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dcagenda hat in personal social

the lgbtq community’s news source

the ring agenda agenda

Providence mayor is Are gays being This photo of
one of several openly overly critical of Shi-Queeta Lee
gay candidates for President Obama’s is part of a new
Congress this year. first year in office? exhibit called DRAG.
PAGE 10 PAGE 16 PAGE 18 • vol. 2, issue 8 • february 19, 2010

Democratic retirements could derail LGBT advances

Bayh’s decision seen because his desire to serve as a U.S.
senator has waned.
Michael Mitchell, executive director
of the National Stonewall Democrats,
as threat to ‘Don’t Ask,’ “For some time, I’ve had the grow- said Bayh’s record on LGBT issues is
ing conviction that Congress is not attributable to the fact that he comes
DOMA repeals operating as it should,” he said. from a state that’s somewhere
“There is much too much partisan- between moderate and conservative
By CHRIS JOHNSON ship and not enough progress, too in its political leanings. much ideology and not enough prac- “I think whoever takes his place is
tical problem solving.” going to lean toward the more Blue
The surprise retirement announce- Bayh’s retirement came as a sur- Dog, or the more conservative side of
ment from Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) on prise to many because he was seen the Democratic Party anyway,” Mitchell
Monday came as a political shock in as a rising star in the Democratic Party said. “It would be wonderful to see
Washington and fueled the notion that and has been mentioned as a possible someone who’s pro-equality there, and
2010 will be a bad year for Democrats. presidential candidate. The senator we’ll see how that plays out.”
While political experts are expect- reportedly had $13 million in his cof- But Bayh’s retirement means an
ing Democrats to retain control of fers for a re-election campaign, and incumbent Democrat won’t be run-
both the House and the Senate — was the leader of a group of moderate ning for the seat, increasing the
albeit with slimmer majorities — pun- Democrats that had pledged to work chances that a Republican could win
dits are saying pro-LGBT legislation for centrist policies on Capitol Hill. the spot in November.
would require an extra push from The Indiana senator hasn’t been That’s why Sean Theriault, a gay
supporters following the election to at the forefront of LGBT causes dur- government professor at the
make it through Congress. ing his tenure in Congress, but University of Texas, Austin, called
Bayh formally announced Monday stepped up to the plate when support Bayh’s decision to leave the Senate Photo courtesy of Bayh’s office
his intention to vacate his seat at the was necessary. Bayh voted against “bad news for the Democrats.”
end of the year. Emphasizing his con- the Federal Marriage Amendment in “It takes a race that could have U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh’s retirement could make it more difficult for congressional
tinued commitment to public service, 2004 and 2006, and voted in favor of Democrats to advance LGBT-related bills.
Bayh said he wanted to retire in part hate crimes legislation. Continues on page 6

more on Here come the grooms

marriage D.C. churches, courts license application form is among a
few last-minute details that the city
in d.c. prepare for first
same-sex weddings
and the court are expected to
address in the next two weeks.
The law that Catania wrote and the
Same-sex couples City Council approved allows partners
should begin marrying By LOU CHIBBARO JR. to describe themselves on a marriage
in the District in license as a bride, groom or spouse.
early March, barring Ben Young, Catania’s chief of staff,
Editors’ note: This is the second of told DC Agenda this week that the
unexpected intervention a three-part series on preparing for the form change was “being worked on.”
by Congress. arrival of same-sex marriage in D.C. A spokesperson for the court did
not respond before deadline to an
Religious groups fight With the city’s historic same-sex inquiry from DC Agenda about the
new law, page 4 marriage law expected to take effect in court’s plans for implementing the
less than three weeks, the application same-sex marriage law. But for
The business of marriage, form for a marriage license at the D.C. same-sex couples planning to wed in
page 20 Superior Court still leaves space only the District after the new law takes
for the names of bride and groom. effect March 3, a civil wedding at the
Directory of LGBT-friendly But a spokesperson for D.C. courthouse or a religious wedding
churches, page 22 Council member David Catania (I-At from an LGBT-friendly place of wor-
Large), author of the Religious ship will be available to them.
Planning a stylish Freedom & Civil Marriage Equality
reception, page 24 Amendment Act, said the marriage Continues on page 4
Photo by Robert Dodge; courtesy of Dodge
2 • february 19, 2010
february 19, 2010 • 3



SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2010




Mark Burstein & David Calle Ed Able Tom Goodwin Jim Schmidt & Joseph Woolley
JR’s Bar & Grill/Level One Susan E. Atkins & Crystal Weathers Mo Goff Courtney R. Snowden
Comcast Mark T. Baker Charles Hunnicutt & Wayne Amos Curt Stamp
Steve Elmendorf Josh Beety Harvey Hurdle & Kevin A. Yoder Don Uttrich & James Foster
Joe Falk Robin Brand Louis Jenny & Hannah Simone Louis Vega & Steve Kleiner
Harrah’s Entertainment Darcie & Sam Brooks John Klenert David Wochner & Tony Silva
Michael Lausell Sue Burnside & Valerie Ploumpis Bob Lemon & Robyn Lemon-Sellers
National Education Association The Campaign Workshop Chrys Lemon
Hon. Jim Roth Troy Cassel & Zeke Stokes P. Michael Lutz
Alan Roth & Michael Rodgers Rudolph Chandler & George Walker Phil McNamara & Chris Hartmann
Paul Sekhri & Mark Gude Chuck Chesson & Ramon Perez-Goizueta Tim Meinke & Justin Meyer
Service Employees International Union Ty Cobb Joyce Newstat & Susan Lowenberg
Small Luxury Hotels Martin Espinoza Ben Needham
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Randy Fiser & Michael Kochie Nuclear Energy Institute
United Food & Commercial Workers Earl Fowlkes Mary Paradise
Brady P. Walkinshaw John Gallagher David Reitman
Mark Glaze Renee Rosenfeld

Paid for by the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.Your contribution may be used in conjunction with state and local elections and be subject to state and local laws. Contributions to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund are not tax-deductible.
4 • february 19, 2010


Church groups are biggest donors to D.C. marriage ban effort

blog, GLAA Forum. “All of his efforts Jackson serves as senior pastor. His
Jackson entities gave have been for nothing.” wife, Vivian Michelle Jackson, is listed on
more than $100,000 Jackson and his supporters have
argued the campaigns opposing same-
the church web site as executive pastor.
The church’s web site describes
to overturn law sex marriage have galvanized city resi- the High Impact Leadership Coalition
dents who are said to be outraged that as a non-profit, tax-exempt group
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. they’ve been unable to directly decide that “exists to protect the moral com- on the issue through a ballot measure. pass of America and to be an agent
A Washington Post poll released two of healing to our nation by educating
Two religious groups linked to Bishop weeks ago appears to partially support and empowering churches, commu-
Harry Jackson’s church in Beltsville, Md., the claim. While the poll shows that 56 nity and political leaders.”
have provided more than $102,000 in percent of city residents surveyed sup- The web site does not disclose the
contributions to his campaign to ban port legalizing same-sex marriage in the tax status of Christian Hope Ministries-
same-sex marriage in D.C. District, it also shows that 59 percent High Impact, but its listing as an arm of
Contributions from the High Impact favor allowing voters to decide on the the church suggests that it also has a
Leadership Coalition and Christian Hope issue through a ballot measure. tax exemption under the Internal
Ministries-High Impact comprise slightly Last year, Jackson and his local Revenue Service 501(c)(3) provision.
more than half of the $199,530 raised as supporters disputed claims by mar- IRS rules prohibit tax-exempt reli-
of Jan. 31 to fight the city’s same-sex mar- riage equality advocates that same- gious organizations from engaging in
riage law, according to reports filed with DC Agenda photo by Michael Key sex marriage opponents are dominat- partisan political campaigns on
the D.C. Office of Campaign Finance. Two religious groups connected to Bishop Harry Jackson have contributed more ed by non-D.C. residents. Jackson behalf of candidates running for pub-
Nearly all of the $97,338 that than half the nearly $200,000 that’s been raised to derail same-sex marriage and his backers have said a large lic office. But the rules allow religious
reports show were contributed by other efforts in D.C. number of D.C. residents, including groups to become involved in some
donors came from national anti-gay many of the city’s black clergy, have lobbying for or against proposed laws
groups, including Focus on the Family, measures he has proposed to ban firms to build support for a ballot meas- joined the campaign to allow the city’s — including voter initiatives or refer-
Family Research Council Action, the same-sex marriage in D.C. ure and to retain a law firm to challenge voters to decide directly whether gay enda — as long as the lobbying is
group’s political arm and the National In response to a complaint chal- rulings against a ballot measure. marriage should be legal. not a “substantial” part of their overall
Organization for Marriage. lenging his city residency, local offi- One of the public relations firms, LGBT activists have argued, however, activity or expenditure of funds.
The reports show Jackson gave cials ruled last year that Jackson’s Schubert Flint Public Affairs, worked on that many of the clergy helping Jackson Neither Jackson nor a spokesper-
$100 of his own money to two of the D.C. apartment and his D.C. driver’s the 2008 Proposition 8 campaign in are from the Maryland and Virginia sub- son for High Impact Leadership
three committees he formed to ban license, among other factors, were California, which succeeded in banning urbs. They note that more than 100 D.C. Coalition or Christian Hope Ministries
same-sex marriage in the District. FRC sufficient proof that he met the gay marriage. It also assisted the suc- clergy members have joined forces to group could be reached this week to
official Chuck Donavan of Manassas, requirements for city residency. cessful ballot measure campaign in support the same-sex marriage bill. determine the size of the two groups’
Va., and NOM executive director Brian Neither Jackson nor a spokesper- Maine in November, which resulted in The election board has ruled three budgets or expenditure of funds.
Brown of Great Falls, Va., each made son for his church returned calls this overturning that state’s gay marriage law. times since last spring that a ballot Neither group is listed by the non-profit
individual contributions of $50 to one of week seeking comment for this story. Summersgill and other local measure seeking to ban same-sex watchdog organization
the three committees. The Office of Campaign Finance activists were quick to note that marriage in the city cannot be held as having filed an IRS 990 public dis-
“No donations are from D.C. resi- reports show that one of the commit- Jackson and his supporters have so because it would violate the D.C. closure form that is required for most,
dents, unless you believe Harry Jackson tees established by Jackson, Stand for far lost on all three fronts, with the Human Rights Act, which bans dis- but not all, tax-exempt organizations.
actually lives in D.C.,” said gay activist Marriage D.C. Initiative, sought to D.C. Council passing the Religious crimination based on sexual orienta- Without knowing the overall budg-
Bob Summersgill, one of the leaders of place a voter initiative on the ballot that Freedom & Civil Marriage Equality tion. Two D.C. Superior Court judges et of the two groups, it could not be
the city’s same-sex marriage effort. would ban same-sex marriage. The Amendment Act of 2009 in December have upheld the board’s rulings. determined whether they are in com-
Summersgill was referring to alle- second committee, Stand for Marriage and the D.C. Board of Elections & The board considered Tuesday pliance with or in violation of the IRS
gations that Jackson and his wife D.C. Referendum, sought a voter refer- Ethics and two judges ruling against yet another proposed ballot measure rules barring “substantial” lobbying
continue to live in their home in Silver endum on the issue, and the third one, Jackson’s call for a ballot measure. — this time an initiative seeking to activity by such groups. IRS rules
Spring, Md., and use a rented apart- Stand4MarriageDC, sought to prevent The same-sex marriage bill the ban gay marriage proposed by Ward stipulate that any “religious organiza-
ment in Southeast D.C. near the the City Council from passing a same- City Council passed and Mayor 8 civic activist Joyce Little. It was not tion that engages in excessive lobby-
Washington Nationals stadium as an sex marriage bill. Adrian Fenty signed is expected to immediately clear when the board ing activity over a four-year period”
address to maintain D.C. residency. Finance reports show the three clear its congressional review and would rule on the issue. could lose its tax-exempt status.
City records show that Jackson committees spent a total of $146,499 as become law the first week of March. High Impact Leadership Coalition Summersgill said he was consid-
registered to vote in the District for the of Jan. 31 in those efforts. According to “What’s Harry Jackson getting for and Christian Hope Ministries-High ering filing a citizen request with the
first time on April 22, shortly before he the reports, the money was partly used his money?” Summersgill asked on Impact are components of the Beltsville- IRS calling for an investigation into
filed papers for the first of three ballot to hire two prominent public relations the Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance based Hope Christian Church, where the two groups.

D.C. pastors excited to perform same-sex weddings

Continued from page 1 tact the applicants to confirm the date Several D.C. clergy members said bers. He noted that most members of “In a sense it was a form of polit-
and make final arrangements for a civil this week that despite the vocal the group, along with their respective ical resistance on some level,” he
Under city law, all couples seek- ceremony, which is performed by a opposition to same-sex marriage churches or other places of worship, said. “What was not accepted in the
ing to be married must apply for and court official in a designated room at from some local clergy, a large num- including synagogues, are planning to eyes of the state we felt was accept-
receive a marriage license, which the courthouse. The courthouse is ber of clergy and their places of wor- host same-sex wedding ceremonies. ed in the eyes of God. So we will
costs $35. The application for the located at 500 Indiana Ave., N.W. ship stand ready and willing to per- Also looking forward to performing continue to bless relationships, and
license can be obtained online at According to the court’s web site, form gay weddings. same-sex weddings are at least five now to be able to do it legally is real-, but it must be submit- the “marriage ceremony room” holds The new law allows clergy to LGBT-oriented churches or congrega- ly exciting.”
ted and paid for in person. about one dozen guests. A certified refuse to perform same-sex mar- tions in the city that have long per- Rev. Abena McCray, pastor of
Also under D.C. law, the minimum copy of the marriage license can be riages and refuse to allow their facili- formed same-sex commitment cere- Unity Fellowship, which has a largely
age for obtaining a marriage license obtained on the day of the ceremony ties to be used for such marriages if monies. Among them are Metropolitan African-American protestant congre-
without the need for parental consent for $10. There is no fee for the ceremo- performing such marriages is con- Community Church of D.C., Unity gation, said the church is preparing
is 18. A marriage license for people ny or use of the room, but wedding par- trary to their religious beliefs. Fellowship and Inner Light Ministries, to offer same-sex weddings when the
between the ages of 16 and 17 can ticipants are asked to consider making “We’re prepared to begin marry- which provide Protestant services; Bet D.C. gay marriage law takes effect.
be obtained only with the consent of a tax-deductable donation to the D.C. ing same-sex couples as soon as the Mishpachah, widely known as the Jack Hillelsohn, Bet Mispachah’s
a parent or legal guardian, and no Superior Court Art Trust Fund. law goes into place,” said Rev. Robert city’s LGBT syngogue; and Dignity vice president for religious affairs,
one under age 16 can marry. Unlike some jurisdictions, judges Harties, pastor of All Souls Unitarian Washington, which offers a weekly said the congregation’s rabbi, Toby
“When applying for a marriage in D.C. don’t routinely perform civil Church. “I’ve already been in conver- Mass for LGBT Catholics. Manewith, is a member of D.C.
license, you may request a civil wed- marriages, although some judges do sation with members of my congre- Rev. Dwayne Johnson, pastor of Clergy United for Marriage Equality
ding, specifying the date and time so for couples with whom they are gation who are interested in becom- the Metropolitan Community Church and is excited about performing
you would like to be married, at least personal friends, according to a court ing married and who are making since January, said MCC churches same-sex marriages.
10 days from the date of application,” source who spoke on condition of not plans for their wedding dates.” across the country have performed “Kiddushin is the Hebrew word for
according to the Marriage Bureau being identified. D.C. Mayor Adrian Harties serves as co-chair of D.C. what some of its members consider marriage, and we have performed
Section of the court’s web site. Fenty is not authorized to perform Clergy United for Marriage Equality, to be weddings since the church was these in the past without legal stand-
The site says a court clerk will con- civil marriages under city law. which he said has close to 200 mem- founded in 1969. ing,” Hillesohn said.
february 19, 2010 • 5
6 • february 19, 2010


Will GOP recapture House or Senate this year?

Continued from page 1 most are saying the Republicans Pinello said if the Democratic
won’t be able to take the majority in majority falls behind 55 seats in the
gone either way to a seat that the either the House or Senate. Theriault Senate, it could cause a problem
Democrats will most likely lose,” said before the announcement of when seeking 60 votes to end any fil-
Theriault said. “More than that, though, Bayh’s retirement, he would have ibusters on LGBT-related legislation.
the Senate is losing a good senator. thought the Democrats would hold “That becomes a problem if
Bayh was a legislator’s legislator. He 54 seats after the election. ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ comes up for
knew how to work both sides of the “Now, it might be down to 53,” he repeal or, more importantly, the
aisle to get good legislation passed.” said, “At every turn, the Republican Defense of Marriage Act comes up
Bayh’s retirement isn’t the only fac- primary electorate is going to have to for repeal,” he said. “I think potential-
tor jeopardizing the Democratic major- make the right decision, catch some ly that becomes an insurmountable
ity in Congress this fall. Public dissatis- breaks, and conditions would have to hurdle if Republicans remain as
faction with Congress has many pun- deteriorate even more than they have cohesive as they have been on the
dits predicting Republican wins. for the Republicans to have a shot at health care issue.”
In addition to the general climate gaining control of the Senate.” Even with decreased majorities,
turning against Democrats, issues in Dan Pinello, a gay government pro- Mitchell said advocates will “keep
individual races could make for a fessor at the City University of New York, working” with Democratic allies to
challenging year for the party. The said the growing number of Democratic push through pro-LGBT legislation.
announced retirement of Sen. Byron incumbents who are announcing their “Our organization worked specifi-
Dorgan (D-N.D.) leaves little hope for retirement means Republicans will cally for the last 10 years as an
a win against Republican Gov. John see more opportunities, but determin- organization working in the minority,”
Hoeven in the Senate race this ing whether the Republicans will take he said. “I think Obama will continue
November. In Delaware, Republican control of Congress is difficult to help push some good legislation
congressman Mike Castle is favored because other factors could emerge for us and do what he can, but that
to capture the Senate seat once held to influence the election. said, there needs to be a pro-equali-
by Vice President Joseph Biden. “Both domestic as well as interna- Official white house photo by David Lienemann ty Congress that can help us do that.”
And in Illinois, the Democratic tional events can happen at such In Delaware, Republican congressman Mike Castle is favored to capture the Moran said while Democratic loss-
nominee for the U.S. Senate seat, lightning speed to change the larger Senate seat once held by Vice President Joseph Biden. es would mean the party would have
Alexi Giannoulias, is being dogged political environment that the outlook to “re-evaluate some of their votes and
by his association with Broadway can vary from month to month in both chambers of Congress. reclaiming some of these seats,” he some of their stances,” he would hope
Bank, which reportedly engaged in terms of what’s going to be happen- Charles Moran, spokesperson for said. “I’m certainly not sugar-coating Democrats and Republicans who
questionable practices and is on the ing come November,” he said. “It’s the Log Cabin Republicans, said he it. We have a really big hole to fill on would vote for pro-LGBT legislation
verge of Federal Deposit Insurance very dicey to make predictions so far doesn’t think Republicans will take the Republican side, but I definitely would maintain their support.
Corp. takeover. ahead of the general election.” control of Congress this November, think this puts the Democrats in a “More than anything, I think it’s
Even Senate Majority Leader Harry Still, Pinello said predicting although he predicted Democratic precarious position.” just another example of how we’ve
Reid (D-Nev.) is facing low approval Democrats will lose seats in Congress losses because the party will have to With decreased majorities in got to spend a lot of time as a com-
ratings in his home state, making him is a “safe” bet to make, although a spend money on races that it thought Congress, advocates are saying munity working to start changing
vulnerable to a Republican challenger. GOP takeover would take “a seismic wouldn’t be competitive. pushing pro-LGBT legislation through some of the hearts and minds of the
Still, while political experts are change” similar to what happened in “It’s going to give the Republicans to the president’s desk would be a key individuals who maybe are sitting
predicting Democrats will lose seats, 1994 when Democrats lost control of a competitive advantage in terms of more difficult feat. on the fence,” he said.

Gay man alleging jail beating Trans woman robbed in

Northeast D.C.: police
sentenced to 6 months
A gay man who has accused
D.C. police recently reported a possible hate-related incident involv-
ing a transgender woman in Northeast D.C.
A police report says officers responded Jan. 25 to a call from a 27-
guards at the D.C. Jail of handcuffing year-old male-to-female transgender person. The woman told police that
and beating him was sentenced Jan. 21 she was robbed and beaten by a group of unidentified men near her
to six months in prison after pleading home on the 3700 block of Hayes St., N.E.
guilty to misdemeanor sexual abuse. The report says the woman’s pursue — containing her checkbook, ID
John Burrows, 39, was credited in and birth certificate — were taken. Police, who are handling the incident
Superior Court with the time he’s served as a possible hate crime, have no suspects in the case.
while awaiting trial and sentencing, LOU CHIBBARO JR.
allowing him to be released March 16.
A spokesperson for the city’s
Department of Corrections, which
oversees the jail, has said the
Hearing set for murder suspect
A 17-year-old male charged with first-degree murder in connection with
department was conducting an inter- the shooting death of gay Maryland resident Gordon Rivers was sched-
nal investigation into Burrow’s report uled to appear Thursday for a preliminary hearing in D.C. Superior Court.
of the jail beating. The spokesperson, Rivers, 47, was found suffering from multiple gunshot wounds in front
Sylvia Lane, said no further informa- of 2641 Naylor Road, S.E., in the District about 5:30 p.m. Jan. 10, police
tion could be released. said. He was pronounced dead a short time later at a nearby hospital.
Margaret Groat, Burrows’ sister, told Police on Jan. 29 arrested D.C. resident William Wren on a charge of
DC Agenda that Burrows was treated first-degree felony murder while armed. According to a police affidavit, Wren
for a concussion and severe bruises said he and Rivers had known each other prior to the shooting and that he
and was experiencing dizzy spells in accidently shot Rivers while attempting to rob him inside the victim’s car.
connection with the reported jail beat- The affidavit says Wren acknowledged calling Rivers and inviting him
ing. She said Burrows has retained an to an area near where Wren lived to lure him into a position where he
attorney and is considering filing a law- could be robbed. He said Rivers pulled out a gun during the botched rob-
suit against the city for damages asso- Photo courtesy of Margaret Groat
bery, but police have a witness who saw Wren carrying the gun into
ciated with the reported beating. Rivers’ car, according to the affidavit.
Burrows pleaded guilty last month John Burrows, a gay man who’s accused D.C. Jail guards of beating him, will be Police have yet to disclose how Wren and Rivers met and whether the
to the misdemeanor sexual abuse released March 16. murder was linked to Rivers’ sexual orientation. Court observers have
charge as part of a plea bargain speculated that answers to those questions might surface in court.
offered by the U.S. Attorney’s office. October 2008. from the man after he refused to ful- Thursday’s hearing occurred after DC Agenda deadline. Check dcagen-
Police had charged him with robbing Groat said Burrows told her the fill his agreement to pay Burrows for for updates.
a man and forcing the man to engage sex was consensual and that her a sexual encounter. LOU CHIBBARO JR.
in sex at the man’s D.C. apartment in brother acknowledged taking money LOU CHIBBARO JR.
february 19, 2010 • 7
8 • february 19, 2010

directoryservices LGBT seniors group wins

Becky Carroll, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
$900,000 federal grant
WASHINGTON — An advocacy
Interactive Counseling, group for LGBT seniors has been
Psychotherapy and awarded a $900,000 federal grant to
Somatic Experiencing establish and operate the nation’s
first national resource center to help local communities provide services
202.332.8477 for LGBT elders. U.S. Health & Human Services
3000 Connecticut Ave., NW Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced
Feb. 10 that her agency selected
Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders, a
Individuals u Couples u Sex
New York-based group known as SAGE,
as the grant recipient.
Helping People “The Resource Center will pro-
Grow Stronger vide information, assistance and
in Rough Times resources for both mainstream aging
organizations and LGBT organiza-
Michael Radkowsky, Psy.D. tions and will provide assistance to
Licensed Psychologist u 15 years experience
LGBT individuals as they plan for
Near Woodley & Cleveland Park metro future long-term care needs,”
( 202) 234-3278 Sebelius said in a statement. In October, the Administration on
Aging, an arm of HHS, announced
plans to create the center and said it
Joel C. Ang, M.D. would invite eligible organizations to
Family Medicine, HIV Diagnosis & Treatment apply for the grant in a competitive
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
bidding process. LGBT activists
202-667-5041 familiar with SAGE speculated that U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
SAGE would be a lead candidate for announced Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders will receive
Adult Primary Care
the grant because of its status as the $900,000 over three years to establish the nation’s first
1759 Q Street NW, Washington, DC
Red Line Metro • Dupont Circle
nation’s oldest and largest organiza- resource center to help communities care for gay elders.
free Wi-Fi • Limited Parking tion for LGBT seniors.
Sebelius said in her announcement that the $900,000 grant would extend over a three-year period. She noted that SAGE would operate the new center under supervision of the
Same Day Appointments Administration on Aging in partnership with 10 organizations with expertise “in a wide range of
Insurance Accepted areas, including mainstream aging, LGBT aging, culture change and competency and program
Copies of records at each visit Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D. evaluation.”
Instant HIV/Syphilis/Herpes Testing Licensed Clinical Psychologist The new entity will be called the National Technical Assistance Resource Center for Lesbian,
CLIA Certified Laboratory Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Elders, according to Sebelius’ announcement.
Individual & Couples Therapy The Administration on Aging previously said that experts estimate as many as 1.5 to 4 million
Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H. for the LGBT Community LGBT individuals are age 60 and older.
Internal Medicine, HIV, Women’s Health
18 years experience!! LOU CHIBBARO JR.
Weight Management
202-667-5041 202.255.5187 LGBT inclusion sought in immigration reform 3000 Conn. Ave. WASHINGTON — A group of 60 U.S. House members have signed a letter urging congres-
sional leaders and President Obama to include bi-national LGBT couples in comprehensive immi-
Michael Deninger PhD gration reform.
Licensed Professional Counselor
be happy be yourself be proud Current law prevents LGBT Americans from sponsoring their foreign partners for residency in
Certifed in Hypnotherapy and NLP the United States, affecting an estimated 36,000 same-sex couples and keeping many
apart. Signers of the letter say the system in place is “unacceptable” and immigration reform leg-
INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES & GROUPS islation “must include a strong family reunification component inclusive of LGBT families.”
• Relationships • Habits
ASL Used Here

“In truth, no immigration reform bill can be called ‘comprehensive’ unless it includes all
• Coming Out • Depression
Americans, including those who are LGBT,” says the letter.
• Phobias • Spirituality
• Traumas • Family Issues The group of lawmakers is led by lesbian Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.). Other signers include
• Anxiety • Intimacy gay Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Jared Polis (D-Colo.), as well as Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-
N.Y.), who is sponsoring legislation that would address the situation, the Uniting American
(703)212-8406 • Families Act. Still another signer is Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.), who included similar language last
Robyn S. Zeiger, Ph.D. year in his Reuniting Families Act.
Rachel Tiven, executive director of Immigration Equality, said the lawmakers’ letter “signals
Cognitive-Behavioral Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor that our champions in Congress, and the LGBT community, are ready to work for passage of

Therapy TFSWJOHUIF-(#5DPNNVOJUZGPS ZFBST reform that includes all families, including LGBT families.”
“Passage of immigration reform will require every family standing with their neighbors and
Results-Oriented ▼ Affordable 301.445.7333 loved ones to work for change,” she said. “There are more than 36,000 lesbian and gay bi-nation-
al families counting on us to get this work done.”
Larry Cohen, LICSW During his State of the Union address, President Obama identified immigration reform as an
22 years serving the glbt community
202-244-0903 item for the congressional agenda. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)
are developing the legislation for their respective chambers in Congress. *OEJWJEVBMTDPVQMFTHSPVQTt4BUVSEBZIPVSTt*."(0DFSUJmFE CHRIS JOHNSON
See website for NPR story on my work

Senate postpones ‘Don’t Ask’ hearing

Want a subscription to WASHINGTON — The Senate Armed Services Committee last week postponed a hearing on
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” that was set for Feb. 11.
dcagenda? Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), the committee’s chairman, had planned for committee members to
hear from a panel of expert witnesses on the issue. The list of witnesses wasn’t announced prior
to the hearing’s postponement. The cancelation notice for the hearing didn’t give a date for when
Contact the testimony will be rescheduled.
The Senate Armed Services Committee canceled or postponed a number of hearings last
Robbie Barnett at week on issues other than “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Record snowfalls and blizzard conditions inhib-
ited much of the work of the federal government. CHRIS JOHNSON
february 19, 2010 • 9
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10 • february 19, 2010


Providence mayor makes bid for Congress “It’s a matter of doing the work on the Pougnet has been heralded as a
Cicilline joins other ground and talking to local politicos supporter for LGBT causes and as a
openly gay candidates and party leaders and things like that
— just to make sure that we have
strong fundraiser for the campaign
against Proposition 8 in California.
aiming for Washington crossed our T’s and dotted our I’s When same-sex marriage was avail-
before we endorse.” able in the Golden State in 2008,
By CHRIS JOHNSON Dison declined to comment on Pougnet married 118 couples in his whether the Victory Fund and the capacity as mayor of Palm Springs,
Cicilline campaign have held any con- more than any other mayor in the state.
The mayor of Providence, R.I., versations about an endorsement. Still, some perceive Pougnet as
last weekend announced he is run- Cicilline said he’s looking for both running against a pro-gay Republican.
ning for Congress, making him one the Victory Fund and the Human Bono Mack voted twice against the
of several openly gay candidates Rights Campaign to endorse him in Federal Marriage Amendment and
slated to be on ballots this fall. his bid for Congress. has supported hate crimes legislation
David Cicilline, who’s served as “They’ve endorsed me for both of as well as ENDA.
mayor since 2003 and was the first my previous races — the Gay & Another openly gay candidate seek-
openly gay mayor of a state capital, Lesbian Victory Fund — so I don’t ing a seat in Congress is Ed Potosnak,
formally declared Feb. 13 that he want to be presumptuous, but I hope a former staffer for Rep. Mike Honda
wouldn’t pursue another term as to be endorsed by both organizations (D-Calif.) and public school teacher
mayor and would instead seek the in this campaign,” he said. who’s running to represent New
congressional seat that will be vacat- Cicilline’s candidacy means he’s Jersey’s 7th congressional district.
ed at the end of the year when pro- joining other gay candidates who are Potosnak, currently the only
LGBT lawmaker Rep. Patrick pursuing a run for Congress. Steve Democratic candidate running for the
Kennedy (D-R.I.) retires. Photo courtesy of Cicilline Pougnet, who’s gay and mayor of nomination in that district, said he’s
In an interview with DC Agenda, David Cicilline, the mayor of Providence, R.I., is one of several openly gay Palm Springs, is seeking to oust pursuing a seat in Congress because
Cicilline said he wanted to pursue a candidates running for Congress this year. incumbent Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R- of the economic hardship that many
run to represent Rhode Island’s 1st Calif.) to represent California’s 45th people in New Jersey face.
congressional district because of the down and try to bring people together your life experiences and who you congressional district. “For me, what really prompted me
economic hardships his state is fac- who have divergent views and deal are as a person contribute to the way Should Pougnet succeed, he to run for Congress is the fact that I’m
ing and Washington’s slow response with the hard issues and fashion solu- you look at issues, the issues that would be the first openly gay person not a career politician,” he said. “I’m
in addressing the issue. tions to come up with answers to you care about.” who’s legally married with children to someone who has really lived through
“Over the past 18 months, it has address problems every day.” Cicilline said he would vote in favor serve in Congress. struggles of the middle class, and I
become very clear to me that But Cicilline isn’t the only of the Employment Non-Discrimination The Victory Fund has endorsed think that real world experience posi-
Washington has really lost sight of Democratic candidate seeking to Act and the Uniting American Families Pougnet, making him the only non- tions me well to address the problems
what is happening to the hard-work- represent his district in Congress. Act, as well as back repeals of “Don’t incumbent, openly LGBT person the that our families are facing.”
ing middle-class in cities and towns William Lynch, who recently stepped Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense of organization has endorsed in a run If elected, Potosnak said he’d support
across this country,” he said. down as Rhode Island’s state Marriage Act. for Congress. ENDA and UAFA, as well as repeals of
Rhode Island has been hit partic- Democratic Party chair after 12 While saying he would as a mem- Dison said the Democratic Party is “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and DOMA.
ularly hard by the recession. years, also announced on Saturday ber of Congress step up to support looking at this seat as a possible pick- Still, Potosnak is running in a dis-
According to the Bureau of Labor his candidacy for the seat. the LGBT community, Cicilline said up, but it’s too early to determine trict that Republicans have won con-
Statistics, the unemployment rate for In a Sept. 14 primary, voters in he didn’t think his sexual orientation whether Pougnet will be in a good posi- sistently since 1980. And the one-term
the state in December 2009 was 12.9 Rhode Island’s first congressional dis- would provide any additional chal- tion to beat Bono Mack in November. GOP incumbent he’s challenging,
percent, putting it just behind trict will decide who will be the lenge for him in his campaign. He “Nobody’s really in the thick of it Rep. Leonard Lance (R-N.J.) voted in
Michigan and Nevada among states Democratic nominee for the general noted that his sexual orientation was- yet, and that’ll become clear later on, favor of hate crimes legislation last
with the highest unemployment. election. The winner of the primary will n’t an issue in his runs for mayor. but he’s been a fantastic fundraiser year and is a co-sponsor of ENDA.
“People are sick of reading about most likely take on John Loughlin, the The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund so far for a non-incumbent, so there’s But Potosnak said the LGBT com-
hundreds of billions of dollars being Republican candidate whom the GOP hasn’t yet determined whether to definitely hope there.” munity shouldn’t support Lance
spent on bank bailouts and hundreds seems poised to nominate. endorse Cicilline in his run for According to the Federal Election because the lawmaker has been
of billions of dollars being spent on Loughlin is an Army veteran and Congress, although the organization Commission, Pougnet has raised unhelpful in the struggle to win rela-
bailing out the Big Three car compa- Rhode Island State House member had endorsed him in previous may- more than $563,000 for his cam- tionship recognition in New Jersey.
nies, and they do not feel like who has had notable success raising oral bids and his campaign this year paign and Bono Mack has raised “As a state legislator, before he
Washington is doing anything to money. According to the Federal for a third term as mayor. more than $992,000. While Pougnet came to Congress, he didn’t sup-
improve their lives,” he said. Election Commission web site, Denis Dison, a Victory Fund is behind in fundraising, challengers port civil unions and he also is
Cicilline said he’s heard “every single Loughlin has raised more than spokesperson, said the process by typically raise less than incumbents. undecided on whether it should be
day” about families in his home state $246,000 for his campaign. which the organization determines Andy Stone, spokesperson for the repealed in the state,” he said. “He’s
who are concerned about whether they As a gay man, Cicilline said he’s its endorsements is the same for Democratic Congressional Campaign also undecided on whether there
can “keep the job that they have, “very, very committed” to supporting candidates in all races, but that eval- Committee, said Pougnet is doing should be a constitutional ban or a
whether they can be able to find work, legislation and issues that would uating whether or not to endorse what’s needed to mount a serious definition of marriage between in a
or whether they can afford their rent.” “affect my community and provide for Cicilline will be “a little bit of an easi- challenge to Bono Mack this fall. man and a woman.”
“I think what we need in equality at every level of state, local er load” because the organization is “Mayor Pougnet is aggressively The incumbent gay lawmakers in
Washington, what I really bring to this and federal government.” already familiar with him. raising the necessary funds and it’s Congress — Reps. Barney Frank (D-
work, is [a] very practical problem “I think when you get elected to “We have endorsed this candi- clear that Congresswoman Bono Mass.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and
solving approach,” he said. “That’s any office, you bring to that office date multiple times; it’s not like we Mack is already feeling the heat from Jared Polis (D-Colo.) — are expected
what mayors do. We sit around, we sit your — who you are,” he said. “All of have to get to know him,” Dison said. this formidable challenger,” he said. to seek re-election.

Cheney supports ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ review

Former Vice President Richard favor of open service earlier this month changed, significantly, since then” and second guess the military” because said. “Vice President Cheney is
Cheney this week predicted “Don’t as both he and Defense Secretary predicted the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t “they’re the ones that have got to make absolutely right when he says that
Ask, Don’t Tell” will “be changed” and Robert Gates unveiled for Congress Tell” as it currently stands. the judgment on how these policies public opinion, as well as the opinion
expressed support for its reconsider- plans for a Pentagon working group “I see that … Mike Mullen, the affect the military capability of our units.” of military leaders has changed sig-
ation now that top defense officials that would examine repeal implemen- chairman of the Joint of Chiefs of Jimmy LaSalvia, executive direc- nificantly over the last 20 years when
have come out against it. tation. Gates said the process would Staff, has indicated his belief that we tor of GOProud, a gay partisan it comes to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’”
“And when the chiefs come forward be complete by year’s end. ought to support change in the poli- group, commended Cheney for his This is not the first time Cheney
and say, ‘We think we can do it,’ then it When asked about the issue on cy, so I think that — my guess is the comments on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” has offered support for LGBT issues.
strikes me as it’s time to reconsider the “This Week” by guest host Jonathan policy will be changed,” Cheney said. “Few men or women have more Last year, he said during a National
policy,” Cheney said during an inter- Karl, Cheney said the U.S. military sup- When Karl pressed Cheney further credibility or experience than Dick Press Club event that he supports
view Feb. 14 on ABC’s “This Week.” ported “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 1993 on whether he personally supports Cheney when it comes to questions the decision of state legislatures to
Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of when the law banning open service repeal, Cheney said “it’s partly a gener- of what’s in the best interest of enact same-sex marriage.
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, came out in was put in place, but that “things have ational question” and he’s “reluctant to America’s national security,” LaSalvia CHRIS JOHNSON
february 19, 2010 • 11

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12 • february 19, 2010

Bloggers target HRC in

push for ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal
Gays asked to inundate group
with demands for 2010 action

Amid fears that momentum on repealing

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is slipping, advocates
are pressuring the Human Rights Campaign to
demand that President Obama publicly call for
repeal this year.
A group of bloggers — led by John Aravosis
of Americablog — are asking readers to flood
HRC’s phone lines and e-mail inboxes with
messages that Obama needs to publicly spec-
ify he wants Congress to overturn “Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell” this year and take the lead in work-
ing with lawmakers to ensure repeal happens.
Other bloggers who’ve joined the effort
are Pam Spaulding of Pam’s House Blend,
Andy Towle of and gay
Photo courtesy of Aravosis
activist David Mixner.
The bloggers say on their web sites they’re John Aravosis of Americablog said LGBT
targeting HRC because it’s the most prominent Americans must ask the Human Rights
and best-funded LGBT rights organization and Campaign to ‘stand up the president and call him
it has the greatest access to the White House. on the fact that he’s not doing enough.’
During his State of the Union address late
month, Obama pledged to work this year with while at the same time supporting the Military
Congress and military leaders to end “Don’t Readiness Enhancement Act, standalone legis-
Ask, Don’t Tell,” but didn’t specify a time for lation that would end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and
when he wanted repeal to happen. Efforts for replace it with a non-discrimination policy.
repeal got a boost shortly thereafter when Obama has committed to repeal, HRC
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. says, but has also made clear that votes in
Michael Mullen endorsed open service in testi- Congress are needed before an end to “Don’t
mony before Congress. Ask, Don’t Tell” can happen.
But in the short time since then, it’s become “We have been lobbying the White House
less clear whether Congress could achieve repeal relentlessly and we’ve seen more movement in
this year. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told recent weeks than in the previous 16 years,”
reporters she wasn’t sure whether the House HRC says. “Our nation’s top defense officials
would pass repeal legislation, and moderate mem- testified, before the Senate Armed Services
bers of the Senate Armed Services Committee Committee, that ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ should
have expressed support for the Pentagon’s review be repealed. That did not happen in a vacuum.
of the law without backing outright repeal. These events are just the start. There is a clear
The Politico recently reported that while path to repeal, and that’s the one we’re on.”
supporters of repeal in Congress were excited But Aravosis said HRC’s statement is “actu-
about Obama’s State of the Union announce- ally a little dangerous” and the idea that HRC
ment, the White House hasn’t followed up with has “conveyed the message and, ‘We’ve had
guidance on the issue. hearings so everything is on track,’ is absurd.”
Aravosis said he hopes the blogger initiative “No one in town agrees with them,” he said.
will restore momentum for repeal and prompt “The Hill is telling us that the White House is
HRC to “stand up to the president and call him not telling them what to do, and that’s why
on the fact that he’s not doing enough.” they’re not moving ahead — because they
HRC issued an organizational response to don’t know what to do about whether they
the initiative, saying its goals are the same that should or shouldn’t repeal this year.”
have been outlined by the bloggers, which Aravosis said the HRC statement also isn’t
include pushing for full repeal this year. sufficient because it suggests that the organi-
“‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ has to be repealed zation has done enough and the White House
this year,” says the statement. “That has been understands the issue.
the Human Rights Campaign’s position from “This means either HRC is powerless, or
the start, and at this point there is no one in the they’re not trying hard enough, and that’s what’s
White House who does not know it. We and the scaring me right now,” he said. “They’re suggest-
community to whom we are accountable ing they’ve done all they can, which suggests
agree: this is the year.” that HRC’s influence in the White House doesn’t
HRC says it supports including repeal as part amount to much, and that’s scary for all of us.”
of the fiscal year 2011 defense authorization bill The White House declined to comment.

U.S. Senate confirms three gays to major roles

The U.S. Senate last week confirmed three gay people from serving in the U.S. military, does-
openly LGBT people to high-ranking roles in n’t apply to Wilson because he was appointed to
the Obama administration — including a gay a civilian position in the Defense Department.
man to a top position in the Defense The Senate also confirmed Cynthia
Department — as part of 27 nominees that Atwood, a lesbian, to the Occupational Safety
moved forward by unanimous consent. & Health Review Commission and David Mills,
Senators on Feb. 11 confirmed Douglas Wilson, who’s gay, as assistant secretary of commerce for
who’s gay, to the position of assistant secretary of export enforcement.
defense for public affairs. During the Clinton admin- The three gay officials were nominated to
istration, he served as the Pentagon’s deputy assis- their positions after being recommended by
tant secretary for public affairs. the Presidential Appointments Project.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which prevents openly CHRIS JOHNSON
february 19, 2010 • 13

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14 • february 19, 2010


Should gay judge in Prop 8 case be removed? the alleged bias he has shown. their attorneys, say Walker’s rulings
Observers say question “I have no reason to doubt that during the trial were based on legal
of bias, not sexual there are homosexuals who could
preside impartially over this case,
principals and decisions of past
cases, not on bias.
orientation, is key just as I have no reason to doubt that Walker is currently reviewing the
there are heterosexuals whose bias evidence presented by a series of
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. in favor of, or against, same-sex mar- witnesses during the trial and is riage would unduly skew their han- expected to resume the case to hear
dling of the case,” said Ed Whelan, a closing arguments in March.
A gay federal judge in San Francisco conservative commentator, in a “Every judge has a sexual orienta-
presiding over the Proposition 8 trial on National Review essay. tion,” said American University law pro-
same-sex marriage should be evalu- But Whelan added, “From the out- fessor Nancy Polikoff, in commenting
ated on whether he is impartial and set, Walker’s entire course of conduct on critics who say Walker should step
fair and should not be forced to step in the anti-Prop 8 case has reflected a down from the case because he’s gay.
away from the case because of his manifest design to turn the lawsuit into “If a judge were straight, would a
sexual orientation. a high-profile, culture-transforming, gay plaintiff have a ground to recuse
That’s the assessment of many history-making Scopes-style show the judge because he was straight?
legal observers as well as supporters trial of Prop 8’s sponsors.” No, that’s ridiculous,” she said. “And
and opponents of same-sex marriage. Photo by Mike Linksvayer Whelan pointed to a U.S. Supreme the same thing is true with any asser-
But while agreeing that Judge Judge Vaughn Walker, who’s gay, is presiding over the Proposition 8 trial. Some Court decision to overturn Walker’s ini- tion that being gay makes him unable
Vaughn Walker, 65, shouldn’t remove have called for Walker to recuse himself from the case because they say he’s tial plans to allow the Prop 8 trial to be to hear the case. It’s not evidence of
himself from the case solely on shown a bias toward the plaintiffs. broadcast over the Internet. He also having any kind of prejudice that
grounds of his sexual orientation, noted that an appeals court consisting would stop a judge from being able to
advocates on both sides of the gay does matter is how he conducts him- Lawyers and advocates defend- mostly of Clinton appointees over- decide a case on the law.”
marriage issue disagree sharply over self as a judge, and his ability to put his ing Proposition 8 have accused turned, in part, a procedural decision Walker was first nominated for his
whether Walker has shown a bias in own views and background aside and Vaughn of being biased against the by Walker to allow the plaintiffs to judicial position by President Ronald
favor of the plaintiffs in the case, who focus on the law and the constitution.” measure during a 12-day trial in obtain internal communications, Reagan in 1987, but Democrats in
seek to overturn Proposition 8. Walker serves as chief judge for January, which recessed before including e-mail, from organizers of Congress initially blocked the nomi-
“Whatever Judge Walker’s sexual ori- the U.S. District Court in Northern news surfaced in the San Francisco the Prop 8 election campaign. nation on grounds that Walker’s
entation is, it’s not a reason to take him off California, where two same-sex cou- Chronicle that Vaughn is gay. LGBT activists backing the plain- record as a lawyer in private practice
the case,” said American Civil Liberties ples filed a lawsuit last year challeng- Although some Proposition 8 back- tiffs’ case against Prop 8 have dis- showed insensitivity toward civil
attorney James Esseks, who works for ing the constitutionality of the ballot ers associated with religious groups puted allegations that Walker is rights, including gay rights.
the ACLU’s LGBT rights project. proposition. California voters approved called for Walker’s removal from the biased, saying the ballot measure’s President George H.W. Bush
“Judge Walker’s sexual orientation the ballot measure in November 2008, case because of his sexual orientation, defenders are angry at the judge renewed Walker’s nomination in
… doesn’t make him unable to decide which overturned a decision by the most conservative activists defending because of his rulings against them 1989, and the Senate later approved
the issues before him impartially,” state’s highest court legalizing same- the ballot measure have said the judge on a number of legal issues. it after receiving assurances that he
Esseks said in an ACLU blog. “What sex marriage. should instead step down because of Supporters of the plaintiffs, including would rule impartially and fairly.
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16 • february 19, 2010

Vol. 2, Issue 8

This black gay American still supports Obama Address: 1810 14th St., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20009
Phone: 202-747-2077
els of the federal government. Internet:
LGBT criticism of Recently, Adm. Mike, chairman of Publisher: Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.

president is unfair, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the

Senate Armed Services Committee,
ignores rights advances  “Speaking for myself, and myself only, ext. 8075
it is my personal belief that allowing EDITORIAL
By EARL D. FOWLKES JR. gays and lesbians to serve openly is Editor
the right thing to do. No matter how I ext. 8088
In late August 2008, I had the look at this issue, I cannot escape the News & Multimedia Editor
opportunity to attend the Democratic … facts that we have a policy that JOSHUA LYNSEN ext. 8086
National Convention. I listened careful- forces young men and women to lie Features
ly to the speeches of Michelle Obama, about who they are in order to defend JOEY DiGUGLIELMO
Hillary Clinton, and President Bill their fellow citizens.” Anyone who ext. 8081
Clinton. On Aug. 28, 2008, I listened to understands how the Pentagon oper- Sr. News Reporter
Sen. Barack Obama outline his soaring ates must realize that the Obama ext. 8079
vision for America. I heard him speak administration had a strong hand in News Reporter
about how he would address the sink- moving the military establishment to CHRIS JOHNSON ext. 8083
ing economy, the wars in Iraq and support the repeal of this odious law. Staff Photographer
Afghanistan, health care reform, clean I believe that advocacy and apply- MICHAEL KEY
energy technology, and job creation. ing political pressure for the LGBT
I felt like Obama was speaking direct- Official White House Photo by Pete Souza agenda on both the Obama adminis- PRODUCTION
ly to me when he said, “I know there are tration and Congress are fundamen- Creative Director
differences on same-sex marriage, but During his first year in office, President Barack Obama signed a hate crimes bill tal tenets granted to all citizens of ext. 8074
surely we can agree that our gay and into law, lifted the HIV entry ban and made other LGBT-related advancements. this Republic. While our great nation
lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to still has a far ways to go before LGBT SALES & ADMINISTRATION
visit the person they love in a hospital Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense of crimes law to include crimes motivat- Americans will enjoy all of the prom- Sr. Acct. Executive
and to live lives free of discrimination.” Marriage Act, and that he has not ed by a victim’s actual or perceived ises and benefits made to us in the ext. 8089
In my opinion that statement was done enough to push the passage of gender, sexual orientation, gender Constitution, I do believe that the Sr. Acct. Executive
his promise to millions of LGBT the Employment Non-Discrimination identity or disability; lifted the HIV Obama administration has been sub- ANDREW HARTSFIELD ext. 8078
Americans that we were part of his Act. Many of those same voices have entry ban; extended the Ryan White ject to unfair criticism from parts of Acct. Executive
plan to make America a better place called for the LGBT community to HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act; the LGBT community, who, for what- JERYL PARADE
and that eliminating those vestiges of withhold support and money from the reversed an inexcusable U.S. position ever reasons, refuse to acknowledge ext. 8072
Classified Advertising
discrimination would be an important Democratic Party, based on their by signing the U.N. Declaration on the many accomplishments in the PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH
part of his agenda. Like millions of belief that President Obama has not Gay Rights; spoken out forcefully on first year of this administration. ext. 8092
Americans, I decided that I would work kept his word to our communities. Uganda’s repressive treatment of its I have faith that our president will Distribution Coordinator
hard to help elect Barack Obama pres- But for this black gay American, this LGBT communities; endorsed the continue to make good on the prom- ROBBIE BARNETT ext. 8080
ident of the United States. rhetoric contrasts greatly with the Baldwin-Lieberman bill; hired and ises made that warm summer
Accounting services provided
Fast forward to today, a little over reality of the Obama administration’s appointed a record number of quali- evening in Denver, and this black gay by Martin & Wall, P.C. C.P.A.
a year since Barack Obama was accomplishments on LGBT issues fied LGBT Americans, including more American will continue to support the Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
sworn in as our president and there during his first year in office. than 10 Senate confirmed appoint- Obama administration as one of our
All material in the DC Agenda is protected by
has been much discussion in some In only one year in office, the ments; and in the summer of 2009, best hopes to bring about equality for federal copyright law and may not be repro-
quarters of the LGBT community Obama Administration has extended the administration released the first LGBT Americans. duced without the written consent of the
questioning whether or not his benefits to same-sex partners of fed- presidential Pride proclamation since DC Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertis-
ers, photographers, writers and cartoonists
administration has the stomach to eral employees; signed into law the 2000. In addition, the Obama admin- Earl D. Fowlkes, Jr. is a resident published herein is neither inferred nor implied.
move “our” agenda forward. There Matthew Shepard & James Byrd, Jr. istration has sought input from the of Washington, D.C. and is a member The appearance of names or pictorial repre-
are those who believe he is moving Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which LGBT community on hundreds of pro- at large on the Democratic National sentation does not necessarily indicate the
sexual orientation of that person or persons.
too slowly on the repeal of “Don’t expanded the existing federal hate posed policy changes affecting all lev- Committee. Although the DC Agenda is supported by many
fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility
for claims made by advertisers.

feedback Unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the

DC Agenda, but the paper cannot take respon-
sibility for its return. The editors reserve the right
The following comments were Gates had bothered to go before These apologists need to wake up It’s really sad that now his name is to accept, reject or edit any submission.
Guidelines for freelance contributors are
posted to our web site. Visit dca- Congress and undertaken this task a year and smell the coffee. The Democratic being tarnished by some low life guy, available upon request. to join the discussion. ago when Obama first came into office Party doesn’t give a rip what GLBT who need a real job to commit to his
rather than just now coming forth publicly Americans want or need. They just obligation as a “so called daddy.” I A single copy of the DC Agenda is available
from authorized distribution points, to any
Re: “Moderate senators back with the idea and saying it will now take want our money. I’ve reached the point hope and pray that justice is served in individual within a 50-mile radius of Washington,
Pentagon’s ‘Don’t Ask’ review” one year to do the review. — GPP where I’d rather have a Republican who a court of law. My Gordon, you were D.C. Multiple copies are available from the DC
(news story by Chris Johnson) says, up front, that he’s working against like the son I never had. I never slept Agenda office only. Call for rates. If you are
This really doesn’t sound good, judg- Re: “D.C. man pleads guilty in me than a weak-kneed Dem who talks until a suspect was apprehended. unable to get to a convenient free distribution
point, you may receive a 52-week mailed
ing from what these clowns are saying. It anti-gay assault” (news story by a good game but lacks the balls to ever May you Rest in Peace, my sweet subscription for $175.00 per year. Checks or
looks like the Dems and the supportive Lou Chibbaro Jr.) do anything about it. — pacnwjay angel. — Tanya Johnson credit card orders can be sent to Robbie
Republicans are moving toward waiting If Mr. McDonald is a native Barnett at
a year before doing anything. This is bad Jamaican and not a U.S. citizen, he Re: “Gay murder victim knew Re: “Minister alleges conflict of Postmaster: Send address changes to the DC
because the Dems will most likely be should be deported after completing his juvenile arrested in his slaying” interest at election board hearing” Agenda, PO BOX 73647 Washington, DC 20056
fewer in number after the election, if they sentence. Too often, immigrants bring (news story by Lou Chibbaro Jr.) (news story by Lou Chibbaro Jr.) The DC Agenda is published weekly, on Friday,
by Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. Individual
are still in power and the Republicans their anti-gay hatred with them into the Why is it so important that Mr. If it is a conflict of interest for a Subscriptions are $175 per year for 52 issues
will most certainly kill the effort once they U.S. If the gay community is serious Rivers be known as a “gay” man? board member to have homosexual (only $3.37 per issue mailed to you USPS).
are in charge again. It’s just more evi- about ending violence, it should be Everyone knows someone who’s gay family or friends, it is just as much a Rates for businesses/institutions are $350 per
year. Periodical postage paid at Washington,
dence that the Dems aren’t delivering on about forcing the government to and it’s not a big deal. My issue is conflict for those who have straight D.C., and additional mailing offices.
their promises to the LGBT community enforce its laws and kicking these big- that he had a right to privacy in his family or friends. — Robert McJunkin
and, of course, the Republicans are ots out of the country. — Michael personal preference and life. He was Editorial positions of the DC Agenda are
always against us. — Tim a man and a very good friend who is Why doesn’t the government start expressed in editorials and in editors’
notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
Re: “LGBT Democrats defend now deceased. — E Williams taxing the church? If the church Other opinions are those of the writers and
Reviewing and studying are politi- Obama at DNC winter meeting” wants to stick their nose in political do not necessarily represent the opinion of
cian-speak for “I don’t want to do (news story by Lou Chibbaro Jr.) I am saddened that someone that issues and law issues then they need the DC Agenda or its staff.
anything, but I want it to look as What do you expect them to say? I didn’t take the time to know “Gordon” to pay taxes. Whatever happened to To submit a letter or commentary: Letters
though I were.” — Doctor Whom was a delegate to the 2004 Democratic would consider any bodily harm to separation of church & state? — BJ should be fewer than 400 words; commen-
National Convention – Carol King him. Gordon would have probably taries should be fewer than 750 words.
Submissions may be edited for content and
While this review isn’t a bad thing in appeared at our caucus; said something given him money if he really needed it, Would someone please tell the length, and must include a name, address and
theory because it will be the first time that in favor of gay marriage, and the wimps without any hesitation. Gordon was a nosey minister that we all know phone number for verification. Send submis-
the MILITARY is officially undertaking the in attendance were afraid to applaud, very respected and private person. someone who is gay. So does that sions by e-mail to
study of this issue since instituting DADT, because they didn’t want to appear to His career was rewarding and he had mean no one can make decisions ©
2010 Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
it might have been better if Obama and criticize Kerry. What whimps! — Putney great respect among his co-workers. regarding this except you? — Frank
february 19, 2010 • 17

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18 • february 19, 2010

friday, feb. 19 tion. For directions, RSVP to pinmag- cally on the fourth Monday of each
Get down to Bell Biv Devoe, TLC and Visit month. The group is an intergenera-
C&C at the “NO SCRUBS: 90’S for more information about the group. tional group working on education,
DANCE PARTY with DJs Will Photographer JASON HOROWITZ, advocacy and services to the local
Eastman and Brian Billion” at 10 p.m. who’s straight, opens a new show aging LGBT population. The Center
at the 9:30 club, 815 V St., N.W. called DRAG tonight at the Curator’s is at 1810 14th Street, N.W. Visit
There’s a $10 cover and this quarterly Office from 6 to 8 p.m. Featuring up- for more information.
event is nearly sold out. close and large-scale photos of local A YOUTH SUPPORT GROUP FOR
From ice dancing to men’s hockey, drag queens including Shi-Queeta GAY, LESBIAN AND BI TEENS meets
watch the OLYMPICS at Nellie’s Lee and others, the show, the artist today from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the GW
Sports Bar all day, 900 U St., N.W. says, seeks to reveal and challenge Center Clinic located at 1922 F Street
Gay organist Stephen Harouff of hidden biases about femininity and N.W., suite 103. Fees for therapy and
Baltimore plays a free recital today at masculinity, beauty and ugliness, gay the group are on a sliding scale. Photo courtesy of Jason Horowitz
12:15 p.m. at National City Christian culture, race, sexuality and aging. Metropolitan Community Church of An eponymous 2009 photo of local drag queen Shi-Queeta Lee is part of a new
Church as part of its “MAGICAL, The Curator’s Office is located at Washington, the District’s largest exhibit called DRAG by local photographer Jason Horowitz.
MYSTICAL, MUSICAL MACHINE” 1515 14th St., N.W., Suite 201. mostly gay church, has an HIV-POSI-
organ recital series. NCCC’s Charles Town has a MARDI GRAS PARTY TIVE SUPPORT GROUP FOR PEO- ties continue tonight with a Miss
Miller, who’s also gay, play on the 26th. with DJ Dan Deleon tonight. Doors PLE OF FAITH every Monday at the wednesday, feb. 24 Phase One Pageant at the bar from 7
The recitals are a half hour each. The open at 10. Town is located at 2009 church. For more information, contact Ziegfeld’s/Secrets hosts its monthly to 10:30 p.m., which features a $200
church is at 5 Thomas Circle, N.W. 8th St., N.W. Visit for Matt Senger at 202-546-2159 or e- AMATEUR DANCER CONTEST at cash prize. Hopefuls will compete in
GAY DISTRICT meets tonight. The more information. mail him at 11 p.m., signup begins at 10 p.m., several categories. Send a photo,
group was formerly known as the MCC-DC is located at 474 Ridge 1824 Half St., S.W., 202-863-0670. short bio and description of your talent
Twenties Group but has expanded its sunday, feb. 21 Street, N.W. Visit for more Hosted by Destiny B. Childs. to to compete.
age range for gay, bi, trans and ques- THE BOLSHOI BALLET wraps up information about the church. THE HOLLABACK TRANSGENDER Lesbian history through the ’70s, ’80s,
tioning men from 18 to 35. The group its engagement at the Kennedy SUPPORT GROUP meets tonight at ’90s and ’00s will be honored with
meets for weekly discussion from 8:30 Center today at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are tuesday, feb. 23 6:30 p.m. at DC Center, located at photos, videos and music from each
to 9:30 every Friday at St. Margaret’s $47-135.00. Visit “IN THE HEIGHTS,” winner of four 1810 14th St., N.W. Hollaback is a era tonight and Saturday. Visit
Church located at 1830 Connecticut for information. 2008 Tony Awards including best social and support group for the for more information.
Ave. Members dine afterwards then go A discussion called “BAGELS, musical, opens at the Hippodrome trans community and is a program of
dancing. The group is changing its con- BRUNCH AND ISLAM” is being held Theatre in Baltimore, 12 N. Eutaw St., the D.C. Community AIDS Network. saturday, feb. 27
tact information but for now, those inter- today at the D.C. Center from 11:30 Baltimore, 410-837-7400. For tickets, The group meets on the second and Gay & Lesbian Outreach and
ested can visit the group on Facebook a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Iman Daayiee visit fourth Wednesday of each month. Engagement (GLOE) has its third
under the name “GD: Gay District.” Abdullah, who’s gay, will discuss the “WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE LADIES FIRST NIGHT is tonight and annual Masquerade & Mischief
relation between Islam and Judaism LOVES METH” meets tonight at 7 at every Wednesday at Fab Lounge, PURIM PARTY tonight at the
saturday, feb. 20 and the lives of gay and lesbian DC Center, located at 1810 14th located at 1805 Connecticut Ave., Washington D.C. Jewish Community
Relive the glory days at ’80S ALT- Muslims. This study brunch is hosted Street, N.W. Visit for N.W. For more information, visit Center at 16th and Q streets, N.W. at
POP DANCE NIGHT with DJ lil’e by Bet Mishpachah, a local gay syn- more information. Also at the Center 9 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to
backstage at the Black Cat, 1811 agogue. The event is free and open tonight is a meeting for those plan- wear costumes. Those who do have
14th St., NW. There’s a $7 cover, to the public. The Center is located at ning Gay Men’s Health Summit 2012 thursday, feb. 25 open bar access all night. D.C.
starts at 9:30 p.m. 1810 14th St., N.W. and AIDS 2012. PHASE 1, the country’s oldest lesbian Cowboys and trans comedian Riki
Love him or hate him, there’s no deny- ADODI D.C., a gay group for men of WASHINGTON RENEGADES, a gay- bar, begins its 40th anniversary fes- Wilchins will perform. Tickets are $18
ing his stage presence. JOHN MAYER color who celebrate their African her- welcoming local rugby team, resumes tivities tonight at 9 p.m. at the Phase, in advance; $20 at the door. A cos-
plays Verizon Center tonight, 8 p.m. itage, meets today at the D.C. Center practice for its spring season today at located at 525 8th Street, S.E. The tume prize will be awarded. Contact
with special guest Michael Franti and today from 3 to 6 p.m. The Center is at 6:45 p.m. at Cardozo High School at anniversary celebration continues or 202-
Spearhead, tickets $42.50-78.00. Visit 1810 14th Street N.W. Visit thedccen- 1300 Clifton Street, N.W. Newcomers through Sunday at 3 a.m. Staff mem- 777-3253 for more information. for more information. curious about the group can attend bers are seeking Phase-related pho- Variety show CRACK is back tonight
A concert by members of D.C.’S Local drag queen Shi-Queeta Lee with out having to join. Visit tos from long-time patrons. They can with a new show called “Once Upon
“DIFFERENT DRUMMERS,” a gay hosts DRAG BRUNCH every for more information. be e-mailed to a Time” at Town from 9 p.m. to mid-
ensemble, called “Intimate Winds” Sunday at Nellie’s Sports Bar, THE UNITED ENDA COALITION or scanned at the bar. Patrons with night tonight. The production is billed
is today at 2 p.m. in the Adirondack located at 900 U Street, N.W. Brunch meets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Phase stories to share are also as an “outrageous cabaret that
Room at Hillwood Museum Estate. buffet is $20. Miss Lee performs at from 6 to 9 p.m. at the National Gay encouraged to come forward. A kick- spoofs the fantastic world of fairy
Fischer Tull’s “Liturgical Symphony,” 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Visit nelliess- & Lesbian Task Force headquar- off rock show is tonight with perform- tales and nursery rhymes.” Crack
Richard Strauss’ “Serenade,” and for more information. ters to encourage LGBT supporters ers Hunter Valentine, the Pushovers hosts Shea Van Horn, Chris Farris
more will be performed. Tickets are DIGNITY WASHINGTON, a local gay to help pass the Employment Non- and Kaylan Rexer. Visit and Karl Jones will perform. Cover
$20 ($10 for seniors and students) Catholic group, celebrates Mass for Discrimination Act. Training and pizza for more information. is $10. Show starts at 10. Attendees
and are available at the door. Visit the LGBT community every Sunday are provided. The Task Force is at 1325 D.C. LAMBDA SQUARES, a local gay are encouraged to dress in fairy tale- for more information. at 6 p.m. at St. Margaret’s, located at Massachusetts Ave., N.W., sixth floor. square dancing group, meets every or nursery rhyme-inspired costumes
D.C. ICEBREAKERS, an LGBT ice 1820 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Call For more information, contact Aaditi Thursday for square dancing. For to receive a $2 discount. Town is at
skating social group, has a game 202-546-2245 for more information Dubale at more information about the group or to 2009 8th Street N.W.
night tonight from 7:30 to 11:30 in or visit Cobalt has “FLASHBACK,” a retro find out when beginner classes are
Ballston with co-hosts NOVA GL night, every Tuesday at 10 p.m. Rail available, visit Send calendar listings two
Professionals and Gay District. The monday, feb. 22 vodka drinks are free from 10 to 11 p.m. weeks prior to your event to Joey
event is at a party room within walking D.C. Center’s ELDER THINK TANK Cobalt, a gay bar and dance club, is at friday, feb. 26 DiGuglielmo at jdiguglielmo@dca-
distance from the Ballston Metro sta- meets tonight at 6:30 p.m. and typi- the corner of 17th and R streets, N.W. PHASE ONE 40th anniversary festivi-

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february 19, 2010 • 19

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P L A C E S I N T H E H E A R T.
20 • february 19, 2010

same-sex marriage means big business
Gay wedding planners between straight and gay weddings.
The preferences have more to do, she
with my dad walking down the aisle.
That moral support definitely makes a
say they bring sensitivity says, with the couple’s tastes than their difference. Can they get a beautiful
sexual orientation. quality wedding from a straight wedding
straight counterparts can’t “Gay couples are as diverse in planner? Of course. But it helps to know
their desires and spending habits for vendors who’ve gone through it and
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO their weddings as straight couples,” know that everything has gone well.”
she says via e-mail from El Salvador Elegance and Simplicity, which
So are we really just like every- where she’s on a volunteer trip build- has been around for 12 years and is
body else? When it comes to gays ing houses for low-income families. owned by Katie Martin, who’s
and their wedding ceremonies, it “Their desire for tradition varies as straight, typically does about 120
depends on whom you ask. well. I think the only major difference weddings a year. Usually three to five
Several among a bumper crop of is that gay couples may feel less con- are same-sex commitment cere-
new businesses that have sprung up in fined to traditional customs than monies but they expect a boost this
Washington to tap into the inevitable straight couples. In general, though, year when the law goes into effect,
boom in same-sex weddings when the it really depends on the individuals.” assuming it survives its 30-legisla-
new District law goes into effect in Like Gillin, Tara Davis has worked tive-day congressional review period
March are targeting same-sex couples on both same-sex commitment cere- as most experts predict.
exclusively and say gay relationships monies and opposite-sex weddings, The Williams Institute, UCLA
are different in ways straight wedding Photo by Robert Dodge; courtesy of Dodge for the last year and a half with School of Law, predicts that 1,882
planners won’t fully grasp. Elegance and Simplicity, which just same-sex D.C. couples will marry in
Don Gillin’s new business, D.C.’s Gay models JORGE LANDER (left) and BENJAMIN HOREN in a publicity shot started a referral site for same-sex the next three years in addition to
Gay Wedding Planners (www.dcs- taken Jan. 29 for the GLBT Wedding Services division of Event Emissary, one of couples at about 12,550 non-District residents, will spe- several local gay-targeting groups that specializes in same-sex wedding planning. She and her partner, Tanya Colucci, expected to flock to the District to wed.
cialize in those differences. The 36- had a ceremony in Florida in 2008 The new law will likely bring more than
year-old gay Bethesda resident has a don’t think a straight wedding planner new division of Event Emissary, ben- but plan to get legally married in $52 million to District coffers by the end
decade of event and wedding plan- could understand that. Not only are efits from his gay touch. Washington this spring. Davis says of 2012 and about 700 new jobs. The
ning under his belt and says he’s in a two gay men or two lesbians getting “I think [straight wedding planners] there’s some “relatability” when she city itself will see about $5.4 million in
strong position to help same-sex cou- married, they’re taking advantage of a definitely know how to throw great works with gay couples that helps. tax revenue. Most of the couples —
ples realize their wedding dreams. He right they never had before. As a gay events, but we have an advantage “Being a lesbian, I can be sensitive about 65 percent — will be from out of
knows the ropes from doing straight person I can understand that and truly because we’re personally invested in to issues same-sex couples may be state, the Institute predicts.
weddings for several years but also honor their love story like a typical the community,” Wilkinson says. having,” she says. “In the beginning my Could there be a huge number in
gets gay relationship in a way his wedding service couldn’t.” Laura Lee, who’s straight and has mom was always supportive but the 2010 then a massive drop-off once all
straight counterparts can’t. Mike Wilkinson, a 27-year-old been in business as a wedding planner idea of a wedding was a little shocking the couples who’ve been together for
“This was never a possibility before Washington resident, says his busi- with In Any Event (www.inanyeventco- to her. So I can support them, tell them eons legally wed? Davis doubts it.
and now it is, so it’s kind of doubly ness, GLBT Wedding Services for a year, says there my story, let them know that people do
sweet and meaningful,” Gillin says. “I (, a aren’t many significant differences come around and my mom was there Continues on page 22



  !'$!! TOf
february 19, 2010 • 21
22 • february 19, 2010

gay wedding planners ready to assist local couples
Continued from page 20 was never interested in shooting straight

“If you look at how Massachusetts

is doing, it’s still very big business for
their economy and it’s been legal there
for a long time now,” she says. “It will
weddings, but says same-sex weddings
excite him. He shot a series of ads for
GLBT Wedding Services featuring gay
models at Mellon Auditorium.
“The opportunity to shoot gay wed-
where to wed
Many Washington churches are Riverside Church
Foundry United Methodist Church
1500 16th St., N.W. •

Metropolitan Community
Church of Washington
probably decrease some, but I would- dings and record these historic first life gay friendly and have taken steps to 680 I St., S.W. • 474 Ridge St., N.W. •
n’t expect to see it steadily dropping.” commitments is really exciting and become officially “open and affirming.”
Wilkinson is hoping there’ll be a something I am looking forward to,” Beyond that, the degree to which gays Inner Light Ministries Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church
huge boom at first. He’s hoping to Dodge says by e-mail from Vietnam are integrated into church life varies as 1525 Newton St., N.W. 201 4th St., S.E.
break a Guinness world record by hav- where he’s on a shooting trip. “I would some parishes defy denominational
ing a mass marriage event on March like to establish myself as the preemi- teachings to include gays, so mar-
20 at D.C.’s Mellon Auditorium. He nent gay wedding photographer.” riages and commitment ceremonies Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church Church of the Pilgrims
needs 169 couples to break the record Dodge’s website portfolio are kept low-key if allowed at all. 118 3rd St., S.E. • 2201 P St., N.W.
but is hoping for 400, which would fill ( reveals a For others, such as Metropolitan
the room. Only five couples have bounty of artsy shots. Won’t wed- Community Church of Washington, Saint Thomas Episcopal Church
signed on so far but he expects a del- dings be boring by comparison? Inner Light Ministries and Unity 1771 Church St., N.W. • Western Presbyterian Church
uge once the law goes into effect. “Not at all,” he says. “Wedding pho- Fellowship, welcoming gays is their 2401 Virginia Ave., N.W.
“We’re definitely trying to be cog- tography is a first cousin to portraits and raison d’être. And this list isn’t Bet Mishpachah
nizant of the needs of the couples,” he portraiture has been an art form for cen- meant to be exhaustive. All the 1529 16th St., N.W. •
says. “It won’t be like going through the turies. I will also be shooting weddings in churches listed have publicly wel- All Souls Unitarian
drive-through at McDonald’s. We’re a photojournalist style, which means that comed gays but contact the church- Augustana Lutheran Church Universalist Church
putting a lot of effort into being sensi- many of the images will be candids. I will es individually to find out their 2100 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. 1500 Harvard St., N.W. •
tive to the couples but also making it a still do the wedding formals, but a large same-sex marriage policies.
special event within the community.” part of the work will have that natural Cleveland Park Congregational
Another local business that will be look of being candid and not posed.” National City Christian Church Georgetown Lutheran Church United Church of Christ
assisting couples planning their same-sex And Dodge is of the mindset that 5 Thomas Circle, N.W. 1556 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. 3400 Lowell St., N.W. •
weddings is Raymond Boney Event & being gay himself will definitely be an
Publicity Management, advantage. Unity Fellowship Church
Not only will Boney’s team assist with “Unless they have some experience Church of the Epiphany Capitol Hill United Methodist Church of Washington
planning a D.C.-area celebration, they will with this, [straight photographers] are 1317 G St., N.W. 421 Seward Square, S.E. 1226 Vermont Ave., N.W.
plan destination ceremonies and even going to have a difficult time under-
plan the honeymoon. standing the dynamics of the relation-
Some D.C. residents who weren’t ships and will simply miss some good Covenant Baptist Church Dumbarton United Methodist Church Washington National Cathedral
involved in weddings in any capacity photographic moments because they 3845 South Capitol St., S.W. 3133 Dumbarton Street, N.W. 3101 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.
before are planning to jump into the fray. were waiting for the couples to act like
Photographer Robert Dodge, who’s gay, a straight bride and groom.”
february 19, 2010 • 23
24 • february 19, 2010

wedding receptions with style
your day with confidence. The Four pies five locations in the Dupont and
From traditional to Seasons features a sunlit, sophisticat- Logan Circle areas plus two addition-
trendy, D.C. hotels offer ed space that occupies more than
13,400 square feet, including a terrace
al locations within sight of the
National Mall and the U.S. Capital.
plenty of party options overlooking the C&O Canal. For a truly memorable wedding expe-
The Madison, a Loews Hotel, 1177 rience consider Kimpton’s Hotel
By TYRONE FORD 15th St., N.W., is ready to help make Palomar, 2121 P St., N.W. The Hotel
Special to DC Agenda memories that last a lifetime. The Palomar is urban art gallery meets
Madison recently added 1,500 square chic boutique hotel that will amaze
You’ve popped the question, walked feet of new banquet space, which has your guests. The hotel offers more
the aisle and now it’s time to pop the created a total space of 12,000 square than 10,000 square feet of reception
Champagne. But where to hold your feet that will accommodate most any space, including the ultra stylish
reception on the big day in D.C.? guest list. The expert event planners Phillips Room, named for the nearby
If you’re looking for a hotel ball- will help create the wedding of your Phillips Collection. The Phillips Room
room, the city offers plenty of options, dreams, along with amenities such as can accommodate up to 300 guests.
from traditional to trendy. There are a a fitness center and spa services to Other national hotel chains are
few things to keep in mind when con- cater to your every need. also catering to same-sex couples in
sidering hotel reception spaces. W Hotel, 515 15th St., N.W., Washington. The Marriott and
Find out how many events your “where historic Italian Renaissance Renaissance Hotel chains offer 10
location of choice holds so you can be meets modern cool” offers 12,000 properties in the area, including the
sure you won’t be hurried out once square feet of event space that will historic Mayflower. For a list of
your allotted time is over. Map out the make your wedding nothing less than Marriott’s area hotels and information
spaces for your special moments like spectacular. The Altitude, the rooftop on booking a reception, visit dcmar-
the first dance, the wedding cake cut- ballroom at the W, would be a perfect
ting, seating, etc., and make sure there location with its gorgeous floor-to-
is enough space to accommodate your ceiling windows that offer a backdrop Other friendly options to consider
guests. If you are using the in-house of the nation’s most important land- when looking for reception space:
caterer make sure the kitchen is Photo courtesy of Kimpton Hotel Palomar
marks. The expert event planners will
equipped for any special menu items work magic so your wedding day The Fairmont
you may have planned. Some hotels Kimpton’s Hotel Palomar offers more than 10,000 square feet of reception space. wishes come true in style. 2401 M St., N.W.
have decor restrictions, so make sure Founded in 1981, the Kimpton 202-429-2400
you ask about furniture rearranging become legal, which is expected to beauty services, the Four Seasons Hotels & Restaurants are a collec-
and ask to see photos of prior wedding happen in early March. can help ease the stress of planning a tion of boutique hotels and chef-driv-
receptions to inspire a few ideas. The Four Seasons Hotel, 2800 wedding. With original wedding pack- en restaurants that are acknowl- The Fairfax at Embassy Row
Below are just a handful of area Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., has wedding ages or a package of your own design, edged as an industry pioneer and 2100 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
hotels ready to host same-sex wed- planning down to a science. From invi- the wedding consultants offer their leaders in the boutique hotel con- 202-293-2100
ding receptions when gay nuptials tations and wedding cakes to spa and expert assistance so you can enjoy cept. The Kimpton Hotel Group occu-

1 7 T H & R H O D E I S L A N D AV E . , N W
202 872 1126 W W W. B B G W D C . C O M

Date Nights & Weekends







february 19, 2010 • 25
26 • february 19, 2010

dcagenda lgbt nightlife guide
washington, dc The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins date
to the 1960s. Features billiards, regular
1836 18th St., NW
30 DEGREES tournaments and other special events. Washington, DC 20009
1639 R St., NW Located near the convention center, two 202-483-1483
Washington, DC 20009 blocks north of Gallery Place Metro. Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant
202-462-6569 popular with both men and women. DELTA ELITE
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men 3734 10th St. NE MIXTAPE
but check schedule for other events. Washington, DC 20017 Different locations
1409 14th St., NW Longtime bar popular with African- Alternative dance party for queer men and
Washington, DC 20005 American men in Brookland neighbor- women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie
202-265-3055 hood; hosts regular ladies night. Check rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check
Logan Circle area restaurant and bar web site for special events. web site for 2010 schedule of events.
(Dupont Circle Metro) popular with the
theater crowd and featuring open-mike DIK BAR MOVA
nights, karaoke and other special events. 1637 17th St., NW 1435 P St., NW
Washington, DC 20009 Washington, DC 20005
ACADEMY OF 202-328-0100 202-797-9730
WASHINGTON In Dupont Circle area, above Dupont Trendy Logan Circle bar and lounge
Longtime organizers of drag events in the Italian Kitchen. popular with men features regular happy
city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See hour and other specials. Formerly known
web site for full list of upcoming events. DUPLEX DINER as Halo, MOVA re-launched in early
2004 18th St., NW 2010 as a environmentally friendly bar
ANNIE’S Washington, DC 20009 with an emphasis on community service.
1609 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Popular restaurant and bar in the Adams
900 U St., NW
Shift @ Cobalt Photo by Joe Tresh
In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime Morgan area; happy hour specials and Washington, DC 20001
restaurant and steakhouse with recently many other special events. See web site 202-332-6355
renovated Upstairs Lounge. for updated schedule. crowd, though welcoming to women


Sports bar featuring poker events, drag
bingo, trivia contests and other specials.
baltimore and straight patrons.

1415 22nd St., NW 1318 9th St., NW Popular bar with massive outdoor deck 1722 LEON’S/
Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20001 and plenty of TVs for watching sports. 1722 N. Charles St. TYSON PLACE
202-296-0505 202-341-8281 Baltimore, MD 21201 870 Park Ave. OMEGA Multi-level after-hours dance club attracts Baltimore, MD 21201
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men, but 2122 P St., NW a mixed crowd but remains gay-friendly. 410-539-4993
check schedule regularly for other events. Funky, edgy neighborhood lounge in Washington, DC 20036
Logan Circle with special events galore. 202-223-4917 BALTIMORE EAGLE In business for more than 50 years,
BACHELOR’S MILL Popular with men and women; features 2002 N. Charles St. Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in Baltimore
1104 8th St., SE dancing, videos. Check web site for Dupont Circle area bar and club popular Baltimore, MD 21218 and among the oldest in the country.
Washington, DC 20003 event schedule. with men featuring dancing, drag and 410-82-EAGLE Friendly bar with jukebox gets especial-
202-544-1931 other special events. Longtime Levi/leather bar not far from ly busy on Sunday nights. Tyson Place
Longtime bar popular with African- FAB LOUNGE Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, bil- is a restaurant bar located behind
American men in Capitol Hill area. 1805 Connecticut Ave., NW PHASE 1 liards, outdoor patio, videos and a full Leon’s with a separate entrance.
Washington, DC 20009 525 8th St., SE store for your leather needs. Mostly
BANANA CAFÉ 202-797-1122 Washington, DC 20003 men, but welcoming to women. PORT IN A STORM
500 8th St., SE 4330 E. Lombard St.
Washington, DC 20003 In Dupont Circle area; popular with men CLUB PHOENIX Baltimore, MD 21224
202-543-5906 but hosts regular women’s events. The Phase opened in 1970 and remains 1 W. Biddle St. 410-534-0014 a popular lesbian bar and club. Features Baltimore, MD 21201 Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar gets
Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and FIREPLACE regular special events, including Jell-O 410-837-3906 especially popular when the Ravens
bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men 2161 P St., NW wrestling, 80s theme nights and more. Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar play. Features billiards, music and more.
and women. Features Cuban, Mexican Washington, DC 20037 Check web site for details. attracts men and women; friendly service.
and Puerto Rican cuisine. 202-293-1293 QUEST
In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar REMINGTONS DRINKERY 3607 Fleet St.
BLOWOFF popular with men. 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 205 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21224
815 V St., NW Washington, DC 20003 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-563-2617
Washington, DC 20001 GREEN LANTERN 202-543-3113 410-225-3100 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown 1335 Green Court, NW Another of Baltimore’s friendly neighbor- area is popular with men and women
Created by musicians Bob Mould and Washington, DC 20005 hood bars in Mount Vernon featuring bil- and offers billiards.
Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional Popular country/Western nightclub in Capitol liards, jukebox and welcoming service.
dance event popular with men. Events are Hill neighborhood with more than 6,000 SAPPHOS
held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy square feet of space for dancing and billiards. GALLERY 1001 N. Charles St.
Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club in hours and special events, including One half block west of Eastern Market Metro. 1735 Maryland Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201
the popular U Street corridor. karaoke and shirtless drink special Baltimore, MD 21201 410-752-7133
nights. Check web site for details. TOWN DANCEBOUTIQUE 410-539-6965
B.O.I. PRODUCTIONS McPherson Square Metro. 2009 8th St., NW Longtime bar and restaurant popular Part of the Grand Central complex, Washington, DC 20001 with African-American clientele. Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd and
Organizes regular women’s events around JACK’S 202-234-TOWN offers comfy couches, outdoor patio
town. Check web site for updated information. 1527 17th St., NW GRAND CENTRAL and more in its second floor location.
Washington, DC 20036 Dance club and bar popular with men 1001 N. Charles St.
1639 R St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Dupont Circle area restaurant popular
and women, features regular drag per-
formances. U Street Metro.
Baltimore, MD 21201
northern va
202-462-6569 with men and women. ULTRABAR Large entertainment complex featuring FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR 911 F St., NW friendly pub, lesbian bar Sappho’s upstairs 555 23rd St. South
In Dupont Circle area; part of complex JR.’S Washington, DC 20004 and a dance club on the first floor. Arlington, VA 22202
of LGBT businesses at this address, 1519 17th St., NW 703-685-0555
including Level One restaurant on street Washington, DC 20036 HIPPO Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment
level and 30 Degrees bar. 202-328-0090 Large dance club with gay-friendly 1 W. Eager St. includes a restaurant and friendly bar, events and vibe located downtown near Baltimore, MD 21201 regular specials and is popular with
CREW CLUB Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area Metro Center. 410-547-0069 men and women. Crystal City Metro.
1321 14th St., NW bar popular with men; videos, regular
Washington, DC 20005
special events.

1824 Half St., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Large club popular with men and
women featuring billiards, top
DJs/dancing, karaoke, videos and
laurel, md
Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE 202-863-0670 more. Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto PW’S
featuring steam rooms, lounges, private Washington, DC 20018 is “where everyone is welcome.” 9855 N. Washington Blvd.
dressing rooms and more. 202-832-3888 Featuring all-nude male dancers Laurel, MD 20723 Wednesdays-Sundays, drag performanc- JAY’S ON READ 301-498-8202
DC EAGLE Every night is ladies night at Lace; fea- es, large dance floor and many regular 225 W. Read St.
639 New York Ave., NW tures regular special events for women special events, contests and more. Large Baltimore, MD 21201 Restaurant and bar is popular with gay
Washington, DC 20001 in Brookland neighborhood. Check web parking lot available; located in 410-225-0188 and lesbian sports fans and is known
202-347-6025 site for details on happy hour specials. Buzzard’s Point warehouse district. Piano bar attracts a mostly male for its superb burgers.
february 19, 2010 • 27

PW’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Unforgettable

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28 • february 19, 2010

dcagendaclassifieds POWER CLEANERS, LLC. Experienced, depend-

able service seven days a week. Gay owned and
operated. Call Matt for free estimates at 202-352- MOUNT RAINIER PROPERTIES
MASSAGE COUNSELING 0739 or visit Terrific Homes in Historic Area
TOP QUALITY MASSAGE at an affordable price. LGBTQ AFFIRMING THERAPY AT DUPONT Priced from $169,995-$334,500
Stressed? Then you need my strong hands to METRO. Individuals, couples, families, adoles- A CLEANING SERVICE invites you to relax while
help you relax. Experience one of the best mas- cents. Over 15 years serving the community. our team of experienced, dependable & friendly LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R)
sages for less. ONLY $55 per hour. Ron - Adams Mike Giordano, LICSW. 202/460-6384, professionals provides top-quality cleaning serv- 301.983.0601
Morgan 202-641-1078 Hagerstown 301-824-, ice to your home or office. Excellent refs, satis-
1078 or 202-641-1078. faction guaranteed. Licensed, bonded & insured.
Reasonable rates. Call today for a free estimate. COLLEGE PARK-Walk to METRO
INDULGE YOURSELF WITH RELAXING, deep tis- (703) 892-8648. 3 BR House, Nice Yard! Full Basement!
sue massage. Feel the stress leave your body. CMT LEGAL SERVICES
with 15 years experience. Located in Logan/Dupont FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Representing the LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R)
Circle. Visa, MC.
David (202) 213-9646 Lic#MT410
GLBT community for over 25 years. Family adop-
tions, estate planning, real estate, immigration,
HOME 301.983.0601

employment. (301) 891-2200. Silber, Perlman, OPEN HOUSE / VA

THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE relieve your body Sigman & Tilev, P.A. & Kirstin Gulling, Of GREENBELT/BELTSVILLE CONDO APTS
and mind 60 min $75, 90 min $110. visa, mc, Counsel. 1-2-3 Bedroom Apts! Some with Dens!
amex. Dupont Circle 202-309-6293 from $142,000
N. ARLINGTON CMT - Enjoy your massage in a pri- Discharge, Sexual Harrassment, Contract LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R)
vate, in-home studio. Great location. Clean, quiet, dis- Review, Whitleblowers. The Law Office of Carl 301.983.0601
creet. - 301-704-1158 Roller (202) 531-2777,

GREAT TOUCH! Full sensual body massage by HYATTSVILLE CONDO

Latin Male. Swedish, deep tissue. Relieve stress! BUY/USED BOOKS Seville Elevator Building, Walk to METRO
Parking available. In/out. 703-401-9093. ALL GAY THEMES. G BOOKS. 1520 U St, NW. 2 Bedroom Apt $110,000,
ITALIAN JOCK Give full body massage. Masculine, 4pm-10pm. P.S. our lubes, DVDs & gear cheap- LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R)
muscular, VGL masseur, offers, full-body, Swedish, er than online. 301.983.0601
sports, deep tissue massage on a table, near fire-
place, including stretching. See my photos on Located down- LIMOUSINES/ RENT/VA
town, parking available. Brian 312-961-7724. FURNISHED APT, 1 BR, 1 BA, $925/ month,
DRIVERS Walk To Huntington Metro All utilities included.
PAMPER YOURSELF with a 60 or 90 min. massage. KASPERS LIVERY SERVICE Since 1987 Gay 703-485-5239,
With 11 years experience let me tailor a session right Owned Luxury Sedan or Stretch Limousine 24
for you. Ben 202.277.7097 HR Reservations (202) 554-2471 or (800) 455-
2471. SHARE/MD
PROFESSIONAL BEAR RUBS BY DAVID, Dupont. A MUST SEE! Great location near U of Md,
(202) 257-9726 plaza, theaters & restaurants. Clean, private
PETS & SUPPLIES home, large room, 10 ft closet, TV, stereo, cable
MASSAGEBY"D" Dupont Certified & experienced ADOPT AN ADORABLE PUPPY OR DOG access. Call Frank 240-604-3843.
in Swedish, deep tissue, sport massage. Friendly, All-breed, non-profit rescue. 100% volun-
athletic masseur. (202) 669-1643. www.mas- teer run. Donations welcome & needed., SHARE/VA
ALEX SEMINARY ROAD Private furnished BR &
BA w/ Shower & Jacuzzi Tub, near So. Towers &
MOVING Express bus to Pentagon. Several parks, quiet,
THE BRITISH CONNECTION John Henry Movers Since 1990, the area's treed neighborhood, 2 Westies, Wi-Fi, Sat. TV +
Tall dark and handsome English/Indian favorite gay owned crew. Expert packing, pianos. 1/3 utilities. Call Steve 571-228-3033.
masseur offering Swedish/deep tissue and Experienced, equipped & punctual as hell.
sports massage Strong, professional and Cheapskates love us! 703-597-5561
educated hands. great location, 1 block from Looking to advertise in
Dupont metro. HOME
Call/tx Peter 202-468-HEAL(4325)
HANDYMAN: Minor electrical, plumbing, carpen-
try, drywall, painting, etc. Reasonable rates.
Johnny Cs 202-487-9384.
experienced massage therapist. Convenient
Arlington location. Evenings and weekends.
TOO NEAT GUYS INC. Residential & commercial
$60/hr, $85/90 min. Visa/MC cleaning in DC & Northern VA. Over 12 years
experience, gay owned, licensed, bonded &
Phil Rockstroh
Errol (703) 525-4616. insured (703) 622-5983. at


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EROTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE - healthy clean cut

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bodi contac two and four hand massage all day

HI! I’M ERIC Nationally Certified, Irish-Italian, Ex- US
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february 19, 2010 • 31


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You'll love living
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Unit is cheerful $1,595,000
Grand Victorian Town home with modern ameni-
and bright. Oak floors, washer/dryer. Kit fea- ties. This beautiful home features 4 bedrooms, 2
tures cherry cabs, stainless appliances, gran- bathrooms in the master unit as well as a 1 bed-
ite counters. Luxury bath with room, 1 bathroom in the separate suite below.
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4701 Connecticut Ave, NW #205 1707 T Street, NW $1,050,000 1533 Foxhall Road NW $825,000 LOGAN CIRCLE
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Large 2 bedroom/2 bath renovated coop with Dynamic detached two-unit with an in-law suite. tion and one of the largest and nicest lots in Foxhall Village. $269,000
tons of light! Hardwood floors throughout, Chef's Top floor 2BR/1BA owner's suite offers a granite- The home is light-filled and well-appointed. Gleaming hard- Bright upper floor 1BR/1BA condo with city views.
kitchen with high-end appliances & granite, sep- SS kitchen with big eat-in sunroom, big sunny wood floors, moldings, built-ins, and an updated kitchen. A Nicely updated with granite & maple kitchen.
arate dining, updated bathrooms & more. Also, LR-DR. Another 2BR/1BA unit on main floor and bright breakfast nook, expansive enclosed porch, sepa- Building features 24 hr security, concierge, roof
conveys with one garage parking a 1BR/1BA in-law suite on lower level. Front rate-entrance finished basement, and deck & pool. Walk to work, Metro,
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