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Bojan Bili and Sanja Kajini (Eds)

LGBT Activist Politics and Intersectionality

Multiple Others in Croatia and Serbia
Bojan Bili and Sanja Kajini
LGBT Activist Politics and Networks of Discrimination in Croatia and Serbia
Lepa Mlaenovi
Searching For Our Lesbian Nests:
Feminist Lesbian Organising Before and After the Yugoslav Wars, 1980-2010
Amir Hodi, Jay Poti and Arian Kajtezovi
The (In)Visible T:
Trans* Activism in Croatia (2004-2014)
Radica Hura
Against Bisexual Erasure:
Beginnings of Bi Activism in Serbia
Antonela Marui
LGBT Orientation and Homelessness in Croatia
Vera Kurti
LGBTTIQ Roma in Serbia:
Where Is Our Movement Heading?
Irene Dioli
Normalisation, Discipline, and Conflict:
Intersections of LGBT Rights and Workers' Rights in Serbia
Bojan Bili
Beyond a Single Issue LGBT Activism:
Queer Beograd Collective
Marija Radoman
Towards a More Inclusive Pride?
Representing Multiple Discriminations in the Belgrade Pride Parade
Andrew Hodges
White Angels Zagreb:
Combatting Homophobia as Rural Primitivism
Duan Maljkovi
Building Solidarity With(in) LGBT Initiatives in Croatia and Serbia

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