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Topic : The importance of Learning English

Title: Why Learning English is Important for our Child?

Learning English is important for our children.
A. English is a universal language that can not be separated from our daily
B. English will be help the future of our children, especially when they are
looking for a job.
C. English language must be learned from the current golden age.
For these three reasons-universal language, help the future of our children and must
be learned from the current golden age, learning English is important for children.


Learning English is important for our children. First, English is a universal

language that can not be separated from our daily routine. For example, English
most used in imported product, browsing internet, shopping online, international
forum and more things in our dialy routine. Second, English will help our childrens
future, especially when they are looking for a job. We all knew if English is an
international language that every people from different countries and ethnic can
communicate with this language. Thats why, english ability is important for looking
a job. If you want your child have good job, they must have good english ability too.
Third, English language must be learned from the current golden age. Golden age is
age around 9-15 years that have optimal age in absorbing language. That's why our
children have to learn English since early. For these three reasons-universal
language, help the future of our children and must be learned from the current
golden age, learning English is important for children.

Topic : The important of reduce pollution


: Why we have to reduce noise pollution?

Noise pollution has a negative impact on humans, especially for health.

A. Noise pollution is bad for our auditory sensory.
B. Noise pollution causing heart disease and stroke.
C. Noise pollution affected our memory.
So, Noise pollution has negative impact for our health, because it is bad for our
auditory sensory, causes high blood pressure and affected our memory.

Why we have to reduce noise pollution?

Noise pollution has a negative impact on humans, especially for health. First,
Noise pollution is bad for our auditory sensory. Noise pollution caused by high
volume sounds that make noise at surrounding areas, so if you too often at that
region, it will impact your hearing. Its like ear buzzing, and low hearing ability.
Second, Noise pollution causes heart disease and stroke. According to the results of
the latest research in America, noise pollution causing high blood pressure. If it
continues, it will lead to heart disease and stroke. Third, Noise pollution affected our
memory. It will decrease how our brain working in memory ability, especially for
children who are in development of learning. So, Noise pollution has negative
impact for our health, because it is bad for our auditory sensory, causing high blood
pressure and affected our memory.

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