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PMK Founder Dr. S. Ramadoss Statement


The Socio Economic Census data released yesterday, revealed to the world the two Indias within the
glittering image of India as a fast growing economy. Whereas the World Bank has announced that the
GDP of India had increased to Rs. 120 lakh crores (2 trillion USD), the 2011 Socio Economic and Caste
Census published yesterday had exposed the grim poverty, unemployment and other poor
socioeconomic parameters of rural area.
The first socio-economic and caste census was conducted in the year 2011 to find out the real facts of
the socioeconomic situation of Indian people. The results of this much awaited statistics were released
yesterday after many hurdles, in Delhi. It had exposed the appalling living conditions of rural India.
17.91 crore households, i.e. 73% of the 24.38 crore households of India live in villages. Only 8.3%
families living in villages have one member earning more than Rs. 10,000 per month. 74.50% families
have less than Rs. 5,000 income per month. Tamil Nadu is below this national average with 79% of
families living in less than Rs. 5000 monthly income. More than 60% of those living in villages, i.e.
10.69 crore families are living below the poverty line. 23.52% of rural families dont have even one
single literate adult in the house.
These statistics reveal the shocking backwardness of rural India in education and economy in the
midst of the rapidly growing India. GDP of 200 billion US dollars is an achievement to behold. World
Bank also said that the per capita income had increased to Rs. 1 lakh per year. Hence a 5 member
family should be earning Rs. 5 lakh per year making the monthly income Rs. 41,666. But the truth is
that 74.50% of rural housed holds have a monthly income of less than Rs. 5000.
World Bank had said that it took 60 years for India to achieve GDP of one lakh crore dollars and took
only 7 years to double it by adding another one lakh crore dollars of production. The rapidity of Indias
growth is matched only by the rapidity with which the poor-rich socioeconomic divide increases in
India. The past 7 years of rapid growth also hugely increased economic differences within the society.

The 11 five year plan announced in the year 2007 envisaged Inclusive Growth. But the scenario
changed for worse after the plan making the rich richer and poor poorer.

Land and employment scenario of the rural citizens of India are also bleak. 25.63% of rural household
only possess land with irrigation facilities. The situation in Tamil Nadu is even worse with only 12.10%
of the population holding land. Only 14.10% of the population have regular government or private
jobs with monthly salary. 1% of the families only have government job. 85% of the population are
employed in unorganized sector. They have no social security at all.
These statistics establish the fact that India as a whole and Tamil Nadu in particular has not implemented
land ceiling act and other social welfare measures to achieve equality. It also shows the limited
government jobs on offer and that even the private jobs are at distant reach. These statistics also
emphasize the need to have caste based reservation in private jobs since the government job
opportunities are very limited.
The current destituteness of the rural people are due to neglect of rural India in the development of
infrastructure, employment and growth planning, sidelining agriculture and failure to develop adequate
health and education infrastructure. The government should take cognizance of the various facts
revealed in the statistics and take measures to address this inhuman inequality and underdevelopment
of rural India with particular emphasis on health, education and agriculture.
Growth without inclusion is not development. What will make India proud is the news that the rural
people of India are relieved from poverty and had achieved the socio-economic status of the shining
India living in cities.

(Dr. S.Ramadoss)

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