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Frying the Chapel" ~ Anie Clen

"I Ditn't Know V/hat Timr It Vets ~ by
Richart Rodgers
ant Lorenz Nan
Copyrtghr ~ /939 Chapped & Co.
All Rights Rescn~rL Used by Permission.
Excerpts from Iyncs of 'The Cirl That I
by Irvmg Berlin om page 214
Copyright @ /946 by Irving Berlin.
Copyright Renewed 1974 by IrvinR Berlin.
Repanted by perrnissiom of Irving Berlin
Music Corporation.
This edition contains the complete tent
of the o inal harts w edition.
A Bantam Book / published by
arrangement with
Doubietay edition published May 1989
llantam edition / May 1990
Off rights reserved
Copyright @ 1989 by Bia Cosby.
Cover an copyright @ 1990 by Acidic
Library of congress Catalog tart Number:
No pan PI this Look may be reproduced or
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or mechanical,
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For information actress Doubleday, 666
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ISBN 0-553-28467-3
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OPM 0 9 8 7654321
For Camille
My warm thanks to Ralph Schoenstein,
whose wonderful
voice has joined mine in this book as it did
in Fatherhood and Tim,e Flies.



FOR? 155

WAKE 199



- A~ I have been married for twenty-five
-years, but I am not an authority an marriage and
this is not a marital textbook. These are just some
Cliffs Notes, not from HeathelifF but Bill, just some
memories and reflections about how I wandered in
the sexual wilderness awhile and then found the best
thing that ever happened to me, Camille Hanks
And I am certainly not an authority on love because there are no authorities on love, just those
who 've had luck with it and those who haven't. In
finding Camitle, I drew to an inside straight, queen
W_ A,
+++++++++++ + +++++++
by Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D.
AM Bill Cosby begins this comic caper about
romance and matrimony with a description of
his erotic awakening in the inner city of
Philadelphia, where he grew up. The story has
a familiar ring; we have all floundered and lost

our innocence during our. awkward, adolescent

'Jove" encounters. Love and Mamage is about
the journey most of us have taken down lovers'
lane, driven by impulses that feel titillating but
are often as mystifying as they are overwhelming. Cosby says love is "the only subject
that no one has ever been able to study for."
Love and marriage may sometimes go tat
"ether like the proverbial horse and carriage,
but thatyou'd better believe- is an
oversimplification. A person can certainly
have one without the other, yet it's a blessing
indeed when love and marriage can be merged
by ordinary mortals as debonairly as Cosby
brings it off on his hit television show. The
display of love between Clair and Cliff Huxtable
is particularly engaging, their affection and
caring palpably genuine. Cosby isn't just putting
us on; he is well aware of the ingredients
essential to a successful partnershipinsight
based to some degree, no doubt, on his
enduring relationship with his real-life spouse,
However, prior to his meeting Camille, when
Cosby was in his mid-twenties, his ambiguous
search for "love" was plagued with
numeroussometimes amusingmishaps.
America's number one husband and father
received his romantic initiation in a city where
hip adolescent males aimed to "score," for their
pleasure, of course, but also to gather
ego-boosting macho points. Cosby notes that his
early quest for "love" was beset by chaos
because of his preoccupation with female
No one can fault Cosby or his buddies for
their dilemma; nature endows us with sexual
instincts that frequently border on the
uncontrollable. As if that were not enough, we
are constantly bombarded with sexual
stimulation from television, movies, music,
magazines, and individuals who are obsessed
with looking "sexy." No wonder sexual

development begins earlier in childhood than

most of us realize and often peaks during the
early teens.
Cosby humorously recalls coming of age,
marked by his first wet dream. He tells of trying
to hide the evidence-of his new manhood from
his parents by hurriedly washing his sheets, and
of being discoveredto his great chagrin.
Cosby doesn't say whether he had previously
known about nocturnal emissions. Many of the
would-be young studs and foxes he describes
were seriously misinformed about love and sex.
Today, despite great advances in sexual
knowledge, and the lifting of taboos on
disseminating that knowledge, too many
children remain misinformed. Parents and those
responsible for
school curricula are still uncomfortable with the
prospect of teaching children about normal
sexual development. Youngsters who rely
heavily on street folklore about sex often make
foolish and se}f~estructive decisions.
Adolescentsand many adults as well tend
to be attracted by physical characteristics rather
than by the more important personal qualities.
They "go crazy" over individuals who are cute,
handsome, or pretty, and may fall instantly and
totally "in love."
A "loved one" may be a projection of a
person's own ideal image. In an intense romance, the partner may be so blinded by
passion that he or she may misperceive the true
traits of the loved one. Cosby wryly notes:
"Since self-deception is the heart of falling in
love, perhaps the best sex education for a boy is
not studying drawings of reproductive systems
but simply learning to lie to himself."
Incidentally, some psychologists consider falling
in love a "benign psychosis"a simple form of
mental illusion: Since 'being in~love" can
severely distort
good sense, experienced adults warn the young
of its perils.

Unfortunately, many smitten youngsters

engage in early and irresponsible sexual activity,
thereby facing many risks, foremost among
them contracting sexually transmitted diseases,
including life-threatening kIDS. Still children
themselves, girls who become pregnant face the
ordeal of abortion or the hardship and poverty
of premature, single parenthood. Dreadful
suffering is inflicted in the name of love and sex
when young people do not comprehend the almost inevitable consequences of their ignorance.
On the other hand, positive realistic approaches to romance can enhance the prospects
for a happy love and marriage experience as
opposed to one that ends in misery and divorce.
Most psychologists believe that young people
should engage in social activities with a variety
of partners to determine what sort of person
they really like and are compatible with. We
may be wising up to the fact that early and
hasty commit
++~++~. ~ ~ +++
meets to love relationships are risky: data
indicate that more people today are waiting
until they are well into their twenties to marry.
Marriage at a later age can offer certain
benefits. Both men and women are apt to
exercise more mature judgment in their choice
of partners and to be reasonably secure in their
jobs and careers. Their education completed,
couples usually achieve a measure of financial
security and independence that is almost
impossible to attain during the teen years. The
cost of housing and basic necessities, plus the
expense of raising children, can put enormous
strains on a marriage; poverty itself frequently
precipitates separation and divorce.
The bonds of love are, unfortunately, vulnerable to environmental and social stresses.
Couples eagerly commit to the vow '~For
better for worse . . . in sickness and in health,"
but many retreat when the going gets rough. It
is certainly naive to expect any love partnership
to continue smoothly without problems arising
along the way.

When Cosby describes disagreements he and
Camille have had, we realize that even happy
marriages are subject to periods of stress that
can push a relationship to the breaking point.
In every marriage, the relationship and the
individuals change over time. Cosby alludes to
these changes when he says about marriage,
'~Yes, it's wonderful at the beginning when
your life together is a romantic high." Social
scientists report that most long-term
relationships undergo a series of predictable
stages: infatuation and idealization of the
partner; cooling down, disappointment, moving
toward a more realistic relationship; becoming
a parent and pursuing a career, often called the
stage of productivity; redefining the relationship
and its goals while raising children to maturity;
and finally, the empty nest or post-parenting
stage, called a period of reintegration of the
marriage. As in any general categorisation,
passage through these stages is variable and
may not conform exactly to the outlined
progression. The point is that marriage is a
livingnot a staticprocess. Cosby on serves,
'~With all the irregular rhythms that pulse
between a husband and wife, the wonder is that
any couple can sustain the glow of romance."
As marriages pass through normal developmental stages, they sometimes hit snags that
may appear to be fatal. For instance, if, after a
year or two, the intensity of sexual passion
diminishes, it is not necessarily a cause for
alarm. The partners may be settling down to a
less infatuated but deeper and quieter period of
love. Then again, they may have to work a bit
harder at maintaining a good sex life. Showing
affection in other ways with hugs, kisses, and
overall attentivenessmay be more important
and sustaining at such a time. People who expect everlasting sexual ecstasy in marriage are
usually disillusioned and feel as if the love has
been lost. Breaking up the marriage at this stage
may indicate that the partners lack a mature
understanding of natural developments in
long-term relationships and marriage.

Another important transition, often a cause
of marital stress, is the birth of a child. Cosby
discusses at length the effect of his children on
his marriage. New parents may resent the
constraints on their freedom to have fun or to
pursue careers. The routines of daily living
change dramatically; even the privacy for sexual
intimacy, once taken for granted, is disturbed.
Children bring taxing new demands and
responsibilities to even the best-adjusted
parents. We know that raising a family can
affect us in mysterious ways, altering our
personalities as well as our philosophy of life.
Our values may change as we face the awesome
responsibility of guiding children through a difficult and changing world. Although the
addition of a child heralds a marital adjustment,
it is also an occasion of great joy.
Cosby, on his television show as in real life,
has five children, and it is obvious that they
have brought delight to both his makebelieve
and real marriages. The shared love for
children, even in times of trial, has perhaps no
equal in the emotional realm of
bonding and intimacy; it can deeply enrich a
relationship. Shared intimate experiences in
many areas is what adds "that extra something"
to the routine of marriage; a different quality of
closeness evolves as couples share life's many
ups and downs.
A word of warning, however: closeness thrives
best in an atmosphere in which the partners
accord mutual respect and accept individual
differences. Frequent confrontations, leading to
bitter stalemates or the holding of grudges, can
destroy the communication and intimacy that
are critical to any lasting partnership. Cosby
suggests that because partners owe it to
themselves to guard against such tendencies,
they should practice compromising and
negotiating conflict: 'I realized how important it
is for each partner in a marriage to make
adjustments. One of mine is agreeing to live in
a minimum security prison."
Cosby's down-to-earth views on love and
matrimony will make every reader laugh and

~` I was born in 1937, when the mission of a
man was to slay the beast and plow the field, a
considerable challenge in North Philadelphia;
and when the mission of a woman was to cook
a man's food, wash his clothes, and be a
contented bystander in bed. How medieval that
America now seems, an America where a boy
named Bill Cosby played all day with his
muscles in high, his brain in low, and his glands
in neutral. In my preteen years in postwar
America, girls to me were merely a minor
bother, like a lost skate key or a mosquito bite.
Unlike a boy of ten today, who primps for a
dance while being transported by the poetry
of a ballad called "I Want Your Sex," I never
thought about bowling over girls just about
knocking them down if they were near the
playing field. And a darkened living room, of
course, was never one of my fields.
I tell you all this at the start of the book so
that you will have a historical fix on the man
you are hearing from, a man who did not learn
the truth about human reproduction until the
late forties; and when I finally got this comical
information, it was from the University of the
Gutter and not from my grade school hygiene
class, where even the Pope would have been
bored. I remember a day when I was ten or
eleven and an older boy said with a casual
smirk, "You know why my sister got thrown out
of sewing classy'
"Because she needled the teachers' I replied.
"No, because she couldn't mendstrate."
The fake flew right by me, for it seemed to
me that mending was only one part of sewing.
Even if his sister couldn't mend


straight, she still might have been able to do a
lovely job of cross-sfftching.
Such innocence had to fade, of course, and
mine began fading in a movie house that was
playing a new picture called Lee Outlaw. There
I saw a considerable portion of an actress
named Jane Russell, who looked like the poster
girl for National Nursing Mothers Month; and
something told me that this was not the kind of
female at whom you threw elbows, jelly beans,
and water bombs.
My budding awareness of sex came not just
from Jane Russellts billowing blouse, for about
the same time other media also were sounding
a wake-up call to my hormones. At the
suggestion of my friend who told the bawdy
sewing joke, I took my hands off a basketball
long enough to pick up a book called God's
Little Acre. My reading in those days had been
basically a blend of comic books and highway
signs; in fact, God's Little Acre may have been
the first thing that I ever read in hard covers;
but what an enlightening look at how people
hayed south of Philadelphia. God's Little Acre
was not about the location for a new church.
Now deeply devoted to the literary life, I
broadened my reading to include nonfiction in
1948. That year, when I was eleven, I passed up
Proust to settle down with a work called Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male by three Indiana
doctors, one of whom was named Kinsey. The
book was quite long, but it happened to be
published in Philadelphia and I believed in
supporting the local arts.
And so, you now know the ancient culture
that shaped the man who is starting to talk to
you about matters of the-heart and below. A
boy today would read- the Kinsey Report at the
age of nine (if he wanted something a little less
sexual than the evening news) and then tell his
mother where the book required updating; but
I was a boy who, at nineteen, still felt that the
peak of erotica was Kim Novak putting blankets
on the shivering Sinatra in The Man with the
Golden Arm, a scene that could play on

"Sesame Street" today.

In my twenties, I gallantly paid the check for
every woman I took to dinner. How many
light-years that was from the average dinner
date of 1989, where the woman not only is
liable to pick up the check, but often has to
look behind her condoms for her credit card.
My boyhood was so quaint that I was fourteen
before I could tell a condom from a carp: in my
early years, I saw many condoms as they floated
at the waterfront, but I thought that they were
dead fish. It was a long time before I knew how
sailors swam upstream to spawn.
But eventually I learned, not just about the
silly mechanics of sex but also about the sweet
madness of love, about the one virus that will
never have a vaccine. And I learned about
women, but not too much.
In this book, I will share with you my lifelong
study of women and love. I cannot, however,
claim to have gotten an A myself in this course.
In fact, I'm still taking it passfail; but my
teacher, Camille Cosby, thinks that I do have a
chance to finally learn the material before the
century is out.
- 19
~` Since self-deception is the heart of falling
in love, perhaps the best sex education for a
boy is not studying drawings of reproductive
systems but simply learning to lie to himself.
The first time that I can remember lying to
myself, I was eight years old and playing in a
friend's house. His parents were out working

and my friend Tom and I were spending the

evening jumping from bed to bed. Many men,
of course, have enjoyed the sport of jumping
from bed to bed, but rarely in sneakers.
After a while, Tom and I decided to take a
break and go down to the kitchen to raid the
ice box. Not the refrigerator: the ice box, for
this was 1945, a time when radioactivity meant
an evening of programs and a liberated woman
was one who had just come out of jail and
Victrola was not an Italian girl but a machine
for playing breakable records. Japan had just
surrendered, and from time to time my mother
was ready to give up on me, especially when I
managed to leave footprints on her pillow.
And so, on this gymnastic evening, Tom and
I went downstairs and made a turn toward the
kitchen. As we did, we passed a small living
room; and there we saw Tom's older brother
Georgehe was at least seventeenkissing his
girlfriend on a couch. Tom and I looked at each
other with big grins, for kissing anything but
your aunt at Christmas was a comical thing to
do. If faces had been meant to kiss each other,
they would not have been given noses.
Suddenly, however, the scene turned from the
comical to the bizarre because we saw that the
girl had her tongue in George's mouth and
George's tongue was misplaced too. Feeling as
though I were part of a Na
tional Geographic expedition to a primitive
culture, I remembered a fundamental law of the
civilised world: every mouth should have just
one tongue and that one should be its own.
What could that girl's tongue possibly have
been doing in George's mouth? It was a silly
place to look for a snack. As you see, not only
was I a rotten ichthyologist in identifying fish at
the waterfront, but I was also a rotten
entomologist in the living room: the first time I
came across the birds and the bees in actual
flight, I couldn't identify the formation.

As Tom and I watched those two tongues

wandering around in the wrong mouths, we felt
sick. After about a minute of observation, our
heads spinning in dismay, we turned and went
out into the backyard.
"That's it!" I told Tom. "I'm really disgusted
with girls now. I'm never gonna hit another
"Or even steal another one's lunch," said
"Or even hit one with a jelly bean."
"I never liked 'em to begin with."
'`Let's make a pact," I said. '`The first girl
who ever puts her tongue in our mouth, we give
it right back to herand tell her the only place
to serve tongue is in a delicatessen!"
And that was the first time I ever lied to
myself, for deep inside of me I knew that the
scene on that couch involved something
In those G-rated years when I couldn't
recognise the birds and the bees, girls were a
kind of dopey enemy to me and my friends, one
to be mocked and rejected and occasionally
knocked down. If a girl wandered onto a
football field where I was playing, I might make
knocking her down part of my fly pattern, for a
girl was only an honorary human being; and if
my roller skating assumed a certain grand
sweep, a girl or two might hit the cement, not
an unfitting position for such a lesser part of
humanity. In my relations with girls at the age
of eight, I never broke hearts, I merely tore
+++++++ ++++++
Girls simply had to understand that boys did
not sit quietly on the floor feeding dolls: boys
practiced the violence that was so essential to
their becoming men. For example, the Fourth
of July was my favorite holiday, not because I

was a patriot but because I was deeply attached

to explosions.
There were definite rules for how prepubescent boys were supposed to behave in their
maleness club, just as there were rules for the
behavior of girls in their society of
untouchables. Have you ever seen the outside
of an elementary school at recess? It looks like
a documentary about stags in heat: boys are
tackling each other and pummeling each other
and generally polishing their flair for mayhem,
while the girls are standing nearby and watching
the scene as if visiting a zoo. Any girl who
broke the rules of her club and joined in the
violence was called a tomboy; but any boy who
broke the rules of *is club and looked down on
the pounding of kidneys was called less
distinguished things. 'William's Doll" is a fine
song for our liberated time. In the for
ties, however, William's doll meant only
someone who played with William as much as
he played with her.
Although my mother was a female, she was
not a member of this silly enemy called girls. In
fact, I was proud of her and considered myself
an assistant father in protecting her. As a
preteen boy, I had fantasies about killing people
who messed with my mother I was the John
Wayne of North Philadelphia, constantly ready
to draw on a mother messer. And I also
fantasised about having money (a quarter would
have qualified as a portfolio for me then) and
having a house, where I would live with my wife
and protect her from runaway streetcars and
savage beasts.
Even though American women had just
finished spending four years building bombers
in defense plants, those were still the days of
the helpless female. Moreover, I never believed
that women really built bombers in those
defense plants. Maybe they waxed the floors
and tidied up the cockpits, but surely nothing
more, for

women were never involved in any kind of

warfare. They never felt the love of destruction
that moved me and my friends to throw dolls
against walls to see if their heads would come
off. Our own heads, of course, were not screwed
on too tightly either.
Suddenly, almost overnight, a grand
transformation takes place in that student of
carnage called a boy: it's "Good morning,
glands." Suddenly, you don't want to knock a
girl down, you want to bowl her over. Suddenly,
you lose interest in scarring her knees and turn
your attention to making an impact on her
The girl, of course, is thoroughly bewildered
by your entrance into the human race. However,
she has waited so long for you to join it that she
may already have decided to find another
species, one that hasn't tortured her since the
age of four, one that wants to give her roses
and not strawberries from falls on cement.
This miraculous male metamorphosis be
gins with a dream that is not quite as lofty as
Martin Luther King's, a dream with both
mental and physical parts. The mental part
involves changing your attitude and the physical
part involves changing your sheets.
On the memorable night when it happened to
me, something strangely wonderful possessed
me and even set off sounds. In Guys and Dolls,
the heroine describes her first heady rush of
love by saying that if she were a bell she'd be
ringing. Well, in my dream, I did hear ringing;
and the following day, I wanted to reach out
and touch someone. In the lineup at school, I
now saw girls as if for the first time: objects of
derision had become objects of desire. The day
before, I had knocked Joyce Anderson down
while catching a pass; but today the pass was at
her: I gave her my most fetching smile, which
made her think that something had slipped in
my tiny mind.
Beneath my smile at Joyce Anderson was a
body that had recently showered, for the
physical part of the dream had been to

awaken in a sticky situation and feel a profound
desire to help your mother with the laundry by
washing your sheets at once. What a challenge
this laundering can be for the boy who has just
awakened from an overnight arrival at puberty.
I remember the morning I came downstairs
all dressed for school at six-thirty, carrying my
pajamas and sheets. I should have been carrying
my mattress too because the manhood had gone
through to it, but I'd decided to have an
accidental fire in the mattress later on. A;s I
reached the foot of the stairs, I ran into my
father, who graciously played along with my
domestic nobility.
"Doing some laundry, Billy' he said.
"Yes, Dad," I replied. "Mom has such a heavy
"What a good boy! What a wonderful son!
How many sons help their mothers with the
laundry even before they sit down to breakfastr'
The answer, of course, was every son who
awakened as a sperm bank.
In those ancient days, my family had a
big washing machine with an agitator action
(that never could have become as agitated as I
was), a clanking contraption that you pushed up
to the kitchen sink. Doing undercover washing
in this machine was about as easy as doing
undercover hand grenade testing in the hall;
and so, I took my embarrassing laundry down to
the basement sink, where I added last night's
underwear for camouflage.
In this sink, I quickly went to work with a bar
of soap to remove the telltale stains of maturity.
There was, however, a small flaw in my plan:
we had no drier in that basement, so my sheets
and pajamas ended up not only clean but also
wet. Figuring that they had the entire day to
dry, and hoping for a warm desert wind to start
blowing through the house, I took them back
upstairs to my room.

Had I been a spy who operated with such

style, the enemy would soon have been offering
me the menu for my last meal.
"Bill," said my mother after finding my soggy
sheets, "if you want to help me with
the laundry, why not go all the way? You can't
put wet sheets on your bed unless you plan to
sleep in a raincoat."
"I just don't know how to do it, Mom," I said.
'1 guess it takes a mother's touch to get them
"No, it takes the line in the backyard."
A few minutes later, I hung up the sheets in
the yard and I wanted to hang myself beside
them, for all the neighbors were watching me
and having a good laugh about my hormones.
But what canopy boy do with his sheets after
such a momentous night? It's a harder disposal
problem than nuclear waste. If only a boy could
tell his mother and father about sex.
+ ++++++t++++++
1~ Puberty causes the changing of
considerably more than your sheets. I remember that puberty inspired me to brush my
hair so hard that I almost exposed the area
where my brains should have been. The
moment my glands kicked in, I began to brush
my hair a hundred times a day so that not a
single strand was out of place for the girls I
now wanted to impress. I shined my own shoes,
I cut the tiny hanging strings off the frayed
parts of my collar, and, in a stunning blend of
vanity and vapidness, I even began to flaunt my
eyelashes, which were particularly long. Before
puberty, I had actually trimmed these lashes

women had said I looked like a girl; but now I
was grooming them with a toothbrush and
wondering if girls would prefer them from the
front or the side.
"Have you seen Bill blinks' I could hear a
pretty girl say.
"Oh, yes," her unattractive friend would reply.
"That blinking Bill drives me wild."
"Do you prefer his lashes from the front or
the sided'
'They're hairy enchantment from any direction."
My escalating grooming went far beyond just
polishing my lashes or changing my clothes two
or three times a week. The first thing every
morning, instead of taking to the streets to play
ball, I took a bath; and, as I soaked, I thought
about the way that I'd be playing ball from now
on: not to score for victory but to score with
girls. I had already begun to lose the
concentration needed for sporting success. Now,
when I left a huddle, I sometimes forgot the
play because I was thinking about a face on the
sidelines; and now, when I got a bunt sign, I
ignored it and
thought long ball, for no girl ever fell for a
bunter; and now, when I dribbled to the top of
the key, even if I was being triple-teamed, I
never thought about passing off, for girls got no
tingles from your assists.
All those sporting moves were attempts to
win girls from afar. At parties, however, I had
c-trances to win girls by playing games with
them, games like Spin the Bottle, a name that
brings wistful smiles to people over thirty-five;
but it also brings bewilderment, for I am yet to
find anyone who remembers precisely how it
was played. Everyone remembers that the girls
and boys sat in a circle on the floor, one of
them spun the bottle, and then had to kiss the
person to whom the bottle was pointing. But
was it considered winning or losing if the bottle
pointed to someone you didn't like or someone

who wanted to be a nun? And did you always

have to kiss the person the bottle was pointing
to or were you allowed to look at her face, cry
"Foul!" and spin again?
Most of us in early puberty were fit to be
priests and nuns because we knew as much
about how to play at sex as we did about how
to play jai alai; and so, at these semierotic
games, most of us faked it and pretended that
a quick kiss on the cheek had made the earth
move. All that had moved, of course, was the
furniture when we formed the big circle that left
us trembling on the brink of adulthood.
Even if you were one of the ten or fifteen
kids in Philadelphia who were sexually poised,
the bottle never seemed to point to the person
you wanted to kiss, but always to her homely
best friend. It was better to try your luck at Post
Office, another game whose rules are lost to the
memories of most adults. How did you decide
which of the players would be carrying the.mail?
Was the delivery always made in front of everyone Use? Did the mail ever go astray? How
often was it junk mail?
Idle kissing game I most vividly remember
was called Seven Minutes in Heaven. The two
players went into a closet, where they were
supposed to find celestial bliss by
spending seven minutes kissing. Of course,
there was no shot clock in the closet: just a boy
and girl who wondered why they were feeling
less passion than fear. Therefore, Seven
Minutes in Heaven often became five in
camphor balls: However, it was good to have at
least three or four minutes away from the
crowd because you and the girl needed that
time to make up your story about ecstasy in the
overcoats. And if the two of you were able to
make up your story in less time, then you had a
few minutes to just sit down in the galoshes and
make sophisticated talk.
"Nice weather we're having in the closet."

'~Yes, it's been a lovely spring in here."

At the time that I tiptoed into puberty,
American movie screens were showing a
wholesome kind of interspecies sex: the cowboy
kissed his horse more often than he kissed his
girl. I never was able to understand such
veterinary romance because the girls that the
cowboys avoided kissing were always beautiful.
I, however, encountered two or three girls who
looked like horses
although, to be fair, I'm sure I struck them as
something closer to Don Quixote than Don
How quaint were those cinematic images of
sex that accompanied me into puberty, images
as sensuous as Little laymen. Today, even
prepubescent children are watching anatomical
lessons on MTV, a channel that my father
would have been arrested for watching in 1947;
and my twelve-year-old has already played both
home and road games of Spin the Bottle. I
nervously hope that she hasn't played a new
game I just heard about called Cops and
Robbers. In this one, the boy playing it is a
policeman whose mission is to search for an
important document; and the most likely place
for the document to be hidden is in a girl's
Such a search and seizure lacks a certain
tenderness: shoving your hand toward a girl's
bra to dig out an imaginary document is not the
most romantic approach It is better to leave this
playing field and make your approach to one
special girl in a more leisurely way; and this was
how I tried to do it
in my postpubescent years in a way sometimes
so leisurely that it seemed to take months or
even years before I got a kiss.
The kiss: that was everything in those days.
Because my generation saw no horizontal sex
on big or small screens, the kiss was
all-important for us freshly minted young men.
That was the ultimate thrill: being alone with a

girl and making it all the way to her lips while

you were dizzy from her smile and her smell.
I can't remember where I have left my
glasses, but I can still remember the smell of
the first girl I ever fell in love with when I was
twelve: a blend of Dixie Peach pomade on her
hair and Pond's cold cream on her skin;
together they were honeysuckle for me. And
just as heady as her scent was the thought that
I was in love with the only girl in the world for
me and would marry her and take care of her
forever in a palace in North Philadelphia.
Because I wanted to make a wondrous
impression on this girl, grooming was suddenly
important to me. Before puberty, happiness in
for me was pants that didn't fall down and a
football that stayed pumped; but now I started
taking three long baths a day and washing my
own belt until it was white and shining my shoes
until I could see in them a face that was ready
for romance.
The first time I saw her, she was crossing the
street to the school yard and for one golden
moment our eyes nest. Well, maybe the moment
was closer to bronze because she made no
response. But at least she had seen me, just
about the way that she saw lampposts, hydrants,
and manholes. Or was there something more?
I began to dream; and later that day, when I
was playing with the boys in the yard, it seemed
that she was looking at me and the world was
suddenly a better place, especially Twelfth and
However, we still never talked, but just traded
silent unsmiling looks whenever we passed. For
several days, just her look was enough of a lift
for me; but a higher altitude was coming, for
one night at a party, we met and I actually
danced with her. Now I
was certain that I was in love and was going to
win her.

I began my conquest with a combination of

sporting skill and hygiene: I made my jump
shots and my baths as dazzling as they could
be. Oddly enough, however, although I saw her
every day at school and on the weekends too,
I never spoke to her. I had what was
considered one of the faster mouths in
Philadelphia, but I still wasn't ready to talk to
her because I feared rejection. I feared:
COSBY: I like you very much. Will you be my
GODDESS: (Doing a poor job of suppressing a
laugh) I'd rather have some cavities filled.
All I did, therefore, was adore her in silent
cleanliness. Each Sunday night, I took a bath
and then prepared my shirt and pants for
display to her. On Monday morning, I took
another bath (Bill the Baptist, I should
have been called) and then brushed my hair, my
shoes, and my eyelashes and went outside to
await the pang of another silent passage.
At last, deciding that I could no longer live
this way, I sat down one Sunday night and
wrote a note that was almost to her. It was to
her constant girlfriend and it said:
Please don't tell her, but find out what she
thinks of me.
The following morning, I slipped the note to
the girlfriend and began the longest wait of my
Two agonising days later, the girlfriend
slipped me an answer, but I put it into my
pocket unread. For hours, I carried it around,
afraid to read it because I didn't happen to be
in the mood for crushing rejection that day. At
last, however, I summoned the courage to open
the note and read:

She thinks you're cute.

Not 'even malaria could have taken my
temperature to where it went. I had been called
many things, but cute was never one of them.
And even lovelier fever lay ahead, for the
next time I saw her, she smiled at me, I smiled
at her, and then I composed my next winged
message to her friend:
I think she's cute too. Does she ever talk about
The answer to this one came return mail and
it sounded like something by Keats:
She talks about you a lot. She knows it when
you come around her.
And the angels sang! Imagine: she actually
knew it when I came around her! The fact that
she also knew it when gnats came around her in
no way dampened my ecstasy.
And so, we continued to smile as we passed,
while I planned my next move. My Western
Union style had clearly been charming the
pants off her (so to speak) and now I launched
my most courageous question yet:
Does she have a boyfriend?
When I opened the answer the next day in
school, the air left me faster than it left the
Trying to recover from this deflation, I told
myself that I was still cute. I was the cutest man
in second place. But perhaps my beloved wasn't
aware of the glory she kept passing by. Once
more, I sat down and wrote:
How much longer do you think shell be going
with him? And when
4~+ ~ 4~4~+ ~ ~ 4. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an+ ~ a+

she's finished with him, can I be nexR

Note the elegance and dignity of my appeal.
My dignity, however, did have some trouble
with the reply:
She thinks she's going to break up with him in
about a week, but she promised Sidney she
would go with him next.
Suddenly, my aching heart found itself at the
end of a line. But it was like a line at a bank: I
knew it was leading to a payoff. I also knew that
I could cream Sidney in cuteness.
Once she had made the transition to Sidney,
I patiently began waiting for her to get sick of
him. I had to be careful not to rush the illness
because Sidney belonged to a tough gang and
there was a chance that I might not be walking
around too well when the time came for me to
inherit her.
And then, one magnificent morning, I received the magic words:
She would like to talk to you.
I wrote back to see if she would wait until I
had finished duty at my post as a school
crossing guard. Yes, she would wait; I could
walk her home. We were going steady now; and
how much more torrid our passion would be
when I began to talk to her.
At last, the words came and I chose them
with care. As I walked her home from school, I
reached into my reservoir of romantic thoughts,
smiled at her soulfully, and said, "How you
Her response was equally poetic: "All right."
"So we're going steady nowY'
"You want to7"
"Yeah. Give me your books."
And now, as if our relationship were not
already in the depths of desire, I plunged even
deeper by saying, "You wanna go to a movie on

+++4~++4~4~++4~4~+ ~
++4~++~+ ~ IF+++++ ~ 4~+ ~
+4~ ~
"Why not?"
There might have been reasons. Some people
were looking at us now because she was so
beautiful, people possibly wondering what she
was doing with me; but I knew that I was
someone special to be the love of a vision like
this, no matter how nearsighted that vision
might be.
When we reached her door, I said, 'Well, I'll
see you Saturday."
"Right," she replied as only she could say it.
'What time?"
"One o'clock."
When this day of days finally arrived, I took
her to a theater where I think the admission
was a dime. As we took our seats for the
matinee, two basic thoughts were in my mind:
not to sit in gum and to be a gentleman.
Therefore, I didn't hold her hand. Instead, I
put my arm around the top of her seat in what
I felt was a smooth opening move. Unfortunately, it was less a move toward love than
toward gangrene: with my blood mov
ing uphill, my arm first began to tingle and then
to ache. I could not, however, take the arm
down and let my blood keep flowing because
such a lowering would mean I didn't love her;
so I left it up there, its muscles full of pain, its
fingertips full of needlepoints.
Suddenly, this romantic agony was enriched
by a less romantic one: I had to go to the
bathroom. Needless to say, I couldn't let her
know about this urge, for great lovers never did
such things. The answer to "Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou, Romeo?" was not "In the
men's room, Julie."
What a prince of passion I was at this mo-

ment: my arm was dead, my bladder was full,

and I was out of money too; but I desperately
needed an excuse to move, so I said, 'Lou want
some popcorn?"
"No," she said.
"Fine, I'll go get some."
When I tried to move, every part of me could
move except my arm: it was dead. I reached
over and pulled it down with the other one,
trying to be as casual as a man
could be when pulling one of his arms with the
other one.
"What's the matter?" she said.
"Oh, nothing," I replied. "I'm just taking both
of my arms with me."
A few minutes later, as I came out of the
bathroom, I was startled to meet her: she was
coming from the bathroom too. How good it
was to find another thing that we had in
common. With empty bladders and full hearts,
we returned to our seats to continue our love.
++ ~ ~ +~4~4~4~+ ~ 4. ~
+4~+4~+ ~ ~ ~ 4~+4. ~ 4-+~++ ~
~ +4. ~ ~
~ Although my first love and I did
nothing more sensuous than hold hands, my
peers in puberty soon were tempting me with
the lure of other female parts. One
afternoon, while I was tossing a ball with my
friend Pee Wee, he said, 'you're gain' with
Rosemary, huhY' "Yeah," I replied with pride.
'Well, did you get any yet?" "Any what?" "You
know, man." "No, man. What?" "J-o-n-e-s."
"No," I piously said. "I don't do that kind of
+4~+4~+++ ~
++++4~++++4~++~+++++++ ~
+ ~ +4 ~ +++

'Lou mean to tell me if a chick offers you
some j-o-n-e-s, you ain't gonna take none?"
"Well . . . I mean . . . if somebody wants to
give me some j-o-n-e-s . . ."
So I was saying that I would welcome donations; but the truth was I knew as much about
j-o-n-e-s as I knew about p-l-u-t~ n-i-u-m. My
neighborhood had signs on sidewalks and walls
that said with simple eloquence JONES IS
GOOD; but most of the boys who penned this
Iyrical thought were just sharing a rumor. I had
never pondered it much because, in a foolish
upside-down way, I had always been interested
only in a girl's face. A few weeks before, when
a girl had passed by, Pee Wee had told me, 'I'd
love to see her legs way up in the air."
"You wanna see her parachute from
somethingY' I had replied.
And now Pee Wee again was discussing aerial
maneuvers, this time by Rosemary.
"Rosemary wanna give you some j-o-n-e-s," he
"Naturally," I said, "but I'm not gonna take
"You're not? How come?"
"'Cause I'm gonna marry her and I want her
to be a virgin."
"Well, Rosemary ain't nobody's virgin. Everybody got some of that j-o-n-e-s. Even Weird
Harold got some underneath the Ninth Street
In anguished disbelief, I threw down the ball
and ran to Rosemary's house. Because of my
pain, my first question to her perhaps was less
diplomatic than it could have been.
'Lou givin' everybody some j-o-n-e-s?"
"U{haR" she replied.

"Have you been givin' everybody some

"I don't give j-o-n-e-s to nobody."
'Lou didn't give some to Weird Harold underneath the Ninth Street bridge?"
"I wouldn't give Weird Harold the right time,
under a bridge or in a balloon."
"Okay, then, would you give me some j-on-e-s?"
"Are you crazy? My mother's home."
"Okay, then when can you give me some?"
She paused for a moment, mentally re
viewing her schedule for distributing herself.
"On Saturday," she said.
"Saturday's good; I'm free. Where?"
"Here? Your mother move out?"
"She goes to work."
"That's my kind of mother. A night job too
might be nice."
For the rest of that week, I was a cockeyed
Kinsey, doing more than a dozen manin-the-street interviews about j-o-n-e-s. I was
the Inquiring Pornographer, always trying not to
reveal that j-o-n-e-s was f-u-z-z-y to me. My
scholarship generally sounded like this:
"Man, have you ever had any j-o-n-e-s?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Well, what's your favorite way of getting it?"
"The regular way."
"You mean . . . there's irregular ways too?"
"Yeah, but I like it the regular way."

"Well, who doesn't?"

Lacking the nerve to request a definition of
the regular way, I now began to fear the
embarrassment of removing my pants for
Rosemary and then not knowing what to do
next. I feared that she might be confused by my
seeming to be undressing for a physical and
might say, 'Lou don't know how to do it?"
And I would reply, "Of course I do, but I
forgot." ~
Not wanting to turn our Big Moment into a
sex education class for me, I now went to a
newsstand to find a men's magazine that had
some pictures of people getting ready to do it;
but magazines had no erotic instructions in
those innocent days and the Kinsey Report had
no illustrations.
When Saturday finally came, I approached
Rosemary's house with still just a hunch about
the nature of j-o-n-e-s. I had decided that it
probably had something to do with sex, and I'd
also decided I didn't want any. The sage who
had written JONES IS GOOD, wise and poetic
as he might have been, had nevertheless missed
two points:
Rosemary might get pregnant and I might get
killed by her father; or Rosemary might not get
pregnant and I might get killed by her father.
Warmed by these thoughts, I rang her
"Hello, William," she said.
"Hello, Rosemary."
And now my heart began to pound, for I
really loved this girl and thought of her as
considerably more than just a package of
j-o-n-e-s. Nervously, I went inside, she closed
the door, and I didn't move too far from it. And
then she did the loveliest thing: she pulled up
her dress.

There it was, in all its glandular grandeur.

Had I ever seen one of those things before, I
probably would have seized this moment to run
right out the door; but this was a new sight for
me and a deeply fascinating one, like Grant's
Tomb or the Grand Canyon.
So that's it, I thought as she held up her
dress. There it is. One way to get pregnant just has
to be playing around with that.
Uncertainly, I moved toward her, trying
to follow my heart and not my hormones, and
then I pulled down her dress to show that I
came in peace and we merely rubbed against
each other awhile.
"Oh, nuts," I suddenly said, backing away from
her a bit. "You gotta excuse me, Rosemary."
'What do you mean? You didn't do nothin'
wrong. You didn't do nothin' right either, but
we're just startin'."
"No, I mean I gotta leave."
"I Just remembered that I gotta help my
mother wash the floors."
"So what you're sayin' is you don't wanna do
"Sure I wanna do it, but on a day when I
don't have the floors. Just femme check with my
mother and see when I'm free to do it."
For a couple of seconds, she was silent while
she fixed me with a suspicious look. "You sure
you like to do it, William?"
"Are you kidding, Rosemary? I been doing it
since I was ten: it's always been my hobby.
But you see, when I do it, I gotta do it for a

long time, like five or six hours at least."

"When you gonna have that kind of time?"
"Well . . . Thanksgiving might be good."
'Lou won't have floors?"
"Or windows neither."
And so, I left my bewildered beloved, who
was probably ready to take religious vows, and
returned to the land of Pee Wee.
"You been over to Rosemary?" he said.
With a smile of sensuous satisfaction, I
replied, "Well, I ain't been pitchin' for the
Phillies. The Phillies don't give you any
"Yeah! Ain't that stuff good?"
"Good ain't the word."
The word was "unknown," but I wanted Pee
Wee to handle my public relations for the
private kind.
"Did you come?" he said.
"Man, I came and went," I said, not inaccurately.
"Right away?"
"No, not right away. You don't just come
+4~+4~++~4. ~
~ 4~+4~++
and go so fast. You gotta have a little romance."
"So tell me, how did you do it?"
"Pee Wee, if you don't know, I ain't gonna
tell you. Go ask your mother."
"Hell, a mother don't know how to do it.
Come on, Bill, tell me."
"Some things gotta be private," I said with a
devilish smile as I turned and began to walk
away. Moments later, however, something
moved me to look back and cry to my poor

ignorant friend:
"We did it the regular way."
~` Alas, Rosemary and I did not last. In spite
of all we had in commonour both living in
North Philadelphia, our both knowing Weird
Harold, our both being students of
j-o-n-e-swe soon drifted apart and I decided
to find another wife. I was thirteen years old
and back in the singles' scene.
Because that singles' scene was a lower
economic one, parties were held not in restaurants or hotels but in somebody's house. We
moved the furniture back, replaced the bright
white light bulb with a soft red one, and put on
records that were hard black 78s. As breakable
as my heart, these records lasted less than
three minutes; and so, less
than three minutes was all you had to conquer
the girl in your arms with a kind of pre-rock
and roll dancing that I call rock and rub. You
enveloped the girl, hoping that she would fit
neatly into the contours of your body, and then
you slowly rocked her as if you were putting a
baby to sleep, while you suffered the awful
suspense of wondering if she was going to press
you back before she saw that you were sweating
and left you for Weird Harold's cousin, Goofy
It was a trip to the moon if the girl gave you
both a little pelvis and a little knee (no other
parts were required) in what was called The
Grind. The problem, however, in my inspiring a
girl to do The Grind was that a 78 was over too
soon for me to make all my moves. What I
needed was The Nutcracker Suite on 33~/3.
With some of those girls, it seemed that I would
have to rock around the clock before I got a
knee jerk going.
Every time I think of those parties, one

particular song comes hauntingly back to

me through the years: "Crying in the Chapel" by
Sonny Till and the Orioles. I must have heard
this song a hundred times when I was thirteen:
that chapel was flooded with Sonny's tears,
while I kept trying not to turn soggy with sweat.
No song accompanied more grinding than
"Crying in the Chapel," but they were misplaced
grinds, for we could not have picked a less
appropriate song for sex. When I finally
happened to listen closely to its Iyrics many
years later, I realized that we had been grinding
our way from Philadelphia to hell because these
were the words that fanned our lust:
You saw me crying in the chapel The tears I
shed were tears of joy. And now I'm happy in
the chapel Because I have found the Lord.
Yes, grinding to "Crying in the Chapel" was
precisely the same as pursuing j-o-n-e-s to "Aye
- 73
Still on the rebound from Rosemary, I
continued to drift through those homey redlight
districts of the North Philadelphia singles'
scene, doing The Grind whenever I could, until
I came to rest on Ruth. It happened in the
house of a friend whose parents were deeply
religious people and probably prayed to "Crying
in the Chapel." That evening, they stood by and
watched piously as about twenty-five of us
potentially sinful postpubescents, fueled by no
more than fruit punch, put on the 78s and
danced. Desperately, I was seeking a woman
who would make me forget Rosemary, perhaps
merely by keeping her dress down.
And suddenly, there was Ruth, in whose thick
and shining hair was a stunning big braid. How
I loved that big braid: to me it was an
under-appreciated erogenous zone, for I had
almost no interest in breasts or legs when I was
thirteen. I was a braid man, maybe the only one
in Pennsylvania.
As I began to slow dance with Ruth, I was

elated to find that this was the first time I had
ever danced with a girl who didn't seem as
though she wanted to relocate. Moreover, there
was a wondrous sweetness in the heat that came
to me from Ruth's body. I sometimes had slept
with my brother and this was definitely better.
In dancing with Ruth, I did not pull her right
into me: I just made sure she knew in what
direction I would be going, and often I knew it
too. Every time she moved one of her feet,
there was a good chance that the other would
follow; we had that kind of style. Although our
bodies were about four inches apart, we still felt
the heat across the divide. There was only one
flaw in the rapture we knew: we couldn't look
at each other. While we danced, Ruth kept
looking all over the room, as if following birds,
and I did some bird-watching too. But perhaps
eye contact would have broken the spell.
When the song was over, I finally looked at
Ruth and thanked her; and then I reluctantly
retreated to the boys and began to look around
for another vacant girl. Mo
meets later, the search was over, for Millie
came by.
I was delighted to discover that she didn't
believe in gaps. In fact, when I put my arm
around her waist, she sweetly responded by
straddling my right thigh with both of her legs,
and then she began to press me with her bosom
too. Here was a girl who knew how to press a
hundred and twenty pounds: as we danced in
slow circles, with the music low and my
temperature rising, she made herself a part of
my chest, my legs, and my face.
For almost three minutes, my fever climbed;
and then the record ended, Millie released me
to recover, and I returned to the punch bowl.
There I waited out two fast songs, impatiently
wondering if I would ever be able to go to press
again. At last, a slow song came on, but both
Ruth and Millie were taken, so I had to settle

for a girl named Barbara, who was less

attractive than those two: she wore no braid in
her hair and she had no message for my thigh.
'Lou look nice," I told her as we began to
dance with a gap that I wished were bigger.
"You look nice too," she said.
"It's a nice party."
"It sure is. Nice."
At least she was able to keep up with me
"You live in Philadelphia?" I said.
There were probably better questions I could
have asked (few girls in the room had flown in
from Cleveland), but she wasn't commanding
my total attention.
"Yes," she said.
"Nice city."
'yeah, really nice."
Enchanting though all this talk was, I still
managed to tear myself away from it, perhaps
too abruptly: in the middle of the next song, I
spun away from Barbara and grabbed Ruth, as
if hopping on a passing trolley. Barbara must
have sensed that something was wrong when I
went off with Ruth, but she graciously threw no
punch glass at me.
On this time around with Ruth, I decided
to show her what Millie had taught me, so I
pulled her closer, but she stopped me at the
two-inch mark. I was disappointed, but I didn't
jump ship as I'd just done with Barbara. I
continued to dance, for I loved a challenge: I
had to lower that gap.
When the next record, another slow one,

came on, I asked Ruth to dance again with the

look of a man at the Penn Relays. And when
she didn't respond to my tender tugging, I took
my 440 stride and brushed her thigh. Suddenly,
she brushed back and the angels were singing
the way they had sung when I'd gotten
interwoven with Millie. A1though I wasn't
getting a full chest press from Ruth, getting
thigh was a step in the right direction.
My ecstasy ended when a fast record came on
and Ruth left me for a real dancer. This time,
however, I bounced back from the punch bowl
within seconds and I landed on Millie, singing
to myself:
The press is wonderful The second time around.
And the Iyrics were true: this time Millie
pressed me as if she were making wine. It was
there and then I knew that I wanted to spend
the rest of my life at parties with Millie. My
problem was, however, that I was intellectually
drawn to Ruth as a candidate for being my wife.
Would she understand if I brought along Millie
too? I had stumbled upon one of life's ancient
dilemmas: Did I want a home and a family or
fifty years of good pressing?
As I danced with Millie and thought about
Ruth, I was sweating the way I did when I
played basketball; but sex was harder than
basketball because I didn't know the rules for
staying out of foul trouble. Millie and I were
back in a full-court press, Sonny Till was still
scattering tears around that chapel, and my
hands were getting wet too. I wondered if Clark
Gable ever got sweaty palms; and I wondered
how he would have handled the trickle of sweat
now making its way down my face. However,
while thinking that I should have been dancing
with a headband, I noted happily that Millie
+++++++ +++++++ ++++++
sweating too. I wondered if there could be a
graceful way to stop and wipe, or if some
passing friend could casually blot me while
saying hello, some friend who happened to have

a sponge.
Even worse than the sweat was the sound that
our faces made whenever they pulled apart: it
sounded like the removal of surgical tape. As I
tried to sustain some feeling of romance, I was
torn by two urges, both unacceptable: to wipe
my own sweat and to wipe Millie's. And yet it
seemed to me that if you truly loved this girl in
your arms, you'd remove your hand and take a
few seconds to dry her off, either with a
handkerchief or your sleeve. Was there a way to
get dry to music without breaking the spell?
And was there a way to keep yourself from
starting to sweat again? Did Fred and Ginger
ever go to a rosin bag?
And so, I entered the teenage years flitting
from girl to girl and dampening them as I
wondered which of them would be my True
Love. It was only on the dance floor that I
ever got a female in both my arms (in the
movies, I used just one and it quickly died), so
I worked as hard on my dancing as I did on my
driving to the hoop because I didn't want my
dancing to look like my driving to the hoop.
My teacher was an older boy named Johnny
Berg, who didn't know the capital of the
United States but knew the two major fast
dances. Anyone, even Weird Harold, could do
a slow dance: you just leaned on the girl and
moved as if you were leaving a crowded bus;
but you needed either Astaire or Johnny to
teach you the Bop and the Strand.
In the Bop, you circled your stationary
partner, trying to stay in orbit and not float off
into space like a loose comet; and in the
Strand, you strolled across the floor with your
partner in your arms and then suddenly flung
her away from you, took a few steps, and met
her again, as if she were a well-thrown yo-yo. If
properly done, the Strand was charming. If
improperly done, it looked as if you had
disposed of the girl as if she were a frilly
banana peel.
++++++++++++++++++++ ~

My study of these dances took a new direction

on the day that my father came home and found
Johnny Berg embracing me in our living room.
"Bill," he solemnly said, "can you explain this?"
"Oh, sure," I replied. "First you walk a few steps
and then you fling him away."
The following day, I changed teachers and began
taking lessons with my mother. She was a natural
for the Strand. She often felt inclined to throw me


~` For a boy entering puberty, love can involve
different combinations of the head, the heart,
and the glands. The head and the glands,
however, were inactive when I fell in love with
Sarah McKinney because she had certain
qualities that made her unique as one of my
flames: she was twenty-five years old, she was
married, and she was my teacher. The tall
skinny boy named Bill Cosby with a zit on his
face and zip in his pockets had as much chance
of winning Sarah McKinney as he had of winning Sarah Vaughan.
But what a vision she was as she kept trying
to put something into my head: a dark
+++}+~+++~4. ~ +++4~++} ~
++ ~ ~ +~4~++4~+
chocolate woman with high cheekbones, large
lovely eyes, and ebony hair that was parted in
the middle. And how my heart turned over
when she said, "The capital of Finland is
Helsinki." I wanted to carry her off to Helsinki,
or at least to Harrisburg.
My feeling for this woman had a purity from
Camelot. In my fantasies about her, I never
dreamed of taking her to bed or having her
throw me down and do something from the
Kinsey Report: I simply dreamed of saying to
her, Mrs. McKinney, you are the most beautiful

woman I have ever seen, and when I get older I

would like to take you to dinner. Your husband
can come too.
Whenever I played ball in the school yard, I
watched for Mrs. McKinney and waited for the
moments when she spoke my name, when she
smiled at me and said, 'William, your pants are
unzipped." No woman has ever turned my
unzipped pants into such poetry; and no woman
has ever given me an afternoon of such
fundamental joy as Mrs. McKinney did when
she and her
+++ ~ +++4~+++++.F+ ~ +++4~4. ~
~ 4. ~ ++++ ~ +++++ ~ +
husband took me to a major league baseball
It was hardly a triangle from Noel Coward,
the three of us at the ball game that day. As we
sat in the sunshine, I couldn't help noticing the
allure of Mrs. McKinney's glistening red lips;
but they were not the place to put mine, which
glistened with mustard. She was buying me as
many hot dogs as I wanted and I wanted about
seventeen, for this was the first time in my life
that I had ever been able to eat without a limit.
Where would I ever find another woman like
this, who would stuff me senseless while I
watched the Phillies lose?
That young man filling up with meat needed
female financing because he never had any
money. I couldn't even afford to take a girl for
a trolley ride and win her the way that Judy
Garland was won in Meet Me in St. Louis. All
that I could sing was:
Meet me in North Philly, Millie, And lend me
the fare.
+4+~+++~*+ ~ + ~ +++ ~ ~
++4~4~+ ~ 4~+ ~ Ott+ ~ ~ 4~+ ~
The trolley, however, did have a place when
I fell in love with a girl named Doris Mann,
who was in my junior high but not my classes.
The trolley I took to this school, a half hour
ride I could barely afford, passed Doris's house;
and whenever it did, I felt the same tingle I had
felt when passing Sarah McKinney in the school

yard. You can see that, except for those rare

moments when I was getting a full body press,
I generally loved from afar.
A few weeks after I had started loving Doris
Mann from afar, the incredible invitation came:
she asked me if I wanted to walk her home.
"You bet; I'll get you there," I said, as if the
odds had been against her making it alone.
As we walked toward her house on that
golden day, I was still so fearful about the
chance of being rejected that I kept expecting
her to stop at some manhole and say, This is far
enough Stay here and direct some traffic.
However, she let me go all the way to her
house, a place where my friends had told me I
should try for another kind of all
the way. Unfortunately, all the way in the
afternoon was too long a trip for me. Although
the boys had breezily talked about getting to
second and third base with girls, I doubted that
even at midnight I'd be able to make more than
a foul pop-up with Doris, in spite of how much
I loved her and in spite of my competitive zeal.
The best I ever did was the second time I
walked her home, when I found the courage to
give her a quick kiss, in which she decided not
to participate.
Perhaps my problem was the state of my face.
I had been trying to get to first base with Doris
at the worst time in a young man's life, when
his glands are erupting and so is his skin. Of
course, Doris might have been inclined to
dispose of me even if I hadn't been decorated
by what are now called zits; but my
dermatological heartbreak was unique, for I had
my zits single file. I never had pits: I always had
only one. And masking it was out of the
question because all the skin medication sold in
days was for white skin; acne hadn't reached
the Third World.

Even brown shoe polish would have done no

good for my most memorable zit, the one at the
end of my nose that lasted a week but seemed
like a lifetime. In desperation, I covered it with
a Band-Aid, hoping that people wouldn't notice
it; but the people who weren't comatose did
and they asked me what had happened.
"I got a bee sting," I told one friend, referring
to one of the seven bees in North Philadelphia
since Benjamin Franklin had died.
"I got a little scratch shaving," I told another,
revealing myself to be the first man in history
who didn't know the location of his beard.
"I got it diving for a loose ball," I told a third,
who must have suspected that something was
loose besides that ball.
At last, I removed the Band-Aid, just in time
for people to be distracted from the sit by
another one on the bridge of my nose. How I
envied the Lone Ranger and the Phantom of
the Opera.
No matter how poor you were or how badly
you danced or how many zits adorned your
face, there was still one way to go after girls
that required only the ability to stand in one
place for two or three hours without realising
that nothing was happening. Because there were
no discos in Philadelphia in those days, my
teenage friends and I spent many truly empty
evenings just standing in front of a drugstore
and watching girls go by, dreaming of using the
Trojans that we had bought in that drugstore
years ago and that were making permanent
rings in our wallets.
"I got it last week," one of our budding
vagrants would say with a triumphant smile.
Got what? I wondered. Athlete's foot? The guy
had never left the corner. Had he gotten it in
the drugstore when we weren't looking?
'7 could have gotten it," I replied, "but I
didn't happen to be in the mood."

"Oh, yeah? You need a woman to get it, you
"You think I don't know that?"
"Well, I got it," he said, "and it was great."
"Soon as I have a free minute, I'm gonna get
it too," I said. "I may very well be in the mood
this week."
"Are you kiddie', Cosby? You don't even
know what it looks like."
"Man, now you've gone too far! You want me
to tell you what it looks like?"
"How do I know you won't be describin' your
"'Cause a mother is different."
"Now I know you don't know nothin'. They're
all exactly the same."
"And that's why all I'm gonna have to find is
one," I said.
The quality of the jive on that corner reached
the level of the United Nations, for our
imaginations had to fill endless stretches of time
in which our lives had all the drama of a
crossing guard's. As we waited there night after
night, we knew that the girls simply had to
appear. We had never
known where they went in the daytime while we
were playing six hours of basketball; and so, if
they were in some kind of hibernation by day, it
was logical to think they'd come out at night,
like the Dracula some of them resembled. And
eventually, they did: to go to the drugstore for
their mothers to get a prescription, a hairnet, or
a picture of Mickey Rooney's latest wife.
Standing there between that drugstore and
the bus stop for hours every night, we seven or
eight young men were classic American
dreamers. Being bonded to other lustful liars
gave us the confidence that each of us lacked
alone, no matter how many times we claimed to
have gotten it. The poignant truth was that most

of us were as sexually active as the Vatican

Boys' Choir.
We were fifteen and sixteen, almost the age
of the men who were fighting in Korea, and we
were after so little. All we wanted was the scent
of a girl. We had finished a day of basketball
and then we had bathed and eaten dinner and
maybe even bathed again,
all to prepare for an evening of what looked
like training to be bus inspectors.
'~Why aren't those boys doing something
worthwhile?" one passing adult would say to
But nothing was more worthwhile than
hanging out, for this was our pre-mating ritualvery pre-, a ritual that has passed into
American folklore, like the house call and the
nongiggling newscaster. Young men no longer
stand at drugstores and make plaintive cries to
young women in this age of the equal female;
but what memories I have of those boyhood
evenings at a bus stop named desire.
I remember the acceleration of my heart one
night when a particular object of my fancy came
by. She had already rejected every other guy,
but I still dreamed she would fall for me; I
dreamed that maybe her weakness was a man
with a zit on the bridge of his nose. She was
aloof and elusive, this beauty, a girl who walked
as erectly as a Marine, was always well dressed,
and never went to parties because at parties you
+++ ++++++++++
guys like us. The problem was that she would
have to fall for me without my encouragement
because whenever I saw her, I was transfixed,
afraid to make a move or utter a word.
Sometimes one of the guys would walk one of
the girls into the drugstore, but I never had the
nerve to approach this princess. What could I
have said?
Does your mother have gas again?

Guess how many buses stop here every hour.

Did you like the way World War II came out?
Like that famous tree in the forest without
people, when Cosby fell for a girl, did he make
any sound?
On certain nights, we drugstore dreamers
remained at our watch so long that our parents
felt we must have been misbehaving.
"What were you doing till after midnight?" my
father said early one morning when I returned
from another plunge into unrequited love.
"Nothing," I replied.
+++++++ ++++++
"Well, tonight you can do it in the house." "But
it's better to do nothing outdoors. You see, a lot
of my friends also like to do nothing and we do
it together."
"Then have 'em come here."
"It's not the same kind of nothing."
"Exactly what kind of nothing do you do
'We stand at the bus stop."
"And do what? Make change?"
"No, we just watch the traffic."
"Okay, suppose I gave you a job and paid you
two bucks an hour to stand on that corner and
just watch people get on and off the bus. You
wouldn't stand there an hour."
"I would if I could have my friends with me."
"But they wouldn't be with you because they
have a little mental problem. They're terrified
of work."
"Dad, you don't understand. What I'm
looking for on that corner is the woman of my
"You don't know any girls who walk

around anyplace else? You gotta meet buses?"
"I go to an all-boys' school and it's got no
girls for me to carry their books. I always
thought I could get a girl from the way I play
basketball, but they never watch me play
because they never come out in the daytime.
Dad, do you know where girls go in the
He frowned and was silent for a few sec~onds.
"Maybe they leave Philadelphia," he said.
"That's why I'm watching the buses."
Night after night, year after year, I looked for
a girl with whom I could go steady. From time
to time, on a Friday or Saturday night, I left bus
inspecting to look for her at a party, which was
usually held in somebody's basement. In one
corner of the room, there was always a
phonograph; and in the center of the room,
there was a punch bowl, peanuts, and pink and
white mints that tasted like something that
should have been unclogging a drain. The air
was so full of cigarette smoke that after a while
the host
ess's parents went outside so they could continue breathing, leaving us young lovers to
grope for each other with watery eyes to the
strains of "Crying in the Chapel."
It was in those basements that I tried to
squeeze girls as if they were melons to see
which ones might be ripe for going steady with
me. Sometimes I managed to lure one of them
outside to sit with me in a car for a little kissing
and rubbing; most of the other girls I managed
to lure away from the crowd just sat there like
statues, hoping that this moment would pass
and they could get on with their lives.
For these statuesque girls, every boy knew
precisely the physical therapy that was needed,
the quintessential behavior modifier.

'Lou know what she needs," one of us would

"Absolutely," another would reply. "It would
straighten her out."
The problem was that this profound psychological insight was never translated into field
work, for none of us had the technique
4~+~4~+~4~. ~ ~
14~4~+4~4~14~+' .+. ~.+14~4~.F.
to straighten a girl out, in either the horizontal or
emotional sense. But how certain we were that
one would lead to the other, in fact, I used to
dream of running a special kind of social service
agency. A girl would call me and say, "Hello, Bill,
this is Ella and I need help."
'~es, Ella," I would say. "How can I be of
'Hell, I've been feeling so unresponsive lately.
My hormones are just lying there."
"Oh, not good, not good; they're supposed to
be moving."
"Bill, I've heard you know what I need."
"I'm blessed with that knowledge, yes."
'What time can you come to my housed'
'Well, let's see," I would tell her in a tender yet
professional tone. "From eight to nine there's a
girl in Germantown I have to save . . . and
there's another in Girard who requested saving
before dinner... but my schedule Is flexible. Are
your parents going to be home tonightY'
'~Yes, but not on Saturday."
"Good, I'll be there. Just try to hold on till


Saturday. Take some cold showers and go to

churchbut stay away from 'Crying in the

And then the fantasy ended and again I was

just a wistful boy with a good jump shot and
bad skin, a boy still waiting for public
transportation to deliver his private dream.
3~ During my last year of high school,
I fell in love so hard with a girl that it made
my love for Sarah McKinney seem like a stupid
infatuation with a teacher. Charlene Gibson
was the Real Thing and she would be Mrs.
Charlene Cosby, serving me hot dogs and
watching me drive to the hoop and giving me
the full-court press for the rest of my life.
In tribute to our great love, I was moved to
give Charlene something to wear. A Temple
T-shirt didn't seem quite right and neither did
my Truman button. What Charlene needed was
a piece of jewelry; and I was able to find the
perfect one, an elegant pin, in my mother's
dresser drawer.
Ten days after I had made this grand presentation, Charlene dumped me; but, sentimentalist that she was, she kept the pin. When
I confessed my dark deed to my mother, she
didn't throw a brick at me, she merely wanted
to have the pin back, a request that I felt was
not unreasonable since I had stolen it.
Moreover, retrieving the pin was important to
me, but for a romantic reason: I wanted to
punish Charlene. Paying back the person with
whom you have recently been in love is one of
life's most precious moments.
"I want that pin back," I said to Charlene on
the phone.
"I can't do that," she replied.
'why not?"
"Because I lost it."

"You lost it?"

"That's what I just said."
"How could you lose it?"
"Easy. First I had it, then I didn't."
And so, I went to her house, where her
mother said she wasn't home. Nervously I told
her mother why I needed the pin re
turned and she understood without saying I had
done anything wrong. Of course, she didn't
have the world's sharpest judgment because she
still thought I was a wonderful person. In fact,
all the mothers of the girls who rejected me
thought I was a wonderful person; I would have
made a fine father to those girls.
"Mrs. Gibson," I said, "Charlene told me she
lost the pin. I'm not saying I don't believe her,
but I don't."
"Just one minute, William," she said, and she
turned and went upstairs. Moments later, she
returned with the pin. And then I went home
and waited for the satisfaction of Charlene
calling me to say:
How dare you go to my house and ask my
mother for that pin!
But no call from her came.
Probably because she's ashamed of Iying to me,
I told myself; but maybe because she truly likes
me and wants to keep the pin for that reason.
I was convincing myself that Charlene wanted
to have an elegant token of me and
that now I should call her to rekindle this
wondrous love-hate relationship, for Charlene
and I had been meant for each other: she was
a liar and I was a thief. Two such people, who
had been so deeply in love, should have had a

chance to keep torturing each other. We once

had kissed for almost three hours, inhaling each
other and talking about how many children we
should have. Ifue, she was the kind of girl who
might be having children by other men too, but
there was still a softness about her I liked, a
softness that matched the one in my head. We
had been too close for our relationship to end
with her dumping me. We had to get back
together so I could dump her.
All these thoughts went through my head as
I sat with my hand on the phone, wanting to get
into a fight with Charlene for old times' sake.
Shakespeare said that the lunatic and the lover
are the same, but he was wrong: the lunatic has
more sense than the man who wanted to call
Charlene so that he could hang up on her.
However, I had to be very careful to keep her
from hanging up on
++*+4~ ++
me or else she would have been two ahead of
me, with no overtime to play.
Finally, after the kind of reasoning that made
Napoleon invade Russia, I picked up the phone.
"Hello, Charlene," I said, at least beginning
well by getting her name right.
"Yes,'i she coldly replied, neatly falling into
my trap.
"I think you owe me an apology."
"Oh, is that what you think?"
"It certainly is."
Note how cleverly I was preparing her for the
"So that's the way you feel?" I said. "That no
apology is necessary?"
"That's the way I feel; I just said it. You have
some problem with English?"
"No, I'm just checking to see if you really
want to keep the reputation of being a dishonest person and Iying about having something that belonged to somebody else."
"You stole the pin from your mother and

you're calling me dishonest?"

~ .4~+~+~! .~+~' ~ I+~+~+
"But you didn't know I stole it. And it meant
something special to me."
"I didn't ask you to give it to me," she said.
"But you lied about losing it."
"No, I didn't. I didn't know where it was."
"Your mother went right upstairs and found
"Just the way you found it in your mother's
My appetite for humiliation was clearly
boundless as I pressed on in a conversation that
revealed new dimensions in male dumbness.
"Put your mother on the phone," I said.
"Put your mother on the phone," she said,
"and I'll ask her how it feels to have a crazy
"Crazy, huh? It just so happens that I was
crazy in love with you. Have you already
forgotten our plans to have children?"
'well, start without me. I'm definitely not
having them if they're yours."
"And that's just fine with me."
"Me too."
"Look, Charlene . . . I don't think we
should end this by being angry with each other."
"Yeah, I guess not."
"I know that you're in dove with someone
else this week and I wish you the best."
"Coming from you, that means nothing to

"Look, Charlene, I think we should end this

by being friends. I think we should end it so . .
. well, so if you ever want to call me and ask
me a question, like how to break a zone
defense or something, I'll be happy to give you
the answer."
Now note how cleverly I was luring her into
a position where I could dump her last and
make her feel sorry she had ever known me, a
sentiment she already may have felt.
"I don't think I'll be calling you," she said.
"So that's the way you feel?"
"Why do I have to tell you everything twice?
I think I've told you enough."
And then she hung up. She hadn't even said
Should ~ call her back to slam her with my
own good-bye? I asked myself.
No, I decided. I would find the revenge that
she deserved for messing around with my heart,
the only part of my body that I could never get
into shape.
The revenge I devised had a simple splendor:
I would find a girl who was prettier than
Charlene, entice her into a relationship, and
then flaunt this relationship to Charlene, who
would promptly jump off a cliff. And so, with
both the dedication and the mental balance of
Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick, I began my
great hunt. The following day, I began pursuing
a gorgeous girl I'll call Artemis, after the Greek
Goddess of Virginity. For many months, boys
had been throwing themselves at Artemis like
tacklers trying to bring down Jim Brown.
Nonetheless, on this day, I summoned the
courage to approach her and say, "Hi, I'm Bill
Cosby and I was wondering if you're going to
John Thomas's party on Friday night."

She looked at me silently for a moment, but

I knew that she knew who I was because I had
played varsity basketball on nights when the
girls had come out of hiding.
"No, I'm not going," she said.
And suddenly I feared that her refusal to go
with me would get back to Charlene and make
her heart sing.
"But we've been talking about going, haven't
we?" said one of several girls who made up
Artemis' entourage.
Fixing me with a cool look, she said, 'What
time's the party?"
"Eight o'clock," I replied.
"Okay, I'll go with you."
"Yeah, we'll go with you," said one of her
"Right, we'll go," said a third.
"Could I talk to you alone for a minute?" I
said to Artemis.
"I guess so," she said, clearly falling for me.
Taking her hand, I led her away from the
entourage and said, "Look, I want to go to the
party with you, not a field hockey team."
+~4~4~+ ~ ~ ~ 4~4- ~ 4~+4~4- ~ 4~
F++ ~ ~ 4~+~+ ~ ++ ~ ~ ~
'they're my friends."
"And I'm glad you have them. But can't you
give them a night off and go just with men'
"I thought you were going steady with
'yeah, I was, but she wasn't, so I released her.
And a lucky thing too 'cause it made room for
you. Listen, you want to come and watch track
practice this afternoon?"
"Not really."
"I do the high jump."
"I'm sure you do."

"And I'll be jumping just for you."

"The way you jumped for Charlene?"
"Charlene was just a high hurdle compared to
And not sounding like an idiot was a high
hurdle for me too, but this divine female was
heady stuff.
"Okay, then," she said, "you'll pick me up on
Friday around eight?"
'Lou bet," I said, wondering how I was going
to pick her up in a trolley.
When Friday came, however, I was able
to pick her up in a car driven by my friend Ed
Ford, who'd agreed to double-date because he
couldn't believe that Artemis had fallen off her
pedestal and into the depths occupied by me.
"I still don't see her going with you, " said Ed
as we drove to her house. "Maybe she's gonna
become a nun and has to do some kinda
'Lou just don't understand women," I said.
"She knows I'm using her to pay back Charlene,
and she's doing it 'cause women hate each
other. But the funny thing is, I'm also falling in
love with her."
"And when she dumps you, who you gonna
use to punish her?" said Ed. "Lena Home? Man,
you're over your head in beauty."
But he was wrong: I had lost my head in
beauty, so the Friday party became a blend of
revenge and desire for me. A few minutes after
Artemis and I had arrived, while I was busy
parading her like a poodle going for Best in
Show, Charlene came inand suddenly, my
future and past were together in

one room. Charlene saw me with Artemis, of

course, and I was delighted that her suffering
had begun. Putting my face close to Artemis'
face, I broke into laughter, as if she had just
said something hilarious.
"You feelin' okay?" she said.
"Never better," I told her, still laughing.
"You been hittin' that high bar a lot?"
"I love it when you talk like that."
A few seconds later, seeing Charlene move to
the punch bowl, I said to Artemis, 'Will you
excuse me for a moment?"
"For as long as you want," she replied.
I turned and walked over to Charlene, casually saying, "Why, Charlene Gibson, I thought
it was you. What're you doing here?"
"Making a big mistake," she said. "Artemis
and you? Since when did she start doing social
work with thieves?"
"Glad you're having fun, Charlene."
"Whattre you gonna steal for her? Your
mother's watch?"
"Have some pink and white mints. They'll
really clear your head."
"I know you, Bill Cosby. You're just rentin'
that girl to make me feel bad. I thought you
wanted to be friends."
'Well, I did," I said, suddenly wishing that I
had chosen a more gracious revenge.
"I thought you wanted me to be able to ask
you questions."
'Well . . . yeah."
"Okay, here's one: Are you ever gonna grow
It was a simple true-false question, the kind
on which I usually guessed, and so I took a
guess now: "I certainly am."

Often through the years, I have thought of

Charlene's question; and I now know the
answer is that no man ever grows up in the eyes
of a womanor ever grows familiar with the
rules for dealing with her. Sigmund Freud once
said, 'What do women want?" The only thing I
have learned in fifty-two years is that women
want men to stop asking dumb questions like
My ignorance of women, however, still has
not kept me from being certain that
they are impressed by athletic daring, that a
female grows weak from watching a male grow
strong on the field of sport. It has always been
my medieval belief that the closer a man comes
to killing himself, the more romantic he is.
I was almost suicidally romantic at a track
meet in my freshman year at Temple, when a
friend of mine brought a blind date for me on
what was really a scouting trip. A tall, pretty girl
named Lori Ruddy, she had told my friend that
she would not go out with me at night if she
didn't like the way I looked on the track. In
other words, I was having a sweaty audition for
this girl, who would give me the kind of scoring
you didn't get in the Penn Relays. ("Charming
behind, but a rather stupid face.") Once again,
I was involved with my old friend, humiliation.
The first event of that track meet was the
high jump, a thrill that Artemis had decided to
skip in favor of washing her hair. With Lori now
watching me, I jumped as if I were in the
Olympics, but I came in third
behind two men who used no sexual inspiration,
just better legs.
"How did you do?" said Lori right after the
announcement that I had finished third.
"I came in third," I said.
"You didn't win?"

"No, if I'd won, I wouldn't be third."

She had a feeling for sport that was roughly
equivalent to Mahatma Gandhi's.
"I see," she said. "Is there anything you can do
'WVell, I do the broad jump next."
"And you won't be running into the bar. So
do you think you can win that?"
"If there's no bar, absolutely. But remember:
it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you
play the game."
"If you played it better," she said, "you'd win."
A few minutes later, I threw myself into the
broad jump as if I were leaving a burning ship,
and this time I managed to come in second.
'well, how did you do at that?" she said.
"I came in second," I replied.
"Only second? I thought you were going to
"I guess I needed a better game plan."
'~hat do you do next?"
"Take a shower. I'll tell you how it comes
- 'Lou mean there's nothing else you can do out
"Well, the high jump and broad jump are two
very" And suddenly I remembered having
heard that Temple had an opening in the
hammer throw because its man was sick. '~es,
there is: I'll be in the hammer throw."
"You throw a hammer? At what?"
She had made it sound like a competition for
cranky carpenters.
"Come to the other field with me-and you'll

"If I had a hammer . . ." she started to sing as

we walked.
"It's not that kind of hammer," I said. "It's a
big steel ball."
"Then why do they call it a hammer?"
'7 don't know. They made a mistake."
And the second mistake, of course, had been
mine: to think I could win a woman at an event
that both of us were about to learn.
At the hammer throw area, where I turned
out to be Temple's only entry against the
University of Pittsburgh, there was a three-sided
cage about twelve feet high, like the kind used
for batting practice; and in front of it was a big
circle in which~the thrower would spin before
he flung a sixteen-pound steel ball attached to
a short wire. After taking my name, the judge
moved to one side of the cage, while Lori
moved to the other.
"Temple will throw first," he said. "Mr.
This order of competition was indeed bad
luck for Temple because its entry was surely the
first virgin hammer thrower in collegiate history.
I had been hoping to watch the Pittsburgh man
to see how it was done. All I now knew for
certain was that, in throwing a hammer, it was
possible to achieve both a separated shoulder
and a hernia. Nevertheless, inspired again by
+++++++4. ~ +++ ~ +~+4~++ ~
4. ~ ~ ~ +++++4~+ ~ ~ ~ ++
ri's face, I picked up the steel ball and started
to twirl it in great circles, quickly gaining a
splendid momentum and losing all sense of
direction. Around and around I spun, drunk
with centrifugal force, until I finally released the
ball just before it lifted me into orbit. It
slammed into the cage as if I were launching an
attack on the stadium.

Lori and the judge looked shaken, but the

Pitt man smiled, for he knew he would have no
trouble beating a throw that had gone a
negative distance. Sheepishly leaving the circle,
I wondered if the judge would now announce,
Temple: minus twenty feet. I also wondered what
effect my reverse throw was having on Lori's
questioning heart. Was there a chance that she
was feeling a certain elation from having just
missed an offbeat death? And I was also struck
by the thought that I could have killed the judge
or the marl from Pitt. If the man from Pitt had
taken my shot, I might have been declared the
winner by default and impressed Lori at last.
Did you win? she would have asked me.
It was a the, I would have said. My OPPO_
nent is dead, but the judge still feels that he has
done as well as I did.
In a song from A Chorus Line called '~hat I
Did for Love," a dancer movingly tells how far
a man will follow his heart. Although I hadn't
been in love with Lori, I still went to the brink
of manslaughter for her. I shudder to think how
much further love might have driven me. I
might have put a javelin through the dean.


~}e In my sophomore year at Temple, where
I was majoring in physical education, I came
across a air! named Denise, who was so
beautiful that Artemis would have been one of
her ugly friends; and she was highly intelligent
too. In fact, she had been able to start college
at fifteen, the age at which some of my friends
were making tentative starts in high school.
Maybe at last this is the one, I thought on a
morning when Denise again passed me on the
campus. Maybe all the others have just been
spring training for me. Maybe it's finally good-bye

to my Grapefruit League.
"Forget her," said my friend Roy after I
had dreamed aloud to him. "That girl is a stiff."
"Probably because nobody has ever approached her the right way," I said.
"The right way is with an oil can. I tell you,
Bill, the girl's a stiff.
"Look, I'm majoring in physical education, so
I happen to know what to do when somebody's
'Lou gonna tell her to take a few laps?"
"I'm also studying psychology. I understand
the human mind."
"The human mind, okay, but what about
In spite of Roy's doubts, I accepted the
challenge of this intimidating beauty and I
introduced myself.
"Hi, there," I said, intercepting her at the
library. "I'm Bill Cosby. I've seen you around
the campus 'cause I'm on it a lot 'cause I go
here too."
Another smooth opening by the most romantic tongue since Cyrano.
"Hello, I'm Denise Carter."
'~hat's your major?" I said, falling back
on the stalest campus question of all. The zenith
of my conversation seemed to have been my
"English," she replied.
"Mine's phys ed, but I know a lot of English
too. You like music?"

"I love it."

"Well, John Coltrane's playing at the
Showboat. Would you like to go?"
"Where is it docked?"
"It's not a boat, it's a club."
"John Coldtrain?"
"Yes, isn't that something?"
"Who is he?"
Ignorance of John Coltrane was similar to
thinking that Babe Ruth was a burlesque queen,
but I let it pass without a howl, for I was
suddenly stirred by the idea of teaching
something important to this rare blend of beauty
and brains. She would be my Liza Doolittle and
I would be her Professor Higgms.
"But you do like music," I said.
"Oh, I love music," she replied. "Especially
+ ~ +4~4~+++4~+ ~ ++4~+ ~
+~+4~+ ~ 4. ~ ~ ~ +4~4. ~
+~4~+ ~ ~ ~
Wagner . . . Wagner . . . There was a Hany
Wagner who played forward for Villanova, but
I didn't think he blew anything but layups. I
decided not to ask her where this Wagner cat
was playing, a question that would not have
helped me establish myself as the dominant
mind in this relationship.
Three nights later, with my entire portfolio
represented by the fourteen dollars in my
pocket, I walked into the Showboat with Denise
to hear a genius of jazz. As John Coltrane
began a sublime improvisation that would last
for more than ten minutes, I took off with him;
but when I glanced back, I saw Denise looking
like someone who was waiting for a bus. Note
after note was sending me skyward, but she was
stuck on the ground.
"Isn't this the greatest stuff you've ever
heard?" I said. "I mean, the man is just too
'Well, to be honest," she said, "it's not really

my kind of music."
"But . . . how can that be?" I wondered if she
had some kind of rare ear disease.
'fiery simply. Liking this music is a matter of
'iYes, I agree. If you have taste, you like it."
She replied just by rolling her eyes and I fell
silent too, for I was stunned. How could I marry
a girl who didn't dig John Coltrane? I would
come home from a hard day of whatever I was
doing with phys ed, put on a Coltrane record,
and she would say, "Can't you put on some
And I would say, "I'm fresh out of Wagner.
How about some Bud Powell?"
"There are no musicians named Bud," she'd
At the end of Coltrane's performance, I
drove Denise home in a car I had borrowed for
what should have been a magnificent evening.
"I'm afraid that your Mr. Coltrane has
problems within himself," she said as we rode.
"You better explain that," I said' hoping she
'Well, he's punishing his audience by playing
out his anger."
"Denise, you're the only one who felt punished."
"No, he's a very angry man and that isn't
"Look, don't you have angry men in classical
music?" I said, and then I reached for the only
classical reference I knew: "I hear Beethoven
was in a rotten mood for thirty years."

And my own mood wasn't sunshiny either. It

was maddening for a man when a woman
couldn't tune to his wavelength. Was this a
preview of my married life? Trying to explain
obvious greatness to a foreign sex?
"Beethoven didn't write music that sounded
like a train wreck," she said.
"A train wreck? That sounded like a train
wreck to you? I guess you haven't been in tpo
many train wrecks lately. You ever hear a
wrecked train play 'Autumn Leaves'?" I paused
to try to calm myself. "Denise, I hate to say this,
but you're really square."
In spite of my anger, I enjoyed the thought
that I had moved to a higher level of fighting
with women. I was fighting now about art
instead of my mother's stolen jewelry.
"I don't think we should talk about aesthetics
anymore," she said.
I was inclined to agree, primarily because I
didn't know what aesthetics was; but then I
heard myself say, "No, I think we should. I'll
teach you about Mr. Coltrane and you can teach
me about Mr. Wagner."
"I'd rather skip the Coltrane lessons; he gave
me a headache. I've heard enough."
"So. You think the Owls can go all the way
this year?"
"All the way to what?"
A few minutes later, after some awkward talk
about football, we reached her house, where I
parked the car and said, "Denise . . . may I
come in for a while?"
"Yes," she said with a shining face that revealed none of the fog beneath it.
As I walked into the house with her, I began
feeling optimistic again. I remembered

that Professor Higgins had needed more than

just a couple of hours to renovate Liza
Doolittle's mind.
'1his is Bill Crosby," said Denise to her
mother and father.
"A fine musical name," her father said.
Just like John Cold Rain. ~
Her parents then left and Denise and I sat
down on the sofa, together but apart. I still was
strongly attracted to herwhenever she wasn't
"You go to many parties?" I said.
"Parties aren't important to me," she said.
"Except political parties, of course."
"I don't go to those too often. Is there any
dancing at them?"
She laughed and I smiled modestly. I always
did have a gift for amusing women.
'Lou like to dance?" I asked her.
'Well . . . not really."
"You know how?"
"I'm afraid not."
'Lou want to learn?"
"No, I can't say I'm interested."
And so, here was a woman who went to
no parties unless they had politicians, who couldn't
dance or see a reason to learn, and who was
moved by John Coltrane to picture a casualty list.
Why was-I still here? For the simple reason that a
relationship between a man and a woman makes
no sense.
"How'd you like to come and see a football
game?" I said.
"Okay," she replied.

I knew I would finally get one right.

'you're majoring in physical education?"
she said, as if inquiring about an accident.
'~es, but I'm also thinking of being a behavioral
scientist. And maybe win the Nobel prize for
discovering why women hate jazz."
She smiled, but her heart wasn't in it, only those
lovely lips.
"Are you going to teach?" she said.
"Probably. In the lower economic area."
"I could never marry a teacher."
'Why?" I said, also wondering why I was sitting
with this woman instead of doing something more
pleasant, like donating my body to a medical
"Because they don't make enough money."
"But it's still a good living."
"For one person maybe; but I don't think I
could live on a schoolteacher's salary. I want a
big house and I want someone to clean it."
"Well, how about youonce in a while, I
mean . . . every month or two."
"It's getting late, Bill. I've had a lovely evening."
VI/hen? I wanted to say. winy didn't you take
me along?
"I could teach at a very fine school," I said,
slowly getting up. "And tutor rich kids on the
side. And take bets at nightbut just in the
good neighborhoods."
She smiled and my heart turned over again
when she said, "You are an amusing man.
Maybe I'll come and watch you play football."
"That isn't always funny," I said. "But yes,
please come and watch."
'~hen does the season begin?"

'1hree weeks ago."

"Did you win yet?"
Did you win? I had heard this question from
a woman before and I was not happy to hear it
again. The one thing I did not want to do in my
failures with women was repeat myself. Let her
watch football with Weird Harold and talk
about all the Wagner records she could buy
with the money he made as an orthodontist.
In spite of these melancholy thoughts, as I
drove away from her house, I knew that I still
desired her; and I wondered if there could be
room in our relationship for her hatred of my
music, my dancing, and my job. How happy
could she be at the PTA Dixieland Ball?
Men and women are different, I decided, a
difference more profound than just the way that
women looked or disappeared during the day.
Women, I decided, are not just men who can
have babies. How would I be able to spend a
lifetime with such aliens?
When I reached my house, I went inside and
at once sought comfort in a recording of "My
Foolish Heart" by John Coltrane. For
several minutes, his saxophone soared, the
sweetest punishment I knew; and when its flight
was over, I sat alone in my bedroom and
pondered my future as one of the sexes.
Suddenly, I saw myself winning a gold medal
for the Olympic high jump. I saw myself
proudly at attention on the winners' center step,
while the stadium was filled by the sounds of
'`The Star-Spangled Banner."
And then Denise walked over to the step,
looked up at me, and said, "I thought they only
used that song to start Phillies games."
+++++++ ++++++

+~. I+~! t+~e +
~` Not long after my memorable evening of
talking in a foreign tongue to Denise, I
revealed a flair for insecurity by dropping out
of Temple to become a standup comedian. I
began to perform at little nightclubs all along
the East Coast, trying to be as funny as women
had found me when I pursued them. The day
I reached Washing ton, a friend named George
Green asked me if I wanted to go out with a
beautiful nineteen-year-old student from the
University of Maryland named Camille Hanks,
whose family lived in the fashionable suburb of
Silver Springs.
"She's a stunner, Bill," said George.
"And that just happens to be the woman I'm
looking for," I said. "Tell her my own
stunningness can't be seen by the naked eye, but
it's there. Tell her I'm a great dancer, I have a
great outside shot, and I'm never going to be a
"Her father is a research chemist."
"Tell her that's always been my hobby: researching chemistry. A really good-looking
woman, eh?"
"More than good-looking, Bill; she has class.
Come to think of it, I wonder why she'd want to
go out with you."
He had wondered correctly: Camille Hanks
considered the idea and decided that I should
start the date without her. On her list of ideal
men, a struggling comic did not appear. He was
on a different list, one that included parolees,
lion tamers, and freelance chimney sweeps.
A few days later, however, George asked me
if I wanted to come to a bowling class that he
attended with Camille; and I accepted, for I saw
a chance to win her in person and make her
forget that she would

never be able to tell our children what their
father did for a living.
That evening at the bowling class, where
Camille didn't know my name for a while, I
improvised some comedy bits, inspired by the
class having more people than most of the clubs
where I worked. When I was finally introduced
to her, she realised that she had already been
enjoying mebut not nearly so much as I had
been enjoying just the sight of her. In that
Washington bowling alley, love at first sight
became more than just another cliche for me;
and I suddenly knew that, no matter how hard
I had pursued those other girls, I had never
been in love, just in like or in lust.
'Would you like to go out one night and hear
some music with men' I said to Camille.
'~Yes, that would be nice," she replied. "Do
you have any particular concert in minds'
"Well, the New York Philharmonic doesn't
seem to be in town, which is a bad break, so
how about John Coltrane~'
He had followed me to Washington, daring
me to bring him another woman.
"John Coltrane?" said Camille, looking as if
I'd just mentioned a leader of the IRA.
Why, I wondered, did I always tie my heart to
a saxophone? I saw myself at sixtyfive,
wandering through bus terminals and asking
women in shawls, "Wanna come hear some
Coltrane, honey?"
The following night, Camille went out with
me and spent three hours trying to fly with John
Coltrane. The Cosby College of Cool had a
willing student at last, and one whose beauty
matched the sounds that had me spellbound.
The big question now was: Could a woman be
laughed into love? I thought about the great
lovers of history: Romeo, Casanova, Napoleon,
and Loose Leroy Simms. They were pretty
serious cats and they did better with women
than Oliver Hardy and Fibber McGee. I

wondered if women ever laughed when they

were making love. Mrs. Weird Harold perhaps,
but Jane Russell never cracked a smile when
Billy the Kid was attending to her. And now
this Billy the Kid was going for the greatest
prize of his life with material that had never
As a reward to Camille for spending an
evening at Cosby College, I invited her to see a
matinee of a movie with me the following
Saturday. I was free only in the afternoon
because on Friday and Saturday nights I was
busy making strangers laugh. When she
accepted my invitation, I felt as though I had
just run a four-minute mile. Was this elegant
woman feeling for me what I was feeling for
her? Should I try to help things along by
stealing for her my mother's brooch?
That Saturday, as we took our seats in the
movie house, my mind was reeling with options.
I knew there was no possibility of my touching
Camille's breasts (I'd be lucky if she'd let me do
that after we were married), but I wondered if
I should try to make contact with something
more acceptable, like her knee. I had never felt
a woman's knee and I wondered how erotic it
was to be
palming that particular bone. Dr. Kinsey never
spoke about knees, no one dove into the hay
after Jane Russell's, and no one on the corner
had ever said, "Man, tonight I'm gonna get me
some k-n-e-e."
Perhaps I should try for something out in the
open, like her hand. My right hand was fast
enough to steal a moving basketball, so it would
have no trouble trapping Camille's and filling it
with sweat. However, during other dates in
"heaters, I had put my hand on a female's and
instantly been called for a foul. Except for that
body press from Millie, which had clearly been
nothing personal, I had never been able to get
past the starting blocks of sex. A man who
dreamed of rookie, I couldn't even get knuckle.

When the movie began and I felt emboldened

by the darkness, I considered casually slipping
my arm across the back of Camille's seat, as if
checking for termites and ticks, and then letting
the arm gently drape itself across her right
shoulder; but there were two dangers in making
this move. The first was that Camille could turn
to me and
tenderly say, "Remove that, please." And if she
left the arm there, it might fall asleep, as it had
done in "heaters before. This movie was more
than two hours long, so I'd be taking the
romantic road to gangrene.
What I did take, however, was a third approach. A few minutes after the lights went low
for a film called The Apartment, my arm was still
awake but my head was asleep. All the
late-night comedy work had left me too tired for
love in the afternoon. On the other hand, going
unconscious was probably a good move for me
because it was the one state in which I wouldn't
be able to say, "John Coltrane."
And so, there I sat, asleep beside the girl of
my dreams, a girl from the horsey set beside a
boy from the drugstore drones.
A tap on my shoulder brought me partially
back to life.
"Is it my stop?" I mumbled.
"Your stop?" said Camille.
"Oh, yeahit's a movie. Did I leave a
wake-up call?"
"I would've let you sleep but you were
+4~4~+ ~ +~4- ~ 4~++4~ + ~ ~
4~4~+ ~ ~ 4~4 ~ ~ ~
snoring," she said with a smile that lit up the
theater for me.
"Look, my going to sleep, it was nothing
personal . . . "

"Oh, I know that; you're tired from all the

nightclub work. We really didn't have to come
here. We could've gone"
'`To bed?"
She laughed and said, 'We'll stay in this
Apartment. "
"Ssshhh!" said a man in front of us, who'd
turned and then done a double take, for nothing
on the screen was as attractive as Camille.
"You want to know what's happened?" she
'1hanks, I've got it."
I knew what had happened: I had fallen in
love. I wanted to be Camille's husband. I
wondered if I would ever be able to tell her
about it.
I now began a courtship that demonstrated
that neither my car nor my mind was hitting on
all cylinders. After my Wash
ington club date, I went back to New York for
a booking at the Bitter End, but my heart was
still down south with Camille. Between shows,
I often called her dorm at the University of
Maryland and had to hear some young woman
cry, "Phone for Camille. It's that guy again for
Camille . . ."
"The goofy one?" said another voice.
"Yeah, Mister Laughs."
When Camille finally came to the phone, I
said, "Hi, it's Bill."
"Oh, I thought it was Prince Philip," she said
with a laugh.
"You free for lunch?"
"Great! I'll be down!"
"Again just for lunch? Bill, I'm studying
abnormal psychology and we could put you on
a slide."

"I love you too. Just don't transfer to another

school before I get there."
Of all the people in New York who went to
Maryland for lunch, I was probably the only one
who took the New Jersey Turnpike in a '52
Chevrolet that was a pilot project for
the lemon law. After I had finished performing
at two or three o'clock in the morning, I would
sleep until dawn and then dare the transmission
to take me down to Maryland.
How intoxicating it was to be in love, to be
making this mad trip south to Camille! My
future was enchanting, my past a series of fading
flops. How delicious it was to say all my
good-byes . . .
Good-bye to Charlene, who had inspired me
to become my mother's favorite burglar.
Good-bye to Doris, who had introduced me to
the questionable pleasure of a unilateral kiss.
Good-bye to Denise, whose golden face had
concealed a tin ear.
Good-bye to Sarah, who had chaperoned our
date with her husband.
Good-bye to Ruth, who had turned out to be
just a thigh that passed in the night.
Good-bye to Artemis, that gorgeous Goddess
of Germantown, who had correctly decided that
she was above me.
Good-bye to Rosemary, who had moved
+ ~ ++4~+ ~ ++4~4~+ ~ 4~+~+4~+
~ ++ ~ +4~ ~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
me to a new appreciation of washing the floor.
Good-bye to Lori, who had almost lost her
head at the hammer throw because I had lost
Good-bye to Millie, who for one sweet

moment had made me forget that she was the

school's official body presser.
And good-bye to . . . what was her name?
The girl at that movie matinee, where desire
had filled my heart and my bladder too.
My love life had left me with so many forgettable memories; but improved memories lay
ahead with Camille, who promised infinitely
more than a passing press or a sometime thigh
or a loss of circulation. As I drove past
Elizabeth (had I ever gone out with her?), I
found myself singing:
Now I'm not crying in the chapel Or even
frowning near a priest. Instead I'm smiling on
the turnpike In spite of driving half the East.
It was during one of those interstate lunches
that I asked Camille to marry me.
"I'd love to marry you," she replied.
Suddenly I knew that I was one of God's
favorites. And imagine my shock when one of
God's favorites was rejected by two of Camille's
parents, who believed that stand-up comedians
were an early link in the chain of evolution.
What heartbreaking irony! In all my years of
involvement with girls, I had always been loved
by the parents and dumped by the daughters.
It took me longer to win Camille's parents
than it had taken me to win her; but finally I
broke them down and made them realize that
Camille could be happy marrying beneath her.
And soon I fell even farther beneath her when
my car deposited a rod on the turnpike during
one of my commutes to Maryland. For a couple
of weeks, while I scraped up the money for the
repair, I couldn't see Camille. I stayed in New
York, missed her fiercely, and savored the
thought of spending the rest of my life with a
woman who would have been happy if I'd
been a teacher and who might never ask me,
Did you win yet? I knew now that during my
three hundred nights of staking out that

corner drugstore, I had been looking for so

much more than a sensuous braid or a
sumptuous thigh or a musical ear. I had been
looking for Camille.
~4~ ~ ~+4~4~4~4~ ~ ~ ~
~14~4~ 14
~ie And so, Camille and I embarked on the
greatest adventure of all: a man and a woman
daring to plunge into the wedded abyss and
spend their entire lives together. If the
amusement park called Great Adventure had
been created by me, it would have no slides or
rides: it would simply have one married couple
trying to sustain the glow of their love while
the wife gave the husband's favorite suits to the
Salvation Army. For the last twenty-five years,
since a certain wedding in Olney, Maryland, in
1964, the Salvation Army has been fighting
Satan not only with the cross of Jesus but the
cream of my coats and pants.
When I got married, one of the many
things I didn't know was that Camille would
grow tired of looking at some of my suits, even
two I hadn't worn; but I loved her so much that
I didn't mind her secretly recycling my
wardrobe. I rejoiced that I now was married to
the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, a
woman who suddenly made Jane Russell no
more alluring to me than Nipsey. My instinct
was to break the rules of marriage and be
honest with her about everything. I quickly
realised, however, that even the deepest love
doesn't stop a marriage from being a constant
struggle for control. Any husband who says "My
wife and I are completely equal partners" is
talking about either a law firm or a hand of

Yes, let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in
charge. Or, to put it another way, the husband
is not. Now I can hear your voices crying out:
Teat patronising nonsense.
What a dumb generalisation.
What a great jacket for the Salvation Army.
Well, my proof of the point is a simple one.
If any man truly believes that he is the boss of
his house, then let him do this: pick up the
phone, call a wallpaper store, order new
wallpaper for one of the rooms in his house,
and then put it on. He would have a longer life
expectancy sprinkling arsenic on his eggs. Any
husband who buys wallpaper, drapes, or even a
prayer rug on his own is auditioning for the
Bureau of Missing Persons.
Therefore, in spite of what Thomas Jefferson
wrote, all men may be created equal, but not to
all women, and the loveliest love affair must
bear the strain of this inequality once the
ceremony is over. When a husband and wife
settle down together, there is a natural struggle
for power (I wonder why he bothers:); and in
this struggle, the husband cannot avoid giving
up a few thingsfor example, dinner.
To be fair, I must admit that Camille did
wait a few years before allowing me to make
this particular sacrifice. I had just sat down at
the table one night with her and our three
children when I happened to notice that my
plate contained only collard greens and brown
'mould you please donate this to the Hare
Krishna and bring me my real meal," I said to
the gentleman serving the food.
"You have it all," he replied.

"No, what I have is a snack for the North

Korean Army. The meat must have slipped off
somewhere. Why don't we try to find it
"Mrs. Cosby said we are no longer eating
"She did ?" I looked down the table at Camille. "Dear, if I got a letter from the Pope, do
you think I could"
"Bill, meat is bad for us and we just have to
cut it out. It's full of fat that could kill you. I'm
sorry I forgot to tell you."
"So am I. I could've started eating out at a
place where they don't mind who they kill."
"Honey, lots of people are vegetarians."
"And lots of people like to get hit with whips,
but I've managed to be happy not joining
Nevertheless, I became a vegetarian. A
husband should go with the flow of his marriage, even when that flow leads over a cliff.
About two years later, however, I sat down
to dinner one night and a steak suddenly
appeared on my plate.
"Look at this," I said to the gentleman
serving the food. "Someone has lost a steak.
Would you please return it to its owner."
"Mrs. Cosby said we are eating meat again,"
he told me.
"How nice to see the cows come home," I
The unexpected return of the cows that night
taught me an important lesson about marriage:
just when you think you know all there is to
know about your mate, just when you think you
have enough to begin the divorce, something
new pops up to bewilder you, for men and
women belong to different
++++~+~++-~4 ++-18++ ~ et t ~
++++ a+

species and communication between them is a
science still in its infancy.
For example, one of my many charming
idiosyncrasies is that I rarely put my shoes in
my closet. I don't put them in the freezer or the
microwave: I merely leave them on the floor
wherever I happen to take them off. Camille,
however, like most women, cannot understand
my carpet collection. "Bill, I really wish you'd stop leaving your
shoes all over the floor," she said one afternoon
early in our marriage.
"You planning to clean the rugs?" I replied.
"No, it's because I trip over them."
'well, let me ask you this."
"Please don't."
"Do you ever trip over the coffee table?"
"No, but"
"And you never trip on the dog or the children. But you trip on my shoes."
'well, first of all, I always know where the
coffee table is."
"And the dog files a flight plan with you?
The children show up on your radar? Dear, you
don't have to be Edwin Moses to go over a pair
of shoes."
'`Bill, I need the other Moses to part all the
shoes you leave lying around. When we got
married, you didn't tell me that you don't
believe in closets."
Camille and I had this philosophical dialogue
many times, but I never changed the habit
because changing a habit violates the entire
tradition of marriage. And then one day, I took
off my shoes in the living room, went to the
kitchen to make some coffee, and returned to

the living room to find that the shoe fairy had

come but forgotten to leave a dollar.
"Dear," I said to Camille, "in your travels
around, did you happen to see my shoes?"
"Constantly," she said. 'whey are part of the
decor. This house is done in early footwear."
'Well, in case I ever want to put them on
againperhaps to go out and see a lawyer
could you tell me where they are?"
"Bill, if you really want to take off your shoes
so much, why don't you go to Japan?"
"I would if I could find my shoes."
When you first begin sleeping with your wife,
all your moves are like Michael Jordan's
because the glow of being deeply in love gives
delight to even the nonsexual gymnastics in bed.
For example, in the early days of our marriage,
Camille used to sleep with her back against me
and I often put my leg over her. In those days,
no physical position, no matter how awkward,
was anything but enchanted entanglement.
"I love your knee in my groin, darling," she
would say. "Care to put the other in one of my
"As soon as I can find it, dear," I'd reply.
"Is your arm okay like that? I mean, it'll snap
back, won't-itY'
"It was worse in the Bucknell game."
"What a precious man. Now you tell me the
moment it starts to die."
How romantic are these early marital
4~+~4~4~4~+4~ ~ 4~4~+ ~ +-F ~
4~+4 ~ ~ ~ 4- ~ 4 ~ +4~ ~ ~ ~
. \
contortions that merrily sprain you. However, by
your fifteenth year . . .

"Is that your leg on men' your beloved inquires.

"It's not the Abominable Snowman," you
sweetly reply.
"No, it's another guy with a weight problem."
"I love your easy wit."
"How easy will it be for you to remove that
"Oh, I"
"Are you really that anxious to climb
"Dear, I'm just doing what we"
"'Cause you can call the Explorers Club."
As the years of our marriage have passed,
Camille and I have grown closer in mind and
heart but not in sleep. At the beginning, I
would leave our bed to go to the bathroom and
she would half-awaken and say with a smile,
"Have a good trip, darling. And hurry home."
If, instead of taking a trip, I had put on
the light to read or shoot a few baskets, she
never complained.
'~hat time is it?" she would say when the
light hit her face.
'1hree A.M.," I'd reply. "You don't have to
get up yet. Isn't that good news?"
'~es, and I love you for telling me. I wonder
why I woke up."
"Just your body's natural rhythm."
By our fifteenth year, however, we were no
longer in sync in the sack. And today, she will
turn to me while I'm reading and say, "Now
hear this. It is time to go to sleep."
"Just another hour or two," I'll reply. "I want
to see if Scarlett's side wins the war."
"Bill, you know I can't sleep with the light on.

If you love me, the least you could do is try to

read with it off. Or maybe get under the covers
with a flashlight. Pretend you're at camp."
"Yes, Stalag 17."
"Very well, I see I won't get anywhere with
the old male stubbornness. I'll just go down and
sleep on the couch."
"Dear," I now will say, turning out the light,
"did you know that Winston Churchill said he
owed the success of his marriage to never
sleeping in the same room as his wife?"
"I knew he was great for something more than
just defeating Hitler," she will say.
Not only is a marriage strained through the
years by one of you wanting to see in the
bedroom, but there is also a change that both of
you have in your view of snoring. In the early
years, snoring by one of you moves the listener
to gently touch the other and say, "Honey,
you're snoring. Not that I mind it, of coursein
fact, it's a Mozart serenadc but medical studies
have revealed that there's a certain harm to the
snorer. Something about the vibration
dislodging the brain."
And the snorer smilingly replies, "Did I ever
tell you how much I love you when you wake
me from a deep sleep? I really hate sleeping
too long at one time because it keeps me away
from you."
After fifteen years, however, the snorer is
not only touched: he is rolled onto the floor.
Because he is familiar with the layout of the
bedroom, he usually manages to find his way
back into bed, where he picks up the beat with
his nose. The listener then simply puts a pillow
over his face, a move that stops the snoring but
does cause the nuisance of having to check from
time to time to see if the snoring has stopped
because the snorer has died.

The timeless question that no philosopher has

ever been able to answer is not: Why is Atlanta
in the Western Division? And it is not: Why did
the Lord have to give mankind both locusts and
lawyers? The unanswerable question is: Does a
husband have the right to see the road to the
toilet at two o'clock in the morning or does his
marital vow oblige him to walk into the wall?
"What's wronga burglar?" Camille suddenly
says when I try to turn on my lamp so that all
of the light hides on my side of the bed.
"No problem, dear. I appreciate your help, but
I can do this alone."
"Do whatY'
"Go to the bathroom."
"And you need a light show for it?"
'well, I don't want to urinate in the closet."
"You already went to the bathroom once
"I didn't know you were scoring. You getting
ready to referee a steroids test?"
When she laughs, I know that I have gotten a
release from jail and I walk to the bathroom with
glee, tripping only once on my shoes.
-I A new challenge, however, arises an hour later,
when I want to slip out of bed again to get some
water, watch some 1V, and shoot a few baskets.
In the dark stillness of the bedroom, I lie frozen
and wonder: Is the radar screen still on? What
would be the price of an attempted escape?
At last, I summon the courage to roll out of
bed and onto the floor, like a Navy frogman
hitting the water; and then I quickly
4~+ ~ +~4~4~+ ~ +
crawl toward the kitchen, hoping that the thud
has not awakened the Grand Inquisitor. If there
is one thing that marriage requires, it is

adjustment, especially to making a silent

predawn escape from your beloved looking like
a cocker spaniel.
But the adjustment is gradual and not
connected to the love. In fact, through all the
years of my marriage, my love for Camille, like
my stomach, has steadily grown. And strangely
enough, this growth has violated a mathematical
principle because there was no room for it:
when I married Camille, my love for her was an
absolute. I was living the lyrics of the corniest
songs, for I was ready to climb the highest
mountain for her and to swim the deepest
After twenty-five years, however, the paradoxical truth is that I love her even more than
I did when my love was absolute, but what I
will climb for her now is lower than Everest;
and as for a swim in her honor, I would like to
make it a lap.
What she wants me to climb, of course, is
anything but her. It is poignant to see me night
after night trying to recapture the sweetness of
our first easy gymnastics in bed, to see me night
after night trying to slip my leg over her only to
hear, "I was wondering something: Do I happen
to look like a pack mule to you? Is my next
birthday present going to be a saddle?"
I may have to take a trip to Tibet for an
explanation of the mystical nature of our relationship, for I am more in love with Camille
today than I have ever been and she is more in
love with me too; but her offbeat ways of
showing this love sometimes seem to contain a
message to get lost.
How warmly I remember the days when
Camille and I were newlyweds and she would
turn on her side in bed and I would fit myself
against her as neatly as a Lego. We would fall
asleep that way; and whenever she rolled, I
rolled too, like a new- Olympic event called
synchronised sack.
"Are you comfortable, sweetheart?" I would
say as I put her into a loving half nelson.
++ ~ ++++~+4~++ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ +~+
~ ++ ~ ++ ~ ++~+ ~ an+

"Oh, yes," she would reply. 'there's no such
word as 'discomfort' when I'm all wrapped up
by you."
But fifteen years later, my wrap party got a
different review.
"Hey, octopus," she now would say, "are you
"I'm in heaven," I would reply.
"Well, I'm in a much lower region. But that's
okay. I'll just lie here and work on my soul
because suffering is supposed to be good for it."
She is, however, selective about the suffering
I inspire in her: some of it does not seem soul
stirring enough to take.
'~here are you going?" I say to her as she
gets up from a dinner table and starts to leave
people I'm entertaining.
"To anyplace," she softly says, "where I won't
have to hear this story for the ninetyseventh
This moment reveals the ultimate challenge
for a woman in marriage: to accept it for the
rerun it is but keep herself from canceling the
Camille, unfortunately, isn't equal to the
challenge: she requires fresh entertainment; she
wants to be seeing things for the first time; and
baseball is one such thing. She has seen parts of
hundreds of games, each time with the
understanding of someone who just stepped off
a flight from Mars.
For example, one evening, I was sitting in my
living room and watching the playoffs between
the Los Angeles Dodgers and the New York
"Keep that on," said Camille, entering the
"You don't want the Home Shopping Net-

work?" I said.
"No, this is what I like: the World Series."
"It's the playoffs."
"Same thing."
"That's what I was about to say."
"This is when it means something," she said.
"You know all those other games they play?"
"You mean the season?"
"Right. Well, I don't know why they play
"Just something to do to warm up for the
playoffs, I guess."
"Well, I just can't get involved in them because they don't mean anything."
"Yes, I frankly don't see how the players
manage to pay attention either."
Moments later, Mookie Wilson hit
meaningful grounder to deep short,
first, and beat the throw. Then he
running, turned, and walked slowly

sprinted to
back to the

"Tag him! Tag him!" cried Camille.

"For any particular reason?" I said.
"Of course! He ran past the base and he's
"No, dear, you're allowed to overrun first."
"Since when?"
"Since 1869."
"Well, not everybody knows about it."
"You really don't love this game, do you?" I
"Frankly, it's for little boys. But all men

are little boys, so I understand. You're just
trying to reli ye your boyhood fantasies."
"No, my boyhood fantasy wasn't to play in
the major leagues. My boyhood fantasy was to
marry a woman who knew you can overrun
first base."
~ ++ ~ +++++ ~ +++~+ ~
++++++++4. ~ +++4~+ ~ + ~
~` "I was married once," says a man in The
Importance of Being Earnest. "It was the result
of a misunderstanding between myself and a
young woman."
Misunderstanding does unfortunately lie at
the heart of marriage, for no matter how
deeply a man and woman love each other, they
are often like two UN delegates whose
headphones have jammed. They are constantly
finding common ground that turns out to be
A few years ago, Camille would happily have
gone into quicksand rather than into the sauna
I had built for our house in Los Angeles.
"That steam room," she said right after it had
been completed. "Are you planning to do your
own dry cleaning?"
"It'll be dry cleaning us," I replied. "It's for
you and me."
"Honey, I can't take that much heat."
"It'll be a complete rebirth for you."
"Have I complained about the first one? Bill,
those saunas go up to a hundred and twenty

"But it's so healthful," I said, aware of my

marital duty to keep educating my wife, but
deciding not to educate her with the news that
the temperature would not be a hundred and
twenty: it would be a hundred and ninety-five.
"It's healthful to pass out?" she said.
"That's the wrong attitude. A sauna purges
the body of all impurities. And it's not just your
average hundred and twenty degrees; it's dry
"Let's put it this way: it's not the heat, it's the
"Millions of Finns do it. They not only do it,
but they roll in the snow afterward."
"And that's why Finland never wins a war."
In spite of Camille's objection, my blend of
intellect and charm was persuasive enough to
lure her into trying the new sauna with me. This
woman did, after all, have courage: she had
passed up countless breadwinners to marry a
nightclub comedian.
And so, together we took off our clothes and
walked into a six-by-six wooden room that
conjured up visions of a Russian prison
"Now just remember, dear," I said as the
waves of heat began striking us, "that this is
good for the skin. It gets out the dirt."
"That's what they told Joan of Arc," she said.
It was deeply moving to see what my wife was
doing in the name of love. After ten minutes,
the temperature was a hundred and forty-five,
but luckily Camille couldn't see the
thermometer because her eyes were rolling back
in her head.
"Bill, I think that's enough for today," she

said, falling against the door and opening it.

"My dermatologist likes me medium-rare."
"But you're missing the full benefit," I told
"Why don't we try to get that in a picnic at
Death Valley next week?"
Teaching your wife little things, like how to
broil herself or brush her teeth, is a form of
education that can move the student to throw
something at you. And once something is
thrown at you, there is liable to be a fight. The
experts on marriage, most of whom are
divorced, like to say that marital fighting is
good because it clears the air; but it seems to
me that such fighting often leaves the air quality
as unacceptable as it was when your wife
happened to say:
"I think you should know I'm really tired of
your always saying that I'm an urban village
"No, dear," you reply, "you're not paying
attention. I don't always say that you're an
urban village idiot. I have said it only twice. last
Tuesday evening at your mother's and

last May seventeenth at church. Our relationship would be stronger if you kept better
"And you always correct me like that."
"No, again not always: just the few thousand
times when you're wrong."
"But I'm not wrong. I remember precisely
what you've said to me."
"No, you remember imprecisely what I've said
to you. Or else precisely what some other
husband. has said."
'Lou never listen to me."
"You're nothing-for-three today. The truth is,
I probably listen too much. I should be more
"You know what I've decided?"

"That you're the most irritating man in the
'you've got to watch those generalizations.
The most irritating man in the world is Mr.
"Who's Prince Charming compared to vow
Oh, how I wish I had tapes of our con
+. .~4~+~+~4~4~++'
.~+~+4~4~+~. 64~54~+
versations to prove to you what you really said."
"Your half belongs on 'The Twilight Zone.'
Which is where I think I'm living sometimes.
Just tell me this: Did you happen to move my
collection of hand grenades from my table in
the deny'
"Yes, I d-id."
"And do you happen to remember where you
put themY'
"The same way I remember everything you
say. I put them in the attic."
"You doing some decorating up thereY'
"Down here they were in the way."
"In the way of what? A plate of Swedish
meatballs? A picture of Wilt Chamberlain?
Those hand grenades were souvenirs and they
were mine. You just can't keep on hiding my
things. I walk around this house looking for my
things like somebody who's lost his mind."
"Yes, that is your best imitation."
This kind of heartfelt give-and-take is what
the matrimonial sages say will bring you two
closer together. And often it does:
often the combat leads to a peace conference
that is sexually delicious. In building to this

conference, however, you have to fight fairly,

keep your obscenities polite, and remember
how precious you are to each other, even
though you both are thinking:
That's it! There is no way I can continue living
with this person. I want to live with something
better, like a gerbil.
If the fighting is to lead to the climax of a
passionate embrace, then the man must be
careful never to say the five words that
launched the Women's Movement:
"Are you expecting your period?"
These are the last five words that Samson
said to Delilah. They are the words that were
spoken one day to a young Fall River lady
named Lizzie Borden. They are the words that
have moved luggage from closets to front doors
all over the world.
This question is a very tempting weapon for
the American fighting man because women are
prone to irrationality just before menstruation.
Men, on the other hand, have
+4~+4. ~ ++4. ~ ~ 4~+ ~ + ~ 4~+++
~ ~ ++~+++ ~ 4~+ ~ ~ ++ ~ ++
a nice evenness to their irrationality. They can
be just as crazy at Easter as they are on
Veterans Day.
It is, of course, not always possible for your
wife to leave you during a fight because
sometimes the fight has been in a car and she
would find no comfort fleeing to the shoulder
of I-95. For some reason, a car is the scene of
matrimonial highs and lows. Early in your
marriage, the two of you exchange endearing
smiles when you are driving along and your
wife suddenly says, "Look out for that armored
'~hat a thoughtful and sharp-eyed sweetheart you are to take the trouble to point out
all those slowly approaching tanks," you reply.
"I probably would've seen them on my own and
they're probably friendly and they're probably
stopping at the light, but your spotting them for
me still makes my heart hum like the engine of
a Rolls."
Later in the marriage, however, the same
helpful tip brings a different response from you

at the wheel.
++~++~++~4~4~++ ~ + ~
+4~4~++ ~ +4~++4~+ ~ ~ 4~+
"Look out for that armored column!" she says.
"You think I don't see it?" you reply.
"I'm never sure what you see."
"I'm starting to see bachelorhood in a whole
new light."
Moreover, your automotive rapport suffers
the same decline during the years that the two
of you keep trying to navigate toward unknown
destinations. Early in the marriage, it is gaily
romantic for the two of you to get lost together,
just as it was a merry moment when Columbus
told his first mate, "India, Youngstown, who
cares as long as we're having fun!"
"Darling," your young wife says, "please
understand the spirit in which I say this: I think
Chicago was a left at that fork."
"I took a shot," you reply, "just as I did when
I married you. Maybe I'll luck out again."
And she laughs and puts her befuddled head
against your uncertain steering arm and says,
"Getting there with you is half the fun, even if
we're going nowhere."
However, later in the marriage, getting lost is
less enchanting.
"You missed the turn, Magellan," she says.
"Chicago was a left at that fork. Or are you
trying to get there by way of Montreal?"
"No, it was a right at the fork," you reply, "but
thanks anyway for the misinformation. Why
don't you just concentrate on holding the
change for the tolls?"
"Why don't you concentrate on changing from
someone who always yells at me?"
"I don't always yell at you. You call just

twenty-three times this week always?"

An interesting thing has happened. Two
different arguments have converged: the one
about your always doing something and the one
about your recently taking the wrong turn. And
at the convergence are the tears of your wife.
"Now, crying doesn't make you right," you say.
"It just stuffs you up so you hear even less of
the wisdom I keep trying to impart to you. If
you'd just start listening to me, you'd learn"
"I don't want to learn from you 'cause I
don't want a diploma in wrong turns! You make
me feel like I'm stupid when you're the one who
doesn't know how to drive!"
"Let me ask you a question that even you
might be able to answer: Did you ever wonder
why they put all the instruments on this side of
the car? They put them here for me because
this is where I'm sitting. There's no copilot in
these things."
"And did you ever wonder why you didn't pull
over to the first gas station and get proper
directions for Chicago instead of wandering
around like Moses in the wilderness?"
"Because I know what I'm doing."
'~hat you're doing is getting lost and I'm not
talking to you anymore."
"Is that a promise?"
"So many men I could have married and I had
to pick the happy wanderer."
"All right, let's try it your way,', you say,
swerving into a service station. "Let's ask him. "
"No, not him, " she says.

"Because he doesn't look as though he

"But he looks as though he did well on the
"I tell you he's weak on geography."
And off you go, moving farther away from
both your destination and each other.
Suddenly, you come to a sign: NOT A
"This street looks good," you say. "That sign is
just to keep out the trucks."
"If this doesn't work," she says, "you can turn
into the next black hole."
A half hour later, when you reach a gas
attendant whose face reveals a high IQ to your
wife, you receive the right instructions, but they
lack a certain value because you have listened to
only every fifth word: "Hang a left . . . hang a
right . . . hang yourself . . ."
"Well, what do we do now, Mrs. Navigator?"
you ask your wife when you arrive at the
Mexican border.
"How do I know? You're Mr. Iacocca. I
I** ~ ~ ~ ~ +* ~ * ~ ++ ~ ~ +++ ~
+~+ ~ ++ ~
told you: I'm not even in the car with you
"Don't tease me with my dreams."
When you finally arrive at your destination
two days later, you are silent enemies. The fight
will resume, of course, after your visit, unless
you wisely abandon the car and come home by
bus. Even in a bus, however, the battle might
still flare up again and the other passengers
might have to listen to endless themes and
variations of the two lines that are the favorites
in most marital fights:
THE HUSBAND: That s not what I m saying.
THE WIFE: Then what s your point?
THE HUSBAND: My point is that s not what

I'm saying.
THE WIFE: Do you think that you 11 ever
be saying your point? Or would you rather get
a pencil and paper and try drawing it?
Camille and I once accidentally switched
these-two lines because we'd forgotten our parts
during a long spell of peace, but I found that I
didn't have my heart in asking her what was her
point, and she seemed to
lack a flair for telling me what she was saying.
She seemed uncomfortable trying to clarify a
thought that she probably wanted to keep
Reading the wrong dialogue is bad enough,
but going blank is even worse. The argument I
dislike most is the one in which Camille just
suddenly walks away from me and I forget my
next line. When she returns, I can either vamp
until I remember what I was talking about or I
can start a new fight about her halftime break.
"That was really lovely to just walk out that
way," I once told her.
"I thought I'd do some shopping while you
were trying to find your point," she said.
In my twenty-five years on the roller coaster
of marriage, I have discovered that marital
fights sometimes last for three or four days
because the opponents aren't playing the same
game: men and women fight differently. For
example, at certain times in a fight a woman
likes to respond by
+~4- ~ 4~4~+ ~ ~ +4~4~++ ~ +~4~ +4~4~+4~4~+~4~ 4 ~
sticking her fingers in her ears, but a man does
this only to catch mosquitoes.
"Now that's truly adult," you say. "Just tuning
out . . . Did you hear me? I said, 'That's truly
And then she starts to hum, but not even one
of your favorite tunes, just something that

sounds like a mosquito. She not only is hearing

nothing from you, but she is also broadcasting a
noise that brings to your mind the part of the
marriage vow covering "for better for worse." It
rarely gets much worse than thisexcept
perhaps the night that I was reading in the den
and she came in, went to the thermostat, turned
up the heat, and started to leave.
"Hey there," I said. "I'm here. Perhaps you
didn't see me sitting here and quietly improving
my mind."
"I saw you," she replied.
"Well, perhaps you didn't know that the
temperature was quite comfortable for me. In
fact, I was just telling myself: 'Bill, you don't
have to take a vacation because you're
+4~4 ~ ~ +4~ ++ ~ ++ ~ 4- ~ +4- ~
+~4~4~4~++ ~ ++ ~ ~
already in a place where the heat is just right.'
'~You don't know if a room is hot or cold."
Now this indeed was a memorable moment.
My wife is surely more intelligent than I am
because she knows what to tell the children to
keep them from putting holes in each other, but
even my modest IQ usually lets me know if a
room is hot or cold. And so, what does a man
do when his wife feels he needs a class in
remedial thermostat reading?
If I were smarter, I would know.
Ever since Socrates' wife told him to go and
seek the truth in another house, philosophers
have debated whether a husband and wife
should go to bed angry at each other. There are
two sound reasons for making up at bedtime: it
feels like the right moment for reconciliation
and a fight is harder to sustain when one of the
fighters falls asleep. In fact, there is nothing
more maddening than finally finding the words
you've been looking forThats not what
++4~+4~+ ~ 4~+ ~ ~
+~+~4~++~+ ~ + ~

I'm sayingand then having to deliver them to

an unconscious foe, who cannot ask you, Then
what's your point? Do you wake her up to hear
your words, thus taking a chance on learning
what it feels like to be part of a justifiable
homicide? Or do you save the words until
morning, when she will have even less idea of
what you're talking about?
In spite of the beauty of our love, Camille
and I have had bedtimes never discussed by
Mister Rogers. Like two heavyweights going for
the title, we enter the downy ring and then turn
away from each other and move to our corners.
And now I start thinking of all the people I
could have married who kept their fingers out
of their ears and who would have let me try to
figure out all by myself if I was cold. Denise,
Artemis, Rosemary, Charlene, Lori, Millie,
Sarah, Ruth . . . They may have been dumb
about sports or had no taste in music or liked
stolen ~ewelry, but all of them are suddenly
looking like Whitney Houston to me.
I'm not going to touch her, I think, as the two
of us lie there in stony silence. I won't
even shake hands with her lawyer. And if she
touches me, I71 wash it off with Brillo.
But then her heel grazes mine and this least
erogenous part of her calls up a memory so
sweet that it almost stops me from trying to fill
her with guilt.
"If you don't want me in this bed," I quietly
tell her, "just say the word."
"Don't let me keep you from leaving," she
"Just say the word."
"If you have travel plans . . ."
"Just say the word."
"Have a good trip."
"All right, I know a hint when I hear one. I'll
just sleep on the floor. I'll pretend I'm back in
the Army."
'Lou were in the Navy."

'Whatever. Okay, I'll be hitting the deck now.

That's the sound you'll be hearing."
When I finally do drop to the floor, there is
a certain loss of dignity. On the other hand, I
have strengthened my bargaining position for
"Yes, sailor?"
"You just going to leave me down here?"
"I don't vacuum till Tuesday."
"Just leave me down here like an old bear
"Bear? You know what I can't bear? The way
you're always such a . . . such a . . . man. Only
a man would think that moving to a lower level
makes him right."
'~Well, I just want to say one more thing
that happens to be right: I love you."
"See? If you talk long enough, you finally
make sense. And I love you."
'Hell, sending me to the floor isn't the
tenderest way to show it."
"Honey, you booked that trip yourself."
"Sometimes you take me for granted, you
know. There are plenty of other women who'd
have me and never move me to the floor."
"Plenty of other women? Name one of 'em
who'd take a man who spends half the day
looking for his glasses and the other half
looking for his keys." She began to laugh.
"And this man can find his keys only if he finds
his glasses first."

"At least I have missions in life," I say,

climbing back into bed and moving toward her.
"A man has to"
"Just close your mouth and kiss me and stop
trying to explain men. Let a veterinarian do
"I'll bet Charlene is still waiting for me," I
say, drawing her into an embrace that has made
the whole battle worthwhile.
"Charlene . . ." says Camille after releasing
my lips. 'Was she the one who pretended that
she liked John Coltrane? Or was she the one
whose head you almost took off at the track
~ +4~+~4~4. ~ 4~4~++~+ ~ ~
++~+ ~ ++~+ ~ ~ ++ ~ ~
~~` Camille is so concerned about my
well-being that she sometimes goes even
beyond teaching me how to tell hot from cold.
She also teaches me how to know when
nighttime comesknowledge that is valuable
not only to fireflies.
She begins the lesson by walking into the
room where I am sitting and closing the blinds.
"Please do something else," I tell her, "like
punish the children or lube the car."
"It's time to close the blinds," she says.
"Is that something official, like Daylight
Savings Time?"
"No, it's just time to close the blinds."
"It is six-fifteen in this room and threefifteen
in San Francisco, but neither time means a
thing because I don't want the blinds closed. I
want to look out. And you better look out too."
I am, however, filled with nostalgia for the

blind closing at those other times when Camille

enters a room where I'm sitting, turns out the
lights, and starts to leave.
"Hey, I'm here, " I say, "and I'm reading
when I can see the page, that is."
"You may be here," she replies, "but you're
not all there. You were sleeping."
'of I was sleeping, how did I know you were
"You don't know if you're reading or
At once, I take out my wallet and check my
age to see if I've already gone past kindergarten. For some reason that neither
Margaret Mead nor Oprah Winfrey has ever
discovered, a wife often treats her husband as if
he were one of her pupils in a kindergarten
class. She doesn't make him lie down on a
blanket at noon or pin a paper flower
to his shirt with his name, but she does often
presume that he hasn't yet mastered the art of
thinking for himself.
For example, at a dinner party one night, I
saw a hostess offer a second portion of potatoes
to a man whose wife then said, "Oh, Sam won't
have any more."
A woman like that deserves a note in her bed
the other hand, Sam was probably doing some
things to drive his teacher crazy, like constantly
scratching the back of his head or constantly
jiggling his leg, two accomplished tics of mine
that have made Camille wonder if marriage
might be an unnatural state for human beings.
For-our first few years together, Camille said
nothing about my scratching the back of my
head or my jiggling leg, perhaps because she
was impressed that a man of my modest
intellect was able to do them both at once.
However, one day shortly after we had
celebrated our tenth anniversary, I was busy
scratching the back of my head when she
suddenly said, "Please stop doing that."
+ ~ 4~++4~+++ ~ 4~+ ~ +++4~+++

~ ++ ~ ~ +++++ ~ + ~ 4. ~ +4.
"Doing what?" I replied with a scratch of my
"Scratching the back of your head; it drives
me crazy."
"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't know you were
emotionally involved with my scratching."
"Is it rotten shampoo or are you trying to
show that you're thinking?"
In the following days, I did no head
scratching, but I missed this little workout, so I
intensified my other major indoor exercise:
jiggling my leg while I sat. In fact, I now was
jiggling my leg hard enough to make an
approach to the Richter scale.
One afternoon I was sitting and jiggling,
trying to move a coffee table farther from the
door, when Camille came flying at me like a
safety in a goal-line stand. With both hands, she
slammed down my leg and I wondered if there
would be a flag on the play.
"Stop that!" she cried. "It drives me crazy!"
"I have an idea," I said, massaging my leg.
++++++++4~+~++~++4~4~++ ~
'Why don't we both make lists of the things the
other one does that drive us crazy."
"Make lists?" she asked.
'~es, and then we could see which ones we
"That drives me crazy, you know."
"Making lists of things that drive us crazy. It
takes all the romance out of marriage when you
give it a scorecard."
"Anyway, you know what's funny?" I said. "I
can't think of a single thing for my list."

"Oh, that's sweet."

"May I jiggle now?"
Camille and I do have many things in
common besides our both being afraid of the
children; but our maddening traits are also
there and have made me wonder from time to
time if I should keep coming to a bed that can
become a launching pad. For two people in a
marriage to live together day after day is
unquestionably the one miracle that the Vatican
has overlooked. Turning water into wine was
routine compared
to my staying with a woman who noisily sucks
air through her teeth whenever she thinks that
E'm in the mood to go insane. This sound,
which can drive me up the wall past the
pictures, was not invented by Camille; it is a
major female weapon that should have been
banned by the Geneva Convention.
I hear the sound with a brain already in
conflict with itself: one side, full of hope, saying,
I love her so much I don't care if she is always on
Fiji time or if she thinks football is played in the
spring; but the other side of my brain, full of
reality, is saying, First my mother molded me for
twenty-five years and now she's molding me for
another fifty, but the role in life I had planned for
myself was not a piece of Silly Putty. Of course,
the reality side also recognises all the times that
we rub each other the right way, all those lovely
back rubs in bed at night.
In discussing his marriage, a journalist named
Michael Grant has said, '`e continue to adjust to
each other, but don't mistake it for a solid
marriage. There is no such
thing. Marriage is more like an airplane than a
Well, his
but mine is
through the
to explode.

marriage may be like an airplane,

the Hindenburg: floating grandly
fog, full of hot air and music, ready
I am certain that I have one of

America's better marriages; and yet the

challenge of keeping it successful never dims,
for Camille and I may be blinded by love, but
we have Braille for each other's flaws. When I
told her that I couldn't think of a single thing
for my idiosyncrasy list, I was telling a gallant
lie. On such a list, perhaps number two with a
bullet just behind her sucking air, would be her
asking me every night for twenty-five years,
right after I have kissed her and said how much
I've missed her all day, "Did you lock
I do not require her to reply to my affection
in Byronic couplets, but "Did you lock ups'
closes the flue on the fire of romance. Were I
then to try to rekindle the fire by saying, Dear,
I've locked you in my heart,
++~++++ ~ ++ ~ ++ ~ +++ ~ d.+ ~
+++ ~ 4~++4~++4~4~+++
she might decide to have me locked up; and so,
I simply say, "Yes, I did."
"Did you really?"
She now has implied that my answer was a
"Yes, really."
At this point in our little performance in the
theater of the absurd, she will not say, I don't
believe you; but a few minutes later, she will go
downstairs and check all the locks. It is nothing
personal: it is simply that women do not trust
people of a foreign sex.
At bedtime I have never asked Camille, Did
you lock up? because I don't want to hear her
say, C?f course not. 7hat's your job.
The second entry on my top twenty idiosyncrasy list would be one I have already
mentioned; and my repeating it would move
Camille to say, You always mention entry two.
It may well be a habit of females to base
sweeping accusations on one or two instances.
(I can hear Gloria Steinem crying, You men
always say we generalise about you.) Or such
generalising may merely be a
~ t+~ ~ 14~4~4~14~4~4~ ~ 14~
14~+4~4~ tail ~ 14~+

dramatic device developed by Camille. I know
only that eighteen years ago, I lost a key; and
ever since then, she has handed down to the
children, like an Arthurian leg end: Your father
always loses his keys.
Because of this legend, I've been forbidden to
have a key to my house, for I am a man who
cannot keep one, a man who probably would
give it to the first needy person I saw on the
street. Therefore, if no one is home, the silence
in the house will not be broken by me because
I cannot get in. If an emergency happens to
arise, there is a person nearby with the keys to
my house who will let me in but who will not
give me the keys. In fact, on one occasion, I
found myself locked in the house because the
nearby person had let me in and then left with
the keys, a moment that made me think about
the deeper meaning of marriage. I realised how
important it is for each partner in a marriage to
make adjustments. One of mine is agreeing to
live in a minimum security prison.
Camille will never apologise for treating
me this way. Again, it is nothing personal; it is
simply the code of wives. They do not apologise,
probably because they've been spoiled by
homage paid by their athletic sons. Whenever a
television camera picks up a player on the
sidelines after he has done something splendid,
what does he say? Not Thanks, steroids or That
should cover the point spread or I'm certainly
earning my salary from the school. No, he says,
Hi Mom, even though Mom wishes football had
never been invented by Genghis Khan.
If I ever did find myself in a real minimum
security prison, visiting day would be shorter for
me than for the other inmates because Camille
would be half an hour late, her regular arrival
time. When she finally came, of course, she
would be a face worth waiting for; and when
she left, right after I'd kissed her and told her
how much I'd missed her, she would say, "Did
you lock up?"
Camille keeps marching to a different
drummer, one who missed the bus carrying

the band. For example, each January she walks
into the living room, sees a playoff game on the
TV screen, and says, "Oh, is this starting again?"
Like so many American wives, even those who
hear Hi, Mom, she thinks that the football
season starts with the winter playoffs and then
builds to salary negotiations in the spring.
A lack of synchronisation, however, between
a husband and wife is something that ironically
can help a marriage. If they happen to be living
in two different time zones or two different
seasons, their feeling for each other can be
strengthened by their efforts to penetrate the
other zone. Whenever I know that Camille is
supposed to reach a certain place at a certain
time, I call that place forty minutes late to see
if she has made it. If she still isn't there, I wait
another three hours, and then I begin to worry
and to fantasise with a desperate heart:
Has she been kidnapped by gypsies or run away
with the circus or simply gone someplace where
scratches the back of his head? Will she come
home in time to buy my birthday present? Why
did l ever get angry at her for a silly little thing
like keeping me awake till three with her light
while she read magazines and scattered cracker
crumbs in the bed? I71 never get angry at her
again, no matter how many really stupid things
she does. I don't care if she wants to use the bed
to feed pigeons, and I don't care if she says I was
probably asleep all the time because I never know
when I am, and I don't care if she wants me to
audit a kindergarten class to learn how to lock
doors. She's the best thing that ever happened to
me and I want her back, even if she comes home
half an hour late.
With all the irregular rhythms that pulse
between a husband and wife, the wonder is
that any couple can sustain the glow of romance. "How do you keep the music play

in"?" asks the song, for so many marriages seem
to be a natural segue from a waltz to Taps.
The launching of a marriage is almost always
romantic, as in the way that Ahmad Rashad,
while broadcasting football, turned from Marcus
Allen to Phylicia with his own game plan. The
average man, of course, must do something
simpler, like take an ad in the personals column
saying: LUCRETIA,
HENRY. But if things are so good between
Henry and Lucretia, why is she reading the
personals? And why is a man trying to understand the way of a woman? I should keep
remembering what a writer named Jennifer
Harlow Smith has said about the man she loves:
"Romance, I realised, lay in acknowledging the
mysterious distance between us. The sexes come
from different citadels. He thinks differently
than I. How wonderful."
Yes, wonderful at the beginning, when your
life together is a romantic high, when
the Iyrics of the love songs are true for you and
you hear yourself singing,
I didn't know what time it was, Then I met you.
A soulful thought. Camille, however, didn't
know what time it was when she was twelve, for
she is a woman who always seems to be wearing
not a watch but a sundial, and the correct time
made no particular impression on her when she
fell in love with me.
Nonetheless, she did feel the romantic high
that intoxicates most married couples and lasts
between a week and five years. Sometime after
the fifth year, however, or maybe the tenth . . .
I was sitting in my living room one eve ning in
my thirteenth year of marriage, listening to a
baritone sing,

A doll I can carry The girl that I marry Must be.

++++~+++++4~4~+~+ ~ ~ ~ 4~+ ~
~ +~4~++++~+ ~ + ~ + 214
"A doll he can carry?" said Camille from
nearby. "That man wants a ten-inch woman!"
"No, dear," I said, "this is poetry and you just
can't look at it that way. This is his dream. This
is romance."
"This is a man who wants to carry a doll.
Which is okayhe can carry a koala, but don't
sing about it."
"You didn't always feel that way. Remember
'Crying in the Chapel'?"
She laughed. "Do I ever. God should've
turned us into pillars of salt for what we did
during that song."
"Too bad we weren't doing it to each other."
"Yes, as I recall, you had Miss Full-Court
"She made me happy while I was crying in
the chapel. She was a saint with great hips."
"Those songs seem pretty silly now."
"Not to me," I said dreamily.
"Because men are teenagers forever. Only the
pimples disappear."
And then I gave her a long sweet kiss, a
half-court press, while I thought, My skin may
have cleared up, but I'm glad I still have the
mist in my mind.

~` In her endless effort to bring her husband

out of the cave, the American wife will tell
him, "The problem with you is you are not in
touch with your feelings." She will tell him this
right after he has tried to shotput his son to
dramatise some parental point for which mere
language lacked clarity. She will tell him this
right after he has kicked in the television set as
a fitting response to an overtime field goal
against his home team. A man can spend an
entire morning creatively running amuck; and
when he is finished and the foam on his lips
has dried, his wife will say, "The problem with
you is you are not in touch with your feelings."
Although I'm not a psychologist (my doctorate is in education, my BA in the quartermile), it has always seemed to me that I am
nicely in touch with my feelings, one of which is
an urge to bounce pass the next woman who
tells me I am not in touch with my feelings. Of
course, what women often mean by this charge
is that men don't know how to cry; but crying
isn't always an indication of genuine feeling. If
it were, then Jimmy Swaggart and Tammy Faye
Bakker would be sensitivity's king and queen.
I sometimes think that women may be too
involved in revelation, that perhaps a marriage
is strained by just four words: not The children
aren't yours but How was your day? It is often
too much pressure on a man to ask him to keep
giving the six o'clock news, especially when the
only thing to report is the weather. What, for
example, is a dentist to say when his wife
inquires, How was your day?
I did six fillings, four root canals, and a small
child spat in my eye.
Maybe the best answer a husband can
~ +~+~+4~+~+++ ~ ++ ~ ++ ~ ++
give to How was your day? is I spent it dreading
that question. Or maybe the husband should
draw first and ask his wife, How was your day?
Then, however, he is liable to hear the four
grimmest words of all:

I had the children.

Camille never has to be a district attorney
with me, for she has a way to learn what I'm
thinking that even allows me to have a good
"If I ever want to find out anything about
you," she has said, "I'll invite five of your
friends to dinner and just listen in."
By communicating indirectly, sometimes
through a basketball team, Camille and I have
been able to keep the mystery in our marriage,
a quality that the marriage manuals consider
important. Of course, these manuals say that
communication is important too; and so, the
answer seems to be that a couple should
communicate mysteriously, each one making
sure that the other rarely knows what he is
talking about. Every time that Camille and I
exchange That's not what
I'm saying/Then what's your point?, we are moving
further into foggy paradise.
In this happy pursuit of marital mystery, Camille
and I sometimes almost have a conversation, but
then she thinks better of the idea.
"I want to talk to you," she told me one evening
in the kitchen.
"Fine," I said. "Let's do it right after I finish these
chili dogs. I don't want to distract my mouth right

A few minutes later and a few pounds

heavier, I walked into the living room,

where she was standing by the fireplace, a
stunning portrait of a great lady about to
hold forth. I hoped I was equal to the subject. I
hoped it was the Cleveland Browns.
"Here I am for the talking," I said. '~hat was it
you wanted?"
"You know what I wanted," she replied. "Let's just
leave it at that."
And she turned and went up to the bedroom, no
doubt for a meeting with Godot.

Because Camille and I have wisely left each other

in the dark so often, our mar
riage has been rich in surprise. It is an atmosphere in which my son can come to me and
say, "Dad, I've decided I want to be more
involved in politics."
"That's good," I reply.
"So I'm dropping out of college, changing my
name to Raul, and joining the Contras."
"Then I guess you'll be wanting some advance
"Yes, please. Either pesos or traveler's
"You know, this is . . . well, I guess you'd
have to call it a surprise. I didn't know you
wanted to become a Nicaraguan guerrilla. At
least not this semester. "
"Well, Mom has known it for months."
"She has?"
"Yes, she even says the Contras are the ideal
group for me because I'm always against
everything. Dad, if you and Mom did more
talking, you'd be ready with a going-away
present for me."
My son did not understand, however, that
there is a method in the intermittent and
semicoherent exchanges of information
that Camille and I have: we are trying not to
use up the conversation allotted to our marriage. Unaware that this conversational allotment governs every marriage, most young
couples do not pace their tongues and suddenly
find themselves in threemonth lulls.
The next time you're in a restaurant, study
some couple that seems to have been married
for more than ten years. Watch them

exchanging long desperate looks, each of them

hoping that the numbing silence will be broken
by a good grease fire or a holdup. And each of
them is about to be driven to think the
We should have brought the children.
Camille and I bring the children. In fact,
people have said that we are prisoners of the
children because we bring them everywhere we
go, from Las Vegas to the South of France.
However, I can recall six times in our marriage
when we left the children home. Seven times if
you count the night
that Camille walked out on me and I went after
her without bothering to get a sitter.
Nevertheless, I have to admit that whenever
Camille has suggested that we go off without
the children for longer than an hour and a half,
I say either, "But it's always more fun with the
children along" or "Just be patient, dear. In just
nine or ten or fifteen years, they'll all be
married or in the armed forces and then we'll
have the house back. That's our reason to keep
However, early one summer in our thirteenth
year of marriage, my mother offered to stay
with the children for a week so that Camille
and I could go on a little vacation alone and
recapture the magic of the honeymoon we had
always planned to take. For a moment, I had
considered having my mother take Camille for
a week and letting me go off with the children,
whose interests were closer to mine; but then I
yielded to my yen for adventure and decided to
see if Camille and I could make it alone,
operating under the handicap of having to talk
only to each other.
~ 4~+ ~ +. ~ .~+ ~ +~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ++ ~ +~+
"Darling," I had said to her, "what would you
say if I told you that we're going to take a
vacation without the children?"
"I'd say you're a liar," she replied.

"And usually you'd be right, but my mother

just offered to stay with them so we can get to
know each other againunless there's someone
else you'd rather get to know."
"No, you'll do. But I thought you said it's
always more fun with the kids along."
"So it won't be our greatest vacation, but at
least it'll be all ours. Just the two of us, dancing
away from Fat Albert."
As the moment of our departure approached,
Camille and I conceived some rules for this
romantic escapade:
~ There could be no mention of the children.
~ No photographs, tapes of cuteness, or report
cards could be taken along.
~ No one could become pregnant or in any
other way involved with kids.
And so, one afternoon in July, we turned our
two girls and our boy over to my mother and
then drove out to a charming old inn on eastern
Long Island. A few minutes after arriving, as I
zipped up the back of Camille's dress before
taking her to an elegant dinner, I said, "You
look so young and lovely. No one could ever
tell that you have two kid . . . um, kidneys.
"That's okay," she said. "I miss them too,
those precious kidneys. And that spleen."
"Courage," I said. "We can make it."
In the dining room, we found a corner table,
where I sat down and began desperately trying
to think of things to talk about. So far, I had
two: the plight of the dollar and the plight of
the whale. I would have to pace myself with
them or my mouth would be retired before the
After a silence of no more than five or ten
minutes, I tenderly placed my hand on Camille's and said, "Have I ever told you, my
darling, that they should let the dollar float?"

"How you talk, lover," she demurely replied.
"And speaking of floating, this is a tough time
to be a whale, don't you think?"
She smiled helplessly, and then I said, "You
look so young and lovely tonight."
'you've said that already, but I don't mind. If
my loveliness is the bottom of your barrel, you
can go with it for a day or two."
The pressure was getting to me now. How
could parents keep themselves from talking
about their children? I decided that there
should be a clinic where addicts could taper off,
first looking at photos of their own children,
then gradually at someone else's, and finally at
slides of vasectomies.
Once our appetisers came, we began to chew
our way through a seemingly endless lull. I
thought about my oldest daughter often telling
me not to talk with a mouthful of food and I
congratulated myself on avoiding a demerit
from Camille by keeping the thought
'Lou know, the Owls could go all the way this
year," I finally said.
+~ ~ ~ I+14~4~ ~ 14~4~ I~ I+~+
"Some new migration?" she replied.
"The Temple Owls. All the way."
"That would be nice. All the way where?"
As a bird-watcher, Camille was no better than
Denise. Was any woman wise enough to follow
my Owls?
After the meal a romantic mood was upon us,
so hand in hand we walked down to the beach
under a sky full of stars. We went almost to the
water's edge, and for four or five minutes
nothing was said; but neither of us was trying
now, for we both were transported by the
awesome beauty of the universe. At last,
however, from somewhere deep in my soul, a
thought emerged and was given voice.

"Just think," I said. "At this very moment,

under these very stars, a little Cosby is wetting
the bed." And then I piteously cried, "Oh,
honey, I tried! You don't know how I tried!"
"Don't hate yourself," she said. "I was just
about to suggest that we gather some shells for
~ t+~. ~ ~ I+~' ~ t+~. ++ ~ t++~+
~~` In Chapter Seven, I said that men and
women are very different, a philosophical
insight you also can find in The Collected
Wisdom of Bugs Bunny, but one that is still
worth saying again. Now before Camille tells
me You always make this point in all the
chapters of all your books, let me remind her
that it never appeared in Picture Pages; and
then let me explain my single repetition of it
here: because this fundamental truththat
women are not just men who can have babies
and men are not just women who spike
footballsgives marriage its vitality, its
dynamics, its delights, and its divorce.
Americans may like the
style called unisex, but the wiser French have a
devout appreciation of the wonder they call la
A few years ago, a book called Sex and the
Brain said that not only are the sexes profoundly different, but these differences are in
the brain before birth and are not taught by
society. There is no society where women learn
to have a keener sense of smell than men, to
play worse chess than men, to stand more pain
than men, to write less music than men, and to
do better than men in elementary school.
When my youngest daughter was in the first
grade at an all-girls' school, I went to her class
one day and watched twenty-five girls of six and
seven sitting in silent attention for fifteen
"To get twenty-five boys to do that," the

teacher told me, "you'd have to put Thorazine

in their milk."
Do boys study short attention spans? Do their
fathers teach them to squirm and to run into
Yes, the differences between the partners
+++++++ ++++++
L O VE A ND MA R R. I A (; E
in a marriage start early, run deep, and have
little to do with environment because the
environment that counts most is the womb. As
another example, girls almost always walk and
talk sooner than boys. However, since society
has been dominated by male chauvinists for five
thousand years, shouldn't these males have seen
to it that their sons did the first walking and
talking while the girls crawled around in silence
for as long as possible?
And could any man ever learn that mystical
thing called woman's intuition, which isn't
mystical at all but rather an ability to pick up
and process subtle clues that men lack because
we're kind of dense? Scientists now feel that the
reason for such radar is anatomical: a larger
bridge between the two sides of the female
brain. To a husband in a fight with his wife, this
is a bridge over troubled water; but the fight
may have started because he was being blunt
while she was using the subtle indirections of
the female mind. Of course, it also may have
started because she directly told him that he
what was wrong with America, and parts of
Mexico too. And it may end when she cries, for
which no penalty flag will be thrown because
chemical warfare isn't forbidden in love.
"Women just don't play chess as well as men,"
a female chess champion once told me. "It has
something to do with the abstract reasoning
that also makes men better mathematicians."
This masculine flair for science may be what
moved a young man in my daughter's
second-grade class to tell her one day, "Please

don't touch me. You have girl germs."

That evening, my puzzled daughter asked me,
"Daddy, are there really girl germs?"
"Of course not," I replied. "There are only girl
Germans. Boys just like to tease you."
"Because girls are different and that's been
confusing men for about ten thousand years."
You can see the flowering of this difference
when you have a daughter who enters her
teens, a period dangerous to mental
healthboth hers and yours. I have four
daughters, the most precious portfolio a man
can hold, and I have watched with amusement
and dismay as each of them entered a period
when a hair drier and a telephone became a
basic life-support system.
Needless to say, the happiness of these four
daughters has been of supreme importance to
me, but the problem is that this happiness may
depend on their avoiding the kind of person
their father was in his drugstore days, a mad
hunter of j-o-n-e-s. Every time a young man has
come to my house for one of my daughters, I
have wanted to take him aside and say:
You're not like me, are you? If you are, then I
know what you want and I hope you have the
same terrible luck. I hope you find my daughter a
cross between Artemis and Eleanor Roosevelt. I
hope you're on a mission impossible. And one
more thing: I may have to kill you, but it will be
nothing per
4~4~+4~. 14~. 14~' ~ ~ I+~. I+~+
sonaL If I don't kill you, what are your plans for
the evening? Since my daughter is still a teenager
and therefore won't have her mind back for
another few years, I'd like you to assure me that
you'll be returning here tonight instead of to a
disco in Guatemala. By the way, you're wearing
the wrong pants.
The worst time for a father comes when his

daughter is fifteen. I have now had three

daughters pass through the treacherous waters
of fifteen and I'm not sure I'll be strong enough
to man the lighthouse for the fourth. I have
heard the long phone conversations full of
mournful sounds, conversations that have left
my daughters looking a little less balanced than
Scarlett O'Hara. I have seen them trying to
learn about love, the only subject that no one
has ever been able to study for.
'Lou know, honey," I said to one of my
fifteen-year-old girls one evening, "the wisest
thought about love comes from a song called
'Nature Boy': The greatest thing you 'tl ever learn
is just to love and be loved in return. "
"'Nature Boy'?" she said. "Is that on the
'Lou bet. Nineteen forty-eight."
"Nineteen forty-eight? Who was alive then?"
"Oh, Jane Russell, John Coltrane, and lots of
us dinosaurs."
Late one afternoon, another daughter of
fifteen came to me and said, "Dad, what is
Wishing she had asked me something easier,
like Where does space end.' I said, "Well . . . it's
a feeling. . . it may be what you're feeling right
now with those eyes that keep saying, 'He
hasn't called.'"
"How did you know?"
"I know that something has got you way down
and it probably isn't the balance of trade."
"I'm in the pits."
"But this may just be a pit stop. What I mean
is, you probably aren't really in love, you're just
in like."
"Dad, I'm fifteen, so I know an awful lot.
4-+' 14.~' I+~' ++

And if this isn't love, then I don't know what

love will ever be."
"It'll be what Mom and I have."
"You mean I'll turn out the light where he's
"No, even more than that."
"I'll walk out of a room when he starts telling
a story?"
"I'm afraid you haven't seen enough of the
really wonderful side."
"I'm just teasing you."
"It's good you still have your sense of humor."
"If Larry doesn't call me, I'm going to lose it.
He said if he didn't call me during the day, he'd
definitely call me at nine tonight."
"I'll do everything I can to help," I said,
wondering what that could be.
At eight o'clock, my daughter sat down
beside the telephone as if she had come to an
altar to pray.
"It's only eight o'clock, honey," I told her.
"You said he's supposed to call at nine."
"He may have forgotten to change to Day
light Savings Time," she said. "He thinks of me
so constantly that he can't concentrate on
anything else. Would you please check the
"Certainly, dear."
My years as a Navy medic had taught me the
proper style for dealing with the insane, so I
picked up the phone and dialed the operator.
"Hello, operator," I said. "Will you please tell
the person in charge of this line that for the
rest of the evening we want no calls from
anyone not named Larry. But don't bother to
put Olivier through.,'

For the next forty-five minutes, she kept her

lonely vigil by the telephone, a girl in silent
supplication to her flicking flame. At eight
fifty-five, her brother came by, reached for the
phone, and almost lost his hand.
"What's wrong with her?" he cried.
"She's fifteen," I said, saying it all.
At two minutes after nine, she said, "He may
have moved to a different time zone.
+4- ~ +4~ ~ 4~4~4~4- ~ +4~4~4 ~ ~
~ 4~4- ~ 4~+ ~ ++~+
Dad, there are lots of places where it's not nine
o'clock now, right?"
"Absolutely. In fact, it's not nine in more
places than it is."
I was keeping her company down the rabbit
"Or maybe he's under arrest," said her
brother, "and he's used up his one phone call.
Too bad you're not a lawyer."
It took me longer than I had expected to pull
her off hirn.
At five minutes after nine, I told her,
"Remember something, honey: there are
millions of guys out there," a bit of censustaking that I instantly realised was a mistake.
"Dad, that's one of the dumbest things you've
ever said," she replied. "There's only one guy
out there and I thought he cared."
"Well, just don't panic now. Your mother is
always half an hour late with me."
"I don't care how old people behave."
When Larry hadn't called by ten, she went up
to her room with tears in her eyes
and my heart followed her there. A few minutes
later, I went to her.

"Are you all right?" I said.

"As all right as I can be," she said, "now that
my life is over."
"Remember, you're just deeply in like. You
can still be his friend, and a friend is someone
you have forever."
"Dad, have you been reading fortune
cookies? Larry was sent to me by God."
"A special delivery, I admit, but what you
have to decide now is this: Is it over or do you
want to keep fighting for him? Is this just a
practice run for marriage or is Larry really the
person you want?"
"I just want him to call so I can tell him I
never want to see him again."
"I know, honey," I said, suddenly remembering my own desire to use the telephone to
destroy darling Charlene. "You're feeling
"Just because he doesn't call doesn't mean
he's rejecting me."
"Of course, of course. If he wanted to reject
you, he'd probably call and . . ."
Feeling that both of us now had taken enough
talk from the Mad Hatter, I gave her a
goodnight kiss, perhaps the thing of greatest
value from a father to a daughter of fifteen.
The following afternoon I was sitting in my
living room, wondering how the wild geese
decided which one would be the point man of
the V, when the telephone rang and a young
man asked for my wounded daughter.
'~ho is this?" I said.
"Larry," he replied.
"Larry, this is Mr. Cosby. I'm afraid we've got
a little problem."
"Can I help?"
"Absolutely: the problem is you. I hate to be

the kind of father who meddles in his

daughter's affairs with a boy, but I'm managing
to overlook my hate. You see, Larry, I truly
love my daughter more than I think you ever
could and I don't want to see her hurt."
"Mr. Cosby, I"
"So you just can't let her go on in a limbo
like this. You've got to let her know exactly
how you feel. I mean, if you just want to be her
frienda terrible word, I knowthen you have
to tell her that."
"Yes, sir. But you see"
"I'm glad you understand. Now she'll be back
in an hour, so make sure you call her then."
"Yes, sir," he said, sounding defeated, the
state in which I wanted him.
"Good boy, Larry. Nice talking to you."
About an hour later my daughter returned
and I was happy to be able to tell her, "Larry
"He didY' she said, lighting up.
'~es, and . . . well, I didn't want to interfere
in things, but . . . now this may seem like a
mistake right now, but you'll really thank me
for it in twenty or thirty years."
"Dad," she said, looking stricken, "what did
you tell him? No, I don't want to know."
Nevertheless, I told her and she listened as if
watching an accident. When I had finished, she
softly said, "I'll be needing some
change of address cards. I'm moving to Peru."
"But at least before you go you'll be finding
out how he feels."
"I know how he feels. He feels I have a very

strange father."
"A very strange father who cares. Dear, I just
wanted to help him say what's in his heart.
Please forgive me."
"I guess I do."
"And please don't tell Mom. In some states,
this would be grounds for divorce."
A little while later the telephone rang, she
answered it upstairs, and I held my breath.
When the conversation was over, she came
thumping down the stairs and leaped the last
two into the room, a huge smile on her face.
"That was Larry!" she said.
"And he wants to be more than a friend. See,
a father's wisdom comes through again. The boy
was just a little confused."
"Dad, he was more confused than a little.
That was the wrong Larry."
"You mean . . ."
+4~4- ~ ~ ~ 4~4- ~ ~ ~ ~ +4~ ~+ ~
I+ ~ i+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"You asked him his plans for me and I'm
afraid I don't fit in. He's going to be a priest."
I paused for a moment of introspection, and
then I said, "I'll be the one going to Peru. You
think Larry could send me off with a blessing?"
She laughed. "But you know, Dad, I've been
thinking. If my father feels I'm in a situation I
can't handle myself, then I must really be a
"A little jerk?" I said with a smile full of love.
"A big female one. So I've decided I'm going
to Larry"
"The lay Larry, you mean."
"Yes, and ask him some serious questions
about where we are."
"And also tell him you have some wonderful
genes on your mother's side. The side that has
the keys to the house."

~~` It was a small dinner party with two dear
friends to celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary
and the talk had begun with such cosmic
concerns as why men always leave toilet seats
"God knows how many women have
drowned," said Camille. "And right after they
worked so hard to take off all that weight."
"I married Dave because he doesn't leave the
toilet seat up," said Caroline. "It may be his
best quality."
"I wonder if the angle of the toilet seat is the
secret of a happy marriage," I said, "or if
there's more to it than that."
"There may be one more thing," said Caroline's husband, Dave. "I once read in a
magazine that the way to keep a woman happily
married is to suddenly sneak up on her and kiss
the back of her neck."
'7've done that!" I said, smiling triumphantly
at Camille. "And here we are: twenty-five years.
Should I switch to biting now? Or is that just
for happy wives in Transylvania?"
"No," said Dave, "I think the article said you
should do the biting on her earor blow on it
or blow your nose before you sing to her; I
really can't remember now."
"You just never know when and where to
bite, blow, kiss, pat, or rub," I said. 'Women
should come with directions."
"Yes," said Camille, "and the first one should
be to avoid men who learn to make love from
Poputar Mechanics. "
"I think it was Gentlemen's Quarterly," said

"Cattlemen's Quarterly, you mean," said

Camille. "But I don't care if it was the Dead
Sea Scrolls. A woman isn't just a collection
of buttons for a man to press, a collection of
erotic knee jerks."
"You never say that when I'm giving you one
of my great back rubs," I told her.
"That's true, I admit. You're one of the good
hands people."
"And here we are. I've been rubbing you the
right way and the wrong way and we've lasted
twenty-five years. The League of Nations didn't
last twenty-five years. The Oakland Raiders
didn't last twenty-five years."
"Only you and I and 'Gilligan's Island.'"
"I wonder if we've learned any rules for how
to do this, maybe something we could put on
stone tablets and have distributed at bus
terminals and in public schools. For example,
one important rule for a good marriage is to
know each other's references."
"What do you mean by that?" said Camille.
"I mean I could only have married a woman
who knew who John Coltrane was."
"Then you could have married Moms Mabley.
But it's true, Caroline: I did have to
pretend I knew John Coltrane and Harrison
"Dillard. "
"You faked that?"
"Because I loved you and I knew it was
important for you to think that I understood
your sweaty world. Honey, women have been

doing that ever since Eve left the rib cage to

develop her own ID."
"I'll bet you never tested him on your references," said Caroline.
"Course not. Women have more sense than
"You've got references?" I said. "Okay, try
meanything from Jefferson Davis to Miles."
"All right, who was Alexander Fleming?"
"Easy! The first host of 'Jeopardy.'"
"The first host to invent penicillin. Alexander
Fleming, not Art."
"Everybody gets them confused."
"Right, the same people who confuse
Woodrow Wilson with Mookie."
"This may not be such a good idea," said
Caroline as I felt the urge to test Camille's
mind in a game of one-on-one. "Dear Abby just
ran some tips for brides on how to have a
successful marriage and one of them is: Don't
correct him in front of other people."
"Another is: Don't give him Dear Abby's tips,
" said Dave.
"What were the others?" said Camille. "It's
okay to say them; Bill never listens."
"I think I heard that," I said.
"Well, there was: Don't threaten to leave him
unless you have a better place to go and Don't ted
him about all the other men you could have
married and . . . and Don't show him the bills at
breakfast. And also: Plan to be spontaneous and
"That's the one I like," I said to Camille.
"Plan to be spontaneous and surprising. Like
Pearl Harbor. Okay, here comes some planned
spontaneity. Tomorrow I'm coming to dinner on
roller skates. So don't make it buffet."
"Bill," said Caroline, "Abby just meant"

"No, I think it's great that we now have all

these rules for marriage. What's next? A
commissioner's office? A three-point shot? Let's
see, that would be kissing both cheeks and"
"Calm down, dear," said Camille.
"If you two are going to fight," said Caroline,
"do it creatively."
"You mean put our insults into couplets?" I
"No, I mean follow Dr. Aaron Beck's rules
for no-fault fights."
"No-fault fights? Where'd you read those? In
Car and Driver? Tell me, who's the marriage
counselor for Sports Afield ? I'd like to learn
how to make love while swimming upstream."
"You've learned already," said Camille.
"Bill," said Caroline, "Dr. Beck is the father of
cognitive therapy at the University of
'Nell, I'm the father of five from Temple and
we whipped Penn plenty when I was there."
"Not in cognitive therapy. For example, Dr.
Beck says that while you're fighting creatively"
+~4. ~ ~ ~ ~ +~+ ~ +~+ ~ ~ ~ ~
+~+ ~ ++~+ ~
L o VE A ND MA R R. I A r;E
"Like throwing paint at each other."
"you should also schedule a ventilation
session, especially if you're too hot."
Suddenly, in the midst of getting my master's
in marriage, I looked at Camille and started to
"Ventilation session 'cause you're too hot," I
said. "Remember how much you wanted a
ventilation session when I dragged you into that

"Do I," she said, also starting to laugh. "Of

course, you already had ventilation: those holes
in your head that made you want to have a
barbecued wife."
"Listen, it was great for you until you started
to die. You lost more weight in five minutes in
that sauna than you did in five days at that
health farm."
"I should've stayed out of that place too."
"I tried to rescue you, but I couldn't get
through the border guard."
"I wonder why. You had enough fat to pass
the entrance examfor a scholarship, in fact."
Shaking with laughter now, I said, "Ca
4~14~4~4 ~ ~ '+~+~+. I++~. ~ ~ ~
mille, I never heard anything as poignant as
your phone call pleading for the rescue."
"I was starting to eat pictures of meat."
"You could've tunneled out through the alfalfa."
"I probably could've flown out: everything I
ate looked like bird seed!"
"Did you ever see the people who sell that
health food? They look like the senior class on
Devil's Island."
"That farm was Devil's Islandbut without
the fun."
There were tears in our eyes now, the kind
that came whenever we were laughing in sync
at some merry memory, the kind that helped to
counteract divorce. At that giddy moment, I
knew that the heart of marriage is memories;
and if the two of you happen to have the same
ones and can saver your reruns, then your
marriage is a gift from the gods, whether your
spontaneity is planned or spontaneous, whether
you're using the Kama Sutra or A Guide for
Campfire Girls.
"You see, David," I said, "there are no

rules; you just have to wing it. A wing and a
prayer, that's what marriage is. I don't care
what Dear Abby says: Camille wouldn't mind
if I brought out the bills at breakfast."
"Just as long as one Bill keeps cooking it,"
she sweetly said, and I lit a cigar, the kind I
always have with my oatmeal.
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be.
~ When Browning wrote these lines, he
wasn't thinking of my mother and father or
anyone else in North Philadelphia; but
whenever I see my mother and father together,
I know they're residing in a state where I want
to live with Camille, a state of such blessed
mellowness that they make the Dalai Lama
seem like a Type A personality.
I will never forget my first awareness that my
mother and father had ascended to a
matrimonial plane where only God knew what
they were doingperhaps. We were driving to
Philadelphia from Atlantic City, with my father
at the wheel, my mother beside him, and me in
the back.
"Oh, there's a car from Pittsburgh," said my
mother, looking at a license plate in the next
"How do you know it's from Pittsburgh?" said
my father.
"Because I couldn't think of Pennsylvania,"
she replied.

And I waited for my father to respond to this

Einsteinian leap into another dimension, but he
didn't speak. He simply continued to drive, a
supremely contented man.
Because he had understood.
He had understood that my mother's
Pittsburgh was a mythical place, located where
the Monongahela entered the twilight zone. My
mother also had not been able to think of
Afghanistan, but she didn't say that the car was
from Kabul. However, had she said that the car
was from Kabul, my father would have
understood it bore Afghans moving to
For the next twenty minutes, I thought about
fifty-three years of marriage and how they had
bonded my parents in this remarkable Zen
rapport; but then I was suddenly
4~+++~+++~++++~++++++f ++ ~
+4~+~+++ ~ 4~+++ ~
aware that my father had just driven past the
exit for Philadelphia. Not the exit for
Pennsylvania or for North America, but for
Philadelphia, the literal city.
"Mom," I said, "didn't Dad just pass the exit
we want?"
"Yes, he did," she replied.
"Well, why don't you say something?"
"Your father knows what he's doing."
Had I driven past the proper exit, my wife
would have said, Please pull over and let me out.
I'd like to finish this trip by hitching a ride on a
chicken truck.
But if Camille and I can just stay together
another twenty-five years, then we also will
have reached the Twilight Zone, where one of
us will do something idiotic and the other one
not only will understand it but admire it as well.
You turned out the light where I'm reading, I
will tell her. Thank you for the surprise trip to the
You left your shoes in the bathtub, she will tell
me. Thank you for giving me two more boats.

4~+~ ~ ~ ~ 14~ t4~4~ ~ ++

One morning a few days after that memorably
roundabout trip to Philadelphia, I got another glimpse
of the lotus land where my parents dwelled. My father
came into the house, took off his hat, put it on a
chair, gave some money to my children, and then
went back and sat on his hat.

"You just sat on your hat," my mother told

"Of course I did," he replied, and then neither one
of them said another word about hat reduction. When
the time came to Ieave, my father picked up the
crushed hat and put it on his head, where it sat like
a piece of Pop Art. My mother glanced at it, as if to
make sure that it would not fall off, and then she
took his arm and they walked out the door, ready to
be the sweethearts of the Mummers Parade.
However, if I ever sat on my hat, Camille would
say, Can't you feel that you're sitting on your hat?
And I would reply, It's a tradition in my
family for a man to sit on his hat. It's one of the
little things that my father did for my mother.
Yes, twenty-five years, happy as they have
been, are still not enough to have given Camille
and me that Ringling Brothers rhythm my
mother and father enjoy. But we can hear the
circus calling to us.
Love, what follies are committed in thy name,
said Francis Bacon.
So far, most of marriage has been the
Ziegfeld Follies for Camille and me. And now
we're getting ready to send in the clowns.
If you enjoyed Bill Cosby's LOVE AND
MARRIAGE, you'll love TIME FLIES, an
uproarious collection of stories about growing
up and growing older by one of America's

best-loved funnymen. Tinged with all the wit,

humor, and wisdom we've come to expect,
TIME FLIES Is Cosby humor at its finest. In
the following excerpt, Dr. Cosby treats us to
two perfect examples of the old saying "Times
waits for no man...."
My Son, the Blur
One of the great mistakes that can be made by
a man of my age is to get involved in athletic
competition with childrenunless, of course,
they are under six. And even then, stay away
from hide-and-seek.
In spite of my awareness of this athletic
truth, a few years ago I could not resist luring
my son Ennis out to the track because I
wanted to see how my genes looked in a
newer model of me; and I was also intoxicated
by a dream of sitting in the stands at the 1988
Olympics and proudly watching my only son.
Of course, if I do see Ennis at the 1988
Olympics, he will be in the seat beside me
because he lacks my competitive zeal. If you
are trying to make the Olympic track team, it
is a definite disadvantage if you hate to run.
Even though my music is the theme from
Chariots of Fire and Ennis's theme is "Bidin'My
Time," I began taking him out to tracks with
me when he was fourteen and I was forty-six.
Wherever I am working, whether I'm taping my
television show in Brooklyn or doing a film in
Los Angeles or playing a nightclub in Las
Vegas, I always spend some time exercising at
a nearby track. In every workout, I try to run at
least two or three miles and also a couple of
quarters. The quarter mile has always been my
event: I ran it in college; and now, in my days
of falling apart, I am running it in masters track
meets, where my fastest time at the age of
forty-six was fifty-eight seconds.
Although he is tall and thin, Ennis prefers
lacrosse to track, possibly because lacrosse
players don't throw up as often as track men. A
smart young man, he learned early that there is
loneliness and pain in running, no matter how
mystical the trendy joggers make it sound.
Americans have become so solemnly pious
about running that every CPA in a sweat-quit
expects to see God after dragging his flab down
the road for a couple of miles. But long before
he sees God, he is liable to see his lunch.
At the time that I first talked Ennis into
working out with me, I ran a two-hundredyard
dash against him and always won. At my age,
you have to take your sporting triumphs where

you find them, even if you

find them in races with boys who don't want to
When he turned fifteen, Ennis was six feet
tall and loose and springy and still did not want
to run. He kept giving me excuses, which I
heard with all the sensitivity of Fred Flintstone.
You know all that sensitivity of mine that you
read about in Fatherhood? Well, I don't take it
to the track.
Trying to whip up Ennis's enthusiasm for
track was like trying to whip up a fly's
enthusiasm for taking a tour of a spider's web.
Whenever he came for a workout, he came
late, but I did not mind. Had he come earlier,
I would have had to listen to more muttering.
But the maddening thing was that the boy
was a natural athlete; and so, I kept trying hard
to encourage him.
"Ennis, you can do it," I told him one day.
"Of course I can," he replied. "But I don't
want to."
At last, I was able to talk him into running
a quarter mile, and my feelings about the result
were decidedly mixed: he did the quarter in
fifty-nine seconds, a time that made me proud;
but it was a time that I could have beaten only
by going flat out, and flat out is a condition in
which I am not a happy man.
However, I decided that I would have a
race with him in the two-hundred-yard dash.
And so, we took off and I quickly
moved out ahead of him. After about the first
hundred yards, he seemed discouraged because
I was running so well, and I even wondered if
he might be thinking of conceding the race to
me. In spite of his having the incalculable
advantage of being fifteen against my
forty-seven, he was competing halfheartedly. I
have always wanted my contemporaries to
compete this way, but I didn't like the style in
my son.
I finally won the race in the time of
twenty-seven seconds, two seconds slower than
if I had gone flat out. I had been so busy
thinking about my time and my pride that I
never received the message my poor son had
been trying to send:
Dad, how about something else like crazy

But I would not give up.
Cosby and Custer.
The following year, when Ennis was sixteen
and I was forty-eight, I dragged him out to a
track that was made of cement, just like my
head. By this point, Ennis had stopped
muttering: he had simply tuned out the
pathetic exhortations of the aging jock who was
trying to recycle his varsity genes. I still was
trying to talk him into running a quarter mile
with me, but Ennis seemed more inclined to
taking a shot at a twentyfive-yard dash.
"Okay," I told him one day, "here's what
we're going to do now: we're going to run
seven-eighths speed; nice and relaxed."
"How far?" he replied.
"Oh . . . straight ahead a ways."
"But how far?"
"I'm afraid I can't say."
I couldn't say because I needed some
concession to my age. By not announcing the
distance of the race, I was making it possible
for myself to stop any time I wanted. I was also
making it impossible for Ennis to pace himself.
I am nothing if not a sportsman.
And so, we both took off. At the beginning
of the race, I was running at seveneighths of
my speed, but Ennis was just taking it easy
because his goal was not the finish line but the
avoidance of pain. My legs were churning, for
I knew that if Ennis decided to open up, he
would leave me like a train pulling out of a
station. Even while he ran at three-quarters
speed, his power was depressingly clear: his
three-quarters moved considerably better than
my seveneighths.
That was the day that Bill Casby invented
a new track and field event: the hundred-and-three-yard dash. It's a middle distance
race for me.
As Satchel Said, Don't Look
One day while I was running on the UCLA
track, pretending that I was on my way to
winning still another decathlon, I saw a boy
from the college track team who was running

tooand suddenly I stopped, transfixed by the

sight of someone moving with a blend of grace,
speed, and power so splendid that I could only
sigh and think:
There goes nineteen.
I soon discovered that this young man's
time for three hundred yards was thirtythree
seconds. Mine was forty. Thirty-three was close
to the world's record and I could not dream of
doing that, even in my most demented
moments, which were coming quite frequently
these days.
But what would I *aye to do to get my time
down to thirty-seven or thirty-eight? I asked
Get a leg transplant, I answered. For a start.
At my age, the hardest thing to do is accept what you are and not torture yourself with
visions of what you used to be. What you are is
a jackass if you think you can come even close
to catching up to your old self, for there is no
race more ridiculous
than one in which you are running against a
- In spite of my awareness of this melancholy truth, I cannot stop carrying a mental
picture of myself from my early years, a picture
that still seems current when I run two or even
three steps. In those first steps, I am always
nineteen; but I age fast around the first turn,
never understanding why. I haven't seen the rust
forming on me.
Fly the Unfriendly Skies
Not only can I
runner, but in
high jumper, I

never catch my old self as a

trying to catch my old self as a
enter an area of poignant
and ludicrous poignancy too.

My first visit to this area was the first time

that I decided to high jump in a masters track
meet. The best jump I had ever made at
Temple was six feet seven; I had just missed at
six feet nine. However, in the masters meet, the
bar was set for me at five - feet. I cleared it but
felt no elation because five feet is nothing.
People convalescing from surgery can clear five
For the next round, the officials raised the
bar to five feet three. I walked up to it, studied
it, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

When I had cleared six-seven, I had been

looking up at the bar, but I was
now looking down. It was like one of the tricks
that my trifocals played on me.
No matter what the problem was, as I
made my first approach to the bar, I was
possessed by another of those moments of
derangement in which I felt that I was the same
person I had always been. And this same
person hit the bar and knocked it off, a truly
rotten jump for a man of twentythree.
It was absurd that I couldn't clear
something I once had been able to hop over
after taking only two stepsand while wearing
a warm-up suit. I concluded that there simply
must have been something wrong with my
timing. And I was right: I was born in 1937.
I still had two more chances to clear this
height of five feet three and my confidence
remained unshaken. I kept telling myself that I
was a man who once had cleared six-seven. I
kept telling myself that I was a man who still
could clear six feet. And, pathetically, I was
listening to me.
When they called my name for my second
try, I clenched my teeth, filled my lungs, ran up
to the bar, and hit it again. As I looked at the
bar on the ground, I began to laugh
incredulously. Other competitors were laughing
too, but incredulous they surely were not. They
believed that Cosby had missed again.
"I don't know what's wrong with this
equipment," I told one of them. 'Lou see, my
height is six-seven."
"Of course it is," he said in a tone that is
popular in nursery schools.
"This height is for my wife."
"Of course it is."
"No, no," I said, "you don't understand."
But he did understand. Those masters
always understand the newest man to be pitied.
At this point, I was more than just embarrassed: I was deeply angry at myself. Sitting
there in the infield of the track and starting to
wonder what decade it was, I finally came to a
moment of truth and realized what was wrong:
the flaw in my jumpingbesides, of course,

always running into the barwas my form.

Therefore, on my next turn, I would abandon
my classical grace and I would "Bogart" the
jump, a word that meant I would muscle myself
over it with the sheer grit of Humphrey Bogart.
And so, Bill Bogey now was ready for his
third and final try, fiercely determined that a
blend of will power, muscle power, and Warner
Brothers movies would take him over the bar.
My plan was inspired: I would make my run to
the bar, hit my mark precisely, and then Bogart
my way toward the sky.
Once more, they called my name. Once
more, the other masters smiled. And once
more, I made my run, a seven-step approach.
Then I planted my foot, sprang up with all the
power at my command, and hit the bar again.
A masters track meet can be a richly educational experience. At this one, I learned
that a man of my age should never try a
Bogart. A George Burns is what he ends up
My Joints Are Jumpin'
The problem is not simply that we foolishly
keep getting older. The problem is that, in
spite of the American craze for fitness, in spite
of health clubs and aerobics and Jane Fonda's
thighs, we are not the jocks we used to be
because we no longer plunge into sports with
the total, flat-out, slightly insane zeal we once
had. We may be jogging nicely by ourselves,
but we no longer play team sports as hard or
as well. There is more coordination in our
outfits than our jump shots.
A good example of this vanished zeal is my
own early conditioning in the Asphalt Athletic
Club: the streets of north Philadelphia. When
I was a teenage boy in a housing project there,
I lived sports the way few teenagers do today.
On a typical summer morning, I got up,
washed my face, and
skipped a hearty breakfast; and then I went out
to meet my friends. I was clean and empty; but
I was also full of a lust for allday competition
that has disappeared from a land where so
many kids spend so many days at malls, letting
their minds and bodies turn to custard in video
When I say all-day, I mean all-day: the
boys and I played baseball, basketball, football,
and stickball for eight or- nine hours with- no

breaks. From time to time, one of our mothers

would come down to the Asphalt A.C. and try
to drag one of the members home for some
forced feeding.
'you've got to eat!" this strange woman
would say.
"any?" her son would reply with a logic all
his own.
"Just take my word for it: every day or two,
you've got to eat."
"But I'll miss the second half."
'you'll end up in the hospital."
"Do they have a team there?"
This boy afraid of missing the second half
had already played eighteen second halves, but
now he was getting ready to peak. Today's
teenagers, however, are a different breed. They
play half court games instead of full court ones;
and after a while, one of them will say, "Hey,
I'm beat. Let's go rent some videos."
In my old neighborhood, a boy stopped
playing when he began to lose his pulse. And
then he became the referee.
On summer nights, we often played until it
got darkand then we played more. There is
no challenge greater in the whole world of
sport than coming to bat in a night game on a
field that has no lights. The pitcher doesn't
need much to handle you, just a general idea of
where his catcher is. On that field of
asphalt-turf, there were a few streetlights, but
they were good only for illuminating the top
halves of fly balls. To handle a grounder, you
needed the headlights of an oncoming
Because of the intensity and duration of
such competition, I was in wonderful shape to
play organised sport in high school and college.
This wonderful shape did not keep me from
dropping the baton in a big relay at Penn, but
I dropped it with a very muscular arm. In the
years since then, I have come to realize that if
a person sustained some of this intensity after
his college days, he would be in better shape in
his forties and fifties. Some of the masters I've
known have trained that way and it shows in
their running, and also in the hearty way they
laugh at me.
If a man in his middle years does not

sustain his conditioning with a certain intensity,

he will not be able to counteract the effects of
time; and, after an injury, he will not be able to
heal the way he once did. In fact, life for him
will seem to become one long quiet injury: he
will begin to hear
sounds in his body that belong in a car that is
being recalled.
What's that clicking? he will ask himself.
I'm supposed to jell, not click. And what's that
ticking? If you're clicking, you shouldn't tick too.
I need a grease and tube job. I wonder if a little
silicone on my elbows and knees would help.
This man has reached an age when he has
to be careful about where he sits. I am not
talking about checking a chair to see if it's
holding a plate of hors d'oeuvre: I am talking
about the mistake of sitting in a chair so soft
that he cannot get back up without making a
noise. If the most sublime ascent a man can
make is up Mount Everest, the least sublime is
rising out of a chair with grunts. Moreover,
there is nothing more demoralising than
coming into the living room and having one of
your daughters say, "Here, Dad, you take the
piano bench."
Franklin D. Who?
During much of the time that I am sitting, no
matter what the state of the chair, I speak a
language that is foreign to people under thirty
because from time to time I refer to things that
happened more than three years ago. No part
of aging is more dismaying than losing your
references, than getting
a blank look from a young person to whom you
have just mentioned the name of someone
obscure, like Paul McCartney.
"Paul McCartney? . . . Paul McCartney?"
this young person is liable to say. "Wait a
minuteI think I've heard of him. Didn't he
used to be with a group called Wings or
George Santayana once said, "Those who
cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it." But the problem is: Who was George
Santayana? Stop fifty people under forty or
forty people under fifty and they will tell you
that Santayana was either a shortstop for the
Indians, the president of Guatemala, or the
man who attacked the Alamo. The Alamo, of
course, was an Italian battleship.

Two or three entire generations of

Americans know Joe DiMaggio as the man who
sold Mr. Coffee. In talking to these generations, if you happen to make a slip and refer
to something medieval like Fats Waller or
Franklin D. Roosevelt, you brand yourself a
living fossil. Like an agent in the OSS, you
must bear in mind that just one little slip can
give you away. And that was a little slip by me:
the Office of Strategic Services was an
organisation from World War II, and World
War II is a dangerous reference if you are
trying to make contact with the underage
enemy, with the people who think Pearl lIarbor
is a new rock star.
Other slips that can reveal you as a relic
are saying "oaktag" instead of "poster board,"
"phonograph" instead of "stereo," and "French
Equatorial Africa" instead of "Chad."
Moreover, never let the younger people
know that you think a compact disc is a sturdy
spine; and never say to them, "That was
before your time," because the last full moon
was before their time.
A few weeks ago, I happened to say to a
member of this Born Yesterday crowd, "I'm
glad Miles Davis is feeling well."
I had made another slip, of course, for my
young listener didn't know Miles Davis from
Jefferson Davis. One of his friends,
however, knew Jefferson Davis: that great lead
guitarist with the Jefferson Airplane.
In addition to never mentioning something
that happened more than three weeks ago,
there is one other thing you must never say:
"When I was your age."
You were never their age. You were
older in the womb.
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