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BOP: A Global Opportunity?

What I expect to learn :

I expect that markets among the world can eliminate poverty.
Review :
Five years ago, C.K. Prahalad s The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid showed co
mpanies how they could reignite profits and growth by serving the world s five bil
lion poorest people. Hundreds of firms have successfully taken that path--buildi
ng large, profitable businesses that are reducing poverty and eliminating human
misery at the same time.
Now, Prahalad has updated his extraordinary book to reflect the lessons of the p
ast five years: business-building strategies, techniques, and innovations proven
to work in emerging markets. The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid: doing we
ll by doing good or doing good by doing well!
Inspired by C.K. Prahalad s breakthrough insights in the original edition of The F
ortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, a wide variety of firms are identifying, bu
ilding, and profiting from new markets among the world s poorest people--while at
the same time helping eliminate poverty and human misery. Five years after this
book s first publication, Prahalad s ideas are no longer isolated instances of innov
ations. They are proven, widely practiced reality.
In this 5th Anniversary Edition, Prahalad updates his book to give readers a pic
ture of how this idea is being implemented in poor regions around the world.
Prahalad also offers an up-to-the-minute assessment of key questions such as: Is
there truly a market? Is there scale? Is there profit? Is there innovation? Is
this a global opportunity? Five years ago, executives could be hopeful that the
answers to these questions would be positive. Now, as Prahalad demonstrates, the
y can be certain of it.

In the past, our BoP internships have involved expansion strategies, impact eval
uations, marketing strategies, and business plans. Some recent partnerships incl
ACUMEN FUND is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approa
ches to solve the problems of global poverty. Two student interns worked on the
health and energy portfolios to develop metrics, perform due diligence, and supp
ort high-potential investments.
CEMEX in Mexico wanted to expand its Patrimonio Hoy program, which aims to make
housing affordable to low-income populations. The student intern worked on a str
ategic assessment of the initiative s business model and an evaluation of its pove
rty alleviation impacts.
For MINLAM ASSET MANAGEMENT in New York City, one student researched the equity
market for microfinance institutions (MFI) and other low-income financing entiti
es such as mortgage originators and consumer finance companies focused on the ba
se of the pyramid. In addition, the student identified target countries for the
fund and the specific value propositions to the MFIs.
In India, one student evaluated the impact of the SCOJO FOUNDATION on its entrep
reneurs, consumers, and partners. The student analyzed Scojo s existing data on cu
stomers and entrepreneurs in order to evaluate economic and social impacts, iden
tified gaps in the Scojo s current data collection, and recommended priority indic
ators and metrics for further data collection.
For VITAL WAVE CONSULTING in Costa Rica, one student reviewed and analyzed data
to identify trends and correlations that contributed to the development of a uni
que and powerful database that will enable the market sizing and forecasting of
base of the pyramid markets.
What I have learned :
I learned that non-global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to s
olve the problems of global poverty.
Integrative questions
1.) What is BOP pyramid?
2.) What is equity market?
3.) What is Scojo's existing data?
4.) What is the identity of trends?
5.) Wjat is forecasting of base of the pyramid markets?

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