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Editor - Gene Shaffer FitzPatrick

Vol. VII

Deoember 1971






Plans are underway for the next reunion to be held in

Sweetwater, Texas on June 23, 24 and 25. At that time there
will be a presentation
of a WASPMemorial Marker and the new
museum building
will have an exhibit
of WASPmemorbilia.
Mrs. Deaton is coordinating
the reunion plans with Rig
Edwards and Kenneth Dickson of Sweetwater.
Her committee
will consist
of Dottie Young 4}-l, Ann Atkeison 44-10, Ruth
Underwood Florey 4}_4.and Marion Stegeman Hodgson 4}-5.
Rig reports
that all WASPScan be accommodated in the
motels of Sweetwater whether they fly, drive
or come by train.
Tie downs will be furnished
at the airport,
which has a 6200' runway and can accommodate al'\Y type of
plane up to and including
jets (short of a 7471).
Donations are still
needed for the Markers and can be
sent to the ORDEROF FIFINEUA, }848 West Biddison,
Worth, Texas 76109.
The yearly $5.00 dues donation can also
be sent to the same address with a note if you plan to attend
the reunion.
The committee needs this information
to plan
the various events to be scheduled.

Send in your nominations for new officers
for the Order
of Fifinella
with your dues.
will be held at the
June reunion for president,
and editor.
for al'\Y office will be considered as will &I'\Y
for class secretaries.

is the result
of time, energy and much
by a group of VOLUNTEERS.This is your major contact
with an elite
group of wemen pilots
who served during WWIIand
can only be published
if news is received from YOU.
DEADLINEfor the next yearly issue of the NEWSlETTER
will be OcrOBERI, 1972.
Please send all of your news items
and pictures
to your Class Secretaries.
type and mail all copy to
reach the Editor ONOR BEFOREOcrOBER1. This deadline will
enable the Editor to have it back from the printer
and in the
mail to the membership by November 15. It is suggested to the
Class Secretaries
that they use the NEWSlETTER
format in typing their


BETTYJANE WILLIAJ1S44-6 is planning a WASPget. together
for December 10, 1971 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel, North
Open to ALL HASPSbut particularly
those in Calif_
so mark the date NOHon your calendarl

12529 Cedar Ave. Apt. A., Hawthorne,

Ca. 90250

super busy with her James Flower &
Gift Shoppe in Hilkinsburg,
Pa., and relaxing
at her
place in the mountains with her German shepard.
She is
flying the traffic
pattern on occasion and took a
trip to Colorado Springs for the p-47 Jug Pilot convention with KAYBRICK4}_}, MARIANNE
ROSS. TERESAsays any other Jug Pilots who want to
join this exclusive
group should write to Kevin Brown,
Hings Club, Biltmore Hotel, 4}8 Madison, New York City.
RA\iLSsays she came to the Greenbrier
(White Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia)
16 years ago for the summer
and just never got around to leaving.
She is the swimming pro there and manages the two pools.
in a Cessna 172 KATHERINE
when she pleases
and spends about three months of the winter in Florida.
She was elected to the New International
Swimming Hall
of Fame at Ft. Laudersale,
which gave her credit for }
Olympic teams.
After a 10-year flying career KATHERINE
to swimming as a pro, claiming teaching swimming is far more remunitive than teaching flying 1 BARBARADONAHUE
ROSS and her family stopped in for a visit
in Greenbrier
some time ago.
IDVE has her three daughters spread allover
the country.
Hannah is through college and doing research at Cornel
School and is going for'her
Private license this
She did not fly the year she spent at the U of
Grenoble in France.
Margaret is a junior at Colorado
College, after a year off in Australia
and is still
Allie is a junior at Pitzer in Claremont, California,
has soloed but is too busy with school
work to pursue flying.
On her last trip to California
got together
with BETTYGILLIES and Bud for Thanksgiving and also managed to see BJ IDNDONand Jack.
FINE drove friends
on a tour of the East Coast
and ate thousands of fried clams, lobster
Her house
is off the market now. SIS'S family has gone Navy with
Dugie and Ax at Bethesda and Rob off for Great Lakes as
he is almost 19. At a recent Internationale
Party SIS
went as an American shined up her wings and buttons and
donned her uniform I She tried to reach JANESTRAUGHN
Silver Springs,
Md. on a recent trip,
but didn't
have &I'\Y
BETTYGILLIES flew in the Po~rler Puff Derby and took in the 99
Convention at Wichita, having a ball in both places.
April BETTYand a friend went to South Africa on a threeweek "fly yourself"
and used a Cessna 182. There
were 8 small planes in the group and covered J ohanns burg ,
Rodesia, North Bostwana, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique.
John Chilwell,
Editor of "Wings Over Africa" organized
the group.
BETTYalso ran into RUTHGRIMM
TREES4}-2 on
a 747 flight
from Los Angeles to Rome.
is now Mrs. David Fasken and has moved from
Carmel, California
to Ross, Calif,
which is across the Bay
from San Francisco.
DEL SCHARRis still
teaching art at Central High School in st.
Louis and is head of her department.
She and Harold took
a month's trip through Mexico and drove over 5000 miles
Mexico without backtracking
In September DEL was a guest speaker at a hanger dinner at .

Alton Muni Airport where former WwrI aces, the Confederate

Air Force and anyone who had flown a P-51 had been asked
to attend. She told the story about flying a P-51 into
a Richmond AFB where the pursuit pilots had been brought
back from combat to learn to fly the p-47. None had seen
a P-51 until she flew it in. DEL told the crowd that she
was packing her HA? uniform the next day to send to the
Air Force l1useum at Dayton, Ohio and one man insisted
on coming to her home to take pictures in the uniform.
It turns out he was KATHERINE RAWLS' cousin, who manages
the city airport at Ft. Lauderdale I
BARBARA ERICKSON LDNDON came up with an address for DELPHINE
BOHN at 655 Stockton, Apt. 210, San Francisco, Ca. 94108.
BJ is n01.working for Barney ?razier Aircraft in Long
Beach. Daughter Terry has her commercial helicopter ratin~. Terry and Jack are now working on ~heir g~~der ratings. Daughter Kris is going to school ~n Hawa~~. ,BJ,
is a member of the Women's Advisory Committee on AV2at~on
to the FAA with a )-year appointment. This is a 27 woman
committee, appointed by the President, to advise the FAA
on aviation matters.
NANCY BATSON CREWS has her Silver Badge for gliding and works
part time at Pearblossom Gliding School. near Palmdale.
Not only does NANCY teach gliding, but she also uses her
Super Cub for towing. NANCY is also a flight instructor
for JEAN PARKER ROSE 4)-7 at the Hawthorne, Ca. airport.


2446) Wayman Street, Newhall, Calif. 91)21

ELEANOR BOYSEN MORGAN with one son in college is planning to

sell her house in Florida and go to Paris, where she will
enroll younger son, Winthrop, in the American School. Son
r.ike is in Connecticut College, .ell satisfied with the
small campus atmosphere. After twenty years, ELEANOR ran
j nto TEDDY DE BERNARD 4)-2 living in nearby Ft. Lauderdale.
RUTH HELlMAN just returned from a fantastic trip to the Galapagos Island with the California Academy of Sciences.
The first person she met there was WAFS BARBARA TOWNE DICKSON FASKIN with her son Rob. RUTH and husband enjoyed
having all their grandchildren at Tahoe this summer.
ANN JOHNSON retired after 21 years in the Air Force which entailed assignments in Arizona, Japan, Colorado, France,
Washington D. C., Honolulu and Viet Nam. ~NN earned the
Bronze Star for duty in Viet Nam. Her retirement plans
are for more travel and golf. ANN recently moved to the
west coast of Florida.
EVELYN GREENBLATT HOvffiENand husband bought a beautiful home
in Ft. Lauderdale and their 57 foot Criss Craft "SEA FLIGHT"
docks right in front.
GERRY NYNAN will be spending the winter in Casa Grande, Ariz.
as Van has been temporarily transferred. Her address is
the Arrowhead Apts. should any WASP be in the vicinity.
GERRY married off the last of her four sons recently and
is most happ'y with all of her daughters-in-law. Cliff, a
Lt. Cdr. is in Saigon, Paul in Alabama, Ken in Vancouver
and bridegroom Bruce, the athletic baritone, has just returned from a concert tour of Europe to enter his junior
year at the University. Winter address: 780 Laurel Dr.,
Apt. D, Casa Grande 85222.
JANE STRAUGHN is another one ecstatically happ'y with her sons'
choices. Bill, Jack's twin, will be married in January.
Al sold the Cessna but keeps the hanger at Hyde Field for
THAT type of flying. JANE also keeps her cherished little
sailboat in it. Every weekend from April to November finds
skipper JANE solo-ing over the waves at Bethany. JANE and
Al took MARGE GRAY flying when she was at the Pentagon on
Reserve duty in the spring.
MAGDA TACKE is somewhat amazed to find a New Yorker like herself living in North Carolina. George's company moved to
Raleigh. MAGDA admits that golfing is more frequent, but
so are the houseguest from "up north:' Between worh.-ing,
golf, bowling and bridge, it's a busy life. NAGDA reports
that BROWNIE (G&qTRUDE BRO~~) left New Jersey for Ariz.,
but no one knows her address yet.
More 4)-1 news in the "late" section.



1)06 Stone Ridge Dr., Apt D., Columbus, Ohio 4)21)

GERI 11ASINTER HILL retired from teaching this past June and
has moved to Oceanside, Ca. She still has a few moments
wondering "what am I doing here" but finds retirement
has certain advantages, such as ignoring the 6:)0 M{
alarm clock. GERI holds her second class medical, but
hasn't done much flying lately.
EMILY HEISTER HARDEN sends greetings from her home in Hawaii.
IRIS CUMMINGS CRITCHELL and her husband are responsible for
the Bates Aeronautics Program at Harvey Mudd College in
Claremont. They are proud of having one of the few re_
cognized aeronautic courses available for specialized
experience for students at a highly-recognized academic
institution. IRIS reports working awfully long hours and
days-per-year and is kept actively flying as she is responsible for the Aeronautics Department. Not much time
for extras and keeping in touch. Daughter Sandy has completed her long cross-country towards her Commercial
FRAN DIAS GUSTAVSON is still on the timing circuit for many
99 air races. This October she pulled a switch and flew
in the PACIFIC AIR RACE from San Diego to Salinas, Ca.
BETTY EAMES JOINER's husband was transferred to l1aryland for
) years. They have a home on the river with a boat dock.
Son Mark is a freshman at the U of Idaho.
KAY GCTT CHAFFEY was last reported teaching physical ed at
Humbolt State College in California.
811 Lincolnwood Lane, Apt. A. Indianapolis, Ind. 46260
EMMA COULTER WARE has a house in Aspen for skiing and for summer horseback riding. At home in Missouri E}~~ has been
working with a group trying to make a refuge for wolves
(four legged kind, honey) because the species is almost
VIlMA LAZAR QUALLS and her family recently visited with DEL
SCHARR as they just returned to Scott AFB after a tour
in Washington at the Pentagon. VIlMA learned Spanish for
a just-completed 4-year tour of duty in Mexico City.




1)20) st. Lawrence Cir. #119 Dallas.
4840 E 77-st. Indianapolis, Ind 46220

MARGERY MOORE HOLBEN reports moving to new quarters in Oceanside now that husband Col. Don has returned to Viet Nam
for another tour of duty. 27)) Penkea Drive, Oceanside,
Ca. 92054. MARGERY's oldest daughter is married and living in San Jose and her other daughter graduated from San
Diego State in June, and a son is a senior in high school.
Her only classmate contacts are ELLIE MORIARITY BEITH who
checked in for a phone chat while visiting in California
from Canton, Mass. Also MARY BOWLES NELSON is reported
to be living in San Marcos and ~JlRGERY is trying to contact her. Is DOTTIE SCHULTS still living in the San Diego
GINNY HILL loAJODtoured Nepal last year and is back at Camp
Denali, Alaska.
LAURETTA BEATY FOY is chief pilot at Southland Helicopters,
Long Beach and flies to Washington, D. C. each month for
a meeting with eight other members of the President's Aviation Advisory Commission. LAURETTA says their number one
concern is for the environment in creating satisfactory
plans for future airports and also studying the long-range
needs of aviation.

4)-5 Secretary:

Rt. 1, Box 118, Alliance, Nebraska 69)01

CELIA HUNTER says 1970 was her year to travel, starting with
a )-week cross-country ski journey in Norway. In May it
was a trip to Washington, D. C. for a meeting of the Council of the Wilderness Society and it only took her 6 hours

to fly from Fairbanks to New York City I In mid-August

CELIA was invited for a trek in Nepal, so ~~other 6t hrs.
from Fairbanks found her in Tokyo, then via Hong Kong to
Bangkok. Ther"e she met with Phil Holland, former Camp
Denali staff member and now a Peace Corps volunteer in
India. The next day they hiked due north of Kathmandu
into the Helambu region, destination the monastery town
of Tarke Gyang, a Sherpa village. Their next trip was
from Jiri up to Everest Base Cronp where they cronped at
Gorek Shep, 17,100 feet then climbed to the top of Kala
Patar at 18,200' from whose summit Everest is visible.
Back to Kathmandu and on to the final leg from Pokhara
(second largest city in Nepal) to Gorepani and down the
Kali Gondaki River. CELIA'S return trip was via Bombay,
Hone Kong, Tokyo and Hawaii back to Cronp Denali.
ROBERTA MUNDT is a deputy for-the County Treasurer in Alliance,
PAT PATEMAN retired from the Air Force in April and her first
WASP contact was "RODDY" HcLean.
JILL McCORllICK would like some help in applying to the Res-erve Officers Association to get a referendum to be presented to Congress to give federal credit to the' WASPs
for their :H~I duty plus those who went into the Reserves.
(Air Corps got credit for 1945-1949 automatically). This
is on the ROA agenda to send to Congress and JILL thinks a
deluge of letters could push this a bit. After sixteen
years JILL was promoted to Assistant Professor at Purdue I
She has been in Indianapolis since August getting a new
plastic knee, and ~men it is healed. she will return to
get a cement hip. Remember that song "Everything's Plastic"--that will be mel Wonderful BETTY PETTITT NICHOlAS
44-7 invited me to recouperate in her home so I wouldn't
have the long drive, even tho I'm on sick leave for this
43 6 Secretary:
15341 ~rolholland Dr., Los Angeles, Ca. 90024
A POX on all those who didn't respond to our request for a bit
----of info to include-or replied too late for deadlinell
!1ARGE LOGAN ROLLE wrote that she hadn' t done a thing all year,
then mentioned she and Ken ~lew their 21 year old Bonanza
from Missoula to Daytona Beach, or tried to. They had to
leave it in Wichita and "commercial" on (as that.s tornado
alley in May). They included Grand Bahrona before returning for the plane in Kansas. ~~GE also helped on the
Powder Puff Derby stop at Billings in July an:! spent the
summer weekends at Flathead Lake fishing, and winter weekends snowmobiling or skibobbing. All of which sounds like
a busy "do-nothing" yearl
JOANN GARRETT reported that she retired 2 years ago as Recreation Director for the USPHS Hospital in Ft. Horth. bought
a travel trailer and has been cronping and sightseeing at
leisure. Now she has moved into a home she built and has
a neH address: 1504 Lronplighter Lane. Ft. W:Jrth, Tex 76134.
Those in the area, stop by and visit.
!1ARTHA SHITE BULLOCK has been busy instructine at DeKalbPeachtree Airport and recently won the local 99's monthly
award of a trophy for most hours_flown. Expect to hear
that Evelyn Trronmell wins it in the near future.
CAROL ~~BB COOK airmails from Guron that with the construction
of 24 additional rooms to their Guronerica Hotel, we should
consider that spot I"here "America's Day Begins" as a
possible reunion site. She didn't indicate if we should
swim or row ..? CAROL mentioned chattine with LOUISE SACCh~
as she Baron-ed thru on her 170th over-water flight.
LOUISE was not a HASP but she did help a number of us thru
our wri ttens back in the pre-lfASP days, so is fondly re_
lANA CUSACK BCXBERGER has been busy gathering trophies at the
Country Club ~rllichsurroums their home in CaMarillo,Ca.,
but now is deep in plans for an Austrian ski vacation with
her daughter :"larthafor after Christmas. Hubby Gerry will
give up the TWA Captain's seat for the trip to join them on
the slopes.
VSLHA SAUNDERS ~7as busy last year unwinding from her years in
the ?oreign Service and seems to have a new address: 505
\{est 10, Austin, Texas 78701.

NANCY RUTH JOHNSON THORNE is enjoying teaching English in

Beckley, W. Va. She is also involved in raising Performance Horses (not the racing kind) with her mother,
sisters and a niece. They had five W. Va. State Champions this past yearl Add to her address: 404 Park St.
PEG HELBURN KOCHER conducted a Black English Course during
the summer which was so successful that she is now trying to sell the idea to N.Y. counties for in-se~vice
teacher training.
HEG CASTLE McANALLY has settlee into a life of making lesson
plans for her 3rd grade class and paying bills. That's
about all one can do in Boron, Cal. where a trip to Los
Angeles can be THE event of the year. Her new address:
PO Box 32, Beron, Ca. 93516
DOROTHY P. HOOVER decided last year to give herself a breather so resigned as an official Court Reporter to set herself up as a free-lancer, and is now busier than ever.
But she does have a possible sponsor for next year's
Powder Puff Derby, so a bit of flying is still on her mind
DOROTHY also threw in a facetious suggestion that we try
a WASP gathering in conjunction with some group like the
American Legion. I think l-1\f.II
pilots would be more our
style, and I'll bet we could elaborate on our past deeds
as wildly as the men dol
JEAN TAYLOR HOWARD was on the golf course when I tried to
reach her while visiting in Seattle. 11henwe finally made
contact she mentioned that she'd had a bad back for severa
months so what's she doing on a golf course? Hope she
didn't re-disjoint it. She also had a new address for
LUCY HALKER l1cGINNIS: 220 Pine Dr. Bellemeade, Ind.46260.
Mm CRISHELL HADDEN sent a copy of her charming Easter Message (as a widow with 10 children she was always a bit slow
,,-itha Christmas note). \1hen she said she "coped again
this year", she really HAS to. After a year of things
like 2 weeks at a Riding Farm ,,-ith4 of the younger children, a weekend stint at the Summer Nationals with 2 of the
boys, ~,N was on her way to ?rance, alone, to tour the
museums as a member of the "trolley set". That is where
you get aboard and learn the language and destination en
route. Her address: 375 N. Highland Ave., Merion Station,
Pa. 19066.
VIRGINIA YATES writes that Dedie visited D. C. during the
summer and talked her into digging out some old pics to
give to the Women In Aviation exhibit prepared by the
National Air & Space ~roseum. VIRGINIA was also able to
attend a talk Jackie Cochran gave at the Smithsoni~1 in
the Spring.
PEG WISSLER ROBERTS had a delightfully nostalgic article "I
WAS A HASP" in the July issue of Private Pilot Magazine,
a copy of which I will mail to anyone wishing to read it,
if returned promptly. PEG said she mailed the article,
which she had l<ritten just after deactivation for her
"memory file'; after she croneacross it dust-laden in a
box. She up-dated it a bit, submitted it on a Monday
and had a confirmed sale on Thursday--she still doesn't
think they had time to read it, but she took the money
and ran. And a long run it is, she and her husband
leased their home in Santa Barbara and left in June for
a year's jaunt aroum the world. Needless to say this
trip is not being financed by the sale of one article,
but he has a sabbatical from teaching legal minds in
Santa Barbara.
MARGARET WENDELIN HATFIELD has really settled in at Bethesda
and seems to love the area. Their oldest daughter was
married this past year, the son is a senior at Villanova
and the younger daughter just graduated from high school.
MARGARET and Joe are just rattling about in their house.
RUTH KUPFERBERG KORNBLUM has been busying herself with a
silver jewelry course which she finds exciting and creative, when not trekking to their cabin in Vermont, just 3
miles from Jay Peak Ski Area and only a few hours to
110ntreal. RUTH mentioned trying to reach bay-mate LIB
GARDNER ~ffiA only to have her notes returned--just wish
all those listed in the Roster preceded by "*,, would get
up-dated before we get too old, vision-wise, to read the
small print.

JOHNSON writes of a glorious late-summer
vacation she and her husband had thru Australia and New
Zealand this past february. They rented a car and drove
allover both island of N.Z. and around Sidney. ~fuile
visiting a sheep ranch in New Zeland they talked flying
with the O"'l'1er
who was a 't.1,'11 pilot and also an Australian aviation pioneer--_amazing how just the sight of a
model airplane ,,~ll start us all talking for hours.
PATRICIA BO~JSF.RGIBSON reported too late for the '70 llEl-IS
LETTER but she said she spent several years as a Red
Cross Club Director in Europe and Japan. where she met
her husband. an Army Captain. They continued the Ser_
vice life for 22 years and are now building their home in
Fort Townsend, Hash. PAT coes her flying by travel
trailer and ~as looking forward to a round-the-world
freighter trip--maybe they are on it now? Address: Box
45, Route 2, Cape George Colony, Port Townsend, ~m.98368.
TIBBETTS retired in May from the Air force and brought
a 25' travel trailer to tour about the south to locate a
settledown spot. She had hoped to have company for the
summer from JILL McCXJRHICK 43-5, but JILL has been having
trouble with her knee with rheumatoid arthritis, so
HARIOll traveled alone. (Speedy recovery, Jill). She reports she got as far as Bryan-College Station, Texas in
August, leved it so much she is still there and having no
trouble finding lotsa part-time work. }~ION's using
her sister's address for mail forwarding: r~j. (Ret)M. R.
Tibbetts, c/o r~s. Frank Chrostowski, RFD 3, Box 69,
Middleboro, Mass. 02346.
LOlA PERKINS RICCI and hubby flew to Seattle the first part
of October for a few days visit with Vivian Cadman Eddy
43-3 and her family. We not only talked flying, Howard
took us around the San Juan Islands in their -Cherokee 140
(the ladies directing from the back seats, naturally),
then Ed had to buzz him around the Seattle area in the
Bonanza we were using. Since July I have been instructing
4 Girl Scouts out of Van Nuys Airport in a program sponsored by the San Fernando Valley 99's. Just can't believe we were that young when we startedl And hadn't
realized that a solo now takes over 12 hours to accomplish--the days of flying off the dirt bean patches were
easier, I think ..? Also flew in the Pennies-A-Found for
the Los Angeles 99's at a recent Santa Honica Air Show.

Secretary: r~Y E. BURKE

1250 Afton St., Apt. 51, Houston, Texas 77055

NONI HORTON ANDERSON has given up her career in advertising

and returned to teaching in the New York City area.


340 Third Street, N.W., New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663

G~~N CROSBY BARTHEl}lliSScalled to tell me that she is beginning to change pace. After many years devoted to vlater
skiing and championship trophies, her son and daughter
have now gotten married and are settling down in Calif.
Husband Bud has recently retired as Assistant Postmaster
and they are dividing their time between Vallejo and Turlock Lake.
BETTY BECHTO~J BRICKFORD has left Ohio and now resides in Fla.
HARRIETT KENYON CALL reports she hasn't been flying lately
and has settled dOvm to the affairs at hand. "Everyt.hing
seems to be at a crucial stage in my family: Glenn (21)
is in Viet Nam: Cathy (18) is a freshman here at SMS in
Springfield. Husband recently retired and Gramma (85)
has come to stay with us. Add a dozen hens and a hound
dog to our little white cottage in the Ozarks and you've
still no idea where my time goes. This is a real switch,
believe me; but I've just got the old throttle on idle
cut off--and it may stay that way."
IDA "SKIP" CARTER is still head of the Science Dept. at the
U. S. Grant High School in Okla City. She and RUTH JOlffiS
spent several weeks this summer at Aspen, Colorado.
CRANE reports that she has three more books finished and
is getting them ready for the publisher. She said the
Powder Puff Derby was fun, even with engine trouble. "With

a 147 handicap and a pla1e with no compression, indicating 150 mph--need I say more?" }~
is still sho'
Cairn Terriers and won a Best of Breed Trophy last week.
She is also part-owner of Western Mobile Home Park in
Santa Rosa. She has also been kept busy as a speaker
much in demand giving talks about the POl~er Puff Derby.
The Long Beach Chapter of 99's had her as a guest speaker
and had about 9 past ,,~nners of the PPD at the dinner.
DOLORES MEURER REED is an avid golfer. She flew a Cherokee
150 in the Powder Puff Derby with JEAN PARKER ROSE, then
flew most of the way back to California from New Orleans
on instruments. just for fun. DOLORES was co-pilot for
CATHERINE MURPHY LORTZ is kept busy attending conventions as
a member of the League of California Cities. She and
Chuck have been taking many trips together.
MARY KOTH MCCABE finds her wings fluttering again after watching the racers come thru Denver in the Fowder Puff Derby.
She is considering getting her flight instructor rating,
but all that book studying takes so much time.
!1ADELYN TAYLOR EGGLESTON has moved from Iowa to Vernon, Texas.
FRANCES L. JOHNSON is putting down SOMe roots in Colorado and
is thinking she will retire there in a few years. She
said: "I've become a real ski nut - but have no aspirations to make the Olympics, even if they have a "Senior
Citizens" eventl I understand most areas give people over
65 a reduced rate on Ski Lift tickets and I hope to take
advantage of this when I retire." In Hay she spent time
with her son and family and enjoyed her four grandchildren
very much. ?RANCES is still an Accounting Teclmician for
the U. S. Army STRATODM Sig. Co.
RUTH C. JOHES spent six weeks in the San Francisco area this
swnmer and then she and Skip CARTER went to Aspen. RUTH
is head of the Science Dept. at Capitol Hill Senior High
School and said: "Have a new principal to break in. They
come and go, but I go on like a brook."
MADELDN BURCHPJl HILL reports that her family is growing up
fast. 11arty, the oldest son is in his third year at the
Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. He already has his
pilot's license, glider rating and jump wings. "So I
guess he's follovring in his parents slip-stream." A second son Tom started last June at the Naval Academy at
Annapolis. Madelon ~~d Jack just returned from a tour to
see both boys. They sandwiched in several days in Hashington, D. C., Tenn. and Iowa. The daughters aRe 16 and 17
and in their last two years of high school. 11ADELOIIsent
HADELYN TAYLOR EGGLESTOH's new Texas address. She says
that Gil is head pilot for the King Ranches and while in
Dallas they had dinner with MARGE HARPER WATSON and Elmer, but couldn't reach the Egglestons.
JEANETTE J. JENKINS is still employed by The Timken Co. It
was a quiet summer at home this year with most of it spent
trying to find out what has happened to 100 CPT (Civilian
Pilot Training) students that learned to fly at the local
airport back in 1940, 41 and 42. This is rather a difficult task to locate people with addresses of 30 years
ago, but it has been fun and the results amazing.
GADGET GADOWSKlKUSTUK wrote a nice long letter full of news.
First, in February she and Bill flew out to Arizona and
Calif. On the plane she met Dr. Ruth Adams of New York
City 44-2. She got her address and another stray WASP has
been located. Gadget's son Ken is now off to college
after a two year delay. He expects to specialize in BioMedical Photography. Gadget is starting a new career as
a medical secretary. As yet this is only part-time, 50
she still has time to play some golf.
ALBER"'A HU!'ITNICHOLSON is still active in the 99's and also
flew in the POlo.oder
Puff Derby this year.
MARY JERSHI~ O'ROURKE says there have been some major changes
for the O'Rourkes this past summer. Daughter Toni was
married in June and is now living in Grandville, Mich.
Daughter Linda and her family have recently moved to Homestead, Fla. Jersh is now adjusting to bi-focal contacts
and having some bad days, but is learning to use them.
She also sent new addresses and news from Hinky and Ann.

JA:rSO. ROBBH1S says it was really great seeing MARY KOTH

McCABE and G~NS SPA??ER fITZPA'l'RICKand her daughter Kay
when they came through Denver getting ready for the
Powner Puff Derby. JkqS says she keeps happily busy
these days as a Christian Science lecturer. She travels
about nine months of the year allover the USA and occasionally to other countries. For the past four or
five years she has given quite a few lectures at universities and colleges.
ROSINA LS~~S TODD has moved from Virginia to Golden, Colo.
ELSANOR HINKLE VAUGHN lives in Harrisonburg, Va. In March
while moving, HINKY fell and broke her leg in three places
and due to complications has spent most of the summer in
a cast. Her daughter Margaret is at Pt. Clear on Mobile
Bay and son Mike and wife visited the Vaughn's in June.
Aim HOPKINS WHITS's new address is in San A!1tonio, Texas.
After Tom's death, ANN had a frustrating time trying to
get back to normal life and has finally moved to San
Antonio. Her three boys are in college this fall and
Ann plans to work. Tom Jr. is a junior at SMU in Dallas,
Dave is a freshman at U of T in Austin, and Ken is a freshman at San Jacinto Jr. College in Pasadena.
GENE SHAF?ER ?ITZPATRICK flew in both the Powder Puff Derby
and Pacific Air Races this year. Biggest "claim to fame"
was flying a Dc8 Simulator. Those Flight Directors are
BET~Y WALL ROBERTS is involved in so many projects and civic
organizations, she even ran for Register of Deeds I BETTY
is secretary to the Fairbault Pilots Assoc, vice-president of the Rice Co. American Cancer Society, 1st vicepresident of the American Legion Auxiliary. Her sister
Mary died about a year ago and she is Executrix of the
will. Julie, 18 is enrolled in Winona State, Kevin, 19
is at St. Mary's College in Winona as a sophmore, Patrick 20 and Mike 21 are out seeking their fortunes now
in Boston and Arthur 22 has completed 3 years at the U
of Minn. and is home for awhile.


P.O. Box 452, Lemon Grove, Calif. 92045

EVELYN TAYLOR WAHLBORG is now residing in Stockton, Calif.

and she and her husband run a Dairy Queen Drive-In.
~ffiRIAMROBY ANDERSON 44-3/4 was among those attending the 99
conventiori this summer in Wichita.
ISABELLE McCRAE is now a proud p~rt-owner in a Comanche 260
which she flew in the Powder Puff Derby, Palms to Pines,
and Pacific Air Races. ISABELLS thanks all the gals who
sent in contributions for the WASP display at the San
Diego Aerospace Museum. There is a maniquin dressed in
our flight uniform and another one wearing the dress
blues, complete with wings and insignia.


3600 Landfair Road, Pasadena, Ca. 91107

MARGARET DIFFIN CHURCH lives with her son Barry in Port Hueneme, Ca. Barry has many flight ratings; Commercial,
Flight Instructor, InstML~ent and multi-engine. Until
recently he worked for Executive Air at Ventura County
Airport as an Air Taxi pilot and flight instructor. He
sounds like a good pilot. After all, he was trained by
a WASPl MAGGIE has just begun a new job as ~ruseum Technician at the Seabee Museum on the Seabee Base at Port
Hueneme. They needed someone with an interior decorating background. She says the work is interest. and challenging ,nth opportunity for advancement. 11AGGIE hopes
to see some WASPS visiting the area and in comman with
many others expresses the hope that we can get together
for another reunion soon. (ED NOTE: See Page 1)
FAYE ""')LFOLNEY writes that she is teaching English at Orange
Coast College in Coasta Mesa. She lives in Huntington
Beach with her two teen-agers and is glad her address is
now in the roster. She would like to hear from other
WASP's and asks if anyone knows where SUSIE WINSTON is?
Please send any information on SUSIE to FAYE.

VELUT ZELL is now living in Riverside, Ca. PAT's
daughter Susie just graduated from UC Riverside.
MARY BRO~~ DOURDEVI~~ writes that her daughter Denise has
completed two years at Mount Holyoke College and has
entered Amherst for the first semester of her junior year.
She plans later to study at the U of Vienna. Son Tad is
a freshman at the Florida Institute of Tecknulogy majoring in marine biology. Her husband Tad has recently resigned as vice president in charge of engineering at a
textile finishing company and is doing consulting. They
plan to spend some time in Florida this coming winter.
JEANETTE C. KAPUS is still stationed at Little Rock Air Force
Base as Chief of Consolid~ted Base Personnel Office. She
calls that a glorified title for military personnel. She
is looking forward to retirement in August of 1972 upon
completion of 20 years of active service. JEANETTE plans
to head back home to Milwaukee and attend college there,
pursuing a Home Economics major. She sends regards to all
44-4 and hopes to attend the next reunion, wherever it may
RUTH SHA?ER FLEISHER. Here is a girl who is still flyingl
She does flight instruction at the local airport just to
keep per hand in and also belongs to the Homestead AFB
Aero Club. RUTH is still active in the AF Reserves and
puts in duty time at the base in Flight Facilities (Communications Sqds.) plus some time in the tower and the
BCA working traffic. RUTH has been active in the 99's
Goldcoast Chapter and has attended Section and International meetings recently and enjoys meeting other WASPS
at these gatherings.
DORIS B. TANNER. What a thrill to hear from this girl. She
occupies a special place in the memory of this erstwhile
WASP. Perhaps she recalls a certain day in Sweetwater
when she was flying front seat on an instrument buddy
ride? DORIS is teaching World History at the U of Tennessee, and is much involved with student activities and
feels nostalgic each time has to go OTer WdII with those
"Oh, so young and vulnerable college students." In common with all of us who turned to teaching as a career she
knows ho" much they have yet to learn and smiles over the
fact that for them the world began only twenty years agol
What with college activities and family DORIS is kept
busy. She lives with her husband Col. William on a farm
just outside Union City. They are both interested in
church work and she mentions attending a class given by
Dr. Gutzke and hearing Billy Graham speak. Keep in touch.
MILDRED DAVIDSON DALRYNPLE lives in Austin, Texas and is Communications Manager for National Western Life Insurance
Co. Two of her children are married and living in Austin
also. Her life is full of family activities. Her husband retired from the FBI about five years ago and came
home to Austin, but did not stay retired. He now works
for the state and it sounds as if they are both busy and
happy people.
KAY M. D'AREZZO lives only one block from Mildred. They entered WASP training together 25 years ago and have since
found themselves together again. KAY'S husband attended
the U of Texas, receiving his PhD last year. He is now
a consulting engineer. Their son married recently and
lives in Tennessee. Their daughter is in Law School in
Austin. New address furnished by MILDRED.
MERI~I ROBY ANDERSON. The news from Dead Eng Ranch always
sounds delightful. ROBY keeps busy with her Appaloosa
horses, burros, buffalo, dogs, cats and birds. Her husband Harry is still in the banking business and her son
Roby is attending 1.1. She says she has the smartest and
prettiest granddaughter in the world. Geel I always
thought I didt Let's match 'em up sometime ROBY and see.
ROBY attended the International 99 Convention at Wichita
in August where they had a special table just for WASPS.
ANN GIFT TUCKER writes that she is manager of the Tulare Co.
Humane Society and has been for 20 years, sending along a
copy of the society's newsletter which made interesting
reading. ANN is working on her own home, building a patio
~ she never wants to see another brick as long as she
lives (anyone having gone thru the same experience can
sympathize with her sentiments.)

HAZEL STAMPER HOHN says she hasn't done anything newsworthy,

but so say all the girls and their activities turn out
to be very newsworthy indeed. HAZEL is now working with
an organization in Carson City to help ?ut up a historical marker cowmeratin~ the first flight ever made over
the Sierra from Sacramento to Carson City in 1919. She
also writes articles for newspapers and magazines while
taking care of a family of youngsters ranging in age from
5 to 21.
ETHELYN SOVIARDS YOUNG is living in Chester, Calif. where she
helps her husband run a grocery store, when she isn't
t"laching school. Information comes from HAZEL who visit ..
ed in Chester this summer and reported a happy, nostalgic
reunion with ETHELYN.
JEAN McCAR~ still has her Beverly-Cross Employment Agency and
has moved the office to 1281 Westwood Blvd. JEAN lives
in Santa Monica now in order to be closer to business.
DORIS KLEIN OHM lives in Sacramento and recently sold her
house and bought a duplex, but couldn't stand it and
bought another home. DORIS also has a mountain cabin
and has spent the last three summers tearing it down and
building it up again. She finally got it in shape this
summer and can enjoy it. Her two daughters are Debbie,
22 and Diane who is 19. They gave her a surprise birthday
party rece~tly complete with 50 guests and caterers etc.
It sounds great.


Rt. 3, Grove, Okla. 74344

SHOEMAKER SZABLOWSKI is still busy as a Psychiatric

Social Worker with the L.A. City schools, and in spite of
the many administrative changes, it makes little difference
in her work. MARY's long suit is direct case work with
kids, elementary thru high school, and their parents I As
a Licensed Clinical Social Worker she is also doing some
private work in marriage counseling at her home office.
Daughter Karin is a senior in high school, delightful as
ever. Husband Ed continues with General Motors. ~qy is
looking forward to helping her parents celebrate SIXTY
years of marriage next Aprill Their summer vacation this
year was a flying 30-day trip to the South Seas but still
prefer the Hawaiian Islands.
SUE BOOTH HUFF !1cCLELLAN reports that she was married last Oct.
to Scott McClelland and inherited 3 nearly grown step-sons.
They are on a years leave of absence from jobs in Calif.
to care for a herd of fur mink in Utah. Terry Huff, 24,
is a helicopter pilot, returned from Viet Nam, discharged,
married and in College of Redwoods, Eureka, Ca. Has a one
year old son. Andy Huff, 22 was a MP in Germany, waS discharged and is in Foothill Junior College in Palo Alto.
~rrNDY HUFF MERRITT, 20 was married last year. Husband in
San Jose State and they raise horses and dogs. Robert McClellan, 25 is a mechanic returned from Germany, discharged and married BETTY WHI~ING 44-10 daughter Christine. He
works for a Laser Beam Co. in Palo Alto and they have a 3year old son. Patrick McClellan 23 is married and they are
in school at Utah State U. John McClellan 20 is the owner
of the mink we are caring for. He is a first year student
at Brigham Young U, majoring in females (looking for a
good Mormon wifel). SUE hopes they can stay in Utah for~qy


MARIE PEDERSON is still wrapped up teaching 61 kiddies in kindergarten in Waterloo at two different schools. She finds
it a great challenge and most rewarding.
MARY REINEBERG McDARGH sends a picture of her children and says
Susa~ 20 is a junior at the U of Fla. The twins find
Eileen 23 married to an attorney a~d John an Ensign in the
Coast Guard station in Wash. D. C. ~ARY would enjoy hearing from any classmates who are living or passing through
the Gold Coast.
MARY BREIDENBACH HANSEN is working as a Graphic Artist at North
American Rockwell and is thinking seriously of hanging up
her T-square to play. She has been playing this summer
with a trip to San Francisco and San Diego and is flying to
Mexico City in October to celebrate 15th wedding anniversary. MARY was able to identify the "Who Were They" pix

in the last NE'd.5~~TER. ~he group included all 44-6ers

HOPKINS MORAN. ~ARY calls attention to very interesting article in July 1971 issue of PRIVATE PILOT entitled
"I WAS A WASP or Being A ~Ioman Pilot in World War II"
written by PSG ROBERTS 43-6 ...brought back memories I
CAROLYN CULLEN is still in flying business, owns and operates
a one-man airport and flying school called Trade Wind
Flying Service Inc. in Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vinyard, Mass.
CAROLYN lives on field, overlooking water and is still
happy and relaxed and barefooted. Altho this was just
to be a summer flying school, she is so busy that weather
permitting, she is busy thru winter and teaches in J-3
on to Cessna 150's. Taught WU,CY LOVE's two daughters
to fly and will be happy to check anyone out in her aircraft, just give her a call. Any and all are invited.
RODRIQUEZ "RODDY" i.lcLEANis very busy with planning a oneman show on Chinese Brush paintings. She also teaches
and has several pictures in local and East Coast Galleries. Her oldest daughter Kathy received her BA from
Friends World College and is home now after being out of
the country for 4 years. ROaDY also ran an intensive
Chinese Painting Workshop for advanced students and teaches with only the best artist/teachers invited from Manila,
Hong Kong and San Francisco. This past summer while
vacationing at Virginia Beach she gave an exhibit on the
Boardwalk and PAT PATEl-IAN43-5 ran into her there.
JUSTINE FLu~CHER WOODS has a new APO number, which means
Hawaii and she has been enjoying the Islands for 6 months
now, still flying. Her choice is an Aero Club Cessna
172 and a T-34; however; sailing has taken over a little
more of her time. JUSTINE has visited with OPAL HICKS
FAGAN 44-7, an Island neighbor.
BEV BEESEMYER says her door has been swinging in and out with
company visiting the Lake of the Cherokee. BEV enjoys
"retirement" after moving here from California. She has
managed a couple of good fish fries and is starting a collection of reasons for "why fish aren' t biting".
BETTY JANE WIILIAMS spent a week in Honolulu last June attending the American Advertising Federation's annual conference .and while there visited Lt. Col. JOAN OLMSTED
44-9, who will be winding up her tour there at PAGAF for
reassignment to some other area by the end of the year.
Also saw NINA MORRISON 44-10, who has retired from the AF
and lives on the other side of Oahu in Kailua. BETTY is
still at Lockheed producing business films in support of
the company's commercial marketing efforts. Happy to be
part of the L-IOll team. Her active duty tour was at the
Pentagon, as she is a Lt. Col. in active Reserves. with
Mobilization Assignment to the Secretary of the Air Force,
Office of Information. BErTY is trying to arrange a tour
of the L-10ll full scale mockup showing the passenger
cabin arrangement, the under-floor galley and the cockpit.
As Chairman of theCHRISTMAS WASP GEr TOGErHER at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in North Hollywood on December 10, she
says: Tell everyone to bring a brightly wrapped $2.00
gift to be exchanged and start the holiday spirit.


125 West 82-Street, Indianapolis, Inc. 46260

BEVERLY FRISBIE CARRUTH sends a picture along with family news

that they will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this October. Their 22 year old daughter works in a
commercial art studio in Chicago; their 19 year old boy is
a sophmore at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in
fire protection engineering; and our 16 year old girl is a
junior at New Trier High School East.
~ARGAREl' PARISH GARIAND is involved in what she calls "unemployed, non-profit type" work, but doing a valuable job for
her home State of Vermont. She was appointed last year by
the Govenor to the Vermont State Environmental Board which
controls all develoJXl1entin the State. MARGAREr serves on
the Burlington, Vermont Planning Commission and is State
President of the Vermont League of Women Voters. She is
also Chairman of the Vermont Natural Resources Council and
has just finished a three-year term on the Vermont Constitu-

tiona 1 Commission. She is thinking about running for

political office sometime in the future. Her older son
is a senior at the U of Michigan and the younger one is
a sophomore at the U of Vermont.
BERNICE FALK HAYDU was a passenger in a P26 for a fly-by at
Carp Air Review near ottawa, Canada, when the pilot decided to do a roll. The altitude was too low and he
lost control of the plane. They crashed at 9 G's, with
first one wing sheared off by a telephone and the other
wing then sheared off. Fortunately, the plane did not
burn. BEE spent a week in the hospital and was then
able to return home. Her injuries: one arm broken in
two places, ) fingers hurt on the other hand with the
tip off one. She will be completely recovered in about
6 months. BEE considers her name to be LUCKY and marvels
that she is even alive. We are grateful she is.
BETTY JO STREFF REED flew in the Powder Puff Derby with FRAN
SNYDER TANASSY 4).6 then her husband Carl joined her in
Baton Rouge and they took in their son's graduation from
helicpoter trainine. "BIRDLEGS" has been logging quite a
bit of flying to Los Angeles, San Francisco and to the
Reno Air Races, where she had a quick reunion with HAZEL
STAMPER HOHN 44-4. BJ was in pit crew for Robt. Mitchem.

889 Highland Circle, Los Altos, Ca. 94022

PEDGY DAIGER TREGO 44 .8/9 is still living happily in the

wilds of Unionville, Nevada. With her is her husband
Bob, a dog, cats, chickens, orchard, gardens, two trout
streams and some of the world's best scenery.
MARY JANE IS HAl.! EHRMAN is as going as ever. She and husband
Peter and four beautiful children live in Dos Palos, Ca.
BEVERLY DI~rRICH WILKINSON is currently living at Cayucos,
Ca. on the ocean. Her husband Jim is building a familysized trimaran so they and their two youngsters can live
aboard while they cruise whatever seas they choose.

7746 Bluecrystal Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

NORMA BOSTON DOUGLAS and husband John toured Lisbon, Portugal in 1970 and said not only is it a wonderful vacationland, but their timing was right in September. Their
second daughter Barbara graduated this May from Millikin
University and is now teaching in Chicago. Their oldest
daughter Paula is teaching for the third year in Chicago
and the girls live together. Paula spent two months this
summer touring I) European countries in a VW wagon and a
tent. Barbara visited 5 European countries on a collegesponsored tour. NORMA and John still run an electric
store in Plymouth. Son Curtis is in 5th grade and son
David still resides in Centralia, Ill.
"DUSTY" DAVIS RANSOM writes from Florida that daughter Charlotte was married last December and is living in Santa
Barbara. They combined a visit with them with a tour of
the West and loved every minute of it. Son John graduated from Purdue's Professional Pilot Technology program
this summer and is instructing at and for the local J.C
until "some lucky airline sign~ him on." DUSTY received
her Masters from the U of So. Florida this spring and is
still team leader of the American History team at Clearwater High school.
VIRGINIA EATHERTON SPEAR and Clay celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary in June. Their daughter Marilyn is a
social worker at Manteno State Hospital in Illinois. Son
Lewis Eatherton is a patent attorney in Houston, Texas
with Humble Oil Co. and daughter Joan is married to a
Presbyterian minister in Lake Forest, Ill. Clay is Chief
Pilot for the Aro Corporation in Bryan, Ohio and has been
with them for 18 years so he is still flying constantly.
Altho VIRGINIA works four hours a day for a law firm she
still takes time off to accompany Clay on many trips.
KAY KLEINECKE checks in from Rome, Italy and says she is trying to sell a castle belonging to a friend of hers. It is
located about an hour from Rome, between there and Florence, perfect for an European Headquarters, and once be-

longed to Lucrezia Borgia, and is complete with trap

doors. It was built during the time of the Crusades,
about the 11th Century, has 20 habitable rooms on three
floors, and needs modernizine somewilut but otherwise is
in excellent condition. On a hill by itself in absolute
silence, with the rock for eventual restorations to be
had from quarries just below. Rock work is the main industry of the little town nearby, and labor i~ cheap so
putting it in good order to accommodate several families
would be comparitively easy. Doesn't it sound like a good
do-it-yourself project for retired WASPS? All we would
need is the $200,000 the lady owner is asking. (ED NOTE:
Will she dicker?)
PENNY PEIRCE GARRETT moved to the Mojave Desert last Feb.
when she came West to seek her fortune. (No, not yet.)
She is working in the Technical Library at Edwards AFB
and lives in California City. PENNY has an adjoining
"mountain estate" with 11ARY HELEN CHAPPEL in Divide, Colo.
lJARY NESBIT HEARN 44.5 has moved to Denver. THEL LYTCH
MILLER left Colorado Springs for Phoenix. PENNY hopes to
visit with }IARGARET PHILLIPS in Tracy on her way to school
in San Leandro, Ca. She is also attending Antelope Valley
J.C. 3 nites a week, so her spare time is rather well taken
with homework.
NADINE CANFIELD NAGLE is still living in Dayton where her husband (Ret. Lt. Col. AF) is an engineer at Wright Patterson
AFB. Son John 21 is serving his second tour with the Navy
in Viet Nam as Chief Petty Officer with a helicopter detachment. Son Paul 19 is a sophmore at Ohio State U and
daughter Ann 17 is a senior in high school. Youngest son
Steve 13 is in the 8th grade. After eleven years of teaching NADINE returned to the Wright State University to
study and continue her interests in the field of preschool education.
JOAN OlllSTED had been on TDY in Southeast Asia and returned to
Hawaii in September. Last Christmas VEE NISLEY VA1~ DELDEN and her doctor husband spent Christmas with JO in her
penthouse overlooking Waikiki. At the same time MARTY
SARANGER RlliEL, husband and youngest son visited Hawaii
and they all had a grand reunion. Lt. Col. JO says she
has been asked to return to Saigon, Viet Nam for a second
tour of duty there. She will leave in January 1972 for
one year, but will keep us informed of her activities.if
time permits. JO thinks she is about the last WASP still
on active duty.
LILLIAN DIXON KELLEY is glad to report being alive and enjoying life inspite of arthritis and even makes it to the
office each day. DIXIE doesn't think about flying any
more, but "sometimes seeing the Thunderbirds, or a parti.
cular piece of sky, or a star-studded night sky, or a
certain airplane taking a bit of the sky at Scott AFB, or
a memory that jumps out of its carefully locked box of
yesterdays, the quiet tears slid down my face at the
office desk, a drive to work, or in the privacy of my own
kitchen." DIXIE also has a treasured copy of PRIVATE
Pilot with Peg Robert's story.
BETTY STAGG TURNER has the two eldest boys living at home
while attending veterinarians college at the U. of Cincinnati, which makes 5 children still at home. They have
sold their home and will be moving shortly, but do not
have the new address yet. Eldest daughter Ann 25 is
married, has a 3-yr. old son and is a nurse in the Cardiac Intensive Care unit. Pat 24 is married and quit her
job to at~end UC with Billy
and Dick 20, she will be
a veterinarian's assistant. Robin is 14, in high school
and first year of football. Susan 13 and Judy 12 love
horses and spend all their time with them when not in
school. BETTY had surgery again but amazed everyone and
was out playing golf within 5 weeks. She hopes to take a
vacation to either Calif. and a visit with some classmates or to England to visit an ill brother.
WIIMA "WILLIE" MILLER has a new address in Kansas City and
was a recent visitor at BEV BEESEMEYER 44-6's Lake of
the Cherokee pad.

44-10 Secretary I SARA. PAYNE HAYDEN

22 Stadium Road, Methuen, Mass, 01844
MARY JANE LIND SELlERS took Ground School refresher last
spring, and flies Cherokee ,dth husband in local flying
club. Also taking courses in real estate to maintain
license "on ice" in Colorado. Oldest daughter graduated
from U of Colo in May 1970, married and moved East.
Young one in high school.
ISABEL PEDERSON GORDON is getting additional education in
photography by teaching same to the inner city kids in
Norwalk. Her latest children's book collaboration is
"THE LITTLE l'JUmJAMMER" by Harriet Kenney, photographs
by Isabel, C. P. Dutton & Co., NYC publishers.
CHARLYNE CREGER has added teaching to the free-lancing anesthesia to pass along her good experience. This while
doing Christmas articles for "The Keyhole" in El Dorado,
Arkansas. The Australian Terriers are in the news, too-one of the older dogs was fitted with a HEARING AID won
at the fairl
CAROLYN LUMP GROHCOCK and Fred are involved in Good Neighbor
Council with sister-city Saltillo, Mexico, and enjoy
arranging the social and cultural exchanges of students,
teachers and others. Fred Jr., is working on his doctorate at New Mexico State U, Jerry is a medical student at
Galveston, and Nancy left the nest with her mate in Aug.
ELEANOR COLLINS FAUST is still living in Brownsville, Vt., on
Mt. Ascutney and is a ski instructor (that's snow). Expects to become a grandmother in January, then off to New
Orleans to Super Bowl game.
MARY CEYANES HAGNER went back to college on campus this summer, combined with watching two oldest grandsons play
Little League Baseball. All six grandsons joined to camp
out at the Rio Grande River and catch big catfish.
JUNE WOLFE LECKIE will soon have five children and grandchildren scattered around in five states - and how else to
touch all bases other than airborne? Wants to know if
anyone can tell her how to get a refresher course on instruments, radio and navigation procedure, CAR, (hey,
that's FARI), the works, without too long an absence from
KATHLEEN A. HILBRANDT is a very busy and active Ninety-Nine.
Attended the Convention in Wichita, Kansas, is Amelia
Earhart Memorial Scholarship Chairman for the Greater New
York Chapter, and Flying Activities and Date Coordinator
Chairman for the New York-New Jersey Section. Will be
working on the Powder Puff Derby terminus for July 1972,
and is Secretary of the Women's International Aeronautical
Celebrates 23 years at The Bendix Corp.,
Teterboro, N.J. in this October.
MILLICEN'r PETERSON YOUNG joined the Mothers-In Law last year
when one married. Son Steve was in a car accident while
touring near Inverness. Scotland and had his right leg
broken. Millie was called to come and the report said he
was not expect to survive gas gangrene. MIUJ:E left her
house with $30.00, no passport, and was treated to that
wonderful attribute of fellow human beings. unknown, who
came to her aid with plane tickets, money and attention
from Denver on. Steve did survive and will walk again I
MIUJ:E works for County Welfare and is a caseworker in
Specialized Services: Alcoholism. Will be helping plan
the Colorado State Alcoholic Program and is a key member
of the County Jail planning commission. One problem: hard
to find time for a drink I
NINA K. MORRISON, MAJOR, USAF, Retired, lady of leisure, itinerary of visit to the big island of North America: Dallas
direct, and off with BUCKY (FAITH RICHARDS) to an OPEN BAR
in Texas and on to the monorail (also news to her). Visit
with Rooney, FRAN AND DORA STROTHERS. Then Houston, Beaumont, Trinity and Moscow, Texas; Biloxi, Miss.; Orlando
and Holiday, Fla. Flew to LAX more visits and yak with
WILLIAMS and DOTTIE NAGEL lREIAND. Home again to the blue
skies. no smog. and no billboards in Hawaii. Aloha.
FRANCIE ~IEISNER PARK successfully renews her ratings in Dec.
1970 and became so enthusiastic she wrote a book, "LET'S
LEARil TO FLY", 26,000 words and illustrated. Currently

hoping for good news from publisher. FRANCIE is flying

the new American Trainer and Yankee at Fairfax.
PA'l'RICIADISS'!'ONCOLEl-IANreports two kids, Carol am Bill,
are in college, and very happy to have one left at home.
No flying.
JOAN FRETER URALT is vagabonding around the country with retired husband Joe-- Mexico for the winter, Colorado for
spring skiing, Hichigan and eastern Canada for the summerl
S~RA PArt~E HAYDB1 was more than startled at a recent NinetyNine meeting to be counted among the old-time, how-it-waswhen ~ilots. Ouchl
GIP D. OD~~, JR. instructor at Sweetwater June, 1943 to Oct.
1944 and AT-6 transition and one class of returnees on
advanced instruments, gave the following information:
He is either retired or unemployed after flying as a pilot for the Arabian American Oil Co., in Saudi Arabia
from 1951 through 1968. They had 3 to 5 different type
planes at any one time and as many as 28 pilots am everyone flew all planes: Navions, D-18, DC-3's, CV 340/440,
F-27, Beaver, Twin Otter and Saberliner. GIP put in over
13,000 hours of desert flying. This past year he wrote
a book about his flying in the Mid-East. It is called
"10,001 Desert Landings" hasn 't been published yet but
he hopes it will be in the near future.
GENE ~IORSCHECK, who instructed in Sweetwater in 1943 died of
lung cancer August 20 in Dallas, Texas. Gip had lunch
with GENE a month before and he was feeling fine and
back on the job flying for Continental Telephone. On
August 10 he had one lung removed.
CAREY BOWLES is a check pilot for Flying Tigers out of Newark
and lives in Sparta, N.J.
DAVID LAMB is a DC-9 Capt. for Texas International and is
based in Dallas.
JACK RINEHARD is a 707 Capt. for Braniff also based in Dallas.
JOHNNY HUETT got out of aviation as a FBO and is in the real
estate business in Dallas.
WELDON GEORGE is a stock broker in Dallas.
L.V. RUDOLPH is a CV 990 Capt. based in West Berlin, Germany.
W. F. TISCHLER is a United Air Lines Capt. out of Los Angeles
and lives in Laguna Beach, Calif.
KEN ECKLEY is a UNITED 727 Capt. out of Seattle.
DaRF IARSON is a jet Captain for Eastern.
Hubert PoLLARD is raising cattle in Hugo, Oklahoma.
SAM HOUSTON is with the FAA in Ft. Worth, Texas.
JACK GREER works in Dallas am lives in Irving. Non flying
since Sweetwater.
RAY BOOTHE is ranching in Sweetwater.
TED HERCHANT retired as Chief Pilot for Dow Chemical in Houston and GIP says he heard that BILL lDWREY got his job.

44-3 ISABELLE McCRAE in Palms to Pines Race

were given a )-year grace period to drop their commissions,

Jo~n a reserve unit or request active duty. DORIS requested
active duty and reported in Februa~ 1952 to Larsen AFB as an
air traffic control officer. In MdY she was sent to the air
traffic school in Oklahoma City at the FAA Academy for a 10week accelerated training program .
.'!arch195) to March 1957 found DORIS wor'-irJ!;
in the Panama Air Traffic Control Center at Albrook AFB, Canal Zone.
Then back to the States as chief controller of the RAPCON at
Castle AFB, Calif. where she coordinated with SAC (Strategic
Air Command) and the FAA at Oakland Center.


Have you ever asked yourself "What would have happened
if I hadn't been a WASP in World War II?" All Fifis have
been influenced by the opportunity to fly in the Army Air
Corps, and for some it has completely changed their life pattern. For DORIS WILLIAMS it has had a direct bearing on her
being a career officer for the United States Air Force.
While DEE was teaching at Whittier College, her alma
mater, she was persuaded by her brother to join him in the CPT
Program (Civilian Pilot Training).
At that time it was open
to 10% women and 90% men ratio. They were trained at Montebello Airport, California. This school was owned and operated
by a woman pilot, Evelyn Hudson who later went to England and
flew in the ATA (see 1969 WASP NEWSLETTER). By June, 1941 the
CPT Program had closed the door to women students, but DEE had
earned her private pilot's rating with )5 hours flying time.
Evelyn Hudson offered her a chance to work toward her commercial license and instructor's rating, in exchange for her assistance in operating the school. It took all of ONE month to
become a qualified instructor after getting her commercial license in September. After Pearl Harbor, all flying on the West
Coast was terminated, which cancelled DEE's opportunity to fly
and instruct.
DORIS had become aware of the WASP training, but had hoped to remain in California as instructor at the Oxnard Cadet
Training School for the Army Air Corps. The program to use
women instructors was cancelled before DEE could start, so she
then turned her attention to the WASP training, and entered
class 4)-8. This class was the first class to be given the
"official" WASP wings, which she still wears proudly on her
DEE's first assignment after graduation was as engineering test pilot at Williams AB, Arizona. Dee was scheduled to
test hop an AT-6 which a Chinese cadet had written up as "aircraft has bad tendency to bounce on landing". After a few TO's
and L's the plane proved to have no problem whatsoever, so it
was returned to the squadron. After seven months at Willie,
DEE was transferred to Kingman, Arizona to fly target missions
in the Martin B.26 for the B 17 gunners. DEE also had time to
practice instruments and cross-country flying prior to deactivation. Her last flight as a WASP in the Army Air Corps was
getting her instrument check ride with a CAA man in the front
seat who had never been in an AT-6 before that ride.

In 1961 CAPTAIN WILLIAMS requested assignment to the far

East, so in June received orders to report to RAF Brize Norton
SAC base 60 miles from London, England. In 1964 DEE was transferred up the ladder to Hdqr. Eastern Communications Region at
Westover AFB, 11ass. with responsibility over 39 squadrons in
the eastern third of the U.S., plus Labrador, Newfoundland,
Greenland, Puerto Rico, Bermuda and even the Azores. During
this tour DORIS became a major and visited all 39 squadrons.
DEE's most interesting assignment was to Japan at the
Hdqr. 5th Air Force Operations at Fuchu Air Station, just 15
miles from Tokyo, from January 1968.70. Her responsibilities
were to coordinate US operations and air traffic control with
the local Japan Civil Aviation Bureau and at locations in
Japan, Korea and Okinawa. Some of her fellow officers were
skeptical as to how MAJOR WILLIAMS would be received when confronting Japanese men on an equal status. Her answer, "I
found that after a short time I was accepted, and when I left
the air traffic control division the chief and his staff gave
me a Sayonara Party at a downtown hotel. Also a 3-star general (Japanese) presented me with a pair of Japanese pilot
wings and a certificate of appreciation. I am the only woman
to have ever received a pair of pilot wings from Japan." She
was a Lt. Colonel at the time.
COL. WILLIAMS is now stationed at Hq. Southern Communications Area at Oklahoma City AYE, Oklahoma. After February,
1972 DEE will have completed 20 years of military service in
the United States Air Force. She plans to return to California and enjoy golfing, bowling and traveling. She will also
be close to her parents who still live near Ventura.
DORIS has excelled as pilot and controller since her introduction to aviation in 1941. She is a very capable and
modest person who has had a distinguished military career.
Her WASP tr:'l.ining
and background has directly influenced her
We, the Order of Fifinella, salute you DORIS D. WILLIAMS,
LT. COL. USAF 4)-8(
vlritten by MARTY WYALL 44-10
Historian Order of Fifinella

The newly formed Air Force would not change the policy of
crediting WASP's with tenure for active duty, but did grant
officer commissions to former WASP pilots in 1949. The women


Of the 1,074 women who wore their WASP wings in the
years 1943-1944, only nine returned to the Military career in
the active Armed Forces. Eight were in the Air Force and one
in the Army. After twenty years of active duty, these women
have retired or will be retiring in 1972.

The stunning lull of "where to go and what to do" after

WASP duty forced DEE to return to California to instruct at
Santa Paula. During the late forties civilian flying was active with verterans flying on the GI Bill as well as training
private students. The Santa Paula Airport was not the easiest
place to teach with 2800' runway and trees on the approach.



just a catnap when the chance comes. Despite this, she is

always kind and ready to do anything she can for you.
"As an example, I had to stay in another hotel about 5
miles away, and I had arranged for a taxi to the airport at
4 M1. The taxi did not arrive and noone answered the telephone. In desperation, I called Carol, and although I woke
her up, she jumped into some clothes, came over and picked me
up, took me to the airport, waited while I filed a flight
plan, and watched me take off.
"Guam is quite a lovely island from a scenic point of
view, it is of course, very hot, and it rains sometime every
day, so the gr01.rthis tropical and luxuria.'lt. It is now becoming quite a tourist place, particularly for the Japanese,
and in the last 2 years there are 5 new hotels, of which 4
are Japanese. Hilton is building one which will be open the
end of the year.
The Chief of Staff, USAF, announces the retirement of
~~JOR NINA K. MORRISON and notes the years of devoted service to her country, both at war and peace.
The Citation to accompany the award of the Meritorious
Service Medal to NIl\A read: "Major NIlIA K. MORRISOlI distinguished herself in the performance of outstanding service
to the United States while assigned to the Directorate of
Management Analysis, Deputy Chief of Staff Comptroller, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces from 3 July 1966 to 24 September
1970. During this period, the outstanding professional skill,
leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Major MORRISON resulted
in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of
Air Force Nanagement Analysis Programs. Under her guidance,
the PACAF Command Management System was constantly upgraded
to assure a flow of concise and current management information to commanders at all levels. The singularly distinctive
accomplishments of Major MORRISON culminate a distinguished
career in the service of her country, and reflect great credit
upon herself and the United States Air Force."
We, the Order of Fifinella, salute you NINA K. MORRISON,


Pat Strickland, author of a book about CPT, has asked all
trainees under this program to write to her at 2500 Que St.
N.W., Washington D. C. 10007. Pat is compiling this information which might be helpful if and when future flying programs
are developed, and needs everyone's cooperation.
The following letter has been received from Louise Sacchi,
who has her own ferrying company, Sacchi Air Ferry Enterprises
(SAFE.) Miss Sacchi started flying in 1939 and has completed
170 ocean crossings; and has in 15;000 flying hours earned the
Airline Transport Pilot rating, Flight Instructor (airplane and
instrument), Ground Instructor Rating, and Navigation Certifi_
cate from the Merchant Marine School.
"I spent a day and a half on Guam recently in the course
of delivering an airplane to Manila (there was a typhoon west
of Guam) and met CAROL COOK (43-6).
"Carol and her husband own the Guamerica Hotel, which
until recently was the only good hotel on the island. Pan Am
uses her hotel for their crews in transit--right now they are
using all the rooms, but she is building more. I would imagine
that nowhere around the world do the crews have more "tender,
loving care" than she gives them, and indeed, those crews to
whom I have talked verify this. As you know, Guam is a place
where almost all the airline arrivals and departures occur
between 3 and 7 JU~, so CAROL never gets a full night sleep--

"The GUamerica is a motel type, and is getting it's 4th

addition: right now, being delayed due to the West Coast dock
strike, as everything must come from U.S. on a ship. There is
a swimming pool, lounge with coffee pot going 24 hours per
day, free buns to all pilots arriving and leaving in the middle
of the night, free transportation to the airport, rental cars,
laundry service and at Thanksgiving and Christmas a three day
feast of turkey and all the trimmings--courtesy of CAROL. Believe me, the crews really appreciate that when they aI'e out
over those holidays.
"If any of your members feel an urge to go to Guam, they
would certainly have a warm welcome, and royal entertainment
from CAROL."
We, the Order of Fifinella, salute you CAROL WEBB COOK I


The TEXAS HIGHWAYS magazine and the San Antonio Express/
News is the source for the following:
Next March 1972 will mark the 14th annual Sweetwater
Rattlesnake Roundup, complete with "Miss Snake Charmer". Last
year in the second day of the roundup 3,190 rattlers had been
captured weighing 3,356 pounds I The longest snake was 66 inches and the shortest 11 inches. Approximately 200 snake hunters come from as far away as Canada, New Zealand and Nigeria.
In 1970 more
this event during
first 12 years of
been captured for

than 8,000 of the reptiles were captured in

the second weekend of March. During the
the hunt, more than 50.329 rattlesnakes have
a total of 49,538 pounds I

A snake expert said Sweetwater and the Rattlesnake Roundup are very important.
"We obtain the necessary venom to aid medical research
and develop snakebit antivenom here."
What an act to follow for our June Reunionl

44 4 MADGE LEON MOORE toured Canada before ending up at

Princeton where son Hal is a junior and Dave a freshman.
44 4 BlITTY WILLIM1S0N SHIPLEY just found out she lives two
blocks from MADGE I BETTY teaches 3rd grade at Randolph
AFB. Son Dave is in Tucson and Chas. at U of Fl~gst~ff.
43 6 EVELYN TRAMMEL missed attending the P-47 convent10n 1n
Colo. Springs. She and KATY LOFT STREHL flew together
in the Angel Derby. EV and husband Mark plan a November
flight in ther "411" to the Florida Keys.



1972 marks the 30th anniversary of activation of women

pilots in the Army Air Corps so everyone mark their calendar
and plan to join the festivities at Sweetwater in June 1972.
Let's make it the BIGGEST and BEST reunion everl

Fifteen WASP participated in the 25th Jubilee Race of

the WASP originated All Woman Transconti~ental Air Race which
took place July 5-8 from Calgary, Alberta, Canada to Baton
Rouge, Louisiana.

If you haven't contributed to the WASP Markers Fund,

please send your 5 or 10 dollars (or even $1.00) to Fifi Headquarters, 3848 W. Biddison St., Ft. Worth, Texas 76109 right
away. We do need these donations and surely every WASP wants
these permanent markers to become a reality and ready for dedication at the reunion.

WASP MARDO CRANE 44_1, pioneer Chairman o[ the Race from

1947 to 1952, and WAF BETTY GILLIES, Chairman from 1952-1961,
celebrated this great anniversary by flying in the race. while
KAY BRICK 43-3 Chairman from 1961 to the present time, stayed
on the ground and kept this Jubilee Race winging across the
country. (KAY has raced in five previous TARS).

Another big must at reunion - election of officers.

time for a new President; new Business Secretary and new }~_
IIErTER Editor. He have served our time. Put on your thinking
caps, start campaigning or whatever and send Headquarters the
names of your candidates so the Nominating Committee can prepare a slate prior to reunion time when the elections will
take place.

An outstanding tribute to these three lies in the fact

that this race, which has been flown by more than 2300 women
pilots, has been run for 25 years with an unblemished record
of safety. The number of contestants has grown from two to
one hundred and thirty race planes or about 260 ~omen pilots.

A summer highlight was a "mini" reunion of WASPS at the

99 International Convention in Wichita. The Convention schedule was so full our only opportunity to get together was during a Cessna luncheon. Unfortunately, we didn't all get to
sit together as registration was only aware of 10 WASPS attending and we ended up with 181 Possibly others were missed
since we had little advance notice of arrangements.
present: WAFS - Betty Gillies; 43-1 _ Dottie Young; 43-2 Iris
Critchell & Gerry Michelson; 43-3 - Kay Brick & Ruth Rueckert;
43-5 - Virginia Hammond, Ann Shields and Helen Sheffer; 43-7
Ann Ross; 44-2 Esther Noffke and Nema Masonhall; 43-3 Isabelle
McCrae; 44-4 - Meriem Roby Anderson & Ruth Shafer; 44-5 Selma
Cronan; 44-6 Jean Hixon; 44-10 Kay Hilbrandt.
I'm sure many WASP's are due recognition for special accomplishments during this year. However. I am aware of an
honor bestowed on two of our members and wish to extend congratulations to BETTY HAAS PFISTER. 43-5. and VIRGINIA HASH.
44-10, as newly appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman. respectively. of the Women's Advisory Committee on Aviation. IncidentALly, I kn01" of 17 WASP being WACOA members; 8 of them
charter members; 3 named as Chairman and 2 as Vice-Chairman.
I've been very fortunate in having a most efficient and
hard working Executive Board: Ann Atkeison, Business Secretary; Gene FitzPatrick. NEV~LETTER Editor; Marty v~all, Historian; and Dedie Deaton, WASP Staff Advisor. Their efficiency
and know-how has really kept the organization alive and they
are all working "overtime" to send you this NEWSLETTER, a new
Roster and implementing plans for a wonderful reunion. Everyone can help the reunion by paying their $5.00 yearly dues as
soon as they receive this N~h~LETTER. and also contributing to
the Marker Fund.
See you in Sweetwater in June,
Dottie Young, President OOF

Ten WASP classes and the WAF were represented in this

year's race. 44-1 had the most participants and PAT GlADNEY
44-8 has honors in racing 19 of the 25 years I
Margaret Ringenberg 43-5 with Trudy Cooper, wife of the
astronaut Gordon Cooper as co-pilot, won honors for the WASP
with the best score in the race.
How fitting it was that it was the daughter of a WASP,
Gene FitzPatrick's daughter Kay, who received an award for
being the youngest pilot in the race.
There were two ALL-WASP teams this yearl 44-7 BETTY JO
REED and :RANCES TANASSY 43-6 and 44-1 DOLORES REED and 43-7
Past winners of the Derby are 1949 LAURETTA FOY 43-4;
1950 JEAN ROSE 43-7jand IRIS CRITCHELL 43-2 was co-pilot in
Your reporter of this race, ~~Y ELLEN KElL 44-2 holds
the dubious distinction of being the only vMSP who waited until the Silver Jubilee to enter the race as a pilot. Better
late than never, I say to all my dear WASP readersl It was
great to get in the racel
The HASP REUNION LUNCHEON (see picture) at Baton Rouge,
following the race, featured hilarity as the "zoot-suit and
parachute" comaraderie quickly melted away the 25 years.
All \~SP can be proud of this race which was started by
one of our very own. It was tremendously impressive to witness the skill and expertise with which this international
affair was handled in every respect. The fine cooperation
of the many men who assisted this project is also a tribute to
the fine men in aviation and elswhere who are happ'y to assist
any who are ready and able to take the high road. Getting
acquainted with some of these fine people here and in Canada,
flying over the many beautiful landscapes, testing one's skill
and courage makes this a most worth-while endeavor. It gives
an increased understanding of the great strides achieved in
the general aviation sector since we flew "the big ones".
The following is a list of the WASP who flew this Silver
Jubilee Race and the number of years of participation in previous Powder Puff Derbies:


Marty wyall, Ann Atkeison, Dottie Young,

Dedie Deaton. Missing: Gene fitzPatrick

Betty Gillies
Margaret Ringenberg
43 6 Frances Tanassy
43-7 Jean Rose
43.8 Lois Auchterlonie
Mardo Crane
44.1 Gene FitzPatrick
Alberta Nicholson
Dolores Reed
Mary Ellen Keil
Isabelle McCrae







44 9

Betty Jo Reed
Bee Haydu
Pat Gladney
Jackie Petty





DR. RUTH ADAI1S, !ID was with the Ferry Command on the
East Coast and then dropped out of sight. On a transcontinental commercial flight she ran into 44-1 GADGET
KOSTUK and got "current" reading past NEWSLETTERS and is
back on the roster.
P.O. Box 6JJ, New Braunsfels, Texas 781JO.
4J 8 HELEN SKJERSAA HANSEN has a new address in Tacoma, Wh.
HELEN is attending graduate school at the U of W studying for a !-laster'sdegree in Librarianship; as well as
working in a library and tending to the kiddies at home.
SLAYMAKER and husband have recently moved from
St~~ford. Conn. to Tiburon, Calif., leaving behind a
married daughter living near Boston and a sophmore son
at Johns Hopkins. PEG will be at the next WASP reunion
and was sorry not to have known about the last one. She
would like to see any \>/ASPswho are in her area.
LT. COL. DORIS D. \irLLIAMS was unaware that she has been lost
for the past four years. She is stationed at Tinker Ar~
and is about ready to retire after twenty years as an
air traffic controller. (See r~FI PORTRAIT)
MARGOT RECK had hopes of visiting DOT KIELTY in Italy this
spring but don't know if it came to pass.
ESTILL ffiAREY and husband Porter spent the month of September touring !-lorocco. Sign of the times: Some of the
women of the city still wear "see through" veils and hot
pants under their caftans. The most thrilling sight was
encountering a fifty-five camel caravan near the Sahara.
4J-J DORA DOUGHERTY STROTHER has just been installed as President of the Association of Aviation Psychologists, which
is an internation~l organization of psychologists who
either fly or are interested in aviation. DR. STROTHER
has also recently been elected to the grade of Associate
Fellow in the American Association of Aeronautics and
Astronautics. Congratulations, Doral
4J-4 DOROTHEA JOHNSON mORHAN and her husband Hank (USAF Ret)
have just built a lovely new home in Big Pine Key, Fla.
Son Lt. Henry has just graduated from the A.F. Academy
and is an aircraft commander on the C-141 stationed in
Warner-Robins, Ga. and is sv~n to be transitioning to
the new C-IJO. DIDI has another son in the A.F. Academy
now, Cadet Marshall J. Daughter Roberta Marie (Robin)
is now Mrs. Richard John Keller of Miami.
4J-5 BET~Y HAAS PFISTER of Aspen, Colo. has been named Chairman of the WACOA as announced recently by FAA Administrator John H. Shaffer. BETTY has been a member of this
Committee since 1969 and has logged more than 7300 hours
in the air and has participated in numerous women's air
races, including the International, which she won both
in 1950 and 1952, BETTY planned and supervised construction of the Aspen Valley Hospital Heliport, which was
the first of its kind to be completed in Colorado. She
is the heliport manager.
44-10VIP.GINIA HASH has been named Vice Chairman of the WACOA
and is a senior partner in the law firm of HASH, Cantor
and Tomanek in Phoenix. VIRGINIA is also active in many
civic and social organizations.
4J-3 JEAN ROSS HOWARD has just returned from the First World
Helicopter Championship held at Buckeburg, West Germany.
JEAN is International President of the h~irly-Girls and
LAURE'TTA FaY 4J-4 is Vice President and BETTY PFISTER is
Treasurer of this organization of helicopter pilots.
4J-J YAY BRICK attended the Safety Seminar in September in
~ew Jersey, sponsored by the Flight Safety Foundation.
KAY says it was great and recommends more seminars for
general aviation pilots.
4J-l DOTTIE YOUNG has an odd definition of "semi-retirement".
She spent most of the year implementing the FUN IN '71
AIR RACE to the 99 Convention, which involved some nice

Arrow and Comanche XC's to Jefferson City, Ind.; Dalhart, Tex.

and Albuquerque, plus numerous trips to Wichita. DOTTIE
did office work for a couple of months "but very little
flight instruction." DOTTIE is in her third year as a
FAA Aviation Safety Counselor and keeps busy promoting
aviation safety. She and Pete are "unofficial den parents" for the OKC Professional Hockey Team (a Boston
Farm Club) and follow the Blazer games avidly, as well
as furnish them with a home away from home for play and
HARJORIE GRAY 4J-l, our other Lt. Col will have completed
20 years with the AF Reserves in the spring. She has
been elected President of the 615 member Manhattan chapter of the ROA, a predominantly male (of course I) group-the first of her sex to be so honored. Hurrah for our
gall She attended the CIOR Congress in Germany this
summer and in October went to the Pentagon for her annual
tour of duty, working for Maj. Gen. John S. Patton in the
Reserve Forces Policy Board. In civilian life, Marge is
Technical Editor at PRD Electronics. rJffiJORIEkeeps her
Commercial license valid, but confesses that her newly
purchased little house in Oyster Bay takes most of her
time and money.
43-1 MARY LOU COLBERT NEALE has the same problem allocating
money to flying, although the financially-demanding
house and four teenagers nearly shook away on the morning
of Feb. 9. Interestingly, the first call to come thru
from the outside world, some 24 hours later. was from
RUBY MULLINS MENS CHING 43-4, not seen since the Powder
Puff Derby of '68. MENSHING Aircraft's "hot line" then
reassured relatives back East that the breakage from the
quake did not include heads. Ray survived Lockheed's
tremor, which with two in college and two coming up. is
more good news. MARY LOU reactivated her 99 membership
again, which says something about her optimism regarding
flying more hours. MARY LOU closes with "pandemonium
around here is fierce and now the blank ribbon is going-so that's all for now. Someone else simply HAS to do
this job as secretary next yearl Just about anyone could
have more leisure time, I think. (ED NOTE: Blessed art
those who go round in circles: They shall be called Big
time in past 20 years, except commercial. "My famil~ is
all grown now, the youngest is 21. The oldest, J.T.-the
one born while we were all flying together in the WASP,
is now Director of RURALCAP for Alaska. Bonnie, next
oldest, is married and working for her Ph.D. in anthropology. Robin is wending his way through college on the
20-year plan. At the moment in one of his out-of-college
phases and keeping body and soul together as well as
maintaining several pets and automobiles by doing general
house repairs etc. The youngest Julie is a college dropout and can best be described as a member of the counterculture. She runs what I call a non-profit. self-supporting crash pad in a building she owns in a tiny village
north of Amherst, Mass. Her enterprise is definitely NOT
a commune and she seems to be more of a member of the oldfashioned establishment every day as she deals with tax
collectors, insurance agents, and all the rest. Robin
has an enormous vegetable garden, better than I have ever
produced, altho I have always taken pride in my gardening
skills I Husband Andrew is a free -lance writer and teacher:'
DR. ESTHER received her B.A. from Vassar and her M.A. and
Ph.D. from Columbia, and is currently Executive Co-Director of the National Coalition for Research on Women's
Education and Development, Inc., State oUniversity of New
York at Stony Brook.
4J-2 RUTH DAILY took a trip to the Holy Lands in March and
keeps busy shuttling between her ranch in Tucson and hometown in Texas. Daughter at Baylor U. and son in high
school. Husband manages ranch. RUTH taking college
courses in accounting, probating wills etc. Busy gall
copies of the NEI,SLETTER to get caught up in the people
she knew at Avenger. ALBERTA also sent a wonderful piece
of fiction that we will try to print if space allows.
RUTH FITZSIMONS 43-5 tried identifying the "characters".

"COOKIE" JACOBSON ONESI 44-9 gets in under the wire with news
from the San Francisco Bay Area as follows:
44-10 Juanita Dreier Hurlbutt had a busy year. Visited her
daughter Jackie, who was attending school in Rome and
"had a glorious time seeing the fabulous and beautiful
Old World." Her youngest son won a trip to Honolulu to
compete in a speech contest in May and JUANITA got to
chaperone the tripl Son graduated from high school in
June as a National Merit Scholarship winner.
44-8 MARY JANE ISHAl1 EHRMAN seems to be leading the usual
hectic life. Her ~l boy is a senior at U.C. in civil
engineering; f2 boy at Harvard possibly shooting toward
pre-med. Girls still in high school and husband Peter
in accounting business. MJ is still "doing a bit of
Living in Los Banos, Calif. the whole family enjoys many ski trips to their favorite Yosemite
family retreat.
44-6 BARBARA HART KENNEDY, after a long silence, has finally
been heard from againl If BARBARA's son keeps his present interest in flying she plans on having HER original
flight instructor give her boy dual. Daughter Kristie is
19 and at U of Nevada; 18-year old Judy just finished high
school and son John is sixteen. BARBARA does church work,
plays a little golf, duplicate bridge, raises and grafts
camellias, and is on two community boards I One of her
prized possessions is a painting done by a friend which
shows BARB in front of her favorite plane, ye ever-lovin'
li'l ole AT-61
44-8 DOTTIE ESTEP is living in Redwood City, Ca. and working
for the school district. Looking forward to next reunion.
44-9 MAGGIE GEE continues to work at the UC Lawrence Radiation Lab in Livermore in her very in~resting and iJnportant job as head physicist. She spends a lot of her time
traveling to Europe and is still a ski enthusiast.
44-6 MARION HAGEN MAYFIELD was finally re-located by COOKIE
ONES I living in Fair Oaks, Calif. They had a long phone
visit, reliving not only the WASP days, but the period of
time they both lived in Oakland after the war. MARION
spent eighteen months in Omaha, where her husband was
stationed, then moved back to Sacrament. She has made
some trips to Mexico and during one visit had a chance to
chat with GENE FITZPATRICK 44-1 while enroute. MARION
has been ill and having sessions with the medics and
would be delighted to hear from any of her old gang.
44-4 FRANCES STANDAFER ACKER spent a week at Lake Shasta on a
houseboat and recommends it alL
Her son graduated from
Vance AFB and now assigned to Bergstrom AFB in Austin.
Last year FRANNIE and husband Don enjoyed a 25-day tour
of the Far East with stopovers in Hawaii, Phillipines,
Wake Island and Okinawa.
RIDDLE in Rockford, Ill. and they re-lived experiences
and exchanged reunion pix. Since then ESTHER and her
husband spent three weeks at a Colorado Dude Ranch, attended the National Rodeo Finals in Oklahoma City, made
a trip to the B lhamas and visited friends in Dallas and
Ft. Worth, AND ESTHER lost )2 pounds 01l.ringa four-month
period I (What's your diet, gal?)
44-8 Trainee MARGARE!' JOHNSON GARVEUNK lo.'t'ites
her oldest boy
Frank is getting married.
She recently enjoyed a trip
to Europe this spast summer and sends a special "hello"
to all her old baymates. She now lives at 90* Second St.
Rt. 2, Lawton. Michigan 49065.
together for a luncheon chit-chat at \he Berkeley Marina
on October I). DOTTIE's retired Marine Corps. husband Al
is working for the Post Office since their move to Berkeley from Maryland. DOTTIE says she doesn't fly too often
but occasionally "gets up in the air" with Al, who is an
Son Eric ,is a sophomore end Robert is in the
eighth grade in the Berkeley schools. Those who flew with
DOTTE will remember references to her sister "Twink" , who
is a lab technician also living in Berkeley with two children.
44-9 COOKIE ONES I , 1971 has been a "nothing" year for her with
the days from January through May taken up with the usual
teaching chores. Ughl Memorial Day, she tripped on a rock

(dead sober tool) fell and ended up with a broken foot,

torn leg, foot and arm ligaments injured. She had to
cancel an European study art tour and all other summer
vacation activities as she could not drive .. COOKIE is
on a semester leave from school while on t~e mend.
rhrough a reference from Jackie HUGHES fBfTY 44-10 she
was able to locate LES JONES, former flight instructor
at Sweetwater.
LES is currently residing in Pleasanton
where he is in the rug cleaning business and sells
planes on the side. COOKIE gave her three yr. granddaughter her first plane ride. Her #2 daughter Sandra
was married in the campus chapel at St. Mary's College.
Son Greg received extensive injuries from a land mine
explosion while serving in the Marines in Viet Nam, which
required prolonged convalescent treatment at the Naval
Hospital at Oak Knoll. Married last year Greg is at
Sacramento State and plans on taking his Doctorate elsewhere in psychology. Youngest daughter Lorie graduated
from high school and presently living on a yacht while
contemplating whether to attend art or academic college.
While convalescing COOKIE is taking a Real Estate course.
Cerrito, Ca. was nurse for Dr. Monserud at Sweetwater
reports that she kept in touch with the other nurse at
Avenger Field "Terry" MARTIN until she died two years
GEORGE NIELSEN, who also worked in the Sweetwater medical
office, became a graduate mortician and is presently with
the county coroner's office in Sacramento.
4)-) Secretary ESTHER FOOLE BERNER had poor responses to her
plea for news. ESTHER is still the Director, Aeronautics Commission for the State of Indiana and this more
than keeps her busy, so she needs help collecting news.
4)-) BErTY ARCHIBALD FERNANDES reports she will be getting
her disability retirement from the FAA due to a heart
attack and cardiac arrest on May 27. Her next move from
HOBBS will be either east or west, but she would still
like to keep in touch with any and all WASPs.
4)-7 JEAN PARKER ROSE is kept busy at ROSE AVIATION LNC. at
Hawthorne Airport, Hawthorne, Ca. She has 26 instructors
employed. including WAF NANCY BATSON CREWS and 44-1 GENE
FITZPATRICK. JEAN flies many air races throughout the
year and hopes to find the "right" airplane for the next
PPD. This past summer JEAN took a raft trip down the
rapids in Colorado and is now looking forward to the skiing season.
4)-8 JOCELYN MOORE EVERNHAM lost her husband this October.
Clark had been a curator at the San Diego Museum.
4)-8 PAT JONES PERRY also lost her husband this past summer.
She is still residing in Monterey, Calif.
44-10 Trainee MARY ELLEN WILUAMSOIl gave up a long time career in the advertising business and is now a full time
professor in the Dept. of Speech at the U of Nebraska.
MARY ELLEN will soon add "Dr." to her name, reports PAT
4)-4 INEZ WOODWARD WOODS is teaching Journalism at California
State College in Los Angeles. INEZ was one of five
writers who wrote "Aeronautical Science Course of Study"
and the FAA recently reprinted it. INEZ had ROSALEA
FULLWOOD MEEK 4)-4 as a houseguest. ROSALEA is now a
real estate broker in San Antonio.
44 7 BETTY PETTITT NICHOLAS is still busy developing the
Word Processing Center (as Manager) for COllege/University Corporation. BETTY also won fifth place and a
cash award in the Indiana FAIR International Air Race
in September in her Cessna 150. She is now looking forward to a vacation in Puerto Rico in February.



To get the ball rolling your Editor has made contact

with a travel agency to book a plane or planes to take
California WASPS to the June reunion. All interested
in this special charter flight contact: ARGOSY TOUR
& TRAVEL AGENCY, 1114 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, Ca.
91202. Phone: Area 21) 246-711)

COLEMAN and Mary


R. H. Carruth Jr.




1971 Powder Puff Derby

Luncheon. Baton Rouge.


4)-6 at Billings Stop,



251H .....


PPD Team
44-1 and Kay


TREGO 44-8/9

~~RY KOTP. McCABE 44-1

PPD Denver Stop

Banff. Canada



44-6 in Grove, Okla.


on first
plane ride.


44-10 and I1ARY REGALBUTO JONES 44-9 at
Indio Reunion


4)-2 flies
in Pacific
Air Race, Oct. 1971


VI NISLEY all 44-10
at Indio Reunion

tour USS Irrlependence

44-6 introduces
Susan on floor
and twins
and John seated


Here and there along the east side of the hanger, girls
-students, sat singly or in pairs, watching their classmates shooting landings on the runway. It was warm here out
of the cutting west wind. Maybe it was west southwest, but
a pretty stiff cross-wind for landing on that north_south
runway, Good practice for this class.
"I thought I wanted wings," the girl whispered to herself, gazing abstractly at the brilliant sunny airfield.
"And now you don't? I prompted.
"Now I don't know.

It isn't very important any more."

"Not important enough to work for, you mean. Getting

those silver wings, learning to fly "the A:rnty way" is not
worth wiping the stars out of your eyes and the cobwebs out
of that lame brain of yours."
I guess it was harsh and cruel to say but she had to
hear it, I'm group commander of all the girls on the field,
and if they don't bring their problems to me, it's my re_
sponsibility to help them any. This one had me more worried
than any other girl at Avenger Field, No complaints from any_
one, but I knew she was not doing her best--just getting by,
making small, stupid mistakes that would one day catch up with
with her.
She didn't answer, just sat there and stared straight
ahead at the ribbon of runway and the small tumbleweeds racing madly across the field in the wind.

Oh, he explains things so wonderfully. He knows everything.

I could know all there is to know about flying if I could
keep my mind on what he's saying. But--I look at him--and,"
she faltered, "his eyes--I guess I'm just bliooed
"Infatuated is the word," I broke in. "Infatuated.
And he is a married man," I pointed out, "Happily married,
I might add."
Her eyes went sharply bleak at that. It hurt, really
hurt. I knew she made excuses to hang on the door or near
the window when he used the phone and that she heard him call
home, What twisting pain to hear him ask, "What's cooking
for supper?" What torment it was to stand in the ready room
not minding being late or missing your own supper, just because he was in the hanger too. To hear him call his wife
on the phone and oonsole her saying "Well, you be ready and
we'll go anyway, just as soon as I can get there."
"The worst thing I can think that might happen to him,"
I remarked, glancing up at the wind sock, "is for you to wash
out and disgrace him."
She didn't answer me. She sat and watched the laOOings
and shivered a little when a "6" almost ground-looped on the
runway. It had turned into a vicious 90 degree cross-wiOO
and the girls were having their hands full.
"I can't help it. What'll I do? When I see him walk
through the ready room, my knees get weak and my hands shake.
When he talks my heart sings; but I remember what he says.
I'll remember his words forever--but I get to thinking of how
they sounded when he said them and I forget to DO what he says
says, sometimes,"

"Now look, Toots, as I see it your in a strong cross_

wind like those kids out there shooting landings. Suppose
they tried to dream one through. What could happen? A crackup right out there for all to see. They can't do anything
about the cross-wind. It's there. But they can keep their
eyes open and their mind on flying the plane until it is parked on the line. They don't sleep in a cross-wind. Neither
can you.

The girl was pretty in a way, I suppose, or would have

been if you'd seen her back in her hometown in a fresh chintz
pinafore, or at the pool laughing with her friends, or at a
dance flirting with the stag line. Here she was just another
girl in a drab zoot suit, with a sunburned face and wioowhipped hair. There was a new rule on the field that we had
to wear white turbans, but the girls fortunate enough to own
one could circumvent this rule by wearing a white helmet.
The helmets gave you such a professional look. Her's was on
the back of her head and her hair was fluffed out like a halo.
Her eyes got a misty, the-world-is-well-lost shine in them.
Clearly she had forgotten me.

"So you can't get him out of your mindl He's so dar.o.
wonderful you can't find a flaw in him. O.K. he's 100'%1
Concentrate on anything you like to keep yourself awake, but
don't let's have any more idle dreams."

"Two fi_ev nine," she breathed softly, like a chant of

distant voices of a choir not seen. "His ship," she sighed
in deep content. "He's back and safe on the ramp."

Her mouth was grim now. She knew I was right, but it is
fun to dream, and she was finding it hard to let go of even
a little of her hero-worship.

She sat perfectly still watching him climb out of the

plane. watched him walk with careless grace toward the hanger.
His long stride covered the ground swiftly, and although he
left his 'chute in the plane, his shoulders were ever so
slightly stooped from habitually wearing one. It was only
more endearing that if his should~rs were arrogantly straight.
Endearing? Yes, of course I I adore him, tool It was a wonder to me they did not fire all the other instructors as rank
incompetents. His quiet, steady, cultured voice--never raised
in censure or excitement, was always reasonable and kiOO. He
never forgot a person or a promise. He never ignored an obligation or dodged an issue. He was patient aOO exact and it
was clear that he always expected the best of everyone. He
gave the best and he expected the best in return--not demanded,
expected. And expecting, he received it.
"I would" die for him," she muttered fiercely. "And if
anything happened to him, I would die. I could not stand it."
IIIf you mean in a plane," I observed sarcastically,


won't, He's too good. You dope, he can outfly anything on

this or any other field I "
"But something could happen," she countered. And then
dreamily, "maybe he'll stop to talk when he comes back out.

"You do want wings, you know."

She shook her head.

She was dangerously near tears.

"Sure you do. Oh, you'd trade all the wings in the
world for him, but he's spoken for. You'd pass up the wings
if you could go on being his student forever, but that won't
work either. No, if this cross-wind gets you, you're washed
up for life, If you come through all right, he'll respect
you, and that's all you can hope for now. Anyway, you both
share the air and she, well, she is on the ground. Not much
consolation, maybe, but then maybe you don't think enough of
him to want to be flying, just because somewhere, maybe halfa-world away, he is flying too."
I put my hQlmet back down on my head aOO fastened it,
not trying to look prq'tty. I s}0ad up, pulled the parachute
up on my shoulder, and stepped'out of the lee of the hanger
where the strong wind could catch me. I started down that
long line towards my ship- -not waiting for the instructor to
come out of the ready room. No more tears in the eyes, no
more stars in the eyes, maybe a lump in the throat was permissible, Anyway, I thought, I really gave myself a good
pep talkl

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