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Pokemon Learning League

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Brock, Serena and May on a

ship heading for Torom Island on a mostly sunny
afternoon, with the Sun beating down & and the
water gleaming in the light. The waves are calm
and a pod of Wailmer swim by. Serena looks down
at the pod and speak to Brock.)
Serena: Those Wailmer are having a great time,
arent they?
Brock: Yeah, they are, Serena.
(Minutes later, the ship arrives on Torom Island. It
gets to the dock area, then two workers bring out
the ramp, put it into place and everyone gets off
from it. As they start down to the HQ, they take
notice of the decorations around the town and TV
cameras, a stage, big monitors & podiums are set
up. Seats are set up near the stage.)
May: Whats going on here?
Serena: I dont know.
(Just then, a man, Herman, walks by. He has black
hair, amber eyes, is wearing a sky blue t-shirt,
black tight jeans & sneakers.)
Serena: Excuse me, sir.
Herman: Yes, what is it?
Serena: Do you know whats happening here?

Herman: Oh, theres going to be a game show

filmed live this afternoon.
Serena: Oh, okay. Thanks.
Herman: No problem.
(He walks off.)
Brock: Lets come back here later.
May & Serena: Okay.
(They resume on down the path. Five minutes
later, they arrive at the HQ. They head inside and
see Lex setting up life-sized models of six sentai
warriors in the main lobby, standing in a very
confident & imposing stance. Theyre wearing
bright & colorful uniforms, and have helmets,
whose designs are based on different Pokemon, in
their arms. He sets up the one in the blue suit into
Lex (to himself): Yeah, that looks good.
(He picks up the pink one and puts her in the
Serena: Hey, Lex.
(He turns around and sees them.)
Lex: Hey, guys. Hows it going?
Brock: Were doing great. What are you putting up

Lex: Oh, these are sentai warriors.

May: Thats cool.
Lex: Yeah, it is. They defend the world against
various attacking evil forces.
Brock: Would you mind if we help you out?
Lex: No, not at all.
(They each carefully pick up one model and set
each one up into place.)
Lex: Thanks a lot, guys.
Brock: It was no problem at all.
Serena: Hey, Lex. Do you know theres a game
show thats going to be filmed here?
Lex: Of course. Were all going to see it later.
Serena: All right, then.
Lex: Now, if youll excuse me, Im going to get
started on lunch.
(He heads into the kitchen area. Now, they go
down the hallway. Seconds later, they come to the
next room, where they find Diana & Quinn working
at their desks, doing some animation. They each
have four moveable maquettes of human-sized
anthropomorphic Duckletts. Quinn looks in a
mirror, analyzes his facial expressions and then

Quinn: Hows your scene coming along, Diana?

Diana: Great, Quinn. Its nearly finished.
(Just as shes about to resume, she spots the trio.)
Diana: Oh, hey, there.
May: Hey. What are you doing there?
Quinn: Were working on a new short.
Brock: I see. Whats it about?
Quinn: Its about a very wealthy Ducklett and his
nephews embarking on many adventures,
searching for some of the worlds rarest treasures.
Serena: That sounds good. What made you decide
to do this?
Diana: We thought it would be a fun one to do.
Serena: Oh, okay.
Diana: You want to see what we have so far?
Serena: Sure.
(She picks up the paper and flips through them,
showing the Ducklett climbing up a pyramid.)
Brock (impressed): Thats really good.
Diana: Thanks.
May: Do you know where Siara and Ada are?
Quinn: Sure. Theyre out at the track & pool.

May: All right, then. Well see you guys later.

Quinn: Okay, see you.
(They leave the room, go down the hallway and
head outside to the back. As they go down the
path, they see a garden filled with rare flowers,
including some Gracidea, a special play area for
Pokemon, statues of some legendary ones and a
special battle field. Moments later, they come to
the track & swimming pool, where they find Siara
and Ada practicing with a Furret & a Vaporeon.
The pools in the center & has a unique automatic
cover system. There are two hoops at each turn.
The two notice them three coming over.)
Ada: Hi, guys. How are you all doing?
Brock: Were doing great, Ada. What kind of run
are you & Siara doing?
Ada: Oh, were working on a synchronized run.
Brock (getting it): Ahh. Thats pretty interesting.
And hows it coming along?
Ada: Pretty well. Were just about to do another
(Furret and Vaporeon get into their starting
Siara: Okay, you two ready?
(They both nod their heads.)

Siara: Okay, go!

(She hits the stopwatch and Furret starts
swimming, while Vaporeon runs. When they come
to the turn, Vaporeon jumps into the pool, and
Furret gets onto the track. They continue on until
they come to the next turn & do the same thing.
Now they do another lap around.)
Ada: Theyre getting much better.
Siara (agreeing): Yeah.
(They return to the starting point. Siara stops the
time on the stopwatch.)
Siara: That was great. Keep it up, you two.
Furret (enthusiastically): Furret.
Vaporeon (enthusiastically): Vaporeon.
(Serena takes out a bag of Poke Puffs and goes
over to Siara.)
Serena: Here, Siara. This is for the Pokemon.
(She gives her the bag.)
Siara: Thank you, Serena.
(Just then, Vaporeons and Furrets stomachs
Ada: You two getting hungry?
(They both nod their heads in agreement.)

Ada: (chuckles.) All right, then.

(They leave the track & pool, go along the path
and come to a wide Victorian Vinyl pavilion.
Theres a stone table & seats under it. There are
two bowls of Pokemon food made from various
berries sitting on the table. Ada picks them up and
places them on the ground.)
Ada: Here you are, you two.
Furret: Furret.
Vaporeon: Vap.
(They start eating the food, all while giving a
satisfied look to Ada.)
Brock: You make your own Pokemon food, Ada?
Ada: Yes, I do. (She takes out a sample of one of
them.) Here.
(He takes one piece and tastes it.)
Brock: Hmm. This is really good.
Ada: Thanks, Brock. If you want, Ill share the
recipe with you.
Brock: Okay.
(She turns over to May.)
Ada: So, May, how are the Contests going?

May: Oh, terrific. I started entering the Sinnoh

(She pulls out her ribbon base and shows the three
ribbons shes earned.)
Brock: Thats great, May.
Ada: Yeah.
May: Thanks, guys.
(Now, we pan over to Siara talking to Serena.)
Serena: Really? Thats what you did?
Siara: Yes, I did. It wasnt easy, but after a while
Furret really got into it, and can now swim very
Serena: Thats great.
Siara: Yeah, and theres going to be more of it
sometime in the future.
Serena: I see. By the way, do you know what Lex is
Siara: I dont know. All he said was that its going to
be something special.
Serena: Oh, all right then.
(May looks over to Siara.)
May: Hey, Siara.
Siara: Yeah, May?

May: How long have you and Ada have been doing
the runs?
Siara: Weve been doing them for a week and a
May: Oh. Thats pretty good.
Siara: Yep. As you can imagine, it wasnt easy.
May: I can imagine it.
(Now, we turn over to Serena talking with Ada.)
Serena: Hey, Ada.
Ada: Yeah, Serena?
Serena: I was wondering: how do you know how
fast they have to go when they get to the hoops?
Ada: It was pretty simple: all we did was look for
the exact velocity.
Serena: Oh, and how did you do that?
(She pulls out the Pokepilot, turns it on & displays
a special formula.)
Ada: The way its done is pretty simple: you divide
the displacement and the time.
(The formula gets highlighted.)
May: Okay, but what are those arrows for?
Ada: They are used to indicate a change in the

May (understanding): Ahh.

Ada: Anyway, first, you find the displacement,
which is the distance & direction from one point to
the other. Lets say, this guy is going 60 miles to
the northwest. Thats the displacement
(As she describes it, the icons highlight to the
words being spoken.)
Brock: All right, now what?
Ada: Next, you find how much time between when
the object started in motion and when it stopped.
Here, it took him 3 hours to get that far.
Serena: Okay, what else?
Ada: Now, you put them in and you get the
average velocity. The average velocity in here is
20 mph to the northwest.
May: Thats pretty good, and can it be helpful?
Siara: If you do it right, yes it can be. Its also
important to know that there are differences
between velocity and speed.
May (curiously): Really, like what?
(Ada hands the Pokepilot over to Siara, flips
through it, and comes to a section showing the

Siara: Velocity takes in the direction, as well as the

distance & time, whereas speed, as you know, only
takes in the latter two.
May: Okay, what else?
Siara: Another one is that speed is a scalar
quantity, meaning that its just a simple amount of
something, while velocity is a vector quantity, so it
measures out more than one thing. In fact, speed
is the magnitude of velocity.
Brock: Thats pretty interesting there.
Ada: Yeah, it is. So, how about we show you guys
May: Sure thing, Ada.
(Pan up to an upper panel displaying three people
going to different places. The displacement & time
values are shown on each one.)
Ada: Okay, you guys ready to do this?
Brock: Yeah.
Ada: Very well, then. This girl is going from
Driftveil City to Mistralton City on her Gogoat.
What is her average velocity here?
Serena: Hmm. Its 12 mph northwest.
Ada: All right, Serena. Now, this guy is going to
Fuchsia City from Celedon City via Cycling Road.
What is the average velocity?

Brock: 16.5 mph to the south.

Ada: Very good, Brock. Lastly, these two are going
from Dendemille Town to Couriway Town. What is
the average velocity theyre going?
May: Theyre going 17 mph northeast.
Ada: You got it, May. That was great, guys.
Serena: Thanks, Ada.
Ada: Youre welcome, Serena.
(She turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her
pocket. Just then, Lex comes over to them with
two food platters.)
Lex: Lunch is ready, guys.
(He places them on the table. On one, theres a
stuffed crust Alfredo Pizza, some Ceviche and a
Caponata. On the other are a smores pie and a
banana split pie.)
Brock: This all looks really good.
Lex: Well, thank you, guys.
(They each get a certain amount of everything,
except for the pies. They start eating.)
All (contented): Ahh.
May: This is really delicious.
Serena: Mmm, it sure does.

(Minutes later, they have some of the pies. Some

of them have pieces of the smores one, and the
others have the banana split. May, Brock and
Serena finish up their pieces.)
Brock: Hey, Siara. Are you going to do another lap
after this?
Siara: Yeah, we are.
(She resumes eating.)
Brock: All right, then. (He turns over to May and
Serena.) So, guys, how about we do something
while they finish eating?
Serena: All right, but lets see if the viewers are up
for it before we do.
May: Okay, then. (She turns over to the audience.)
Hey, are you guys up for this? (She casually waits
for an answer form the viewers for one second.)
Oh, all right then.
(Dissolve to a list of the various facts. There are
blanks on each one.)
Brock (V.O.): All right, lets do it. What kind of
quantity is speed? (He casually waits for an answer
form the viewers for one and a half seconds.) A
scaler quantity. You got it.
Serena (V.O.): What is a displacement? (She
casually waits for an answer form the viewers for

one and a half seconds.) The distance & direction

from one place to another. All right, then.
May (V.O.): What does velocity take in that speed
doesnt? (She casually waits for an answer form
the viewers for one second.) The direction. Oh,
(Dissolve back to the gang and Serena casually
speaks to the audience.)
Serena (casually): Way to go, you guys.
(Siara and Ada finish up the rest of their pies.)
Siara: That was s
Ada: Yeah. (She get up from her seat.) Okay, you
two ready to get back to it?
(They both nod their heads.)
Vaporeon: Vaporeon.
Furret: Furret.
Ada: All right, then.
(They get up and return to the track. Vaporeon
and Furret both get into their starting position.)
Ada: Okay, go!
(She starts the stopwatch and they start running
and swimming. They come to the turn jump
through the hoops at the exact same time and
switch places. They do the same when they come

to the next one. Minutes, they come to the

stopping point. Ada stops the time.)
Ada: Excellent job, you two. That was your best
time yet.
Vaporeon (happily): Va-por.
Furret (happily): Furr.
(Siara takes out the bag of Poke Puffs and gets two
Siara: Here you are.
(She gives them each one and places them on the
ground. They take a bite into them and give a
satisfied look.)
Siara: Im glad you like them. (She turns over to
Serena.) Serena, you did a great job on them.
Serena: Thanks, Siara.
Lex (O.S., calling over): Come on, guys. The game
show is about to start.
Ada (responding): Okay, well be right there.
(They all turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thank you, guys.
(Now, we dissolve back to the town square, where
the filming of the game show is under way.
Theres a large crowd watching it go on. Three
contestants, Allison, Robert & Lisa are participating

in it. The host, Brett, is on the podium. Allison has

red hair, blue eyes, is wearing a collared shirt,
black jeans and flats. Robert has black hair,
hazelnut eyes, has a mustache, and is wearing a
blue long-sleeved shirt, jean pants and sneakers.
Lisa has blonde hair, green eyes, is wearing a
dress, stockings and sliders. Brett has slightly grey
hair, brown eyes, has mustache, and is wearing a
business suit, dress pants and dress shoes.)
Allison: I'll take Abilities for 500.
Brett: Zorua & Zoroark has this ability that allows it
to transform into any Pokemon and masquerade
about in it.
(Allison rings in.)
Brett: Allison.
Allison: What is Illusion?
Brett: Yes. Go again.
(Now, we pan over to the gang in the crowd
Brock: Well, that was an interesting episode. Did
you enjoy it? (He casually waits for an answer
from the audience for one second.) Oh, all right.
Then, well see you next time.

(He waves goodbye to the audience and we pan

back up to the game as it goes on and we iris out,
ending the episode.)

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