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James Rachels : Egoism and Moral Sceptism

What I Expect to learn :

I expect to learn the meaning of Egoism and Sceptism thou the idea is there and
I want to enhance my knowledge in knowing Egoism and Sceptism true meaning.
The chapter mentioned that Egoism is a motivation that favorable views of one
self, Sceptism is loosely donate any question attitude. Rachel differentiate Ego
ism and Sceptism's true meaning.
Rachel concludes that pychological Egoism holds all human actions are for se
lf-interest people do only act which boost their desire that would motivate them
with their own will. It also shows the result of becoming selfishness that will
act the situational circumstances.
Sceptism that is mentioned in the chapter is said to be a conjectures that
is we never to give up an assertion. Everyone has the right to choose in approac
h in accepting, rejecting or suspecting judgement on new information that requir
es the new information to be well supported by argument or evidence.
This chapter shows how the ego of an individual work and because of that ego
, it takes conroll of a person's capability to contibute to society properlly it
takes away the functionallity of an individual in society People are not always
the same or the people you think that they are, you may never know what is goin
g on in their minds. for them they do not have an obligation on anything but onl
y to their interest, to only things that will benefit them.
As fo the divine command theory, it tackles about the righteous deeds that
a thing is right as long as god commands it. There are things that you think is
right but it isn't. It will be only right if God commands it. The logic of this
theory can be expressed how powerful god is, that god shows morality in this the
ory. Therefore, as for the religion, we all know that it is all about the teachi
ngs of god and for the right things to do. I can say that religion somehow has l
imitations when it comes to the fundamental requirements of the rational action
of a person but what morality talks about is the social aspect of a person. I me
an in every action I can that there is morality indeed.

What I have learned

I learned further the meaning of Egoism and Sceptism they are different bec
ause I was expecting that they have the same meaning before reading the chapter.

Integrative Questions
1.) What is the other meaning of Egoism.
2.) What is the other meaning of Sceptism.
3.) What is conjectures.
4.) Can judgment an information of new arguement?
5.) What is Boosting your desire?

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