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Symphony Math: Foundational Numeracy

Teacher Guide
Version 1.0

Symphony Learning
Hanover, New Hampshire
Copyright and Trademark Notice
 Symphony Learning, LLC. All rights reserved.
Symphony Math is a trademark of Symphony Learning, LLC.
Director is a trademark of Adobe.
Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
MS Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Symphony Math has been created with Adobe Director software.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Symphony Learning, LLC. The software described in this document is
furnished under a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software may be used only
in accordance with the terms of the agreement. This document and the software described within it
may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine-readable form other than that which has been specified herein
without prior written consent from Symphony Learning, LLC.

Acknowledgments: We thank the many math researchers, teachers and cognitive scientists for their
research and practice in the field of mathematics education upon which this program is based.

Published by:
Symphony Learning, LLC.
PO Box 5491
Hanover, NH 03755

Phone: 800.234.3030

Version 1.00a
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 3
Program Purpose............................................................................................. 3
Cognitive Model.............................................................................................. 3
Key Features.................................................................................................... 4
Key Benefits .....................................................................................................6
Symphony Approach....................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2: USING THE PROGRAM.......................................................... 8
Login................................................................................................................ 8
Module Progress Menu....................................................................................8
Activities .......................................................................................................... 9
Thinking Environment.................................................................................... 9
Fluency Environment.................................................................................... 10
On-Screen Controls & Indicators ................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 3: OVERVIEW OF THE THREE MODULES........................... 11
Addition & Subtraction................................................................................. 12
Multiplication & Division.............................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 4: ADMINISTRATION PANEL................................................... 14
On-Line Administration Panel...................................................................... 14
Managing Students ....................................................................................... 15
Student Properties ......................................................................................... 16
Managing Classes .......................................................................................... 16
User Types .....................................................................................................17
Reports .......................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 5: INSTALLATION & SETUP..................................................... 21
System Requirements .................................................................................... 21
Program Installation & Configuration........................................................... 21
Computer Settings.........................................................................................22
Entering Students .......................................................................................... 23
Entering Classes ............................................................................................ 24
Automatic Updates ........................................................................................24
CHAPTER 6: TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................... 25
Remote Hosting............................................................................................. 25
Usernames and Passwords ............................................................................
Contacting Technical Support....................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 7: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.................................. 26
Symphony Math Content and Use................................................................26
Symphony Math Installation and Technical Issues....................................... 28
CHAPTER 8: QUANTITY............................................................................... 31
Activity #1: Manipulatives ............................................................................
Activity #2: Manipulatives & Symbols.......................................................... 41
Activity #3: Symbols ..................................................................................... 49
Activity #4: Auditory Sentences....................................................................59
Activity #5: Story Problems ..........................................................................
CHAPTER 9: ADDITION & SUBTRACTION.............................................. 75
Activity #1: Manipulatives ............................................................................ 75
Activity #2: Manipulatives & Symbols.......................................................... 86
Activity #3: Symbols ................................................................................... 100
Activity #4: Auditory Sentences.................................................................. 111
Activity #5: Story Problems ........................................................................ 122
CHAPTER 9: MULTIPLICATION & DIVISION........................................ 132
Activity #1: Manipulatives .......................................................................... 132
Activity #2: Manipulatives & Symbols........................................................ 140
Activity #3: Symbols ................................................................................... 144
Activity #4: Auditory Sentences.................................................................. 152
Activity #5: Story Problems ........................................................................ 160

Program Purpose
Symphony Math is designed to help students in kindergarten and first grade develop a
strong foundation of mathematical concepts and applications. The program
provides an opportunity for students to develop and practice important
mathematical ideas such as number conceptualization, part-to-whole relations and
groupings of quantities. The program extends these fundamental ideas to
operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Symphony Math is intended primarily for kindergarten and first grade students. The
program can also be used with older students who have yet to develop a solid
conceptual foundation in mathematical reasoning or have not mastered addition
and multiplication number relationships. The program is based upon research from
the fields of Cognitive Development and Mathematics Education.

Cognitive Model
Research in the field of Cognitive Development has mapped the landscape of
important underlying concepts in mathematical learning and problem solving. The
Symphony Math scope and sequence is based upon these insights. Major concepts
presented in elementary math curricula are related to fundamental ideas or
cognitive schemes.

Math understanding and learning will be more effective and meaningful if

instruction and practice are explicitly connected to these fundamental ideas. Part of
what makes some of these fundamental ideas so important is that they follow a
developmental pathway throughout math learning. These ideas repeatedly emerge
in successive levels of math learning and build upon one another in increasing
complexity. Physical representations of the fundamental ideas provide a mechanism
by which students can interact with these concepts, apply them in a variety of
situations, and internalize a model that reinforces their meaning.

All students come to the classroom with some form of math understanding. The
most effective way to improve math understanding is by identifying where a student
is within the developmental pathways of math learning and engaging them at that
level. Students have the best chance of understanding fundamental ideas and
internalizing number relationships if they have the opportunity to apply and
represent those skills in a variety of contexts. Physical representations, number
sentences, and word problems are some examples of different ways children can
interact with and apply math ideas and procedures.

The National Research Council and the National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics recommend daily engagement with mathematics. Symphony Math is a
supplemental intervention designed to complement instruction. The program
provides the opportunity for students to work independently with fundamental
concepts and number relationships on a daily basis at home or at school.

Key Features
Each Symphony Math module includes five activities representing fundamental
concepts and number relationships:

Number Bars: Virtual manipulatives that offer a visual representation

of the concepts and number relationships.
Bars & Numbers: Tasks that challenge students to coordinate
manipulatives with numerals and symbols.
Numbers: Number sentences with symbols. If students struggle, the
number bars appear to provide representational support.
Auditory: Number sentences are presented with spoken words.
Students must translate from words to numbers and symbols.
Story Problems: Tasks are presented in the form of spoken word
problems. Students must translate into numerals and symbols.

Multiple Solutions
Symphony Math emphasizes conceptual understanding by presenting problems that
can accept more than one correct answer. Some tasks explicitly require students to
provide up to three unique solutions. Students learn that math is more than right
and wrong answers as they appreciate the connections between different concepts
and number relationships. By requiring multiple solutions, the program promotes
deductive reasoning and flexibility of thinking.

Multi-Dimensional Branching
Educational software is often presented as a forward or backward march along a
unitary path. The reality is that student learning profiles develop along multiple
developmental pathways. Symphony Math is designed to accommodate the complexity
and uniqueness of each student. The program tracks student proficiency along
three dimensions of learning (Representations, Concepts, & Content) and adapts to
student fluctuations in performance in real-time.

Conceptual Understanding
Symphony Math challenges students to make conceptual links between important
mathematical concepts. The goal is to promote depth of understanding by
providing students with problems that explicitly link concepts that too often are
understood in isolation.

Time-Based Fluency
Symphony Math includes activities that challenges students to develop fluency in their
recall of known number relationships and procedures. Once a number relationship
or math concept is understood with sufficient proficiency the student will begin to
solve number relationships and procedures in a timed problem-solving environment.

Mental Models
The development of mental models can
be a powerful mechanism for
understanding abstract principles. In
Symphony Math students work with virtual
manipulatives (number bars) that provide
a concrete representation of each
concept. Over the course of using the
program, students can internalize these
concrete representations in the form of
mental models. When new concepts are
introduced, the student can integrate the
new knowledge by updating their mental model of the previous concept.

Auditory Practice
Symphony Math delivers auditory numeracy problems to help students master
fundamental number relationships. For example, a student hears “four plus five
equals what number?” In the Thinking Environment the student needs to construct
the number sentence with the answer. In the Fluency Environment the student
must select the answer as quickly as possible. This practice with spoken number
sentences helps develop mastery of number relationships.

Detailed Data Tracking

The progress of each student is tracked by the program at a fine level of detail.
Symphony Math records student progress through each activity level and records their
proficiency with specific number relationships (such as 7+5) or with specific
concepts (such as addition) with manipulatives, symbols, and story problems. The
program uses these data to determine the proper sequence of tasks by branching the
student to tasks that are specific areas of weakness within their developmental range
of learning. These data are made available to teachers and administrators through
a comprehensive reporting system.

Remote Hosting
Symphony Math uses internet based remote-hosting technology to manage student
records and enable the activities. The program uses a secure internet connection to
allow administrators to configure student accounts and engage reporting features
from a computer with an internet connection. The remote-hosting service allows
students to use Symphony Math from any location with an internet connection and a
computer that meets the technical requirements.

Administration System
Symphony Math offers an easy to use full-feature administration system to setup and
configure the program. Administration features include on-line access, student
reports and custom lesson options.

Key Benefits
Symphony Math provides students with the opportunity to build a solid foundational
understanding of important mathematical concepts as well as an engaging
environment to practice the application of these concepts on a regular basis. The
primary benefit of Symphony Math is the development of a solid mathematical
foundation in the form of deep understanding of mathematical concepts and
automatic recall of number relationships. These skills are fundamental to the larger
enterprise of learning math and pave the way to understanding later concepts such
as place value and fractions. Too often students do not have the foundational
understanding to make sense of these later concepts and/or their poor knowledge of
basic number relationships poses problems for them as they attempt to employ
decomposing and composing numbers in multi-digit addition and subtraction.

School-to-Home Connection
Symphony Math is an internet-enabled program. Student data is remotely hosted on
the Symphony Learning servers. This provides students the opportunity to use
Symphony Math from any location with a computer that meets the technical
requirements. Teachers can assign Symphony Math as homework to students with
computers and internet access at home, or access to a computer with an internet
connection at an after-school program. Students can use the program during the
school day in the classroom, the computer lab, or the resource room.

Symphony Learning does not provide technical support for home users of Symphony
Math. Only staff of a school with an active Symphony Support Plan can access
technical support.

Optimal Learning Flow

Symphony Math is designed to be an engaging educational program. One of the keys
to achieving high levels of student engagement is ensuring that the student learning
experience is firmly situated within each student’s zone of Optimal Learning Flow.
The zone of Optimal Learning Flow consists of each student’s area of challenge
where the level of complexity is appropriately matched to the student’s cognitive
abilities. When this occurs, students are neither bored nor overwhelmed; they are
fully engaged in the learning task.

Independent Student Participation

The automated branching and tracking technologies allow students to use the
program independently. Once an account has been created for a student, he or she
can login to the program and begin using the activities. Teachers do not need to
place students at specific levels. Symphony Math will automatically determine each
student’s level of proficiency and learning style and then provide the appropriate
learning experience.

Symphony Approach
Symphony Math is a developmental intervention. The program seeks to find where a
student’s math-skill development is along several conceptual pathways and joins the
student at that point in their learning. This enables the program to provide
problem-solving activities that meet the student at the appropriate level of skill or
slightly beyond. As the student progresses, the program provides increasingly
complex challenges along each developmental pathway. If the student struggles,
help is automatically activated in the form of hints that lead the student towards a
solution or it incrementally decreases the level of challenge in real-time.

Symphony Math tracks student progress at a fine level in order to adapt to the specific
needs of each student. The program adapts to each student’s level of conceptual
understanding, learning style and content mastery. One student may be a visual
learner who is strong with concepts but weak with number relationships. Another
student may be more of a verbal learner who is strong with procedures but weak on
applications. Symphony Math identifies these needs and provides the appropriate
individualized intervention.

Comprehensive & Systematic

Symphony Math systematically addresses proficiency with concepts, procedures,
fluency and applications of numeracy. Each of these skills are interrelated and
addressed by the program in a manner that promotes depth of understanding as
well as fluency. This approach avoids the common dichotomy of teaching concepts
versus teaching procedures. Students need more than a one-track emphasis as they
bring a variety of learning profiles to the endeavor of becoming mathematically

Symphony Math is designed to be intrinsically motivating. The program seeks to
engage and motivate students by emphasizing the interesting patterns and
conceptual links of mathematics. Students are challenged to make links and identify
patterns in order to discover the inherent order and systematicity of mathematics.
If students’ attention is drawn towards discovering the fundamental nature of math
and its applications, this will sustain their interest more profoundly than cartoon
characters or interactive narratives.

Symphony Math is designed for children in kindergarten and grade one. It is a
complementary program which supplements math instruction by providing children
with an opportunity to systematically apply what they are learning in the classroom
as well as explore emerging concepts and ideas. Students in grades Two and Three
who struggle with math learning may benefit by further reviewing and developing
foundational concepts and skills through the use of Symphony Math. The general
recommended use of Symphony Math is three to five sessions a week, 15 to 20 minutes
per session.

See the section on Installation & Setup if Symphony Math is not yet installed on your
computer or if no student names appear in the menu.

The Login Screen allows students to sign
in to Symphony Math. To begin, students
select their name and then type their
password in the panel shown below:

Module Progress Menu

After logging in the student is brought to the module progress menu. There are
three modules in Symphony Math -- Quantity, Addition & Subtraction, and Multiplication &
Division. One or more of the three modules will be enabled on the student’s screen
depending on her level of progress through the program. Each module contains
five activities. Initially, only the Quantity activity will be enabled. As the student uses
Symphony Math the program will determine when the student is ready for subsequent
In the illustration on the left, this student
has two activities enabled based on her
performance in the program. The
Multiplication & Division module is not
enabled. The program has determined
that because she has only emerging
understanding of addition, it is not
appropriate to present multiplication
tasks. The student’s progress is reflected
in the green thermometer indicator. The
student is free to choose between the
modules that are active.

Each Symphony Math module contains
five different activities. The chart below
summarizes the five activities. Students
do not select the activity; the program
automatically determines the
appropriate activity based on their
performance. Upon entering and
exiting each module, students will see
the activity progress screen that
represents progress in each of the five
activities of that module.

Number Bars: Virtual manipulatives that offer a visual representation

of the concepts and number relationships.
Bars & Numbers: Tasks that challenge students to coordinate
manipulatives with numerals and symbols.
Numbers: Number sentences with symbols. If students struggle, the
number bars appear to provide representational support.
Auditory: Number sentences are presented with spoken words.
Students must translate from words to numbers and symbols.
Story Problems: Tasks are presented in the form of spoken word
problems. Students must translate into numerals and symbols.

Thinking Environment
Each activity begins with nine tasks placed
within the Thinking Environment. The
Thinking Environment encourages students
to explore concepts and think through a
variety of possible solutions while making
important connections. In the Thinking
Environment, students select number bars
or symbols and drag them to the blinking
areas in order to build solutions. The nine
tasks are automatically chosen from the five
activities based on student performance.

There are two ways students can select onscreen objects and drag them into place.
They can place the cursor on the object and click and hold while they drag the
object into position. Or they can click and release the mouse button while they drag
the bar into position, and then click again to let go of the object.

Fluency Environment
After completing nine tasks in the Thinking
Environment the student is brought to the
Fluency Environment. This environment is a
series of time based tasks where students are
challenged to quickly recall what they have
learned in the Thinking Environment. Skills
that have been well developed in the
Thinking Environment are presented in the
Fluency Environment. For every correct
solution achieved in the Thinking
Environment, five seconds is added to the total time given in the Fluency
Environment. If all nine tasks in the Thinking Environment are answered correctly,
the student will have 45 seconds to answer as many questions as possible during in
the Fluency Environment.

In the Fluency Environment, students only need to select the correct object for the
solution. They do not need to drag the object to the blinking area.

On-Screen Controls & Indicators

Press this button in the top right part of the screen to repeat the

Press this button in the top right part of the screen to receive some
help with the current task.

Press this button in the top right part of the screen to stop using the
module and return to the previous menu.

Press this button in the top left part of the screen to adjust the level of

Press this button to indicate that a task has been completed and is
ready to be checked.

Press this button to indicate that there are no correct answers available
to solve this task (i.e., “none of the above”).

The green level indicates how much progress has been made in this
specific activity.

A yellow box around an activity indicator identifies the current task

selected from this activity.

A star indicates that this activity has been completed. Once an

activity has been completed, no more tasks can be selected from it.

This activity helps students develop number conceptualization. Some students can
learn to count and solve simple math problems without understanding that a
number is a concept that represents quantity. For example, a student may know that
“9” comes after “8” but not know that “9” represents a larger quantity than “8”.
The student has learned to count similar to saying the alphabet. Unlike saying the
alphabet, the sequence of counting numbers represents an increase in magnitude
with each number. The sequence of numbers is determined by each number’s
magnitude, a concept that not all children appreciate. The Quantity module is
designed to move children from thinking of math as counting to understanding
math as a means to represent and describe quantities. The module uses virtual
manipulatives to develop the following concepts:

• Number
• One-to-one correspondence
• Equality
• Greater than
• Less than
• Not equal
• Not less than
• Not greater than

Quantity also emphasizes procedural skills. Once students develop a strong

understanding of a concept, they are challenged to accurately solve
mathematical statements which incorporate that concept. The activity
develops skills to solve the following types of number sentences:

• 2=?
• ?>3
• 5<?<8
• 5?

Another important component of the Quantity activity is the application of

procedural skills. Word problems are presented orally for students to represent by
constructing number sentences. Students learn how numbers and symbols can be
used to describe real situations. For example:

• The student hears, “Suzy has five pencils. Jamal has three pencils.”
• The student is asked to represent the problem mathematically (e.g., 5 > 3)

Addition & Subtraction
The Addition & Subtraction module challenges students to construct a solid
understanding of the fundamental ideas of addition and subtraction as well as gain
mastery of basic number relationships. Many students learn to solve simple
arithmetic number statements, but not all children develop a conceptual
understanding of what these operations mean. Different types of elementary math
problems can be solved by using counting as the primary strategy. Although neither
fast nor efficient, students can use counting strategies to find the correct answer.
While effective in the early grades, eventually these counting strategies become too
cumbersome and inefficient as the complexity of the math curriculum increases.
The counting strategies also do not lend themselves to a conceptual understanding
of the operations.

The Addition & Subtraction module emphasizes the understanding of the concept of
part-to-whole relations. This is the key concept that students need to internalize to
understand addition and subtraction at the conceptual level. The activity uses
virtual manipulatives to develop the part-to-whole concepts that underpin addition
and subtraction. These concepts include part-to-whole, missing part, and missing

The Addition & Subtraction module develops procedural skills for solving addition and
subtraction problems. Once students have developed a conceptual understanding of
the fundamental ideas that underpin addition and subtraction, they are challenged
to apply that knowledge by solving addition and subtraction problems. The module
includes tasks with addends and subtrahends up to 10 in the following formats:


Similar to the Quantity module, the Addition & Subtraction module emphasizes the
application of concepts and procedural skills. Word problems are presented orally
for students to first represent by constructing number sentences and then solve. For

• “Suzie has five pencils. Jamal has three pencils. How many pencils do they have
all together?”
• The student is asked to represent and solve the problem mathematically (i.e. 5 + 3
= 8).

Multiplication & Division
The Multiplication & Division module develops an understanding of grouping and
partitioning by building upon the part-to-whole concepts established in the Addition
& Subtraction module. Similar to addition, some students can learn multiplication
number relationships without understanding their meaning. The Multiplication &
Division module helps students develop their conceptual understanding of what these
operations mean and then helps them to learn the number relationships through
systematic practice and evaluation.

The Multiplication & Division module covers number relationships with products and
dividends up to thirty. The activities use the repeated addition model of
multiplication and the repeated subtraction model of division. This helps students
understand the connection between the Addition & Subtraction module and the
concepts in Multiplication & Division. The module presents tasks in the following

• 3x5=?
• 3x?=15
• ?x5=15
• ?x?=15
• 15÷5=?
• 15÷?=3
• ?÷5=3
• ?÷?=3

The Multiplication & Division module offers the same five activities as the other
modules. In the first activity the student needs to find equal bars that are evenly
related to the whole. The second activity consists of analyzing the relationship of
the bars in order to construct a corresponding number sentence. The third activity
presents number sentence problems typical of traditional worksheets. The number
bars appear in order to present a concrete model of what the number sentence
means if the student makes an error or needs help. The fourth activity offers
spoken number sentences that students must construct and solve. The fifth activity
presents spoken story problems such as:

• “James has three bags of apples. In

each bag there are five apples. How
many apples does James have
• The student is asked to represent and
solve the problem mathematically (i.e.,

On-Line Administration Panel
The administration panel is used
by teachers and administrators to
manage the school’s Symphony Math
site, create and manage student
accounts, download the program,
as well as view and print student
reports. The administration panel
can be accessed from within the
Symphony Math program or from the
Symphony Learning website

Accessing the Administration Panel from Symphony Math

1. Launch the Symphony Math

2. Click on the “Settings” button
near the top left corner of the
3. Enter the administrator
password when prompted.
This is the password that was
entered when the program was
installed and configured. The
purpose of password-
protecting access to the
Administration Panel sign-in
screen is to prevent students
from accessing a Web browser
from the program.
4. Click on the “Go to Admin
Panel” button located on the
left center of the screen. This
action will launch your Web
browser and bring you to the
administration panel sign-in
5. Enter your school’s site ID,
your username and your

Accessing the Administration Panel
from the Symphony Learning website.

1. Launch your Web browser.

2. Type in the URL
3. Locate the sign-in window.
4. Enter your school’s site ID, your
username and your password.

Site Administration Controls

Press this button to bring up the site administration panel. This panel
is used to specify contact information as well as the username &
password for the panel and program.

Press this button to bring up the student administration panel. This

panel is used to create and modify student accounts.

Press this button to bring up the class administration panel. This

panel is used to create classes and assign students to classes.

Press this button to bring up the reports administration panel. This

panel is used to view and print student performance data.

Press this button to return to the administration home panel. The

Symphony Math program can be downloaded from this panel.

Managing Students

The student administration panel

can be used to create, import, and
modify student accounts.

To create a student
account press the “Add Student”

To import a list
of students from a comma separated file (csv) press the “Import List of Students”

To modify or update a student account, select the student’s name.

To delete a student, press the red “x” at the far right of that student’s name.

Student Properties
The Student Properties
panel is found by
selecting the student
name from the Student
List. Only three Student
Properties are required
for students enrolled in
Symphony Math:
Username, Password,
and First Name. Other
properties are optional
and can be used at the
discretion of each site

In addition to Student
Properties, the Administration Panel allows Language and Content Settings to be
selected. Below is a description of the different settings offered for each student:

Student Property Description

Program Narration The spoken language in the program.

Choices include American English,
Universal Spanish & British English.

Symphony Branching Use the default branching to activate and

deactivate content modules in Symphony

Activate ONLY These Override the branching rules and select

Modules certain modules to be active for this student.

Managing Classes
Students can be assigned to classes to facilitate the management, use, and reporting
of Symphony Math. When students sign-in to the program, they can first select their
class (e.g., Ms. Williams Class). This will limit the students listed in the selection
window to only those assigned to this class, thereby facilitating the sign-in process.
When viewing reports, a teacher can select the students assigned to his or her class,
thereby specifying the relevant data more quickly.

See the Installation & Setup chapter for step-by-step procedures on setting up
Symphony Math for first time use.

To create a new class
press the “Add Class” button.

To modify or update a class,

press the class name.

To enroll students in a
class, press the class icon to
the right of the name of the

To delete a class, press the

red “x” at the far right of that group’s name.

Use the “Add Class” function to create usernames and passwords for teachers.
Teachers can use their Class username and password to sign-in to the
administration panel, create students, and view reports.

User Types
Symphony Math allows three types of users with different levels of access to program
1. Students, who can only use the Symphony Math program;
2. Class Administrators (usually teachers), who can view students they enroll and
see reports on those students only;
3. Site Administrators, who have full access to all Administration Panel functions
and Program Settings.

Access by User Type
The chart below defines the accessibility to each function of Symphony Math and the
online Administration Panel for each user type:

Feature Student Class Admin Site Admin

Use the Program

Change Program Settings

Log in to Admin Panel

Modify Site Settings

Add Students

Import Students

Modify Student Properties (1)

Delete Students

Create Classes

Modify Classes (2)

Enroll Students in Class (2)

Delete Classes

View Reports (1)

(1) Access is limited to enrolled students
(2) Access is limited to the current class

The reporting feature in Symphony
Math can be used to view and analyze
student performance in the program.
At the administration panel, select
“Reports”. This will bring you to the
Student Use panel. This panel
displays summary data for each
student on their use and progress
through the program. The table on
the next page explains each column
in the panel.

Student The last and first name of the student.

Username The username of the student.

Start Date The first day that the student used Symphony Math.

Last Use The last day that the student used Symphony Math.

Days Used Total number of days the student has used Symphony Math.

Average Daily Use The total time divided by the total number of days used.

Total Time The total time the student has used Symphony Math.

Percent Complete The percentage of the curriculum the student has mastered.

Rate of Progress The ratio of progress to total time using the program.

The Student Use panel is a sortable database. Select any of the column headings to
sort the data by that variable.

Student Progress Report

The Student Progress report
can be generated by selecting
the name of the student in the
student use panel. This report
provides detailed progress
within each module of
Symphony Math. There is one
report for each module.

There are three sections of the

Student Progress report.
The Proficiency section reports
the student’s ratio of correct to
incorrect problems solved. The
Proficiency section reports scores for informal, formal, and applied problems. The
informal scores reflect tasks with the number bars in activity one. The formal scores
reflect tasks with symbols in activity three. The applied scores reflect story problem
tasks from activity five.

The Progress vs. Average chart displays bar graphs that show the student’s progress
through each of the five activities. The blue line on each bar represents the
progress of all of the students listed in the Administration Panel. The Progress
Over Time graph charts the student’s progress over the course of using Symphony

Student Number Relationship Report
The Addition & Subtraction and the
Multiplication & Division modules
offer reports on each student’s
mastery of basic number
relationships. To access a student’s
number relationship report, click on
the relevant score in the Proficiency
report. For example, to see a
student’s addition number
relationships report, click on the
student’s formal proficiency score.

The Number Relationship Report displays the student’s proficiency with each
number relationship addressed in the module. The report only considers
performance with tasks from Activity Three which are number sentences with
symbols. The report includes performance on tasks from the Fluency Environment.
This means that to have mastered a fact, a student must be able to correctly answer
the problem in five seconds or less.

The number relationships with a green outline are considered mastered. Those
with a dashed-green line are not yet mastered. The yellow outline indicates the
student is answering these problems correctly less than 60% of the time. The
number relationships with no outlines have not yet been performed by the student.

The Number Relationships Report can be used by teachers to identify specific

weaknesses that can be addressed through instruction. The student in the above
report has difficulty with addition facts with 9, but is strong with addition facts with
10. The teacher can show the student that the plus 9 number relationships are the
same as the plus 10 number relationships minus 1.

System Requirements
Symphony Math must be used on computer systems that meet the minimum
requirements as described below:

• OS X version 10.2 + • Windows 2000, ME, XP

• 128 mb RAM • 128 mb RAM
• 16 mb Video acceleration • 16 mb Video acceleration
• 15 mb free hard drive space • 15 mb free hard drive space
• Active Internet Connection* • Active Internet Connection*
*Symphony Math is an internet-enabled application. Data from student progress is
stored and maintained on a secure server. All transactions during use of Symphony
Learning programs use SSL encryption to ensure the best privacy of information that
is available. Each workstation requires an active internet connection (28 kbps or
better per workstation) in order to run the Symphony Learning software. Symphony
Learning software is not recommended for sites that do not have reliable internet

Program Installation & Configuration

The installation and setup of Symphony Math involves three steps:
1. Download the Symphony Math program
2. Configure the application
3. Add students and classes in the secure online Administration Panel

Initial installation requires the reference of a Symphony Math Welcome Email which
contains your school’s Site ID, Username and Password. If you have not received a
Symphony Math Welcome Email contact Symphony Support at 800.234.3030 or

Step 1: Download the Application

In your Welcome Email, locate the link for your operating system. Select the Mac
OS X link for Macintosh computers or the Windows 2000, ME, or XP link for
computers running Microsoft Windows. If you do not have your Welcome Email,
go to and follow the link to Support =>

Step 2: Configure the Program

The first time Symphony Math is used, you must register your Site ID, username, and
password. At the screen below, type your Site ID, username, and password. After

confirmation, you will not see this screen again unless you choose “Settings” from
the Login Screen.

1. Enter your site ID.

2. Enter your Username
3. Enter your Password.
4. Press ‘OK’ to complete the
Configuration process.

Important Note for Proxy Server Users: If your network uses a proxy server to
control internet usage, click the ‘Network Settings’ icon to enter Proxy Server
information before moving forward. You must click the Apply button to activate
proxy server configuration.

Computer Settings
Display Settings
This checkbox turns 'fullscreen mode'
on and off. When Fullscreen mode is
on, Symphony Math uses the entire screen
to display program content. When
Fullscreen mode is off, the program uses
an 800 x 600 window to display

Video Driver
You can choose a Video Driver from the
pull-down menu under 'Video Driver'.

Network Installation Instructions

Symphony Math is designed to be run
locally or from a Local Area Network
(LAN). In order to ensure proper performance, the following steps should be
followed when performing a network installation:

Windows NT, 2000, 2003 Server

• Install and configure one copy of Symphony Math on a single client
workstation, following the instructions from the previous section.

• Copy the full Symphony Learning folder from your installation directory
(the default: C:\Program Files\Symphony Learning) to the network
applications location.
• Prohibit write access on ALL files in the Symphony Learning directory,
including the executable and all files within subdirectories.
• Create shortcuts on client workstations to the ‘SymphonyMath.exe’

Symphony Math has an auto-update capability that is prohibited across network paths.
If client workstations report seeing an ‘Update Available’ icon on the login screen,
run the Symphony Math program from the local path on the server to download the

Step 3: Use the Online Administration Panel to add students and classes
Symphony Math allows administration of students and classes via an online panel. To
get started, log in to the module at this address: You will be transferred to a
secure Web site where you can enter your site ID, username and password. This
information has been sent to you in a welcome email. If you have not received a
Symphony Math Welcome Email contact Symphony Support at 800.234.3030 or email

Entering Students
Once you are logged in to the
Administration Panel, use the 'Students'
link to add students. Each student added
will have their progress individually
tracked as they use Symphony Math.

Click Add User to add a new user. All

users must have a username, password,
first name, and last name. All other fields
are optional.

Importing a List of Students

The ‘Add Students’ page allows for import of Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files.
This means that an administrator can export student information from other
programs and import student information directly into Symphony Math. Follow the
onscreen instructions to complete the import:

1. Files must be comma-separated (CSV). An import file will look like this in a text

2. The field order is shown in the following graphic as it would appear in Microsoft
Excel before being saved as a CSV file. Note that the first three columns are required

3. Click the ‘Browse...’ button to choose the import file, and click ‘Import File’ to
complete the import. Final import will be completed only when NO errors are found
in the import file. If errors are found, a message will appear that shows the errors. If
errors occur, edit and save the import file, and retry the import.

Entering Classes
Use the 'Classes' link to add classes to
your site. Classes are not mandatory,
but provide a convenient way to group
students for sign-in and reporting

Automatic Updates
Symphony Learning provides automatic
updates for Symphony Math. This
provides an easy and efficient way to
keep your Symphony Math program up-to-
date with the latest improvements.
When a green flag appears at the top of
the sign-in screen, this means that an
update is available. To download and
install the update, click on the green flag.

In restricted user environments, auto-updates will fail. Run the Symphony Math
program locally, and use the update while logged into the computer as a user with
read/write privileges.

Remote Hosting
Symphony Learning stores and maintains all site, student, and class data in an
online server database. All data is confidential, and all transactions between
Symphony Learning servers and the client application use secure connections.
Remote Hosting has several advantages for customers:

• Schools are not responsible for maintaining data on school servers

• Symphony Learning Applications like Symphony Math can be installed and
used immediately on any machine that meets the minimum technical
• Students can use the program from home if they have a computer that
meets the technical requirements

The single requirement for the benefits above is a consistent, reliable internet
connection. Symphony Learning applications use little bandwidth, but require
many transactions during the course of normal product use.

If you experience problems with connections to the Symphony Learning server

during program use, alert prompts will be displayed onscreen. If problems persist,
or you are unable to connect, please reference the Symphony Learning Web site, or

Usernames and Passwords

All site usernames and passwords are confidential. Symphony Learning adheres to a
strict Privacy Policy, and is unable to give passwords to customers. If you need to
have a password reset, please see the Symphony Support site for further details.

Note that password and user information is CONFIDENTIAL, and should not be
distributed to any other person besides the system administrator. Failure to keep this
information private can lead to unwanted access to student and site information.

Contacting Technical Support

Symphony Learning tech support is available to school staff.
Toll-free: (800) 234-3030
Fax: (800) 234-3030

Symphony Math Content and Use
I see that Symphony Math is a kindergarten and first grade product.
Some of the problems look very challenging. Is it OK to use the program
for older students who do not have a solid math foundation?
Yes, Symphony Math may be used with older students. The program is designed with
an age neutral interface that does not use cute cartoon characters or childish themes
that make older students feel the program is inappropriate for them. Symphony Math
addresses fundamental math skills that struggling students need to master in order
for mathematics to be meaningful. The program has been used with middle-school
and high-school students in remedial settings.

For how long and how often do you recommend that a student use
Symphony Math?
We recommend 15- to 20-minute sessions three to five times a week. We
recommend that students not be permitted to use the program more than 20-
minutes a day, five days a week.

I see that Symphony Math uses number bars. Why not use a different
color for each number bar to help students distinguish them?
Our research led us to use the blue and yellow bars instead of having a different
color for each bar for two reasons. The first is that children who have color
perception difficulties would not be able to easily use a program with 10 different
colors on the computer screen. The second reason is that with bars that have a
unique color for each size bar, we found some students rely mostly on verbal
memory of the color relationships of the bar and do not consider the length of the
bars. The length of each bar is the important mathematical quality to which the
student needs to attend. We found that when we used only two colors, students were
more focused on the relative lengths of the bars and thus focused on the key
variable of quantity.

I find it interesting that you do not have any counting chips, or dots in
your program to help students count their way through the numbers.
Why is this?
One of the key developmental barriers Symphony Math is designed to help students
overcome is the transition from solving math problems by counting-on, and solving
math problems by number conceptualization. Most students first solve 5+3 by
counting “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . .” and then counting on three more, “6, 7, 8.” Subtraction
is handled in a similar way by counting down. This is an inefficient and unreliable
strategy for older students, though it is an important developmental accomplishment
in kindergarten. Unfortunately, the sight of third and fifth graders still counting up
and counting down is far too prevalent and poses a major barrier to their
advancement in math. Number bars are one of the few concrete representations (or
mainpulatives) that help students develop number conceptualization. The number
bars provide a model to students that five is “five.” Five is not “1, 2, 3, 4, 5”. Three
is “three.” Five plus three is eight. It is not “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . 6, 7, 8.” The counting

chips and other discontinuous representations reinforce the counting strategy. The
number bars introduce and reinforce the number conceptualization strategy which
is more efficient and helpful for effective math learning in the higher grades.

Why don't the bars have lines marking off each unit?
The answer to this question is similar to the one preceding it. We could put lines on
the bars that would indicate each unit of the bar. The seven bar could have equally
spaced lines along the bar that divide it into seven equal sections. This would help
students see the quantity that the seven bar represents. Similarly, we could have
added lines to the three bar to divide it into three equal sections. To solve the
problem 3+7 the student would only need to count the 10 sections on the two bars
to arrive at the answer. While this is an effective and important strategy at an early
stage in math learning, Symphony Math is designed to help students move beyond the
counting strategy to number conceptualization. With Symphony Bars, the student
combines the three and the seven bars and then finds the bar that is the same
length. The students see qualitatively that three and seven equal ten without falling
back on counting strategies.

Do we have to use number bars in our classroom?
Students are not required to use number bars in the classroom. The program
provides scaffolding and automatic support to help students begin using the
program. Symphony Math has been field tested in schools across the US and students
in grades as early as pre-school and kindergarten have shown that they can get up
and running with the program quickly.

I noticed the program only uses number bars. Why not use many
different representations, such as animals, balls, or cars?
We agree with math experts who advocate for a math curriculum that is rich with
multiple representations of quantity. Weights on a balance scale, a number line, and
dominoes are all examples of effective representations of quantity to help students
learn math. Symphony Math is a complementary program that offers an additional
representation of quantity and is not intended to be the only representation used in
a comprehensive and rich math curriculum. Symphony Math allows students to see
systematically how one representation can be used for learning many concepts, such
as addition, subtraction, and multiplication with the same representation. By using
the same representation for a variety of math concepts, students can see a visual
model that shows how these concepts are connected.

I noticed that Symphony Math does not have the usual cartoon
charters, music, and narratives that I have seen in other educational
software. Won’t kids get bored without those cute multimedia
The Symphony Math philosophy is that children are innately curious about their world
and if we design a learning environment that presents mathematical concepts in an
interesting and developmentally-appropriate manner, they will be engaged by the
patterns and relationships of mathematics and will not need unrelated stories,
characters or music to maintain their interest. We believe children are intrinsically

motivated to learn about math and Symphony Math is designed to work with students
in that way.

Why is the program called Symphony Math? I've heard there is some
connection between music and learning math.
A “symphony” is something characterized by a harmonious combination of
elements. Commonly this is associated with music. The integration of all of the
different instruments in a symphony orchestra is one example. In the name Symphony
Math, the term refers to the goal of our design philosophy which is to integrate a
variety of teaching approaches and methods into one harmonious learning
experience for each student. Some students need to explore concepts. Some need to
work on mastering number relationships. Others need to work on applying their
concepts and facts knowledge. Symphony Math is designed to evaluate a student’s
needs and coordinate a variety of learning environments and teaching strategies to
provide an appropriate and enjoyable learning experience.

In other educational software programs, our school has used the
instructions are more explicit and even show the student exactly what to
do or how to solve the problem. How come Symphony Math does not
model what students are supposed to do?
One of the most important skills in math is problem-solving. In order to be able to
apply what they have learned and solve novel mathematical problems, students must
develop the disposition of active thinkers who identify problems and seek out their
solutions. Many of the learning tasks in Symphony Math are presented as puzzles that
need to be “figured out.” Students find satisfaction in making these connections
without being told in advance exactly how to solve the puzzle. The program does
provide scaffolding in the form of instructional feedback when errors are made and
in the form of a Help button that can be selected for a clue that may lead the
student to the answer.

Symphony Math Installation and Technical Issues

How do I install Symphony Math within a school network
Symphony Math can be installed in two different ways. Both methods are described
1. Symphony Math is installed and run as a standalone application on each network
a. Download, install, and configure Symphony Math on a single workstation.
This includes running the program one time to enter the site ID,
username and password information.
b. On a Windows machine, copy the 'C:\Program Files\Symphony
Learning\' directory to each network workstation. On a Macintosh
machine, copy the 'Symphony Math' package (the bars icon) to other
2. Symphony Math is installed and run as a shared application that resides on a
network file server.

a. Download, install, and configure Symphony Math on a single workstation.
This includes running the program one time to enter the site ID,
username and password information.
b. Copy the program files to a shared network location.
c. Ensure that permissions on all files are set to 'Read Only'.
d. Create shortcuts on each workstation which point to the shared network

How do I use Symphony Math at home?
Symphony Math can be used by a student of a school that is actively using Symphony
Math. The program is installed on a home machine in an identical manner as a
school workstation. The single difference is that a student will use their OWN
username and password along with the school ID when they configure Symphony
Math the first time.
Using student usernames and passwords have the following benefits:
1. The sign-in screen will show ONLY the student name that is used during
configuration (rather than all student names, as in the school configuration).
2. School administrator usernames and passwords are NOT distributed, preserving
access to school-wide settings and reports.
A school-to-home letter is available in the Documentation section of the Symphony
Learning Web site. This Microsoft Word-formatted document has the information
needed to print a take-home letter for students and their families.
Please note that technical support for Symphony Math at-home use is the
responsibility of the school. The school-to-home worksheet provides an easy way to
refer parents to a support representative designated to the participating school.

I am getting messages when I try to update my version of Symphony
Math saying that a problem has occurred. What should I do?
Symphony Learning provides an easy way to update versions of Symphony Math. A
green flag at the top of the sign-in screen will alert users that an update is available.
Clicking on the flag will start the automatic update, which can take several minutes.
In restricted user environments, auto-updates will fail. Problems with updates will
occur if one or more of the following conditions exist:
• the workstation is running in a restricted environment that prohibits
replacement and addition of new files
• the workstation is running Symphony Math from a shared network location.
In the cases above, the solution is to run the Symphony Math program locally, and use
the update while logged into the computer as a user with read/write privileges.

I am having problems with the program. One or more of the following
symptoms occur:
• I cannot complete the configuration process past the '3D test'
• The performance of the program is very poor. Audio skips and
stutters, and it is hard to move objects within activities.
• I experience frequent / consistent crashes while trying to use
Symphony Math.

Symphony Math uses a 3D rendering engine throughout the program, and exclusively
within the program activity modules.
The Symphony platform supports
several 3D driver sets, including
OpenGL (all platforms), DirectX7.0
(Windows only), DirectX5.2 (Windows
only), and Software Rendering (all
Troubleshooting Step 1: Change the
Video Driver
1. Start Symphony Math.
2. At the sign-in screen (list of names),
click on the 'Settings' button in the
upper left of the screen.
3. Choose the 'Computer Settings' tab
from the left side of the Settings
Control Panel.
4. Choose a Video Driver from the
pull-down menu under 'Video
Driver'. (Choose the first available
driver in the list.)
5. Press 'Apply' to save your changes.
6. Go back to the sign-in screen. Enter
the program as a student and select
any activity from the menu. If the
problem is not resolved, repeat steps 2-6 with the other
Video Drivers available in the list above.
Troubleshooting Step 2: Update the Video Driver
If none of the drivers above produce desirable results, an
updated driver may be necessary. A full explanation and
description of troubleshooting steps is available at the
following address:

Activity #1: Manipulatives

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: One Concepts: Same

Directions: • “This bar is the same height as which bar?”

• “Find a bar that is the same height as this bar.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a solution for the right side of the same arrow.
• Find a solution for the left side of the same arrow.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students develop an understanding of the concept of “same” with

concrete manipulatives. This provides the foundation for understanding equals as a
description of a relationship between two quantities, which is an important concept in
algebraic thinking. At first, students must place the bar on the left side of the arrow. At
the end of the level they place the bar on the right side of the arrow. This emphasizes
that the concept of “same” is a description of a relationship between the objects.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Two Concepts: Taller

Directions: • “Find a bar that is taller than this bar.”

• “This bar is taller than which bar?”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a bar that is taller than the given bar.
• Find a bar that will make the given bar taller.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: In this level, students develop an understanding of the concept of “taller”
with concrete manipulatives. This provides the foundation for understanding “greater
than” and prepares students to think of the greater than symbol as a relationship between
two amounts reading from left to right. The student must place a bar that is taller than
the given bar on the left side of the arrow. By the end of the level, the student must
place a bar on the right side of the arrow so that the bar on the left is taller. This
challenges the student to develop an understanding that the arrow describes a
relationship of quantity between the two bars. The student cannot simply select a bar
that is taller than the one on the screen. This encourages students to develop conceptual
understanding not only rely on strategies to provide the correct answer in limited

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Three Concepts: Shorter, Between

Directions: • “Find a bar that is shorter than this bar.”

• “This bar is shorter than which bar?”
• “Find a bar for the blinking area.”
• “Find a bar for each blinking area.”
• “Find a bar that is between this bar and this bar.”

Scaffolding: • Find a bar that is shorter than the given bar.

• Find a bar that will make the given bar shorter.
• Find several bars that preserve the shorter than relationship.
• Find a bar that is in between the two given bars.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students develop an understanding of the concept of “shorter” which

provides the foundation for understanding “less.” It prepares students to think of the
less-than symbol as a description of a relationship between two amounts. The student
must place a bar that is shorter than the given bar on the left side of the arrow. Further
into the level, the student must place a bar on the right side of the arrow so that the bar
on the left is shorter. This challenges the student to develop an understanding that the
arrow describes a relationship of quantity between the two bars.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Four Concepts: Shorter, Taller, Multiple Solutions

Directions: • “Find a bar for each blinking area.”

• “Find a bar for the blinking area.”
• “Find another Solution.”

Scaffolding: • Find two bars that satisfy the relationship indicated by the arrow.
• Find three bars that satisfy the relationship indicated by two arrows.
• Find a bar that satisfies the relationship indicated by the arrows.
• Solve the problem up to three different ways.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two correct answers will be placed in blinking areas.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: In this level, students coordinate their understanding of the concepts of
“taller” and “shorter.” This level leads to a deeper understanding of the concepts. The
tasks in this level present the concepts in challenging configurations in order to promote
mastery of the concepts. Early in the level, the student needs to place two bars around
the arrow. As they progress, students must place a bar in the middle of two arrows that
refer to two other bars. Finally, the student must solve the same task three different
ways. This is designed to help students see that number relationships do not necessarily
result in a single correct answer. Students see that there are multiple solutions to some
numeracy problems. These tasks encourage creative and flexible problem-solving.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Five Concepts: Shorter, Taller

Directions: • “Find an arrow for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Find the arrow that describes the relationship of the two bars.
• Find three arrows for the three blinking areas.
• Find four arrows for the four blinking areas.

Help: • A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students must now place the arrows that symbolize the relationship
between the bars, instead of placing the bars around the arrows. Students approach the
same concepts (taller & shorter) from an alternative perspective. This level helps
students deepen their understanding of “shorter” and “taller” with similar problems that
must be solved differently. Sometimes students develop strategies for solving problems
in a certain format without understanding the concepts involved. By changing the
format of the problems in this level, students are challenged to think about the quantity
relationships in a different but related way. If a student relied on a narrow strategy for
moving through the earlier levels, these problems may provoke a reorganization of
understanding that lead to a deeper understanding.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Six Concepts: Not Same

Directions: • “This bar is not the same height as which bar?”

• “Find a bar that is not the same height as this bar.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Verbal directions are available by pressing repeat directions button.
• Find a solution for the right side of the not-same arrow.
• Find a solution for the left side of the not-same arrow.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students develop an understanding of the concept of “not same” with
concrete manipulatives. This provides the foundation for understanding “not equals” as a
description of a relationship between two quantities. Progress in this level builds upon
knowledge developed in level one with the concept of “same.” The idea of “not same”
is strongly related to understanding the concept of “same.” At first, students must place
the bar on the left side of the arrow. At the end of the level they place the bar on the
right side of the arrow. This emphasizes that the concept of “not same” is a description
of a relationship between the quantities. Understanding the reverse of a concept is
fundamental to making connections in math and seeing it as interrelated ideas.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Seven Concepts: Not Taller

Directions: • “Find a bar that is not-taller than this bar.”

• “This bar is not taller than which bar?”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Verbal directions are available by pressing repeat directions button.
• Find a bar that is not taller than the given bar.
• Find a bar that will make the given bar not taller.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students develop an understanding of the concept of “not taller” with
concrete manipulatives. This provides the foundation for understanding “not greater.”
and prepares students to think of the not-greater symbol as a relationship between two
amounts reading from left to right. This is a level that may enhance a student’s
understanding of number relationships. The student must place a bar that is not-taller
than the given bar on the left side of the arrow. By the end of the level the student must
place a bar on the right side of the arrow so that the bar on the left is “not taller.” This
challenges the student to develop an understanding that the arrow describes a
relationship of quantity between the two bars.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Eight Concepts: Not Shorter

Directions: • “Find a bar that is not shorter than this bar.”

• “This bar is not shorter than which bar?”
• “Find a bar for the blinking area.”
• “Find a bar for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Find a bar that is not-shorter than the given bar.

• Find a bar that will make the given bar not shorter.
• Find several bars that preserve the not shorter than relationship.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students develop an understanding of the concept of “not shorter” with
concrete manipulatives. This provides the foundation for understanding not less and
prepares students to think of the not-less than symbol as a relationship between two
amounts reading from left to right. The student must place a bar that is taller than the
given bar on the left side of the arrow. By the end of the level, the student must place a
bar on the right side of the arrow so that the bar on the left is taller. This challenges the
student to develop an understanding that the arrow describes a relationship of quantity
between the two bars. The student cannot simply select a bar that is taller than the one
on the screen. Working with reverse concepts helps move students’ thinking to more
complex levels while also solidifying the concepts covered earlier in the program.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Nine Concepts: Not Shorter, Not Taller, Multiple


Directions: • “Find a bar for each blinking area.”

• “Find a bar for the blinking area.”
• “Find another solution.”

Scaffolding: • Find two bars that satisfy the relationship indicated by the arrow.
• Find three bars that satisfy the relationship indicated by two arrows.
• Find a bar that satisfies the relationship indicated by the arrows.
• Solve the problem up to three different ways.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two correct answers will be placed in blinking areas.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students coordinate their understanding of the concepts of “not taller” and
“not shorter” in the same tasks. This level leads to a deeper understanding of the
concepts as they are used simultaneously. The tasks in this level present the concepts in
challenging configurations in order to promote mastery of the concepts. Early in the
level, the student needs to place two bars around the arrow. As she progresses the
student must place a bar in the middle of two arrows that refers to two other bars.
Finally, the student must solve the same task three different ways. These tasks
encourage creative and flexible problem-solving. Working with reverse of concepts
helps move students’ thinking to more complex levels while also solidifying the
concepts covered earlier in the program.

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives

Level: Ten Concepts: Shorter, Taller, Not Shorter, Not Taller

Directions: • “Find an arrow for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Find the arrow that describes the relationship of the two bars.
• Find three arrows for the three blinking areas.
• Find four arrows for the four blinking areas.

Help: • A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students use number bars that represent different
quantities of height. The number bars provide a concrete representation that allow
students to work with and be evaluated on concepts such as same, taller, and shorter.

Level Goals: Students must now place the arrows that describe the relationship between
the bars, instead of placing the bars around the arrows. Students approach the same
concepts (not taller & not shorter) from an alternative perspective. This level helps
students deepen their understanding of not shorter and not taller by providing similar
problems that must be solved in a different way. Sometimes students develop strategies
for solving problems in a certain format without understanding the concepts involved.
By changing the format of the problems in this level, students are challenged to think
about the quantity relationships in a different but related way. If a student relied on a
narrow strategy for moving through the earlier levels, theses problems may provoke a
reorganization of her understanding that lead to a deeper understanding. Working with
reverse concepts helps move students’ thinking to more complex levels while also
solidifying the concepts covered earlier in the program.

Activity #2: Manipulatives & Symbols

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: One Concepts: Same & Equals

Directions: • “Four is equal to what number?”

• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbol are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: Students focus on understanding “equal” by relating it to “same.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Two Concepts: Taller & Greater

Directions: • “Four is greater than what number?”

• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: Students focus on understanding “greater” by relating it to “taller.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Three Concepts: Shorter & Less

Directions: • “Find a number for the blinking area.”

• “Find numbers for each blinking area.”
• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: Students focus on understanding “less” by relating it to “shorter.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Four Concepts: Shorter & Less, Taller & Greater

Directions: • “Find a number for the blinking area.”

• “Find numbers for each blinking area.”
• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: In this level students focus on understanding “greater” and “less” by
relating them to “taller” and “shorter.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Five Concepts: Not Same & Not Equal

Directions: • “Four is not equal to what number?”

• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: In this level, students focus on understanding “not equal” by relating it to
“not same.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Six Concepts: Not Taller & Not Greater

Directions: • “Four is not greater than what number?”

• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: In this level, students focus on understanding “not greater” by relating it to
“not taller.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Seven Concepts: Not Shorter & Not Less

Directions: • “Find a number for the blinking area.”

• “Find numbers for each blinking area.”
• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols. By working from the reverse
perspective (filling in the number bars for the symbols), the students learn to use abstract
notation to describe relationships of quantity.

Level Goals: In this level, students focus on understanding “not less” by relating it to
“not shorter.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: Eight Concepts: Not Taller & Not Greater, Not Shorter &
Not Less, Taller & Greater, Shorter & Less

Directions: • “Find a number for the blinking area.”

• “Find numbers for each blinking area.”
• “Find numbers and symbols for each blinking area.”
• “Find the bars and arrows for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Numbers and bars are given, one number must be filled in.
• Bars and symbols are given, numbers must be filled in.
• Bars are given, numbers and symbols must be filled in.
• Numbers and symbols are given, bars and arrows must be filled in.

Help: • The bars will be organized from shortest to tallest.

• Numbers and symbols will appear beneath the bars.
• Insert a number or bar into blinking area.
• Insert a symbol or arrow into blinking area.
• Four bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more bars will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more bar will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: This activity helps students develop an understanding of what the
numbers and symbols mean. Students must construct the corresponding number
sentence with symbols that represent the number bars. This helps ensure that the student
understands the concrete meaning of the symbols.

Level Goals: In this level, students focus on understanding “not greater” and “not less”
by relating them to “not taller” and “not shorter.”

Activity #3: Symbols

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: One Concepts: Equal

Directions: • “Two is equal to what number?”

• “Find a number that is equal to four.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a number for the right side of the equal sign
• Find a number for the left side of the equal sign.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning.

Level Goals: This level focuses on “equals”. By having students fill in the number on
both sides of the equal sign they are encouraged to see the equal sign as a description of
a relationship as opposed to thinking of it as an operator such as “makes” (e.g., “three
plus five makes eight.”)

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Two Concepts: Greater

Directions: • “Find a number that is greater than one.”

• “Five is greater than what number?”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a number that is greater than the given number.
• Find a number that will make the given number greater.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: This level focuses on “greater.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Three Concepts: Less, Between

Directions: • “Find a number that is less than three.”

• “Five is less than what number?”
• “Find a number that is between five and nine.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a number that is less than the given bar.
• Find a number that will make the given bar less.
• Find a solution between the two numbers.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: This level focuses on “less” as well as “between.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Four Concepts: Less, Greater, Multiple Solutions

Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area.”

• “Find a number for the blinking area.”
• “Find another Solution.”

Scaffolding: • Find numbers that satisfy the relationship indicated by the symbol.
• Find numbers that satisfy the relationship indicated by two symbols.
• Find a number that satisfies the relationship indicated by the symbols.
• Solve the problem up to three different ways.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two correct answers will be placed in blinking areas.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning.

Level Goals: Early in the level, the student needs to place two numbers around the
symbol. As she progresses, the student must place a number in the middle of two
symbols that refer to two other symbols. Finally, the student must solve the same task
three different ways. This is designed to help students see that number relationships do
not necessarily result in a single correct answer. Students see that there are multiple
solutions to some numeracy problems. These tasks encourage creative and flexible

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Five Concepts: Less, Greater

Directions: • “Find a symbol for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Find the symbol that describes the relationship of the two numbers.
• Find three symbols for the three blinking areas.
• Find four symbols for the four blinking areas.

Help: • A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: Students must now place the symbols that describe the relationship
between the numbers, instead of placing the numbers around the symbols. Students
approach the same concepts (greater & less) from an alternative problem-solving

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Six Concepts: Not Equal

Directions: • “Two is not-equal to what number?”

• “Find a number that is not-equal to four.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a number for the right side of the not equal sign
• Find a number for the left side of the not equal sign.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning.

Level Goals: This level focuses on “not equal.” By having students fill in the number
on both sides of the not-equal sign they are encouraged to see the not-equal sign as a
description of a relationship as opposed to thinking of it as an operator such as
“makes” (e.g., “three plus five makes eight.”)

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Seven Concepts: Not Greater

Directions: • “Find a number that is not greater than one.”

• “Five is not greater than what number?”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a number that is not-greater than the given number.
• Find a number that will make the given number not-greater.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: This level focuses on “not greater.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Eight Concepts: Not Less

Directions: • “Find a number that is not less than one.”

• “Five is not less than what number?”
• “Find a bar for the blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Verbal directions support understanding of concept.

• Find a number that is not-less than the given number.
• Find a number that will make the given number not-less.
• Find a solution between the two numbers.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• The correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: This level focuses on “not less.”

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Nine Concepts: Not Less, Not Greater, Multiple Solutions

Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area.”

• “Find a number for the blinking area.”
• “Find another solution.”

Scaffolding: • Find numbers that satisfy the relationship indicated by the symbol.
• Find numbers that satisfy the relationship indicated by two symbols.
• Find a number that satisfies the relationship indicated by the symbols.
• Solve the problem up to three different ways.

Help: • The bars will be organized from least to greatest.

• A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two correct answers will be placed in blinking areas.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understanding their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: Students coordinate their understanding of the concepts of “not less” and
“not greater” in the same tasks. This level leads to a deeper understanding of the
concepts as they are used simultaneously and multiple solutions are sometimes required.

Module: Quantity Activity: Symbols

Level: Ten Concepts: Less, Greater, Not Less, Not Greater

Directions: • “Find a symbol for each blinking area.”

Scaffolding: • Find the symbol that describes the relationship of the two numbers.
• Find three symbols for the three blinking areas.
• Find four symbols for the four blinking areas.

Help: • A correct answer will be placed in a blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students work with numbers and symbols to represent relationships
between quantities. The concrete manipulatives only appear when the student asks for
help or when mistakes are made. This helps students understand the meaning of their
errors and how to correct them. Students become proficient in constructing number
sentences related to quantity and understand their meaning. The numbers on the right
side of the screen from which the student selects her answer are not presented in order.
This encourages the student to appreciate the quantity or magnitude of each number and
not merely rely on finding a number that comes before or after the number in the

Level Goals: Students must now place the symbols that describe the relationship
between the numbers, instead of placing the numbers around the symbols. Students
approach the same concepts (greater & less, not greater & not less) from an alternative
problem-solving perspective.

Activity #4: Auditory Sentences

Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: One Concepts: Equals

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on
“equals.” At first, students only need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they
must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory sentences challenge
students to remember the visual representation of the symbols. In addition to
completing number sentences with missing elements, students learn the association
between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “equals.”

Eight is equal to what number?

Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Two Concepts: Greater

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on
“greater.” At first students only need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they
must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory sentences challenge
students to remember the visual representation of the symbols. In addition to
completing number sentences with missing elements, students learn the association
between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “greater.”

Six is greater than what


Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Three Concepts: Less

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on “less.”
At first students only need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in
the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory sentences challenge students to
remember the visual representation of the symbols. In addition to completing number
sentences with missing elements, students learn the association between the spoken
names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “less.”

Four is less than what

number? What number is
less than what number?

Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Four Concepts: Less, Greater

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on “less
and greater.” At first students only need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level
they must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory sentences
challenge students to remember the visual representation of the symbols. In addition to
completing number sentences with missing elements, students learn the association
between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “less” and “greater.”

Five is less than what

number? What number is
greater than what number?

Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Five Concepts: Not Equal

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of coordination between how the mathematical statements
are spoken and how they appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This
level focuses on “not equal.” At first students only need to fill in the numbers. At the
end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory
sentences challenge students to remember the visual representation of the symbols. In
addition to completing number sentences with missing elements, students learn the
association between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “not equal.”

Six is not equal to what


Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Six Concepts: Not Greater

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on “not
greater.” At first students only need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they
must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory sentences challenge
students to remember the visual representation of the symbols. In addition to
completing number sentences with missing elements, students learn the association
between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “not greater.”

Three is not greater than

what number?

Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Seven Concepts: Not Less

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on “not
less.” At first students only need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they
must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol. These auditory sentences challenge
students to remember the visual representation of the symbols. In addition to
completing number sentences with missing elements, students learn the association
between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual representations.

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “not less.”

Three is not less than what

number? What number is
not less than what

Module: Quantity Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: Eight Concepts: Not Greater, Not Less, Greater,


Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes what you hear.”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: Students learn how to construct number sentences that they hear. This
develops an understanding of how the mathematical statements are spoken and how they
appear visually and prepares students for story problems. This level focuses on “not
greater,” “not less,” “greater,” and “less.” At first students only need to fill in the
numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the relational symbol.
These auditory sentences challenge students to remember the visual representation of the
symbols. In addition to completing number sentences with missing elements, students
learn the association between the spoken names of the symbols and their visual

Level Goals: This level focuses on number sentences with “not greater,” “not less,”
“greater” and “less.”

Nine is not greater than

what number? What
number is greater than
what number?

Activity #5: Story Problems

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: One Concepts: Equal

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “equals.”

Cecile has a cat that weighs

nine pounds. George has a
cat that weighs nine pounds.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Two Concepts: Greater

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “greater.”

Lisa read one page of a

book. Sandra read four
pages of a book.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Three Concepts: Less

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “less.”

George has a dog that weighs

eight pounds. Rondel has a
dog that weighs three pounds.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Four Concepts: Less, Greater

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “less” or “greater.”

Donald was five minutes

late for the bus. Cecile was
three minutes late for the
bus. Miguel was six
minutes late for the bus.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Five Concepts: Not Equal

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “not equal.”

Miguel is two years old.

Sarah is three years old.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Six Concepts: Not Greater

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Both numbers must be filled in.

• Both numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “not greater.”

Susan has a dog that weighs

seven pounds. Maria has a
dog that weighs four pounds.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Seven Concepts: Not Less

Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “not less.”

Charles has two pencils.

Miguel has three pencils.
Elizabeth has five pencils.

Module: Quantity Activity: Story Problems

Level: Eight Concepts: Not Greater, Not Less, Greater,


Directions: • “Write a number sentence that describes this story”

Scaffolding: • Two numbers must be filled in.

• Two numbers and the relational symbol must be filled in.
• Three numbers and two relational symbols must be filled in.

Help: • The numbers will be organized from least to greatest.

• The corresponding bars will be placed above the numbers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.
• Five numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Two more numbers will be removed from the set of possible answers
• One more number will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be placed in the blinking area.

Activity Goals: In this activity, students learn how to represent everyday situations with
mathematical statements. The problems in this activity introduce the idea of using
abstract mathematical symbols to describe real-life situations. At first, students only
need to fill in the numbers. At the end of the level they must fill in the numbers and the
relational symbols. Representing these story problems helps develop listening skills as
students must listen to the story and determine which information is relevant as they
select the appropriate numbers and relational symbols.

Level Goals: This level focuses on story problems represented with “not greater”, “not
less”, “greater,” and “less.”

Donald has two erasers. Beth

has one eraser. Maria has
nine erasers.

Activity #1: Manipulatives

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives

Level: One Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Find a bar that is the same length as these bars.”
• “Find a bar that would be the same length as these bars if we put them
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
• The second bar will be placed in the blinking area if needed (i.e., for
sums greater than 10).
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first, the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level, the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for two parts joining together to form a
whole. This provides a foundation for addition.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Addend
Directions: • “Add a bar to this bar to make them the same length as this bar.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first, the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for missing parts. Prepares the
foundation for “missing addend.”

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Addends, Multiple
Directions: • “Add bars to make them the same length as these bars.”
• “Find another solution.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
• Up to three different solutions must be found.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for missing parts and how different
combinations of parts can be related to the same whole. Prepares the foundation for
“missing addends” which is important for decomposing and composing numbers in
addition and subtraction.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Four Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “If you took this bar away from this bar, what bar would be left?”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for a part being taken away from the
whole. By using the same concrete model for subtraction as for addition, students can
see the connection between these two concepts. Subtraction is similar to “missing
addend,” which students learned in level two is similar to addition.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Five Concepts: Missing Subtrahend,
Commutative Property,
Relationship of Addition to
Directions: • “Which bar would you take away from this bar to get this bar?”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
• Student must solve four problems of connected number relationships.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for “missing subtrahend.” Prepares the
foundation for composing and decomposing numbers. Connection is made between
addition and subtraction. Students are asked to solve four problems from the fact family:
10-8=2, 10-2=8, 8+2=10, 2+8=10.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Subtrahend & Minuend,
Multiple Solutions.
Directions: • “When you take away the bar you place here, from the bar you place
here, you must have this bar left over.”
• “Find another solution.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for “missing minuend” and “subtrahend.”
The level prepares the foundation for composing and decomposing numbers and further
exemplifies the interrelationship of parts and wholes. Students need to find multiple
ways of taking a part away from a whole to have the given part remain.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Seven Concepts: Three-Part Addition
Directions: • “Find a bar that is the same length as these bars.”
• “Find a bar that would be the same length as these bars if we put them
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
• The second bar will be placed in the blinking area if needed (i.e., for
sums greater than 10).
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for three parts joining together to form a
whole. This provides a foundation for addition with more than two addends. Also
prepares students for multiplication which can involve combining more than two parts.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Eight Concepts: Three-Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “Add a bar to these bars to make them the same length as this bar.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to a find solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for a missing addend with three parts.
Consolidates skills developed earlier in the activity.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Nine Concepts: Four-Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “Add a bar to this bars to make them the same length as these bars.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Prepares students for algebraic thinking by showing there can be multiple
parts that are the same length as another group of multiple parts. The goal is to keep the
two groups equal to each other.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Ten Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction
Directions: • “If you took these bars away from this bar, what bar would be left?”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Introduces a model of two parts being subtracted from a whole.
Consolidates skills developed earlier in the activity.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Eleven Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction - Missing
Directions: • “Which bar would you take away from these bars to get this bar?”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in blinking area to
discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find a solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students develop a mental model of the
parts-to-whole concept, which is fundamental to addition and subtraction. By using the
same concrete model for addition and subtraction, the connections between them are
more evident. At first the bars on the bottom row are pushed together. This allows for
visual problem-solving by trial-and-error. At the end of each level the bars are off-set.
This makes it harder to progress by trial-and-error and encourages students to identify the
quantity of each bar and mentally combine them to determine if the parts equal the whole.
Proficiency with each number relationship is tracked. The activity gradually focuses on
the more problematic number relationships.
Level Goals: Missing subtrahend with two parts being subtracted from a whole.
Consolidates skills developed earlier in the activity.

Activity #2: Manipulatives & Symbols

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: One Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the other addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and both addends must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve addition and missing addend problems with
symbols by using the number bars as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Two Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the other addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and both addends must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve addition and missing addend problems with
number bars by using the symbols as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Three Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the numbers must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the numbers and equal sign must be
filled in..
• The number sentence is given and all the blinking areas must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to represent addition problems with symbols by
coordinating them with the number bars.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Four Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the other addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and both addends and the sum must be
filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to construct and solve addition problems with number
bars by coordinating them with symbols.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Five Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the difference must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the subtrahend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the minuend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the subtrahend and the minuend must
be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve subtraction, missing subtrahend, and missing
minuend problems with symbols by using the number bars as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Six Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the difference must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the subtrahend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the other addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and both addends must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve subtraction problems with number bars by
using the symbols as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Seven Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the numbers must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the numbers and equal sign must be
filled in..
• The number sentence is given and all the blinking areas must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to represent subtraction problems with symbols by
coordinating them with the number bars.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Eight Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the difference must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the subtrahend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the minuend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the subtrahend, minuend and
difference must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to construct and solve subtraction problems with
number bars by coordinating them with symbols.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Nine Concepts: Three-Part Addition
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and an addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addends and the sum must be
filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addends, the sum, the equal sign
and the addition signs must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to construct and solve three-part addition problems with
symbols by using the number bars as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Ten Concepts: Three-Part Addition
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and all addends and the sum must be filled
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve three-part addition and missing addend
problems with number bars by using the symbols as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Eleven Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the difference must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and a subtrahend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the minuend, subtrahends and the
difference must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the minuend, subtrahends, the
difference and the equal sign and the subtraction signs must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to construct and solve three-part subtraction problems
with symbols by using the number bars as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Twelve Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the difference must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and a subtrahend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the subtrahends, minuend and the
difference must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve three-part subtraction and missing subtrahend
problems with number bars by using the symbols as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Thirteen Concepts: Four-Part Addition
Directions: • “Find a number for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and an addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addends and the sum must be
filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addends, the sum, the equal sign
and the addition signs must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to construct and solve four-part addition problems with
symbols by using the number bars as a model.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Fourteen Concepts: Four-Part Addition
Directions: • “Find bars for each blinking area so the numbers and the bars match.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and the sum must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and the addend must be filled in.
• The number sentence is given and all addends and the sum must be filled
Help: • Any incorrect bars will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct bar will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars, or assemble the number bars for the
problem indicated by the symbols. The bars or symbols are presented in patterns from
activity one and involve either combining values or taking values away. This activity is
helpful for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but
have not mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for
students who have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not
completely clear on their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to solve four-part addition and missing addend
problems with number bars by using the symbols as a model.

Activity #3: Symbols

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols

Level: One Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Seven plus one equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Addition number relationship levels.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn addition number relationships with symbols.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Addend
Directions: • “One plus what number equals seven?”
Scaffolding: • Addition number relationship levels for missing addends.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn the addition number relationships for missing addends. This
prepares students for subtraction.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Addends, Multiple Solutions
Directions: • “What number plus what number equals ten?”
Scaffolding: • Addition number relationship levels for missing addends.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: This level challenges students to deduce up to three different ways of
making a sum. This helps students see that the same numbers can be composed with
different addends and prepares them for addition and subtraction with larger numbers that
involve composing and decomposing.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Four Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Eleven minus one equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Subtraction number relationship levels.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn subtraction number relationships with symbols.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Five Concepts: Missing Subtrahend
Directions: • “Seven plus one equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Subtraction number relationship levels for missing subtrahend.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn subtraction number relationships for missing subtrahend.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Subtrahend & Minuend,
Multiple Solutions
Directions: • “What number minus what number equals three?”
Scaffolding: • Subtraction number relationship levels for missing subtrahend and
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: This level challenges students to deduce up to three different ways of
making a difference between two numbers. This helps students see that numbers can be
decomposed in different ways and prepares them for addition and subtraction with larger
numbers that involve composing and decomposing.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Seven Concepts: Three-Part Addition
Directions: • “Six plus one plus four equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Addition number relationship levels for three addends.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn addition number relationships with three addends.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Eight Concepts: Three-Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “Ten plus what number plus three equals 14?”
Scaffolding: • Addition number relationship levels for three addends.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: Three-part addition with a missing addend helps students learn that they
can apply various strategies to solving more complex numeracy problems. This is
important for multi-digit addition and subtraction where there is sometimes not a single
best strategy. In the below example, the student can mentally subtract three from
fourteen and ask herself “ten plus what number equals eleven?” Or she can add the three
to the ten and ask herself “thirteen plus what number equals fourteen?”

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Nine Concepts: Four-Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “What number plus one equals two plus eight?”
Scaffolding: • Addition number relationship levels for four-part addition.
Help: • A related number relationship is shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: Four-part addition with a missing addend helps students learn that they can
apply various strategies to solving more complex numeracy problems. The level also
supports the development of algebraic thinking where students learn to balance the two
sides of the equation. In the below example, a student could mentally subtract one from
both sides of the equation and then solve for one plus eight. Or, a student could mentally
combine two plus eight and then solve for what number plus one equals ten.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Ten Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction
Directions: • “Eight minus one minus five equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Subtraction number relationship levels for three-part subtraction.
Help: • A related number relationship s shown.
• A second related number relationship is shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: Three-part subtraction provides another format for students to consolidate
their knowledge of number relationships while also practicing different strategies for
decomposing numbers.

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Symbols
Level: Eleven Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction - Missing
Directions: • “Eleven minus one minus what number equals two?”
Scaffolding: • Subtraction number relationship levels for three-part subtraction.
Help: • A related number relationship will be shown.
• A second related number relationship will be shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: Three-part subtraction with a missing subtrahend challenges students to
explore a variety of strategies in solving more complex number-relationship problems as
well as providing an opportunity to consolidate basic number relationships.

Activity #4: Auditory Sentences

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: One Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is to provide the opportunity to construct number sentences from auditory
information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of number
relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize quantities
within the written numeric symbols. When solving these problems through listening,
students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares students for
story problems.
Level Goals: To learn spoken addition number relationships.

Seven plus one equals

what number?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Addend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken addition number relationships with missing addends.

Two plus what number

equals eleven?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Addends
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken addition number relationships with two missing addends.

What number plus what

number equals ten?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Four Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken subtraction number relationships.

Seven minus three

equals what number?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Five Concepts: Missing Subtrahend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken subtraction number relationships with missing subtrahends.

Ten minus what

number equals eight?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Subtrahend & Minuend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken subtraction number relationships with missing subtrahends
and minuends.

What number minus what

number equals seven?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Seven Concepts: Three-Part Addition
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken addition number relationships with three-part addition.

Four plus two, plus eight,

equals what number?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Eight Concepts: Three-Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken addition number relationships with three parts and a
missing addend.

What number plus four,

plus three, equals ten?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Nine Concepts: Four Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken addition number relationships with four addends.

Eight plus three equals

what number plus seven?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Ten Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken subtraction number relationships with two subtrahends.

Seven minus three, minus

one, equals what number?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Eleven Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction - Missing
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of addition and
subtraction with symbols. The activity includes addends from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, a related number relationship is provided that helps the
student make connections between number relationships that they know and ones they are
Level Goals: To learn spoken subtraction number relationships with one subtrahend and
one missing subtrahend.

Nine minus three minus

what number equals three?

Activity #5: Story Problems

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems

Level: One Concepts: Addition
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars will appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of addition, and learn to identify a “join”
problem with an unknown result.

Sandra has a dog that

weighs three pounds. Max
has a dog that weighs five
pounds. How much do the
dogs weigh all together?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Addend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of addition and learn to identify a “join”
problem with an unknown change.

Jose found a pumpkin that

weighs six pounds. How
many more pounds does
the pumpkin need to be in
order to weigh ten pounds?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Addends
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of addition, and learning to identify a “join”
problem with an unknown start, an unknown change, and a known result.

Karen scored some goals.

Lamar scored some goals.
They scored nine goals all

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Four Concepts: Subtraction
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of subtraction, learning to identify a “compare”
problem with an unknown referent.

Sandra is seven years old.

She is one year older than
Maria. How old is Maria?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Five Concepts: Missing Subtrahend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of subtraction and learning to identify a separate
problem with an unknown change.

George built a tower that is

eleven blocks tall. Some of
the blocks fell off the tower.
The tower is now seven
blocks tall. How many
blocks fell off the tower?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Subtrahend & Minuend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of subtraction and learn to identify a compare
problem with a known difference, an unknown quantity and an unknown referent.

Julia scored one more goal

that george. How many
goals could Julia have
scored, and how many goals
would george have scored?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Seven Concepts: Three-Part Addition
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars will appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of addition and learn to identify a three-part
“join” problem with an unknown result.

Max has a dog that weighs

three pounds. Maria has a
dog that weighs five pounds.
Sandra has a dog that
weighs four pounds. How
much do the dogs weigh all

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Eight Concepts: Three-Part Addition - Missing
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars will appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of addition, learn to identify a three-part “join”
problem with an unknown change.

Max found a pumpkin that

weighs five pounds. It grew
another four pounds. How
many more pounds does the
pumpkin need to grow to
weigh thirteen pounds?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Nine Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars will appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of subtraction, and learn to identify a separate
problem with an unknown result.

Rondel has fourteen

marbles. He gave one to
Hector. He gave five to
Elizabeth. How many
marbles does Rondel
have left?

Module: Addition & Subtraction Activity: Story Problems
Level: Ten Concepts: Three-Part Subtraction - Missing
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills on real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the other four activities. When errors are
made, the number bars will appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar problems and symbol problems,
students can use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the
story problem.
Level Goals: To solve applied problems of subtraction, and learn to identify a separate
problem with an unknown change.

Michael has eleven

cookies. He gave four to
Dontrelle and he gave
some to Maria. Michael has
one cookie left. How many
cookies did he give to

Activity #1: Manipulatives

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives

Level: One Concepts: Multiplication
Directions: • “Find a bar that is the same length as this bar repeated five times.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
• Additional bars will be placed in the blinking area if needed (i.e., for
sums greater than 10).
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives, students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for repeated addition as multiplication.
Students must provide the product for the repeated number bar.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Multiplier
Directions: • “Use one or more bars to make them the same length as this bar.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• A correct bar will be placed in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives, students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for “missing multiplier.” The product and
the multiplicand are given. Students need to determine how many multiplicands will
equal the product.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Multiplicand
Directions: • “Find a bar for each blinking area to make them the same length as these
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
Help: • The blinking areas will be resized to match the size of the missing
• Six bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Three bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be inserted into the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives, students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for missing multiplicand. The product
and the multiplier are given. The multiplier is indicated by the number of blinking areas.
The student must find the correct size bar to be repeated in each blinking area. Helps
students understand the distinction between multiplier and multiplicand.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Four Concepts: Missing Multiplier &
Multiplicand, Multiple Solutions
Directions: • “Use one or more bars to make them the same length as this bar. Each
bar you use must be the same length.”
• Find another solution.
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
• Three unique solutions are required.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Three bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct solution will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives, students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: In this level, students need to supply both the multiplier and the
multiplicand. Up to three unique solutions are required. This emphasizes that numbers
can be composed several different ways by multiplying different combinations of factors.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Five Concepts: Division
Directions: • “Find a bar that can be taken away from this bar one or more times so
that nothing will be left over.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
Help: • The blinking areas will be resized to match the size of the missing
• A correct answer will be inserted into the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives, students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: Students develop a mental model for repeated subtraction as division.
Students need to provide the quotient. The divisor and the dividend are provided.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Dividend
Directions: • “Find a bar that will let you take away this bar five times so that nothing
will be left over.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
Help: • The bars will be pushed together.
• Five bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Three bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct solution will be placed in a blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: This level focuses on finding the missing dividend to complete the problem.
The student needs to find thee bar from which the provided bars can be evenly subtracted.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Seven Concepts: Missing Divisor, Relationship of
Division to Multiplication.
Directions: • “Find a bar that can be taken away from this bar five times so that
nothing will be left over.”
• “Find another solution.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
• The related multiplication problem must be solved.
Help: • The blinking areas will be resized to match the size of the missing
• Six bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Three bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be inserted into the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: Students must select the appropriate divisor to solve the problem. The
quotient is represented by the number of blinking areas that must be filled in. After
solving the division problem, the related multiplication problem is presented to help
students see the relationship between the two concepts.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives
Level: Eight Concepts: Missing Divisor & Quotient,
Multiple Solutions
Directions: • “Find a bar that can be taken away from this bar one or more times so
that nothing will be left over.”
Scaffolding: • Bars are pushed together so different bars can be tried in the blinking
area to discover the solution.
• Bars are off-set, making it harder to find solution by trial and error.
• Up to three unique solutions must be found.
Help: • Six bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• Three bars will be removed from the set of possible answers.
• A correct answer will be inserted into the blinking area.
Activity Goals: This activity helps students understand multiplication and division by
extending the parts-to-whole model developed in Module #2. Multiplication is
represented as repeated addition. Division is represented as repeated subtraction.
Extending the parts-to-whole model into multiplication and division makes the
conceptual links between multiplication and addition (as well as division and subtraction)
easier for students to grasp. Another goal of the activity is to help students distinguish
between the multiplicand and the multiplier. Through the use of manipulatives students
see that 3x5 is not necessarily the same as 5x3 (though they produce the same product).
Students will build 3x5 as five added three times and 5x3 as three added five times and
recognize that they have a common product.
Level Goals: In this level students need to supply both the divisor and the quotient. Up
to three unique solutions are required. This emphasizes that numbers can be decomposed
several different ways by dividing different combinations of numbers.

Activity #2: Manipulatives & Symbols

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols

Level: One Concepts: Multiplication
Directions: • “Build a number sentence that matches the bars.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two more correct symbols will be placed in blinking areas.
• The remaining blinking areas will be filled in.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives, to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars. The bars are presented in configurations
from activity one and involve either combining bars or taking bars away. At the
beginning of the level, the first part of the number sentence is given and the student must
complete it. This provides a model of how the symbols are associated with the bars. As
the student moves through the level, fewer symbols in the number sentence will be
provided and the student will need to fill in more of the blinking area. At the end of the
level the student needs to construct the entire number sentence. This activity is helpful
for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but have not
mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for students who
have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not completely clear on
their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to represent repeated addition problems with
multiplication notation. The numbers must be filled in but the multiplication and equals
symbols are provided.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Two Concepts: Multiplication
Directions: • “Build a number sentence that matches the bars.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two more correct symbols will be placed in blinking areas.
• The remaining blinking areas will be filled in.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives, to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars. The bars are presented in configurations
from activity one and involve either combining bars or taking bars away. At the
beginning of the level, the first part of the number sentence is given and the student must
complete it. This provides a model of how the symbols are associated with the bars. As
the student moves through the level, fewer symbols in the number sentence will be
provided and the student will need to fill in more of the blinking area. At the end of the
level the student needs to construct the entire number sentence. This activity is helpful
for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but have not
mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for students who
have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not completely clear on
their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to represent repeated addition problems with
multiplication notation. The numbers need to be filled in as well as the multiplication
and equals symbols.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Three Concepts: Division
Directions: • “Build a number sentence that matches the bars.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer needs to be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two more correct symbols will be placed in blinking areas.
• The remaining blinking areas will be filled in.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives, to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars. The bars are presented in configurations
from activity one and involve either combining bars or taking bars away. At the
beginning of the level, the first part of the number sentence is given and the student must
complete it. This provides a model of how the symbols are associated with the bars. As
the student moves through the level, fewer symbols in the number sentence will be
provided and the student will need to fill in more of the blinking area. At the end of the
level the student needs to construct the entire number sentence. This activity is helpful
for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but have not
mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for students who
have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not completely clear on
their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to represent repeated subtraction problems with division
notation. The numbers must be filled in but the division and equals symbols are

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Manipulatives & Symbols
Level: Four Concepts: Division
Directions: • “Build a number sentence that matches the bars.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • Any incorrect symbols will be removed from the blinking areas.
• A correct symbol will be placed in a blinking area.
• Two more correct symbols will be placed in blinking areas.
• The remaining blinking areas will be filled in.
Activity Goals: This activity is designed to help students make the transition from
solving informal mathematical problems with concrete manipulatives, to solving formal
mathematical problems with abstract notation. Students need to construct the number
sentence for the problem indicated by the bars. The bars are presented in configurations
from activity one and involve either combining bars or taking bars away. At the
beginning of the level, the first part of the number sentence is given and the student must
complete it. This provides a model of how the symbols are associated with the bars. As
the student moves through the level, fewer symbols in the number sentence will be
provided and the student will need to fill in more of the blinking area. At the end of the
level the student needs to construct the entire number sentence. This activity is helpful
for students who are comfortable with informal math using concrete objects but have not
mastered the appropriate notation. The activity also provides support for students who
have learned how to solve number sentence problems but are not completely clear on
their meaning.
Level Goals: Students learn how to represent repeated subtraction problems with division
notation. The numbers need to be filled in as well as the division and equals symbols.

Activity #3: Symbols

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols

Level: One Concepts: Multiplication
Directions: • “Nine times one equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Multiplication number relationship levels.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn multiplication number relationships with

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Multiplicand
Directions: • “Four times what number equals four.”
Scaffolding: • Multiplication number relationship levels for missing addends.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn the multiplication number relationships
for missing multiplicand.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Multiplier
Directions: • “What number times nine equals nine?”
Scaffolding: • Multiplication number relationship levels for missing multiplier.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn the multiplication number relationships
for missing multiplier. This prepares students for division.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Four Concepts: Missing Multiplier, Missing
Directions: • “What number times what number equals four?”
Scaffolding: • Multiplication number relationship levels for missing multiplier &
• Up to three unique solutions must be provided.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: In this level, students learn that numbers can be composed with different
combinations of factors using multiplication.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Five Concepts: Division
Directions: • “Five divided by five equals what number?”
Scaffolding: • Division number relationship levels.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn division number relationships.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Dividend
Directions: • “What number divided by what number equals one?”
Scaffolding: • Division number relationship levels for missing dividends.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: This level challenges students to further their understanding of division by
solving for the missing dividend.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Seven Concepts: Missing Divisor, Relationship of
Division to Multiplication.
Directions: • “Five divided by what number equals five?”
Scaffolding: • Division number relationship levels for missing divisor.
• Related multiplication and division problems must be solved.
Help: • Two related number relationships are shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn division number relationships by solving
for missing divisors. Once the missing divisor problem is solved correctly, the student
must solve related multiplication and division problems. This helps students connect
their understanding of division with multiplication.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Symbols
Level: Eight Concepts: Missing Divisor & Quotient,
Multiple Solutions
Directions: • “Four divided by what number equals what number?
Scaffolding: • Division number relationship levels for missing divisors and quotients.
• Up to three unique solutions must be found.
Help: • A related number relationship will be shown.
• A second related number relationship will be shown.
• The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars
and the correct answer is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The purpose of this activity is to develop mastery of multiplication and
division with symbols. The activity includes factors from zero to ten. Each number
relationship is tracked. Students begin with easier number relationships and progress to
more difficult ones. If a student makes an error, the number relationship they constructed
is shown with number bars, making the meaning of their error more concrete. Help is
available in the form of related number relationships. Instead of immediately giving the
student the correct answer, two related number relationships are provided that help
students to make connections between the number relationships they know and the one
they are learning.
Level Goals: In this level, students deepen their understanding of division by finding
three different pairs of divisors and quotients for the given dividend. Students see there
are a variety of ways to decompose numbers using division.

Activity #4: Auditory Sentences

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences

Level: One Concepts: Multiplication
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken multiplication number

Four times seven equals

what number?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Multiplicand
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken multiplication number
relationships with missing multiplicands.

Nine times what number

equals twenty-seven?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Multiplier
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken multiplication number
relationships with missing multipliers.

What number times five

equals twenty?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Four Concepts: Missing Multiplier &
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken multiplication number
relationships with missing multipliers and multiplicands.

What number times what

number equals sixteen?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Five Concepts: Division
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken division number relationships.

Eight divided by two equals

what number?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Dividend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken division number relationships with
missing dividends.

What number divided by

three equals three?

Module: Multiplication & Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Seven Concepts: Missing Divisor
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken division number relationships with
missing divisors.

Fifteen divided by what

number equals five?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Auditory Sentences
Level: Eight Concepts: Missing Divisor & Quotient
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes what you hear.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Auditory Sentences activity is designed to help students in several
ways. The first is by providing the opportunity to construct number sentences from
auditory information. The activity is also designed to bring students knowledge of
number relationships to a different level of understanding. Some students visualize
quantities within the written numerical symbols. When solving these problems through
listening, students are challenged to use different strategies. The activity also prepares
students for story problems.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to learn spoken division number relationships with
missing divisors and quotients.

Eight divided by what number

equals what number?

Activity #5: Story Problems

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems

Level: One Concepts: Multiplication
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of multiplication.
Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem with the whole unknown.

Jose has five bags of apples.

There are two apples in each
bag. How many apples does
Jose have all together?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Two Concepts: Missing Multiplicand
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of multiplication with a
missing multiplicand. Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem with the size of
the groups unknown.

Cecile has twelve cookies.

She wants to share them
equally among two friends.
How many cookies will each
friend receive?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Three Concepts: Missing Multiplier
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of multiplication with
missing multipliers. Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem with the number of
groups unknown.

Maria has twenty oranges.

She put two oranges in each
bag. How many bags did
Maria use?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Four Concepts: Missing Multiplier &
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of multiplication with
missing multipliers and multiplicands. Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem
with the unknown number of groups and the unknown size of groups.

George has some bags of

apples. He has six apple all
together. How many bags
could he have and how many
apples would be in each bag.

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Five Concepts: Division
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of division. Learning to
identify an “equal groups” problem with the size of the groups unknown.

Donald has 14 apples divided

evenly into seven bags. How
many apples does he have in
each bag?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Six Concepts: Missing Dividend
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of division with missing
dividends. Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem with the whole unknown.

Rondel has some oranges.

He put nine oranges in three
bags. How many oranges
does he have?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Seven Concepts: Missing Divisor
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of division with missing
divisors. Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem with the number of groups

Cecile has sixteen marbles.

She was able to give eight
marbles to each of her
friends. How many friends
does she have?

Module: Multiplication & Division Activity: Story Problems
Level: Eight Concepts: Missing Dividend & Divisor
Directions: • “Make a number sentence that describes this story.”
Scaffolding: • The number sentence is given and only the answer must be filled in.
• The operator and the equal sign are given. The numbers must be filled in.
• The numbers, operator, and equal sign must be filled in.
Help: • The first part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The second part of the number relationship is shown with number bars.
• The third part of the number relationship is shown and the correct answer
is inserted in the blinking area.
Activity Goals: The Story Problems activity gives students an opportunity to apply their
developing skills to real-life problems. The story problems have the same structure and
follow the same conceptual progression as the four other activities. When errors are
made, the number bars appear, helping students to connect what they have learned in
earlier activities to the story problems. By presenting the story problems in the same
sequence and the same structure as the number bar and symbol problems, students can
use the same parts-to-whole mental model to identify the structure of the story problem.
Level Goals: The focus of this level is to solve applied problems of division with missing
dividends and divisors. Learning to identify an “equal groups” problem with the
unknown size of groups and number of groups.

Sandra has eighteen

cookies. She divides them
evenly among her friends.
How many did each friend
get and how many friends
does she have.

Curriculum Technology Requirements
 Educational software for  Internet delivery
foundational numeracy
 All student records stored and
 Designed to develop important managed by Symphony Learning • Windows 2000, ME, XP
mathematical concepts  Secure internet connection • 128 mb RAM
 Immediate visual and auditory • 16 mb Video acceleration
 No school server required • 15 mb free hard-drive space
recall of number relationships
 Students can use the program • Active Internet Connection
 Three modules; Quantity, at home and at school
Addition & Subtraction,
Multiplication & Division  Automatic software updates &
upgrades included with
 Story problems Symphony Support Plan
• Mac OS X version 10.2 +
 Instructions in English and  Detailed data tracking and • 128 mb RAM
Spanish reporting • 16 mb Video acceleration
 Students use it independently  Student reports can be viewed • 15 mb free hard-drive space
for individualized practice from Web browser • Active internet connection

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