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International Journal of Networks (IJN)

Vol. 1, Issue. 1, April 2015

ISSN (Online): 2454-1060

Dynamic Based Link Control an Investigation in Wireless

Sensor Networks

K.Komathi, 2 R.Narayanan
PG Student, Jaya Engineering College, Chennai, INDIA
Assistant Professor, Jaya Engineering College, Chennai, INDIA

We propose the load balancing mechanism for unbalanced

workload is to tackle the important common factor in between
sensor and adhoc networks. The load balancing mechanism
applied for the WSN networks, this method which we can
measure the each and every access points. And as well as
based on the coverage area dynamically allocate the resource
(Bandwidth Allocation), Planning for specific optimal path ,
routing and congestion based information. for selecting the
particular path is departing to measure the each and every link
of neighborhood APs. Dynamically allocating the bandwidth
for sending a data packet to transfer into source to destination
through the intermediate node. The channel allocation of
cross layer approach taking the account of uplink and
downlink information. We propose be capable of consider the
Quality of Service (QOS) parameter in order to improve that
packer delivery, through put, average efficiency and
bandwidth allocation.

AbstractA rapid growth of the network planning and resource

allocation (available bandwidth) is important components in a
balanced operation for accessing the internet or wireless sensor
networks. The concepts of where the stations (S TA) can share
useful information or data with the purpose of develop the
performance of the handoff procedures. A resource allocation for
sensor Network or sensor networks and as well as network
planning for optimal specific path, routing information and
congestion based information. The load balancing mechanism
that can be applied to mesh networks. We propose load balancing
mechanism is based on the measured at the each and every
neighborhood access point (AP). The mode of communication
load is shared among neighboring Aps. Furthermore in this
paper we propose resource allocation for sensor Networks.
Index Terms: Resource allocation, load balancing, WS N
Networks, Access Point (AP).

The emerging key growth of the mobile broadband network

planning and implementation of resource allocation
(Bandwidth allocation) is very essential components in
wireless mesh networks or internet. The Sensor network is
access the metropolitan area via use in general networks.
Third Generation (sensor) network as the High speed data rate,
faster accessing the networks. Currently people were using the
sensor network as the important criteria of a network planning.
The only network first enables the video voice calls, for
present the suitable use of smart phone network. The smart
phone network as necessitate a faster access and the steady
high speed internet connections for many applications. The
smoothest way of access the sensor network for particular
applications. In adhoc (Universal Mobile Telecommunication
Systems) is one of the technologies under which use in sensor
network. Both sensor and adhoc like work within the WSN
infrastructure. User wants to access Data where the stations
(STA) can share useful information in order to recover the
handoff procedures. The handoff procedures are based on the
coverage area resource (Base Station) as to distribute the
general access area network.
The set of basic stations are contact with the Access Point
(AP) is the BSS (Basic Service Set). sensor network offering
high speed data rate is 100 mps, the aaility to lead channel
allocation are require to communicate and Bandwidth
allocation is to based on the Base Station(BS), AP. When a
people access the Social networks during maximum mountain
duration of time, due to occur unbalanced traffic workload is
taking place.


Arrival based AP allocation consider the arrival new user
and allocate an AP with light workload for each user. A
critical is that user behaves independently with regard to
joining or leaving the WSN. One major issue is unbalanced
work load distribution among access points. Where Aps
associated with a large number of users have much heavier
workload burden. Fairness and AP association should be
jointly consider for resource management in multi rate WSN.
The multi rate applications make the network managemen t
more complex and critical.
User is not uniformly distributed among all Aps. RSSI
based approach may overload some Aps while leaving other to
carry very light load or even to be idle. This load unbalancing
could result in unfair bandwidth allocation.
The network is serving fairly at high performance fairness and
conflict with the efficiency of each other. In various major
problems is challenging issues. A Qos aware fast BSS
transitions for seamless moaile broadband multimedia service
and load balancing. Cognitive WSN ESS management for load
balancing. Network initiated fast BSS transition. Qos -aware
fast BSS transition with resource request protocol. Multiple
heterogeneous WIFI access points are, however installed and
operated without careful cell planning and channel allocations
that minimize interference and maximize overall throughput.
Nearest AP with strongest beacon signal strength without
considerations of traffic load congestion status of AP. In
related work is not properly allocated the resource allocation

International Journal of Networks (IJN)

Vol. 1, Issue. 1, April 2015
ISSN (Online): 2454-1060
for neighborhood node of AP is main disadvantage. In
wireless networks to enhance the performance of AP
association is another fundamental problems, Wei and yong.
AP selection scheme is associate the user with provides the
AP is the best performance is the congestion relief by
considering the ait rate as well as the number of user
accommodated the AP. Based on the policy of cell status
information can be exchanging the information between AP.
Where the goal of wireless
network station is to maximize the achievable throughput is
considering the number of wireless station (STA) is that
associate with the AP of link rates of these wireless
information posses. Make the user distributed AP selection for
each maximize throughput, and the uplink and down link of
total throughput. If the bandwidth allocation stage
determinedly the number of devices which referring the AP
selection collaboratively. In the AP selection stage devices are
assigned for the maximum throughput of AP. The strong
correlation between maximum-min throughput based and
minimum- max load balancing and achieve the max-min
bandwidth allocation parameter via dynamic access point.

Fig.1.System Architecture
A. Scenario of Dynamic Network:


The simulation results shows of the three region of network

created on the system. There are 50 nodes created at the
various region of network. Like Heterogeneous network it
shows one region of a network is ADHOC, second one region
is Wi-Fi and Third region of Network is WSN Networks.
Other nodes like moaile user and static users. Few nodes are
created at node relay will take over the neighborhood
management functions. That node relay can be established
resource as equally balanced of the packet delivery at the sink
node. There are two type of algorithm can be Destination use
for that process of packet delivery on the call forwarding of
dynamic network.

A dynamic radio resource allocation based on the priority

scheme which reduces call dropping during handoff in a
ADHOC network is proposed. To guarantee the dissimilar
QoS requirements of incorporated traffic with different
priorities, we propose Our a new scheme that comaines the
quality downgrading and queuing , and
improve the
interchange sinking rate by downgrading the QoS of existing
lower priority when the users is not available for a new
handoff request.
We describe how a downgrading and
upgrading a resource allocated for dynamically according to
the traffic type.
According to our scheme a simulation result that shows the
impact on traffic downgraded, as well as the decrease in call
dropping and that scheme can be used to handoff control, and
as well as call admission control, to decrease call dropping.
We propose a work resource allocation (available bandwidth)
for sensor or WSN network and as well as network planning
for finding optimal specific path, routing information and
congestion based information. Furthermore this mechanism
operation in a cross layer manner taking the account of uplink
and downlink channel information and network path,
congestion traffic information. We evaluate the performance
using OMNet++ simulators. In load balancing mechanism we
use routing algorithm and shortest path algorithm for selecting
link and specific path.

B. Routing Algorithm DSDV:

Destination address, number of hops toward destination,
next hop address. Routing table contains all the destinations
that one node can communicate. It has advantages of simple
routing table format, simple routing operation and guarantee
loop-freedom. The disadvantages are (I) a large overhead
caused by periodical update (II) waste resource for finding all
possible routes between each pair, but only one route is used.
TORA: TORA is based on link reversal algorithm. TORA
maintains a table with the distance and status of all the
available links of each node.
1.Route Creation- TORA uses the "height" concept for
discovering multiple routes to a destination. Communication
in TORA network is downs tream, from higher to lower node.
When source node does not have a route to destination, it
starts Route Creation by broadcasting the Query messages
2. Route Maintenance: Once a broken link is exposed,
nodes make a new reference height and broadcast to their
neighbors. All nodes in the link will change their reference

International Journal of Networks (IJN)

Vol. 1, Issue. 1, April 2015
ISSN (Online): 2454-1060
height and Route Creation is done to reflect the change. 3.
Route Erasure: Erases the invalid routes by flooding the "clear
packet" through the network the advantages of TORA are:
having multiple paths to destination decreases the route
creation in link broken case therefore decrease overhead and
delay to the network. TORA is also to be effective on large
and mildly congested network.

routing table, we used real energy propagation and network

map from an actual location, but mobile locations generated
using a commercial network planning tool in a manner
described shortly.
Our evaluation platform, implemented algorithm2. Such
implementation requires integrating an OMNet++ compatible
commercial network solver within our architecture, feature
that is in progress. However, for the purpose of comparison,
we have developed a mobility implementation of the
algorithm as dynamic path selection for routing process, an
open mobility location updated. This can operate only on
moderate networks with restricted objective function form
location very slow for practical needs. We used energy
propagation and network maps generated by a simulate
operational network in a major location 10.
The dynamic routing category, node mobility locations, and
energy propagation data from the network were fed into a
commercially available network planning that is used by
operators for mobile network planning.The carrier bandwidth
is 15 MHz in the 700-MHz bandwidth. There is no
dependency of DPS design to the specic omnet tool used for
evaluation purpose. For our evaluation, we selected an area of
around 5 km in the central business district of the city with
115 macro nodes. This part of the area has a very high density
of macro nodes due to high volume of mobile data trafc. The
mobile location data forward to routing table in sensor
network deployments are going to have low energy pico nodes
in addition to high-energy macro nodes. Since picos are not
yet deployed in reality, 10 pico locations were manually
embedded into the network planning as omnet tool using its
built in capabilities. Macros have transmitted energy 40 W,
and picos have transmitted energy 4 W. All including, we
have 100 nodes in the evaluated topology. Though we had
propagation data based on areal deployment, we do not have
access to actual mobile transmitted at this stage. To generate
transmitted data required for our evaluation, we generated
mobile locations using the capabilities of the wireless network
tool using omnet.

C. Shortest Path Algorithm

Step1. Start
Step2.Select the Location
Step3. Enter The Location Name
Step4.Display the Available Path
Step4. Combine the two paths and made as group.
Step5. Select the shortest Path
Step6. Display the Shortest Path
According to that select the shortest path for data
transferring into remote site to local site of the network. Based
on the user transmission time the arrival of the new user can
send the data to sink node. The AP assigns the bandwidth for
user based upon to the SPA algorithm. Node Relay can take
over the load balancing for the particular specific path.
4G is all about an integrated, global network that will be
able to provide a comprehensive IP solution where the voice,
data and streamed multimedia can be given to users on an
"Anytime, Anywhere" basis. At present we have many
technologies each capable of performing functions like
supporting voice traffic using voice over IP (VoIP), in moaile
environment broadband data access etc., but there is a great
need of deploying such technologies that can integrate all
these systems into a single unified system. 4G presents of this
problem as solution it is all about seamlessly integrating the
terminals, applications and networks. The race to implement
4G is accelerating as well as quite challenging. The aim of this
proposed is to highlight the benefits, in deployment challenges
and scope of 4G technologies and reduces the drop rate and
voice handover.
According to that the simulation result to report for the
dynamic network. Assume that the user is not in the fixed
position while simulations are running time. First we are fixed
for which of the user in network dynamic network scenario.
Users want to set for which type of operation mode for the
simulation window. Operation can be select for the simulation

Fig.2. Evaluation of Link in Sensor Network

These locations were used to generate transmitted data as
follows. 1) Using the calibrated data, information, and
statistical channel models, the omnet tool was used to generate
energy propagation in every pixel in the area of interest in a
major metro areas The omnet tool was then used to drop
thousands of mobile network in sever allocations where the
density of dropped mobile network was as per link density.In

Shortest path Algorithm

We deployed shortest path Algorithm within our omnet

simulation using suitable data to enable multiple user
implementation.We skip these implementation details for want
of space. For network transmitted information stored in the

International Journal of Networks (IJN)

Vol. 1, Issue. 1, April 2015
ISSN (Online): 2454-1060
addition, we dened mobile hotspots around some of the
picoswherethemobiledensitywasdoubled.Basedonthe energy
propagation in every pixel and mobile drop locations,the
omnet tool rapidly generated all path loss data from mobile
network to it serving node and neighboring nodes and also
mobile to node associate on matrix.

functions of network parameter. There are three region as one

is sensor network. Another network is Wi-Fi and finally we
deploy the WSN networks.

Fig.5. Wireless Sensor Network deployment

Illustrate the various region of network can process the
users want to move on another region the unfair of bandwidth
can allocation for that the particular network and there
congestion traffic occur for the specific path. That unbalanced
workload of the load traffic can be accomplished to their
unbalanced load balancing process.
The balancing of the nodes situation as node relay will take
over the established require function their neighborhood
calculation for the load balancing function. The sending
packet for 1 ms and receiving packet for delivery is 1.5 ms.
The node position is 0.5 distances and using various colors to
identity the type of nodes defined by Fig .7.

Fig.3. User Authentication

Fig.4. User Authentication

The user can select the source of node and how they can
perform choice of moaile user or the static user for the
particular operations. And as well as select for the sink node
for which type of user node. The moaile node of user can
select the source and destination of the receiver.
The designs for the heterogeneous network which as the
region of various types network can be create and deploy the

Fig. 6. Load balancing


International Journal of Networks (IJN)

Vol. 1, Issue. 1, April 2015
ISSN (Online): 2454-1060
Operation on the unfair bandwidth allocation for a
simulation result based on the some parameter and calculation
for the required process for detailed system. The bandwidth of
achieved per user throughput in Mbps versus in user index
with their in throughput in decreasing order. The impact of the
user moaility on the network performance is the Fig.5 base
station which allocates the resource for the sensor networks.
The hop count is updated to the table which produces for
simulation result for the entire network of hop count to next
hop count function.
There are X and Y co-ordinates for the hop count how much
distance can travel for the sending the packet to deliver the
neighborhood sink node. The neighborhood node selection to
the utilize node relay points of access point to the base station

The wide spread of the network applications as make as the
management of network as maintain their more complex and
critical. Via Access point communication is more complex to
load balanced for traffic network coverage area. The AP
scheme to tackle the load balancing mechanism for traffic less
coverage area of the various regions wants to move the user of
mobile node. In Simulation results can provides the optimized
user use the bandwidth allocation to their wide system. Used
shortest path algorithm to select the specify path for the link.
The TORA is maintaining the link control to the network
function. Future work is allocating the resource for the work
user will be in moving on one region to another region for the
Next Generation Networks .

Fig.7. Neighborhood Selection

Given the more AP association of the less time
transmission, to a shorter effective transmission time and
lower throughput. Thus the smallest number of the Access
point selection for the algorithm is base on routing and
shortest path. The least number of users is important as
typically users prefer network for providing stable
communications for Heterogeneous network.


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