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Preparing for Civil Services without Coaching Why does the Coaching Matter? Given the craze for the civil services, the market for civil services examination has grown cut of bounds. We see different coaching institutes spread in clusters, in different cities. However, before joining a coaching institute, itis important to anzlvze the significance of the coaching institutes, in the preparations for civil services examination. Most of the TAS coaching institutes attract the aspirants by claiming their success records and comprehensiveness of the study materials. However, what anew aspirant fails to notice is the true nature of these institutes. It is an error to join any coaching Institute by observing the succass statistics presented by them. Generally, the propertion of the successful candidates, to the total number of students enrolled unger the coscning institutes, is microscopic, Secondly, the success in the IAS exam is not defined by the popularity or fee structure of an institute, but by the effort and hard work of the aspirant. Thus, while many of the candidates clear the civil services exam through various coachings, many lthers crack it without any regular coaching classes. See how to study. ‘Thus, UPSCPORTAL tries to clear the confusion about the significance af the coaching institute, and whather an aspirant should join the ragular coaching classes ar nat What does the Coaching Institutes Do? Every coaching institute claims to provide a comprehensive coverage of the ayllabus covered under the civil services examination. However, only 2 few actually provide 3 foundational base to the civil services aspirants. Generally, most of the Institutes quickly go through the main topics asked under the civil services examination, without attempting to lay a foundational understanding of the different concepts. This leads to a fractured development of the knowledge base of an ‘aspirant. This sericusly affects the candidate, by creating confusions and misunderstandines in the Mains examination. Generally, the coaching institutes bombard the students with huge collection of notes and articles and expect them to 90 through each of them carefully. However, this dogs not help the student community. Any aspirant can prepare by himself, if he is to read evarvthing avaliable in the market. The task of a coaching is to guide and direct the aspirants through the ocean of, resourses available in tne marcet ‘Thus, we would highly recommend, for the serious candidates, to judge a coaching and its course structure, before joining such classes. A poor coaching can lead te the wastage of your priceless time, by indulging you in useless mind-boggling exercise for irrelevant papers and material ‘Choose your coaching option judiciously. Do not let the markat rumors come over your mind. Mast of the coaching institutes use massive marketing strategies to attract the budding aspirants. Howaver, a peor coaching institute could ruin the opportunity for an aspirant by furthering him on a wrong path. Icoaching Ins tute Marketing Propagand: [claim 1; We Provide a Comprehensive Coverage of the UPSC syllabus. lEactz The Coverage comprise of Tonnas of study material, that they expect you to read, with understanding! claim 2: Most of the Questions were asked directly from aur Sample Papers. [Eacts Providing Thousands of questions would give you these questions, evan if the percentage of questions asked is as low fae <0.5% \ciaim 3: We Give comprehensive Coaching for all the subjects. leact 1: the course is crafted for 2 particular section of student community, which might nat be suitable for al [Fact 2: The syllabus cover the latast facts and brief notes, while giving nothing to clear the basics. This leaves you without |any foundation. We provide Socks, sags, Tablets, etc, atc, etc [Eacts Are you here for coaching oF is it 2 Supermarket!! Do not come under such Hoax assertions. luaGoo Graitak JaGoon What to do then?? The Right Strategy Understand = simple fact, that you are the best teacher of yourself. No external coaching can be better than 2 devoted saif- study. Howaver, you might consult some experts, when faced with confusion and complexity. UPSCPORTAL prasente a rational approach for deciding on the questions of the right coaching. [A Coaching expects you to study the course, being taught everyday, regularly. Secause of the limitations of time, the coaching Institutes are forced to rush through the syllabus of the civil services examination. Therefore, you might find yeurself lagging behind the coaching’s speed of tackling with the syllabus. A analysis of various civil services zspirants, by the UPSCPORTAL, showed that most of the candidates are unable to keep up with the pace of the coachings. Thus, by the end of their coaching classes, most of the students are unable to link with ene different courses, that have been taught te them. This results in great confusion and misunderstanding, Also, itis not guaranteed that one would be able to clear all the concepts and facts, through the coaching classes. In a clacs- hall of 150-300 students, it becomes difficult to establish @ communicative environment. Thus, most of the student, in che coaching classes, are often, unable fo absors tha lectures, thus, failing the whole purpose staal Thus, a more rational strategy is to opt for the correspandance courses of the coaching institutes. A Correspondence course allows you to go with the syllabus, at your own pace and comfort lavel. Also, make sure that the correspondence course offers you the opportunity to contact the reliable experts, to help you in clearing the concepts and confusions. Remember, it is Jmportant to plan your strategy before going for the preparations. [A wisely planned correspondence course material can help you in covering the syllabus for the exam with minimal stress, Whereas, itis highly irrational to dig deep into the available resources on the subject, without considering their relevance for the exam Secondly, if you have all the concepts and basic knowledge of the course, you would not like to spend your precious time going around the coaching institutes. Instead, you must gat some quality notes, that are updated, and embellish your foundations, Going to the coaching classes would not be a rational strateay for such cancidates, as these classes are crafted from the perspective of a fresn aspirant, who nesds to be tole about the “AnC’ of the subject. Since you have attained = basic knowledge of the various concapta, you would want ta rainfrce your strengtha and wark an your weaknesses. ‘One must understand that all coachings have a perspactve, that might not suit to the needs of someone, whe has 2 orasp of different concepts and disciolines. Thus, it is highly recommended that you must fabricate you own study plan, and merely aet ‘the resources from 9 raliapla source Express Points: 1. For Beginners: before joining any coaching look carefully atthe course structure and other details. Jcin only ift suits your needs. Otherwise, you might choose to go for correspondence notes from a goed seurce, [and prepare by your own, 2. For those with some knovledae and Experience: joining the coaching institutes might not be useful for you. since you have already gone through the coaching experience, you should now devote your time in saif-studies. However, you might Jchoose to take help from the experts from time to time. 3. or the Senlor Players: Coaching would be 2 waste of tims for you. since you have enough experience with the UPSC, you Jean create 2 strategy for your own. Coaching classas would only waste your time in going through the same process over 4 Certain coaching institutes teach for a cartain section of the aspirant community. For instance, some coachinas excel in Jouicing the aspirant with science background, while some deal with the aspirants coming from social sciences backaround. HThus, before Joining 2 coaching, because of its Srand-name, do some research about it. Your decision can make a lot of citference. UPSCPORTAL hae come up with = series of study material for tha IAS aapirants. We a/s0 provide suppart and assistance for the aspirants, to help them in moments of confusion and difficulty. You may freely contact us, to help you in choosing right strategy, spacally suitee to your naade ang requirements, Sea how to study ‘we wish you All the Best for the Preparations. Civil Services Preparation for Working Professionals iscuss the nature of the civil services, in india, time and again, is to state the cliche. Given the status and power linked to the all india Services, a large number of workina professionals are driven towards the IAS examinations. Hawaver, given their {ight schedules and engagement in their jobs, it becomes an immensely difficult task to prepare for the civil services ‘Therefore, UPSCPortal has made an effort to analyze and discuss the problems faced by the working professionals, whi praparing for the 14S exam. ‘As mentioned in our earlier articles, Preparing 3 rational study plan is of utmost importance for the working professionals. ‘Given the time constraints and other considerations, 2 working aspirant can only succeed if he/she chooses a planned strategy ‘The Working Environment: An Array of Distractions ‘Afll time employment hardly leaves any time for you to become 2 disciple of the UPSC. therefore, you have to bein a distance relationship, and try £9 maintsin the feelings. Like the realvife long distance love stories, dealing with the civil services, whil working, is difficult. also, an injudicious approach towards the UPSC would only lead to a wastage of money and mind “Therefore, put your font dovin into the arena sf civil services, only f you az committed to i once you have firmly decided to go for it, before starting to go deep into the study-schedules, you need to plan- how would you take time and mind eut of your present work, for the IAS exam. Once you are done with this intial planning, you are ready for THE COMPETITION ‘while working, a number of things invade your mind, and create distractions. Therefore, you would have to draw a line between your work life and your personal life. Do what you are supposed to do at 2 moment. Thus, Work when you are ‘working, eat when you are eating, sleep when you are sleeping, and most importantly, Study when you are studying, Mixing your diferent tasks only creates distractions, and hampers your productivity. Thus, Do not mix your different aepects of life, Now, the biggest problem that 2 working professional faces is, to get some time to study. For this, we recommend the principle Used by, our old friend, Mr. Tortoise- slow and steady wine the race, Studying 10-12 hours a day might not be rational decision, a5 it would only raise your strase level. Instead, you must try to davote atleast 3 hours fer your civil services studies, Remember, that those three hours should be pure studying and no other consideration. In this regard, the most important thing te remember is that, your study plan should be consistent and without lags, If you are able to cultivate = habit of devoting, even 3 hours for your IAS exam preparations, on daily basis, you would be able to cover the whole syllabus in 2 reasonable time. To help you asychelocical 4pb, and the remunerations for itis in the form of an investment. just assume that you are daing overtime for your ‘The Working Environment: An Array of Distractions 4 full time employment hardly leaves any time for you te become a disciple of the UPSC. Therefore, you have to be in 2 distance Felationship, and try te maintain the feelings. Like the real-life long distance love stories, dealing with the civil services, while working, is dificult. also, an injudicious approach towards the UPSC would only lead to 2 wastage of money and mind. ‘Therefore, put your foot down into the arena of cul services, enly if you are committed to it. once you have firmly decided to go for t, before starting to go deep into the study-schedules, you need to plan- how would you take time and mind out of your presant work, for the TAS exam. Once you are dene with this initial planning, you are ready for THE COMPETITION While working, 2 number of things invade your mind, and create distractions. Therefore, you would have to draw 2 line between your werk life and your personal life. Do what you are supposed to do at 2 moment. Thus, Work when you are working, eat when you are eating, sleep when you are sleeping, and most importantly, Study when you are studying. Mixing Your differant tasks only creates distractions, and hampers your praductivity. Thus, D0 aot mix your diferent aspects of ie Now, the biggest problam that a working professional faces is, to get some time to study. For this, we recommend the principle used by, our old friend, Mr. Tortoise- slow and steady wins the race. studying 10-12 hours a day might net be a rational Gecision, as it would only raise your stress level. instead, you must try to devote atleast 3 hours for your civil services studies. Remember, that those three hours should be pure studying and no other consideration. In this repard, the most important thing to remember is that, your study plan should be consistent and witheut lags 1 you are able to cultivate 2 habit of devoting, even 3 hours for your TAS exam preparations, on daly basis, you would be able to cover the whole syllabus in 3 reasonable time. To help you psychologically, just assume that you are doing overtime for your ob, and the remunerations for its in the form of an investment. Expross Points 2. Do not mix your professional fe and personal I ‘Work when you are working: and Study whan you sre Studying. 2. Try to make a practical Plan, of how you plan to cover the syllabus and do the preparations. Only an effective plan can help you in maintaining a balance in your wark and studies. It is most important to develop a habit of studying on daily basis. Do not let your preparations, to have lags and breaks. if you study daily, you would be able to keep up with the exam schedules. 4. do not feel that not being able to do the coaching classes would affect your performance. Instead, you can always take the support and assistance from the online courses, that give you conveniance and flexibility. ‘5. develop 2 healthy reading habit. veu can learn from your job envitonment. Your practical knowledge also pays in the fexam, Thus, do not feel damotivated only barsuse you have a tight schedule an = full time job. In fact, many of the, 185 toppers, in the past years, belonged te the category of working Professionals. How te Study While Working Full Timelt ‘one of the prime considerations of a working professional is to decide from where to study. since the working people have strict time constraints, itis very important that they does not spend their pracious time in experimenting with different source ‘materials from the exam point of view. Thus, instead of gaing out for an expedition in the market, in search of study material, fallow 2 reliable source for your preparations Also, since the warking people might net be able te enroll far TAS caachings, itis important to remember that coachings does fot ensure you success. Yeu can succeed without coaching easily. However, given the time limitations and other constraints, it ‘might be advisable to take some correspondence course from 2 reliable coaching. {tn this regard, an anline coaching can be very handy for you. Since you are not able to go for real coaching, you should find it convenient to study online, as it gives the option of preparing ‘on the go’, Also, you may subscribe to the online test series to evaluate your preparations. ‘The Strategy for Working Professionals ft cannot be denied that preparations for 1&5 examination need an extra effort by the candidates, whe are working full-time, ‘ut, itis also true that, this does not prevent the working candidates from clearing the 1AS exam. The only thing required is = ‘g00¢ strategy and dedication. Prepare your future plans in a practical manner. If you have a plan in mind, you would be able to cover the planned syllabus faroneriv. ha nat let vaur Soh ta hecame an imnediment For vaur studies. The same nrinrinla anes the other way round. Your Prepare your future plans in a practical manner. IF you have a plan in mind, you would be able to cover the planned syllabus properiv. Do not let your ob to become an impediment For your studies. The same principle goes the other way round. Your studies should not hamper your work. ‘We understand that many of the candidates have to work, full-time, due to some obligations. So, keep your preparations going ‘along with your work. Seconély, do not waste your time in searching different study material in the market. Instead, spend your time in preparing for the exam, by using the help of a reliable source. You might take halp from the UPSCPortal or any other reputed organization in this fislé. Take the correspondence courses to expedite vour preparations. Since the coaching material is in concise form, and to the point format, you should find it very convenient to study from there. ‘it might also be difficult for the working candidatas, to devote hours reading the newspapers. therefore, you might choose to brepare the current affairs portion from the current affairs magazines and other such material in the market. See the Gist of newspaper and magazines Additionally, you might find the enline courses more convenient, as it gives you the option of ‘accessibility on the go. Thus, we advise the candidates to utilize the information technology to the fullest. For tho Working IT Professionals: + many of the aspirants come from the IT background. The hectic schedules in the field does not give much time for good reparations. Thus, such aspirants should focus importantly on daveting time for the 1AS preparations. The best strateay ‘sto cultivate a habit of reading from the college days itself. However, even if you get motwated while working as an IT professional, you must derive come time from your busy schedule. ‘You should understand your strength that- an aspirant with a IT background has a capacity to read for lang hours, due to your experiences in college. Thus, you must exploit each and every opportunity that comes your way. An added benefit for the IT professionals is their comfort lavel with the online options, which might be effectively wtilzed to aid in the preparations. You might use the online coaching courses to aid in your preparations. Thanks to the Indian culture, that Wwe get so many holidays in our professional life that it might actually be possible to get adequate time for preparing for prelims. You might choose to study part-time with your work, when the exams are months away. However, you would hnave to devote yourself completely for the prelims 25 and when you reach closer to the exam date. For a plan to study click here. For tho Aspirants Working in tho Government Sorvicos: + there is a great confusion regarding the process through which a government employee should sit far the civil services examination. 1 is important for the government personnel to first take the No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their respective department, regarding the candidate's taking the cwil services examination. Not intimating the respective department might create problems inthe later stages. Thus, before submitting the form for the civil services prelims, take the NOC fram your respective department. Baaed on the internal rules and regulation of a department, you ahould fle the application in order to take the TAS exam. As compared to the employees of tha private sactor, it easier for a working brofessional of the government sector, to prepare for the civil servic2s. You get many options to take a leave from your Job and prepare for your goal. Otherwise, you might prepare while working, as the workload in the government services Is relatively leeser, For the working Female Candidates- there are ne specific age or any other relavations for the female candidates in the 1AS exam, except the exemption of the entrance exam fee that is charged for the candidates belonging to the General category aspirants. Thus, the female aspirants shall follow the above mentioned strategy. Disclaimer: the above mentioned points are mere suggestions, and might not be suitable for all working professionals. The best way to prepare for civil services exam is to prepare a plan, a6 per your respective profession, ‘we are always available to guide you, in making decisions and in planning your preparations. Please feel free to contact us, to ‘we wish the Candidates all the Best ‘ream upscPortal How to Study ? The Ultimate Dilemma ‘Any 1AS aspirant faces a challenge, some or other time, about How to Study? And How to Cover the himalayan syllabus, that the UPSC throws at the candidates. In this article, UPSCPortal tiesto discuss some aspects of = studi-plan, and the vans approaches that a parson might follow. ‘To beain wth, anyone and everyone can study whats given to them. However, the special task before the civil service aspirants not only t apDly his mind into oreat variety of subjects and disciplines, but also to understand, rather than remember, about the subjects. Thus, preparing for the ull services require 2 aiferent plan, hile starting to studies, alvays remember that its net the number of hours that decide your marks, but the kind of understanding that you are able to have. Thus, & does not matter if you are studying for 10 hours oF 2 hours, what mattrs is the ‘matter that you are able to intematizefanderstand. Thus, instead of planning the number of hours you want to study, decide the potion yeu shauld cover in a day. Based ‘upon the diffi level ofthe tpic being covered, you must set your daly goals, and dedicate the appropriate time. This would sere twe positive purposes: 1. You would be able to cover the right ameunt of sllabus in the righ tme-rame, decided by You, 2. By planning your daly goals, you would be able to get some time for the famiy and friends, Ths is 2 wholesome study aporoach, that ‘ensures a comprehensive development ofthe aspirant Coming over to how to study, always remember-the best leaming is done when itis net dane under compulsion. Thus, do et free yourself to study, rather, try te take interest in what you are studying, by connecting ito the world around you. UPSC expects the aspirant to be able to arlragendtee avert xcuos, vis, ceneorinos Ths, aayion.a wouhiciednnac uorerat anton aALNen won seep esOecs study, rather, try te take interest in what you are studying, by connecting ito the world around you. UPSC expects the asprant to be able to Understand the event around, n ts multiple mensions. Thus, gaining a muticisepinary understanding would help you in attain a vl servant mindset, ‘great philosopher once said: You the more number of senses you use inthe learning process, the batter you are ablete leam. Make the learning process ineresting. Merely reading might become a source of boredom and frusvation. On the contrary, it becomes intresting when we use differant means to study something, For instance, wrting hel in remembering the things better, ic indulges our different senses inthe learning Similar, people use different methods ke- voice nates, sideshow presentations, group discussions fp cards, and many others. ths dees net create any new knowledge but ai in the process efirtemalization of the subject being stud, Next, give yourself ome time to think and graep the tope being studiad. There should be na hurry inthe study plan. Human mind needs some time twintermalize the things we feed into t. $0, once you study atop, think over later, and ty ta lnk with the world around you. This weuld lay 2 strong foundation of anything you study. NCERT and NIOS Books for IAS Preparations Inain aim with which thase Books are recommended tothe cil services aspirants, i to gain a comprehensive id22 about he Ungus sua and concepts, tha form te tauncatien st tne various sip. Instea, these should be usec with an ano forming broad undestanaing ofthe conceots and tks, coveted under the ci services syllabus, Fora geod preparation, you must complement the content given in the NCERT and NEOS material wth ether Fesources. ivan the lvel of the avi serves examination, is necessery to develop 2 knowledge base, maher than the The purpose of these books Isto guide In your nal stages. Ones you ate confortable with the vanious concests of the Slerane dsclines, you must shift your stention tothe richer study materi However this doesnot mpl that Your study of these books shouldbe culsory. While reading such books, you must give attention te the various conceots and terms 2 Cle here for CERT for Cl Serves Mae Preparations 2 Study these books Catetuly and sly, 36 the starting process isthe most important one, Carefully re2a 2nd 5, These books are not entirely reliable, 2s they are not comorchensive, and upto the mark, from the TAS exam DPerepestcs Thus, you snouls Complement tne inswieaee ahem innate Boab, with sther stay mater 4 its not necessary to stucyboth- NCERT and NIOS- books foreach subject. Reading 2 single source for your starting ld Ve. New NCERT: why the Canfusion?? LUPSCPORTAL has also orovided forthe fee soft cooies ofthe NCERT and MICS books, tothe asirants, So lease make use of yout of etek, ana thu Hon to Read A Newspaper for IAS Exam newspapers ae seen 28 an mdepensale woot prepare for te ct serdes examinations My unmaghabie otk aout deatng the Cit serves examinations mehout cutiaong 2 matte Menspape! rang abt. Mowexel, mst of the candidates fal Develop te SMe -Anenspaser general contns fomaton abet eran esues atone, Many of these sues right net be a eleva forthe hl sees Th mabe requree an unsertandng of he slabus cf ne ol snicasevminanen, a wal a the elevanse of ata rn an sainston “Toegh we, fis important to emer tnt an examination of he evel ofthe Services exam does rt bother about the polncl ses and an ded debates that are trinmngin the tance thee days, hough hese developments mat be moor n understanding the entamporay sera of ois ofthe cout, btm an exam oie of want uotant to send enormous amount tne makng an [nope tuys nessenues hus sn aepra® aval ise rahe see Sys neusrasting tothe poten Seon ee arin hats ofimperarce, om the eam Bobo vw isthe decors the te Bing taken and the spreamerts thet ae coc by the pb ‘ethores sea rp ek ste asus and hgh he deters that parca rele tothe Wadional monledo Gen ite, is mponaceskaeg slog atte developer that an atpratrndein me nwenapcs, bacauee is ramen mpaseblats meer aot and vey ser am bl the aarti, Terore, 2 more tana praia te sora slog othe ripen ter ram the nensoapa Te fala tate mc tne ofthe canst, athe canedate need te wie down ee BE of aia rm te paper la he preparing nat ern {he pers, not 9 spy dour the ees mater = Bis Inte, onde nets Res cael ane te don the i uma is Wold dle ap you ta keep wk of ferent developers that re covered by he nenspapara ythe tm et tne evninstans, you woul ale ppare al the sumart afar ely and. an adenste sss hie sopnsen hasbeen [isesoy many seme tppors ana nas ben rovestar a oemenee= ‘ea muplonon to your nenspapere 3 candae may ure any arent afte mapas, a an aonalraource However the vl the FocInstanes: [Ezamola X= The hae beens rand ree area the Dat ASS oles. Mary of us igh fo that 2 question might be aed lating othe davcopments that hav been aking plea However, eng athe recent ran ofthe UPSC question papers, @ is uly thatthe UPSC woud ask dvest quarters pertaining othe However, what he LPS igh ak could sil be related te the rece developments inthe plies ucla ka question may tferto the provisos abou sus of ng sen [Examale 2 nthe cae fhe recor Syrian Cros, tht be shed that Hows Ines werertinsoled nthe San as esc mht not direct ask about the stemert ofthe Sian sue othe ayrements signed, [Eiamaia a. Tough the General Eecons are on ou Heats, Dut UPEC huni sok qusions parang To he Gators apehdas O] Sthies rite a ferent partes However mh ti be asked hat How dows the Election Commisanrecogrive male part or Wht 2th pore dequafestone ofa laton candidate o = voter. thus, what imped hres that is mpatant to read newspope, by ning ta what we readin the backs. The recent renee UPS hosteen questons mare nseea on she apps sens iasuna rather tna en tenii usetone ‘Thus, what imped hares that tis mportant to read a newspaper by Inking to what we ean the boos, The recent ends of the UPSChes reer suertone mote bored an the appleby af thetzrue, rater he det focuel aoetons Newspapers Vs, Magazines IRs often thought wheter to 9 fo the dale othe monty magazines, that are widely avalable in the market. However, candidate shoud renerber bast erence barean het baore gona fre oth. Sees nempaperie madein hasta, fright ase athatp anaes eesti fan ese, Nanspapes ate, Basel, 2 rece of atl nowleége on eurere events and agreements. However, 2 gecd Newspaper aso contans Inorant edna! aries, which corn & good stasis of contemporary shure Many othe eda an prove tobe of gfe Vai, om af ram pot view. Tus (ding 3 Newspaper cn Seusehdn emanng he knonlege baze ofthe canddste However th tack fut ny when dene salve ead 1 magazne, on We ater hand, secant 2 summary of he vers tat has taken place 2 parla une ame. Tus ie very seer Bose ‘essing nescng > sons nagenns cn patina) help the Waving pelcsleni im seng semvane tne cman sant ithe Svetng ‘me for the emspaper veraey. hich Bapartiagazine to Read? + For Newspapers ia English: The Hinds non ares etn Hae + For in Newspapers: insta, oxo Tes + For Magazies: ration Dara The Gstby UPSceoca + other Sources: UFSCPORTAL Curent Afar, PIE;in wrwimea goin; a Year Books Reading the HINDU for IAS Exame tind generat of higher level Thus, beginner should prepate hye notes careful, and without any haste. We suggest a stae-wise aporeac to read the Hinds. ACFS just go trough the Baper and mark he News ems tata relevant om the exam perspective. Renebet, 101 tng idged i he pols and nomsignfcan contoveraes. Once you mak the felvarE Bans, ou (anus read heather maternal pete + For Magains: Praticots Darga: The Gt by UPSCPactal + Other Sources: UPSCPORTAL Curent ars, PIE.Ncin : waned aoeun; ka Vea Books ‘Reading the HINDU for A$ Exam ‘he Hau is cansiered 2 very good newspaper ore preparation of the AS, [PS exam. However, shoul be noted thatthe language of he Fins ceneraly ofa higher evel Thue, bene should pregare afer rates carey, nd wat any hast we suggest a stage ise aptoue to rend the Hina AFIS. just go YOUgh the paper, 2nd mak He nens ems at ate aera Rom the ‘eam perspective. Remember, ai geting ign inthe polis! and nomsgnifeane crores. once you mark he flare pon et ‘an just read he ther materalswerialy Ath next tape ud cath elected nous tem ctf, paragrash by paraooh, and wits down the summary fhe nets ten IN YOUR OU (WORDS 1 imperan thet you wee the sunray m your own words, 36 € woud be Benefit nee ong tem. YoU weld nebo te abe of ean day tere ae hardy 6-10 paces news Ras tat woud requ your serous 20g, ‘Some Recent Trends: Lately, UPSC has been changing the tren ofthe JAS examination. Thus, the number ef questions asked from diferent dscpines have undergone a change. Following fe the genera trend of the number oF questions asked fm diferent took, year wise Civil Services Prelims Paperd GS: [story zis is fy fs [is lis [seouranhy aes 2s p2 fo [lie [pity noe 0 2 fs xo lav [Economy m7 fs Bs [sis |science andTecmnelogy)ie x9 [23 fis a2 (32a [other subsets 7 ea i ie Number of Questions Asked in IAS Preis ‘OUPSCPORTAL.COM sso rogeiy Paty secera Cull Services Prelims Papersl CSAT: ‘topic ‘Questions asked in 2013 (out of 30) [Comprehension 24 [Enalsh Comprehension @ “Quantitative apttuce & Logical Reasoning) 22 [bata Interpretation 19 [Decision Making and Problem Solving 6 Numbar of Questions asked trom different tonics Number of Questions Asked in IAS Pratins ourscronratcom ‘oof 100 0 ecg Paty comm ‘Topic ‘Questions asked in 2012 (out of 80) {Comprehension 2 [Enalsh Comprehension ie ‘Quantitative aptitude & Logical Reasoning) 23 Data Interpretation 0 Decsion Making and Problem Solving |S Number of Questions asked from diferent topics @urscroxrar.coar in AS Prelims CSAT 2018 Gusttsive atu & Lani Reasoning Comprehension Becison Making end Problem Saing ‘Being Your Qun Judge: 1 i very important to sel-evaluste yoursal, fom tine to tina. This helps you to analyze the effectvenass of your preparations, and make necessary amendments. Thus, after you rsh with a topic, check your protien fr @, by locking at cferent questions papers tn thia regard, the previous year question papers could be of good hel. CCorfuly prepare your study plan, and dont hestate to revise to suit me and stuation. Ones you fish wth the syllabus, star your revision, ‘agsin. Remember, every subsequent revision should take lesser time than the previous one. ‘sco note that, st might not be advisable to spend your tie in re-doing the tial question, that are easy answerable Mark the questions that ‘eed more time and try to devise your own short-cut methods. For any help and assistance, you may fee contact the UPSCPortal team, We are glad to help You. ithe Best Candidates. Team UPSoPortal. tail -d Roadmap for GS (Pr History studying History is an quintessential requirement from the exam perspective, Since an IAS or (PS is expected to administer the country, tis vary aasentia to nave an understanding ofthe eacis! milau, in whim an aepirant i supposed to play Thus, t= history pertion is very important, bath for the exam as well as your competency for the post. ‘coming to the syllabus of history for the Prelims, itis important to, frst, know the different topics and issues. The UPSC netifiation on Civil Services examination mentions the history portion for Prelims as- History of India and indian National Movement. Though the scope is topic is not very clear from this, but from the analysis of the previous papers, itcan be derived that the History portion includes all-the Ancient, Medieval and Madern History. ‘candidate should handle the efferent parts of history. However, many-2-times, one finds it efficult to caver all the aepecte of 2 Subject. Therefore, itis advisable to make 2 simple reading for the parts that one finds very difficult. However. tis 330 Important that you do make a few attempts at feading all the portians, 2s leaving a subject, 38 important as history, could For 2 comprehensive reading in History, you might choose to reag- a UPSCPORTAL recommend that 2 candidate should gWve special emphasis on understanding and knowing abeut the modern gaining an understanding of the other topics. If the ancient history part re owing 3 great trouble to vou, yau mht choose to mmove ahead after a basic reading. However, such an extreme step should only be taken in extreme care History Trend Analysis Prelims coutof 100, = 3 5 sar o ‘7 8 1m 2013, there were 15 questions asked from History potion, in which only 2 wate ftom the ancient and medieval history: & Nurtert eatans mkectomHsry [Express Potnts: 1. History is one ofthe most important subject from all point of view. So don’t take chances with history 2. Sines the questions, under History, are pronerionally divided into the anciant Medieval and Modern history, is advisable to devote an adequate amount f tne for 2nch ofthe eactione 43. if you are choosing to skip 2 section of history, make sure that the other parts are reinforced so as to Compensate for the loss made atthe other section Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) = Geography =: ‘ceogtsphy ie important a¢ 9 candidate should be aware of the diferent physiological conditions of the country. singe an 14S, 18S could be pasted in any pare ofthe country, itis expected thst the gereon would be acquaint with the general topographical and climatic Features of the country like aeoaraphy is capable of. Therefore, our analysis of the relevant parts of geography is based on the past examinations. “The recent trangs in she questions trom gesgraphy shows that the UBSC has bean moving away from sehing sirect questions cn theories and fasture. Ratver, questions nave bean asked, more fraquenty, fem sections likes envireomaneal #20100), iociversity snd climate, since the relevance of these tops ie more apt than the mare traciional unjects, am aepirant enous (Question from Geography in 2011 — outer 17 er ystome ne Wits a teteh aconety 0 we ogra Je 1m 2013, 14 questions were asked from Geoaraphy portion. Out of this, 6 questions were asked from Indian Geography 35 well st physical fenturse/tnesranes| gengraphy. Only 2 quastions wars sehac from arid Gaagraphy. Thus, i i= mors rational to focus on the Indian secaraphy and prysical features and concept. Topics asked trom Geograpny RIS (Pr) GS Paper 2013 (eurscromeatcom Express Points: 1. UPS paners have been moving sway fom the traditional theoretical questions, Therefore, instead of spending an {enormous amount of time in learning the theories and technicalities, understand the application of things that affect our worl 2, Do not waste your tine in mugoing un the names of dfferent places, animals and other facts, Rather, ty to establish We are always available to gulde you, in making decisions and In planning vour preparations. Please feel free to contact us, to help you In any way. ‘we wish the Candidates all the Best! Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) Polity Indian Polity and Governance ‘The UPSC notification mantions the syllabus for this part as- ‘Constitution, Political system, Panchayat Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issuer ete. ‘The syllabus might appear to be too wide to study, but 2 rational approach can help you to cover each part adequately. You might choase to ignore going deep into the study of constitution, and instead choose ta study only the mportant and relevant parts. For instance, while the structural and working provisions might be important for the preparations, the technical aspects of the constitution might be ignored. This would save your time, which can be dedicated for other more important topics. Secondly, as mentionad in our earlier attcles itis useless to devote a substantial amount of your time in reading about the dynamics of the party politics in the country. Instead, read about the policy decisions and major agreements by the ‘government. The recent trend of the UPSC has bean to aveld asking the direct theoretical question. instead, there are more ‘analytical questions, which reauire your comprehensive understanding of different events and provisions. Pally Custos Asies “IT ota 00 »/To 2 w ‘ « 2 mm om ae oom mo! ‘Topics like Panchayati Raj institutions are also very important, from the exam point of view. If you are able to develop a proper newspaper reading habit, you would be able to fetch good marks for the palty questions. Also, polity i= important for the further stage of examination. Thus, itis advisable to prepare this part of the exam wel 1m the 2013 6S (Pre) exam, out of 2 total af 18 questions from Polity, about 12 were from the constitutional provisions, relating to legislature, executive and amendments. Remsining 6 questions were asked from non-constitutional bodies and issues Felated to certain rights, Therefore, You should study the constitution carefully, as a good number of questions are asked from © Poly Tpis Asked in IAS (Pre) GS Papor nao Aes Bed cine Bots Caton Prone orzesenn Click here to see books on Indian Polity and Governance Express Points: 1. You might choose to ignore going deep into the study of constitution, and instead choose to study only the important ‘and relevant parts the structural and working provisions might be important forthe preparations, the technical aspects of the constitution might be ignored. read about the policy decisions and major agreements by the government We are always available to guide you, in making tus, to help you in any way. planning your preparations. Please Feel free to contact idates All the nest! Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) Economie and Social Development : In the 1ast iasues, UPSCPORTAL discussed the strategy to deal with Polty and Governance, and the Issues one needs to focus fon. Now we present an analysis of the Economic and Social Development section. ‘his pare includes issues from- ‘sustainable davelopment, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sactor initiatives, et’. Thus, the scope of this part of the syllabus is fairy vast. However, the nature of the topics inthis portion is not hard to understand. However, some of the aspirants find it dificult to study about the complex economic concepts. Therefore, 3 rational approach ie to avoid getting involved excessively in the conceptual part of economics. Instead, a candidate should fecus on the application nd impact of the econamic decisions on the society, particulary in the contest of India. For instance, instead of reading about The role of functions of the World Bank, IMF, WTO, Asian Development Bank, UNO ete, should be given 2 special focus, as these Number of Questions Asked trom Economy and Social Development ~ 6 7 1 i : I 5 : (ame 20s” 2u07 208” 2009 2010 zat 2019 SauRees In 1A5 Prelims of 2013, out of the 18 questions asked from Economy and Social Development, 7 came fom the topic- Sanking and allied topics: 5 from GDP and related concepts: and 3 each fom Inflation and Fareign Tade, Topics asked fram Eoancry and Soci Development nia (Pr) 65 2013 reg Tae See books on Economy and Social Development [Express Points 1. Do not fall deep into the Trench of Facts and Data. Your understanding and conceptul clarity matters more than your date retention capacity 2, Before going into the complex issues, raad the NCERT books to gain a basic understanding of economic concepts, 3, Read about the major events and agreements ofthe recent years. rations, Please We are always avatlable to guide you, in making decisions and in planning your prei ree to contact us, to nelp you in any way. We wish the Candidates All the Best! Environment, Bio-Diversity, Climate Change & General Science Indian government has been taking 2 keen interest in the climate issue, there are many developments in the field. Thus, 2 andigate must underetana the various developments) aepects sind the mayor mites. must first analyze what isto be ead {im Chemistry, important minerals and ther ores, are important: Questions are generally asked about the economically Silay, Biology nae some important segments from whicn atlenst one question i= atkec avery year. Yow will Ana one or tio ‘questions relating to the gistribution of flora and fauna, in India or the world. Thus, you might read the respective topice Another important segment of the science and technology relates to the developments in the field of 7, space, Oefente, aber of eto Ak fo See Books on Selence, Environment ang Climate Change 1H we look at the 185 (Pre) 65 2013, there Were 13 questions from the Science section, interestingly, 2 majority of these 13 ‘qastions ware asia from Biology tection, Thue, the eancicates shows focus on fislagy section mors, while puting Ieeear ‘fort for the traditional theories of ahysics and chemistry. Sena Tac ess at Express Points: + Propare the Science and Environment cecton from the point of vow ofthe AS (Pre) Exam. De nat attempt to attain + Keep an eve on the current affairs in the world of science and technology It isthe main center from where questions sre being sakes + Biology, Environment and Chmate ate the areas to focus. We are always avallable to guide you, m making decisions and fn planaing your preparations, Please Feel fees to contact us, to help you in any way. Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) - Current Affairs Current Affairs in GS (Pre) In the preceding article, we discussed the significance and strategy for Environment, General Science and Climate Change. This, final article about the General studies paper of the Prelims deals with the Current affairs section. ‘There is a lat of hue and cry about the significance of the current affiars in the IAS (Pre) GS exam. However, it is important to rote that the study of current affairs and general knowledge should be done juciciously, co ag to save one's time and effort. The recent analysis of the IAS Prelims have suggested that- a lesser number af questions are being asked from the current affairs eection, 2¢ compared ta the previous years question papers. There has besn 2 change in the approach of the UPSC. rennet IAS (Pre) GS Paper in 2012 Fs (Total Question 100) Now, the issues of current affairs are being asked in the context of the theoretical issues. Thus, it becomes important to know about the concept first, Many-a-times, one is able to answer a question on current affairs, even if one is not aware of the vent itself. This is only due to your conceptual clarity, which helps you in logically deducing the answer However, quite recently, the UPSC has been asking questions based on the application of the theory and concepts. Thus, it has Decome important te know about the currant affairs. Example: ©. Which one of the following statements Is correct? (GS Pre. 2013) (0 In India, the same person cannot be appointed as Governor for two or more states at the same time. {i The judges of the High Court of the statas in India are appointed by the Governor of the states just as the judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President (ii) No procedure has been [aid in the conatitution af india for the removal of the Governar from his/her post. (iv) an the ease of a Union Territory having 2 legislative setup, the Chief Minister is appointed by the Lt. Governor on the basis of majerity support. sans. (it) ‘hus, remember to study the current affairs, a5 i is very important from an exam point of view. However, you must link the study of current affairs with the basics. [tis hard to mug up everything available inthe dailies and internet, til the exam. Thus, linking the different topics to the things you study helps im remembering the concepts and current events both. Read how to study for current affairs. To save your effort and time, you might choose to read The GIST, which provides you with the important articles and events from the Hindu, Kurukshetra, Yojana, Science Reporter and PIB. You may also choose to read the Weekly Currant affairs to keep Yourself up-to-date with the current affairs of india and the World. Sut, if you have sufficient time with you, itis best to read the original sources: ‘This concludes our analysis of the GS paper of the IAS (Pre). Our further articles would discuss the nature of the Paper {I of the AS (Pre), and the right strategy to be followed to deal with i. tn the meanwhile, please Feel free to contact our team for any support and guidance. ‘we wish the candidates, all the nest

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