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UN Afghanistan Report Shows Double While not speaking about any particular

UN resolution, Perry said if the

evidence of weapons being stored in
mosques in the Gaza Strip, Travers said
Standard In Judging Civilian Casualties Palestinian Authority said that the earth
was flat, an automatic majority at the
that he did not believe the photographs,
calling them “spurious.”
BY SAMUEL SOKOL January 2009 incursion into the Hamas United Nations would vote to confirm it. One of Hamas’s favorite tactics in fight-
ISRAEL CORRESPONDENT ruled Gaza Strip. Dan McNortan, UNAMA spokesman in ing Israeli forces is to cause the IDF to
The Goldstone Report, as it is colloqui- Afghanistan, refused to comment regard- respond to attacks originating from civil-
The United Nations’ Afghanistan ally known, discusses “eleven incidents in ing allegations that the United Nations has ian infrastructure such as hospitals and
Annual Report on Protection of Civilians which Israeli forces launched direct applied a different standard to the coali- mosques. Subsequent deaths and proper-
in Armed Conflict, issued in January, has attacks against civilians with lethal out- tion forces than it has in judging the IDF. ty damage are then carefully filmed and
absolved coalition forces of culpability come… in which the facts indicate no jus- The United Nations alleged that distributed to the press by members of
for the majority of civilian casualties in tifiable military objective pursued by the Israeli forces engaged in “intentional the de-facto Hamas government.
the almost decade long allied occupation attack.” These allegations of war crimes attacks against the civilian population Noted Jewish-American jurist Alan
of Afghanistan. on behalf of the Israeli Defense Forces and civilian objects,” in discussing Dershowitz has spoken out harshly
According to the report issued by the have been vociferously protested by attacks on Gaza mosques. against Richard Goldstone, calling him a
United Nations Assistance Mission in “traitor” and stating that his report “accus-
Afghanistan, at least “5,978 civilians were es Israel of using Hamas rocket attacks
killed and injured in 2009, the highest against its civilians as an excuse—a
number of civilian casualties recorded
since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.”
If the Palestinian Authority said cover—for a carefully planned and exe-
cuted policy of deliberately targeting
Already in 2009 the United Nations innocent civilians for mass murder.”
reported that the annually rising death toll that the earth was flat, an Israel entered the Gaza Strip as a result
in the war ravaged Muslim nation was of almost a decade of continuing rocket
mostly due to suicide attacks and impro-
vised explosive devices placed by insurgent
automatic majority at the United and mortar fire on its population centers
in the Western Negev desert.
groups. While there was blame placed on The Israeli Defense Forces recently
American forces for unnecessary casualties Nations would vote to confirm it. issued a counter-report addressing some
amongst the civilian population, the 2009 of the war crimes allegations. The United
report explained that the Taliban would Nations blames Israel, rather than Hamas,
frequently attack coalition forces in dense- for the conflict, with the United Nations’
ly populated areas. The report did suggest Israeli and Jewish leaders. Israeli Prime While the mission only checked two report going so far as to suggest Israeli
that coalition forces keep only a necessary Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called mosques, the mission’s military expert, reparations to the population of the Gaza
minimal military presence in civilian the report a “strategic threat,” saying that retired Irish Col. Desmond Travers, stated Strip, a territory ruled by an internation-
zones, but did not go so far as to blame the it hampers the ability of democracies to with assurance that there was “no evi- ally recognized terrorist organization.
United States army for resultant deaths. fight terrorism and to engage in asym- dence that mosques were used to store In the case of Israel, the United
The Afghanistan report stands in stark metrical warfare. munitions.” He said, “Those charges Nations decided, “the incident and pat-
contrast to a report recently written by a Ashley Perry, media advisor to Israeli reflect Western perceptions in some terns of events that are considered in this
United Nations’ investigative team head- deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon, quarters that Islam is a violent religion,” report have resulted from deliberate plan-
ed by Judge Richard Goldstone, a South told the Five Towns Jewish Times that ignoring the role that radical political ning and policy decisions throughout the
African Jewish judge, which was sent to Israel is held to a different standard than Islam plays in the worldview of Hamas.
conduct a post-mortem on Israel’s other countries in international forums. When the IDF produced documentary Continued on Page 58


UN Report
Continued from Page 57

chain of command, down to the standard

operating procedures and instructions
given to the troops on the ground.”
The United Nations Afghanistan report,
on the other hand, noted that many attacks
on civilian targets originate from forces out-
side of the normal coalition chain of com-
mand. However, the UN stopped short of
saying that attacks on civilians or unintend-
ed deaths because of night bombing raids
were the product of a formal policy deci-
sion to harm non-combatants.
Coalition forces have been given cred-
it for attempting to minimize civilian
casualties in Afghanistan. “International
military forces did take strategic and spe-
cific steps to minimize civilian casualties
in 2009,” according to the United Nations.
“The change in ISAF command, clearer
command structures, and a new tactical
directive have all contributed to the
efforts by ISAF to reduce the impact of
the armed conflict on civilians.”
In contrast, Israeli attempts to warn
civilians before airstrikes with pre-record-
ed telephone calls were dismissed as lack-
ing “credibility and clarity.”
In summarizing its findings, the
Afghanistan Annual Report on Protection
of Civilians in Armed Conflict found the
“ISAF’s declared strategy of prioritizing
the safety and security of civilians is a
welcome development.” By the same
token, the Taliban was blamed for active-
ly attacking Afghan civilians. The report
concludes, “the inability or unwilling-
ness of the armed opposition to take
measures that preempt and reduce the
harm that their tactics entail for civilians
translates into a growing death toll and
an ever larger proportion of the total
number of civilian dead.”
The New York Times reported in 2009
in the name of the United Nations that
“for all the civilians killed at the hands of
the Afghan government and American-led
forces, the Afghan people have more to
fear from the insurgents.” Significantly
more non-combatants have been injured
or killed in Afghanistan by allied troops
than by IDF forces in the Gaza Strip.
The former British commander in
Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp, told the
BBC that he did not “think there has ever
been a time in the history of warfare
when any army has made more effort to
reduce civilian casualties and deaths of
innocent people than the [Israel Defense
Forces] is doing … in Gaza.”
A career diplomat with years of experi-
ence at the United Nations confided that
it is no surprise that the United Nations
uses a different standard to judge Israel.
Speaking off the record and requesting to
remain anonymous, he mentioned the
UNHRC’s refusal to condemn the brutal
tactics used by the Sri Lankan army
against Tamil insurgents last year. The
United Nations, he said, referred to the
brutal civil war as an “internal matter.”
Speaking in Dublin, Navi Pillai, the UN
High Commissioner for Human Rights,
called for an investigation of human
rights abuses in Sri Lanka. According to
the BBC, she expressed “disappointment
that the issue of alleged war crimes in Sri
Lanka was not properly addressed at the
Human Rights Council.”
The United Nations’ spokesman in
New York could not be reached by the
Five Towns Jewish Times for comment. ❖

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