Mike Huckabee Vows To Resist Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Ruling With Executive Orders

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Mike Huckabee Vows To Resist Supreme Court's Gay

Marriage Ruling With Executive Orders

In a Fox News opinion piece published on July 2nd, Republican presidential candidate Mike
Huckabee promised to use executive orders to fight the Supreme Court ruling that essentially
legalized same-sex marriages in all 50 states. Huckabee outlined his plans for protecting "religious
freedom" as president, should he win the 2016 presidential election.
In his op-ed piece, Huckabee declared that he would sign religious liberty executive orders that
protect businesses and churches for "exercising their religious beliefs" against gay marriage. The
former Arkansas Governor also said he would direct the attorney general to prosecute attacks
against people of faith who oppose gay marriage as hate crimes. He also vowed to direct the
Department of Defense to exempt military chaplains from having to perform same-sex marriage
Huckabee asserted that he would use his executive power to resist the Supreme Court's judicial
tyranny. He implied that Barack Obama's executive orders have been tyrannical, but that his would
be different, when he stated:
President Obama has abused his power and violated the Constitution with executive orders to
advance amnesty, ObamaCare implementation, guns restrictions, and climate change mandates.
I will use executive orders and the power of the presidency to protect and defend the Constitutionespecially religious liberty, which is the heart of the First Amendment.
Huckabee's understanding of the U.S. Constitution seemed muddled, as he argued that the Supreme
Court ruling on same-sex marriage was "an out-of-control act of unconstitutional judicial tyranny."
Overwrought with emotion, Huckabee must have forgotten that Article III of the U.S. Constitution

specifically assigns judicial power to the Supreme Court. In his diatribe Huckabee ignores the
constitutional provision granting the court judicial authority, by arguing:

America didn't fight a revolution against the tyranny of one unelected monarch so we could
surrender our religious liberty to the tyranny of five unelected lawyers. The Supreme Court is not
the Supreme Being, and the Court can no more repeal the laws of nature and nature's God on
marriage than they can the laws of gravity.
Huckabee slammed his GOP opponents for not resisting the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage
fervently enough. Huckabee ended his unglued rant, by admonishing his fellow Republicans with
these words:
If you lack the backbone to reject judicial tyranny and fight for religious liberty, you have no
business serving our nation as president of the United States.
Huckabee however is unwilling to comply with the laws of the land, and he is determined not to
recognize the separation of powers outlined in the very constitution he professes to defend. It is
he who has no business serving as president of the United States.

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