Superficial Parotidectomy Through Retrograde Facial Nerve Dissection

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Superficial parotidectomy through retrograde facial nerve dissection

01/07/2015 22:53

Superficial parotidectomy through retrograde facial nerve
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Peking University School of Stomatology, Beijing,
100081, P. R. China


Keywords: Facial nerve, operation, parotid tumour, superficial parotidectomy

J.R.Coll.Surg.Edinb., 46, February 2001, 104-107

The surgical procedure of superficial parotidectomy is commonly used in the treatment of superficial
parotid tumours. It is essential that, where possible, the facial nerve should be preserved, so its
identification and careful dissection is of paramount importance.
There are two basic techniques for the identification and dissection of the facial nerve. One is the forward
or anterograde dissection, where the approach to the main trunk is taken as an early step, tracing it to the
bifurcation and peripheral branches. The other technique is the retrograde dissection, where the peripheral
branches are identified first, then proximally to the bifurcation or main trunk. This retrograde dissection
of the facial nerve is the more popular in China. In the past 40 years, we have used this technique in
around 2000 cases, presenting with superficial parotid tumour, in the Peking University School of
Stomatology, with encouraging results.
The indications for superficial parotidectomy are as follows:
Benign tumours or low-grade malignant tumours of small size and without involvement of the
facial nerve in the superficial lobe of the parotid gland.
Chronic inflammation of the parotid gland, resistant to conservative treatment.
Tumour-like lesions in the parotid, such as nodular Sjgrens syndrome; oxyphilic
Local anaesthesia with 1% Lidocain (containing adrenaline if possible) is satisfactory and used in most
cases. Subcutaneous injection of the anaesthetic is administered over the whole operative field. After
elevation of the skin flap, anaesthetic is injected into the superficial gland before the gland is incised. In

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Superficial parotidectomy through retrograde facial nerve dissection

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this way the anaesthetic infiltrates the gland evenly without gland spillage as the periparotid fascia forms
a snug envelope and encompasses the gland. If the anaesthetic is injected after gland incision, the
anaesthetic will spill out of the gland, lessening the anaesthetic effect.
A modified Blair incision is used (Figure 1). The preauricular incision is made in the preauricular crease.
The skin flap is raised to the superior, anterior and inferior borders of the gland. There are two techniques
that can be utilised to raise the skin flap. One is to raise the flap over the periparotid fascia. The advantage
of this technique is less bleeding and a clear operating field. The other technique is to raise the flap under
the periparotid fascia. The fascia is included in the skin flap and the gland tissues are exposed. The
periparotid fascia can then act as a barrier to the parasympathetic fibres innervating the salivary and sweat
glands, thereby, reducing the incidence of Freys syndrome. The disadvantage of this technique, however,
is more bleeding peri-operatively. The latter may be overcome if the flap is raised by using cutting
diathermy. Blunt dissection with a haemostat should be used when the anterior border of the gland is to be
exposed because the distal branches of the facial nerve emanate from the gland on to the masseter muscle.
Figure 1: The modified Blair incision

Dissection of the facial nerve and resection of the gland

The posterior branch of the great auricular nerve should be preserved unless the tumour involves the nerve
or the nerve adheres to the tumour. The great auricular nerve, therefore, is identified and its posterior
branch is preserved before the dissection of the facial nerve is commenced (Figure 2). This approach
serves to diminish the loss of sensation to the earlobe.
Figure 2: The posterior branch of great auricular nerve (arrow) is preserved

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The procedure of dissection of the facial nerve is the same as that used in the resection of the gland.
Stensens Duct is used as a landmark for the identification of the buccal branches of the facial nerve. The
skin flap is pulled by a retractor to expose the protrusion of the anterior border of the gland, where
Stensens duct emanates from the gland onto the masseter muscle. The accessory gland may be found
superior to the duct (Figure 3). There are two ways of handling the duct. The facial nerve lies across the
duct in most cases, and the duct should be preserved during the dissection of the nerve; the duct, however,
is ligated and cut if the facial nerve is below the duct. The duct is then traced towards the direction of the
mouth in order to remove the remnants.
Figure 3: Relationship among (1) the buccal branch of the facial nerve, (2) the accessory gland and (3)
parotid duct

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The retromandibular vein is used as a landmark for the identification of the marginal mandibular branch,
and the zygomatic arch for the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve.
Once a nerve branch is identified, dissection proceeds using fine-tipped haemostats to create tunnels in the
parotid tissue immediately above the nerve. The bridges of parotid tissue over-lying the nerve are gently
cut with a size 14 # scalpel. The cutting should stop immediately if suspected nerve or blood vessels are
found in the bridges. The dissection should displace the parotid upwards and downwards, and hence,
avoiding too deep and narrow tunnelling. Great care should be exercised to avoid inadvertent entry into
the tumour during preservation of the facial nerve. As the bifurcation and main trunk of the facial nerve is
exposed, the gland is resected at the posterior border. The parotidectomy should be excised with the
tumour en bloc (Figure 4).
Figure 4: (left) The superficial lobe is removed; (right) The specimen of superficial lobe and tumour

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Several points should be emphasised to avoid mechanical damage to the facial nerve:
Dissection of the facial nerve should be done just above the nerve to show it clearly. To dissect
below the nerve is inadvisable. However, the sheath of the facial nerve should not be opened to
avoid damage to the nerve fibres.
When gauze is used for haemostasis, wet rather than dry gauze is preferable. Clearing of the
operative field of blood should be performed by mild pressure or absorption of the blood rather than
scrubbing. The dissected nerve should be covered by wet gauze to avoid exposure to the air.
Bleeding from capillary vessels should be stopped by the pressure of wet gauze, as some blood
vessels are distributed along with the nerve. The facial nerve is readily damaged if artery forceps
are used for haemostasis. The dissection may be continued in the other areas of the gland whilst
attaining this haemostasis.
The bifurcation of the nerve is close to the retromandibular vein, and any fine branches of the vein
should be ligated and carefully sectioned. Suction is suggested to ensure a clear operational field.
Any bleeding vessel should be carefully clipped with a haemostat to avoid damage to the nerve.
The branching ducts of the gland must be distinguished from the facial nerve. In general, the nerve
is white and shiny, while the duct is grey and dull.
Preservation of the parotid duct
The parotid duct is resected by the traditional technique of superficial parotidectomy. The parotid remnant
atrophies spontaneously. It is reported and found in our own experience, that the facial nerve is above the
parotid duct in most cases.2 It is possible, therefore, to preserve the duct during resection of the superficial
lobe of the parotid gland. The advantage of this is that the saliva secreted from the parotid remnant will be
discharged into the mouth through the duct and partial function of the gland may be preserved. It should
be emphasized that the interlobular ducts, encountered during the dissection, should be ligated carefully in
order to prevent the establishment of a salivary fistula (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Ligation of interlobular duct

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Completion of the procedure

After removal of the superficial parotid gland and the tumour, the cut surface of the parotid remnant
should be sutured by absorbable sutures. This achieves haemostasis, and also prevents the development of
a salivary fistula. If the duct and function of the parotid remnant are to be preserved, deep sutures should
be avoided in order to prevent obstruction of the duct. The wound is irrigated with saline and the integrity
of the facial nerve is checked. If the nerve has been disrupted, an end to end anastomosis of the nerve is
carried out. Closed suction drainage is advisable, and the suction tube should be placed away from the
dissected facial nerve to prevent damage to the nerve. Further anaesthetic is injected into both sides of the
incision. The skin flap is replaced; the platysma muscle and subcutaneous tissues are closed with
absorbable sutures. Finally, the skin incision is closed using 5-0 non-absorbable sutures.
Post-operative management
Closed suction drainage with external pressure by gauge is maintained for 48 or 72 hours and, thereafter,
a thin layer of gauze is placed on the wound. The sutures are removed one week after operation.
Facial nerve weakness
Mechanical damage to the facial nerve should be avoided in most cases if the aforementioned procedures
are followed. The facial nerve may be compressed by a large tumour, or be in close proximity to a
tumour. In these cases, the facial nerve will inevitably be damaged (to a variable degree) if the nerve is
peeled from the capsule of the tumour. In general, the function of the damaged facial nerve will recover in
three months if the nerve itself is not disrupted. During this period, treatment, including injection of
Vitamin B1, B12, and the functional training of facial muscles, may serve to accelerate the recovery of
facial nerve weakness.
Secondary bleeding
This is a rare complication. In most cases the secondary bleeding is from the damaged retromandibular
vein or its branches. The postoperative swelling of the face will be diminished if the retromandibular vein
is preserved. The branches of the vein should be ligated carefully to prevent secondary bleeding. If the

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is preserved. The branches of the vein should be ligated carefully to prevent secondary bleeding. If the
retromandibular vein is damaged, the upper and lower ends of the damaged vein should be ligated. If
significant secondary bleeding occurs, the wound should be reopened, the haematoma removed, the
wound irrigated with saline, the active bleeding point identified and the damaged vein ligated.
Local saliva accumulation or salivary fistula
This is caused by continuous secretion of the parotid remnant and obstruction to the outflow of the
secretions. The obstruction of the suction tube may be one of the causes so a regular check of the suction
drainage system is necessary. If the drainage tube is obstructed irrigation with saline from the outport of
the tube into the wound may clean the blood clots obstructing the holes of the inner tube. Suction is then
reconnected and checked for flow. Should there be a large collection of saliva in the wound it can be
eliminated by aspiration with a syringe and the wound is then compressed with gauze. Spicy and acidic
foods should be avoided. Administration of atropine, 0.3 mg three times a day, is suggested 30 minutes
before meals to decrease saliva secretion.
Loss of sensation to the earlobe
This is generally due to damage to the great auricular nerve. If possible, the nerve should be preserved.
The patient will gradually adapt to the situation and the peripheral sensory nerve fibres will regenerate.
The loss of earlobe sensation will gradually improve.
Freys syndrome
Freys syndrome, also termed gustatory sweating syndrome, results from damage to the parasympathetic
fibres, which regenerate in a misdirected manner to innervate the sweat glands in the skin overlying the
nerve. Stimuli that normally promote parotid gland secretion result in facial sweating. The transfer of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle, to preserve the periparotid fascia within the skin flap, might prevent this
complication. Most patients with Freys syndrome require nothing more than education about the
pathophysiology and reassurance that it is a not unusual side-effect of parotidectomy.3 No special
treatment is necessary for most patients though application of topical glycopyrrolate is reported to be
1. Bailey H. Treatment of tumors of parotid gland with special reference to total parotidectomy. BMJ
1941; 28: 336-49
2. Zhao K, QI DY, Wang LM. Functional superficial parotidectomy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994; 52:
3. Hoffman H, Funt G, Endres D. Evaluation and surgical treat-ment of tumors of the salivary glands.
In: Thawley SE, Panje WR, Batsakis JG, Lindberg RD (eds). Comprehensive management of head
and neck tumors, 2nd ed. 1999, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co.
4. Hays LL, Novack AJ, Worsham JC. The Freys syndrome: a simple, effective treatment.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1982; 90: 419-25
Copyright date: 17th February 2001
Correspondence: Professor Guangyan Yu, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Peking
University School of Stomatology, Beijing, 100081, P. R. China

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Superficial parotidectomy through retrograde facial nerve dissection

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2001 The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, J.R.Coll.Surg.Edinb

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