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Complete detection lies on the corresponding historical Christians

between Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Wallis Swagrt

The word "haters" Sheikh Murad Allah's mercy when he said, and as a metaphor for the proof that
we are all sons of God because of the many texts in the Bible to that effect.
Of us, young or old, and ignorant of us and the world knows that the Sheikh, in order to build an
argument against the Christians, the alleged allocation of filiation of Christ to God is unacceptable
because it is the text of the Bible is both the HP and bear a child of God!
And the logic of this statement and quoted by many scholars such as Ibn Taymiyah and the son of
values and God's mercy India.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in response to Christians and their claim that the false Christ
is the only son of God Christians: this argument to them, because he named his son David (ie the
Lord of Christians), but he knows that the name of the son is not competent to Jesus Christ peace
be upon him, but called the other a son of slaves, but he knows that the name of the son is not his
features, but is the name of those who nurtured it from his servants) is the correct answer rather
than the religion of Christ 2 / 198)
And Ibn al-Qayyim Allah's mercy in response to the Christians: And you said but made it a god (ie,
Christ) because he called himself the Son of God in other subject from the Bible verses: "I am
going to my father, and I means my father, and so on and the son of God, God, said: Vajalo
yourselves you all the gods in other subject that he called (his father, father) such as saying "I go
to my Father and your Father, the father does not let you on the ground, and one that your Father
in heaven and that's a lot in the Bible which indicates that the father they have: the Lord! ...... In
the first flight of the Torah: that the Prophet entered the daughters of the people and Roohn
esteemed beauty of them got married. In the second travel of the Torah in the story of the Exodus
from Egypt, I made you a god to Pharaoh.

In the eighty-second Psalm of David, the God of all gods so in Hebrew, or be transferred to the
Syriac letters it said: The angels of God in the group, said in this Psalm as he addressed a people
Barouh: I thought you were God and you are sons, God has called you all this himself) Gifts
confused in the answers to the Jews and Christians, p. 292-295)
And Sheikh Rahmatullah: Indian and was used as the term (ie, the Son of God) in the right of
Christ is good too, as it was used as the son of Satan right good in Part V of the Gospel of
Matthew thus: (Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are called sons of God As I say Bless you,
love your enemies, to help you do good to those who hate you and pray for those who Isbounkm
to be children of your Father who is in heaven) Jesus was fired on the makers of peace and
reconciliation work to workers mentioned the term sons of God and the word of God the Father
for them. ) (-Ul-Haq, p. 290 (
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat about Christ peace be upon him: for us to deny and reject the idea
prevailing in the others it was "a god" (ie Christ) or the "son of god" or any other consideration is
of more than a man. (Quoted from the book Christ in Islam, p. 54)
The word "haters" Sheikh answer when asked God's mercy "Is it in the Quran that the Holy
Gospel, a guidance for people of all?" Was the answer to the Sheikh ", not the Koran does not say
that the Bible, a guidance for people of all" and claimed haters, the answer wrong, and Sheikh
Astdlo the words of God and gel and revealed the Torah and the Gospel by a guidance for
mankind and sent down the Criterion Imran 3.
It seems that the "hate" I do not know the difference between the Bible and the Torah in terms of
meaning and idiomatic meaning in terms of legitimate.
Torah and the Bible which mention in the verses of the Quran from Surat Al-Imran are the Torah
(the Torah of Moses) and the Gospel (the Gospel of Jesus), who did not Ihrva Iakhluan and two of
those false doctrines which says that God and that Christ was born a god or son of God, as well
as the doctrine of and the doctrine of the Trinity unsolvable steel and redemption.
This is what we believe is a guidance for mankind (ie the Torah of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus
Those Scriptures and messages falsely called the Torah and the Bible, which contained that is
outright blasphemy, which he said God and the bulk of the woe to those who write the book in
their hands and then say this is from God to buy it a little price woe to them for what their hands
have written and woe to them than they earn cow 79. And is what Muslims believe that it is not a
guide to the people, but the evil of humanity, Pal!!
Will was asking about the Gospel of Sheikh Issa, who is the legitimate sense of the Koran or the
Bible was asking him about the idiomatic sense known to the New Testament and letters to the
Of course, he asked Sheikh idiomatic sense of the Gospel known as the New Testament and
messages which you believe (ie Christian).
And for this he replied Sheikh By this the correct answer fully, because the Koran actually did not
say that the Scriptures and messages a guidance for mankind ..
And I am surprised to see how the Quran for those covenants and health guidance, and the Qur'an
itself denies all these false doctrines found in carries, but the Koran atone believes that faith!!
Imam says the verse Allah's mercy in his book "The media, including the Christian religion from
corruption and Delusions": The book, which they call the hands of Christians, the Gospel is not
the gospel of God, which he said are not on the lips of His Messenger: and sent down the Torah
and the Bible by a guidance for mankind appeared from this Search the Bible did not convey the
defendant frequently, and does not have evidence of the infallibility of the transporters. If the
permissible error and omissions of transporters do not get something from science, and do not
prevail probably, do not worry about him, and do not count in the protest it. And this is enough in
response to a statement and accept the misrepresentation and lack of confidence with its
content). Ul-Haq, p. 135 to 136)

And Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah: The gospels that Christians are in the hands of four Gospels:
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and they agree that Luke and Mark had not seen Christ, but he
saw Matthew and John and that these four articles, which they call the Bible, call each one of
them a Bible , but by them after the lifting of Christ; it did not mention the word of God nor the
Messiah of God, and conveyed them from the words of Christ and the things of his actions and
miracles). The correct answer is 10 / 2 (

And Ibn al-Qayyim in his book God's mercy "guidance confused in the answers to the Jews and
the Christians," as the text: that the Torah in the hands of the Jews and the distortion of the
increase and decrease as is obvious to the unswerving in science, and they definitely know that it
is not in the Bible revealed by God to Moses), p. 107)
He says Shaykh Bin Khalil Indian: the original Torah and Gospel as well as the original had been
missing for the mission of Muhammad and Almugodan now is like two books assembled by Sir
novels correct and false, and do not say they were present at the time of the Prophet Osalthma
then signed the two distortion , and Paul's words to assess the validity of the ratio is also not
Bmqubol us because we have a liar who had appeared on the first floor and that was when the
people of holy trinity, then buy pill said, and the disciples were to follow the mystic Jesus peace
be upon him to believe in heaven right righteousness and do not believe in their prophet and their
words we Koqgual hard-righteous potential for error, and loss of authority related to another of
the second century and the loss of the original Hebrew Gospel of Matthew and the survival of the
translated name of its owner did not know now and also the distortion of which have become of
increasing security reasons they say , the mother of Luke and Mark are not from the apostles and
the evidence did not prove they are among people with inspiration, too, and we have the Torah
revealed to Moses peace be upon him and the Bible is what we have revealed to Jesus, peace be
upon him also, and We gave Moses the Book, 87 cow any Torah and the Almighty said in the right
Jesus peace be upon him and gave him the gospel of the table 46. And occurred in 136 and Sura
Al-Imran 84, as given to Moses and Jesus which the Torah and the Bible. As these dates and
messages are now is not the Torah and the Bible mentioned in the Quran is not due recognition,
but their reigns and the rule of other books of the Old Testament is as follows "the story of her
novels all sincerity that the Koran is acceptable and that the Koran is false and is rejected, the
Quran was silent for certification and denial Venskt not believe him and do not lie). ul-Haq, p. 135)

And Shaykh Ahmed Deedat: How did it happen and that the label brought the Bible with this
name, while the Gospel was his name?
He replied: The problem is that many Muslims do not know what they are talking about Christians,
Bible word "Bible" means a book, and the Christians call the Bible their book "The Holy Bible",
but ignorance of Muslims point to the Christian holy book and say, this Gospel, this Torah, the
Psalms, Christians themselves do not say these words, but we take these names as one of the
Christians, which they call their books in the Bible, then why not take the names as they call it if
we talked about the books? Rather than call the Torah and the Bible? Happened to you lecture
time in an Arab country, and the translator beside me to translate into Arabic, I said: The subject
is: What does the Bible say about Muhammad, Vtorgom myself saying: What the Bible says about
Muhammad, and I said to him: I did not say the Bible, but rather I Albybl, Vtorgom corrected: What
the Bible says about Muhammad, I told him again: I did not say the Bible, and I said, but Albybl!
replied, I do not know the meaning of the word Bible, I say: the truth, my brothers, the word Bible
means book, meaning Holy Bible Bible, Why do not limit ourselves to what Astalhawwa
themselves rather than call him names of books they do not Ikaronha? That now exists between
their hands is not the Torah or Bible, and not the Psalms, they call the Old Testament and New
Testament, we Muslims believe that the Bible is God's revelations to Jesus Christ peace be upon
him, they present to us today is the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of John, the Gospel of Mark,
Gospel of Luke We believe in the gospel of Jesus, and it does not exist, and we call them Gospels
of the increase is uncertain, so if you asked one of the Bible Word of God? The answer is simply
yes, it is the Word of God and any Muslim who denies this has disbelieved! But over the speech
and debate, not on the Gospel of Jesus. But the Bible typeface that exists today.
I think that it comes from ignorance of the issue represented in the hate!!

- He claimed to "haters" that Sheikh had erred in the nationality of the woman who asked Jesus to
heal her daughter and she Galo Canaanite, not Greece, as claimed by Sheikh because it came in
the Gospel of Mark as Canaanite, not Greece!
The King James Version, which were the focus of the debate states that the nationality of these
women - Greece - (Mark 7: 26)
The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast
forth the devil out of her daughter.

And is the King James Version translation of the Christians of different translations of the mother
of the Bible
And therefore amended the text in the translation of modern Arabic) the book of life (considering
that, according to a translation of van Dyke Error:
The women of Greece, of Syrian origin Phoenician. Mark 7: 26

O you (haters) Did not know that the people of Mecca know the twists!!
Why Oqahemtem yourselves in the land is not your land with the result that you and Qataatm
mistakes are endless!!

Take-called "haters" that Sheikh Allah's mercy did not differentiate between the denominations of
Christians, he said: There are many associations such as the translation of the Bible, Jehovah's
Witnesses who had made the translation of translation, called "the modern world and that you
accept you are not Orthodox," while the Protestant group, and Swaggart .
Yes, I counted (haters) and scenes of six thousand books in the annals of their communities, and
thus the rule of "haters" Allyon all the Christians who were followers of the Protestant meeting in
the hall!!, And even knew that all those who will follow it on television on the air or after through a
video but they are Protestants, and none of them Orthodox!!!!

God is enough and yes proxy!!

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