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Technical Specification


Table of Contents

General ................................................................................................................... 3


Codes and Standards............................................................................................ 3


Material ................................................................................................................... 4


Material for Fill .................................................................................................. 4


Material for Horizontal Drainage...................................................................... 5


Material for Vertical Drains .............................................................................. 5


Drainage sand for drains ............................................................................. 5


Plastic drains ................................................................................................ 5


Transportation, Storage and Installation of Plastic Drains ...................... 5


Quality .................................................................................................................... 6


General............................................................................................................... 6


Quality Control of Fill Material......................................................................... 6


Monitoring of Settlement.................................................................................. 6


Settlements Rods.............................................................................................. 7


Piezometers....................................................................................................... 8


Measurements for Filling ................................................................................. 8


Compaction ....................................................................................................... 8


Certificate of Origin .......................................................................................... 9


Tolerances............................................................................................................ 10


Landfill ............................................................................................................. 10


Placement of Vertical Drains ......................................................................... 10


Length of Drain ............................................................................................... 10


Equipment ............................................................................................................ 10


Specification for Construction Works ............................................................... 11


Clearance of Construction Site ..................................................................... 11


Sand Borrow Areas......................................................................................... 11


Reclamation with Hydraulic Fill..................................................................... 12


General ........................................................................................................ 12


Placing and Filling...................................................................................... 12


Misplaced Fill Material ............................................................................... 12


Compaction................................................................................................. 13


Water Boxes for Hydraulic Fill .................................................................. 13

Consolidation with Sand Stockpiles / Vertical Drainage............................. 13


General ........................................................................................................ 13


Preparation of Sand Stockpile Area ......................................................... 14


Consolidation with Vertical Drainage....................................................... 14


Removing of Sand Stockpiles................................................................... 14


Grading / Compaction .................................................................................... 14

Measurement and Payment ................................................................................ 15


Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures

Section 600

Technical Specifications



The work covered under this Section consists of furnishing all necessary labour, equipment,
appliances, materials, tests, workshop planning, etc. in performing all operations in connection
with reclamation and consolidation works in accordance with the design drawings and
Reclamation and consolidation works cover filling of any area, regardless of water or land, by
hydraulic or conventional, i.e. dry fill to designed levels, including all necessary consolidation
measures to achieve the designated settlement within the reclamation areas in due time.
The Tenderer shall submit with his Tender well-elaborated Method Statements containing the
proposed method and timing for filling of the designated reclamation areas, including all
consolidation works necessary. The source and type of fill material shall be indicated.
Along with the Tender the Tenderer shall submit Method Statements providing detailed
information about the method and equipment to be used. This information forms part of the
general schedule or detailed work plan.
The consolidation of weak and soft soil has to take place up to a degree of consolidation of at
least 95 % within 90 days after land reclamation and commencement of pre-loading by sand
stockpiles (as described in subsection 8.4.)
The required grid and depth of vertical drainage is stated in this Section. The Contractor shall
take and calculate all necessary measures. The Contractor is solely responsible to reach the
above stated aim.
Any temporary measures for enclosing the reclamation areas must be provided by the
Contractor and are subject to Engineer's approval. The costs for any such measures are
deemed to be covered by the unit rates for reclamation fill, except for that portion, which may
become a permanent part of the embankment revetment.

Codes and Standards

The work shall be carried out in accordance with the following codes and specifications:
R 81 (EAU 2004) - for hydraulic fill
Eurocode EC 7
All Estonian Codes and Standards which may apply.


Time Restriction due to Environment

In order to avoid damaging of fish reproduction conditions dredging, filling and dumping shall
not be performed from April 1st to July 15th (i.e. the main spawning time of fish). During the work
wind speed shall not exceed 12 m/s.
During the rest of the time, work shall be suspended or performed in the decreased volume, if
during the monitoring of the spreading of suspended matter noticeable spreading of suspended
matter outside from the limits of Muuga Harbour acquatory or dumping site is noticed.

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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures

Technical Specifications

The Contractor shall take every precaution to minimise negative effects on the environment due
to the re-suspension, dispersion, and deposition of fine materials in the waters in and around
the dredging area and the placement sites.

Material for Fill

The material for land reclamation and fill may be obtained by dredging, excavation on Site and /
or delivery.
Material to be used for land reclamation and filling beneath the water level shall be:
silt content (d < 0.063 mm):
factor of uniformity U (= D10 / D60):
3 (i.e. steep grain size distribution curve)
content of organic matter:
free draining.
Material to be used for land reclamation and filling between the water level and + 1.7 m shall be
silt content (d < 0.063 mm):
content of organic matter:
good compactable
mixed-grained (i.e. with flat grain size distribution curve)
silt content (d < 0.063 mm):
30 %
content of organic matter:
good compactable
Furthermore, above + 1.70 m the following material shall be used:
silt content (d < 0.063 mm):
content of organic matter:
good compactable
factor of uniformity U (= D10 / D60):
free draining.
Such materials shall be selected by the Contractor for the individual purposes, be tested by him
and representative samples shall be submitted in an appropriate time period to the Engineer
along with test reports for approval before starting the work. The samples will be retained by the
Engineer and used for comparison.
The Contractor shall take all measures he deems to be necessary to comply with the quality
requirements mentioned above.
When required the Contractor shall adopt an excavation method that will allow for selection of
fill material.
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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures

Technical Specifications

It shall be assumed, that most of the material from dredging at Site is not suitable for land

Material for Horizontal Drainage

The horizontal drainage shall consist of a layer of the following material:

silt content (d < 0.063 mm):
good compactable
factor of uniformity U (= D10 / D60):
free draining.


Material for Vertical Drains

Plastic drains should be preferred for the vertical drainage. Sand drains can be used.

Drainage sand for drains

Drainage sand for sand drains must consist of mineral material. The grain-size distribution of
the used sand has to guarantee the filter properties against the soil on Site.
The permeability of drainage sand for drains must be more than hundred times of the
permeability of the soil to consolidate. If sand drains are proposed by the Contractor, he shall be
responsible to determine the adequate sand material.

Plastic drains

The equivalent diameter, calculated as d = 2 (b+t) / , shall be least 50 mm with:

d = equivalent drain diameter in mm
b = width of the drain strip in mm
t = thickness of the drain strip in mm
The drainage shall meet the following requirements:
breaking elongation of the drain:
tensile strength of the drain:
strain of the drain under a tensile force of 0.5 kN:
permeability of the drain filter:
permittivity of the filter:
characteristic pore size O90 of the drain filter:

1.5 kN.
1*10-4 m/s.
1,0 s-1
80 m.

Transportation, Storage and Installation of Plastic Drains

With respect to the transport, storage and installation of plastic drains, the manufacturers
recommendations shall be respected.

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Port Infrastructure Measures


Technical Specifications


The Contractor shall take all measures he deems to be necessary to comply with the quality
requirements and to ensure a homogeneous soil profile, avoiding concentrations of fine material
(silt pockets or impervious silt layers).

Quality Control of Fill Material

Before any dredging for the Reclamation Works is commenced the Contractor shall carry out a
chemical analysis according to Eurocodes, ASTM, BS, DIN or applying Estonian Codes and
Standards on a bed material sample from the Borrow Area(s) selected to check the suitability of
the material.
The Contractor shall regularly take representative samples of the fill material during placement
as directed by the Engineer for checking the quality of the material. At least three samples shall
be taken per day of filling works, and a particle size determination be made.
For this purpose the Contractor shall have available on Site laboratory testing equipment for
determining grain size distributions, Atterberg limits and optimum density (Proctor compaction
Any material found not in conformity with the Specifications shall be rejected by the Engineer
and shall be removed from Site by the Contractor. Rejection may be made at the source, on the
transporting unit, or in final position. Acceptance of fill will be made only after the materials have
been dumped, spread and compacted in final position.
In case the quality of fill material does not comply with the requirement stipulated above, the
Contractor shall remove his equipment to another borrow area resp. location in the borrow area.
Fill material that does not comply with the quality requirements set forth above, shall be
disposed of in the Disposal Area.

Monitoring of Settlement

The Contractor shall monitor settlements and horizontal movements of the structures and fill
and land reclamation. Apart from settlements, the Contractor shall monitor the piezometric and
excess pore pressures in the subsoil near and under slopes of fills on the in situ seabed to
verify predicted- with measured values. Furthermore the Contractor shall keep a log of all
construction stages (individual and cumulative thickness of layers and corresponding time of
For this purpose the Contractor shall prepare and submit in his Method Statement a monitoring
plan to the Engineer.
The purpose of the respective monitoring is:
To supplement the information on the soil in combination with the data from the
geotechnical investigations.
To check the correctness of the design and calculation assumptions of consolidation and
The monitoring of the works behaviour during their construction, in order to guide the
Contractor to take possibly necessary measures.
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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures

Technical Specifications

The monitoring of the quay wall structure and the permanent anchoring works behaviour
after the completion of their construction and dredging free of the berth pockets.

The measurement instruments to be selected by the Contractor shall be robust, operable

(during the corresponding time of their use) and reliable.
Prior to starting any measurements all instruments shall be checked and calibrated according to
the instructions of their manufacturer.

Settlements Rods

The Contractor shall install and phase settlement rods at locations in accordance with his
Method Statement, but at least every 100 x 100 m. The settlement rods shall comply with the
following requirements:
plate dimension:
500 mm x 500mm
plate thickness:
10 mm
pipe diameter:
25 mm
pipe sections: at least 1.50 m
plate bearing the number of the rod.
Immediately after installation, the top and the bottom of the settlement rod shall be levelled and
be referred to Chart Datum. The pipes shall be extended by means of couplings and/or sockets.
The coordinates of the rods shall be expressed in Plant Grid.
The Contractor shall take all precautions to safeguard the settlement rods from any disturbance
between installation and the end of the settlement measurements, i.e. when the Engineer
agrees to abandon the rods.
In case a settlement rod has been disturbed, the rod shall be levelled anew immediately. The
Contractor will then make an, in his opinion reasonable, estimate of the level of the rod just
before the disturbance took place.
The elevation of the top of settlement rods shall be levelled every second day, or every such
period as may be required and agreed by the Engineer. The result of the levelling shall be
carefully noted in a log book. The logs shall state the progress of work (height of fill, installation
of vertical drains, etc.).
The results of the settlement measurement shall be evaluated weekly by the Contactor and
shall be compared with the proceeding values of settlement. On the basis of the evaluation the
Contractor shall determine the required time for the perpetuation of the surplus loads (sand
piles) in order to reach the desired degree of consolidation.
Furthermore, the Contractor shall determine the time of 90% of final consolidation, as this is
defined as the earliest moment for commencement of dredging works along the quay walls and
the sloped embankment.
Every week the Engineer shall receive a copy of the latest levelling results, including the above
mentioned evaluation of the results (in Excel-file).
Until the Contractor has provided sufficient prove to the Engineer that he will meet the
requirements with respect to the maximum allowable residual settlements he shall continue to
survey the Reclamation Area.

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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures


Technical Specifications


Before starting any Reclamation Work, piezometers shall be installed at locations in conformity
with the Contractors Method Statement (Monitoring Plan), but at least every 100 m x 100 m.
Filters in each piezometer shall be installed at depths indicated in the Contractors Design and
Method Statement.
The piles shall be raised upon requirement according to the proceeding rise of the landfill. The
Contractor shall take all precautions to prevent rinse water and rainwater from entering into the
Readings shall be carried out daily during the filling process of the Reclamation Area in order to
monitor the pore water pressure. However, the first three (3) readings shall be carried out
before the filling procedure is to be started.
After the Reclamation Works have been finished, weekly readings of the piezometers shall be
continued until the end of the project.

Measurements for Filling

Measurement for the filling with sand shall be done by measuring the layer thickness of the fill
after compaction. The layer thickness will be checked by means of the settlement rods. The
area in between two rods shall be checked by means of a level instrument.
At his discretion the Engineer may request additional check of the layer thickness by means of
auger boring tests.
In case of discrepancies between the layer thickness derived from the settlement rod and from
the result of the auger boring test, the result of the boring test shall govern. In such case the
Engineer may require that the Contractor shall dig a test pit under the direct supervision of the


The Contractor shall verify the in-situ density as the filling and compaction works proceed. The
density of each layer of fill shall be checked by means of undisturbed soil samples.
For each 4000 m2 of compacted surface in-situ densities are to be measured at three adjacent
All samples are to be taken and tests performed in the presence of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall submit results of all such tests in an approved form. The costs for sampling and
testing shall be borne by the Contractor and are deemed to be covered by surcharges included
in the respective unit rates.
The required densities are as follows:
Fill up to 2 m below designed
finished surface
Fill between 1 and 2 m below
designed finished surface
Fill from 1 m below up to the
Section 600 - Land Reclamation and Consolidation

Degree of Density
ID 50
Dpr 98 (coarse- grained)
Dpr 97 (mixed-grained)
Dpr 100
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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures

Technical Specifications

designed finished surface

Individual test results may be down by 5 % of the specified values, but the mean value of
adjacent test points must at least correspond to the values specified above.
If tested densities should otherwise fall below the above limits at any place, recompaction of
such areas shall be carried out by the Contractor and new tests executed thereafter.
Should two testing methods yield differing results, the more unfavourable result will be
considered binding.

Certificate of Origin

The certificates of origin for the plastic drains he shall be presented by the Contractor to the
This certificate must be issued and signed by the manufacturer and state:
name of the manufacturer
brand name
place and date of manufacture
a reference to the quality control carried out by the manufacturer
the manufacturers implementation directions
plus the following minimum product specifications:
geometry of the core
mass of the drain per unit of length
mass of the core per unit of surface area
mass of the filter per unit of surface area
equivalent drain diameter
breaking strain of the drain
tensile strength of the drain
strain of the drain when subjected to a tensile force of 0.5 kN
permeability of the drain
permittivity of the filter
characteristic pore size O90 of the filter
discharge capacity of a drain and the cell pressure
discharge capacity of a buckled drain and the cell pressure.

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Port Infrastructure Measures





Technical Specifications

After removal of the sand stock piles and subsequent grading of the reclaimed area to an
average not below + 2,7 m the elevation at each point shall be at + 2.7 m (with a tolerance of
10 cm).

Placement of Vertical Drains

Measured in a horizontal plane, the deviation between the middle line of a drain and the siting
as described in the Drawings must not be more than 250 mm.
The deviation between the axis of a drain and the perpendicular must not be more than 50:1.

Length of Drain

Any drainage shall be cut at least 30 cm above the working floor elevation (the surface from
where the drains are installed).
Plastic drains must be shortened in such a way that the length of the drain with a full drain
diameter above the work floor is at least 0.30 m. The plastic drains shall terminate within the
horizontal drainage.


The proposed equipment for reclamation and consolidation works shall be described in the
Method Statement to be submitted with the Tender.
When drilling shafts for sand drains it shall be possible to read off the shaft depth on the drilling
When installing plastic drains, it shall be possible to read off the insertion depth on the
installation equipment.
The inside of the lance for installing plastic drains must not have any sharp projections.
With due observance of the geotechnical data listed in the geotechnical reports, the Contractor
decides in consideration with his work method, whether pre-drilling is needed to install drains.

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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures


Technical Specifications

Specification for Construction Works


Clearance of Construction Site

Prior to commencement of work the designated areas for land reclamation and landfill shall be
cleared of any vegetation, obstacle, bolders, debris, rubbish, foundations etc. or otherwise
unsuitable matter, which would prevent the technically sound execution and completion of all
Works of the Project (incl. pile driving, reclamation, dredging).
The Contractor must not demolish or remove existing objects, whether indicated on the maps or
not, unless a specific no objection from the Engineer is made.
The Contractor shall take every precaution to preserve from damage any of these objects,
including constructions, fences, trees or shrubs, etc., which are situated on or near the
Reclamation Area.
All debris, rubbish, vegetation etc. arising from the clearing operations shall be dumped into a
depot to be selected by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.

Sand Borrow Areas

The Contractor is solely and completely responsible for the supply of sand or required material
from borrow area(s).
The following possible sand borrow areas have been stated by the Port of Tallinn:

Hiiu Shallow Sand Deposit

distance from Muuga:

ca. 180 miles

ca. 2.180.000 m

Naissaare I and II Sand Deposits

distance from Muuga:
ca. 40 miles
ca. 964.000 m

Ihasalu Sand Deposit

distance from Muuga:

ca. 10 miles
ca. 664.000 m

Naissaare Sand Deposit (new)

distance from Muuga:

ca. 40 miles
ca. 629.000 m

Further information on the sand borrow areas are given in Annex 600-1.
The Contractor shall obtain all required permits and approvals for the sand borrow areas and
the exploitation by the Estonian Authorities.
The Contractor shall pay all costs thereof, required e.g. for the royalties, dredging permits,
sailing permits, dumping permits of the sand for the Reclamation Works, the required sounding
at the borrow areas, etc.

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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures


Technical Specifications

Reclamation with Hydraulic Fill


The reclamation works shall be carried out in accordance with the Method Statement of the
Contractor. The method and execution of the reclamation works shall adhere strictly to the
requirement to minimize the washing out of reclamation material into the harbour.
The remuneration will only be made for installed and compacted material at the final stage (i.e.
after consolidation).
The Contractor is / shall be solely and completely responsible for the supply of sand or required
material from borrow area(s).
Transport of the dredged material shall conform to Section 700.
The Method Statements shall also cover the measures selected by the Contractor to avoid
concentration of slurry material in the landfill.

Placing and Filling

The placing of material for reclamation and filling shall be in accordance with the Contractor's
Method Statement and Production Assessment, in which special attention shall be given to the
methods for obtaining a homogeneous fill, without silt layers or silt pockets. If layers of slurry
material occur, the Contractor shall remove these layers and transport this material to places to
the disposal site and re-fill such locations by fill material (sand).
Fill shall be carefully placed to avoid mechanical failure, as well as excessive loads on any
temporary or permanent structure or part thereof. The Contractor must not commence filling of
any area or backfilling of any sheet pile wall until the Engineer has given his respective
Along the sheet pile walls the hydraulic fill (incl. sand stock piles) must never be placed above
+ 2.7 m. The filling shall start right beyond the concrete quay area.
The Contractor is free to make provisions to prevent erosion of the fill, however geotechnical
stability of the slopes and of the quay structure under construction shall be guaranteed at all
times. In case any slides may occur, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the removal
and disposal of the subsoil up to the original ground level, and the replacement of the sand.
The final elevation of land reclamation is at + 2.7 m (after removal of the surplus load / sand
stock piles). The reclamation area (with top level at + 2.7 m) extends 10 m beyond the area of
development Phase 1.
No placing of fill material shall be done outside the limits and lines of the Reclamation Area as
shown on the Drawings. The area for hydraulic fill is fixed on the Drawings by the toe of the fill.

Misplaced Fill Material

Any fill material dumped outside the Reclamation Area, through fault or negligence of the
Contractor shall be regarded as Misplaced Fill.
Any material deposited in or washed into dredged areas because of agitation dredging or spill
and because of any other reason related directly or indirectly to the Reclamation Works shall be
regarded as Misplaced Fill.
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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures

Technical Specifications

The Contractor shall remove such Misplaced Fill at his own expense.


Prior to the commencement of works the Contractor shall sufficiently describe the proposed
methods of compaction (equipment, height of layers, number of transitions, achieved
compactness). The methods and verification of the compaction shall be agreed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the flow of water and material
from the discharge flow is maintained to guarantee a highest possible compaction of the fill
For the last 2 m (vertically) of the reclamation the water level within the Reclamation Area
concerned shall always be kept below the actual level of sand fill during the reclamation

Water Boxes for Hydraulic Fill

The Contractor shall design the type and size of the overflow system, if any, which may consist
of drop inlets, adjustable weirs or any other structure with a discharge pipeline or route
discharging always under water. The Contractors proposed overflow system and its locations
will be presented in his Method Statement.
The discharge points of return water shall be located such that the discharge will not take place
over an area to be reclaimed within this Contract or that has already been reclaimed.
Any siltation due to the return water flow in areas where such is in the opinion of the Engineer
not acceptable shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor to the disposal site.

Consolidation with Sand Stockpiles / Vertical Drainage


The max. settlement to be expected within 5 years after completion of works while imposing
average loads of 60 kN/m (i.e. 60 % of the max. design load) shall be limited to 15 cm.
The Contractor shall execute all necessary measures, such as sand stockpiles and vertical
drains to enforce settlement and consolidation until the end of the works, in order to meet the
above requirement.
Furthermore, the consolidation of weak and soft soil has to take place up to a degree of
consolidation of at least 95 % within 100 days after land reclamation and commencement of
pre-loading by sand stockpiles.
The Contractor shall stockpile, above the reclamation of the area, a certain quantity of fill
material for pre-loading, grading and levelling of the reclamation area and embankments and for
refilling any depressions in the terrain if unequal settlements have occurred.
The sand stocks and all work in relation to such stocks, such as e.g. the shifting within the
reclamation area, are deemed to be included in the Reclamation Works.

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Eastern Extension of Muuga Harbour

Port Infrastructure Measures


Technical Specifications

Preparation of Sand Stockpile Area

The dimensions of the pre-load shall be such that this pre-Ioad is able
to impose loads of 60 kN/m (i.e. 60% of the design traffic load of 100 kN/m) and
to accommodate the required volume for settlements.
As the specific weight of the material affects the required minimum height of the sand stock pile,
the height shall at all times be at least as follows:

Material with 19,8 kN/m:

h = about 3,0 m (min. height)

Material with < 19,8 kN/m:

h = about 3,0 m x 19,8kN/m / (min. height).

In addition, material shall be added to compensate the loss in height due to settlement.
Taking into account the expected consolidation settlements, the additional filling should reach
the levels of +6,50 m as shown in the Drawings.
This surplus load shall also be achieved immediately landside of the quay structure.

Consolidation with Vertical Drainage

In addition to the sand stockpiles a system of vertical drains shall be introduced.

The Contractor shall install vertical drainage across the total area to be developed as indicated
in the in the Tender Drawings. The vertical drainage shall be set in accordance with the Method
Statement, but at least every 2.5 m x 2.5 m (rectangular grid).
The vertical drainage shall reach down to and end at the bearing soil strata (e.g. Moraine, silty
clay till, silty clay moraine), but not deeper than - 24 m.
Therefore, the length of the vertical drainage will vary over the construction field. The Contractor
shall determine the required length of the vertical drains according to the findings of the
geotechnical reports and the additional subsoil survey performed by the Contractor (see Section
The upper end of each drain shall be placed within and discharge into a horizontal drainage, i.e.
a 0.5 m high layer of free draining material (see subsection 4.2).

Removing of Sand Stockpiles

After completion of consolidation as defined and to be agreed with the Engineer the sand stock
piles shall be removed and disposed at future development areas, e.g. along the shore.
At the disposal site the excess stockpile material shall be spread in layers of max. 30 cm height
and be compacted according to Section 700.

Grading / Compaction

Subsequent to the works concerning landfill and the removal of the surplus load / sand piles the
Contractor shall grade the total area to the designated level.
The compaction shall be performed according to the requirements stated in subsection 5.7.
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Port Infrastructure Measures


Technical Specifications

Measurement and Payment

Clearing as well above as under water of areas to be reclaimed from any obstacles or
unsuitable matter will be measured and remunerated per m2 of area to be cleared.
The remuneration for landfill will only be made for installed material. Hence, for the measuring
of the volumes installed, proven measures of storage room capacity shall be performed.
Potential loosing of the material in transport conditions will not be paid separately.
No extra payment will be made for any losses of material, e.g. due to waves, current, flooding,
weather, settlement, etc.
The unit price for landfill shall include all necessary work, material, etc. required to successfully
complete the landfill according to requirements, e.g. any temporary arrangements, cofferdams,
chemical and physical analysis of material, dredging, transportation, compaction, management
for land reclamation, grading, etc., the cost of which shall be deemed to be covered by
surcharges included in Contractor's unit rates.
The sand stock and all work in relation to such stocks, excluding the removal of the finally
remaining surplus load are deemed to be included in the unit price for Reclamation Works.
Prior to the final removal of excessive surplus load after completion of the consolidation the
volume shall be surveyed by the Contractor and agreed with the Engineer according to the
schedules and the definition of the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall be agreed on the basis
of a unit price during measuring of the site conditions / volumes removed as stated in the Bill of
All costs concerning the removal of excessive material, such as e.g. transportation, installation
at future development areas and compaction shall be included in the unit costs for the removal
of excess sand stock piles.
All measures deemed necessary for the consolidation within due time shall be executed by the
Contactor, e.g delivery and placing of vertical drains, drilling, pre-drilling, etc.
All measures shall be comprised in the lump sum for additional measures for consolidation.
Any discrepancies in the quantities do not lead to modifications of unit prices.

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