Сучасне мистецтво. Художники України. Галерея сучасного мистецтва«Триптих АРТ». Contemporary art. Artists of Ukraine. The Gallery of Modern Art"Triptych Art". Современное искусство. Художники Украины. Галерея современного искусства «Триптих АРТ»

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The Gallery of Modern Art

"Triptych Art"

Contemporary art
Artists of Ukraine



The Gallery of Modern Art "Triptych Art" is

located in the historical center of Kiev, at 13,
Desyatinna Street.
One of the main goals of the first private
gallery, established in the former Soviet Union
in the late 80s of the XX century, is to mirror
the contemporary styles on the Ukrainian art
market and keep a close watch on new
promising trends.
The main selection criterion is professionalism
of artists and high level of their works.
The Gallery features the best names of
Ukrainian art medium, without which the
Ajinjal Akhra
Aleksandrovych-Dochevsky Andriy
Antyp Petro
Apollonov Aleksey
Babak Alexander
Beliusenko Alexei
Belsky Edward
Bevza Petro
Bludov Andrey
Bystrova Yana
Duplij Sergei
Dzhurayeva Olesya
Firtsak Borys
Gidora Anna
Glushchenko Alexander
Grigorieva Galina
Hai Sergiy
Kalynovych Konstantin
Kavsan Dmitry
Kirichenko Ivan
Kryvolap Anatoly
Kryvolap Ganna
Kuts Vladimir
Levich Akim

history of modern art would be incomplete.

"Triptych Art" forms both private and
corporate collections. All necessary documents
and certificates of authenticity to accompany
the acquisitions are issued by the Gallery.
The Gallery has extensive ties in the world of
art and is fully integrated into the international
art contacts.
t. (044) 279 09 49, (044) 279 29 09
e-mail: info@triptych-art.com
Lytvynenko Oleksiy
Malykh Alexey
Markosyan Lev
Norazyan Vachagan
Pryduvalova Olena
Rapoport Luba
Ridniy Oleksandr
Ryzhykh Victor
Savchenko Serhiy
Shereshevsky Vladislav
Shkarupa Valeriy
Silvashi Tiberiy
Smirnov Valentin
Stratiychuk Oksana
Sukholit Olexander
Sydorenko Victor
Tatarsky Vasyl
Vaisberg Matvey
Vaysberg Vra
Veshtak-Ostromenska Iryna
Vysheslavsky Glib
Yasenev Oleg
Zaborovskiy Leonid
Zhyvotkova Tetiana


Akhra Ajinjal.
Visit, 2014, acrylic on canvas,
70x100 cm


Andriy AleksandrovychDochevsky.
Ophelia and Prince (series
"Atomic Hamlet"), 1995,
tempera, acrylic on cardboard


Petro Antyp.
A Morning in the Steppe,
2008, mixed media on canvas,
155x200 cm


Aleksey Apollonov.
Food, 2010, oil on canvas,
80x100 cm


Aleksey Apollonov.
Morning at Sea, 2003, oil on
canvas, 46x26 cm


Alexander Babak.
Winter, 2007, x, ,
65x99 cm


Alexei Belyusenko.
Olsztyn lily 12, 2013, oil on
canvas, 85x115 cm


Eduard Belsky.
Untitled, 2012, oil on canvas,
110x90 cm


Petro Bevza.
Foot of Destiny 3, Cypress, 2010, oil
on canvas, 100x110


Andrey Bludov.
Pondy. Embankment, 2014, oil
on canvas, 130x100


Yana Bystrova.
Luberon, 2007, acrylic on
canvas, 40x40 cm


Sergei Duplij.
Still Life, 2007, oil on canvas,
50x40 cm


Olesya Dzhurayeva.
My Ukraine, 2012, linocut,
77,5x50 cm


Borys Firtsak.
Rags 2, 2014, tempera,
charcoal on canvas,
102x83 cm


Borys Firtsak.
To Chopin, 2010, tempera on
canvas, 112x138 cm


Anna Gidora.
Dedication de Stael. Walking
place 2, 2005-2008, oil on
canvas, 90x90 cm


Anna Gidora.
Meeting Place 1, 2012-2014,
oil on canvas, 100x100 cm


Alexander Glushchenko.
Birch Grove, 1970, oil on
canvas, 70x49 cm


Galina Grigorieva.
April, 2014, oil on canvas,
90x60 cm


Sergiy Hai.
Still Life, 2009, oil on canvas,
70x100 cm


Konstantin Kalinovich.
Birds of my heart, 2012,
paper, etching, 27x22 cm


Dmitry Kavsan.
Still Life with Grapes, 2003,
oil on canvas, 77x102


Ivan Kirichenko.
Untitled, 1992, mixed
technique on paper, 55x73 cm


Anatoly Kryvolap.
Pastoral 2002, oil on canvas,
59x70 cm


Ganna Kryvolap.
From series "Plastic
Variation", 2009, oil on
canvas, 100x100 cm


Vladimir Kuts.
Still Life, 1999, oil on canvas,
80x90 cm


Akim Levich.
Ring Road, 2013, oil on
canvas, 80x90 cm


Oleksiy Lytvynenko.
Water Lyly, 2010, oil on
canvas, 100x120 cm


Oleksiy Lytvynenko.
Cat. Evening, 2013, oil on
canvas, 45x70 cm


Oleksiy Lytvynenko.
March-, 2013, oil, charcoal on
canvas, 70x45 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Footprints on the rocks, 1992,
oil on canvas, 130x86 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Forgotten Tree, 2012, levkas
on wood, 22x43 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Mirage. 2012, oil, levkas on
canvas, 34x40 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Riders, 2014, oil, acrylic on
canvas, 40x50 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Vew, 2015, oil on canvas,
60x80 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Yellow Flowers, 1992, oil on
canvas, 80x60 cm


Alexey Malykh.
Still life for two persones,
2002, oil on canvas, 48x68 cm


Lev Markosyan.
Hurricane, 2006, oil on
canvas, 80x120 cm


Vachagan Norazyan.
From series "Phaeton", 2012,
oil on canvas, 60x50 cm


Vachagan Norazyan.
From series Ladder, 2012,
oil on canvas, 39x23 cm


Olena Pryduvalova.
From series City, 2009,
gouache on paper,
100x100 cm


Luba Rapoport.
Night Landscape, 1988, oil on
canvas, 80x100 cm


Oleksandr Ridniy.
Deer, 2011, bronze, H-37 cm


Vitor Ryzhykh.
Grand Canal in Venice, 2015,
oil on canvas, 80x100 cm


Serhiy Savchenko.
Fishes, 2011, oil on canvas,
150x100 cm


Serhiy Savchenko.
Violinist, 2011, oil on canvas,
90x80 cm


Serhiy Savchenko.
Summer, 2011, oil on canvas,
70x100 cm


Vladislav Shereshevsky.
Big pear, 2012, oil on canvas,
70x90 cm


Vladislav Shereshevsky.
Shah, 2006, oil on canvas,
30x24 cm


Valeriy Shkarupa.
Sargassum. Octopus, diptych,
2013, levkas, acrylic, oil on
2x70x50 cm


Tiberiy Silvashi.
Composition, 2006, oil on
cardboard, 50x70 cm


Valentin Smirnov.
Landscape, 1997, oil on
canvas, 55x40 cm


Oksana Stratiychuk.
Zucchini, 2012, paper,
etching, 23x64 cm


Olexander Sukholit.
Untitled, 2010, oil on canvas,
52x48 cm


Victor Sydorenko.
Yellow lily, 1999, lithography
on paper, 70x55 cm


Vasiliy Tatarsky.
Vareniks, 2005, bronze,
-36 cm


Matvey Vaisberg.
Road, 2013, l on canvas,
110x150 cm


Matvey Vaisberg.
Horse, 2013, l on canvas,
40x50 cm


Matvey Vaisberg.
Ark (by G. Holbein), 2012, l
on canvas, 45x60 cm


Vra Vaysberg.
Still life, 2009, oil on canvas,
70x50 cm


Iryna Veshtak-Ostromenska.
Clowness on the wheel, 2012,
bronze, H-27 cm


Glib Vysheslavsky.
Rain, 2005, oil on canvas,
59,5x60 cm


Oleg Yasenev.
Lotos, 2011, oil on canvas,
120x100 cm


Leonid Zaborovsky.
Still Life, 1990, oil on canvas,
65x55 cm


Leonid Zaborovsky.
Fish Pelengas, 2007, oil on
70x50 cm


Tetiana Zhyvotkova.
Still life with a doll and a
copper watering, 2013,
watercolor on paper,
40x40 cm


Tetiana Zhyvotkova.
Oriental motifs, 2013,
watercolor on paper,
49x50 cm

Ajinjal Akhra
Born in 1962 in Abkhazia.
In 1982 graduated Sukhumy Art College.
1982 1987 had been studying at Moscow State
University at Department of History
(specialization Art History).
He was studying graphics and painting and he
took lessons at famous Russian artist D. Lion.
In 1987 Akhra Ajinjal defended his Diploma Work
in History of Abkhazia.
Since 1987 till 1992 artist was working in fine art
magazine Art of Abkhazia. He is the author of
more than 50 articles and notes, that had been
published in Abkhazia and Russia. Meanwhile,

1958 Born in Kyiv, Ukraine.
1976 Finished T. Shevchenko Art School, Kyiv.
1983 Graduated from Kyiv Fine Arts institute.
Since 1983 has been working in easel painting and
painting of poster for theater.
The member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Since 1991 has been a theatre set designer at the
Ivan Franko National Theater.
1993, 1994, 1996, 2004, 2005 Pectoral of Kyiv
for stage design.
1995 M. Dembowsky Medal for works at Polish
theater in Bjelsko Bialo, Poland

Antyp Petro
Was born on April 4, 1959 in the town of Horlivka,
Donetsk region (Ukraine).
From 1980 1984 he studied sculpture at the
Penza Art School named after K. A. Savitsky.
Since 1992 he has been a member of the National
Union of Artists of Ukraine.
In 2009 he received the title of "Honored Artist of
The works by Petro Antyp are kept in museums
and private collections of Ukraine, Russia, France,
Germany and Sweden.

Akhra Ajinjal was making graphical art works

graphics for books and magazines.
Since 1993 lives and works in Kiev.
His works were exhibited in solo and group
exhibitions in Abkhazia, Ukraine, Russia,
Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Poland.

1998 Title of Honored Arts Worker.

Since 2004 has been a Head of the Department of
Theatre Set Design at the National Academy of
Fine Arts and Architecture.
Lives and works in Kiev

Apollonov Aleksey
Born in 1962 in Kiev.
Graduated from National Art and Architecture
Academy 1986.
Member of the National Union of Ukrainian
Lives and works in Kiev.
His works are held in Kiev Museum of Russian
Art; in museums and private collections in Russia,
Germany, France, Hungary, and USA.

Babak Alexander
Born in 1957 in Kiev.
Graduated from Republican Art College 1974.
Graduated from Kiev State Art Institute (from the
studio of monumental painting by Storozhenko
and Chekanyuk) 1984.
Member of the National Union of Artists of
Ukraine since 1988.
Works in the painting, drawing and installation.
Lives and works in Kiev.
Works are in museums and private collections in
Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Austria, Germany, USA
and Israel.

Beliusenko Alexei
orn January 4, 1960 in Kazakhstan.
1987 -2012 - art restorer at the National Research
and Restoration Center in Kiev.
Priorities in art: painting, drawing, collage,
sculpture, interior design, restoration.
The works are in private collections and galleries
in 30 countries.
Since 2009 he has been member of the creative
association BZ-Art.
Lives and works in Kiev.

Belsky Edward
Born in 1963 in Kolka in Volyn (Ukraine).
Graduated from Republican Art School and
Dnepropetrovsk Art College.
Graduated from Kiev State Art Institute
(department of monumental painting) 1991.
Member of the National Union of Artists of
Ukraine since 1992.
Lives and works in Slovenia.
His works are in museums and private collections
in Ukraine, Russia, France, Germany, Poland,
Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and Czech

Bevza Petro
Born in 1963 in the village Shpitki in the Kyiv
In 1985 he graduated from Kiev State Art Institute
(now National Academy of Art and
Member of the National Union of Artists of
Ukraine since 1990.
Lives and works in Kiev.
Museums and collections:
CentrePasquArt Contemporary Art Museum,
Biel-Bienne, Switzerland; Zaporizhzhya Regional
Art Museum, Kiev, Ukraine; International
Academy of the Environment, Geneva,

Bludov Andrey
Born in 1962.
Graduated from Kyiv Art and Industry Technical
School 1982.
Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute (Book
Design Studio) 1990.
Member of the National Union of Ukrainian
Professor of painting in Academy of Fine Arts and
Lives and works in Kiev.
Museums and Collections
National Art Museum (Kyiv, Ukraine); Ukrainian
Culture Fund (Kyiv, Ukraine); State Museum of

Switzerland; National Bank of Ukraine, Kiev,

Ukraine; Collection Francois Loup, Lyon, France.

T.G. Shevchenko (Kyiv, Ukraine); Khmelnitsky Art

Museum (Khmelnitsky, Ukraine); Sumy Art
Museum (Sumy, Ukraine); Aval Bank (Kyiv,
Ukraine); Ukrsotsbank (Kyiv, Ukraine); Credit
Lyonnais Ukraine Bank (Kyiv, Ukraine); Cheton
Ltd. (Kyiv, Ukraine); Communico (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Gallery Robin Leadouze, Paris, France.

Bystrova Yana
Born 1966 in Kiev.
Graduated from Kiev School of Fine Arts and Kiev
Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
(monumental art faculty diploma).
1991 through nowadays lives and works in Paris.
Works in the domains of painting, photography,
multimedia applications design and programming.

Firtsak Borys
Graduated from Republican Art College 1979.
Graduated from the Lvov Polygraphic Institute
(Department of print design and book
illustrations) 1984.
Participant of republican and international
exhibitions since 1987.
Works in painting, drawing, set design,
architectural design.
Member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists
(section Painting) and the International
Federation of Artists since 2004.
Member of the Ukrainian Art Union BZH-art
since 2006.

Gidora Anna
Born in the town Miropole in Sumy region,
Graduated from Graphic Fine Art Department of
Kursk Pedagogic Institute 1985.
Began exhibiting shes works since 1986.
Founder and curator of the International LANDART-Symposium "PROSTR POKORDONNYA."
Mogritsa, Sumy region, Ukraine since 1986.
Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine 2005.
Member of Ukrainian Art Union BZH-art.
Lives and works in Kiev.

Grigorieva Galina

Nestor Gayowski). Ukrainian State Museum of

Fine Arts, Kiev
1994 Exhibition Dedicated to The Opening of
Born in Kiev in 1933
Squire Sanders & Dempsey
Office in Kiev
Kiev State Art Institute (1959)
1994 "Impressions". " Alipy " Gallery, Ukrainian
Major exhibitions:
2014 " The Celestial Images of Galina Grigorieva", House, Kiev
1994 Art of Ukraine. Muse des Augustins,
"Triptych ART" Gallery, Kiev
Toulouse, France
2013 "Leitmotif." "KalitaArtKlub" Gallery, Kiev
1992 Personal exhibition. Ukrainian State Museum
2012 "Variations on a Theme." Painting.
of Fine Arts, Kiev
"KalitaArtKlub" Gallery, Kiev
1992 Vita Nova. The Museum of Kiev History
2011 "Ukrainian Seasons." Paris, France
2009 " Land of Painting" (supported by the " Spirit 1991 . Second Prize Winner at the Biennial of the
Water-Color Painting of Danube Countries.
and Letter " Publishing House). Ukrainian State
Zrenzhanin, Yugoslavia
Museum of Fine Arts
1991 Second International Moscow Art Fair,
2007 "Silence". The gallery of the "Mystetsky
Moscow, Russia
Arsenal Cultural-Art and Museum Complex in
1991 The Exhibition of Ukrainian Artists.
Christie's, London, England
2007 "Light in June." Museum exhibition hall
1991 " The Gold Line of Ukraine." Museum of
"Spiritual Treasures of Ukraine", Kiev
2006-2007 " Paradise Has Blossomed Out" (with Sapporo and Museum of Osaka, Japan
the assistance of the "Spirit and Letter " Publishing His works are kept in the Ukrainian State Museum
of Fine Arts, in the Museum of Kiev History, in the
House). The Show- Room of The National
National Museum in Lviv, in the collections
University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
"Gradobank" and "Digital Equipment Ukraine", as
2004 "The Space of Simplicity". The National
well as private collections in Ukraine, Canada,
Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kiev
USA. The artist lives and works in Kiev.
2003 "Under the Christmas Star". The National
Reserve "Sophia Kyivska", Kyiv
2002 Galina Grigorieva invites Her Friends."
Bakery" Show-Room, The National Reserve
"Sophia Kyivska", Kyiv
1999 - 2002 Annual Personal Exhibitions at the
ARTEast Gallery, Kiev
1994 Personal Exhibition (sponsored by Tela and

Hai Sergiy
Born in 1959 in Lviv.
Graduated from Lviv State Institute of Applied and
Decorative Art in 1986.
Lives and works in Lviv.
Her works are in collections:
Lviv National museum (Ukraine)
Museum of modern art (Ivano-Frankivsk,
Museum of modem art (Khemlnitsky, Ukraine)
Galleries, Collections:
OR Gallery (Kiev, Ukraine); Century Gallery
(London); Maier Gallery (Rosenheim, Germany);

Kristina Rubereiter (Rosenheim, Germany); Alia

Rogers Gallery (Washington, USA); Anixis Gallery
(Baden, Switzerland)

Kalynovych Konstantin
Was born in 1959 in Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo
region (Russia).
Graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Elected an Associate of the Royal Society of
Painter-Printmakers (Great Britain, 1992).
Lives and works in Lugansk.

Kirichenko Ivan
Born in 1960 in Kiev.
Graduated from Kiev State Art Institute in 1984.
Since 1988 member of the National Union of
Artists of Ukraine.
Since 1988 Honored Worker of Culture of
Since 2002 Teacher of the National Academy of
Art and Architecture.
Since 2006 Assistant professor of graphics.
Lives and works in Kiev.

Kryvolap Anatoly

by collectors at the auction Contemporary Art Day

Sale which was held by the renowned auction
Anatoly Kryvolap was born on September 11, 1946 house Phillips de Pury & Co in London on
February 18, 2010, and in New York on May 13.
in the town of Yagotin,Kiev oblast.
In 1976 he graduated from Painting Department of His works were also sold at auction Christie's in
London on September 14, 2011, at auction
Kyiv State Art Institute.
Since 1976 he has been a member of national and Sothebys Contemporary East in London on
November 25, 2013, at auction Phillips in London
international exhibitions.
on December 10, 2014.
Anatoly Kryvolap is a member of the National
Anatoly Kryvolap consolidates its title of the most
Union of Artists of Ukraine.
expensive Ukrainian artist and sets a new art
Anatoly Kryvolaps works can be found in
record for Ukraine. His painting "The Horse.
museums and private collections in Ukraine,
Evening" was sold on the Phillips de Pury auction
Austria, Great Britain, Japan, France, Germany,
in London on June 28, 2013.
Canada, Israel, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain,
Switzerland, and the U.S.A. They were purchased Anatoly Kryvolap lives and works in Ukraine.

Kryvolap Ganna
Born in 1977 in Kiev, Ukraine.
Graduated from National school of art 1995.
Graduated from National Art and Architecture
Academy 2001.
Began exhibiting his works 1990.
Member of the National Union of Ukrainian
Artists since 2001.
Member of the Syrlin Kunstverein International
Lives and works in Kiev.

Lytvynenko Oleksiy

from the Soros.

Born on 17. 01. 1961.

1985 Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute.
Since 1992 member of Artists' Union of Ukraine.
Lives and works in Kyiv.
1996 Honorary Award "Salon Internationale
D'ART Contemporain". France.
1997 Grand Prix of the International Festival of
Art "Golden Section". Ukraine. The title of "Artist
of the Year" (painting).
1999 The "Heritage" the winner projects
"Soviart" Galleries Association of Ukraine, 1999.
2000 Grant for the best art project of the year

Malykh Alexey
Was born in 1956 in Berlin (Germany).
Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical
Institute, artistic-graphic faculty 1981.
Began exhibiting his works in Moscow 1979.
Participant of regional and international
exhibitions with 1987.
Member of the National Union of Artists of
Ukraine since 1995.
Curator of project Spring wind" since 1996.
Lives and works in Kyiv.
Private collection by Igor Dychenko, Kiev,
Ukraine. Bank "Aval", Kiev, Ukraine. Bank

"Volksbank", Noenkyrhen, Germany."HUF HAUS", Germany. Bank "Sparkasse", Magdeburg,


Markosyan Lev
Born in 1947 in Sukhumi, Abkhazia (Georgia).
Graduated from the Kharkov Industrial Art
Institute, Faculty of Monumental Paining 1980.
Lives and works in Kiev.
His works are held by museums in Ukraine,
Abkhazia, private collections in the USA,
Germany, Norway, Canada, Denmark, Israel,

Norazyan Vachagan
Born in 1957 in Kislovodsk.
He graduated from the Art-Industrial Kharkov
Member of Art Union of painters of Ukraine.
Since 1984 he has participated in various
International, All-Union as well as Republican
group exhibitions.
From 1981 to 1993 it taught at the Art-Industrial
Kharkov Institute, nowadays the Academy of Arts
and Design Kharkov State.
Her works are in the collections of the Union of
Artists of Russia and Ukraine, the Ministry of
Culture of Ukraine, Kharkiv Art Museum, the

Pryduvalova Olena
Olena Pryduvalova was born 1960 in Kyiv,
Graduated from the Kyiv State Institute of Art
Member of the National Union of Ukrainian
Lives and works in Kiev.
Her works are in museums and private collections
in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, France, Hungary,
USA, Canada, Sweden and Croatia.

Museum, "Zimmerli" (USA), Museum of

Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City), in the
Kharkov City Art Gallery, in private collections in
Ukraine, Russia, U.S., Germany, Israel, France,
Poland, Canada, Yugoslavia, Austria.
Lives and works in Kharkiv.

Ridniy Oleksandr
Born in 1961 in Kharkiv region.
1980 - graduated from the Kharkov State Art
1985 - graduated from the Kharkov Art and
Industry Institute, Department of Sculpture.
Assistant professor of sculpture Kharkiv State
Academy of Design and Arts.
Member of the National Union Ukraine Artists.
Since 2005 - Honored Artist of Ukraine.
Lives and works in Kharkov.

Ryzhykh Victor
1933 Born in Omsk.
1958 Graduated from the Kyiv State Art Institute.
2004 People's Artist of Ukraine.
2006 Full Member (Academician) of the
National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Member Biennale in Rostock, Budapest, Sofia,
Ukrainian art exhibitions in Toulouse, New York
and London.
Lives and works in Kiev.
Works are in the collections of the National
Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kiev Museum of
Russian Art, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of
Peter Ludwig (Germany), Norman Dodge (USA).

Savchenko Serhiy
1972 born on August 1972 in Lviv.
1991 graduated from Lviv Decorative and
Applied Art College named after I. Trush.
1998 graduated from Lviv Academy of Art.
Lives and works in Lviv.
Ukrainian Museum of Fine Art;
Lviv Ethnographic Museum;
Lviv National Museum;
KMC Dzyga, private collections

Shereshevsky Vladislav
Born in 1964.
Lives and works in Kiev (Ukraine).
1982 Republican Art School (Kiev, Ukraine).
1991Kiev State Art Institute.
1992Member of Ukrainian Union of Artists.
1995Scholar of German Ministry of Culture.
N. Riss (Hamburg, Germany).
Company "Daimler Benz" (Stuttgart, Germany).
Municipal Gallery of Munich (Germany).
Ministry of Culture of Bavaria.
Ukrainian Museums of Art.

Shkarupa Valeriy
He was born in Sumy in 1950.
He majors in painting, drawing and ceramics.
He studied at the Moscow Restoration Institute.
From 1979 to 2002 he was an artist-restorer in
Sumy Art museum.
From 1984 to 1996 he took part in archeological
expeditions nature reserve Olvia as restorer of
archeological findings for Institute of Archeology
f Academy of sciences of USSR.
He has initiated and supervised international
project Raku-ceramics (since 1993) as well as
international symposiums Land-Art (2002002).
Since 1997 and until now Valeriy Shkarupa has

Stratiychuk Oksana

Bank "AVAL".
"Onexim" Bank (Moscow, Russia).
Private collections in USA, Israel, Greece, Sweden,
Italy, Poland, Germany, and Ukraine.

been a member of Ukrainian Art Union BZH-art.

His works can be founding iev Museum of
Modern Ukrainian Art, Sumy Art Museum,
Kaliningrad Art-Gallery, Shevchenko National
Park in Kaniv, Centre of modern art Soviart,
Zaporozhe Art Museum, Chernigov Muzeum of
Modern Ukrainian Art, Muzeum Fur Gestaltung in
Zurich (Switzerland), Staatliches Muzeum Schloss
Burgk (Germany), and also in private collections in
Armenia, Italy, Germany, Israel, Switzerland,
France, Canada, Egypt and USA.

obtained a MA in Graphic Arts.

Experience outside the field of arts:
Since 1996 started tutoring graphic arts in
orn May 22, 1968 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Works in the field of graphic arts. Lives and works Ukrainian Art institutions: beginning from the
Academy of Arts of Ukraine, and continuing from
in Kyiv.
2002 in Kyiv State Institute of Arts and Design.
Currently working over a textbook upon graphic
1986: graduation from the State Art College in
Kyiv, Ukraine.
1992: graduation from the Kyiv State Art Institute, Collections:
Kiev Museum of Russian Art; National History
Graphics Department (studio of Professor
A.Chebykin), with a Bachelor degree in Graphics. Museum; Kaliningrad City Art Gallery, Russia;
Tama Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan; Exhibition
1992: became a member of the National Artists
House, Cesis, Latvia; Pinakothek Torre Canavese,
Union of Ukraine.
1993-1996: post graduate course at the Academy of Italy; Municipal Museum. N. Vaptsarov, Bansko,
Arts of Ukraine (tutor professor H. Yakutovych), Bulgaria; Museum of Applied Art, Kiev, Ukraine.

Sukholit Olexander

The Russian Art State Museum, Kyiv, Ukraine.

The Book and Book Printing State Museum, Kyiv,
Born in 1960 in the village Chernotichi Chernigov Ukraine.
The National Kyiv History Museum, Kyiv, Ukraine.
region, Ukraine.
Graduated from Uzhgorod College for Decorative The Fine Arts State Museum, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The Modern Fine Arts State Museum,
and Applied Arts in 1979.
Graduated from Kyiv State Institute for Fine Arts Khmelnytsky, Ukraine.
(the former name), National Academy for Arts and The Tama Art University Museum, Tokyo, Japan.
The Veting Gallery, Odense, Denmark.
Architecture (nowadays), the sculpture
The Varazhdin Municipal Museum, the Slika
department in 1986.
Gallery, Croatia .
Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Private collections in Great Britain, USA, Belgium,
Lives and works in Kyiv.
Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary, Croatia,
The National Fine Arts Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv, Germany, Russia, Canada and Ukraine.

Tatarsky Vasyl
Born in 1960 in village Sadzhava, IvanoFrankivskiy region, Ukraine.
19771982 Studying in Kosiv Art College named
after V. Kasiyan (wood carving).
19831989 Studying in St. Petersburg Academy of
Arts named after V. I. Muhina (monumental
Since 1993 he is a member of The Art Union of
sculptors of Ukraine.
Since 2001 he is a member of the BG-ART union of
Lives and works in Kiev, Ukraine.
His works are presented in National Museum,

Vaisberg Matvey
Matvey Vaisberg was born in 1958 in Kyiv,
Graduated from T. Shevchenko Republican Art
School and Ukrainian Polygraphic
Institute (the book drawing faculty).
Museum of Russian Art (Kyiv, Ukraine ), Vilno
Gaon Jewish Museum (Vilnius, Lithuania), I.
Dychenko collection (Kyiv, Ukraine), K. Weidlich,
K. Eberkhardt (Munich-Leipzig, Germany),
Loradartgallery Chicago, USA, Private
collections in Ukraine, Germany, Poland,
Hungary, USA, Israel, Austria, France, Czech,

Kiev, Ukraine, Museum of Modern Art, Kiev,

Ukraine and also in private collections in Ukraine,
Russia, Poland, France, Italy, Germany, Spain,
Sweden, USA, Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark,
Croatia, Czech.

Great Britain, Russia, Georgia, Canada, Greece,

Italy, Poland, Sweden, South Africa, Japan,
June 29, 2009 was sold to work Matvey Vaisberg
"Penultimate Sky II" at auction Phillips de Pury &
Company, which was held in London.
Illustrations for the books by Sholom-Aleihem, G.
Kanovich, E. Bagritskiy, I. Babel,
J. Ortega-y-Gasset, K.-G.Jung , S. Kierkegaard, F.
Dostoevsky, J. Roth.
Lives and works in Kyiv.

Veshtak-Ostromenska Iryna
Born in 1956.
In 1983 he graduated from the Kiev State Art
Institute, the workshop book graphics.
Since 1989 - Member of the National Union of
Artists of Ukraine.
Since 1983 participates in art exhibitions. Lives
and works in Kiev.
His works are in private collections in Ukraine,
Russia, Poland, Italy, France, Canada, USA, UK.

Zaborovskiy Leonid
Born in 1967 in Aleksandrovka in Chernihiv.
In 1992 he graduated from the graphic arts
department of South Ukrainian Pedagogical
University named state KD Ushinskogo.
Member of the National Union Ukrainian Artists
since 1999.
Working in the field of easel painting.
The works are in Chernigov and Sevastopol art
museums, galleries
"N-Prospect"(St. Petersburg), "Dzimas" (Athens),
as well as in private collections in Ukraine, Russia,
Germany, England, USA, Canada, France,
Slovakia, China, Armenia, Turkey.

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