Challenges of Religion and Terrorism

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ISSN 2410-759X

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Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

Challenges of Religion and Terrorism

Guraku Kui

University of Pristina

The end of the Cold War, ended the segregation into two ideological camps, but opened the way to
new problems. Once the West had not an enemy to be a risk and push to be unified, they should
find other ways to keep the united. Imposition of secular state and religion embodied regions,
sparked reactions against the secular state, thus creating Occidentalism enemies. We have a clash
of cultures or civilizations, that Huntington draw attention to the revival of religion in most of
the World, is reinforces cultural differences. Freedom action, has raised and created religious
fundamentalisms reclaiming to certain religious roots, and try to disseminate as much in the World
to their religion, and their faith radical, potentially could collided religions that we have review
and concluded as extreme (Pentecostal, Protestant Evangelicals, Orthodox, Takfir and Salafiyyah
Islam). Secular nationalism went wrong, by the categorical religion completely from traditional
cultures, and the tendency to create parochial identities submit to the march of history that
fundamentalist groups claim, or even self-funded Orthodox Russia. And the tendency to realize its
goals, leads to religious terrorism.
Keywords: Terrorism, Fundamentalism, religion, world with religiously, the clash of religions.

The end of the Cold War did not bring the end of history of Fukuyama, nor permanent
peace of Kant, but perhaps the clash of civilizations of Huntington. Even Globalization,
freedom of movement, interdependence, did not bring any stable peace, except that
sparked clashes between civilizations and growth of religion in the World. Establishment
of religious groups seeking restitution in the foundation of certain faiths are justifying
the instrument to achieve the goal, so the part of our research, is to find extreme groups,
the main fundamentalist groups, which are ready, that for achieve their goals as well use
terrorism instrument, but only to those of monotheistic. Globalization has brought a clash
between different religions of the World, but mostly from the main ones, and so is sharing
pole create crops that require protection by returning to the foundations of religion, and
thus are created separation pole, which require protection, thus becoming the foundation
of religion. As such, we will aim to explain how the World is divided into spheres of
influence, and whether it is going and if it has a tendency to increase or confrontational
dividing line between religions in the World, using terrorism, or fundamentalist religious
terrorism, which will bring together the countries of the World, but also different cultures
and peaceful liberals, to defend its values and achievements by joining in the fight against
religious extremists. Our study will be directed only to the differences, hikes and religious
clashes, and leaving out the study of differences and other clashes could be a handicap for
our study.

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

Defining Religious fundamentalism and terrorism

Fundamentalism is as a largely urban movement directed against the dissolution of
personality, patriarchal notion and social connections and their replacement by nonindividualistic principles. (Emerson & Hartman, 2006)
Religious terrorism is a kind of politically motivated violence by an absolute trust. Actions
taken in the name of faith that the power of otherworldly rewards in the world beyond.
(Hoffman, 1998, p. 130)
Profile acttions of the terrorism (Hoffman, 1998, pp. 94-95)

The practice of

The scope of


scale of terrorist
choices weapons
and tactics

Defining the
extent of goals
Result: the use of


Relationes with
the existing

The maximum
un-limited, and
the non-isolated
Result: no call
for external

Alienation of true
Result: a fully
reformed social

Religiosity of the global population

Pew Research Center in a report, showing growth of monotheistic religion in the world,
changes in population between the religions of fertility, migration and conversions. Here
we went to work, that the World religions are growing more and more every time.

Population growth in developing countries will mainly shift towards larger metropolises.
(Thomas, 2010, pp. 93-101) Secularism became inevitable part of modernization with
the spread of education, science, technology, and prosperity, and these new large cities,
are havens for religious revival after Christianity was established as a religious movement
in urban cities of the Roman Empire, also the Franciscans are formed as urban reform
(Minimal, limited and isolated Result: no call for an external audience) was column (Component
profiles), but for the purposes of this research is changing, adapting to time.


ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

movement in medieval Europe as counter-response to poverty and inequality that

accompanied the growth of the market economy. (Thomas, 2010, pp. 93-101) Also
Islam had followed, and is following the same path, expanding urban environments.
Although urbanization can lead to civil unrest, and cities can be good cover for criminal
and terrorist networks, urbanization provides understanding about the possibilities of
religious institutions to prevent such threats in the first place. (Thomas, 2010, pp. 93-101)
Therefore, the religion will continue to be concentrated in cities to fulfilled the notion of
fundamentalism mentioned above. Why such an impact in urban areas rather than rural
ones? The classical theory of crowds, the influence of propaganda, Communist, Nazi,
etc., came as a result of the loss of hierarchy, family, church, disappointment, etc., And
by this anarchy, the people were used to change the social order. (Reicher, 2001, p. 200)
Now this frustration is changing approach seeking spiritual tranquility of the dynamics
of capitalism, not social equality, failed states and the crisis of identity and so the crowds
today is not difficult to organize, and Claire will continue imposition of fundamentalism
to restore once power had papacy, caliphate, etc. And religious propaganda against the
secular state (in) directly, inspires groups fighting for their purpose, or even groups with
political goals, will use religion to come to power.
Revival of Christianity
Evangelical Protestantism
Pentecostal and
Independent Charismatic







The largest outbreak religious in the World nowadays, is going from Pentecostialism
and Evangelical Protestantism. Both require the return to the roots of faith, because
Christianity has deviated from its foundations. Center for the Study of Global Christianity
(CSGC), in 2013, issued a report on Christianity in the World. These data were collected
from 1970-2010. Measurements that are shown in the table with digits, showing that
Evangelical Protestantism has been constantly growing. (CSGC, 2013) Pentecostal,
include a new tradition, charismatic, Pentecostal stream accept conservatism, but by
practicing the traditions of churches (Anglican, Roman, Orthodox, Protestant, etc.), and
recognized as the second kind charismatic and independent charismatic, the third type.
The first two trends, insist on the return of the holy spirit to the roots of Christianity
and shown to have continuous growth trend, while the third trend is not expected to
have new accessions or additions towards the growing number of population based
on the above table. Compared generally, Christian religion in general, and its sects in
particular, have been steadily increasing, but also redistribution in the World. By 1910
Africa possessed only 9% of the Christian population, in 1970 reached 38.7%, 48.3% with
2010, the tendency is that with 2020 to reach the 49.3%. (CSGC, 2013) Asia in 1970 was
only 4.5% Christian, by 2020 it is expected to have 9.2% Christian. (CSGC, 2013) If we

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

examine more in depth PEW reports, note that these currents are distributed in parts of
the World, where Christianity as a whole has been significantly smaller in number.
Revival of Islam
PEW in another report, begins with the question: Why Muslims are growing fast and
unaffiliated are shrinking by the percentage of population in the World. (PEW, 2015)
Muslims have, and will continue to have the highest fertility in the World, with 3.1
children per woman, the world average of 2.5, as well as the youngest average age.(PEW,
2015, p. 10)
Population Estimates



Unlike Christianity that conversion will be negative, converting to Islam will be positive
(PEW, p. 11), although there is no fixed line negativity and positivity to any of the religions.
Islam will spread across the World also from its migration, as well as Christianity will
continue its expansion to countries that have not been so popular. (PEW, 2015, p. 47) This
report does not provide data on the number of Muslim population before 2010, but it
provides data up to 2050, which are given in the table. Takferism and Salafism, although
extreme currents, both of these are mutually exclusive, and takfirism remains the source of
extremism, Salafism remains as a radical conservative, extreme potential. Unfortunately
we were unable to identify, the number of supporters of these two currents.
Renewal of monotheistic religions in Asia





The former concerns Chinas economic development, allowed tactically action Christianity
and neo-Confucianism, mainly act freely, believing that they could promote social
harmony and issues for many social changes. (Thomas, 2010, pp. 93-101) How will it
continue domestic tranquility of China, if Christianity continues to grow, and penetrates
the culture of China from South Korea, where the latter has reached more than a quarter
of the population, it could fundamentally change the structure of China policy. (Thomas,
2010, pp. 93-101).
Pacific countries, from the data, see that every day more and more populated and
converted monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam. (Thomas, 2010, pp. 93509

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

101) Since there are Takfirism and Salafism in China (Al-Sudairi, 2014), this is known, but
unfortunately there is no statistical data. Also two fundamentals Christian operating in
China. (PEW, 2006) If we would like a reply to an earlier question, clash of civilizations
is a base which gives us to understand that the war between civilizations potential is likely
to happen within countries.
Russia, Orthodoxy and Islam

Orthodox Christians account for 260 million of the World, or 12% of the Christian
population in the World. (PEW, 2011, p. 31) Orthodoxy believes that only they are on
the right path to Christianity, greater extent there had in Europe, and its historic place
that keeps the bigotry is Russia. If we look at the ten countries that Orthodoxy leads, we
observe that there is great scope in the East of Europe, especially the former
Communist Bloc countries, but also allied countries, such as Egypt. Russia to 2010
carrying within himself 13,634,000 Muslim or 9.2%, of which by 2030 may reach the
digits at 16,379,000, or 11.7% of the population of Russia. (PEW, 2011)
Sub-Saharian Africa
Mid. East-North Africa


The growing influence of religion and globalization

In this new World, local politics is the politics of ethnicity; Global politics is politics of

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

civilizations (Huntington, 2004, p. 18), expressed Huntington in Clash of Civilizations

and the Remake of World Order. This book as controversial response to the book The
End of History and the Last Man of Francis Fukuyama, sparked much controversy, even
today is quite current in academic debates, dividing authors into two camps.
Neither Huntington, had not tend that his book, to make academic book, and the book is
presented in the form of the hypothesis. (Huntington, 2004, f. 10). However, Huntington,
in principle entitled to some clarifications, the collapse of the Communist bloc, more
rightly emphasises that the dividing lines are not ideological, but cultural and revival of
religion in most of the World, reinforces these cultural differences. (Huntington, 2004,
p. 22) If anyone still doubts that Huntington is incorrect in its assumptions, I propose
to read the part where he talks about the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.
(Huntington, 2004, f. 39) Westernisation is not a phenomenon that has won the Cold War
adversaries, zeal against her appeared in attacks on Pearl Harbor and in previous events,
but the most recent terrorist attacks. When China was humiliated during the Opium War
in the nineteenth century, educated Japanese had understand that their countrys survival
depended on careful study and imitation of ideas and technology to give priority to the
Western colonial powers. (Buruma & Margalit, 2004, f. 9) Such imitations, occurring even
in our time, and imitations are occurring only in combating the West, and with the West
means, with the technology and ideas that the West itself created. All are witnessing for
fanaticism holding Asians to culture, however, the West there insisted some roots and
developed a religion, not previously belonged to them and are becoming part of their
culture and civilization. Given that mentality, for example Japan or China, is preserving
the death of their possessions, they certainly would create such a tendency of spreading
and preserving their religion, even if against the government. But the trend for rooting of
culturs and non-folk religions in Asia can be protected by locals with facing up to fight
cross-cultural or inter-religious.
Christian fundamentalism (Pentecostial and Protestant Evangelical)
On February 19, 2015, the worlds Pentecostal leaders of The General Council of
the Assemblies of God, gathered in Los Angeles, where they presented the 90 million
new members. They also expressed concern about the persecution, discrimination,
marginalization to the death of the Christians in the World and put attention to the
killings of Christians in Egypt. (Wood, 2015) However, Pentecostal and their churches
are not intangible, cases of violence against them posed in Indias Karnataka. (DeCaro,
2011) Steve Bruce, Evangelical Protestants fundamentalism, compares with the notion
of Islamic fundamentalists of jihad. (Bruce, 2015) The Department of Defense of the
United States, with 2013, Evangelical Protestants categorized as extremist near Al-Qaida
and the Ku Klux Klan. (Markay, 2013)
Orthodox fundamentalism
Putin is a declared believer who always wears a cross of baptism and is inspired by the
old oppression of the Orthodox Church (Galelotti & Bowen, 2014), and in his speech of

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

the national with 2012, Putin demanded the return to the roots of Eastern Orthodoxy in
Russia, which became a stronghold immediately after the fall of Constantinople (Putin,
2012), and the role of the Orthodox Church is the protection of the Russian soul and ideals.
(Galelotti & Bowen, 2014) The Orthodox Church has had for a long time after the fall of
communism internal debates of liberal and conservative currents, for any relation with
Jews, but has managed to find its unity for the distribution of their culture and religion
and that even with help the Russian state itself. (Knox, 2005) The Russian Orthodox
Church Outside Abroad (ROCA, a.d.) and The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
(ROCOR, a.d.), are very active in the outside World, extending influence, Orthodox
religion and Orthodox Russian culture. Intolerance, inequality, only four mosques in
Moscow, with 650 churchs, and also had planned to build the 200 other, Moscow is forcing
Muslims to fester, radicalized and cling to radical groups. (Shuster, 2013)
Islamic fundamentalism
Recent wars in the Middle East and the emergence of various groups that call in the name
of jihad for Islam, brought the Islamic World, and the World as a whole obvious problems,
and has sparked debate within Islam itself on the interpretation of the Qurans and hadiths
of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Two extreme currents were identified as Takfirism1 and Salafism, takfirist currents
explained in footnote, labelled as a terrorist line which continues to recruit people from
around the World. Salafism/Wahhabism that is involved in the creation, financing and
supplying weapons to terrorist groups, with clearly informs us that a study by Claude
Monique, requested and financed by the European Parliament. (Moniquet, 2013)
The study shows that groups, individuals, businessmen, and others from the ranks of
Salafism/ Wahhabism, are the main financiers of terrorist groups that fought and fight
the war throughout the Middle East and beyond. (Moniquet, 2013) Notice to Salafism/
Wahhabism also drawn the German intelligence service. (Deutsche Welle, 2014) Salafism
has even managed to have supporters within Shiite Iran, because young people are
disappointed by the Shia and shias own power. (Khalaji, 2013)
Religious clashes and terrorism
Terrorism is not only a product of a sick world, crack, crazy, desperate and without any
chance and cure. It is the product of aggressiveness of the World, of her soul hidden and
vindictive. (Murean, 2008, pp. 16-20) The loss of power of the church, birth of reason detas,
The basic tenets of the Takfir radical extremist ideology, which has its roots from the time of the
Kharijites (the earliest violent deviated group in Islam) ideology, which the Takfirs have adjusted
for the modern period of the 20th and 21st century. This is the ideology embraced by ISIS and other previous violent extremist groups including Al-Qaida and others. Those that embrace the Takfir
ideology are part of a radical exclusivist group which misinterprets religious readings, and in many
cases base their arguments in Quranic verses dealing with punishment while ignoring references
to mercy and rewards. They are hasty in their decision to tag and frame someone as an unbeliever
or a hypocrite, as exemplified by the embrace of this ideology by ISIS. (Kursani, 2015, f. 10)

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

the decline of the caliphate, secular state and Globalisme pressure towards culture and
religions, the pressure of taking power by some uncontrollable external factors religions,
all these together have a World, that if he began to lose the sovereignty of states to a global
interdependence, now is losing sovereignty to larger countries such as the EU, to other
new security that comes from injury of feelings and loss of the Patriarchs and Clergy, but
also the loss of a sense of community leads to a clash once against globalization, and then,
the religions calshes with each other to occupy secular globalization.
If we look at the attention the figure
below, note that monotheistic
religions in general, and the
fundamental trends in particular, are
being distributed around the World,
and can bring us to a clash between
religions, the religion itself, is not
that they dont love this, since claim
to the fulfillment of the prophecies,
on a fast arrival of Apocalypse
(Gregg, 2014, pp. 36-51), and fight
against another religion, or nonbelievers as they call each other.
Terrorist creatures until now almost more dangerous, ISIS, wants to have 80 states on her
to fulfill prophecy (SkyNews, 2015), then is creating a Christian organization to fight ISIS,
which is the Sons of Liberty International (SOLI) (VanDyke, 2015)
In the World exist a number of organizations with extreme religious ideas (Juergensmeyer,
2007) that are attacking the secular states, the soon to issue its own interests and may
clash with each other. While we have continued provocations on all sides to each other,
remember the burning of holy books, cartoons, and similar things, that continue even now,
and provocations are reaching even to the point such as the killings at the headquarters
of Charlie Hebdo. Aggressiveness and search for return to religious foundations, but
quickened by the growth of the LGBT community, and gaining legal rights to, and even
war and secular states conditions for equal rights, also atheism increasing, both of these
are spark clashes and calls for combating these phenomena, and with them also their
supporters, until to liquidation. Cultures and religions by not accepting changes that
globalization brings, and the inability to stop this process by peaceful means, then go to
terrorism, that is profiled in the table earlier in this paper.
The above figure shows that how in the future there is a tendency currents identified as
extremes will create hotbeds for the spread and influence, although Christian fundamentals
that are doing more peacefully through soft power, but tendency that these cultures and
religions fighting globalization, will come to a point that would also fight each other.
ISIS as takfir most dangerous group, it has published a paper on How to survive in the
West (ISIS, 2015) and some authors address these terrorist groups that are neither
soldiers nor criminals (Etzioni, 2007). Then, perhaps this new approach to these extreme
groups, like giving signals that the more serious they become and winning the support
site, the more is legitimated and are forcing the World to accept, as the only way to combat

ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

with the Human Rights, after frontal battle can be won, but not the war on terrorism.
The end of the Cold War, ideological raiment stripped of many civilizations in different
parts had also banned religion, and freedom of action may lead to conflict, new war to
World completely showdown between religions. After a period when these terrorist groups
acquire terrains, then it can escalate into a front war, and the tendency to have weapons
of mass destruction or capture states, could lead to greater disasters. Wars today are not
only between countries, but also within the state, and they are expanded by including
also other countries, the wars to extent the culture or religion. Globalization today is not
only Americanization, but also of other cultures and religions. And these religions have
produced among them extreme groups, which have emerged as a result of the repression
of their culture or religion from the secular state. Christianity, Islam and monotheistic
religions that are part of our research, are stripped of their power, transformations have
occurred within them, so as such, now require old power, and the only way for them is
terrorist. Globalization brought a lot of things that are intolerable for religions, and now
own religions are fighting globalization, by means of Globalzmit. Secular state arrived to
impose itself in the West, but the tendency to spread in other parts of the World, has stalled
in the resistance of local cultures and religions, and attacks on them, has exacerbated the
locals to make resistance to foreigners, while not having the strength of the front resistance,
the locals have acted as guerrillas to terrorism, and have expanded their transnational
reach, becoming a global problem. And the creation of such groups has continued like a
pendulum who have considered as demon, secular states, but also from secular countries
have established extremist groups. Religious structural changes, bring also changes relations
and approaches, on religion, power, World, and humanity. Terrorism has a tendency to
understand also as a new fight, that organized by the powerful of the World, for avoiding
the international law, and to creating asymmetrical wars to achieve their goals planned.
However, not everything can go according to the plan, as they can return to real wars and
become uncontrollable, after reaching certain support measures.
Politics, is what rejects also the most logical studies, the interests of the great powers, and
their power, can change greatly flow of history. But it should be remembered that, we
must to be difference betwen religions and terrorist religion groups, because the attack of
religions as a whole, can cause great excitement in the community. Should not trust any
community faith, for not to provoke any prophetic conflict flow, because extremists are
being dreamed it.
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ISSN 2410-759X

Acces online at

Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania

Special Issue No 1
June 2015

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