the past 3 weeks, and I know that my intuition has
particularly been enhanced by listening to the tapes. My short temper is weakening to
gain more profound calmness in daily life. Since I am not a native speaker of English (I
am a Japanese man), I thought, at first, that there would be less effect than other native
speakers listening to the tapes. I do not know the difference, but it probably does not
I have already read "Out of The Matrix" four times and will read it more. The book is
really amazing and enlightening to me. It helped me get answers to the questions about
life and the universe I have been asking to myself in my life.
I appreciate your great works and your being "there" for us to help human beings know
and experience the truth in this challenging time on the planet.
Best regards,
Hiro Ikizake

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Mickey ( ) wrote to us on May 30, 2002

Mr. O'Donnell, my name is Michael and I purchased your RV and RI programs 2
months ago. They have greatly helped my understanding. Thank you from the bottom
of my heart. I am facing the harshest period of my life now because of my health
A little voice inside of me told me to write this email and I hope you can help me in any
way. I will be infinitely grateful. I have so many things to ask you about different
Remote Viewing experiences or Remote Influencing ones that I have had. Two of them
were so real . I am still expecting to get the tapes about RI this week......
Sincerely Mickey

Leena Pekkalainen sent us this comment on the

RV/RI courses on May 15, 2002. Subject:
Remote Viewing several terrorist attacks in advance, and
experiences in Remote Influencing
I kept a diary all through listening the RV course and looking back I see things
happening all the time. Some of the "happenings" were short ones like looking at a pool
of liquid gold or falling through clouds of color. Some were more profound. Once I saw
clearly stars swooshing by and ended up somewhere that felt very very far away in
space. There was a cluster of lights I knew to be living, the only thing that came to mind
was that they were souls. I just "knew" it. Right after that I went back to Earth and ended
up in ancient Greece (I had decided beforehand I wanted to go to that particular spot,
Dodona). I saw clearly two stone slabs with grass growing in between and looked at my
feet - no sandals. I wanted to have sandals but could not imagine them there. I was a
girl, about 15 years of age, servant to an oracle (an elderly lady). There was more to it,
quite a vivid experience.
Twice (after listening to RV cassette 3b) I asked specifically to see if a terrorist attack
was in store. The first time I saw a female bomber in Jerusalem, described all she did
and where to my husband (saying that was nonsense, women don't do these attacks)
and exactly one week later it was on the news. The time of the day, her looks (which I
saw later), that busy business street, everything. Even her emotions and motivations
seemed to match the facts I learned about her later on. It really was strange to see a
deja-vu on the TV screen.
The second time I saw a man preparing for a bombing in Jerusalem (again). I contacted
Mr. O'Donnell later that evening and described everything to him. I had not quite
finished when he said to me he just heard it on the news (there was nothing in the news
about that yet). Again the time of day was right (early evening), that it was a lonely man
and that it was going to happen in an Orthodox-Jewish area.
I haven't received my RI cassettes yet - they should arrive this week. I have been
reading the booklet that came first and the info there is basically describing the
structure of our "matrix" and how to influence it and direct your life, contact your
higher self.
But I have manifested with the RV all right. One actual manifestation was that I send a
book I wrote to several publishers, targeted one specifically (trying to make them
answer yes). And they contacted me, said they were very interested in what I wrote,
asked me to do certain corrections to the text and send it back. Now that was really
something! I don't know yet if it will be published but then I only tried to manifest a
"yes"-letter, nothing more.
I have also done some contacting to people - making them look at me, simply as a test
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do I connect to their minds. Often it works, especially if I manage to imitate their

vibratory level first. The babies are most fun, they are so open minded. Animals also
I haven't really tried to manifest physical things into my life (like jewelry, cars and
such) but some minor "scratch-off"-winnings. Went to shops and tried to RV if there was
a winning ticket and then took the one that gave the best feeling. I can say it works.
Also I made a strong wish in Theta of cooperating with certain people (in practicing RI).
Only a few hours later they all of a sudden contacted me and asked if I would like to join
their group that practices RI. The very same people!
I have had a busy spring, reading for an exam. Now it's over and I have more time in
my hands to study more RV / RI.
I know this is not a very detailed description, so if you have any specific question you'd
like to ask, please do so. It is always nice to talk with people who share the same
interests! Also if you decide to order the courses, I'm more than happy to share
Leena :-)

Suzan Ocampo ( ) sent us this feedback on May 7,

2002. Subject:
Increased intuition while training with the RV course.
I finally got the tapes for the first part I ordered and am working on them now.
However, I just wanted to ask if these tapes are also safe for children ages 11 - 15
because I would like my children to listen to them too.
I enjoy the tapes immensely although I have not had unusual experiences with them
yet. I noticed though that I seem to be more sensitive now and am even able to
sometimes feel something and then it happens. Or before I answer the phone, I know
who it is. As a whole, the tapes too are very relaxing and yet after I finish them, I don't
feel sleepy at all. As a matter of fact I feel fully awake and ready to take on the day
ahead. I look forward to the rest of the tapes and the next course which I also ordered.
Thank you.

Saleem Rana ( ) writes us this feedback on April 23

about his experiences during and after taking our Remote Viewing Course.
Dear Gerald:
I want to thank you for your course, Remote Viewing.
I have had many wonderful experiences with the 6 weeks of doing RV.
1. I used to be able to visualize poorly. Now my mental pictures can be very vivid,
sometimes even more so than with actual seeing. Let me explain. When seeing
something during a Remote Viewing session, the colors seem brighter, and I can zoom
in and out as I please. In addition, I appear to find everything viewed in this way has a
rich emotional quality to it.
2. I have correctly identified two targets posted for me. I did not know the target, but
was given an alphanumeric code. I saw and experienced the targets very vividly.
Currently, I have only RV'd two targets.
3. I was able to remote view the inside of a tree and the inside of a leaf in sharp detail,
as if I were really inside it, experiencing the richness of the life-force.
4. I had some success with Remote Healing. The person reported that they felt better

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after my treatment. I was able to enter this person and do a complete scan of their
health condition. I found out about 10 problems they were having.
5. The vibratory light feeling I get during RV is my Higher Self.
6. In one RV session, I saw a beach, and I had a heightened sense of acuity. Each grain
of sand I focused on gave me a sense of deep pleasure, and I found the surf absolutely
delightful. In another session, I was flying over this Western Town. Most of the
buildings were brown and tan, and they were very old. There was also a railway station
with a train pulling up. The town was very dry and dusty. There were no people
around the town. I could zoom in and out of the scene, getting close-up views of the
buildings and being able to view them from any direction. It was very exhilarating.
7 . I am also able to sometimes RV when awake. For example, I have been able to
predict things before I get to the scene. Walking to the Jacuzzi room at my health club,
I projected my mind to the room before I got there. I saw a bald, corpulent man. When
I got there, I was shocked to actually find such a person there. Another time, I was able
to project ahead to the bus stop before I even got to the street. I saw two scenes. One,
the bus waiting for me, and the other, a bus a block away pulling up to the bus sign. I
was puzzled. How could I see two possibilities? Then when I got there, I found a bus
waiting for me AND further down the street, about a block away, there was another bus
coming up.
These are just a few of my experiences. I am having so many that I am not able to keep
track of them all. I am developing PSI quite spontaneously now, and I did not have this
ability before. It is as if my consciousness has suddenly expanded by visiting
Saleem Rana

Pam Slayton <> send us this testimonial on April 23:

Visiting Theta land.
No response necessary. Dear Gerald, I try not to email you too often because I know
you are incredibly busy. But, just wanted to let you know about this: I am just about
finished with tape 6B (and have been rereading the new manual). Anyway, I decided to
put my nephew's head on my head, cause even though it's now been two years, he is still
having a very hard time dealing with his father's plane crash. He is only 9 years old. I
could not so much perceive his thoughts as I felt I could perceive his emotions. I tried
very hard to send him thoughts that- it is ok to go on with his life and be happy. That is
what his Dad wants for him, and other thoughts like that, because I think he feels it
would be betraying his father, if he tries to put his Dad's death behind him and get on
with his life and be happy. I don't think he feels he is allowed to do that. (My nephew has
an extremely high IQ). Anyway, while I was trying to send these thoughts to him, I felt
those same energy surges,!
VERY STRONG, but again, it does not go up and down my spine but rather up and down
my legs .(Maybe there's something wrong with me! LOL!) I hope I was able to get
through to him, and will try again. As what happens with me so often, AFTER I came
back to Beta, I felt I received a rush of information about my nephew, about his
feelings. Another very weird thing happened. It concerns you. This is really crazy. I
could say it was just a dream, but it wasn't like that. I had been asleep. I had been
having a normal dream that I do not remember. But, all of a sudden, I heard your voice
very clearly. (Please don't think I'm crazy, this wasn't even like a lucid dream, I heard
you clearly and distinctly, to the left of me, and even though this happened a few days
ago, I can still hear your voice clearly, of course, this could have to do with the fact
that I am always hearing your voice in Theta state). Anyway, I heard you say, Pam, it's
Gerald. And, for some whacked out reason, I was surprised and said back to you, Oh, I
thought you were the maid! (Don't even ask me where that came from! I remember
thinking, well, that was a stupid thing to say!) Anyway, you then warned me about
something, but that is the part I don't remember! I can't remember the warning! I woke
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up right after that. Too weird. Well, take care.

Sincerely, Pam

Nico Giannakopoulos of ( ) Athens, Greece, sends us

this comments on March 4, 2002
Hi Gerald,
Thanks to your beautiful course. My mind functions have been enhanced
tremendously. I had been practicing Silva Mind Control for many years but I never had
the flashes of instant insights that I get now because of the training with your course.
You have changed my life for the much better.

Matt Gray ( sends us this testimonial on

February 5, 2002. Subject:
Knowing, in advance, the answers to tests that he takes. Reading
peoples feelings, and traveling through time and space.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell and the Remote Viewing Team:
I am an RV trainee, and in addition, placed an order for your new Remote Influencing
course . I've used your techniques in my everyday life. I seem to know the answers to
tests that I take, know the feelings of others around me, and know the choices I should
make. But my favorite pastime is traveling through time and space. I've got a vivid
imagination which makes it even more fun. Above all I thank you for all that you are
doing. I look forward to experiencing the new set of tapes.
Yours Truly, Matt

Sue Parker ( ) sent us this moving testimonial on

February 3, 2002. Subject:
Experiencing merging with the ALL. A very rare and unforgettable
moment of Being the ONE. And the healing blessings that were then
bestowed upon her.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,
I had an experience with the tapes that was so incredible I find it impossible to put
down what it was - no words can capture it - I was rocked, consumed, 'it' was all passion.
How can I describe the indescribable? It had no beginning, it had no end. I was It.
Intoxicating rapture, a song, an undulating wave.
I thought I would die, explode, should it continue a moment longer, and yet, I would
die to stay.
And my health - After years of illness I'm now in the recovery stages following major
surgery and a heavy treatment program of Radio and Chemotherapy. (A malignant
tumor that had spread into the lymph glands)- My progress seems to have speeded up I feel great! younger! and alive!
I feel humbled and privileged, and all I can send you is my love and my thanks for
producing these wonderful tapes. But again, it's more than that, and more than
language can convey.
Sue Parker

Philip ( ) writes to us on February 6, 2002: Subject:

His biology is prepared to take on higher vibrations.
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Hello Mr. O'Donnell.

I have just started the remote viewing course, on Monday January 28, 2002. Tape #1
took me by surprise, I didn't expect to have such a profound experience.
I was innocently sitting in a chair, with eyes open, and listening to tape #1 when I
noticed, a change in my energy, I was more excited in my, body and mind. I was more
observing of myself, rather than just being myself.
I felt there was a presence in my room I started to look for this presence. I thought
someone was looking over my left shoulder [I was alone in my apartment], but I kept
looking to see if someone was there.
Suddenly my left eye began to feel as if some-thing was in it, as a blurry subtle change,
and progressively, more blurry, until I had two different types of sight, in my left eye,
my right eye had a very subtle change.
I immediately looked into a mirror, I couldn't see any change in my physical eyeball,
but I could see my environment was changed, I kept looking over my left shoulder, for
a presence that I felt was still in my apartment.
By the end of side#2 of tape#1, my eyesight returned to normal, And I felt as if
something was lifted off form my being. A very positive, and peaceful feeling overcame
me, a pain I had in my back was gone. In the evening when I was walking in the city, the
experience with my eyesight happened again,
only this time it was very subtle, and lasted a few minutes, as compared with the first
time, that lasted about fifteen minutes.
It is now Wednesday, February 6, 2002.
I am truly enjoying the remote viewing course. I am now on tape #two, seeing colors
and unexplained phenomena.
This morning I listened to tape # two side B, at 6:30 A.M. and at 9:30 A.M. the change
in my eye- sight happened again.
This time the change is more profound in both my eyes.
This change looks something like a jagged edge, example:^^^^^^^^^.

Rob Chojnacki ( ) writes to us on January 31, 2002

about a new independent Yahoo News group that has been set up recently
by former RV trainees of our Academy, and his successes at Rviewing
various targets. Interested Parties please Email him directly for further
Hi Gerald.
I just wanted to send you a quick note that I have recently been contacted through
your site to join a new group of remote viewers (most, if not all, of whom has taken
your course). We have started off by testing ourselves with targets posted to the
group. I have been doing surprisingly well. Having the degree of success that I am
having with the targets is only reinforcing for me that your course was one of the best
decisions I have made in a long time. Remote viewing is real, and surprisingly easy,
Some future goals of the group include locating missing people, solving unsolved
crimes, and group RV healing. But for now we are just honing our skills. The group is
also excellent for helping each other out, whether it be posting blind targets for the rest
of the group to practice with, or general RV discussion and RV tips...
I can't thank you enough Gerald. If I had my way, every individual would have your
course tapes!! Not only am I doing very well at target viewing, but there has been a
definite sense of intuition increase..

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By the way, if you know anyone that may be interested in our group, let me know! It is
basically a Yahoo email group. Our main goal right now is helping each other out, and
as I said before, most, if not all, of our members have taken your course. Our group is
called GRILLFLAME. Not sure where the name came from, but it's
a creation of David Mason, one of your students. David made me a moderator
of the group, after I had shown that I had a lot of interest in it, and had
successfully remote viewed 6 out of 7 targets successfully..
Last night I whipped up a website for the group, it will soon be, however
for now it is at:
You may notice the "center of energy" concept in the logo too.
David and I have been having a lot of conversation about how the group should be
run. Right now he and I are actively pursuing ARV. We have successfully practiced
remote viewing to the future. Last Wednesday, he gave me a target number that he
would link to an image 4 days later on Sunday.
I remote viewed to the future, using the techniques in tape 4b, and viewed the image
that the target number would be linked to. I then sent him my results. He did not read
the email until Sunday, AFTER he had linked the
target number to an image. Well I was a little bit off, however for the most part nailed
many aspects of the target, which was a very good sign.
So now we are trying to square down the technique for ARV to pick lottery numbers.
We are also considering moving the yahoo email group to some kind of message board
system involved with the website, and are looking at possibilities now..
So that's that for now. The group has been helpful for me, because it moved remote
viewing to a very active level. I have been consumed with remote viewing, and target
practice, and our group, and the many possibilities for
the group..
So let me know what you think.

Thanks Again!
Rob Chojnacki

P.S. from Gerald O'Donnell: Rob is one of the best Web designers that I know. If any of
you need professional web design from a fellow trainee, please contact him. I highly
recommend him.

TG Gane ( ) an experience Remote Viewer, sent us

this testimonial on January 29, 2002. Subject:
After having trained successfully, and practiced at length, with
traditional US army RV techniques, how our course improved greatly
his accuracy and his ability to rapidly reach the level of mind
required to be able to effectively remote view.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,
I spoke to you on the phone several days ago, and just wanted to put in writing my
appreciation for your RV course; feel free to quote from it.

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I have been Remote Viewing for several years, using cool-down tapes and
relaxation/breathing techniques
learned in another training program.
I certainly did get results, but wanted to thank you for these new techniques, which
speed entry into Delta and improve accuracy.
I also feel an enhanced sense of wholeness, and a much stronger sense of smell (for
better or worse!).
Prior to learning your techniques, I had roughly 50% accuracy, plus the cool-down
tapes took about 45 minutes.
Using your methods, I have been on target for the last 5 sessions, plus cool-down time
is now 15 minutes I know I reduce it to almost immediate Delta.
Thanks for these techniques Sincerely,
Tom Gane

Manuel Colin, a new trainee, sends us this feedback on

January 22, 2002. Subject:
Heightened intuition and better healing skills after listening to only 2 tapes.
Mr. O'Donnell:
I have been using the tape #2 for approximately 8 weeks and finally I can say that there
are specific changes in my life, like knowing beforehand what people are going to say,
or who is going to call. On one occasion, I was writing checks to pay my bill. It was late,
and I was almost falling asleep, when I noticed that I wrote the name of a friend in one
of my bills. To my surprise she called me next day, I don't know which event caused the
other! And there have been many other wonderful "coincidences!" I work using
acupuncture and I have noticed that my intuition is starting to show me the way to deal
with certain problems.
I sincerely thank you for your humble work as a pure channel from the essence of G-d.
Lots of the information you manage is contemplated inside of the Old Kabala. Thanks
Manuel Colin.

Dr. John Conrardy ( ) sends us this testimonial on

January 13, 2002. Subject:
Spirit travel, connecting to his Higher Soul, and making full use of
the creative workshop in our RV course.
1) A few weeks back, I experienced my "soul". I run regularly and LISTEN to my RV
tapes as I run. During two running sessions I visualized my soul. It was a wispy
translucent being. It had an energy of youthfulness and vitality. During these visits I
was able to go to outer space and travel to unknown locations with my spirit. It caused
a profound sense of peace in me that has not left me since the encounter. The
communion of the two of us was astounding
2) Since beginning RV I have talked to numerous people who have been meditating for
up to 20 yrs. All these people CANNOT believe that I am experiencing ALL that I am
after such a short timeframe (months), and I can't either. RV is, as I say, fast track to
knowing one's inner being and being one with Universal Intelligence.
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3) The creative workshop is the MOST intense and important aspects of RV. One can
literally change one's own reality. Utilizing this aspect of RV will enhance all aspects of
one's life, as well as, assist in balancing one's mind, body, and soul.
4) If anyone is having difficulties accessing their inner being they should try this
"trick". This procedure allows quick access to the inner being and self. One must breath
consciously and during the inhalation it must be done through the mouth and
exhalation must be done through the nose. This allows one to be selfless!!!!
Gerald you may use any or all of this letter. I also want you to know that I send much
love to you for all you have brought to my life through the introduction of RV. And I
KNOW the journey has just BEGUN!!!
Dr. John Conrardy

Patricia Brooks, ( ) a new trainee living in New

Zealand send us the following feedback on January 11, 2002. Subject:
Successfully identifying the winner at a horse race using only our RV
Just wanted to share with you one of my first successes. Although I ordered the course
in August, I moved to New Zealand and the mail didn't forward my tapes till the end of
Oct. Since NZ has a lot of horse racing and results are available on the internet, I
decided to use the races for targets. Yesterday, I correctly identified a winner. I'd tried
doing 2 other races in early Dec. without success, but wasn't finished with the course at
the time. This was my first target attempt since finishing all the tapes. It was really
thrilling to find out I'd been successful. I'm excited to receive the RI tapes and continue
learning. Thanks for a great course!
Patricia Brooks

Site Map
For num erous additional feedback , discussions, practical tips, techniques, and operational targets,
visit our students' forum

Give yourself or someone you care for a once-a-lifetime opportunity to release

yourself from your mental boundaries, and fly to happiness!
Order the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Courses Here

COPYRIGHT 1997-2015
Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

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