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Willy Wonka

Scene 1
Charlie enters the stage, alone. Spotlight on him. Curtains closed.
Narrator: This is the story about an ordinary boy named Charlie Bucket. He
was not faster or stronger or more intelligent than any other children. His
family was not rich or powerful. In fact, they didnt have almost anything to
Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world. He just didnt know it
Family is gathered in a mattress. Charlie enters the room.
Charlie: Evening, Mum, Evening Dad
Family: Evening, Charlie
Mrs. Bucket is preparing the food. She is talking to Mr. Bucket.
Mrs. Bucket: Since you lost your job, theres almost nothing left to put in the
soup Well Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage
Mr. Bucket: Everything will be just fine I know it will
Mrs. Bucket: I believe in you, darling
Charlie sits together with his family.
Charlie: One day, we will have all the money in the world to buy all the
chocolate we want
By the way, cant you work at the factory, pops? The Wonka Factory?
Grandpa Joe: In fact, I saw Willy Wonka I used to work for him

Family: He did!
Grandma Georgina: I love grapes!!!
Grandpa Joe: Willy Wonka began with a small store But the world wanted
his candy! The man was a genius! He invented an ice cream that wouldnt
Charlie: Thats not possible!
Grandpa Joe: But he did! Then he decided to open the biggest chocolate
factory in history
Grandma Josephine: I remember that day It was such a happy moment!
Grandpa Joe: But workers decided to sell his secret recipes So everybody
had Wonkas secrets!
So one day, Wonka decided to close his factory forever and send everybody
Charlie: But it is open now!
Mrs. Bucket: When adults say forever, they want to say for a very long
Grandpa George: Like us Eating this cabbage soup forever
Grandma Josephine: By the factory did close
Mr. Bucket: And nobody got their jobs back
Charlie: But who works there now? The gates are always closed!
Mrs. Bucket: Nobody knows, dear Its a mystery
Grandpa Joe: Id give anything in the world to go back inside one more time
Grandma XXXXX: But you wont! Nobody does Only the chocolate comes
Grandpa George: You cant! No one can!
Charlie: Well Night-night
Family: Night-night!

Grandpa calls Charlie and grabs his arm.

Grandma Georgina : Nothing is impossible, Charlie
Charlie goes to sleep.

Scene 2
Charlie enters the stage alone. Grabs a newspaper on the floor.
Willy Wonka: Dear People of the world I, Willy Wonka, have decided to
allow five children to visit my factory this year. In addition, one of these
children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever
imagine. Five Golden Tickets have been hidden inside ordinary Wonka
chocolate bars. They can be anywhere in the world."
Charlie runs inside the house.
Charlie: Mum! Pops! Look!
Grandpa Joe: Wouldnt it be something to find one of these Golden Tickets
inside a Wonka bar, Charlie?
Charlie: But I only get one bar a year on my birthday
Mrs. Bucket: Its your birthday next week and you have as much chance as
anybody else
Grandpa George: The kids to find them are tho ones who have money to buy
candy everyday! I bet the first kid to find it will be fat, fat, fat!

Scene 3
Charlie sits alone on the corner of the stage.
The kids appear with their parents, one by one, as Carlie observes them with
Augustus and his mum are the first ones.
Augustus: I am eating a Wonka bar And I taste something different it was
not chocolate or nuts So I look and I find the Golden Ticket! To
celebrate I eat more chocolate!

Mrs. Gloop: Augustus eats so many bars a day It was impossible for him not
to find one!
They leave the stage. Next is Veruca and her Dad.
Mr. Salt: Since the day my daughter told me she wanted one of these Golden
Tickets, I started buying all the Wonka bars I could! Thousands of them!
Veruca: I was very upsetI wanted my Golden Ticket! But Daddy finally
found me a ticket!
They leave the stage. Next is Violet and her Mum.
Both are chewing gum.
Mrs. Beauregarde: My daughter is a winner! Its in the family
Violet: I like chewing gums, but since I found out about these Golden Tickets,
I changed to Candy bars I am very focused! This chewing gum Ive been
chewing it for 3 months! Thats a record
So if anyone should get this special prize it should be me!
Mrs. Beauregarde: Eyes on the prize!
They leave the stage. Next is Mike and his Dad.
Hes sitting on the floor, playing video games.
Mike: All I had to do was track the dates and packages so stupid! In the
end, I only had to buy one can bar and I hate chocolate!
Mr. Teevee: Kids these days with all the technology
They leave the stage. Charlie walks with his head down.

Scene 4
All the family is gathered in the room.
Mr. Bucket: Charlie Mum and I thought Maybe you wanted to open your
birthday present tonight!
Grandpa Joe: Open it!

Mrs. Bucket: No matter what you still have the chocolate!

Charlie doesnt find the Golden Ticket. Hes disappointed.
Charlie: Lets share
Grandpa Joe: Not your birthday present
Charlie: Its my bar I do what I want with it
Charlie gives a piece to every family member they thank him and eat it.
They go to bed and sleep.
He goes to bed, Grandpa calls him, whispering.
He shows him a coin.
Grandpa Joe: Charlie this is my secret well have another chance to find
that last ticket!
Charlie: Are you sure you want to spend your money on this?
Grandpa Joe: Of course! Here Run to the nearest store and buy the first
Wonka bar you see Bring it here, and well open it together!
Charlie smiles and runs. And comes back.
Charlie: Grandpa You fell asleep
Grandpa Joe: Have you got it?
Charlie: Yes! Lets do it quick like a Band-Aid.
They open and find it. The Golden Ticket!
Charlie: I found it! The last golden ticket is mine!
Grandpa gets out of bed and dances.
Everybody awakens.
They celebrate.
Grandpa Joe: But it says its May the third! Its tomorrow!
Mrs. Bucket: Grandpa you should go You know the factory better than
Mr. Bucket : You have a long day tomorrow, gentleman
Grandma Georgina: Are we talking about butterflies?

Scene 5
Everybody awaits by the gates.
Gates open.
You can only hear the voice.
Willy Wonka: Please enter!
Dear visitors it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory
And who am I? Well
Kids enter, singing the Willy Wonka Song"
Willy Wonka comes from behind the kids, from the audience.
Willy Wonka: Wow! Arent they amazing just wow!
Violet: Who are you?
Grandpa Joe: Hes Willy Wonka!
With an awkward smile, he reads from a card:
Willy Wonka: Good Morning, Starshine! The Earth says hello! Dear guests,
greetings. Welcome to my factory. I shake you warmly by the hand. My name
is Willy Wonka.
Veruca : Shouldn't you be there?
Willy Wonka: But then I couldn't watch the show, could I, little girl?
Grandpa Joe: I dont know if you will remember me I used to work here
Willy Wonka: Were you one of my workers who tried to steal my recipes?
Grandpa Joe: No I
Willy Wonka: Good! So welcome back! Lets go kids!
Augustus: Dont you want to know our names?
Willy Wonka: No. Theres much to see!

Kids introduce themselves.

Violet: Im Violet.
Willy Wonka: I dont care!
Violet: You should! Im the one whos going to win!
Veruca: Im Veruca. Nice to meet you, sir
Augustus: And Im Augustus! i love your chocolate!
Willy Wonka: I can see and your Mike Teevee the little devil who cracked
the system And you Youre just lucky to be here, arent you?
Charlie smiles. They go into the curtains. Curtains close.

Scene 6
Willy Wonka: Be careful, kids! Dont lose your heads! Keep very calm
Charlie: Its beautiful!
Willy Wonka: Yes it IS beautiful Everything you see is made of
Wonka escorts them to the factory.
Willy Wonka: Every drop of this river is made of the finest melted chocolate,
mixed in a waterfall no one does that!
Come on! You can taste a bit of everything!
Augustus: You can eat everything?
Willy Wonka: Of course! Everything is eatable! Just dont get overexcited
Enjoy! ( giggles)
Kids run around the factory, amazed.
Augustus: huuuummmm! huuuuuuummm!!! I want it all!!!
Mrs. Gloop: Dont be so greedy, Augustus! Thats not good for you!

Augustus is drinking from the river.

Willy Wonka: Hey, little boy! My chocolate cannot be touched by human
Augustus falls into the river.
Mrs. Gloop: He will drown! He cant swim!
Augustus: Help! Help!
Augustus disappears into the river.
Kids enter chanting the Augustus Gloop Song.
All the other kids enter singing the Willy Wonka Song
Willy Wonka: Bravo! Bravo! Arent they wonderful?
Mrs. Gloop: Where is my son?
Willy Wonka: Hell be fine Covered in chocolate!
Enters a Oompa Loompa.
Willy Wonka: Take her Help her find her son. Now, on with the tour!
Everybody leaves the stage. Curtains close.

Scene 7
Willy Wonka: This is the most important part of the factory! The inventing
room! But, please, just dont touch anything!
Kids run around.
Violet: Hey, Mr. Wonka! Whats this?
Willy Wonka: Let me show you Its the best chewing gum in the universe!
Its a meal all by itself!
Mrs. Beauregarde: Why would anyone want that?
Willy Wonka: Why? Why?

Willy Wonka reads from a card:

Willy Wonka: It will be the end of all kitchens and all cooking. Just a little
piece of Wonkas magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at
breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Veruca: It sounds strange
Violet: it sounds like me!
Willy Wonka: Its not ready yet I wouldnt
Violet: Im a record winner! Im not afraid of anything!
Violet chews the gum.
Mrs. Beauregarde: How is it, sweetie?
Violet: Its amazing!
Mrs. Beareguard: My daughter will be the first to try it! Shes a winner!
Lights start to fade.
Mrs. Beauregarde: Whats happening?
Willy Wonka: It gets funny when it gets to dessert Im sorry!
Violet starts to swell. She turns into a ball.
Kids scream.
Mrs. Beauregarde: She turned into a blueberry!
Kids enter chanting Violet Beauregarde Song.
The other kids enter singing the Willy Wonka Song.
A Oompa Loompa enters.
Willy Wonka: I want you to help her with her daughter. Dont turn her into a
blueberry juice!
Everybody leaves the stage. Curtains close.

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