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At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the applic
ation of the rules as set out in Rule 1
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the applic
ation of the rules as set out in Rule 1
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the application o
f the rules as set out in Rule 1
At the end of the session the student will be able to define the term 't
raffic separation scheme'
Student are subjected to a session defining and discussing the term 'tra
ffic separation scheme'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that define the term 'traffic
separation scheme'
At the end of the session the student will be able to state describes th
e responsibility to comply with the rules as set out in Rule 2
Student are subjected to a session describing the responsibility to comp
ly with the rules as set out in Rule 2
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state describes the respo
nsibility to comply with the rules as set out in Rule 2
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe and cites
examples of precautions which may be required by the ordinary practice of seame
n or by the special circumstances of the case
Student are subjected to a session describing and cites examples of prec
autions which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the speci
al circumstances of the case
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe and cites exampl
es of precautions which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by
the special circumstances of the case
At the end of the session the student will be able to give examples of c
ircumstances which may make a departure from the rules necessary
Student are subjected to a session giving examples of circumstances whic
h may make a departure from the rules necessary
In not less than 200 words write an essay that give examples of circumst
ances which may make a departure from the rules necessary
At the end of the session the student will be able to describes the gene
ral definitions which apply throughout the rules
Student are subjected to a session describing the general definitions wh
ich apply throughout the rules
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describes the general def
initions which apply throughout the rules
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the term '
vessel constrained by her draught'
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the term '
vessel constrained by her draught'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the term 'vessel
constrained by her draught'

At the end of the session the student will be able to distinguishe betwe
en 'under way' and 'making way'
Student are subjected to a session distinguishe between 'under way' and
'making way'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that distinguishe between 'und
er way' and 'making way'
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain 'a proper
look-out' and interprets the intent of 'full appraisal of the situation and the
risk of collision'
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing 'a proper
look-out' and interprets the intent of 'full appraisal of the situation and the
risk of collision'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain 'a proper look-ou
t' and interprets the intent of 'full appraisal of the situation and the risk of
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 explains what is meant by a safe speed
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 explains what is meant by a safe speed
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the use of radar
in the context of Rule 5 explains what is meant by a safe speed
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 describes, with reference to court cases, how 'p
roper and effective action' and 'within a distance appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions' may be interpreted
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 describes, with reference to court cases, how 'p
roper and effective action' and 'within a distance appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions' may be interpreted
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the use of radar
in the context of Rule 5 describes, with reference to court cases, how 'proper a
nd effective action' and 'within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circum
stances and conditions' may be interpreted
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 describes the factors to be taken into account i
n determining a safe speed
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 describes the factors to be taken into account i
n determining a safe speed
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the use of radar
in the context of Rule 5 describes the factors to be taken into account in deter
mining a safe speed
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 explains how the use of radar affects the determ
ination of safe speed
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the use of
radar in the context of Rule 5 explains how the use of radar affects the determ
ination of safe speed
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the use of radar
in the context of Rule 5 explains how the use of radar affects the determination
of safe speed

At the end of the session the student will be able to explain what is me
ant by risk of collision: describes the proper use of radar equipment in determi
ning whether a risk of collision exists
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing what is me
ant by risk of collision: describes the proper use of radar equipment in determi
ning whether a risk of collision exists
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain what is meant by
risk of collision: describes the proper use of radar equipment in determining wh
ether a risk of collision exists
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain what is me
ant by risk of collision: explains the dangers of making assumptions on the basi
s of scanty information, citing examples from clear weather as well as the use o
f radar
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing what is me
ant by risk of collision: explains the dangers of making assumptions on the basi
s of scanty information, citing examples from clear weather as well as the use o
f radar
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain what is meant by
risk of collision: explains the dangers of making assumptions on the basis of sc
anty information, citing examples from clear weather as well as the use of radar
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain what is me
ant by risk of collision: illustrates, using examples from court cases, how fail
ure to plot may lead to a lack of appreciation of a developing situation
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing what is me
ant by risk of collision: illustrates, using examples from court cases, how fail
ure to plot may lead to a lack of appreciation of a developing situation
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain what is meant by
risk of collision: illustrates, using examples from court cases, how failure to
plot may lead to a lack of appreciation of a developing situation
At the end of the session the student will be able to illustrate using e
xamples from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred
to in Rule 8 positive action in ample time large enough to be readily apparent
Student are subjected to a session illustrating using examples from cour
t decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in Rule 8 posi
tive action in ample time large enough to be readily apparent
In not less than 200 words write an essay that illustrate using examples
from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in R
ule 8 positive action in ample time large enough to be readily apparent
At the end of the session the student will be able to illustrate using e
xamples from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred
to in Rule 8 alteration of course alone
Student are subjected to a session illustrating using examples from cour
t decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in Rule 8 alte
ration of course alone
In not less than 200 words write an essay that illustrate using examples
from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in R
ule 8 alteration of course alone

At the end of the session the student will be able to illustrate using e
xamples from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred
to in Rule 8 passing at a safe distance
Student are subjected to a session illustrating using examples from cour
t decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in Rule 8 pass
ing at a safe distance
In not less than 200 words write an essay that illustrate using examples
from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in R
ule 8 passing at a safe distance
At the end of the session the student will be able to illustrate using e
xamples from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred
to in Rule 8 checking the effectiveness of action taken
Student are subjected to a session illustrating using examples from cour
t decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in Rule 8 chec
king the effectiveness of action taken
In not less than 200 words write an essay that illustrate using examples
from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in R
ule 8 checking the effectiveness of action taken
At the end of the session the student will be able to illustrate using e
xamples from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred
to in Rule 8 reduction of speed taking all way off
Student are subjected to a session illustrating using examples from cour
t decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in Rule 8 redu
ction of speed taking all way off
In not less than 200 words write an essay that illustrate using examples
from court decisions, the following actions to avoid collision referred to in R
ule 8 reduction of speed taking all way off
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate an und
erstanding of Rule 9 by: defining the terms 'narrow channel' and 'fairway'
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating an understanding of Rul
e 9 by: defining the terms 'narrow channel' and 'fairway'
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate an unders
tanding of Rule 9 by: defining the terms 'narrow channel' and 'fairway'
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate an und
erstanding of Rule 9 by: describing how to proceed along the course of a narrow
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating an understanding of Rul
e 9 by: describing how to proceed along the course of a narrow channel
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate an unders
tanding of Rule 9 by: describing how to proceed along the course of a narrow cha
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate an und
erstanding of Rule 9 by: describing the navigation of small craft and sailing ve
ssels in a narrow channel
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating an understanding of Rul
e 9 by: describing the navigation of small craft and sailing vessels in a narrow
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate an unders
tanding of Rule 9 by: describing the navigation of small craft and sailing vesse
ls in a narrow channel

At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate an und
erstanding of Rule 9 by: stating the restrictions on crossing the channel or fai
rway describing the conduct of vessels engaged in fishing
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating an understanding of Rul
e 9 by: stating the restrictions on crossing the channel or fairway describing t
he conduct of vessels engaged in fishing
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate an unders
tanding of Rule 9 by: stating the restrictions on crossing the channel or fairwa
y describing the conduct of vessels engaged in fishing
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate an und
erstanding of Rule 9 by: stating the procedure for overtaking in a narrow channe
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating an understanding of Rul
e 9 by: stating the procedure for overtaking in a narrow channel
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate an unders
tanding of Rule 9 by: stating the procedure for overtaking in a narrow channel
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate an und
erstanding of Rule 9 by: describing the actions to be taken on nearing a bend in
a narrow channel or fairway
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating an understanding of Rul
e 9 by: describing the actions to be taken on nearing a bend in a narrow channel
or fairway
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate an unders
tanding of Rule 9 by: describing the actions to be taken on nearing a bend in a
narrow channel or fairway
At the end of the session the student will be able to define 'traffic la
ne', 'separation line', 'separation zone', 'inshore traffic zone'
Student are subjected to a session defining and discussing 'traffic lane
', 'separation line', 'separation zone', 'inshore traffic zone'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that define 'traffic lane', 's
eparation line', 'separation zone', 'inshore traffic zone'
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe how to na
vigate in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: entering and leaving th
e traffic separation scheme
Student are subjected to a session describing how to navigate in a traff
ic separation scheme with reference to: entering and leaving the traffic separat
ion scheme
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe how to navigate
in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: entering and leaving the traff
ic separation scheme
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe how to na
vigate in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: entering and leaving tr
affic lane
Student are subjected to a session describing how to navigate in a traff
ic separation scheme with reference to: entering and leaving traffic lane

In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe how to navigate

in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: entering and leaving traffic l
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe how to na
vigate in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: crossing lanes
Student are subjected to a session describing how to navigate in a traff
ic separation scheme with reference to: crossing lanes
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe how to navigate
in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: crossing lanes
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe how to na
vigate in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: the use of inshore traf
fic zones
Student are subjected to a session describing how to navigate in a traff
ic separation scheme with reference to: the use of inshore traffic zones
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe how to navigate
in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: the use of inshore traffic zon
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe how to na
vigate in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: crossing separation lin
es or entering separation zones other than when crossing, joining or leaving a l
Student are subjected to a session describing how to navigate in a traff
ic separation scheme with reference to: crossing separation lines or entering se
paration zones other than when crossing, joining or leaving a lane
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe how to navigate
in a traffic separation scheme with reference to: crossing separation lines or e
ntering separation zones other than when crossing, joining or leaving a lane
At the end of the session the student will be able to describes the requ
irements for vessels: navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separ
ation schemes
Student are subjected to a session describing the requirements for vesse
ls: navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separation schemes
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describes the requirement
s for vessels: navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separation s
At the end of the session the student will be able to describes the requ
irements for vessels: anchoring
Student are subjected to a session describing the requirements for vesse
ls: anchoring
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describes the requirement
s for vessels: anchoring
At the end of the session the student will be able to describes the requ
irements for vessels: not using a traffic separation scheme
Student are subjected to a session describing the requirements for vesse
ls: not using a traffic separation scheme

In not less than 200 words write an essay that describes the requirement

s for vessels: not using a traffic separation scheme

At the end of the session the student will be able to describes the requ
irements for vessels: engaged in fishing
Student are subjected to a session describing the requirements for vesse
ls: engaged in fishing
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describes the requirement
s for vessels: engaged in fishing
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that a vesse
l of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel must not impede the safe
passage of a power-driven vessel following a traffic lane
Student are subjected to a session stating that a vessel of less than 20
metres in length or a sailing vessel must not impede the safe passage of a powe
r-driven vessel following a traffic lane
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that a vessel of le
ss than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel must not impede the safe passage
of a power-driven vessel following a traffic lane
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that the exe
mptions for vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an
operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation
Student are subjected to a session stating that the exemptions for vesse
ls restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operation for the
maintenance of safety of navigation
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that the exemptions
for vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operati
on for the maintenance of safety of navigation
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that the exe
mptions for vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an
operation for the laying, servicing or picking up of a submarine cable
Student are subjected to a session stating that the exemptions for vesse
ls restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operation for the
laying, servicing or picking up of a submarine cable
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that the exemptions
for vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operati
on for the laying, servicing or picking up of a submarine cable
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the meanin
g of 'precautionary area'
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the meanin
g of 'precautionary area'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the meaning of 'p
recautionary area'
At the end of the session the student will be able to define 'deep water
route' and describes for whom such a route is intended
Student are subjected to a session defining and discussing 'deep water r
oute' and states describes for whom such a route is intended
In not less than 200 words write an essay that define 'deep water route'
and describes for whom such a route is intended

At the end of the session the student will be able to explain what is me
ant by 'vessels in sight of one another'
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing what is me
ant by 'vessels in sight of one another'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain what is meant by
'vessels in sight of one another'
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate with t
he use of models displaying proper signals or lights, a navigation light simulat
or or otherwise, the proper action to take to avoid collision with other vessels
in sight
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating with the use of models
displaying proper signals or lights, a navigation light simulator or otherwise,
the proper action to take to avoid collision with other vessels in sight
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate with the
use of models displaying proper signals or lights, a navigation light simulator
or otherwise, the proper action to take to avoid collision with other vessels in
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how to dec
ide when a vessel is an overtaking vessel
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how to dec
ide when a vessel is an overtaking vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how to decide whe
n a vessel is an overtaking vessel
At the end of the session the student will be able to compare and analys
es the various avoiding actions which may be taken by an overtaking vessel
Student are subjected to a session comparing and analyses the various av
oiding actions which may be taken by an overtaking vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that compare and analyses the
various avoiding actions which may be taken by an overtaking vessel
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the applic
ation of Rule 14, Head-on Situation
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the applic
ation of Rule 14, Head-on Situation
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the application o
f Rule 14, Head-on Situation
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain why the gi
ve-way vessel in a crossing situation shall, if the circumstances admit, avoid c
rossing ahead of the other vessel
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing why the gi
ve-way vessel in a crossing situation shall, if the circumstances admit, avoid c
rossing ahead of the other vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain why the give-way
vessel in a crossing situation shall, if the circumstances admit, avoid crossing

ahead of the other vessel

At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the applic
ation of Rule 15 when crossing narrow channels and traffic lanes
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the applic
ation of Rule 15 when crossing narrow channels and traffic lanes
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the application o
f Rule 15 when crossing narrow channels and traffic lanes
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how Rule 1
6 and Rule 8 relate regarding the action by a give-way vessel
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how Rule 1
6 and Rule 8 relate regarding the action by a give-way vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how Rule 16 and R
ule 8 relate regarding the action by a give-way vessel
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the positi
on of stand-on vessel in cases where a risk of collision exists between more tha
n two vessels
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the positi
on of stand-on vessel in cases where a risk of collision exists between more tha
n two vessels
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the position of s
tand-on vessel in cases where a risk of collision exists between more than two v
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how to dec
ide when to take avoiding action as stand-on vessel
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how to dec
ide when to take avoiding action as stand-on vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how to decide whe
n to take avoiding action as stand-on vessel
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the actio
ns which may be taken by the stand-on vessel
Student are subjected to a session describing the actions which may be t
aken by the stand-on vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the actions whic
h may be taken by the stand-on vessel
At the end of the session the student will be able to state describes th
e avoiding action which must be taken by the stand-on vessel
Student are subjected to a session describing the avoiding action which
must be taken by the stand-on vessel
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describes the avoiding ac
tion which must be taken by the stand-on vessel

At the end of the session the student will be able to states that a pote

ntial collision situation may be divided into the following four stages: at long
range, before risk of collision exists and both vessels are free to take any ac
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing states tha
t a potential collision situation may be divided into the following four stages:
at long range, before risk of collision exists and both vessels are free to tak
e any action
In not less than 200 words write an essay that states that a potential c
ollision situation may be divided into the following four stages: at long range,
before risk of collision exists and both vessels are free to take any action
At the end of the session the student will be able to states that a pote
ntial collision situation may be divided into the following four stages: risk of
collision applies, the give way vessel is required to take action and the other
vessel must keep her course and speed
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing states tha
t a potential collision situation may be divided into the following four stages:
risk of collision applies, the give way vessel is required to take action and t
he other vessel must keep her course and speed
In not less than 200 words write an essay that states that a potential c
ollision situation may be divided into the following four stages: risk of collis
ion applies, the give way vessel is required to take action and the other vessel
must keep her course and speed
At the end of the session the student will be able to states that a pote
ntial collision situation may be divided into the following four stages: the giv
e-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing states tha
t a potential collision situation may be divided into the following four stages:
the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
In not less than 200 words write an essay that states that a potential c
ollision situation may be divided into the following four stages: the give-way v
essel is not taking appropriate action
At the end of the session the student will be able to states that a pote
ntial collision situation may be divided into the following four stages: collisi
on cannot be avoided by the action of the give way vessel alone
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing states tha
t a potential collision situation may be divided into the following four stages:
collision cannot be avoided by the action of the give way vessel alone
In not less than 200 words write an essay that states that a potential c
ollision situation may be divided into the following four stages: collision cann
ot be avoided by the action of the give way vessel alone
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the respon
sibilities between vessels with reference to Rules 18 and 3
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the respon
sibilities between vessels with reference to Rules 18 and 3
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the responsibilit
ies between vessels with reference to Rules 18 and 3

At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the applic

ation of Rule 19
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the applic
ation of Rule 19
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the application o
f Rule 19
At the end of the session the student will be able to compare Rule 6 and
Rule 19 regarding the determination of safe speed
Student are subjected to a session comparing Rule 6 and Rule 19 regardin
g the determination of safe speed
In not less than 200 words write an essay that compare Rule 6 and Rule 1
9 regarding the determination of safe speed
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how courts
have interpreted 'a close-quarters situation'
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how courts
have interpreted 'a close-quarters situation'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how courts have i
nterpreted 'a close-quarters situation'
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how courts
have interpreted 'navigate with extreme caution'
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how courts
have interpreted 'navigate with extreme caution'
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how courts have i
nterpreted 'navigate with extreme caution'
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate using
a manoeuvring board or radar simulator, how to determine risk of collision and t
he proper action to take to avoid collision in restricted visibility
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating using a manoeuvring boa
rd or radar simulator, how to determine risk of collision and the proper action
to take to avoid collision in restricted visibility
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate using a m
anoeuvring board or radar simulator, how to determine risk of collision and the
proper action to take to avoid collision in restricted visibility
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the appli
cation of the rules concerning Lights and shape
Student are subjected to a session describing the application of the rul
es concerning Lights and shape
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the application
of the rules concerning Lights and shape
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the defini
tions in Rule 21
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the defini
tions in Rule 21

In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the definitions i
n Rule 21
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the visib
ility of lights as prescribed by Rule 22
Student are subjected to a session describing the visibility of lights a
s prescribed by Rule 22
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the visibility o
f lights as prescribed by Rule 22
At the end of the session the student will be able to identifie the ligh
ts and shapes carried by any type of vessel and the operation or circumstances s
ignified by them, including the additional signals for fishing vessels fishing i
n close proximity
Student are subjected to a session identifie the lights and shapes carri
ed by any type of vessel and the operation or circumstances signified by them, i
ncluding the additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close proximity
In not less than 200 words write an essay that identifythe lights and sh
apes carried by any type of vessel and the operation or circumstances signified
by them, including the additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close p
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the posit
ioning, spacing and screening of lights
Student are subjected to a session describing the positioning, spacing a
nd screening of lights
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the positioning,
spacing and screening of lights
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the shape
s required by the rules
Student are subjected to a session describing the shapes required by the
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the shapes requi
red by the rules
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the sound
signals to be used by vessels in sight of one another
Student are subjected to a session describing the sound signals to be us
ed by vessels in sight of one another
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the sound signal
s to be used by vessels in sight of one another
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the sound
signals to be used by vessels in or near an area of restricted visibility
Student are subjected to a session describing the sound signals to be us
ed by vessels in or near an area of restricted visibility
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the sound signal
s to be used by vessels in or near an area of restricted visibility
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the use o
f signals to attract attention

Student are subjected to a session describing the use of signals to attr
act attention
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the use of signa
ls to attract attention
At the end of the session the student will be able to list the distress
signals set out in Annex IV of COLREG 72
Student are subjected to a session listing the distress signals set out
in Annex IV of COLREG 72
In not less than 200 words write an essay that list the distress signals
set out in Annex IV of COLREG 72
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that the off
icer of the watch is responsible for navigating safely, with particular regard t
o avoiding collision and stranding
Student are subjected to a session stating that the officer of the watch
is responsible for navigating safely, with particular regard to avoiding collis
ion and stranding
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that the officer of
the watch is responsible for navigating safely, with particular regard to avoid
ing collision and stranding
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigation
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: navigation
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigation
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigational equipment
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: navigational equipment
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigational equipment
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigational duties and responsibiliti
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: navigational duties and responsibilities
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigational duties and responsibilities
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se

ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: handing over and taking over the watch
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: handing over and taking over the watch
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: handing over and taking over the watch
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: look-out
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: look-out
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: look-out
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigation with a pilot embarked
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: navigation with a pilot embarked
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: navigation with a pilot embarked
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: protection of the marine environment
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: protection of the marine environment
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: protection of the marine environment
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System

At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: Blind pilotage technique
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: Blind pilotage technique
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: Blind pilotage technique
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the princ
iples to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Se
ction A-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: General principles for ship reporting
systems and with VTS procedures
Student are subjected to a session describing the principles to be obser
ved in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A-VIII II/1
of STCW, Code regarding: General principles for ship reporting systems and with
VTS procedures
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the principles t
o be observed in keeping a navigational watch as set out in regulation Section A
-VIII II/1of STCW, Code regarding: General principles for ship reporting systems
and with VTS procedures
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: maintenanc
e of an efficient look-out
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: maintenance of an efficient
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: maintenance of an
efficient look-out
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the use of
engines and sound signalling apparatus
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the use of engines and soun
d signalling apparatus
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the use of engine
s and sound signalling apparatus
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch

contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International

Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: taking ove
r the navigational watch
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: taking over the navigationa
l watch
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: taking over the n
avigational watch
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: periodic c
hecks of navigational equipment
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: periodic checks of navigati
onal equipment
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: periodic checks o
f navigational equipment
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: compliance
with SOLAS V/19 regarding the use of the automatic pilot and the change-over to
manual steering and vice-versa
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: compliance with SOLAS V/19
regarding the use of the automatic pilot and the change-over to manual steering
and vice-versa
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: compliance with S
OLAS V/19 regarding the use of the automatic pilot and the change-over to manual
steering and vice-versa
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: electronic
navigational aids
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: electronic navigational aid
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati

on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai

ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: electronic naviga
tional aids
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the use of
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the use of radar
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the use of radar
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: navigation
in coastal waters
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: navigation in coastal water
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: navigation in coa
stal waters
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: conduct of
the watch in clear weather
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: conduct of the watch in cle
ar weather
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: conduct of the wa
tch in clear weather
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: actions to
take in restricted visibility
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec

tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: actions to take in restrict
ed visibility
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: actions to take i
n restricted visibility
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the circum
stances in which the officer of the watch should call the master
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the circumstances in which
the officer of the watch should call the master
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: the circumstances
in which the officer of the watch should call the master
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: navigation
with a pilot embarked
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: navigation with a pilot emb
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: navigation with a
pilot embarked
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the recom
mendation on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch
contained in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International
Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: briefing o
f watchkeeping personnel
Student are subjected to a session describing the recommendation on oper
ational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contained in Sec
tion BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Conference on Tra
ining and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: briefing of watchkeeping pe
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the recommendati
on on operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational watch contai
ned in Section BVIII/2 Chapter VIII, Section AVIII/2 of the International Confere
nce on Training and Certification of Seafarers,1978 STCW Code: briefing of watch
keeping personnel
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the dutie
s of the officer of the watch while at anchor

Student are subjected to a session describing the duties of the officer
of the watch while at anchor
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the duties of th
e officer of the watch while at anchor
At the end of the session the student will be able to list the entries w
hich should be made in the log-book
Student are subjected to a session listing the entries which should be m
ade in the log-book
In not less than 200 words write an essay that list the entries which sh
ould be made in the log-book
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that arrange
ments for keeping watch in port should ensure the safety of life, ship, cargo an
d port
Student are subjected to a session stating that arrangements for keeping
watch in port should ensure the safety of life, ship, cargo and port
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that arrangements f
or keeping watch in port should ensure the safety of life, ship, cargo and port
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that arrange
ments for keeping watch in port should observe international, national and local
Student are subjected to a session stating that arrangements for keeping
watch in port should observe international, national and local rules
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that arrangements f
or keeping watch in port should observe international, national and local rules
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that arrange
ments for keeping watch in port should maintain order and the normal routine of
the ship
Student are subjected to a session stating that arrangements for keeping
watch in port should maintain order and the normal routine of the ship
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that arrangements f
or keeping watch in port should maintain order and the normal routine of the shi
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe taking ov
er the watch and lists the information which the officer being relieved should p
ass to the relieving officer
Student are subjected to a session describing taking over the watch and
lists the information which the officer being relieved should pass to the reliev
ing officer
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe taking over the
watch and lists the information which the officer being relieved should pass to
the relieving officer
At the end of the session the student will be able to list the matters o
n which the relieving officer should satisfy themselves before assuming charge o
f the watch
Student are subjected to a session listing the matters on which the reli
eving officer should satisfy themselves before assuming charge of the watch
In not less than 200 words write an essay that list the matters on which
the relieving officer should satisfy themselves before assuming charge of the w

At the end of the session the student will be able to describe how the w
atch should be kept and lists the points to which attention should be paid
Student are subjected to a session describing how the watch should be ke
pt and lists the points to which attention should be paid
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe how the watch sh
ould be kept and lists the points to which attention should be paid
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the actio
ns to take on receiving a storm warning or in an emergency threatening the safet
y of the ship
Student are subjected to a session describing the actions to take on rec
eiving a storm warning or in an emergency threatening the safety of the ship
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the actions to t
ake on receiving a storm warning or in an emergency threatening the safety of th
e ship
At the end of the session the student will be able to list the entries w
hich should be made in the log-book
Student are subjected to a session listing the entries which should be m
ade in the log-book
In not less than 200 words write an essay that list the entries which sh
ould be made in the log-book
At the end of the session the student will be able to define 'hazardous
Student are subjected to a session defining and discussing 'hazardous ca
In not less than 200 words write an essay that define 'hazardous cargo'
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that suffici
ent personnel should be readily available on board when carrying hazardous cargo
in bulk
Student are subjected to a session stating that sufficient personnel sho
uld be readily available on board when carrying hazardous cargo in bulk
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that sufficient per
sonnel should be readily available on board when carrying hazardous cargo in bul
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that special
requirements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly
with respect to the number of crew required on board
Student are subjected to a session stating that special requirements may
be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with respect to
the number of crew required on board
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that special requir
ements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with r
espect to the number of crew required on board
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that special
requirements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly
with respect to the state of readiness of fire

Student are subjected to a session stating that special requirements may
be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with respect to
the state of readiness of fire
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that special requir
ements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with r
espect to the state of readiness of fire
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that special
requirements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly
with respect to the fighting appliances and other safety equipment
Student are subjected to a session stating that special requirements may
be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with respect to
the fighting appliances and other safety equipment
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that special requir
ements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with r
espect to the fighting appliances and other safety equipment
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that special
requirements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly
with respect to special port regulations
Student are subjected to a session stating that special requirements may
be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with respect to
special port regulations
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that special requir
ements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with r
espect to special port regulations
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that special
requirements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly
with respect to communications with the shore in the event of an emergen
cy arising
Student are subjected to a session stating that special requirements may
be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with respect to
communications with the shore in the event of an emergency arising
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that special requir
ements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with r
espect to communications with the shore in the event of an emergency aris
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that special
requirements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly
with respect to special precautions to prevent pollution of the environment
Student are subjected to a session stating that special requirements may
be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with respect to
special precautions to prevent pollution of the environment
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that special requir
ements may be necessary for special types of ships or cargo, particularly with r
espect to special precautions to prevent pollution of the environment
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that the off
icer of the watch should be aware of the nature of the hazards and any special p
recautions necessary for the safe handling of cargo
Student are subjected to a session stating that the officer of the watch
should be aware of the nature of the hazards and any special precautions necess

ary for the safe handling of cargo

In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that the officer of
the watch should be aware of the nature of the hazards and any special precauti
ons necessary for the safe handling of cargo
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that the off
icer of the watch should be aware of the appropriate action in the event of a sp
illage or fire
Student are subjected to a session stating that the officer of the watch
should be aware of the appropriate action in the event of a spillage or fire
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that the officer of
the watch should be aware of the appropriate action in the event of a spillage
or fire
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the proce
dure for entry into enclosed spaces using a 'permit to work', and the monitoring
of work in progress
Student are subjected to a session describing the procedure for entry in
to enclosed spaces using a 'permit to work', and the monitoring of work in progr
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the procedure fo
r entry into enclosed spaces using a 'permit to work', and the monitoring of wor
k in progress
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the arran
gements and procedures for rescue from an enclosed space in an emergency
Student are subjected to a session describing the arrangements and proce
dures for rescue from an enclosed space in an emergency
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the arrangements
and procedures for rescue from an enclosed space in an emergency
At the end of the session the student will be able to describe the basic
principles of bridge teamwork resource management
Student are subjected to a session describing the basic principles of br
idge teamwork resource management
In not less than 200 words write an essay that describe the basic princi
ples of bridge teamwork resource management
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how respon
sibility for the safety is clearly defined at all times, including periods when
the master is on the bridge and while under pilotage
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how respon
sibility for the safety is clearly defined at all times, including periods when
the master is on the bridge and while under pilotage
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how responsibilit
y for the safety is clearly defined at all times, including periods when the mas
ter is on the bridge and while under pilotage
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate clear,
concise communications and acknowledgements (at all times) in a seaman-like man
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating clear, concise communic
ations and acknowledgements (at all times) in a seaman-like manner

In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate clear, co
ncise communications and acknowledgements (at all times) in a seaman-like manner
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate the al
location, assignment and prioritisation of resources
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating the allocation, assignm
ent and prioritisation of resources
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate the alloc
ation, assignment and prioritisation of resources
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate the im
portance of ensuring the effectiveness of communication between bridge team memb
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating the importance of ensur
ing the effectiveness of communication between bridge team members
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate the impor
tance of ensuring the effectiveness of communication between bridge team members
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the import
ance of ensuring the effectiveness of information exchange with pilot
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the import
ance of ensuring the effectiveness of information exchange with pilot
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the importance of
ensuring the effectiveness of information exchange with pilot
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate effect
ive information exchange
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating effective information e
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate effective
information exchange
At the end of the session the student will be able to define situational
Student are subjected to a session defining and discussing situational le
In not less than 200 words write an essay that define situational leaders
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the relati
onship between assertiveness and leadership
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the relati
onship between assertiveness and leadership
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the relationship
between assertiveness and leadership

At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the import

ance of challenge and response

Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the import
ance of challenge and response
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the importance of
challenge and response
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the import
ance of obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the import
ance of obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the importance of
obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate approp
riate challenges and responses
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating appropriate challenges
and responses
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate appropria
te challenges and responses
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate the ab
ility to maintain situational awareness in complex situations
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating the ability to maintain
situational awareness in complex situations
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate the abili
ty to maintain situational awareness in complex situations
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain the basic
routines of weather routeing
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing the basic
routines of weather routeing
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain the basic routine
s of weather routeing
At the end of the session the student will be able to demonstrate the us
e of climatological information from routeing charts and sailing directions for
route planning
Student are subjected to a session demonstrating the use of climatologic
al information from routeing charts and sailing directions for route planning
In front of an assessor the student is required to demonstrate the use o
f climatological information from routeing charts and sailing directions for rou
te planning
At the end of the session the student will be able to explain how meteor
ological forecasts, and synoptic and forecast charts are used to modify the rout
e plan to utilise favourable conditions and mitigate adverse conditions
Student are subjected to a session explaining and emphasizing how meteor
ological forecasts, and synoptic and forecast charts are used to modify the rout
e plan to utilise favourable conditions and mitigate adverse conditions
In not less than 200 words write an essay that explain how meteorologica
l forecasts, and synoptic and forecast charts are used to modify the route plan

to utilise favourable conditions and mitigate adverse conditions

At the end of the session the student will be able to state that with sh
ore based services comprehensive meteorological information is available to pers
onnel ashore who issue advice as to route planning and monitor the vessel's voya
ge, issuing forecasts and advice as to the utilisation of favourable conditions
and mitigation of unfavourable conditions
Student are subjected to a session stating that with shore based service
s comprehensive meteorological information is available to personnel ashore who
issue advice as to route planning and monitor the vessel's voyage, issuing forec
asts and advice as to the utilisation of favourable conditions and mitigation of
unfavourable conditions
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that with shore bas
ed services comprehensive meteorological information is available to personnel a
shore who issue advice as to route planning and monitor the vessel's voyage, iss
uing forecasts and advice as to the utilisation of favourable conditions and mit
igation of unfavourable conditions
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that with sh
ore based services comprehensive meteorological information and on board softwar
e may be available to the Master who plans the route and then monitors the vesse
l's voyage and uses forecasts and warnings to utilise favourable conditions and
mitigate the effects of unfavourable conditions
Student are subjected to a session stating that with shore based service
s comprehensive meteorological information and on board software may be availabl
e to the Master who plans the route and then monitors the vessel's voyage and us
es forecasts and warnings to utilise favourable conditions and mitigate the effe
cts of unfavourable conditions
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that with shore bas
ed services comprehensive meteorological information and on board software may b
e available to the Master who plans the route and then monitors the vessel's voy
age and uses forecasts and warnings to utilise favourable conditions and mitigat
e the effects of unfavourable conditions
At the end of the session the student will be able to state that with sh
ore based services, when the ship is weather routed messages are received from t
he routeing service which may warn of adverse conditions (to be expected) and th
at these must be brought to the attention of the Master
Student are subjected to a session stating that with shore based service
s, when the ship is weather routed messages are received from the routeing servi
ce which may warn of adverse conditions (to be expected) and that these must be
brought to the attention of the Master
In not less than 200 words write an essay that state that with shore bas
ed services, when the ship is weather routed messages are received from the rout
eing service which may warn of adverse conditions (to be expected) and that thes
e must be brought to the attention of the Master

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