Truth About Your Soul and A Deck of Cards

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Cosmic Intelligence Its Self Does Not Give Advice.

Card Deck Related Queries Provide

Revelation Of Potential Futures
Based Solely Upon The Present Moment
Should You Choose To Accept What You’ve Asked Your Higher Self For.

“The Truth About Your Soul And A Deck Of Cards”

By Vajrayana“
... THE FACTS ...

A DECK OF CARDS - is an Ancient Wisdom System used throughout The-Ages

by Light Bearers scattered across the face of The-Earth Serving Inquiring Minds
and Hearts - of every persuasion - from World-Rulers - to just plain folks - within
every sphere of human existence.

ALTHOUGH CARTOMANCY - is a Seeing Tool that’s esteemed throughout the

world - it is basically - AN UNKNOWN FACT - even to many seasoned
Cartomancers that - A Deck Of Cards is provably "The Divine Calendar Of The

THE TRUTH IS - YOU ARE A-SOUL - you five in Your-Body and Your-Essence
is Spirit!! Let me say this a different way: You Are Mot Your Body, your mind or
your experiences of life. You are, have always been - and shall always be - A Soul.

IN ALL ITS WISDOM - Your-Soul chose to be here on Earth - to enjoy to The-

Max - "Human Being" expression. So if you're not thoroughly enjoying Your-
Earthly Journey - read on with an open mind - because your options have now
improved beyond your ability to imagine.

IN ADDITION - to choosing Your-Parents, Your-Soul chose your Natal

Appearance Date. (Yes, you formed an Agreement with your Birth Parents.) They
accepted the assignment of giving you entry into The Earth Plane - and Your-Soul
also picked Its Birth Date. With great care these decisions were made.
© Copy-Right: 11/22/1995 - By Vajrayana - Eyes Of My Heart Enterprises™ - All Rights Reserved
Website: Http://WWW.Global-CartomancSeer-Services.Info

YOUR SOUL'S - basic agenda for this journey through the human experience was
set in place by the very date of birth IT chose. You see - The Paths - the course of
developments provided by that specific date - within the 365-day cycle, coincide
with - Specific Issues - issues Your-Soul choose to address over this particular life
span. (Unfathomable? Maybe! But true nonetheless.)

EVERY YEAR - and every 52-day cycle within each year - Your-Soul is
addressing the Issues as planned. These learning experiences - are the case whether
you're Spiritually Awake - and working on yourself - or whether you're Spiritually
Asleep, believing yourself to be your body or your roller coaster set of experiences
of life. Either way Soul growth happens and occurs for all.

YOUR DIVINE SELF - Knows ALL Things - and It longs to serve Your-Human
Self - by providing all the right answers to your every mystery. But for most folks -
more than one voice speaks in the mind. So one must have a deep burning desire to
learn to distinguish The Divine-Self’s Voice with consistency - before taking and
holding dominion over one’s Human-Self tendencies becomes possible.

AS A SOUL - You Are All Powerful. Right now you possess every thing you'll
ever need - to get a grip on your life - but most people don’t yet fully remember
exactly who and what they are - as Spiritual-Beings. But the good news is this: if
+/or when you choose to awaken from merely human existence - the right help is
now at hand.

… THE PAST ...

The following statements are partial quotes from:


By P. Foli.

"WISEMEN of Eastern Lands have regarded Their Cards with none of the
contempt usually bestowed upon them in The West. They held Their Cards in
high esteem as mediums for the partial Revelation Of The-Unknowable and they
included The Cards as part of their Mystic Lore."

© Copy-Right: 11/22/1995 - By Vajrayana - Eyes Of My Heart Enterprises™ - All Rights Reserved

Website: Http://WWW.Global-CartomancSeer-Services.Info
"WHEN 20TH Century Fortune Tellers take a pack of Cards and proceed to read
the mysteries revealed therein - they are following the example of The Wise-Men
of Chaldea, Egypt, China and The Flowery Land of the East to say nothing of
their European predecessors." End Of Quotes.

SO YES - Cartomancy is fortune telling with a deck of cards - and straight through
the 20TH Century - very specific standardized patterns for interpretations were
followed for revelations. But for this New-Era ... New-Patterns exist.

Now The 21ST Century Is Finally Here

And The Truth You Come To Remember And Accept Can Set You Free.

WE ARE - now in a time when Enlightenment Rules - and Cartomancy is also - an

inter-active process - designed to reveal with clarity - that You Are A Fully
Empowered Divinely Intelligence Being, who is eternally connected to - all people
and all things in this Creative-Universe of ours. And this Truth is your pathway to


My 21ST Century CarToManC-SeeR™ Services

INTENDING - to connect with and to be of service exclusively to Truth & Self-

Empowerment Seekers that (like me) - passionately pursue - Total Life Prosperity
and Joyous Heart-Peace - I've been guided to make this one of a kind Service
available globally.

YES - Cartomancy is "fortune-telling" with A Deck Of Cards - but please allow me

to help cleanse your mind of any mis-information regarding this Sacred Art by
checking out the dictionary definition on the words... "fortune and fortune-teller".

BY DEFINITION - a fortune-teller is "one that professes to foretell future events".

However, if you also check the word fortune, you plainly see that - your fortune
includes "the turns and course of events over your journey through life", not just
money +/or the future. So because your fortune includes these things - as the
world's only 21ST Century Cartomanc-SeeR ™ - I serve only to guide and support
you - not to predict your future.

© Copy-Right: 11/22/1995 - By Vajrayana - Eyes Of My Heart Enterprises™ - All Rights Reserved

Website: Http://WWW.Global-CartomancSeer-Services.Info
As an Esoteric Wisdom Interpreter - The Deck Of Cards is a Sacred Tool. And
until now, Cartomancy was a separate and distinct Seeing-Tool from The Destiny
System I use. In The Destiny System - A Deck Of Cards is provably "The Divine
Calendar Of The Soul", and both the Four-Suits and The Symbols them-selves
have a very different meaning from those of traditional 20™ Century Cartomancy
interpretations used in days gone by.

In order to "open a channel" for direct communication between one's Spiritual

(Higher) Self and one's Human (Lower) Self, I've designed a Destiny System
CarToManC-SeeR'" Consult that yields accurate very clear Answers.

CarToManC-SeeR™ Consults Are About Hearing From Your (God) Self!!

My name is Vajrayana and I am a true Friend Of Your Soul - Your Interpreter. It's
mandatory that you always remember this because I am not Your-Source. Your All
Knowing Higher Self- is your Soul's only true source.

The Sessions can take place via telephone. And you do not simply "wait to
see/hear" what The Cards reveal. You choose your question. So forming the
question with you and interpreting the answer for you - is what I am blessed to do.

The key to success is Question-Formation. So My-Work is to help you crystallize

one clear question and then interpret The-Answer. Your question - calls forth or
draws out Your-Answer. And since correct answers to all questions lie within the
question this is vitally important.

... THE FUTURE ...

 As the Great Mystic - Ernest Holmes says in his book entitled - This Thing
Called You: "It makes no difference what your harvest may have been last year,
today you can create a new future, (IF) you have the faith - to believe that you
can."  End Quotes. (The Book Is Worthy Of Your Investment.).


Whoever you may be - no matter your current condition(s) or station in life - know
that you are not here to merely survive. You’re pricelessly indispensable within
The-Divine Scheme. Having chosen this earthly journey, you are here to meet,
recognize and embrace Your Guides and Teachers, assigned to assist you to
© Copy-Right: 11/22/1995 - By Vajrayana - Eyes Of My Heart Enterprises™ - All Rights Reserved
Website: Http://WWW.Global-CartomancSeer-Services.Info
remember who and what you are: an All Powerful Spiritual Being!! Your-Mission
involves doing what you love - that also serves Humanity in some way. Yes,
you've got lessons to learn too, but if you’ll choose to achieve Self Mastery. (to
take and hold dominion over your lower Human Self) you can turn your Heart's
Desires into reality in any areas of your life. Why choose to believe you’re
powerless?? It’s not your highest truth.


YOU ARE - A Beloved Child of The Universe, a piece of God so to speak.

So when - struggling becomes unacceptably intolerable - and you're 100% ready

to do whatever's necessary to have what you claim you want - may the Zero-Doubt
Wise Counsel -1 offer today - still be available to you.


People consciously laboring upon them self that feel-stuck +/or disconnected,
benefit tremendously from my consultations. So when hearing from your Higher
Self becomes important - contact me. Until then ... Namaste.

©11/22/1995 - By Vajrayana - Eyes Of My Heart Enterprises™

All Rights Reserved

This brand of Light may benefit you too.

Sessions are pre-paid through PayPal link on her website.

When payment is received, you’ll be contacted

to set up your tele-conferenced session.

© Copy-Right: 11/22/1995 - By Vajrayana - Eyes Of My Heart Enterprises™ - All Rights Reserved

Website: Http://WWW.Global-CartomancSeer-Services.Info

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