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2015 Travel Scholarship Application

Letter of Recommendation Form

Instructions to the applicant: After your recommender has completed and returned the recommendation form
you will have to upload it to your online application. Make sure the whole form has been completed. Your letter
of recommendation needs to be submitted by the application deadline: May 15, 2015 (5 PM Pacific).
Applicant Information
First Name:


Last Name:


Fall 2015 Status: Undergraduate


SACNAS ID#_____________________


Instructions to the recommender: The applicant is applying for a travel scholarship to attend the 2015
SACNAS National Conference. The conference showcases cutting-edge science and features mentoring and
training sessions for students and scientists at all levels across all STEM disciplines.
Please provide the information below regarding the applicant. You may type into this form; however, we ask
that you sign and date the form, and return it to the applicant. If you prefer to write your own letter, you
may. However, please make sure to address the questions from this form. Please email your letter to Eric
Curiel at before the deadline stated above.
We pay careful attention to your candid opinion, and are grateful for your assistance. If you have any
questions, please visit our website at or contact Eric Curiel at or
831-459-0170 ext. 230.
Recommender Information
First Name:


Last Name:



Please describe your relationship to the applicant? Please include information on how long you have
known the applicant and the extent of your interactions?

2015 SACNAS Travel Scholarship Letter of Recommendation Form
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What is the applicants current research topic? If not actively involved in research, what are the
applicants interests?

Please comment on the applicants academic merit including his/her aptitude for pursuing an advance
degree in STEM or a related field.

In your opinion, why and how would the applicant benefit from attending the 2015 SACNAS National


2015 SACNAS Travel Scholarship Letter of Recommendation Form

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What is it about the applicant that leads you to recommend him/her for the SACNAS Travel

Does the applicant have other sources of funding to attend the SACNAS conference?
I dont know
Please provide additional comments and/or information about the applicant that would help us
evaluate his or her application.




Recommender: You may either (1) return completed form to student, so they can upload it to their application
or you may (2) email it to Eric Curiel ( directly.
If you email it to Eric Curiel, please use the following Subject:
Letter of Recommendation SACNAS ID: #
Example: Letter of Recommendation SACNAS ID: 12345
Please use the SACNAS ID of the applicant, found on top section of this form.

2015 SACNAS Travel Scholarship Letter of Recommendation Form

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